SWD20 - Net - Guide To Stormtroopers
SWD20 - Net - Guide To Stormtroopers
SWD20 - Net - Guide To Stormtroopers
Net.Guide To
Written and Developed by
StaR waRS
Net.Guide To
Stormtroopers CONTENTS
6 Spacetrooper
DISCLAIMER 7 Seatrooper
8 Royal Guardsman
The contents of the document are the sole possession and property of the author, Jim Williams
(henceforth referred to as the Author) and Jude "Judas" Simon, Khairul Hisham, "Baron" Bob
Rodgers (henceforth referred to as the Artists) unless otherwise noted. Distribution, reproduction, or
display other than on SWRPGNetwork (henceforth referred to as the Site) is forbidden-permission
9 Storm Commando
granted upon request and contingent on the Author's approval.
Reproduction with the intent of sale, or actual sale is, according to United States Copyright law, 10 Stormtrooper Officer PrC
an infringement on George Lucas et al, being a challenge to commercial viability of Star Wars:
The Roleplaying Game by West End Games/Wizards of the Coast (henceforth referred to as the
Game). 11 Stormtrooper Officer
The files within this document are not for sale, and are designed and presented for use by private Battalion Commander
parties using the Game. Use of material releases the Author of any and all liability concerning any
challenge to LucasFilm, Ltd., and their copyright laws where concerned, as a result of any action Legion Commander
of a user/viewer of the material.
Any files owned by the Author found on other locations on the internet or in print without 12 Chain of Command
permission or knowledge of the Author is considered (by law) copyright infringement, and those
responsible will be pursued as per the maximum extent of the law of the United States of America, Stormtrooper Tactics
and/or International Copyright laws, including (but not restricted to) the Berne Convention, the
Universal Copyright Conventions, and the Uruguay Round Agreement (WTO). Boarding Operations
Where not covered in the following, should a copyright contest occur, the Author will FULLY YIELD
Order of Battle
to the letter of the law with no contest: Ships
STAR WARS and 2000 Lucasfilm, Ltd. Title, character, and place names protected by all
applicable trademark laws. All rights reserved. Used without authorization, and will be removed
promptly upon request with no contest on the part of the Author.. The material contained herein is
13 Weapons: BlasTech E-11
unofficial, and is not intended for sale. It in no way can be deemed a contest of the rights and Weapons: Grenades
ownership of Lucasfilm, Ltd., or licenses thereof, including West End Games/Wizards of the Coast.
Skills: Command (Cha)
Any logos, titles, and other iconography associated with Star Wars used for identification purposes
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Where not covered above, all material written by the Author is presented by the auspices of the
14 Frequently Asked Questions
Fair Use sections of the United States Copyright Law, as the only thing non-original to the Author is
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threat or challenge to the commercial viability of Lucasfilm, Ltd., or licenses thereof, including
West End Games/Wizards of the Coast. In accordance with Fair Use, the author does indeed
claim sole copyright, thus removing all material contained on the website from "public domain".
Stormtroopers are the highly trained, elite shocktroops of the Class Features
Empire. While only a small number have the independent will
and destiny to be Soldiers, the Thug class fails to capture the Starting feats
high motivation and deadly skill of these unstoppable, merciless Stormtrooper Immunities SQ (bribes, blackmail attempts,
warriors for the Empire. While widely despised in later years for seduction attempts)
their policies and practices, historians and military leaders alike Infamy (only while in armor)
have had favorable analyses for the fighting capability of the Weapon Group Proficiency (heavy weapons)
Imperial stormtrooper.
Bonus feat
Requirements At 2nd level, and every even-numbered level thereafter,
To qualify, the character must fulfill the following criteria: stormtroopers receive a bonus feat from the following list:
Feats: Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistol, blaster rifle, Armor Familiarity, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Point Blank Shot,
and simple weapons), Armor proficiency (light and medium). Precise Shot, Toughness, and Weapon Focus.
Special: Must be Human and Thug (1st level only) and trained
at a campaign-specific stormtrooper reeducation institute (or Run (limited)
clonetrooper if campaign-appropriate). Cannot be any higher At 7th level, The Stormtrooper's Speed is 10 meters when
than 1st level. wearing his armor due to long experience in wearing it in the
field and in battle.
Game Rule Information
Vitality: the Stormtrooper receives no vitality. Increased Cooperation
Due to their training, internal comlinks, and rigid adherence
Class Skills to command, stormtroopers can increase the number of
The Stormtrooper's class skills are: coordinating attackers from 6 to 7 for a maximum bonus of +6
Command (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Int), Pilot to one attack roll.
(Dex), Profession (Wis).
Skill points at each level: 2 + INT modifier (includes Human Note: Stormtrooper armor is medium armor, not powered, for
bonus) the entries below.
Note: The stats below account for the stormtrooper's armor The stormtrooper below is an example of the typical trooper on
and feats that would affect performance at all times. garrison at Endor or grouped together by a Grand Admiral for
specific operation not quite requiring the expertise of a Storm
The typical stormtrooper is a dangerous foe and not to be Commando platoon.
underestimated. Although lacking the flexibility to perform most
duties, the stormtrooper fresh out of drop camp excels at carrying Elite Stormtrooper Male Human Thug 1/Stormtrooper 10; Init
out a frontal assault. While stormtrooper casualties may be high, +1 (+1 Dex); Defense 16 (+5 class, +1 Dex); Spd 10m; VP/WP -
stormtroopers' opponents usually value their lives more than /18; Atk +12/+7 melee (1d3+1, unarmed) or +12/+7 or
victory and break in the face of the stormtroopers' sustained +8/+8/+3/-2 ranged (3d8/19-20 or DC 18 stun, blaster rifle); SQ
attack. DR 5 armor, Immunities, Increased Cooperation, Run (limited);
SV Fort +9/+11(against hostile environments); Ref +3, Will +3;
Stormtrooper Male Human Thug 1/Stormtrooper 3; Init +0; SZ M; FP 0; DSP 4; Rep +5*; STR 12, DEX 12, CON 12, INT
Defense 13 (+3 class); Spd 8m; VP/WP -/15; Atk +5 melee 10, WIS 10, CHA 10; Challenge Code D.
(1d3+1, unarmed) or +5 or +1/+1 ranged (3d8/19-20 or DC 18 Equipment: Stormtrooper armor, blaster rifle, 3 grenades (2
stun, blaster rifle); SQ DR 5 armor, Immunities, Increased frag, 1 stun), utility belt.
Cooperation; SV Fort +5/+7(against hostile environments); Ref Skills: Climb +2, Command +6, Diplomacy -5, Gather
+1, Will +0; SZ M; FP 0; DSP 1; Rep +3*; STR 12, DEX 11, Information +5, Hide -2, Intimidate +6/+11*, Jump +2,
CON 12, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 10; Challenge Code B. Knowledge (military) +8, Listen +2, Move Silently -2,
Equipment: Stormtrooper armor, blaster rifle, 3 grenades (2 Profession (stormtrooper) +8, Spot +2.
frag, 1 stun), utility belt. Feats: Armor Familiarity, Armor Proficiency (light, medium),
Skills: Climb +1, Command +2, Diplomacy -4, Gather Dodge, Great Fortitude, Infamy, Point Blank Shot, Toughness
Information +4, Hide -2, Intimidate +4/+7*, Jump +1, (X2), Weapon Focus (blaster rifle, grenade), Weapon Group
Knowledge (military) +4, Listen +2, Move Silently -2, Proficiencies (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy weapons,
Profession (stormtrooper) +4, Spot +2. simple weapons).
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Infamy, Toughness,
Weapon Focus (blaster rifle), Weapon Group Proficiencies
(blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy weapons, simple weapons).
Snowtrooper Male Human Thug 1/Stormtrooper 5; Init +0;
Defense 14 (+4 class); Spd 8m; VP/WP -/15; Atk +7/+2 melee
(1d3+1, unarmed) or +7/+2 or +3/+3/-2 ranged (3d8/19-20 or
Cold Assault Stormtroopers, or snowtroopers, are able to operate DC 18 stun, blaster rifle); SQ DR 5 armor, Immunities, Increased
in extremely low temperatures (-100 degrees Imperial).
Cooperation; SV Fort +6/+8(against hostile
Depending on the size of a particular stormtrooper unit,
environments)/+12(cold temperatures); Ref +2, Will +1; SZ M;
snowtroopers may pull double duty as a sandtrooper and simply
FP 0; DSP 2; Rep +3*; STR 12, DEX 11, CON 12, INT 10, WIS
change armor as needed or be part of a dedicated Cold Assault
10, CHA 10; Challenge Code C.
Stormtrooper Legion. Like sandtroopers, snowtroopers are culled
Equipment: Stormtrooper armor with terrain grip boots and
from the ranks of experienced stormtroopers and given
detachable snowshoes, blaster rifle, 3 grenades (2 frag, 1 stun),
additional training to facilitate operations in extreme
utility belt.
Skills: Climb +1, Command +4, Diplomacy -3, Gather
Information +3, Hide -2, Intimidate +6/+9*, Jump +1,
Knowledge (military) +4, Listen +2, Move Silently -2,
Profession (stormtrooper) +4, Spot +2, Survival +3.
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Infamy, Point Blank
Shot, Skill Emphasis (Survival), Toughness, Weapon Focus
(blaster rifle), Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols,
blaster rifles, heavy weapons, simple weapons).
Scouttrooper Male Human Thug 1/Stormtrooper 3; Init +1;
Defense 14 (+3 class, +1 Dex); Spd 8m; VP/WP -/11; Atk +5
melee (1d3+1, unarmed) or +5 or +1/+1 ranged (3d6/20 or DC
While stormtrooper units have always carried the distinction of 15 stun, blaster pistol); SQ DR 3 armor, Immunities, Increased
keeping themselves free of logistical and support units, even
Cooperation; SV Fort +4/+6(against hostile environments); Ref
legions need a branch dedicated to reconnaissance and patrol.
+2, Will +0; SZ M; FP 0; DSP 1; Rep +3*; STR 12, DEX 12,
Scouttroopers typically ride speeder bikes to fulfill their mission
CON 11, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 10; Challenge Code B.
Equipment: Scouttrooper armor (see below), blaster pistol, 3
grenades (2 frag, 1 stun), utility belt.
Skills: Climb +1, Diplomacy -3, Gather Information +3,
Intimidate +4/+7*, Hide -1, Jump +1, Knowledge (military) +4,
Listen +2, Move Silently -1, Pilot +7, Profession (stormtrooper)
+2, Spot +5.
Feats: Armor Familarity, Armor Proficiency (light and medium),
Infamy, Skill Emphasis (Spot), Weapon Group Proficiencies
(blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy weapons, simple weapons).
Scouttrooper Armor
Zero-G Assault Stormtroopers are used to conduct hostile Miscellaneous: Spacetrooper armor comes equipped with
boarding actions during space battles. Despite their heavy armor activated magnetic attachments on feet and hands to allow
and firepower, Spacetroopers often take enormous casualties and gripping to the surface of a starship. The "Break DC" for the
are only used in extreme situations. attachment that needs to be exceeded by a Pilot (counts as a
Stunt), Move Object, or STR check is 30. +2 is added to the DC
for each attachment point after the first.
Spacetrooper Male Human Thug 1/Stormtrooper 6; Init +0;
Defense 14 (+4 class); Spd 30m/4m (walking); VP/WP -/15; SQ Note: The grenade launcher, blaster cannon, and boarding torch
DR 15 armor, Immunities, Increased Cooperation; SV Fort are personal-scale weapons with the exception that the boarding
+6/+12(against hostile environments); Ref +2, Will +1; SZ M; torch can reduce the DR or Hardness of any scale vehicle or
FP 0; DSP 1; Rep +3*; STR 12, DEX 11, CON 12, INT 10, WIS starship, but only in a localized area. The mini-proton torpedo
10, CHA 10; Challenge Code F. launcher is primarily a weapon used for space combat, but both
Equipment: Spacetrooper armor (see below). attack modifiers are given along with a range increment if used
Skills: Command +2, Intimidate +5/+8*, Knowledge in personal combat. The torpedo explodes with a blast radius of
(military) +4, Listen +2, Pilot +6, Profession (stormtrooper) 15 meters and requires a DC 25 Reflex saving throw to take ½
+4, Spot +2. damage. The torpedoes are a direct-fire weapon and do not have
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium, powered, heavy), to, nor are they capable of "locking-on". The mini-proton
Infamy, Point Blank Shot, Toughness, Weapon Focus (blaster torpedo launcher can affect both character scale and starship
rifle), Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, blaster scale targets. As personal armor, Spacetrooper armor has a Max
rifles, heavy weapons, simple weapons), Zero-G Operations. Dex bonus of -1.
Aquatic Assault Troopers are tasked with enforcing the Seatrooper Armor
Emperor's will on the multitude of planets that have vast oceans
and even underwater civilizations. Their specially modified Armor Type: Medium armor
blaster rifle is carried in the event they perform amphibious Cost: 6,000
operations that allow it to be used. Maximum Dex Bonus: +2
Speed: 8m
Availability: Restricted
Seatrooper Male Human Thug 1/Stormtrooper 5; Init +0; Proficiency: Medium
Defense 14 (+4 class); Spd 8m; VP/WP -/15; Atk +7/+2 melee DR: 3
(1d3+1, unarmed) or +7/+2 or +3/+3/-2 (3d8/19-20 or DC 15 Armor Check Penalty: -2
stun, blaster rifle or +7 (2d6/20, speargun); SQ DR 5 armor, Weight: 6kg
Immunities, Increased Cooperation; SV Fort +6/+8(against Era: Rebellion primarily
hostile environments); Ref +2, Will +1; SZ M; FP 0; DSP 1; Rep Seatrooper armor is SCUBA-capable with an emergency
+3*; STR 12, DEX 11, CON 12, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 10; rebreather (see Aquata Breather, pg. 140 RCRB); +4 to Swim
Challenge Code C. checks and +1m to Speed when Swimming (3m for move action,
Equipment: Seatrooper armor with detachable fins, blaster 5m for full-round action).
rifle/speargun with 50 bolts, utility belt.
Skills: Climb +0, Command +2, Diplomacy -3, Gather
Information +3, Hide -2, Intimidate +4/+7*, Jump +0,
Knowledge (military) +5, Listen +2, Move Silently -2,
Profession (stormtrooper) +5, Spot +2, Swim +6.
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Infamy, Point Blank
Shot, Skill Emphasis (Swim), Toughness, Weapon Focus (blaster
rifle), Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, blaster rifles,
heavy weapons, simple weapons).
Blaster speargun
GUARDSMAN Class Features
Starting feats
The Royal Guardsman receives the following starting feats:
These dangerous men were bodyguards for the Emperor himself. Echani
When not acting in that capacity, Emperor Palpatine sent them Exotic Weapon Proficiency (force pike).
on specific missions to enforce his will or protect his assets. Additionally, the Royal Guardsman is considered to have
Two-Weapon Fighting and Ambidexterity when using a force
pike or unarmed.
To qualify, the character must fulfill the following criteria: Precise Shot
Base Attack Bonus: +4 At 2nd level, The Royal Guardsman receives the Precise Shot
Skills: Intimidate 8 ranks, Spot 4 ranks, Sense Motive 4 feat.
ranks, and Treat Injury 4 ranks.
Feats: Improved Initiative and Immunities. Imperial Guard
Special: Must have served as an Imperial stormtrooper, have At 3rd level, the fanatical devotion of the Royal Guardsman
3 DSPs and be a Bodyguard 1st level or higher.. allows him to fight to the death and ignore the consequences
of his Wounds until he reaches -10 Wounds and dies. To use
Game Rule Information this ability, the Royal Guardsman must be in sight of the
Vitality: the Royal Guardsman gains 1d10 + CON modifier Emperor.
vitality points per level.
Class Skills Equipment: Force Pike
The Royal Guardsman's class skills are as follows: The force pike in the hands of a Royal Guardsman is a far
Climb (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), deadlier weapon due to their special training with it. A Royal
Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), R/W Language, Search (Int), Guardsman, or anyone who learns the Exotic Weapon
Sense Motive (Wis), Speak language, Spot (Wis), and Treat Proficiency feat (force pike), is capable of using it as a double
Injury (Wis). weapon. The second weapon is considered off-hand, light, and
Skill points at each level: 4 + INT modifier does 1d6 damage with a critical threat of 20.
Royal Guardsman Male Human Soldier 4, Bodyguard 1, Royal Skills: Climb +5, Demolitions +1, Diplomacy -6, Gather
Guardsman 3, Elite Trooper 2; Init +7 (+3 Dex, +4 feat); Defense Information +6, Hide +7, Intimidate +9/+15*, Jump +6,
22 (+9 class, +3 Dex); Spd 10m; VP/WP 80/15; Atk +13/+8 or Knowledge (tactics) +7, Knowledge (military) +7, Listen +5,
+11/+11/+6 (1d4+3/20, unarmed) or +14/+9 (2d8+4/20 or DC 15 Move Silently +7, Profession (stormtrooper) +7, Search +4,
stun, force pike) or +12/+12/+7 (2d8+4, 1d6+4, 2d8+4/20 or DC Sense Motive +5, Spot +7, Treat Injury +4.
15 stun, force pike) melee, +13/+8 ranged; SQ DR 6 armor, Two- Feats: Ambidexterity, Armor Familiarity, Armor Proficiency
Weapon Fighting (with force pike or unarmed only), Harm's (light, medium, heavy), Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Echani, Exotic
Way, Run (limited), Infamy, Imperial Guard; SV Fort Weapon Proficiency (force pike), Immunities, Improved
+12/+14(against hostile environments); Ref +10, Will +4; SZ M; Initiative, Martial Arts, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon
FP 1; DSP 6; Rep +6*; STR 16, DEX 16, CON 15, INT 10, WIS Focus (force pike), Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols,
10, CHA 12; Challenge Code G. blaster rifles, heavy weapons, simple weapons, vibro weapons).
Equipment: Stormtrooper armor, blaster rifle, 3 grenades (2
frag, 1 stun), utility belt.
Guardsman Armor
Stormtroopers are often led by the most implacable of military Class Features
leaders…fellow stormtroopers trained to maximize the strengths
of a stormtrooper and disregard the weaknesses. Only veteran Leadership
stormtroopers are sent for additional command instruction. As per Officer class in RCRB.
Improved Tactics
As per Officer class in RCRB.
Imperial Guard
As per Royal Guardsman SQ.
The company-grade stormtrooper officer below would be found At the top of the Stormtrooper chain-of-command is the Legion
commanding a company or special detachment. Commander. This individual is rarely encountered in the field;
anyone unfortunate enough to be in the path of a Legion
Stormtrooper Officer Male Human Thug 1/Stormtrooper Commander is unlikely to survive the experience.
6/Officer 1; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Defense 16 (+5 class, +1 Dex);
Spd 8m; VP/WP 11/15; Atk +9/+4 melee (1d3+1, unarmed) or Legion Commander Male Human Thug 1/Stormtrooper
+9/+4 or +5/+5/+0 ranged (3d8/19-20 or DC 18 stun, blaster 6/Officer 9; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Defense 21 (+10 class, +1 Dex);
rifle); SQ DR 5 armor, Immunities, Increased Cooperation, Spd 8m; VP/WP 75/20; Atk +13/+8/+3 melee (1d3+1, unarmed)
Leadership; SV Fort +7/+9(against hostile environments); Ref or +13/+8/+3 or +9/+9/+4/-1 ranged (3d8/19-20 or DC 18 stun,
+4, Will +2; SZ M; FP 0; DSP 3; Rep +4*; STR 12, DEX 12, blaster rifle); SQ DR 5 armor, Immunities, Increased
CON 12, INT 12, WIS 10, CHA 12; Challenge Code C. Cooperation, Leadership, Run (limited), Fanaticism, Improved
Equipment: Stormtrooper armor, blaster rifle, 3 grenades (2 Tactics; SV Fort +11/+13(against hostile environments); Ref +7,
frag, 1 stun), utility belt. Will +4; SZ M; FP 0; DSP 9; Rep +6*; STR 12, DEX 12, CON
Skills: Climb +1, Command +9*, Diplomacy -3, Gather 14, INT 12, WIS 10, CHA 12; Challenge Code E.
Information +5, Hide -2, Intimidate +5/+9*, Jump +1, Equipment: Stormtrooper armor, blaster rifle, 3 grenades (2
Knowledge (tactics) +8, Knowledge (military) +8, Listen +2, frag, 1 stun), utility belt.
Move Silently -2, Profession (stormtrooper) +8, Search +2, Spot Skills: Climb +1, Command +16*, Diplomacy -5, Gather
+4. Information +7, Hide -2, Intimidate +11/+17*, Jump +1,
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Dodge, Great Knowledge (tactics) +14, Knowledge (military) +15, Listen +2,
Fortitude, Infamy, Point Blank Shot, Toughness, Weapon Focus Move Silently -2, Profession (stormtrooper) +15, Search +2,
(blaster rifle), Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, Sense Motive +2, Spot +10.
blaster rifles, heavy weapons, simple weapons). Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Dodge, Great
Fortitude, Heroic Surge, Infamy, Point Blank Shot, Quickness,
The next level of Stormtrooper Officer is the deadly, experienced Skill Emphasis (Command), Toughness (X2), Weapon Focus
Battalion Commander. Hardened by years of fighting, this (blaster rifle, hand grenade), Weapon Group Proficiencies
veteran soldier is primed to carry out any mission the Emperor (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy weapons, simple weapons).
orders…or lead his men to the death in the attempt.
DC 15
Individuals will follow reasonable requests if they have no stake
in a situation or the order is reasonable. Example: People will
Stormtroopers carry grenades like other soldiers, but they are
"move along" at the order of a law enforcement officer; pinned
never used in the movies. GMs are advised to adopt a policy
down soldiers will return fire from behind cover if ordered by a
regarding grenade use that fits their campaign. If the PCs rarely
superior officer or NCO.
take advantage of using grenades, then GMs should consider
following their lead. An exception would be to purposely
DC 20
challenge a character or when the tactical situation demands the
Individuals will comply with orders they are mildly opposed to.
use of one or more grenades. If the GM is running for players
Example: People will "move along" at the order of a law
who take advantage of grenades, the following tips may come of
enforcement officer after witnesses have seen something
controversial (but situation is not out of hand yet); soldiers will
· Stormtroopers who are able to make a Reflex saving throw to
hold a position under intense fire if casualties are light.
take ½ damage (whether due to level or cover) are likely to
only take 2 or 3 wound points of damage from a grenade.
DC 25
· Stormtroopers typically carry the Merr-Sonn C-22 frag-
Individuals with comply with orders they are opposed to or
mentation grenade and C-10 stun grenade from the Arms and
perceive as dangerous. Example: One or two individuals will
Equipment Guide.
cease fighting or some other minor criminal activity (like
· Force-users, if prepared with a ready action, can simply drop
brawling); soldiers will hold an untenable position as long as the
grenades back in the laps of those who throw them. If
PC giving orders remains with them and active.
unprepared, even a vaunted Jedi with an activated lightsaber is
going to have a big surprise when multiple grenades land in
DC 30
his 10 Defense square.
Individuals will comply with orders that are dangerous. Example:
· Bear in mind that stun grenades sent in first to soften up (stun
A small crowd of angry protesters will disperse; soldiers will
or knockout) defenders make follow-up blaster shots more
attack/counterattack at risky odds. Additionally, a character that is
likely to hit. If following Jedi Counseling advice to ignore
Exhausted can function for a number of rounds equal to his or her
automatic stun results, GMs should understand that
Will saving throw modifier +2.
stormtroopers would not consciously factor in the possibility
that targets may have exceptional Fortitude saving throws.
DC 35
· Optional rule: Contrary to popular belief, grenades are not
Individuals will comply with orders that are very dangerous.
weapons used singly to incapacitate large numbers of people
Example: Bayonet charge across open terrain against a foe with
unless used in very confined spaces. If a grenade is used in
numerical superiority and dangerous firepower; ordering your
any area larger than its blast radius, the Reflex saving throw
element to "stay on target" during the Death Star trench run with
DC to take half damage is 10 and 15 to take no damage. In an
Darth Vader on your tail. Panicked or Cowering characters will
enclosed area, a Reflex saving throw DC 15 to take half
begin acting normally.
damage and DC 20 means no damage is taken from the
synergy bonus suggestions: +2 for 5 ranks in Intimidate or
Profession (anything applicable).
+5 if the situation is of some importance to the individuals being
+10 if the situation is of extreme importance to the individuals
being ordered.
-5 if the PC giving orders is only tenuously recognized as an
authority figure.
+2 to +5 if the Commander has led the individuals in combat, Radtroopers
bonus depending on length of time together.
Reputation bonus applies if applicable whether Famous or Radtroopers
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why didn't you just make the Stormtroopers into Soldiers? 3. Radiation-zone troopers can be portrayed by taking the statistics
2. What do I do if a player wants to make an ex-stormtrooper for sandtroopers or snowtroopers as this is merely another
character? Do they have to have levels in the Stormtrooper class? specialization related to working in hostile environments. Their
3. Where are the radiation-zone troopers or "radtroopers"? armor would be rated to protect up to Level V radiation. Replace
4. Why do you have stormtrooper armor as Medium instead of the feat Weapon Focus (blaster rifles) with Weapon Group
Powered? Proficiency (vibro weapons) if you follow prior WEG material that
5. What is in a utility belt? radiation zones interfere with the proper functioning of blasters.
1. Making the Stormtroopers into Soldiers would have made the 4. The armor never seemed powered to me, and it was requiring a
stormtroopers far too dangerous. It is better to reserve the heroic lot of feats to gain something with very little benefit. Although the
classes for notable beings in the galaxy or for a particularly Armor Check Penalty is only -2 (too low, but that's another matter),
dangerous stormtrooper encountered by players. Rank and file it is a rather unremarkable set of armor as compared to Fett's or
stormtroopers would not go down as readily as they do in the even the WEG version. In any event, if you wish for the armor to
movies if they had vitality. On the other hand, I created the be powered, simply give the Stormtrooper another starting feat:
Stormtrooper prestige class to emphasize that they are extremely Armor Proficiency (powered). This will restrict player-characters
dangerous in their own right. They are far more capable than that wish to steal the armor or are stormtroopers by background.
typical Thugs (soldiers, security troops, gang members, etc.).
"Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise". 5. Utility belts contain certain specialized equipment depending on
the specific duties of the stormtrooper. For example, an Aquatic
2. No, an ex-stormtrooper player-character does not have to be a Assault Stormtrooper will certainly have a spare rebreather, and
Stormtrooper by class. If a player wishes to be an ex- snowtroopers will have a collapsible thermal tent to offset long-
stormtrooper, assume the Stormtrooper SQs are removed when term exposure. All utility belts come equipped with the following
the character breaks from the ranks. If you are running a items as a standard load:
campaign where the players are currently running stormtroopers, · High-tension wire; 20 meter length (1)
then the character must take the Immunities SQ as a feat at 1st · Grappling hooks (four)
level. The character then receives the Run (limited) and Infamy · Spare blaster packs (one for green troops, up to four for veterans)
(only while in armor SQ) when their Hero levels match the · Ion flares (4)
appropriate Stormtrooper level. However, the character does not · Concentrated rations (squeeze paste, generally two days worth)
receive the Increased Cooperation SQ due to a more finely · Spare comlink
developed streak of independence. · Canteen and universal purification tablets (four days worth)
· Medical kit (1)
· Medpac (1)