HSR Compilation Report July 2011
HSR Compilation Report July 2011
HSR Compilation Report July 2011
The Legislature Lacks Information because the High Speed Rail Authority Lacks Details
Legislature suffers from a lack of good information that is needed to make decisions about the appropriation of funds for the high-speed rail project. Given the very large size of this project, its extended construction timeline, and the novelty of this type of project for California, it is reasonable that some key project decisions must be based on the best available analysis and assumptions rather than hard numbers. (HSR at Critical Junction; LAO Pg 11)
The December 2009 business plan of the High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) lacks detail regarding how it proposes to finance the high-speed rail network (program) and mitigate associated risks. The Authority Anticipates needing $17 billion to $19 billion from the federal government. ..it will need $10 billion to $12 billion in private investmentthe Authority has not received any commitments from private investors. Additionally, a revenue guarantee, without which the private investors are unlikely to participate, lacks specifics. (State Auditor; pg 17)
No State Subsidies?
Potential Need for Operating Subsidies Could Lead to General Fund Cost Pressures. The CHSRAs business plan indicates that the initial costs of operating a high-speed rail system may exceed $1 billion per year.
Proposition 1A requires HSRA to submit a plan which certifies that, once complete, service will not require a local, state, or federal operating subsidy prior to appropriation of the $9 billion in state bond funds for capital costs. The state could discover during development or after construction that the system needs [an operating] subsidy. If the train does not attract the number of riders projected, operating revenues would likely be less than expected. This situation could place an additional financial pressure on the states General Fund. (HSR at Critical Juncture; LAO; Pg 7-8)
That a revenue guarantee might violate state law - CHSRA consultant indicated that the revenue guarantee would not be used as an operating subsidy but a limited-term contingent liability used to support up-front capital investmentTherefore, a guarantee could increase costs to the public [or General Fund. No] indication of who would be responsible or cost. (State Auditor pg 22-23)
Media on Ridership
Supposedly 39 million people will eagerly pay much more than an airfare in order to travel slower. Between 2008 and 2009, the projected cost increased from $33 billion to $42.6 billion. Newsweek In 2010, Amtrak carried 29.1 million passengers for the entire year. That's about 4 percent of annual air travel (2010 estimate: 725 million passengers). Washington Post The irony is that California has the highest rate of car-ownership in the country, if not the world. It also, despite years of neglect, has one of the best road networks anywherecertainly leagues ahead of Japans. On top of that, it enjoys a highly competitive network of budget airlines serving its main cities. The Economist
Japan, with the worlds leading system, illustrates the financial devastation that high-speed rail can produce. For 25 years, Japan borrowed to build a system serving the ideal rail corridor, nestled along a single coast with a population of more than 75 million people. Ridership was artificially increased by high gasoline prices and one of the highest highway tolls in the world. National Review
Building trains is an immensely costly enterprise--not just financially costly, but environmentally and personally costly, as people and habitats are uprooted, and metal is tortured into rails and switches and cars. If you are going to install one, you should be reasonably certain that there will be people around with an interest in riding your train. After all, a train running mostly empty emits a lot of carbon. The Atlantic
LAO: Voter Packet with Corresponding AB 3034 Language (AB 3034 Passed in 2008 is the CHSRA Authorizing Legislation)
Limitations . bond funds may be used to provide only up to one-half of the total cost of construction of each corridor or segment of a corridor. The measure requires the authority to seek private and other public funds to cover the remaining costs. The measure also limits the amount of bond funds that can be used to fund certain pre-construction and administrative activities. Accountability and Oversight Specifically, the bond funds must be appropriated by the Legislature, and the State Auditor must periodically audit the use of the bond funds. In addition, the authority generally must submit to the Department of Finance and the Legislature a detailed funding plan for each corridor or segment of a corridor, before bond funds would be appropriated for that corridor or segment. The funding plans must also be reviewed by a committee whose members include financial experts and high-speed train experts. An updated funding plan is required to be submitted and approved by the Director of Finance before the authority can spend the bond funds, once appropriated. Bond Costs If the bonds are sold at an average interest rate of 5 percent, and assuming a repayment period of 30 years, the General Fund cost would be about $19.4 billion to pay off both principal ($9.95 billion) and interest ($9.5 billion). The average repayment would be about $647 million per year. Operating Costs When constructed, the high-speed train system will incur unknown ongoing maintenance and operation costs, probably in excess of $1 billion a year.
Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association: Court of Appeals rules that CA Legislature violated Political Reform Act over High Speed Rail
January 28, 2011 Sacramento --- Today, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association won a major victory on behalf of taxpayers as well as the integrity of the ballot process. In a 23-page published decision, the Court of Appeal ruled that the California Legislature violated the Political Reform Act, an initiative approved by the voters in 1974, when it dictated the contents of what is supposed to be objective material in the ballot pamphlet. No longer can the California Legislature use the ballot pamphlet as biased advertising for its own pet ballot measures, said Jon Coupal, President of Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. At issue in the legal action was the High Speed Train Bond Act of 2008, a measure sponsored and placed on the ballot by the Legislature. Rather than complying with the voterprescribed process of having the Attorney General prepare the ballot label, title and official summary, the Legislature hijacked the process and dictated the language that would appear in the ballot pamphlet. HJTA had alleged that the material was little more than a sales job on behalf of the bond. Coupal added the Courts ruling is a stinging rebuke of the California Legislature for manipulating voters by substituting the proponents advocacy for what is supposed to be a neutral summary by an impartial third party. Voters know that the arguments in the ballot pamphlet are advocacy, but they assume wrongly, in this case that the ballot label, title and official summary are objective. We are very pleased that the Courts ruling demands that, in the future, only an objective party can prepare those portions of the ballot material which are currently recognized as being official. While the Courts ruling does not reverse the election on the High Speed Rail bonds, it does insure that the California Legislature cannot manipulate the process in the future. Tim Bittle, HJTAs Director of Legal Affairs who argued the case before the Court, stated, we have no doubt that, had the voters been presented with a truly impartial ballot description, the HSR bond would have gone down in defeat. (The HSR bond barely passed with a 52.5-47.5 % vote). But this ruling slams on the brakes to the future manipulation of the voters by what, up until now, had been an increasing practice by the California Legislature. Jon Coupal added, the timing of the ruling is important for taxpayers as the Governor and the Legislature are planning to place massive tax increases on the ballot in June. This ruling will help assure that the material presented to the voters as official, is indeed objective and not merely advertising for tax increases. The ruling also has the potential for affecting the two measure placed on the ballot by the Legislature relating to a Water Bond and Budgeting Reform Measure. To read the full text of the Courts ruling, visit: http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/opinions/documents/C060441.PDF.
www.bsa.ca.gov www.lao.ca.gov www.asm.ca.gov/Harkey www.cc-hsr.org www.HighSpeedRailBoondoggle.com www.calhsr.com www.examiner.com/user-katham3 www.youtube.com/derailhsr Other references as noted in report