Defense Script

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CHRISTIAN: Good Afternoon to everyone, Maam Maureen, Sir Raymart, Sir Walter, and Maam Lorena!

I’am Christian Ervhen Laguatan…

JERVIN: …I’am Mark Jervin Marzan.

CHRISTIAN: We are defending and presenting to you our capstone entitled: A Comparative Analysis

Between Chemical Hydroponic Solutions (SNAP Hydroponics) and Organic Alternative

Solutions (Seaweed Extract and Chicken Manure) as Effective Hydroponic Nutrient


JERVIN: Presenting to you are statement of the problem. This capstone project aims to provide a

comparative perspective on the effective utilization of chemical and alternative organic

hydroponic solutions, and if alternative organic solutions can be a suitable replacement to

traditional chemical based solutions.

CHRISTIAN: Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the growth rate and chances of survival of the selected plants supplemented

with chemical hydroponic solutions (SNAP A and SNAP B)?

JERVIN: 2. What is the growth rate and chances of survival of the selected plants supplemented

with alternative organic hydroponic solutions (Mixture of Seaweed Extract and Chicken


CHRISTIAN: 3. What type of hydroponic solution obtained the best growth rate and chances of survival

of the selected plants. END OF SOTP, START OF METHODOLOGY

JERVIN: The study made use of quantitative-experimental research design, and adapted a

comparative analysis.

CHRISTIAN: The study includes 2 intervention hydroponic setups, one which is supplemented with

chemical solution or SNAP Hydroponics and one which is supplemented with organic

solution or the mixture of seaweed extract and chicken manure. Selected plants namely:

Genovese basil, pakchoi, Lollo Rosa lettuce, Black-seeded Simpson lettuce, Thai basil and
Chinese kale were used as subjects evenly distributed into 3 sets of system each

intervention, which in added total 6 hydroponic systems set upped. The plants are given

treatment and then anticipated their growth and survival rate in a span of 5 weeks.


Here are a sample of plants, specifically Genovese Basil and Thai Basil, and Lollo Rosa


JERVIN: Here is a brief view of the materials used. BRIEFLY PRESENT THE MATERIALS

CHRISTIAN: The following hypotheses guided the researchers to conduct this project:

1. The growth rate and chances of survival of the selected plants supplemented with

SNAP Hydroponics is high.

JERVIN: 2. The growth rate and chances of survival of the selected plants supplemented with

the mixture of seaweed extract and chicken manure is low.

CHRISTIAN: 3. Chemical-based hydroponic solution, specifically the ones used in this study which

is SNAP Hydroponics obtained the best growth rate and chances of survival of the selected

plants. Given that, alternative organic solutions for now, can’t replace chemical solutions

as effective nutrient substance.


It is quantitative in nature as it will greatly use numerical data. It is experimental in nature, as it institutes two

interventions which are the chemical and organic hydroponic setups on the samples or plants, they are

observed for five weeks for anticipated change, and then changes occurred were compared.


Most industrial and large-scaled hydroponics uses chemical or synthetic nutrients as replacement to soil

nutrients and these nutrient solutions are expensive.Unfortunately, there's a certain "chemical phobia"

running around our modern society that makes us believe that every chemical we ingest will either cause

cancer, heart attack or just about any common lethal condition we can think of (Kevin, 2022).

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