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Ijapie 2017 02 220
Ijapie 2017 02 220
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International journal of advanced Science & Technology
production and industrial engineering with Management.
Abstarct : Historically, Early man had made use of wooden die to carve bricks. Since then, dies had been used in
industries, especially for sheet métal and other forming operations. Progressive dies are forming tool comprises of two
or more stations performing different operations. The raw material travels from first station to last to get transformed
into the finished product. In this work an industrial problem at Anand Tracks and Field (P) Limited, regarding the shell
manufacturing of discus throw was identified. The problem in shell manufacturing was regarding the concentricity of
shell. The shell after being manufactured was not found exactly concentric; it means that the shell show some degree of
straightness at the ends. Welding operation was then used to join the two ends so as to ensure the concentricity of the
shell which, consequently increased the manufacturing lead time as well as labor cost. The problems encountered in the
company was solved by designing a progressive die and it was suggested to change the raw material, instead of rod,
plate was proposed to produce the shell. In this work, three stages of die design had been done. In the first phase,
conventional designs had been done and the induced stresses were checked out. In second phase, the die and punch
assembly was developed by using CATIA V5 R 20 software. Eventually, the drawing had been imported in ANSYS 14.0
software; a finite element method analysis software to check the stresses induced
M/s Anand Track and Field Equipment Private Limited is a
manufacturer of various types of sports goods and Athletics
& Gymnastic Gym Equipments. In one of its vendor unit,
M/s Kaushik Engineering Works which is manufacturing the
shell of discus throw; a problem has been identified by the
management of the company regarding the manufacturing of
shell. The shell after being manufactured is not found exactly Fig: 2 Punch and Die Assembly.
concentric; it means that the shell show some degree of
straightness at the ends as shown in fig.1.
For the calculation of force of punching, a standard formula The induced compressive stress in sheet in the smaller punch
is used and the maximum shearing force required to cut the and in bigger punch is different as the area which is resisting
the load is different and is calculated as under. The induced
sheet is
compressive stress is
Fmax= 0.7x UTS x T x L
Where σcs= = 4.5 x 106/ 0.785 x 1542 (1)
T= thickness of the sheet. Where,
L= π x D= total length of sheared area. σcs= Stressesinduced in smaller punch.
{Taking UTS = 432-510 MPa.( C 20 carbon steel)} σcs = 241.59 MPa
Fmax= 0.7x UTS x π x Db x T
σcl= 4.5 x 106/ 0.785 x (2022 – 1542)
Fmax= 0.7x UTS x π x T x Dl
Fmax = 0.7x 510x π x 19 x 202. σcl = 4.5 x 106/13.41 x103 = 335.57 MPa
Fmax = 4.5 MN. Where
σcl= Stresses induced in larger punch.
3.2.1 Design of Punch Holder In both the cases, the induced compressive strength is less
than the allowable yield stress of the punch material H 13 die
The punch holder holds all the punches and the required load steel i.e. (1000 MPa). So design of punch is safe under these
for punching is applied on the punch holder only. The conditions of loading.
material used for punch holder is H 13 steel. The punch σy>σcl or σcs
holder has three punches one is smaller, second one is larger Hence, the punch design is successful and was safe under
and third one is cavity punch as shown in fig 4. The cavity every condition of shearing steel and the punch will perform
punch is used to give desired shape to the shell. As low its intended function.
magnitude of force act on cavity punch so in design it was
neglected. Calculation of Factor of safety: Denoting by σw, σy,σu and n
are the working stress, yield point stress and ultimate tensile
stress of the material and factor of safety respectively, the
magnitude of factor of safety was determined by equation.
The yield point or ultimate strength of material was taken for
calculating the factor of safety. The working stress of the
material was taken as 337.5 MPa. [6]
n= σy/σw (2)
n= = 2.9
According to distortion- energy theory, the shear stress is punch holder and it is supposed that the punches are stopped
calculated by [8] by the sheet for a while, the stress induced is compressive
τ =0.577 xσy/n stress. The compressive stress induced in the punches are
τ = 42.24 MPa The stress induced on the smaller punch will be almost same
c =0.003x19x42.24= 2.4 mm. as the load on punch
σcs = = 4.76 x 106/0.0186 = 255.91 MPa
Case II: Calculation of load when no punch is idle
σcl= 7.734 x 106 / 13.42 x103 = 576 MPa
In this case, the punching starts first from smaller die as usual
but the difference lies in the fact, that when the work piece is
clamped to the larger die, simultaneously new work piece is 3.3 Finite Element Analysis
clamped to the first station. That is why continuous operation
was carried out. In this case, none of the station is kept idle. As main parts in the assembly were dies and punches, so
The rate of production of the shell of discus is high as FEM analysis was made for that part. Also simulation was
compared to the case I. Also the power consumption is more. carried out of these parts. The dies and punches were
The load on each punch and the corresponding induced conventionally designed and later stress analysis was done by
stresses are calculated as under. using ANSYS 14.0 software.
P = Ps +Pl + Pc (3) Mild steel C – 20 was taken for die holder. But the die holder
P = P l + Ps (4) was manufactured by H 13 steel in actual practice. Material
was changed for convenience in calculating the induced
Pc is neglected, as this punch will not take part in cutting
stress as the shearing of mild steel offer maximum stress
operation induced in die holder (H 13 steel).The maximum stress on H
P= [9] (5) 13 steel was by shearing of mild steel C-20 steel.
Solving Equation (4.4) and (4.6), the load on smaller punch; 3.3.1 FEM Analysis for Smaller Punch
= (6)
FEM analysis of the punch holder was done in static
and the load on larger punch;
structural module of ANSYS 14.0 in workbench. The load
(7) was applied on the plate of magnitude 4.5 MN and the
smaller punch was fixed while the other two punches are kept
Taking the material of the punch holder as H13 tool steel, the
free, according to the case I. The normal stress was found out
modulus of elasticity is in this analysis. Fig 5 shows the stress distribution figure of
El= Es= 215 GPa = 215 x 106 MPa the punch holder. The various colors combination shows the
As= Cross sectional area of smaller punch and Al= Cross stress distribution. The red color shows the area of the
sectional area of larger punch highest value of the stress and the blue shows the value of the
As= π/4x 0.1542 = 0.0186 m2 lowest stress. The maximum stress found from this analysis
Al π/4 (Db2 – Ds2) = 13.42 x 103 m2 was 278.5 MPa which was less than the permissible stress.
Therefore, the design is on the safer side.
Taking P= 12.5 MN and after putting all the values in
equation (6), load on smaller punch is
Ps (215 x 106 x 0.0186/ 215 x 106 x 0.0186 + 215 x 106 x
0.0320) x 12.5 x106
= (4 x106/10.5 x 106) x 12.5 x106 = 4.76 MN
Similarly, the load on the larger punch is.
Pl = (215 x 10 x 0.0302/ 215 x 10 x 0.0302 + 215 x 106 x
6 6
the extreme left shows the region of highest stress. The 4. CONCLUSION
maximum stress found on this area was 278.5 MPa
After studying the entire manufacturing processes, and it
was found that shell was not concentric. Also there was a
gap remains in between both the ends. In order to join
both these ends and to ensure the concentricity of the
shell, welding operation and hand forging were carried
out. Around 2 – 3% of the total shells produced were
Conventional Design of die assembly was done. It was
found that the stresses induced in the smaller and bigger
punch are 241.59 MPa and 335.57 MPa respectively.
When no punch is idle, stress induced was 576 MPa.
Also the induced stress is less than the permissible limit
of stress of H13 steel (i.e. 1000 MPa.
Progressive die of three stations has been developed
Fig 6: Stress Distribution (Bigger Punch Fixed)
using CATIA V5 software and parts were assembled.
The punching and blanking operations are performed on
3.3.3 FEM Analysis for Cavity Punch
first two stations and third punch was employed to give
Fig. 7 shows the stress distribution of punch holder when the final shape to the shell
cavity punch was fixed and load of 4.5 MN was applied. The Stress verification was done by finite element method
areas on punch holder of smaller punch show region of using ANSYS 14.0 release software. The punch holder
highest stress. was imported from CATIA V5 software and the normal
stresses were calculated. The highest stress obtained was
278 MPa which was under safe limit of allowable stress.
Several major and minor manufacturing processes
involved in shell manufacturing were combined in two
operations i.e. punching and blanking.
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