A061 Rev. 08
A061 Rev. 08
A061 Rev. 08
No.: A061
Revision: 8
Date : 15 October 2019
A319 model -111 A320 model -216
A319 model -112 A320 model -231
A319 model -113 A320 model -232
A319 model -114 A320 model -233
A319 model -115 A321 model -111
A319 model -131 A321 model -112
A319 model -132 A321 model -131
A319 model -133 A321 model -211
A320 model -211 A321 model -212
A320 model -212 A321 model -213
A320 model -214 A321 model -231
A320 model -215 A321 model -232
MOD 159533 Max Pax applicable on A319-111/ -112/ -115/ -131/ -132/ -
MOD 159535 Max Pax applicable on A319-111 /-112 / -113 / -114 / -115/
-131/ -132 /-133
From May 06th, 2009, A319 aircraft are produced in Hamburg (Germany)
and Tianjin (People’s Republic of China) under approval EASA.21G.0001
issued by EASA to AIRBUS and conform to the Indonesian Type Design
/ Model Definition,
From March 8th, 2016 A319 aircraft are produced in Hamburg (Germany),
Tianjin (People’s Republic of China) and Mobile (USA) under approval
EASA.21G.0001 issued by EASA to AIRBUS and conform to the
DGCA TCDS A061 Revision 8 Page 2 of 80
Indonesian Type Design / Model Definition.
The Airbus A319 series aircraft models are certified to the JAA
requirements. The Airbus A319 JAA Certification Basis consists of:
25 X 20 25.253
25.107(d) 25.365 amended by OP 91/1
25.121 25.807(c) amended by OP 90/1
25.125 25.812(e)
25.143(f) 25.857(d)(6)
- except due to the Elect to Comply with SC-F11 and SC-S79, the
following deleted paragraphs:
25x131 25x135
25x132 25x1588
DGCA TCDS A061 Revision 8 Page 3 of 80
25.101 25.115
25.105 25.735
25.109 25x1591
1.2 JAR AWO at Change 1 for autoland and operations in low visibility.
1.3 For the Extended Twin Engine Airplane Operations the applicable
technical conditions are contained in AMC 20-6 (as initially published
in AMJ 120-42/IL 20) and the A319 ETOPS CRI:
1.4 For all models Airbus Elect To Comply with 14CFR Part 25.772(a)
and (c) and 25.795 amendment 106 according to CRI E12 –Reinforced
Security Cockpit Door.
CS 25 Amdt 8 for
§ 25.23 § 25.481(a)(c) amended by SC
A-2 for § 25.481(a)
§ 25.25 § 25.483
§ 25.117 § 25.485
§ 25.147 § 25.489
§ 25.161 § 25.491
§ 25.177 amended by SC-F16 § 25.571(a)(b)(e)
§ 25.235 § 25.581
§ 25.251 § 25.601
§ 25.301 § 25.603
§ 25.302 § 25.605
§ 25.303 § 25.607
§ 25.305(a)(b)(c)(e)(f) § 25.609
§ 25.307(a)(d) § 25.613
§ 25.321(a)(b)(c)(d) § 25.619
§ 25.331(a)(b)(c) § 25.623
§ 25.333(a)(b) § 25.625
§25.335(a)(c)(d)(e)(f) amended § 25.629
CS 25 Amdt 2 for
§ 25.253
Interpretative Material:
Note: This corresponds to the certification basis used for the initial
ETOPS demonstration (refer to A320 CRI G1006).
1.6 Certification basis revised for MOD 157777 “Max Pax” by CRI A-
The certification basis is that of the A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115,
-131, -132, -133 amended by the following:
CS 25 Amdt 15 for
§25.23 §25.479(a)(c)(d) amended by SC A-
2 for § 25.479(a)
§25.305(a)(b) §25.481(a)(c) amended by SC A-2
for § 25.481(a)
§25.321 §25.489
§25.331(a)(b)(c)(1) amended §25.801(d)
by CRI A.2.2.2
§25.341(a) §25.803(c)
§25.351 §25.807(g) amended by CRI E-
4001 and demonstrated through
§25.473 §25.1529
JAR 25 change 12
§25.787(a)(b) §25.853(c)(d)(e)
JAR 25 change 11
§25.307(a) §25.1301
§25.561 §25.1351(a)
§25.571(a)(b) §25.1353(a)(b)
§25.785 §25.1359(a)(d)
§25.789(a) §25.1413
§25.791 §25.1415(b)(c)(d)
§25.853(a)(b) §25.1431(c)
1.8 Certification basis revised for MOD 159535 “Max Pax” for aircraft
equipped with wing tip fence by CRI A-0001-010
The certification basis is that of the A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -
132, -133 amended by the following:
CS 25 Amdt 18 for
§25.23 §25.489
§25.305(a)(b) §25.801(d)
§25.321 §25.803(c)
§25.331(a)(b)(c)(1) amended §25.807(g) amended by CRI E-4001 and
by CRI A.2.2.2 demonstrated through ESF CRI D-03
§25.341(a) §25.1519
§25.351 §25.1529
§25.473 §25.1541(a)(b)
§25.479(a)(c)(d) amended by §25.1557(a)
SC A-2 for § 25.479(a)
§25.481(a)(c) amended by SC
A-2 for § 25.481(a)
JAR 25 change 13
§25.331(c)(2) §25.812(e)
§25.341(b) §25.812(k)(l)
§25.365(a) §25.853(a)1 amended by CRI D-0306-000
JAR 25 change 12
JAR 25 change 11
§25.307(a) §25.1301
§25.561 §25.1351(a)
§25.571(a)(b) §25.1353(a)(b)
§25.785 §25.1357(a)
§25.787(a)(b) §25.1359(a)(d)
§25.789(a) §25.1413
§25.791 §25.1415(b)(c)(d)
1.9 For all models Airbus Elect to Comply to CS 25.562 initial issue for
lmproved Seats in Air Carrier Transport category Airplanes" for cabin and/or
passenger seats (E-31)
1.10 Certification basis revised for MOD 159533 “Max Pax” for aircraft
equipped with modification 160500 (Sharklets) by CRI A-0001-010
The certification basis is that of the A319-111, -112, -115, -131, -132, -133
equipped with modification 160500 amended by the following:
CS 25 Amdt 18 for
§25.23 §25.489
§25.321 §25.803(c)
§25.331 §25.807(g) amended by CRI E-4001
and demonstrated through ESF CRI D-03
§25.341(a)(b) §25.1519
§25.351 §25.1529
§25.473 §25.1541(a)(b)
§25.479(a)(c)(d) amended by §25.1557(a)
SC A-2 for § 25.479(a)
§25.481(a)(c) amended by SC
A-2 for § 25.481(a)
JAR 25 change 13
§25.305(a)(b) §25.812(k)(l)
§25.365(a) §25.853(a)1 amended by CRI D-0306-000
JAR 25 change 12
JAR 25 change 11
§25.307(a) §25.1301
§25.561 §25.1351(a)
§25.571(a)(b) §25.1353(a)(b)
§25.785 §25.1357(a)
§25.787(a)(b) §25.1359(a)(d)
§25.789(a) §25.1413
§25.791 §25.1415(b)(c)(d)
§25.853(a)(b) §25.1431(c)
1.11 For all models Airbus Elect To Comply with CS-ACNS Subpart B
Section 2 Data Link Services, Initial issue
The additional requirement to provide level of safety equivalent with
CASR 25 Amendment 6 is :
CS-01-320CEO “CASR 21 Amdt. 2, Section 21.29(a)(3); Bilingual
2. Special Conditions: 2.1 The Following A320 Special conditions, Experience Related
Conditions and Harmonization Conditions which are kept for the
DGCA TCDS A061 Revision 8 Page 8 of 80
Reminder: Within the scope of the establishment of the A320 Joint
Certification Basis, three types of special conditions were developed:
Special Conditions: rose to cover novel or unusual features not
addressed by the JAR.
2.3 For A319, Airbus industrie has elected to comply with the following
A321 Special Conditions:
2.4 For any new application (new or modified aeroplane system and
associated components) after July 10, 1998, SC/IM-S76 (Effect of
external radiations upon aircraft systems) are superseded by SC/IM-
S76-1 (CRI SE14).
2.5 For A319 weight variant 002 and for any further variant certification
after Aug. 10, 1998, the HC-A.4.5 (Braked roll conditions) is
superseded by JAR 25.493(d) at Change 14 (CRI A7).
2.6 For A319-115 and -133 models, the following JAR 25 paragraphs and
Special Conditions are upgraded at Change 14 and Orange Paper 96/1:
25.149(f)(g)(h)(i) and associated ACJ
2.7 The following special conditions have been developed post Type
2.8 Special Conditions for aircraft equipped with MOD 160500 & 160080
4. Deviations : Optional
ACNS-B-GEN-01 Removal of DM89 MONITORING message from the
required CPDLC downlink messages list
5. Equivalent Safety 5.1 Equivalent Safety findings to the following requirements are granted,
Findings : as documented in relevant CRIs :
JAR 25-783(f) "Doors" (see CRI SM 4004 " Passenger
doors"; The same Equivalent Safety finding
was previously granted for A320 and A321).
JAR 25-807(c)(1) "Passengers emergency exits" (see CRI E
4001 - "Exit configuration" issued on the
basis of the JAA policy dated December
5.2 The following Equivalent Safety Findings have been developed post
Type Certification:
FAR 25.856(b) Fuselage burnthrough protection in bilge
area (see CRI E-32)
If modifications 150700, and 37270 (with
CLS option only), 37048 and 36985 are
embodied in production on A318, A319,
A320, or A321 airplanes, the airplane is
compliant with Fuselage Flame
Penetration “Burnthrough” requirements
addressed by paragraph 14 CFR Part
DGCA TCDS A061 Revision 8 Page 11 of 80
25.856(b) Amdt 25-111 (See CRI E-
28).Regarding the fuselage skin in the
bilge area, EASA issued an equivalent
level of safety finding through CRI E-28.
14CFR Part Improved flammability standards for
25.856(a) insulation materials (CRI E18)
JAR Photo-luminescent EXIT sign for MCD
25.812(b)(1)(ii) (Moveable Class Divider) (CRI E14)
JAR 25.811(f) Emergency exit marking reflectance (CRI
JAR Symbolic EXIT signs as an alternative to
25.812(b)(1)(i)(ii) red EXIT signs for passenger aircraft (CRI
SE-42) (optional)
JAR 25.785(c) Forward facing seats with more than 18°
to aircraft centerline. (CRI D-0329-001)
JAR 25.1443(c) Minimum Mass Flow of Supplemental
Oxygen (CRI F-20) (optional)
JAR 25.1441(c) Crew Determination of Quantity of Oxygen
in Passenger Oxygen System (CRI F-21)
CS25.811(e)(4) Green Arrow and “Open” placard for
Emergency Exit Marking (CRI SE-63)
5.3 Equivalent Safety Findings for aircraft equipped with MOD 160500 &
5.4 Equivalent Safety Findings for aircraft equipped with MOD 157777,
159533 or 159535
8. ETOPS The Type Design, system reliability and performance of A319 models
were found capable for Extended Range Operations when configured,
maintained and operated in accordance with the current revision of the
ETOPS Configuration, Maintenance and Procedures (CMP) document,
The Configuration, Maintenance and Procedure Standards for extended
range twin-engine airplane operations are contained in ETOPS CMP
document reference SA/EASA: AMC 20-6/CMP at latest applicable
revision. Certificated models are A319-111/-112/-113/-114/-115/-131/-
132/-133, with all applicable engines.
Embodiment of modification:
36666 provides ETOPS 120 mn capability for EASA
32009 provides ETOPS 180 mn capability for EASA
9. Equipment A319-111
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
Equipment List ref. 00J000A0012/COS.
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
Equipment List ref. 00J000A0004/COS.
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
Equipment List ref. 00J000A0113/C0S.
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
Equipment List ref. 00J000A0114/C0S.
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
Equipment List ref. 00J000A0115/C0S.
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
Equipment List ref. 00J000A0131/C0S.
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
Equipment List ref. 00J000A0132/C0S.
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
Equipment List ref. 00J000A0133/C0S.
The type design definitions and certification standard equipment lists are
complemented by doc. 00D000A0546/COS “A319-100/A321-200
Length: 33.84 m
Width: 34.10 m
(if MOD 160500 is installed) 35.80 m
Height: 11.76 m
Width at horizontal stabilizer: 12.45 m
Outside fuselage diameter: 3.95 m
Distance between engine axes: 11.51 m
Distance between main landing gear: 7.59 m
Distance between nose and main landing gear: 11.04 m
11. Engines The list below lists the basic engines fitted on the aircraft models. The
notes describe usual names and certified names as well as new engines
Two CFMI CFM 56-5B5 jet engines (MOD 24932).
(DGAC-Indonesia Engine TC no.: E038)
For other power plant possibility, see note 5 below.
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
Equipment List ref. 00J000A0012/COS.
Two CFMI CFM 56-5B6 jet engines (MOD 25287), or CFM 56-5B6/2 jet
engines (MOD 25530).
(DGAC-Indonesia Engine TC no.: E038)
For other power plant possibility, see note 6 and 7 below.
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
Equipment List ref. 00J000A0004/COS.
Two CFMI CFM 56-5A4 jet engines (MOD 25238), or
CFM 56-5A4/F jet engines (MOD 23755).
(DGAC-Indonesia Engine TC no.: E037)
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
Equipment List ref. 00J000A0113/C0S.
Two CFMI CFM 56-5A5 jet engines (MOD 25286), or
CFM 56-5A5/F jet engines (MOD 23755).
(DGAC-Indonesia Engine TC no.: E037)
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
Equipment List ref. 00J000A0114/C0S.
Two IAE V2522-A5 jet engines (MOD 26152)
(DGAC-Indonesia Engine TC no.: E029)
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
Equipment List ref. 00J000A0131/C0S.
Two IAE V2524-A5 jet engines (MOD 26298)
(DGAC-Indonesia Engine TC no.: E029)
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
Equipment List ref. 00J000A0132/C0S.
Two IAE V2527M-A5 jet engines (MOD 27568)
Engine: Two IAE Model V2527M-A5 jet engines (MOD 27568). (DGAC-
Indonesia Engine TC no.: E029)
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
Equipment List ref. 00J000A0133/C0S.
1. From March 31st 2008, there is no longer any CFM56-5B5 non /P in
field or in production.
2. From March 31st 2008, there is no longer any CFM56-5B6 non /P in
field or in production.
3. From March 31st 2008, there is no longer any CFM56-5B6/2 non /P
in field or in production.
4. From March 31st 2008, there is no longer any CFM56-5B7 non /P in
field or in production.
5. If modification 25800 is embodied on models with CFM-5B engines,
the engine performance is improved. The engine denomination
changes to /P. The modification is currently applicable for:
A319-111 CFM 56-5B5 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B5/P
A319-112 CFM 56-5B6 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B6/P
A319-112 CFM 56-5B6/2 (DAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B6/2P
A319-115 CFM 56-5B7 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B7/P
CFM 56-5B/2 "non P" (DAC) engine can be intermixed with CFM 56-
5B/2P (DAC II C) engine on the same aircraft (AFM supplement).
CFM 56-5B/P or / "non P" (SAC) engine can be intermixed with CFM 56-
5B/2P (DAC II C) engine on the same aircraft (AFM supplement).
High flash
* For IAE engines, TS-1 is cleared for transient use (less than 50% of operations)
** JET B and JP 4 fuels are not authorized for use in aircraft fitted with jet pumps (modification
For oil specification:
Engine CFM56- 5B5 IAE V2522-A5
CFM56- 5B6 IAE V2524-A5
CFM56- 5B6/2 IAE V2527M-A5
CFM56- 5B7
CFM56- 5A4
CFM56- 5A4/F
CFM56- 5A5
CFM56- 5A5/F
Approved Oils SB CFMI 79- 001- OX See doc IAE 0043 Sect 4.9 (MIL-L-23699)
Refer to Airbus Consumable Material List (CML).
Engine CFM56- 5B5 IAE V2522-A5
CFM56- 5B6 IAE V2524-A5
CFM56- 5B6/2 IAE V2527M-A5
CFM56- 5B7
CFM56- 5A4
CFM56- 5A4/F
CFM56- 5A5
CFM56- 5A5/F
Hydraulic fluids: Type IV or Type V - Specification NSA 30.7110.
(*) On the A319 aircraft, the certification of installing one or two Additional Center Tanks (ACT) in
bulk version is defined by modification 33973.
An alternative is the installation of one ACT only (with the provisions for only one ACT), as
defined by modification 37226.
1. On A319 for Corporate Jet use, the certification of installing up to six Additional Center
Tanks (ACT) in bulk version is defined by modification 28238. The approval together with
structural and system provisions is subject of Major Change J1-CJT (compliance to CRI P9).
A319 for Corporate Jet use are defined through the following set of modifications:
modification 28238: Installation of up to 6 ACTs
modification 28162: Extension of the flight envelope up to 41000ft
modification 28342: Extension of the forward C.G.
DGCA TCDS A061 Revision 8 Page 20 of 80
2. The certification of installing one or two Additional Center Tanks (ACT) in bulk version is
defined by modification 33973. The approval together with structural and system provisions is
subject of Major Change J-33973 (compliance to CRI P9).
3. On the series A319 equipped with IAE engines, introduction of standard of wingbox with dry bay
(modification 37332) will decrease the fuel capacity by 350 liters.
Landing gear:
VLE - Extended: 280 kt/Mach 0.67
VLO - Extension: 250 kt
Retraction: 220 kt
Tyres limit speed (ground speed): 195.5 kt (225 mph)
17. Operating See the appropriate EASA approved Airplane Flight Manual
Limitations Other engine limitations : see the Engine Type Certification Data Sheet no.: E029
Powerplant (2.2482 lb/daN)
CFMI Engines
Engine CFMI
CFM56- CFM56- 5B6 CFM56- 5B7 CFM56- 5A4 CFM56- 5A5
5B5 CFM56- 5B6/2 CFM56- 5A4/F CFM56- 5A5/F
Data sheets DGCA – DGCA – DGCA – DGCA – DGCA –
Indonesia Indonesia Data Indonesia Data Indonesia Data Indonesia Data
Data Sheets Sheets No. Sheets No. Sheets No. Sheets No.
No. E038 E038 E038 E038 E038
Static thrust
at sea level
Take- off (5 9 786 daN 10 453 daN 12 010 daN 9 786 daN 10 453 daN
min)* (22 000 lbs) (23 500 lbs) (27 000 lb) (22 000 lbs) (23 500 lbs)
DGCA TCDS A061 Revision 8 Page 21 of 80
(Flat rated
30° C)
Maximum 9 008 daN 9 008 daN 10 840 daN 9 195 daN 9 195 daN
continuous (20 250 lbs) (20 250 lbs) (24 370 lb) (20 670 lbs) (20 670 lbs)
(Flat rated
25° C)
* 10 minutes at take-off thrust allowed only in case of engine failure (at take-off or during go around) in
accordance with DGAC "Fiche de Caractéristiques Moteur".
IAE Engines
V2522-A5 V2524-A5 V2527M-A5
Data sheets DGCA – Indonesia DGCA – Indonesia DGCA – Indonesia
Data Sheets No. E029 Data Sheets No. E029 Data Sheets No. E029
Static thrust
at sea level
Take- off (5 min)* 10 249 daN 10 889 daN 11 031 daN
(Flat rated 30° C) (23 040 lb) (24 480 lb) (24 800 lb)
Maximum 8 540 daN 8 540 daN 9 893 daN
continuous (19 200 lb) (19 200 lb) (22 240 lb)
(Flat rated 25° C)
* 10 minutes at take-off thrust allowed only in case of engine failure (at take-off or during go-around) in
accordance with DGAC "Fiche de Caractéristiques Moteur".
Other engine limitations: see the relevant Engine Type Certificate Data Sheet.
A319-113/-114 (CFM 56-5A4/F or -5A5/F engines):
The maximum permissible gas temperature at take-off and max. continuous is extended to 915° C and
880° C respectively. However, the ECAM indication remains at 890° C and 855° C.
CFM 56-5A4 engines can be intermixed with CFM 56-5A4/F engine (MOD 23755) on the same aircraft.
CFM 56-5A5 engines can be intermixed with CFM 56-5A5/F engine (MOD 23755) on the same aircraft.
* WV010 is only certified for A319 in Corporate Jet configuration (modifications 28238, 28162 and
** WV013 is only certified for A319-133, MSN 4042
1. MOD 160500 and 160080 are approved for WV 00 to WV 12, only
2. For A319-111/-112/-113/-114/-131/-132 models the WV 01 was certified concurrently with the
basic WV at the time of the model’s approval
3. For the A319-115/-133 models the WV 01 to WV 05 were certified concurrently with the basic
WV at the time of the model’s approval
19. Centre of Gravity See approved Airplane Flight Manual (Note 2).
20. Datum Station 0.0, located 2.540 meters forward of airplane nose
21. Mean 4.1935 meters
Chord (MAC)
22. Levelling Means The A/C can be jacked on three primary jacking points.
See the appropriate approved Weight and Balance Manual
23. Minimum Flight 2 pilots
24. Maximum Passenger Seating Capacity and associated minimum number of cabin crew
The table below provides the certified Maximum Passenger Seating Capacities (MPSC), the
corresponding cabin configuration (exit arrangement and modifications) and the associated minimum
numbers of cabin crew members used to demonstrate compliance with the certification requirements:
The Modification 157777 enables the maximum seating capacity to be increased from 145 up
to 150. This modification defines a virtual envelope of the Layout of Passenger
Accommodations (LOPA) and does not constitute an authorization for the installation of seats
in excess of 145. A separate approval is needed for the installation of the individual
customized cabin layout and the necessary cabin adaptations up to 150 seats.
The Modifications 159535 or 159533 enable the maximum seating capacity to be increased
from 145 up to 160. This modification defines a virtual envelope of the Layout of Passenger
Accommodations (LOPA) and does not constitute an authorization for the installation of seats
in excess of 145. A separate approval is needed for the installation of the individual
customized cabin layout and the necessary cabin adaptations up to 160 seats.
A second pair of overwing emergency exit (Type III) can be installed by embodiment of
modification 32208.
1. The LH & RH rear passenger doors can be de-activated by embodiment of modification
37807. In this case, the maximum number of passengers is 80.
2. For aircraft models A319-115, A319-132 and A319-133, the Type III emergency exit hatch
can be de-activated by embodiment of modification 152777. In this case, the maximum
number of occupants in the passenger cabin is limited to zero during taxi, take-off, flight and
landing, unless terms and conditions to occupy specific cabin areas have been approved by
operator's competent airworthiness authority.
For the positions and the loading conditions authorized in each position
(references of containers, pallets and associated weights) see Weight and
Balance Manual, ref. 00 J 080 A 0001/C1S Chapter 1.10 (Note 1).
Note: For A319-111, 112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133 models
without sharklets, the embodiment of modification 155789 leads to change
the maintenance program and its associated Limit of Validity (LoV) from
48,000FC/60,000FH to 60,000FC/120,000FH (whichever occurs first).
29. Other limitations See on the approved Airplane Flight Manual.
31. Import When eligible, each Aircraft to be imported to the Republic of Indonesia
Requirements shall be accompanied by Certificate of Airworthiness for Export, or
Certifying statement endorsed by the exporting cognizant Civil
Airworthiness Authority, which contains the following statement:
“The Airplane covered by this certificate has been examined, tested, and
found conform to the Indonesian Type Design / Model Definition
approved under Indonesian Type Certificate No. A061 and is in condition
for safe operation.”
For eligible aircraft with previous time in service, the airframe, engine
total time and time since overhaul, where appropriate, must be furnished.
In addition, the status of all life limited components must also be
furnished. All modification embodied in the aircraft need the DGCA-
Indonesia review prior issuance of Indonesian Standard Airworthiness
Note 1 a) Current weight and balance report including list of equipment, entitled
"Aircraft Inspection Report" included in certificated empty weight, and
loading instructions, must be in each aircraft at the time of original
certification and at all times thereafter. Airbus report, "Weight and
Balance Manual," contains loading information for each airplane and
interior arrangement configuration as delivered. This report contains,
or refers to, information relative to location of all passengers and crew
member seats, location and capacity of all cargo and baggage
compartments, buffets, storage spaces and coat rooms, location and
capacity of lounges, lavatories, and the required placards in the
passenger compartment.
b) The airplane must be loaded so that the CG is within specified limits at
all times, considering fuel loading usage, gear retraction and
movement of crew and passengers from their assigned positions.
c) The weights of system fuel and oil, as defined below, and hydraulic
fluid, all of which must be included in the airplane empty weight, are
listed for each airplane in the Weight and Balance Manual specified in
paragraph a. above.
d) System fuel is the weight of all fuel required to fill a lines and tanks up
to zero-fuel point on the fuel gauges in the most critical flight attitude,
including the unusable tank fuel as defined by CASR part 25.959. (The
usable fuel in the cross feed manifold lines, manifolds, and engine that
is not part of the system fuel must be included in the total usable fuel
to obtain correct weight and CG for take-off.)
e) The unusable fuel is that amount of fuel in the tanks which is
unavailable to the engines under critical flight conditions as defined in
CASR Part 25.959. This "unusable" fuel is included in System Fuel as
indicated in paragraph d. above, and need not be accounted for
f) System oil is the weight of all remaining in the engine, constant speed
drive, lines, and tanks after subtracting the oil in the tanks which is
above the standpipe (zero gauge) levels. The engine oil capacities
shown elsewhere in this data sheet include only the usable oil for
which the tanks must be placarded.
Note 4 : For models A319-131 and A319-132, modification 26716 (FM without
ACARS) or 26717 (FM ACARS) is the minimum standard to be qualified
for Cat IIIB precision approach.
All other models are basically qualified for Cat IIIB precision approach.
Note 5: Model conversions:
- If modification 30149 is embodied on A319-113 model powered with
CFM56-5A4 engines, it is converted into A319-114 model, powered with
CFM56-5A5 engines.
- If modification 34281 is embodied on A319-111 model powered with
CFM56-5B5/P engines, it is converted into A319-112 model, powered with
DGCA TCDS A061 Revision 8 Page 26 of 80
CFM56-5B6/P engines.
- If modification 34815 is embodied on A319-132 model powered with
V2524-A5 engines, it is converted into A319-133 model, powered with
V2527M-A5 engines.
- If modification 156502 is embodied on A319-111 model powered with
CFM56-5B5/3 engines, it is converted into A319-112 model, powered with
CFM56-5B6/3 engines.
- If modification 155359 is embodied on A319-131 model powered with
V2522-A5 engines, it is converted into A319-132 model, powered with
V2524-A5 engines.
- If modification 39029 is embodied on A319-112 model powered with
CFM56-5B6/3 engines, it is converted into A319-115 model, powered with
CFM56-5B7/3 engines.
- If modification 39122 is embodied on A319-115 model powered with
CFM56-5B7/3 engines, it is converted into A319-112 model, powered with
CFM56-5B6/3 engines.
- If modification 152186 is embodied on A319-115 model powered with
CFM56-5B7/P or /3 engines, it is converted into A319-111 model, powered
with CFM56-5B5/P or /3 engines.
- If modification 153779 is embodied on A319-111 model powered with
CFM56-5B5/3 or /P engines, it is converted into A319-115 model, powered
with CFM56-5B7/3 or /P engines.
- If modification 39236 is embodied on A319-112 model powered with
CFM56-5B6/3 or /P engines, it is converted into A319-111 model, powered
with CFM56-5B6/3 or /P engines.
2. Date of application for - EASA letter D(2006)CPRO/LAP/5 1244, dated: 7 May 2006 and
Type Certificate D(2006)CPRO/LAP/5 1816, dated 10 July 2006 for extension
Approval :
- AIRBUS letter D00M06007 100, dated: 28 Apr 2006 and
D00M6007538 Issue 2 dated 07 July 2006.
3. Date of Type Certificate 31 August 2006 for model A320-211, A320-212, A320-214, A320-
Issuance : 215, A320-216.
18 April 2007 for model A320 -231, A320 -232, A320 -233.
4. Production conditions A320 aircraft up to and including MSN 0925, with the exception of
those listed below, were produced in Blagnac (France) under
approval P09 issued by DGAC to AIRBUS INDUSTRIE.
A320 aircraft MSN 0844, 0861, 0863, 0868, 0870, 0918, and A320
aircraft from and including MSN 0927 were produced in Blagnac
(France) under approval F.G.035 issued by DGAC to AIRBUS
Hereafter are listed the certification bases for the different A320
models. The amendments made to a particular basis at the occasion
of further A320 model certification are identified per model.:
1.5 JAR AWO Change 1 for auto-land and operations in low visibility.
1.7 For all models Airbus Elect To Comply with 14 CFR Part
25.772(a) and (c) and 25.795 amendment 106 according to CRI
E12 – Reinforced Security Cockpit Door
CS 25 Amdt 2 for
§ 25.253
JAR 25 Chg 15 for
§ 25.1517
Interpretative Material:
CRI E-39 Uncontained Engine Rotor Failure
Note: The original Interpretative material applicable to each model
remains effective.
Acceptable Means of Compliance:
AMC F-14 Flight in icing condition.
Note: AMC F-14 applicability extended from A321/A319/A318 to
A320 with MOD 160500 and 160080.
AMC 20-6 Rev 1 paragraphs related to operation in icing
conditions 8.b.(11) for ice shapes on the Sharklet device.
AMC 20-6 Rev 1 paragraphs related to performance data in the
AFM supplement for ETOPS 8.f.(1) (iii).
AMJ 120-42 for ETOPS for non-affected areas.
Note: This corresponds to the certification basis used for the initial
ETOPS demonstration (refer to A320 CRI G1006).
1.7 Certification basis revised for MOD 156723 issue 1 “Max Pax” by
CRI A-0001-004. For the definition of the affected areas and
requirements please refer to the CRI.
The certification basis is that of the A320-200 equipped with
Sharklets amended by the following:
CS 25 Amdt 13 for
§25.23 §25.489
§25.321 §25.801(d)
§25.331 §25. 803(c)
§25.341(a)(b) §25. 807(g) amended by CRI E-
2107 and demonstrated through
§25.351 §25.1519
§25.473 §25.1529
§25.479(a)(c)(d) amended by §25.1541(a)(b)
SC A-2 for § 25.479(a)
§25.481(a)(c) amended by SC §25.1557(a)
A-2 for § 25.481(a)
JAR 25 change 13
§25 .812(e) §25 .853(a)1 amended by CRI
§25 .812(k)(l)
JAR 25 change 11
§25.305(a)(b) §25.1301
§25.307(a) §25.1351(a)
§25.365(a) §25.1353(a)(b)
§25.561 §25.1359(a)(d)
§25.571(a)(b) §25.1413
§25.787(a)(b) §25.1415(b)(c)(d)
§25.789(a) §25.1431(c)
§25.791 §25.1447(c)(1)
1.8 Certification basis revised for MOD 156723 issue 4 and issue 5
“Max Pax” by CRI A-0001-007. For the definition of the affected
areas and requirements please refer to the CRI.
1.9 Certification basis revised for MOD 158708 issue 1 “Max Pax”
for aircraft with wing tip fence modification (20268 or 21999) by
CRI A-0001-008. For the definition of the affected areas and
requirements please refer to the CRI.
The certification basis is that of the A320-211,-212,-214,-215,-
216,-231,-232,-233 amended by the following:
CS 25 Amdt 17 for
§25.23 §25.489
§25.321 §25.801(d)
§25.331(a)(b)(c1) §25. 803(c)
§25.341(a) §25. 807(g) amended by CRI
E-2107 and demonstrated
through ESF CRI D-01
§25.351 §25.1519
§25.473 §25.1541(a)(b)
§25.479(a)(c)(d) amended by §25.1557(a)
SC A-2 for § 25.479(a)
§25.481(a)(c) amended by SC §25.1529
A-2 for §25.481(a)
JAR 25 change 14
§25.305 (a)(b) §25.341(b)
§25.331(c2) §25.571(a)(b)
JAR 25 change 13
§25.812(e)(1)(2) Amended by §25.812(k)(l)
CRI E-08.
§25.853(a)1 amended by CRI
JAR 25 change 12
1.10 Certification basis revised for MOD 158819 issue 1 “Max Pax for
Sharklet in service retrofit” by CRI A-0001-010.
JAR 25 change 14
§25.305(a)(b) §25.571(a)(b)
JAR 25 change 13
§25.812(e) §25.853(a)1 amended by
CRI D-0306-000
JAR 25 change 12
JAR 25 change 11
§25.307 §25.1351(a)
§25.365(a) §25.1353(a)(b)
§25.561 §25.1357(a)
§25.785 §25.1359(a)(d)
§25.787(a)(b) §25.1413
§25.789(a) §25.1415(b)(c)(d)
§25.791 §25.1431(c)
§25.853(a)(b) §25.1447(c)(1)
1.11 For all models Airbus Elect to Comply to CS 25.562 initial issue
for lmproved Seats in Air Carrier Transport category Airplanes
for cabin and/or passenger seats (E-31)
2. Special Conditions : Reminder : Within the scope of the establishment of the A320 Joint
Certification Basis, three types of special conditions were developed:
2.1 For weight variant 007 and subsequent and for all new models
from and including A320-232, the following A320 Special
Conditions and Interpretative Materials are deleted by application
of JAR 25 amendment 91/1:
2.2 The following Special Conditions have been developed for the
SC-F11 Accelerate-Stop distances and related performances, worn
brakes (see CRI F2012 dated June 4, 1996)
SC-S79 Brakes requirements, qualification and testing (see CRI
SE2003 dated June 4, 1996), for which the requirements
are met by installation of MOD 24946 (Messier-Bugatti
2.3 For A320-233 and all A320-200 with OCTOPUS AFM (see CRI
F2013), the JAR 25 paragraphs are modified following the Elect-
to-comply with SC-F11 and SC-S79
The following JAR Change 11 paragraphs are deleted:
JAR 25x131
JAR 25x132
JAR 25x133
JAR 25x135
JAR 25x1588
2.4 For any new application (new or modified aeroplane system and
associated components) after July 10, 1998, SC/IM-S76 (Effect of
external radiations upon aircraft systems) are superseded by SC/IM-
S76-1 (CRI SE14)
2.5 For any further variant certification after Aug. 10, 1998, the HC-
A.4.5 (Braked roll conditions) is superseded by JAR 25.493(d) at
Change 14 (CRI A7)
2.6 The following special conditions have been developed post Type
2.7 Special Conditions for aircraft equipped with MOD 160500 and
4. Deviations : Optional
ACNS-B-GEN-01 Removal of DM89 MONITORING message from
the required CPDLC downlink messages list
5. Equivalent Safety 5.1 The following paragraphs have been complied with through
Findings : equivalent safety demonstrations:
JAR 25.783 (e) cargo doors (see CRI SM 2005)
JAR 25.783 (f) passenger doors and bulk cargo door (MOD
20029) (see CRI SM 2004 and SM 2007)
JAR 25.813 (c) emergency exits (see CRI E 2105 issue 3
"Type III overwing emergency exit access", seat
cushion height)
JAR 25.807 maximum number of passengers (180 PAX) (see
CRI E 2107 "Passenger extension to 180")
JAR 25.933 (a) thrust reverser autorestow function (see CRI P
JAR 25.791 Passenger information signs (CRI S53)
5.2 The following Equivalent Safety Findings have been developed post
Type Certification:
5.4 Equivalent Safety Findings for aircraft equipped with MOD 156723,
158819 and 158708
The Configuration, Maintenance and Procedure Standards for
extended range twin-engine airplane operations are contained in
ETOPS CMP document reference SA/EASA: AMC 20-6/CMP at
latest applicable revision. Certificated models are A320-211/-212/-
214/-215/-216/-231/-232/-233, with all applicable engines.
Embodiment of modification:
36666 provides ETOPS 120 mn capability for EASA
32009 provides ETOPS 180 mn capability for EASA
Length: 37,57 m
Width: 34,10 m
(if MOD 160500 or 160080 is installed) 35,80 m
Height: 11,76 m
Width at horizontal stabilizer: 12,45 m
Outside fuselage diameter: 3,95 m
Distance between engine axes: 11,51 m
Distance between main landing gear: 7,59 m
Distance between nose and main landing gear: 12,64 m
11. Engines The list below lists the basic engines fitted on the aircraft models.
The notes describe usual names and certified names as well as new
engines variants.
Two CFMI CFM 56-5A1 jet engines (MOD 20141), or
CFM 56-5A1/F jet engines (MOD 23755)
(DGCA-Indonesia Engine TC no.: E037)
See note 5 for usual names and certified names.
Two CFMI CFM 56-5A3 jet engines (MOD 22093)
(DGCA-Indonesia Engine TC no.: E037)
Two CFMI CFM 56-5B5/P jet engines (MOD 25800)
(DGCA-Indonesia Engine TC no.: E038)
Two CFMI CFM 56-5B6/P jet engines (MOD 25800)
(DGCA-Indonesia Engine TC no.: E038)
Two IAE V2500-A1 jet engines (MOD 20165)
(DGCA-Indonesia Engine TC no.: E043)
Two IAE V2527-A5 jet engines (MOD 23008)
(DGCA-Indonesia Engine TC no.: E029 Rev. 1)
Two IAE V2527E-A5 jet engines (MOD 25068)
(DGCA-Indonesia Engine TC no.: E029 Rev. 1)
1. Whereas it is common use to apply the name of CFMI
engines CFM56-5A1 and CFM56-5A1/F, the correct names of
the certified engines are:
- CFM56-5 is the certified engine name, when CFM56-5A1 is
the usual name.
- CFM56-5-A1/F is the certified engine name, when CFM56-
5A1/F is the usual name.
2. A320-211 CFM 56-5A1 engine can be intermixed with CFM 56-
5A1/F engine (MOD 23755) on the same aircraft.
3. From March 31st 2008, there is no longer any CFM56-5B/2
non /P in field or in production. CFM56-5B4/2 engine model
has been removed from CFM56-5B Type Certificate Data
4. If modification 25800 is embodied on models with CFM56-
5B engines, the engine performance is improved. The engine’s
denomination changes to /P. The modification is currently
applicable for:
- A320-214: CFM56-5B4 (SAC) which changes to CFM56-
- CFM 56-5B/"non-P" engine can be intermixed with CFM 56-
5B/P engine on the same aircraft.
Fuel Specification: See installation manual: document CFM 2026 or CFM 2129 or document IAE –
0043 (Note 2).
Kerosene DCSEA (F34) ASTM D 1655 (JET A) DEF STAN 91/91 (AVTUR)
134-D (JETA1) (JET A1)
83133-H iss 7 (JET A1)
Wide cut ASTM D 6615 (JET DEF STAN 91/88 (AVTAG/FSII)
MIL-DTL 5624 (JP 4)**
High flash DCSEA (F-44) MIL-DTL 5624- V (JP 5) DEF STAN 91/86 (AVCAT/FSII)
Point 144-C iss 7
High flash
* For IAE V2500 engines, TS-1 is cleared for transient use (less than 50% of operations)
** JET B and JP 4 fuels are not authorized for use in aircraft fitted with jet pumps
For oil specification:
Engine CFM56- 5B5/P IAE V2500-A1
CFM56- 5B6/P IAE V2527-A5
CFM56-5A1 IAE V2527E-A5
CFM56- 5A3
CFM56- 5B4
CFM56- 5B4/2
Approved Oils SB CFMI 79- 001 See doc IAE 0043
Sect 4.9 (MIL-L-23699)
Refer to Airbus Consumable Material List (CML).
Engine CFM56- 5B5/P IAE V2500-A1
CFM56- 5B6/P IAE V2527-A5
CFM56-5A1 IAE V2527E-A5
CFM56- 5A3
CFM56- 5B4
CFM56- 5B4/2
Approved Specific Operating IAE Standard Practices
Additives Instructions Document & and Processes Manual
CFM SB 73-0182/73-0122
for CIS fuel additives
The above mentioned fuels and additives are also suitable for the APU
Hydraulic fluids: Type IV or Type V - Specification NSA 30.7110.
Landing gear:
VLE - Extended: 280 kt/Mach 0.67
VLO - Extension: 250 kt
Retraction: 220 kt
Tyres limit speed (ground speed): 195.5 kt (225 mph)
16. Flight Envelope Maximum operating altitude:
- 39 100 ft (pressure altitude)
- 39 800 ft (pressure altitude) if modification 30748 is embodied
17. Operating Limitations See the appropriate approved Airplane Flight Manual
Other engine limitations : see the Engine Type Certification Data
Sheet no.: E029
Powerplant (2.2482 lb/daN)
CFMI Engines
Engine CFMI
CFM56- 5B5/P CFM56- 5B6/P CFM56-5A1 CFM56- 5A3 CFM56- 5B4
CFM56-5A1/F CFM56-
(**) 5B4/2
Data sheets DGCA – DGCA – DGCA – DGCA – DGCA –
Indonesia Data Indonesia Data Indonesia Data Indonesia Indonesia
Sheets No. Sheets No. Sheets No. Data Sheets Data Sheets
E037 E038 E037 No. E037 No. E038
Static thrust
at sea level
Take- off (5 9 786 daN 10 453 daN 11 120 daN 11 787 daN 12 010 daN
min)* (22 000 lbs) (23 500 lbs) (25 000 lb) (26 500 lbs) (27 000 lbs)
(Flat rated
30° C)
Maximum 9 008 daN 9 008 daN 10 542 daN 10 542 daN 10 840 daN
continuous (20 250 lbs) (20 250 lbs) (23 700 lbs) (23 700 lbs) (24 370 lbs)
(Flat rated
25° C)
(**): see note 1 chapter 5 for usual names and certified names
(***): see note 3 chapter 5 for engine models no longer in prod/service.
IAE Engines
Engine IAE
IAE V2500-A1 IAE V2527-A5
IAE V2527E-A5
Data sheets DGCA – Indonesia DGCA – Indonesia Data
Data Sheets No.E043 Sheets No.E029 Rev.1
Static thrust
at sea level
1. A320-212 (CFM 56-5A3 engines) - A320-211 (CFM 56-5A1/F engines, see note 1 in Chapter
5 “engines” for usual names and certified names). The maximum permissible gas temperature
at take-off and max continuous is extended to 915° C and 880° C respectively. However, the
ECAM indication remains at 890° C and 855° C.
2. A320-231 with modification 23872 (EGT redline increase for IAE engines):
- for consolidated bump rating operation (MOD 23408), the maximum permissible gas
temperature is extended to 650° C at take-off. The ECAM indication remains at 635° C.
DGCA TCDS A061 Revision 8 Page 47 of 80
- for non rating bump operation, the maximum permissible gas temperature is extended
to 640° C at take-off. The ECAM indication remains at 635° C.
- for maximum continuous and take-off operation, the maximum permissible gas
temperature is extended to 615° C. The ECAM indication remains at 610° C.
3. A320-231 with modification 25000 (FADEC Standard SCN12C for IAE engines):
- for take-off operation, the maximum permissible gas temperature is extended to 650° C. The
ECAM indication remains at 635° C.
- for maximum continuous operation, the maximum permissible gas t emperature is extended
to 625° C. The ECAM indication remains at 610°C.
For a complete list of applicable limitations, see the appropriate EASA approved Airplane Flight
VARIANT 000 001(1) 002 003 005(2) 008(3) (4)
(MOD 20966) 21601) 22269) 21711) 23900)
Max. Ramp Weight 73 900 68 400 70 400 75 900 67 400 73 900
Max. Take-off Weight 73 500 68 000 70 000 75 500 67 000 73 500
Max. Landing Weight 64 500 64 500 64 500 64 500 64 500 64 500
Max. Zero Fuel Weight 60 500 60 500 60 500 60 500 60 500 61 000
Minimum Weight 37 230 37 230 37 230 37 230 37 230 37 230
1. WV001 applicable to A320-215 (and –216) model only from MSN 530 (Introduction of
A320-214 model)
2. WV005 applicable to A320-215 (and –216) models only for a/c having modification
28154 embodied
3. MOD 160500 is approved for WV 008 to WV 019, only.
4. MOD 160080 is approved for WV 008 to 014, 016 & 018-019 only
5. MOD 158708 is approved for WV 011, 012, 016-018 only
24. Maximum Passenger Seating Capacity and associated minimum number of cabin crew
The table below provides the certified Maximum Passenger Seating Capacities (MPSC), the
corresponding cabin configuration (exit arrangement and modifications) and the associated
minimum numbers of cabin crew members used to demonstrate compliance with the
certification requirement:
The Modifications 156723, 158819 or 158708 enables the maximum seating capacity to be
increased from 180 up to 195. These modifications define a virtual envelope of the Layout of
Passenger Accommodations (LOPA) and do not constitute an authorization for the installation of
seats in excess of 180. A separate approval is needed for the installation of the individual
customized cabin layout and the necessary cabin adaptations up to 195 seats.
The second Type III emergency exit can be de-activated by embodiment of modification 35177
(aft overwing exit) or modification 150016 (forward overwing exit). The maximum number of
passengers between any of the overwing exit doors and rear door is 90.
When modification 164024 applies: If modification 35177 or modification 150016 is installed with
modification 156723 or 158708 or 158819 the maximum number of passengers between the overwing
exit doors and the forward or rear door is 100.
For modification 164024 in combination with 150364 the MPSC is 150, the minimum cabin crew is 3.
For A320-211, -212, -231, -232 and –233 models, the embodiment
of modification 37734 leads to change the maintenance program and
its associated Limit of Validity (LoV) from 48,000FC/60,000FH to
37,500FC/80,000FH (whichever occurs first).
For A320-211, -212, -214, -215, -216, -231, -232, -233 models
without sharklets, the embodiment of modification 39020 leads to
change the maintenance program and its associated Limit of
Validity (LoV) from 48,000FC/60,000FH to 60,000FC/120,000FH
(whichever occurs first).
29. Other limitations See approved Flight Manual.
A320-214, -215, -216, -232, -233 are qualified for Cat IIIB precision
approach per basic design definition.
Note 4 : a) Model conversions:
If modification 34647 is embodied on A320-212 model powered
with CFM56-5A3 engines, it is converted into A320-211 model,
powered with CFM56-5A1 engines
If modification 35962 is embodied on A320-211 model powered
with CFM56-5A1 engines, it is converted into A320-212 model,
powered with CFM56-5A3 engines
If modification 153177 is embodied on A320-233 model powered
with IAE V2527EA5 it is converted into A320-232 model,
powered with IAE V2527-A5 engines
If modification 36563 is embodied on A320-216 model powered
with CFM56-5B6/3 or /P engines, it is converted into A320-214
model, powered with CFM56-5B4/3 or /P engines
If modification 36885 is embodied on A320-214 model powered
with CFM56-5B4/3 or /P engines, it is converted into A320-216
model, powered with CFM56-5B6/3 or /P engines
If modification 150847 is embodied on A320-232 model powered
with IAE V2527-A5 engines, it is converted into A320-233
model, powered with IAE V2527E-A5engines
b) A320-216 model results of the embodiment of modification
36311 on A320-214 model.
c) A320-215 model results of the embodiment of modification
36297 on A320-214 model
Note 5 : For noise, A320-215/-216 models are basically compliant with ICAO
Chapter 4 requirement
Note 6 : Installation manuals, operation manuals, maintenance, repair and
overhaul manuals, service bulletins and other documents which
contain a statement that the document is approved by EASA are
accepted by DGCA-Indonesia and considered DGCA-Indonesia
approved unless otherwise noted. This approval pertains to the
Indonesian Type Design / Model Definition only.
4. Production A321 aircraft, all series, all models, were all produced in Hamburg -
conditions Germany - under approval I-A9 (until April 1999) or LBA.G.0009 (since
April 1999) issued by LBA to AIRBUS INDUSTRIE
From July 21st, 2008, A321 aircraft are produced in and Hamburg
(Germany) under approval EASA.21G.0001 issued by EASA to AIRBUS
From March 8th 2016 aircraft are produced in Hamburg (Germany) and
Mobile (USA) under approval EASA.21G.0001 issued by EASA to
From February 3rd 2017 A321 aircraft are produced in Hamburg (Germany)
and Mobile (USA) and delivered from Blagnac (France), Hamburg
(Germany) and Mobile (USA) under approval EASA.21G.0001 issued by
Hereafter are listed the certification bases for the different A321 models. The
amendments made to a particular basis at the occasion of further A321
models certification are identified per model.
The applicable Joint Certification Basis defined in CRI G3001 Issue 4 dated
29/11/93 is:
1.4 JAR AWO Change 1 for autoland and operations in low visibility.
1.5 For the Extended Twin Engine Airplane Operations the applicable
technical conditions are contained in AMC 20-6 (as initially published in
AMJ 120-42/IL 20) and the A321 ETOPS CRI:
CRI G3007 ETOPS One engine inoperative cruise speed.
1.6 For all models, Airbus Elect To Comply with 14CFR Part 25.772(a) and
(c) and 25.795 amendment 106 according to CRI E12– Reinforced
Security Cockpit Door.
1.7 For all models Airbus Elect To Comply to CS25.851(a),(c) at amdt 17
when halon free hand-held fire extinguishers are installed (CRI D-GEN-
1.8 Certification basis revised for MOD 160023 “Sharklet” by CRI A-0001-
CS 25 Amdt 8 for
§ 25.23 § 25.481(a)(c) amended by SC A-2
for § 25.481(a)
§ 25.25 § 25.483
§ 25.117 § 25.485
§ 25.147 § 25.489
§ 25.161 § 25.491
§ 25.177 amended by SC-F16 § 25.571(a)(b)(e)
§ 25.235 § 25.581
§ 25.251 § 25.601
§ 25.301 § 25.603
§ 25.302 § 25.605
§ 25.303 § 25.607
§ 25.305(a)(b)(c)(e)(f) § 25.609
§ 25.307(a)(d) § 25.613
§ 25.321(a)(b)(c)(d) § 25.619
§ 25.331(a)(b)(c) § 25.623
§ 25.333(a)(b) § 25.625
§ 25.335(a)(c)(d)(e)(f) § 25.629
amended by SC A5003 for (b)
and SC A-2 for (e)
§ 25.337 § 25.337
§ 25.341(a)(b) § 25.341(a)(b)
§ 25.343(a)(b) § 25.343(a)(b)
§ 25.345(a)(b)(c)(d) § 25.345(a)(b)(c)(d)
§ 25.349(a)(b) amended by SC § 25.349(a)(b) amended by SC A-
A-2.2.2 for 25.349(a) 2.2.2 for 25.349(a)
§ 25.351 § 25.1385
DGCA TCDS A061 Revision 8 Page 57 of 80
§ 25.365(a)(b)(d) § 25.1387
§ 25.367 § 25.1389
§ 25.371 § 25.1391
§ 25.373 § 25.1393
§ 25.391 § 25.1395
§ 25.393(b) § 25.1397
§ 25.427 § 25.1401
§ 25.445 § 25.1505
§ 25.457 § 25.1511
§ 25.459 § 25.1515
§ 25.471(a)(b) § 25.1527
§ 25.473 § 25.1587
§ 25.479(a)(c)(d) amended by § 25.1591
SC A-2 for § 25.479(a)
CS 25 Amdt 2 for
§ 25.253
JAR 25 Chg 15 for
§ 25.1517
Interpretative Material:
CRI E-39 Uncontained Engine Rotor Failure
Note: The original Interpretative material applicable to each model remains
Acceptable Means of Compliance:
AMC F-14 Flight in icing condition.
Note: AMC F-14 applicability extended from A321/A319/A318 to A320
with MOD 160023.
AMC 20-6 Rev 1 paragraphs related to operation in icing conditions 8.b.(11)
for ice shapes on the Sharklet device.
AMC 20-6 Rev 1 paragraphs related to performance data in the AFM
supplement for ETOPS 8.f.(1) (iii).
AMJ 120-42 for ETOPS for non-affected areas.
Note: This corresponds to the certification basis used for the initial ETOPS
demonstration (refer to A320 CRI G1006).
1.9 Certification basis revised for MOD 157272 “Max Pax” by CRI A-0001-
The certification basis is that of the A321-200 equipped with Sharklets
amended by the following:
CS 25 Amdt 15 for
§25.23 §25.489
§25.321 §25.801(d)
§25.331 §25. 803(c)
§25.341(a)(b) §25. 807(g) amended by CRI E-3001 and
demonstrated through ESF CRI D-02
§25.351 §25.1519
§25.473 §25.1529
§25.479(a)(c)(d) amended by §25.1541(a)(b)
SC A-2 for § 25.479(a)
§25.481(a)(c) amended by SC §25.1557(a)
A-2 for § 25.481(a)
JAR 25 change 13
§25.305(a)(b) §25.812(k)(l)
§25.812(e) §25.853(a)1 amended by CRI D-0306-000
JAR 25 change 12
JAR 25 change 11
§25.307(a) §25.1301
§25.561 §25.1351(a)
§25.571(a)(b) §25.1353(a)(b)
§25.785 §25.1359(a)(d)
§25.787(a)(b) §25.1413
§25.789(a) §25.1415(b)(c)(d)
§25.791 §25.1431(c)
1.10 Certification basis revised for MOD 159536 issue 1 “Max Pax” by CRI A-
CS 25 Amdt 18 for
§25.23 §25.489
§25.321 §25.801(d)
§25.331(a)(b)(c1) §25. 803(c)
§25.341(a) §25. 807(g) amended by CRI E-3001 and
demonstrated through ESF CRI D-02
§25.351 §25.1519
§25.365(a) §25.1529
§25.473 §25.1541(a)(b)
§25.479(a)(c)(d) amended by §25.1557(a)
SC A-2 for § 25.479(a)
§25.481(a)(c) amended by SC
A-2 for § 25.481(a)
JAR 25 Change 14
§25.305(a)(b) §25.571(b2)
§25.331(c2) §25.1357(a)
JAR 25 change 13
§25.812(e) §25.853(a)1 amended by CRI D-0306-000
JAR 25 change 12
JAR 25 change 11
§25.307(a) §25.1351(a)
§25.561 §25.1353(a)(b)
§25.571(a)(b) §25.1357(a)
§25.785 §25.1359(a)(d)
§25.787(a)(b) §25.1413
§25.789(a) §25.1415(b)(c)(d)
§25.791 §25.1431(c)
§25.853(a)(b) §25.1447(c)(1)
1.11 For all models Airbus Elect to Comply to CS 25.562 initial issue for
lmproved Seats in Air Carrier Transport category Airplanes" for cabin and/or
passenger seats (E-31)
1.12 For all models Airbus Elect To Comply with CS-ACNS Subpart B Section
2 Data Link Services, Initial issue
2. Special Reminder: Within the scope of the establishment of the A320 Joint
Conditions: Certification Basis, three types of special conditions were developed:
Special conditions: rose to cover novel or unusual features not
addressed by the JAR.
Experience related conditions: rose to record an agreed text for the A320
Joint Certification Basis when evolution of JAR was in progress under the
NPA procedure.
Harmonization conditions: to record, for the purpose of the A320 Joint
Certification Basis, a common understanding with respect to National
variant. This should not be confused with the FAA/JAA harmonised
2.1 The following A320 Special Conditions, Experience Related Conditions
and Harmonization Conditions are deleted:
a. Further to application of the updated requirements of above
paragraphs (a) and (b) :
HC-F103 ASD-TOD-TOR on wet runways
HC-F114 Approach and Target Threshold Speeds
EC-A.3.6.1 High Lift Devices
SC-A.4.3 Tuned Gust Loads (UK)
HC-A.4.4 Manoeuvre Loads - High Lift Devices Deployed
HC-S61 Design Landing Brake Kinetic Energy
HC-S62 Rejected Take-Off Brake Kinetic Energy
IM-AMC-F101 Wet Runway Friction Characteristics
IM-F103 ASD-TOD-TOR on Wet Runways
IM-A38 Discrete Gust Requirements
AMC-A43 Tuned Gust Loads (UK)
Stalling and Scheduled Operating
SC-F1 and IM-F1 (CRI F3001)
SC-F10 (CRI F3002) Accelerate - Stop Distance
Static Longitudinal Stability (low
IM-F4 (CRI F3003)
energy awareness)
Computerized Airplane Flight
IM-F12 (CRI F3004)
IM-F13 (CRI F3005) Landing Distance Extrapolation
SC-A1 and IM-A1 (CRI A3001) Interaction of Systems and Structure
Stalling Speeds for Structural
SC-A2 (CRI A3002)
IM-A3 (CRI A3003) Rapid Decompression
Crashworthiness of Fuel Tanks
IM-A4 (CRI A3004)
outside the fuselage
SC-P1 and IM-P1 (CRI P3001) FADEC
IM-P2 (CRI P3003) Nacelle Cowling Resistance to Fire
SC-E1 and IM-E1 (CRI E3005) Resistance to Fire Terminology
AMC-E2 (CRI E3006) Emergency Evacuation
SC-E3 (CRI E3001) Exit Configuration
IM-E4 (CRI E3002) Reclassification of door 2 and 3
to Type III
IM-S78 Low altitude autopilot engagement
SC-S79 and IM-S79 Brakes requirements qualification and testing
2.3 The following A320 Special Conditions and Interpretative Material are
validated for A321 :
SC-G17 (F) Operational proving flights
SC-G17 (G) Operational flight for certification
SC-F3 Cockpit Control - motion and effect of cockpit
SC-F4 Static Longitudinal Stability
SC-F6 Static Directional and Lateral Stability
SC-F7/IM-F7 Flight Envelope Protection
SC-F8 Normal Load Factor Limiting
SC-F9 Dual Control System
AMC-F116 Take-off Speeds VMU
SC-A.2.2.2/IM-A.2.2.2 Design Manoeuvre requirement
SC-A.2.2.3/IM-A.2.2.3 Design Dive Speed
AMC-A23 Composite Aircraft Structure
IM-A313 Composite Turbulence - use of calculation
IM-A37 Emergency Landing Conditions and Landing
IM-A39 Discrete Source Damage
HC-A.4.5/IM-A.4.5 Brake Roll Conditions
HC-A.4.6 Speed control device
AMC-S1 Digital Equipment
AMC-S5 Electrical bonding and lightning protection
(direct effects)
SC-S11 Limit pilot forces and torques
IM-S13 Standby gyroscopic horizon
IM/AMC-S14 Electrical flight controls (manual flight)
Note: All other original Special Conditions applicable to each model remain
5. Equivalent Safety 5.1 The following paragraphs JAR 25 have been complied with through
Findings : equivalent safety demonstration :
JAR 25.783 (f) passenger doors and bulk door (see CRI SM
3001, SM 3002 and SM 3004)
JAR 25.933 for thrust reverser autorestow function (see
CRI P 3008).
5.2 The following Equivalent Safety Findings have been developed post
Type Certification:
FAR 25.856(b) Fuselage burnthrough protection in bilge area
(see CRI E-32).
If modifications 150700, and 37270 (with
CLS option only), 37048 and 36985 are
embodied in production on A318, A319, A320,
or A321 airplanes, the airplane is compliant
with Fuselage Flame Penetration
“Burnthrough” requirements addressed by
paragraph 14 CFR Part 25.856(b) Amdt 25-
111 (See CRI E-28).
5.3 Equivalent Safety Findings for aircraft equipped with MOD 160023
CS25.1419(c) F-19 Flight in natural icing condition
Note: The original ESFs applicable to each model remain effective.
5.4 Equivalent Safety Findings for aircraft equipped with MOD 157272 and
CS25.807(g) D-02 Over-performing Type I exit
8. ETOPS The Type Design, system reliability and performance of A321 models were
found capable for Extended Range Operations when configured, maintained
and operated in accordance with the current revision of the ETOPS
Configuration, Maintenance and Procedures (CMP) document, SA/EASA:
AMC 20-6/CMP.
The Configuration, Maintenance and Procedure Standards for extended
range twin-engine airplane operations are contained in ETOPS CMP
document reference SA/EASA: AMC 20-6/CMP at latest applicable
revision. Certificated models are A321-111/-112/-131/-211/-212/-213/ 231/-
232, with all applicable engines.
Embodiment of modification:
36666 provides ETOPS 120 mn capability for EASA
32009 provides ETOPS 180 mn capability for EASA
9. Equipment A321-111
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
List ref. 00E000A0007/C1S
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
List ref. 00E000A0006/C1S.
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
List ref. 00E000A0004/C0S
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
List ref. 00E000A0211/C0S.
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
List ref. 00E000A0212/C0S.
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
List ref. 00E000A0213/C0S.
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
List ref. 00E000A0231/COS.
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification Standard
List ref. 00E000A0232/C0S.
The type design definitions and certification standard equipment lists are
complemented by doc. 00D000A0546/C0S “A319-100/A321-200 FMGC
DGCA TCDS A061 Revision 8 Page 66 of 80
Type Std Evolution”.
Cabin furnishings, equipment and arrangement shall be in conformance
to the following specifications:
Cabin seats 2521M1F10000 Iss 4
Galleys 2530M1F000900 Iss 2
10. Dimensions
Principal dimensions of A321 Aircraft:
- Length: 44,51 m
- Width: 34,10 m
(If mod 160023 installed) 35,80m
- Height: 11,76 m
- Width at horizontal stabilizer: 12,45 m
- Outside fuselage diameter: 3,95 m
- Distance between engine axes: 11,51 m
- Distance between main landing gear: 7,59 m
- Distance between nose and main landing gear: 16,91 m
11. Engines The list below lists the basic engines fitted on the aircraft models. The notes
describe usual names and certified names as well as new engines variants.
Two CFMI CFM 56-5B1 jet engines (MOD 23083), or
CFM 56-5B1/2 jet engines (MOD 24404)
(DGCA-Indonesia Engine TC no.: E038 Rev.1)
Two CFMI CFM 56-5B2 engines (MOD 23152)
(DGCA-Indonesia Engine TC no.: E038 Rev.1)
Two IAE V2530 - A5 jet engines (MOD 22989)
(DGCA -Indonesia Engine TC no.: E029 Rev.1)
Two CFMI CFM 56-5B3/P jet engines (MOD 26359 + 25800), or
CFM 56-5B3/2P jet engines (MOD 27640)
(DGCA-Indonesia Engine TC no.: E038 Rev. 1)
Two CFMI CFM 56-5B1 jet engines (MOD 23083), or
CFM 56-5B1/2 jet engines (MOD 24404)
(DGCA-Indonesia Engine TC no.: E038 Rev. 1)
Two CFMI CFM 56-5B2 engines (MOD 23152)
(DGCA-Indonesia Engine TC no.: E038 Rev. 1)
Two IAE V2533-A5 jet engines (MOD 25643)
(DGCA-Indonesia Engine TC no.: E029 Rev. 1)
Two IAE V2530 - A5 jet engines (MOD 22989).
(DGCA-Indonesia Engine TC no.: E029 Rev. 1)
CFM 56-5B/2 "non P" (DAC) engine can be intermixed with CFM 56-
5B/2P (DAC II C) engine on the same aircraft (AFM supplement).
CFM 56-5B/P or /"non-P" (SAC) engine can be intermixed with
CFM 56-5B/2P (DAC II C) engine on the same aircraft (AFM
3. From March 31st 2008, there is no longer any CFM56-5B1 non /P
in field or in production.
4. From March 31st 2008, there is no longer any CFM56-5B1/2 non
/P in field or in production.
5. A321-111 CFM 56-5B1 engine can be intermixed with CFM 56-
5B1/2 engine (MOD 24404) on the same aircraft (AFM supplement).
6. CFM56-5B3/P (SAC) engine (MOD 26359 + 25800) can be
intermixed with CFM56-5B3/2P (DAC II C PIP) engine (MOD
27640) on the same aircraft (AFM supplement).
7. Introduction of CFM56-5Bx/3 “Tech Insertion” engine is done through
embodiment of modification 37147 in production or 38770 in field. This
modification is only applicable on CFM56-5Bx/P SAC engines.
If modification 37147 is embodied on models with CFM-5B
engines the engine denomination changes to /3.
The modification is currently applicable for:
A321-111: CFM 56-5B1 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B1/3
A321-112: CFM 56-5B2 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B2/3
A321-211: CFM 56-5B3 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B3/3
A321-212: CFM 56-5B1 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B1/3
A321-213: CFM 56-5B2 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B2/3
The engine characteristics remain unchanged.
High flash
* For IAE engines, TS-1 is cleared for transient use (less than 50% of operations)
For oil specification:
CFM56-5B1 (**) V2530-A5
CFM56-5B1/2 (**) V2533-A5
CFM56-5B3 (/P only)
Approved Oils See SB CFMI 79-001-OX See Doc IAE 0043 Sect 4.9 (MIL-L 23 699)
(**): see notes 3 and 4 in chapter 5 for engine models no longer in prod/service.
Refer to Airbus Consumable Material List (CML) and CFM SB 73-0122 or IAE Standard
Practices and Processes Manual for CIS fuel additives. The above mentioned fuels and additives are
also suitable for the APU.
Hydraulic fluids: Type IV or Type V Specification NSA 30.7110
1. On series A321-200 equipped with CFM engines, introduction of standard of wingbox
without dry bay (modification 38616) will increase the fuel capacity by 350 liters.
2. On the series A321-200, one Additional Center Tank (ACT) in bulk version is defined by
DGCA TCDS A061 Revision 8 Page 70 of 80
modification 25453 (high pressure system). Its approval together with structural and system
provisions is subject of Major Change E2-001 (compliance to CRI P9).
3. On the series A321-200, one or two Additional Center Tanks (ACT) in bulk version are
defined by modification 30422 (low pressure system). Their approval together with
structural and system provisions is subject of Major Change E2-002 (compliance to CRI
15. Airspeed
Limits - Maximum Operating Mach (MMO): 0,82
(Indicated - Maximum Operating Speed (VMO): 350 kt
Airspeed – IAS - Maneuvering Speed (VA): see Limitations Section of the EASA
– unless approved Flight Manual
otherwise - Extended Flaps/Slats Speed (VFE): see table below
Configuration Slats/Flaps VFE (kt)
1 18/0 230 ** Intermediate approach
18/10 215 ** Take-off
2 22/14 205 Take-off and approach
3 22/21 195 Take-off, approach, landing
Full 27/25 19 Landing
* See note 1 ** See note 2
Landing gear:
VLE - Extended: 280 kt/Mach 0.67
VLO - Extension: 250 kt
Retraction: 220 kt
Tyres limit speed (ground speed): 195.5 kt (225 mph)
1. If FWC Standard D2 and FAC Standard BAM 0510 are fitted on A321
aircraft, VFE speed in Configuration 2 is increased from 205 kts to 215
kts (as identified by speed limitation placard installed by modification
2. On the series A321-200, Weight Variant 001, 002 & 011, VFE speed in
Configuration 1 is increased from 230 to 235 kts, and in Configuration
1+F increased from 215 to 225 kts (as identified by speed limitation
placard installed by modification 28960 or 28721).
17. Operating See the appropriate EASA approved Airplane Flight Manual
For a complete list of applicable limitations, see the appropriate EASA approved Airplane Flight
VARIANT 000 001 002 003 004 005 006
28960) 28721) 31613) 31614) 27553) 31616)
Max. Ramp Weight 89 400 93 400 89 400 91 400 87 400 85 400 83 400
Max. Take-off Weight 89 000 93 000 89 000 91 000 87 000 85 000 83 000
Max. Landing Weight 75 500 77 800 77 800 77 800 75 500 75 500 75 500
Max. Zero Fuel Weight 71 500 73 800 73 800 73 800 71 500 71 500 71 500
Minimum Weight 47 500 47 500 47 500 47 500 47 500 47 500 47 500
The Modifications 157272 or 159536 enables the maximum seating capacity to be increased
from 220 up to 230. This modification defines a virtual envelope of the Layout of Passenger
Accommodations (LOPA) and does not constitute an authorization for the installation of seats
in excess of 220. A separate approval is needed for the installation of the individual
customized cabin layout and the necessary cabin adaptations up to 230 seats.
Note: For A321-211, -212, -213, -231, -232 models without sharklets, the
embodiment of modification 154881 leads to change the maintenance
program and its associated Limit of Validity (LoV) from
48,000FC/60,000FH to 37,000FC/74,000FH (whichever occurs first).
29. Other See on the Approved Flight Manual.
30. Weight and Airbus Compliance Document 00E80A0001/C1S
31. Import The Indonesia airworthiness certification basis for aircraft type certificated
Requirements under CASR Part 21, section 21.29, exported by country of manufacture is
section 21.183(c) or 21.185(c). The Indonesia airworthiness certification basis
for aircraft type certificated under section 21.29 exported from countries other
than the country of manufacture (e.g., third party country) is section 21.183(d)
or 21.185(b).
For eligible aircraft with previous time in service, the airframe, engine total
time and time since overhaul, where appropriate, must be furnished. In
addition, the status of all life limited components must also be furnished. All
modification embodied in the aircraft need the DGCA-Indonesia review
prior issuance of Indonesian Standard Airworthiness Certificate.
All other models are basically qualified for Cat IIIB precision approach.
Note 3 :
DOOR 2 and/or DOOR 3 may be derated to Type III.
Note 4 : Models conversion:
If modification 34368 is embodied on A321-111 model powered with
CFM56-5B1/2P engines, it is converted into A321-211 model, powered
with CFM56- 5B3/2P engines.
If modification 34818 is embodied on A321-211 model powered with
CFM56-5B3/P engines, it is converted into A321-212 model, powered
with CFM56-5B1/P engines.
If modification 35252 is embodied on A321-212 model powered with
CFM56-5B1/P engines, it is converted into A321-211 model, powered
with CFM56-5B3/P engines.
If modification 35718 is embodied on A321-131 model powered with
V2530-A5 engines, it is converted into A321-231 model, powered with
V2533-A5 engines.
If modification 37836 is embodied on A321-232 model powered with
DGCA TCDS A061 Revision 8 Page 76 of 80
V2530-A5 engines, it is converted into A321-231 model, powered with
V2533-A5 engines
If modification 155204 is embodied on A321-211 model powered with
CFM56-5B3/P engines, it is converted into A321-213 model, powered
with CFM56-5B2/P engines
Note 5 : Installation manuals, operation manuals, maintenance, repair and overhaul
manuals, service bulletins and other documents which contain a statement
that the document is approved by EASA are accepted by DGCA-Indonesia
and considered DGCA-Indonesia approved unless otherwise noted. This
approval pertains to the Indonesian Type Design / Model Definition only.
5 27.06.2013 • MOD 160500 sharklets A319 & model inclusion. Pages 4, 26.01.2015
7, 8, 19, 24, 27, 28, 37, 38
• E12 reinforced cockpit door. Pages 9, 45
• Inclusion of Elect-to-Comply E12 for all models. Pages 9,
28, 48
• Inclusion of SC E1005 for A320 models. Page 25
• Inclusion of SC E13 for all models. Pages 7, 27, 47
• Inclusion of ESF E14 for all models. Pages 8, 28, 48
• Inclusion of ESF E16 for all models. Pages 8, 28, 48
• Inclusion of ESF E18 for all models. Pages 8, 28, 48
• Inclusion of ESF SE42 for all models. Pages 8, 28, 48
• Inclusion of ESF S53 for A320 models. Page 10
• Moving SC E10 to Post-TC SC section. Pages 7, 27, 47
• Inclusion of A321 mod 160023. Pages 43, 48, 56
• Inclusion of A321 WV 10 for A321-211 & A231-231. Page
• Extension of the applicability of mod 160500. Pages 4, 7, 8,
19, 24, 27, 28, 37, 38
• SC E13 inflatable restraints. Page 7, 27, 47
• ESF SE42 symbolic EXIT signs. Pages 8, 28, 48
• MOD 160023 sharklets A321. Pages 43, 48, 56
• F-0311 Data Link Recording. Pages 7, 27, 47
D-0329-001 Fwd Facing seats with more than 18 deg to a/c
centerline. Pages 8, 28,48
• D0322-001 Introduction of suite type seating. Pages 7, 27,
• ESF F20 & F21 Gaseous Oxygen. Pages 8, 28, 48
• WV restriction MOD 160023. Pages 43, 48, 56
• A319 eng model note correction. Pages 10
• Addition of hydraulic type V for all model. Pages 13, 32, 50
• A320 LOV note amended due to MOD 39020. Page 35
• Correction of VFE flap setting for A320 equipped with
engine IAE. Page 29
• Inclusion of SC F-0311 for all models. Pages 7, 27, 47
• Inclusion of SC E-48 for all models. Pages7, 27, 47
• Inclusion of ESF D-0329-001 for all models. Pages 8, 28,
• Inclusion of SC D-0322-001 for all models. Page 27
• Inclusion of ESF F-20 for all models. Pages 8, 28, 48
• Inclusion of ESF F-21 for all models. Pages 8, 28, 48
• Extension of MOD 160023 approval. Pages 27, 43, 48, 56