(Judicial Department)
W.P No. 474-M/2019
(Sher Ali__C¥amus_Mst. Hafsa and others,
MS. rhaffar and Haider Ali Khan, Ac rr
Mr, | Ali, Advocate indent No.1.
Date of hearing: 17.10.2022
MUHAMMAD NAEEM ANWAR, J.- Sher Ali, the petitioner,
through this petition filed under Article 199 of Constitution of
Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 has challenged the
validity and correctness of the judgment and decree of the
learned District Judge/ Zila Qazi, Buner at Daggar dated
25.02.2019, whereby his appeal against judgment and decree
of the learned Civil Judge-IV/Judge Family Court, Buner at
Daggar dated 24.09.2018 partially decreeing suit of the
respondenv plaintiff, was dismissed.
2 Arguments heard and record perused.
2 It is reflected from record that respondent No.1
namely Mst. Hafsa has filed a suit for dissolution of her
marriage on the ground of cruelty or in alternate on the basis
of khula. She has also sought recovery of 15 ola gold as her
dower alongwith maintenance/ medical allowance @
Rs.10,000/- per month for last 12 years and onward till
saozaus ($B) HON'BLE MR, JUSTICE MUHAMMAD NAEEM ANWAR,decision/expiry of her iddat period. It is averred in plaint that
her nikah with petitioner was solemnized in lieu of dower of
15 fola gold omaments but after solemnization of nikah,
neither the petitioner/ defendant endeavored for her rukhsati
nor the dower or maintenance allowance was paid to her such
an attitude of the petitioner/defendant is amounting to a
cruelty on part of his part, thus, she is entitled for decree of
dissolution of marriage on the ground of cruelty alongwith
maintenance allowance. Suit was resisted by the petitioner/
defendant though his written statement on different legal and
factual objections, by contending therein that dower was fixed
as 03 rola gold and that when the consummation has not taken
place, neither the plaintiff/ respondent is not entitled for
decree of maintenance allowance nor dissolution of marriage
on the ground of cruelty, however, if she does not want to live
with petitioner, marriage can be dissolved but on the basis of
khula. Parties were provided opportunity for producing their
evidence. After hearing the parties, on 24.09.2018 the learned
trial Court granted decree in favour of respondent/ wife for
dissolution of marriage on the ground of cruelty; recovery of
3 % gold as half of the total dower seven tola gold by holding
that when the rukhsati bas not taken place, wife could not be
held entitled for whole dower. She was also held entitled for
maintenance allowance @ Rs.3,000/- per month from March
sagzatr (8.8) HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE MUHAMMAD NABEM ANWAR,2010 till date of pronouncement of judgment. The appeal of
petitioner against the judgment & decree of the leamed trial
was maintained by the learned Appellate Court through its
judgment and decree dated 24.09.2018.
4, There are three questions requiring deliberation and
determination for resolution of the contest between the parties
ie., (1) what was the quantum of dower, any part of it paid
and if not, for how much dower the respondent/ plaintiff
could be held entitied; (2) whether subsistence of nikah for
more than 10 years without consummation could justify her
dissolution of marriage on the ground of cruelty; and (3) for
how much period past maintenance could be awarded in
favour of the respondent/wife?
5. The first question as alleged by the respondent!
plaintiff that dower was fixed as 15 ftola gold was
controverted by the petitioner by contending that it was fixed
as 03 tola, thus, the quantum of dower was disputed by both
the parties. Wherefrom the learned trial Court has reached to
the conclusion that dower was fixed as 07 tola gold, record
reflects that in pretrial reconciliation proceedings when an
effort was made by the Presiding Officer of trial Court,
allegedly the petitioner has admitted the fixation of dower as
07 tola gold, however, the statement (s) recorded in pre and
post-trial reconciliation proceedings, could not be made basis
sazatie (6B) HON'SLE AM JUSTICE MUHAMMAD NAEEM ANWARfor resolution of the controversy between the parties for the
reason that ordinarily pre & post trial reconciliation
proceedings are not attended by the counsel for respective
parties and none of the party is cross examined to adjudge the
evidentiary value of any such admission or otherwise. Apart
from the above, the petitioner has put a suggestion to the
plaintiff’ respondent in cross examination that:
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Likewise, Saif-ur-Rahman (PW-2) was also cross
examined by the petitioner. In his cross examination, it was
brought on record that
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Hence, when the petitioner himself suggested to the
respondent and her witness that dower was fixed as seven tola
gold, he cannot be allowed to deviate from his own
suggestion regarding the quantum of dower. Since the cross
examination is a double-edged weapon, purpose of which is
to bring on record the truth from the facts and circumstances
and during the cross examining the plaintiff, the petitioner has
himself admitted the fixation of dower as seven tola gold
which leaves no room for the petitioner to controvert his
stance as it is now an estoppel against him, which precludes
him from denying the truth of statement made by him and the
srszaur (S18) HONSBLE-MR. JUSTICE MUMIAMMAD NAEEM ANWAR,petitioner could not be allowed to blow hot and cold in the
same breath.
6. Secondly, when rukhsati has not taken place and the
quantum of dower was seven tola gold, which is still unpaid
in such an eventuality, in consonance with the injunctions of
Islam, wife could be held entitled for half of the dower. In
Majmua Quawaneen-e-Islam volume 1*, authored by Dr.
Tanzeel-ur-Rehman, former Judge Sindh High Court
pertaining to entitlement of dower when Rukhsati has not
taken place has commented: -
This Court in case titled “Sved Arshad Ali Shah Vs, Mst
Haleema Bibi and 2 others” (PLD 2014 Peshawar 226) has
observed that when Rukhsati between the parties has not
taken place, wife is entitled for half of the dower as fixed
between the parties. In the case of “Wilayat Hussan_and
another's case (2017 YLR Note 218), it was held that when
the marriage was not consummated, wife is entitled for only
half of the dower. Reliance can also be placed on case title
“Fida Hussain Vs. Judge Family Court, Muzaffargarh and
2 others” (2018 YLR 616). Hon'ble Supreme Court in case
titled “Muhammad Akbar Vs. Shazia Bibi and others” (PLI
2014 SC 772) laid this controversy to rest once for all when it
was held that: -
saazaue (8) MON'BLE.MR. JUSTICE MUHAMMAD NAEEM ANWAR,“9, In this regard we are guided by Verse No. 237 of Sura
Al-Baqra from the Holy Quran which, for ease of reference,
is reproduced as under: -
“And if you divorce them before you have touched them, and
you have already settled a dowry on them, then (pay them)
one-half of what you have settled, unless they (women) remit
it, or he remits it in whose hand is the marriage tie; and that
you (yourselves voluntarily) remit (the whole) is nearer to
piety. And, do not forget generosity among yourselves.
Surely Allah sees what you do."
Somewhat similar controversy as regards quantum of
payable dower in case where the marriage between spouses
‘was not consummated was examined in the case of Ali
Ahmad versus Mst. Gulshan & another (1998 SCMR 2347)
and leave was refused with the observation that where the
‘marriage has not been consummated the wife will be entitled
to half of the land given to her by her husband in lieu of her
dower. Thus, according to Islamic law it is well settled
principle that where the marriage has not been consummated,
the wife is entitled to only half of the fixed dower and, the
remaining half is to be retumed/restored to the husband,
unless such right is waived by him voluntarily.”
Thus, both the leamed Court below. have rightly
held entitled the respondent/ wife for half of the dower i.e., 3
¥% tola gold omaments.
It was not disputed that nikah was solemnized some
10 to 12 years ago and tll filing of suit Rukhsati has not taken
place. Record is silent for any effort on the part of petitioner
for rukhsati. Admittedly, the respondent remined in the nikah
of petitioner who could not enter into second nikah during,
subsistence of her nikeh with petitioner ‘and in such
circumstances the petitioner was duty bound to maintain her
by paying the maintenance allowance but no maintenance
allowance for the whole period of nikab till filing of suit was
ever paid by the petitioner. Non-payment of maintenance
srocns (I) HON'ELE MR JUSTICE MUAMMAD NAEEM ANWARallowance to the wife for two consecutive years is also a
ground for dissolution of marriage but the conduct of the
petitioner for having the petitioner in his nikah without
Rukhsati for 12 good years of her life amount to cruelty on
the petitioner’s part entitled her dissolution of marriage on
‘one hand and for maintenance allowance on the other. It is by
now settled that the cruelty may not be limited to physical
torture only but the conduct, behavior etc. of the husband are
also the factors for determination of cruelty on part of the
husband towards wife in a matrimonial life.
8. The last question is the period for past maintenance
allowance in favour of wife/plaintiff, learned counsel for
respondent’ plaintiff has made reliance on the judgment of
this Court in the case of “Sher Zaman Vs. Mst. Mehzari and
92 others” (2018 YLR 128, Peshawar) where a wife was
held entitled for recovery of past maintenance allowance for
30 years, however, the Hon’ble Supreme Court has put this
controversy to rest that for how much period past
maintenance allowance could be awarded. It was for the first
time that in the case of “Muhammad Nawaz Vs. Mst.
Khurshid Begum and 03 others” (PLD 1972 SC 302), the
apex Court has held that in a suit for recovery of past
maintenance allowance, the provision of Article 120 of the
Limitation Act, 1908 would apply. This view was followed
snazatle (6B) HON'SLE.R, JUSTICE MUHAMMAD NAEEM ANWAR,by learned Lahore High Court in the case of “Ghulam Habib
Vs. Mst, Zubaida Khatoon” (1992 CLC 1926). Thereafter, in
the case of “Mst. Bushra Qasim Vs. Abdur Rashid” (1993
CLC 2063), the leamed Lahore High Court has held that
respondent/ petitioner is entitled for past maintenance for a
period of six years. Similarly, this Court in the case of “Anar
Mamana Vs. Misal Gul’ (PLD 2005 Peshawar 194) has
held that there is no specific provision of law providing
period of limitation for past maintenance by Muslim Family
Laws Ordinance 1961 (VIII of 1961) and the issue would be
governed by Article 120 of Limitation Act, under which, the
period of limitation is six years from the date when cause of
action accrued. More-so, this Court in case of “Farkhanda
Mumtaz Vs. Muhammad Sharif’ (PLD 2006 Peshawar 96)
has made reliance on the earlier judgment and decided that
Article 120 of the Limitation Act, 1908 would be applicable
in the case of past ‘naintenance, Hon'ble Supreme Court in
the case of “Mst. Farah Naz Vs. Judge Family Court,
Sahiwal” (PLD 2006 SC 457) has observed that claim of past
maintenance would be govemed by Article 120 of the
Limitation Act, which prescribed a period of six years, for
which, no period was provided elsewhere in the Act, from the
date when the right to sue has accrued. Reliance may also be
placed on the cases of “Rashid Ahmad Vs. Mst. Shamshad
srazaue ($1) HON'BLE MI, JUSTICE MUHAMMAD NAEEM ANWARBegum” (2007 CLC 656), “Mst. Zaiboon Vs. Mehraban”
(PLD 2004 SC AJK 25) and “Rashid Ahmad Vs. Additional
District Judge Layah” (2011 MLD 1012) and judgment
dated 24.01.2022 rendered by this Court in the case of
“Shafgat Ullah _Vs._Arjuman” (W.P No.1251-B/2020).
Therefore, while making reliance upon the dicta (supra) laid
down by the apex Court, it is held that the plaintiff is entitled
for maintenance allowance for last six years from the
institution of suit at the rate of Rs.3,000/- a5 held by the
learned trial Court.
9. Thus, for the reasons discussed above, this petition
stands dismissed but with the modification for the period of
maintenance allowance. No order as to costs.
Announced. d+
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