Philippine election result is a win for dynasty politics after the landslide victory of the winners.
A roller coaster ride of emotions have been felt. Many hearts were broken and still experiencing the 5
stages of grief(Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance).
We have to respect the rule of law.Regardless of the result and the different political views and
opinions,for the next 6 years,our country will be facing challenges and as a good Filipino citizen we
have to help in whatever way possible for the betterment of our beloved nation.
Empathy is one of admirable Filipino trait that I happen to witness before and after election.
As a youth, I had the chance to attend to some of the campaign sorties and I can attest to the Filipino
qualities that I have personally witnessed during the campaign.
Having self awareness by joining forces for a worthy cause and meeting and talking to new people is
House to house and heart to heart campaigning focus on listening and take action by showing
generosity, charity, spirit of volunteerism, compassion, sensitivity, emotional connection,love and
For a predominantly Catholic country,Filipinos regard faith with dignity and respect.
We are talented and highly creative that's why we have this collective pride,we are mighty proud of our
cultural heritage and doubly proud when we hear of Filipinos making it big in other countries.
We reiterate the importance of values related to society such as good governance,honesty,integrity and
love for country.
Philippines is our beloved,let's help in making this country a better place to live in,a nation full of people
that are wonderful as we are,warm,caring and beautiful people.