"Success is the maximum utilisation of the ability that you have" - Zig Ziglar "When you get right down to the root of the meaning of the word 'succeed', you find it simply means to follow through" - F. W. Nichol "He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much" - Elbert Hubbar "Success.... is a result, not a goal" - Gustave Flaubert "Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm" Winston Churchill
How to Succeed
"80% of success is showing up" - Woody Allen "Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit" - Conrad Hilton "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration" - Tomas Edison "Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it" - Unknown "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm" - Ralph Waldo Emerso "Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it" - Goeth "You don't have to get it perfect, you just have to get it going" - Mark Victor Hansen "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unsuccessful genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan; 'press on', has solved and will solve the problems of the human race" - Calvin Coolidge "The secret of success is constancy of purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli "Do your work with your whole heart and you will succeed - there is so little competition" - Elbert Hubbard
"There comes a moment when you have to stop revving up the car and shove it into gear" - David Mahoney
Overcoming Obstacles
"Nothing great was ever done without much enduring" - St. Catherine of Siena "I always try to turn every disaster into an opportunity" - John D. Rockefeller
"One of the secrets of life is to make stepping stones out of stumbling blocks" - Jack Penn "If you're going through Hell, keep going" - Sir Winston Churchill "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal" Henry Ford "The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces" - Will Rodgers
"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom" - General George S. Patton "Mistakes are the portals of discovery" - James Joyce "One often learns more from 10 days of agony than from 10 years of contentment" Merle Shain "Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely" - Rodin "There is no failure exept in no longer trying" - Elbert Hubbard "A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits" - Richard Nixon "The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have and should have" - Louis E. Boone
"The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes" Benjamin Disraeli "If a window of opportunity appear, don't pull down the shade" - Tom Peters "Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises" - Demosthenes "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work" - Thomas Edison "Be bold. If you're going to make an error, make a doozy, and don't be afraid to hit the ball" - Billie Jean King "As long as you're going to be thinking anyway, THINK BIG" - Donald Trump
Yes I know there are some misspelt phrases of "how to suceed in life" in the article but I get Google search traffic from these misspellings so I'll leave them in place - hope you did not come here looking for information on how to suceed in life)