Chap4 Dsa (2017)
Chap4 Dsa (2017)
Chap4 Dsa (2017)
Faculty of Informatics
Department of Computer Science
CoSc2083 – Data structures and Algorithms
Chapter 4 Handout – Linear Data Structures (PART – II)
“A stack is an ordered list in which all insertions and deletions are made at one end, called the
top”. Stacks are sometimes referred to as Last In First Out (LIFO) lists.
TOS=> 8
TOS=> 4 4 TOS=> 4
1 1 1
3 3 3
6 6 6
Stacks can be implemented both as an array (contiguous list) and as a linked list. We want a set
of operations that will work with either type of implementation: i.e. the method of
implementation is hidden and can be changed without affecting the programs that use them.
if there is room {
put an item on the top of the stack
give an error message
remove existing items from the stack
initialise the stack to empty
Here, as you might have noticed, addition of an element is known as the PUSH operation. So, if
an array is given to you, which is supposed to act as a STACK, you know that it has to be a
STATIC Stack; meaning, data will overflow if you cross the upper limit of the array. So, keep this
in mind.
Step-1: Increment the Stack TOP by 1. Check whether it is always less than the Upper Limit of
the stack. If it is less than the Upper Limit go to step-2 else report -"Stack Overflow"
Step-2: Put the new element at the position pointed by the TOP
Note:- In array implementation, we have taken TOP = -1 to signify the empty stack, as this
simplifies the implementation.
POP is the synonym for delete when it comes to Stack. So, if you're taking an array as the stack,
remember that you'll return an error message, "Stack underflow", if an attempt is made to Pop
an item from an empty Stack. OK.
Step-1: If the Stack is empty then give the alert "Stack underflow" and quit; or else go to step-2
Step-2: a) Hold the value for the element pointed by the TOP in some variable.
b) Decrement the TOP by 1
int pop()
int del_val = 0;
if(top == -1)
Note: - Step-2 :( b) signifies that the respective element has been deleted.
It’s very similar to the insertion operation in a dynamic singly linked list. The only difference is
that here you'll add the new element only at the end of the list, which means addition can
happen only from the TOP. Since a dynamic list is used for the stack, the Stack is also dynamic,
means it has no prior upper limit set. So, we don't have to check for the Overflow condition at
struct node{
int item;
struct node *next;
struct node *stack = NULL; /*stack is initially empty*/
struct node *top = stack;
Data Structures and Algorithms (CoSc2083) Page 4 of 30
push(int item)
if(stack == NULL) /*step-1*/
newnode = new node /*step-2*/
newnode -> item = item;
newnode -> next = NULL;
stack = newnode;
top = stack;
newnode = new node; /*step-3*/
newnode -> item = item;
newnode -> next = NULL;
top ->next = newnode;
top = newnode; /*step-4*/
This is again very similar to the deletion operation in any Linked List, but you can only delete
from the end of the list and only one at a time; and that makes it a stack. Here, we'll have a list
pointer, "target", which will be pointing to the last but one element in the List (stack). Every
time we POP, the TOP most element will be deleted and "target" will be made as the TOP most
Supposing you have only one element left in the Stack, then
we won't make use of "target" rather we'll take help of our
"bottom" pointer. See how...
Step-1: If the Stack is empty then give an alert message "Stack Underflow" and quit; or else
Step-2: If there is only one element left go to step-3 or else step-4
Step-3: Free that element and make the "stack", "top" and "bottom" pointers point to NULL
and quit
Step-4: Make "target" point to just one element before the TOP; free the TOP most element;
make "target" as your TOP most element
struct node
int nodeval;
struct node *next;
struct node *stack = NULL; /*stack is initially empty*/
struct node *top = stack;
int newvalue, delval;
delval = pop(); /*POP returns the deleted value from the stack*/
int pop( )
int pop_val = 0;
e.g. 4 + 5 * 5
Simple calculator: 45
Can we develop a method of evaluating arithmetic expressions without having to ‘look
ahead’ or ‘look back’? ie consider the quadratic formula:
x = (-b+(b^2-4*a*c)^0.5)/(2*a)
Computers solve arithmetic expressions by restructuring them so the order of each calculation
is embedded in the expression. Once converted, expression can then be solved in one pass.
Types of Expression
The normal (or human) way of expressing mathematical expressions is called infix form, e.g.
4+5*5. However, there are other ways of representing the same expression, either by writing
all operators before their operands or after them,
e.g.: 4 5 5 * +
This method is called Polish Notation (because this method was discovered by the Polish
mathematician Jan Lukasiewicz).
When the operators are written before their operands, it is called the prefix form
e.g. + 4 * 5 5
When the operators come after their operands, it is called postfix form (suffix form or reverse
polish notation)
e.g. 4 5 5 * +
Postfix notation arises from the concept of post-order traversal of an expression tree (see
Weiss p. 93 - this concept will be covered when we look at trees).
For now, consider postfix notation as a way of redistributing operators in an expression so that
their operation is delayed until the correct time.
The reason for using postfix notation is that a fairly simple algorithm exists to evaluate such
expressions based on using a stack.
Postfix Evaluation
Unary operators: unary minus, square root, sin, cos, exp, etc.,
So for 6 5 2 3 + 8 * + 3 + *
So next a '+' is read (a binary operator), so 3 and 2 are popped from the stack and their sum
'5' is pushed onto the stack:
TOS=> 5
TOS=> 8
5 TOS=> 40
5 5
6 6
(8, 5 popped, 40 pushed)
TOS=> 3
TOS=> 45 45
6 6
(40, 5 popped, 45 pushed, 3 pushed)
TOS=> 288
Now there are no more items and there is a single value on the stack, representing the final
answer 288.
Note the answer was found with a single traversal of the postfix expression, with the stack
being used as a kind of memory storing values that are waiting for their operands.
Of course postfix notation is of little use unless there is an easy method to convert standard
(infix) expressions to postfix. Again a simple algorithm exists that uses a stack:
The algorithm immediately passes values (operands) to the postfix expression, but remembers
(saves) operators on the stack until their right-hand operands are fully translated.
Stack Output
TOS=> +
TOS=> * abc
TOS=> +
TOS=> *
TOS=> +
TOS=> * abc*+de*f+g
empty abc*+de*f+g*+
When a function is called, arguments (including the return address) have to be passed to the
called function.
If these arguments are stored in a fixed memory area then the function cannot be called
recursively since the 1st return address would be overwritten by the 2nd return address before
the first was used:
10 call function abc(); /* retadrs = 11 */
11 continue;
90 function abc;
91 code;
92 if (expression)
93 call function abc(); /* retadrs = 94 */
94 code
95 return /* to retadrs */
A stack allows a new instance of retadrs for each call to the function. Recursive calls on the
function are limited only by the extent of the stack.
10 call function abc(); /* retadrs1 = 11 */
11 continue;
90 function abc;
91 code;
92 if (expression)
93 call function abc(); /* retadrs2 = 94 */
94 code
95 return /* to retadrsn */
a data structure that has access to its data at the front and rear.
operates on FIFO (Fast In First Out) basis.
uses two pointers/indices to keep tack of information/data.
has two basic operations:
o enqueue - inserting data at the rear of the queue
o dequeue – removing data at the front of the queue
dequeue enqueue
Front Rear
Consider the following structure: int Num[MAX_SIZE];
We need to have two integer variables that tell:
- the index of the front element
- the index of the rear element
We also need an integer variable that tells:
- the total number of data in the queue
int FRONT =-1,REAR =-1;
To enqueue data to the queue
o check if there is space in the queue
const int MAX_SIZE=100;
int FRONT =-1, REAR =-1;
int QUEUESIZE = 0;
void enqueue(int x)
if(FRONT = = -1)
cout<<"Queue Overflow";
int dequeue()
int x;
cout<<"Queue Underflow";
A problem with simple arrays is we run out of space even if the queue never reaches the size of
the array. Thus, simulated circular arrays (in which freed spaces are re-used to store data) can
be used to solve this problem.
The circular array implementation of a queue with MAX_SIZE can be simulated as follows:
12 11
MAX_SIZE - 1 8
0 7
1 6
2 5
3 4
Consider the following structure: int Num[MAX_SIZE];
void enqueue(int x)
if(FRONT = = -1)
cout<<"Queue Underflow";
Front Rear
DequeueFront EnqueueFront
4.6.5 Priority Queue DequeueRear EnqueueRear
- is a queue where each data has an associated key that is provided at the time of
Example: Consider the following queue of persons where females have higher priority
than males (gender is the key to give priority).
Now the queue has data having equal priority and dequeue operation deletes the front
element like in the case of ordinary queues.
Thus, in the above example the implementation of the dequeue operation need to be
Example: The following two queues can be created from the above priority queue.
Aster Meron Abebe Alemu Belay Kedir Yonas
Female Female Male Male Male Male Male
create empty females and males queue
while (PriorityQueue is not empty)
Example: The following two queues (females queue has higher priority than the males
queue) can be merged to create a priority queue.
Aster Meron Abebe Alemu Belay Kedir Yonas
Female Female Male Male Male Male Male
Thus, the two queues can be merged to give the following priority queue.
52 47 41 35 32 16 13 12 10 7
4.7 Application of Queues
using namespace std;
int top = -1;
const int MAXSIZE = 100;
int stack[MAXSIZE];
void push( int a)
top = top +1;
stack[top] = a;
void pop()
int p;
{p = stack[top];
cout<< "POPPED ITEM IS:"<<p;
void display()
cout<<"\nSTACK CONTENTS ARE:\n";
if(top == -1)
cout<<"Empty Stack\n";
for(int i=0;i<=top;i++)
int main(){
char in[50] = { 0 },post[50] = { 0 };
cout<<"Enter Infix Exp<b></b>ression : ";
in[strlen(in) - 1] = '\0';
cout<<"Postfix Exp<b></b>ression is : \n"<<&post[0];
return 0;