Experiment #5
Experiment #5
Experiment #5
Laboratory Experiment # 5
Differentiate organic compound in terms of :
1. Certain intrinsic physical properties
2. Solubility of organic compounds
3. Infrared spectra of their functional groups
Match Test tube rack and Distilled water Litmus paper Containers
test tubes
Droppers Phenol
A. Physical state of organic compounds
Organic compounds are conveniently classified as different classes of
hydrocarbon derivatives based on the substituent element or group of highest priority
to the hydrocarbon. Functional groups present in an organic compound can be
determined by using infrared spectroscopy.
Table I. Physical state of organic compounds
Compounds respond differently to the hydrocarbons present depending on their
physical state. Its condensed structural formula has various hydrocarbon chains formed,
and its color ranges from being colorless to light pink. Its odor also varies from pleasant
to unplesant .
B. Solubility of Organic Compounds
The dissolution of organic compounds in certain solvents may involve physical or
chemical interaction. Water solubility of these compounds may differ due to their
varying polarities. Solubility in acids or bases leads to more specific information about
the compound, i.e.., as having either acidic or basic properties.
Table 2. Solubility of Organic Compound
with Red
Paper Pink to pink Pink to Pink to pink
Test Compound
Ignition Test
Soot Formation The presence of soot is There is a presence of The presence of soot is
absent soot absent
Since phenol is inflammable, cyclohexane and ethanol were also flammable.
During the ignition test, ethanol turns blue, and cyclohexane turns orange. While the
phenol remained unchanged. Cyclohexane ignites within 15 seconds, followed by
ethanol in 5 seconds, and the phenol doesn’t ignite.
Therefore, we conclude that depending on their physical state, compounds react
to hydrocarbons differently. Its color ranges from colorless to pale pink, and its
condensed structural formula forms a variety of hydrocarbon chains. Additionally, it can
have a pleasant to unpleasant odor.
The solubility of organic compounds shows that organic molecules respond to
different solvents in different ways. As a result, while cyclohexane and ethanol are
miscible in water, phenol is not. Cyclohexane and ethanol were miscible in the HCl
solution, but phenol was immiscible in the HCI solution. Cyclohexane, ethanol, and
phenol all cause the litmus paper to change color from blue to gray, white, or orange,
respectively. Cyclohexane and ethanol were not miscible in the NaOH solution, although
phenol was. There is no effervescence in cyclohexane, ethanol, or phenol.
The test on infrared spectra revealed that whereas phenol is inflammable,
cyclohexane and ethanol are both flammable. During the ignition test, ethanol turns
blue and cyclohexane turns orange. But the phenol remained unchanged. Cyclohexane
ignites in 15 seconds, ethanol in 5 seconds, and phenol doesn't.
These tests are efficient for students and chemists who want to know more on
comparing organic compounds. We’ve conducted two tests for this experiment, the
solubility test and ignition test. The Solubility test, The dissolution of organic
compounds in certain solvents may involve physical or chemical interaction. Water
solubility of these compounds may differ due to their varying polarities. The ignition test
is the ignition of the organic compound that brings about a chemical change.
Conducting these test is great for comparing other organic compounds from its physical
properties and chemical properties.
I strongly recommend conducting other tests to compare organic compounds to
know it’s similarities and differences to other substances.
- Laboratory Manual provided by our Instructor