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Three - Kaleb Wade - Ebook

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“If two wrongs don’t make a right,

try three.” - Stephen Convey




Lj Tod v


Final thoughts



Hello, my fellow mind reader/mentalist/
magician/weirdo, welcome to my first
publication, 'THREE'. This eBook is called
‘THREE’ for two reasons; it contains three
effects, and it is free to the community, and
always will be as I don't feel this work is good
enough to charge any sort of money for. This
doesn't mean I have just put together a
collection of turds. Two of the effects are
unapologetic filler from my upcoming book
‘BLESSED BY DEMONS' released on 26th
March 2022.

Although I am throwing these two effects

around as filler, I have lost count of the number
of times I have performed 'UNBENDABLE' as
it is a 100% totally impromptu effect and has
always received a great reaction. 'LJ TOD V' was
once the opener to my parlour act, and the final
effect ‘MOAFDL’ controversially has never been
performed before. I mean, how could it have
been? I only came up with it the other day, and
we are still in a national lockdown, but when
you see the method, you will see this will indeed
work in the real world.

I understand what I have released here is the

equivalent of your favourite music artist

releasing two of their worst B-side tracks and an

unfinished song, but the damage is done now,
and it's out there. 
I am a ghost in the mentalism world; you won't
find me on Google, and I don't exist on social
media. So you have either downloaded this work
on blind faith, you like the front cover, or
maybe you have been recommended it.
Whatever your reasons, I appreciate your
interest. If you would like to ask me anything
regarding the effects inside this eBook, don't
hesitate to contact me
at kalebdwade@hotmail.com 
and I will be happy to help where possible.
I feel it's important to tell you a little about me
and how I like to approach effects. I am an
active performer who performs regularly at
weddings, corporate events, parties… you get
the idea. I portray myself as a mind reader, and
my performing style is laid back but direct. I
don't use the psychological gambit; I also don't
use the psychic ruse; I simply tell people what
they are thinking of directly and entertainingly. I
personally don't like drawn out effects where
the mentalist already knows what the participant
is thinking of via a peek and proceeds to drag
the reveal out, showing too much process. Don't
get me wrong, I don't just reveal the name/
word/pin they are thinking of straight away;

there is a bit of showmanship involved. I just

don't painfully prolong an effect. Similarly, I
don't want to painfully prolong an eBook, so
you will find I will keep explanations to a
minimum where possible. On that note, let's get
into the effects.


“Try and bend my arm sir/madam, I think you
will find this task impossible.”

The Performer challenges a willing participant
to use all their strength, and to attempt to bend
the Performers outstretched arm with both
hands. The participant does this and finds the
task relatively unchallenging; the Performer, at
all times, is trying to resist the bend. The
Performer then invites the participant to
attempt this feat once more, only this time he
tells the participant his arm will now feel like a
block of concrete, and they will not be able to
bend the performers arm no matter how hard
they try. The participant attempts to bend the
performer's arm once more with all their might
and finds the arm is impossible to bend. Hey,
even Arnold Schwarzenegger from his Mr
Olympia days wouldn't stand a chance of
bending your arm.

This effect has a 100% success rate; it's also
simple to perform once you know the secret.
This trick doesn't require any gimmicks, just a
bit of knowledge of how the human arm

Get anyone you wish to attempt to bend your

outstretched arm (with your palm facing
upwards); you will find that this will be
accomplished relatively easily no matter how
strong or weak the person is.

You invite the participant to attempt this feat

once more, but tell them this time your arm will
feel heavier than before. Your arm will feel like a
massive block of concrete; not only that, you
say to the participant they will feel noticeably
weaker on this attempt. It will actually be
impossible to bend your arm no matter how
hard they try.

Obviously, it doesn't matter what you say to the

participant, as this does not affect the
mechanics of the trick. It's just a bit of
performance jargon to give the effect some sort
of process. I am not here to supply you with
scripts or performance ruses for this. The
method is there for you to incorporate into your

existing performing style. Personally, I feel this

works well as part of a no-fail hypnosis
So what's the secret? All you have to do the
second time around is stretch your arm as far as
it will go, but most importantly, your middle
finger should be stretched out to its maximum
capacity. The best way to describe this action is
to imagine you are reaching for something you
cannot physically reach/touch.

Picture of Richard Branson trying to bend

Bruce Lee’s arm.


Important point: As the participant will be

attempting to bend your arm on two occasions,
make sure your arm looks identical on both
attempts. You don't want to be obviously
stretching your arm on their second attempt,
giving the game away. The secret to this effect is
all in the stretching of the middle finger, as this
is what locks your arm, making it unbendable at
the joint. So on their first attempt, still stretch
out your arm but do not stretch fully with your
middle finger.

That's all there is to it! This effect will work

100% of the time just by expanding your arm
and middle finger out as far as they can possibly

I was shown this little secret by a security guard

who studied martial arts from one of my old
day jobs. I also recently found out that this
principle is associated with Aikido. The method
is straightforward; the act of stretching your
arm and middle finger to its total capacity
makes your arm lock and unbendable at the
joint. Try it yourself and challenge the most
prominent, muscular hunk you know to attempt
to bend your arm, and watch them burst a
blood vessel.


A tossed out deck effect that can be performed
for 4 people, or for an audience of 4000. The
deck can be displayed showing all cards to be
different, no suspicious moves are involved, and
no deck is switched at any point. Most
importantly, all participants can talk about their
selected cards to their heart's content after the
show. This one is as clean as a whistle and
perfect for those intimate performances.

The Performer walks out on the floor/stage for
some stuck-up corporate event. He introduces
himself to the audience and delivers his opening
monologue. He talks about how playing cards
are used worldwide (gambling, games and
fortune-telling), and for mind readers, they are
an excellent tool for mentally warming up.

The Performer walks to the front row; he

approaches a gentleman to his far-right and
instructs him to stand.


PERFORMER "Sir, can you be the eyes of the

audience and please verify all these cards are
different, and it's not just the same card
continuously repeated.”

PARTICIPANT 1 "Yes, they are all different."

PERFORMER "I'm going to run through the

deck like this, and I want you to call out stop. If
I don't stop where you want, please let me
know, and I will start again."


PERFORMER "Please, can you remember that

card? lock it in your mind and remain standing."

The Performer walks along the front row

approaching a lady to his far left.

PERFORMER "Could you also please call out

stop anywhere you would like."


PERFORMER "Please remember your card,

lock it in your mind, and please remain

"I would also like a couple of people in the

middle of the audience involved; I am going to

throw the cards into the audience; if you catch

the deck, then please stand up.”

The Performer throws the cards into the centre

of the audience and addresses the person who
caught the playing cards.

"Peek at one card and one card only and throw

the cards to someone else near the middle.
Whoever catches them, please also stand up."

Participant 3 throws the cards. Participant 4


"Could you also do the same for me, please?

Peek at one card, remember it, stay standing and
throw the cards back to me."

The Performer catches the cards with finesse

and places them out of sight on his table.

"Can you all now think of your cards? Think of

them in as much detail as possible."

The Performer pauses briefly.

"Three cards are coming through quite strong,

but one of them is a little hazy… Ok, I think
I've got it.”


The Performer points to Participant 1 (the guy

to the Performer's right-hand side) 

"3 of clubs.”

The Performer then points to Participant 2 (the

lady to his left-hand side)

"8 of diamonds.”

"Ok, the two cards in the middle, 7 of hearts

(The Performer points to Participant 3 with his
left hand)

"Jack of clubs" (The Performer points to

Participant 4 with his right hand)

"If and only if I've just named your playing

card, then please sit down."

All four participants sit back down in their seats,

and the Performer receives a well-deserved
round of applause.


This is a tossed out deck routine where you get
to name every participants card individually.
This has an advantage over many other tossed
out deck routines; this means you can perform
this effect for a handful of people in a parlour
typesetting. The best thing about this routine is
all the participants can talk to each other after
the show about their card selections, and your
reputation remains intact. 

The playing cards used to make this effect

possible are precisely the same cards that Luke
Jermay uses for his extended tossed out deck
effect. This effect can be found in his Penguin
live lecture or on his superb DVD set; Jermay's

You can also purchase this fantastic deck of

cards from Cardshark. I will not be delving into
the cards' mechanics; I assume most of you will
be familiar with the workings and probably own
a set yourself. If not, you may be wishing this
eBook was a physical booklet to rip into a
thousand pieces. But as this has not cost you a
single penny, take a deep breath and go
to www.card-shark.de and check out the Poker
Double-Decker by Luke Jermay.


I also use the precise handling Luke does (if
something isn't broke, then why fix it?) I myself
employ the Flashback peeks and Svengali force
selections. The only difference is in my version,
I use two force cards instead of the three force
cards that Luke uses. However, I have added a
slight restructure and a subtlety which allows
you to name each spectators chosen card
individually. Before I delve into more detail,
here's a little story detailing how this effect came
I got booked for a mind-reading show a couple
of years back through one of those agency type
things that take 10% of your hard-earned
earnings per booking. This unnamed agency
specified the client was looking for a stage show
performance. As the event drew closer I rang
the client for a quick chat about the event and
their requirements. To cut a long story short, the
client was indeed after a stage performance;
however, this would be performed for just 35
people in a small function room of a hotel that
didn't contain a stage at all! And the icing on the
cake was all the people attending the show
worked together at the same office. My original
planned opening effect was the standard tossed
out deck using three force cards, whereas at the
climax, the Performer names all three force
cards aloud and instructs the participants to sit
down if their card was named. As you have

called your three force cards, the participants

have no choice but to sit down as they will be
thinking of one of the three force selections.
This approach was popularised by David Hoy
and his genius bit of thinking. But after my
conversation with the client, I knew this method
was not feasible anymore, as there would be a
high chance the participants would talk to each
other at the end of the show. Worse still, this
conversation would continue at work the next
day, discussing how much of a fraud I am! With
this in mind, I had a couple of weeks to develop
a solution to this problem, which was when LJ
TOD V was born. 

As mentioned earlier in this routine, LJ TOD V

is just a variation of Luke Jermay's extended
tossed out deck, hence LJ TOD V, which
abbreviates to Luke Jermay's Tossed Out Deck
Variation. I am using the same cards, the exact
double peeks and the same Svengali force cards
element. But I have changed things slightly.

The Restructure
In Luke's original effect, he invites two
participants on stage, performs the Flashback
peek to the participant to his right; he then
repeats this notion for the participant to his left.


Grabs a hand each of the participants, divines

their selected cards correctly and sends them
back to their seats.

Luke then says he will repeat the same feat, but

this time without touching the participants. The
cards are tossed into the audience, three cards
are chosen, Luke names all three of his force
cards aloud, and the three participants all sit
down, confirming he was indeed correct.

This got me thinking, what if the flashback

peeks and the tossed out deck elements were
used in one sequence instead of Luke’s original
two-phase sequence. Then I played around with
changing the Svengali forces from three
selections down to two, and just like that, it hit
me I had virtually achieved what I needed to
perform this effect for the grand no stage -
stage show for 35 people.

By combining the peek phase and the Svengali

tossed out deck selections together in one fluid
motion, the participants could now talk about
their selected cards after the show as at least
three of the four cards would be different and
keep in mind 33.3% of the time all four cards
would be totally different. I could now perform
my effect as planned, but I still wasn't 100%
happy. I can deal with the fact 66.6% of the
time, Participant 3 & 4 will be thinking of the

same card as Meatloaf once said… ‘Three out

of four ain't bad’ oh wait, it was two out of
three ain't bad he sang about, wasn't it? But
anyway, you get the idea.
Please note: There is a couple of solutions you
could employ to ensure all participants end up
with four different selections 100% of the time.

Arrange the deck so your first force cards are
banked together in the top half, and your
second force cards are banked together in the
bottom half.

PERFORMER "I want to make sure the same

card isn't selected, so could you (Participant 3)
please peek at a card towards the top of the
"Could you (Participant 4) please peek at a card
towards the bottom of the deck?”

solution 2
You peek at the first 2 selections as standard,
then as a hands-off test, you throw the deck
into the audience and have only one card
selected as opposed to two. If you go with this


method, then obviously, you just use one force

card in your deck instead of the two. I
personally don't bother with any of the above
solutions myself and opt for my original
approach, but in addition to this, I use some
linguistics to cover me if two of the Svengali
forces end up being the same card. Which will
happen two out of three times.

PERFORMER "Three of the cards are coming

through very clear, but one is a little hazy. I
think two of you are thinking of the same or a
similar card; oh wait, I think I've got it."

Now when they talk after the show, you will

have all your bases covered.

But how do we point to all four participants and

name their selections?

The first two are easy and don’t need much

explanation as these cards have been glimpsed;
you can openly point at Participants 1 and 2.
Participant 3 and 4 are thinking of one of your
force cards, or they are both thinking of the
exact same force card as these are the only two
outcomes. But as I am not a genuine mind
reader, I don't know who is thinking of which.
The obvious option would be to name the two
force cards out loud, covering your bases, which
is still impressive, but this still bugged me as I

wanted to name all the participants cards

individually. Here's what I came up with and
what brings, in my opinion, the whole routine
together, making it consistent from start to

The elusive double

I point to Participant 1 and name their card out
loud; I point to Participant 2 and call out their
card confidently, standing on stage like a
peacock. When it comes to naming Participant 3
and 4's selections, which in my case can only be
the 7 of Hearts or the Jack of Clubs.

I momentarily pause like I am struggling ever so

slightly, then in one fluid motion, I throw both
my hands at the same time towards the centre
of the audience in a loose pointing gesture. Or,
more often than not, I throw my left hand
towards the centre of the audience with my
right hand following a nanosecond after my left
and name the two force cards aloud. This all
depends on my mood, but either way, the
desired outcome is achieved.

"7 of Hearts, Jack of Clubs.”


"If and only if I have named your cards out

loud, please sit down.”

Now, unless your chosen participants have a low

IQ or the memory of a goldfish, then they
should all sit down, bringing this effect to a
successful close.


An impromptu double word revelation, with the
added impossibility of you predicting one of
the words in advance before the effect had even

The Performer is standing alone in a room, a
couple of people who vaguely know the
Performer approach him.

PARTICIPANT 1 "Hey, I've heard a rumour

that you are one of those mind reader/magician
guys. Read our minds then, big man."

The Performer rolls his eyes but agrees to show

his mind-reading abilities. The Performer pulls a
list out of his pocket containing 50 words. He
explains he is going to try an experiment based
around these random words.

PERFORMER "I would like you both to select

a word from this list, and before we begin, I
need to let you both know, I will be divining one
of these words using my mind-reading skills and

the other word I am going influence. I am so

confident I can influence this chosen word I am
willing to stake the sum of £5 on it. If I am
incorrect on this word, then the £5 is yours.”

"Both think of a number from 1-50. To make

this interesting, I want you (Participant 1) to
think of a number from 1-25, and I would like
you (Participant 2) to think of a number from
26 - 50. Which will ensure you don't end up
choosing the same number."

"Please don't go for the number 1 or the

number 50 as these are both obvious choices."

Both participants think of a number, take a look

at the list and remember the word at their
chosen number.

The Performer takes the list back without

looking. He attempts to fold it up and puts it
away in his pocket.

With zero fishing, the Performer hits on the

first letter of one of the chosen words. The
Performer, without much hesitation, reveals this
word with 100% accuracy.

PARTICIPANT 2 "Wow, yes! That is indeed my

chosen word.”


So far, so good, but things take a turn for the

worse, the Performer writes down a word sight
unseen and asks Participant 1 their chosen


The Performer turns around his business card,

displaying the word POCKET.

The Performer has messed up and got the final

word wrong, or so it seems…

PERFORMER "Reach into your pocket, and

pull out the £5 note I gave you at the very

"The rules of the game were if I couldn't

influence you, then the £5 is yours. Please open
up the £5 note and read aloud the word written


Participant 1 turns around the £5 showing the

force word to the audience bringing the routine
to a close.

The Performer snatches the £5 note, and slips it

back inside his faux leather wallet.


First things first, in true magic/mentalism style,
I have been a bit deceptive in the effect
description. I have left a few minor details out,
so you don't get to the end and not instantly
work out the method. But as this ebook is free,
unfortunately, you can't ask for a refund!

Seriously though, what you just read is how the

effect will play out to everyone watching. It is
100% impromptu. However, this is the first
truth bend. You need your phone to perform
this effect, and on your phone, you need an app
called DFB (digital force bag). This application
is only £34.99 at the time of writing, and is
available on both Apple and Android.

DFB is one of the most common apps on the

market, and the majority of you will own it
already. If not, then I recommend you purchase
it and come back to this. I highly recommend
this app as it doesn't require a WIFI connection
for it to work. If you aren't willing to purchase
this, then you have reached the end of this
eBook, and I thank you for your time so far.

For those who do own DFB, I don't need to say

much more about how we force the word
PSYCHOLOGY for the grand finale, as the app


does this for you. My favourite thing about this

routine is that Participant 2 never verbalises his
chosen number, thus disconnecting the
methodology. Some of you may also be way
ahead of me on how the first word is revealed
instantly with such ease.

This effect is called the MOAFDL, which

abbreviates to The Mother of all Fucking
Digital Lists. Which is alluding to the method. I
am using the U.F Grant Long Word principle
and the exact MOABT words to divine
Participant 2's thought-of word. For those of
you who don't know this method, I will
summarise it briefly. There are 22 force words in
the MOABT book test, each of these words
begin with a different letter of the alphabet. I
need to know the first letter of the word; as
soon as I have this information, I instantly
know the word. For example, let's say I found
out Participant 2's first letter was E; I now know
with 100% certainty that they are thinking of
the word EYEGLASSES. The list has been
separated into two parts (25 each). In the
included script, you will notice I tell both the
participants not to think of the number 1 or the
number 50; by doing this, we have now got our
numbers down to 24. There are 22 of the
MOABT words total, so to make this effect
work, I have added two additional words,


QUICKSAND and YACHT; all numbers from

1-50 are now are covered.

Please note: it makes no difference if

Participant 1 does think of the number 1. I
include this in the script to create a fluid effect.
So how do you get the first letter of the
MOABT words without fishing?

I use this subtlety all the time. I need to stress

this is not my subtlety, and I don't know where
it originated from, but all I can do is reference it
and where I first saw it. I first seen this subtlety
performed by Craig Filicetti, of Promystic.
Craig used this on a TV performance, using the
Flashback/MOABT principle combined. I
thought it was genius and have been using it
ever since. I hate fishing, and not just because I
hate harm to animals in any capacity, but
because fishing for words and letters is an extra
process I don't want to accommodate while

The subtlety is this; We have 2 participants

thinking of random words, one we already
secretly know to be PSYCHOLOGY, and the
other we don't know; what we do know,
however, is Participant 2 is thinking of one of
our 24 alphabetic words.

Here's the cheeky part.


You ask both your participants to think of the

first letter of their chosen word. Now you take
out a business card and write down the Letter P

You approach Participant 2 and ask.

PERFORMER "What was the first letter of

your word?"


You would look momentarily confused and

instantly turn to Participant 1

PERFORMER "Wait a minute, I think I have

picked up on the first letter of your word
instead, is the first letter of your word P?”

Participant 1 confirms that is the case.

"I appreciate your help, but could you please

keep your thoughts inside your head until it's
your turn?"

I imagine this may get a small laugh.

It now appears that you haven't failed at all as

you have hit on Participant 1’s letter, and in the
process, you have gained all the required
information to reveal the word of Participant 2.


Please note: On the rare occasion, Participant

2's word will begin with the letter P producing
an inexplicable direct hit.

At this point, I would turn back to Participant 2

and say…

"Let's try this a bit differently with you as I feel

you are more of a visual thinker."

"Is there any way you could turn this word into
a picture?"

They should agree as you can turn all the

MOABT words into a drawing if you put your
mind to it. You can also draw the two words I
have added, QUICKSAND and YACHT,
without too much difficulty.

In our example, they are thinking of

EYEGLASSES. I would now draw a pair of
glasses and include the word EYEGLASSES

Please note: You could reveal the force word

only. There is no need to produce the drawing;
however, I feel it adds to the routine slightly. I
would also give a brief reading.


"I am picking up that this is an object, this is

something reflective and you wear it on your
head, oh no it's not your head sorry…"

I would then draw a pair of eyeglasses and write

the word eyeglasses underneath for the reveal.
To bring the routine full circle, we reveal the
Participant 1’s (forced) influenced word in any
way we wish. I would use the £5 note ruse as
this suits my performing style. I am not on
social media, but I might be performing it this
way if I was…

I would have the (forced) influenced word

displayed on my Instagram profile written under
my name in bold capitals. This force word
would begin with the letter I now instead of the
letter P.

I would get the hit of Participant 1’s first letter

as per the original routine, but the word I write
down at the end would be Instagram. You
would then direct the participant and spectators
watching to your Instagram account to bring the
routine to a close. You could also use this to
gain more followers as while they are on your
Instagram account, ask them to hit the follow


I use the MOABT words as an example, as I not
only have these words engraved in my mind
from my countless book test performances back
in the day, but also, they will be the long words
most performers have committed to memory
already. But you could easily replace these words
to be anything you want as long as each of the
24-25 words begin with a different letter of the
alphabet then you are all set to go.

I imagine when performing this, you will get the

odd awkward participant(s) who, although you
clearly stated don't think of the number 1 or the
number 50 they will do so anyway to try and
mess you up. I would personally have an out for
when Participant 2 tries to mess you up, and
remember it doesn't matter if Participant 1 tries
to screw you over as they will be getting the
force word PSYCHOLOGY if they like it or

"I did say before we began I would be

influencing one of these words, but that was
not true… My goal was to influence both of
your chosen words."

The Performer brings out a business card folded

into quarters from inside his wallet.


"What word were you randomly thinking of ?”

PARTICIPANT 2 “Zealous.”

The Performer looks towards Participant 1.

PERFORMER "And what word were you

randomly thinking of ?


The Performer opens up his business card,

revealing a note saying:

"The TWO words I will influence tonight

will be the words PSYCHOLOGY and
ZEALOUS. Now give me back my £5 note.”

As Zealous isn’t one of the MOABT alphabetic

force words, as soon as they tell you the first
letter of their word is Z you have them by their
dangly bits! You would then reach into your
pocket and retrieve your wallet with what I can
only imagine would be a Cheshire Cat smile on
your face.


Final thoughts
Thinking about it now, I feel UNBENDABLE
was too good to give away for free, and no, that
isn’t really Bruce Lee and Richard Branson in
the picture.


Craig the security guard - for the

Luke Jermay - Extended Tossed Out Deck

David Hoy - Tossed Out Deck

Cardshark - Phoenix Double-Decker - Luke


U.F Grant - Long Word Principle

Ted Karmilovich - MOABT

Nick Einhorn & Craig Squires - Digital

Force Bag

Craig Filicetti - Filicetti Ruse





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