Parameter List

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FOPX Separation System

Parameter List

List No.: 31830-6181-4

Printed Nov 1998

Book No. 1810135-02 V4

Alfa Laval Marine & Power

Alfa Laval reserve the right to make changes at any time without
prior notice.
Any comments regarding possible errors and omissions or
suggestions for improvement of this publication would be
gratefully appreciated.
Copies of this publication can be ordered from your local
Alfa Laval company.
Published by: Alfa Laval Marine & Power AB
S - 147 80 Tumba
© Copyright Alfa Laval Marine & Power AB 1998.
Study instruction manuals and observe the
warnings before installation, operation,
service and maintenance.

Not following the instructions can result in

serious accidents with fatal injuries.

In order to make the information clear only foreseeable conditions have
been considered. No warnings are given, therefore, for situations
arising from unintended usage of the machine and its tools.

A summary of the safety information is found in the Safety chapter

under divider 1.

1 Scope 1

2 Process Parameters 3

3 Installation Parameters 5

4 Timer Sequence
Parameters 7

5 Service Mode Parameters

90, 94, and 95 9

5.1 Countdown of Timers

P50 – P89 9

5.2 Alarm Log 10

5.2.1 Examples of Logged Alarms 11

5.3 Timer function 13

6 Additional Parameter
Information 15

6.1 Process Parameters 15

6.2 Installation Parameters 19

6.3 Timer Sequence Parameters 20

6.3.1 Starting Sequence 20
6.3.2 Separation Sequence 20
6.3.3 Sludge Discharge Sequence 21
6.3.4 Stopping Sequence 21

7 Sequence Diagram 23

1 Scope

The parameter list is valid for the following

separation systems:
FOPX 605
FOPX 609
FOPX 610
FOPX 611
FOPX 613
FOPX 614
including the EPC-400 control unit with
PROM (memory chips):

PROM (front circuit board): 31830-6210-1

PROM (rear circuit board): 31830-6132-1

1810135-02 1
1 Scope FOPX Parameter List

2 1810135-02
2 Process Parameters

The EPC-400 control unit is used within a

separation system for control of the separation
process. The control unit can be programmed
for different separator systems and for
different conditions within the system. This is
done by setting parameters. The process
parameters can be adjusted easily and as often
as required to meet changes in the operating
conditions, e.g. time between sludge
discharges, oil temperature, alarm points.



If the interval between sludge

discharges is too long, there is risk of
heavy side breakdown.

Factory Plant
Parameter Description or unit Range set set
value value

P11 Max. time between Minutes 0 - 999 30 .....

sludge discharges P1 = P60 + P61
Changing of P1 automatically
changes P61.
P21 Clarifier mode C C
P3 ---
Not in use
P51 High temperature °C or °F 0 - 115°C or 0 .....
alarm 0 - 255°F
P61 Low temperature °C or °F 0 - 115°C or --- .....
alarm 0 - 255°F
P71 Temperature set-point °C or °F 0 - 110°C or --- .....
0 - 240°F
P81 P-band % 10 - 500 --- .....

1810135-02 3
2 Process Parameters FOPX Parameter List

Factory Plant
Parameter Description or unit Range set set
value value
P91 I -time Minutes 0.1 - 10.0 --- .....
P10 Stand-by/On mode 0 = Stand-by 0 -1 1 .....
1 = On
P10 = 0 must only be used during
test operation.
P11 to
Not in use ---
P151 HFO / do selection of HFO = Heavy Fuel Oil HFO or do HFO .....
type of oil do = diesel oil
P16 to
Not in use ---
1. For more information, see ‘‘6 Additional Parameter Information’’ on page 15.

4 1810135-02
3 Installation Parameters


EPC-400 parameter P21 is factory set

to 50 Hz. If connected to a 60 Hz
supply an alarm will occur. Set P21 to
60 Hz and press the reset button. The
alarm will disappear.

The installation parameters must be set before

the initial start-up and before process
parameters are set. The parameters rarely need
to be adjusted again.


Alfa Laval can not be held

responsible for injuries and damage
caused by usage of parameters not
recommended by Alfa Laval

Factory Plant
Parameter Description or unit Range set set
value value

P201 Separator type 4.1 = FOPX 605/609/610/613 4.1 – 5.3 4.1 4.1 or 4.3
4.3 = FOPX 611/614
P21 Power frequency Hz 50 or 60 50 .....
Check that the frequency is cor-
rect, see label on the separator.
P22 Not in use ---
P231 EPC-400 address 1 = EPC-400 1– 8 1 1
2-8 = Not in use
P24 For remote communi- 48
cation with Profibus
P25 protocol. 2
P26 to
Not in use ---

1810135-02 5
3 Installation Parameters FOPX Parameter List

Factory Plant
Parameter Description or unit Range set set
value value
P33 Emergency stop 0 = Emergency stop only 0 or 1 0 .....
function 1 = Mechanical vibration switch
P341 Alarm delay time Seconds 1 – 30 15 .....
P35 Low temperature Seconds 1 – 999 15 .....
alarm delay after MV1
change over
P361 Remote control 0 =
No remote control 0 – 3, 10 – 13 0 .....
1 =
Remote switches
2 =
Remote computer
3 =
Not used
10 =
No remote control, alarm
A4-1 cancelled
11 = Remote switch, alarm A4-1
12 = Remote computer, alarm
A4-1 cancelled
13 = Not used
P371 Heater type 0 = No or common heater with 0 – 2 0 .....
separate controller
1 = Heatpac EHS-62 controlled
by EPC-400
2 = Heater with control valve,
controlled by EPC-400
P38 Size of Heatpac kW 0, 7, 8, 14, 16, 22, 24, --- .....
heater If P37 = 1 then P38 is set to 16, 36, 40, 50, 56, 65, 72
otherwise P38 = “- - -”.
P39 Run time of control Seconds 0 – 999 --- .....
valve If P37 = 2 then P39 is set to 120,
otherwise P39 = “- - -”.
P401 Temperature reading C = °C C or F C .....
F = °F
P411 Max. start time for Minutes 0 – 999 15 .....
P42 Not in use ---
P431 Extra alarm function 0 = Alarm indication on display. 0 – 1 0 .....
No action.
1 = Alarm indication on display.
Oil feed off during
separation sequence.
P44 to
Not in use ---
1. For more information, see ‘‘6 Additional Parameter Information’’ on page 15.

6 1810135-02
4 Timer Sequence Parameters

The timer sequence parameters control the

operation of the separation system, i.e. start,
separation, sludge discharge and stop
Factory Plant
Parameter Description or unit Range set set
value value
Starting sequence

P501 Bowl closing water Seconds 0 – 999 15 .....

P51 Not in use ---
P52 Conditioning water Seconds 0 – 999 60 .....
P53 Reference time, oil Seconds 0 – 999 120 .....
feed on
P54 to Not in use ---
Separation sequence

P601 Time to first discharge Minutes 0 – 999 10 .....

after start-up (for
P611 Time between sludge Minutes 0 – 999 20 .....
discharges P60 + P61 = P1
Changing of P1 automatically
changes P61.
P62 to Not in use

1810135-02 7
4 Timer Sequence Parameters FOPX Parameter List

Factory Plant
Parameter Description or unit Range set set
value value
Sludge discharge sequence
P70 Displacement water Seconds 0 – 999 120 .....
P71 Closing water Seconds 0 - 99.9 1.0 .....
N.B. This parameter is only valid
for FOPX 611/614.
P721 Sludge discharge Seconds 0 – 99.9 3.0 .....

P73 Not in use ---

P74 Bowl closing water Seconds 0 – 99.9 5.0 .....
N.B. This parameter is only valid
for FOPX 611/614.
P75 Not in use ---
P761 Conditioning water Seconds 0 – 999 25 .....
P77 Not in use ---
P781 Reference time Seconds 0 – 999 30 .....
P79 Not in use ---
Stopping sequence
P80 Not in use ---
P841 Displacement water. Seconds 0 – 999 70 .....
Oil feed off
P85 Not in use ---
P86 Separator motor off Seconds 0 – 999 180 .....
P87 Not in use ---
1. For more information, see ‘‘6 Additional Parameter Information’’ on page 15.

8 1810135-02
5 Service Mode Parameters 90, 94, and 95

With aid of the service mode parameters

information can be requested and displayed,
for instance the countdown of timer sequences
can be displayed while they are running.
Factory set Plant
Parameter Description or unit Range value set

P90 Service mode 0 = No service mode 0, 1, 50 0 .....

1 = Countdown of timers
P50 – P89
12 = Power frequency
50 = Alarm log, including self re-
setting alarms
P91 For remote communi- 0
P92 cation with Profibus 19,2
P93 protocol 60

P94 Count down timer 0.0 - 10.0 0.0

P95 Indication of P94 timer Hours 0.0 - 10.0 --- .....
actual value
P96 to End

5.1 Countdown of Timers

P50 – P89
By setting P90 to 1, the mode selector in
position L and then by pushing the alarm reset
button, a countdown of each activated timer
(P50 – P89) can be displayed during

Timer P61 shows that it is 32 seconds left to next

sludge discharge.

1810135-02 9
5 Service Mode Parameters 90, 94, and 95 FOPX Parameter List

5.2 Alarm Log

By setting P90 to 50, the mode selector in
position L and then by pushing the alarm reset
button, the 32 latest alarms can be displayed,
including self resetting alarms.

Each logged alarm consists of three

consecutive groups of information:
1. The accumulated alarm log time, which
shows how long the EPC has been in
operation since the previous alarm.
Max. time between two alarms is 999.5
hours ≈ 41 days. If this time is exceeded
the whole alarm log will be reset to 0.
2. The alarm is indicated in the same way as
when it occurred, except for the alarms
starting with an E.
• Alarm code starting with an A.
• LED and an alarm code, for instance
“High or low oil temperature”.
• LED indications only.
• “Alarm” codes starting with an E
(events with no alarm released). E1 is a
self resetting functions.
E1 = no signal for discharge
E4 = ALCAP functions in stand-by
E5 = ALCAP functions back to
operation mode again.
3. The actual value of parameter P1
(maximum time between sludge

10 1810135-02
FOPX Parameter List 5 Service Mode Parameters 90, 94, and 95

5.2.1 Examples of Logged Alarms

• The capital “H” indicates that this is the

latest alarm which has been logged. The
EPC had been in operation 48 hours and
20 – 29 minutes since the previous alarm.
Every tenth minute is displayed, but
several alarms can be logged within this

The alarm was a “Power failure”

P1 (maximum time between sludge

discharges) was set to 30 minutes.

Between these two alarms 10 hours and 0 – 10

minutes have elapsed (58.2 – 48.2).

• 58 hours and 20 – 29 minutes ago the
event below occurred.
The event was a “No signal for discharge”.

No alarm was given, as next attempt to
discharge was succesful.
P1 setting was 30 minutes.

• 106 operating hours and 30 – 39 minutes


ago another alarm occurred.

The alarm was a “Water transducer fault”.


(Which is indicated by the LED and not on

the display)

P1 setting was 30 minutes.

1810135-02 11
5 Service Mode Parameters 90, 94, and 95 FOPX Parameter List

• If the accumulated time becomes more

than 999.5 hours it will the first time be
indicated by capital “H” and 1000 is
subtracted from the displayed value.

The second time it happens, another 1000
is subtracted from the displayed value etc.

Between these two alarms 10 hours have
elapsed (H 5.0 = 1005.0 hours).


• This indicates the end of the log.


12 1810135-02
FOPX Parameter List 5 Service Mode Parameters 90, 94, and 95

5.3 Timer function

By setting P94 to >0.0 a count down timer is
activated. It is intended as a reminder of
service to be made after the elapsed running
hours. If e.g. P94 is set to 2.70 it means 2700
hours. Each 0.1 indicates 100 hours. When
2700 hours of operation have elapsed, an
alarm will be released and 3h - - - is indicated
in the front window. The alarm is repeated at
each start of the EPC. To avoid this the P94
timer has to be started or set to 0.
When P94 is >0 the actual count down value
is displayed when P95 is activated. P95 is just
an indication of the elapsed time in P94. It can
not be set.

To restart the timer, go to P94. Push third

button once (display flashes). Push button one
once. The timer is now restarted with the same
value. When the display is flashing, a new
value can be entered.

1810135-02 13
5 Service Mode Parameters 90, 94, and 95 FOPX Parameter List

14 1810135-02
6 Additional Parameter Information

6.1 Process Parameters The only way to get a clean sludge

space is to make appropriate
P1 Max time between sludge discharge adjustment of the interval based on
Long intervals between sludge regular inspection.
discharge can cause sludge
accumulation and solidity in the bowl.
N.B. Alfa Laval assumes no responsibility
The sludge may then break up at
for the actual choice of discharge
sludge discharge and create heavy
interval times, as these depend entirely
imbalance in the bowl.
upon local feed characteristics.

DANGER Fuel oil cleaning

Conditions may change completely
Disintegration when bunkers are changed. Therefore,
hazard great care must be given to the
discharge interval setting for each new
If the interval between sludge bunker. In case the current discharge
discharges is too long, there is risk of interval exceeds the recommended
heavy side breakdown. initial value, the interval setting has to
be reduced according to table on next
As many factors influence the sludge page, when a new, unknown bunker is
discharge interval, the choice of to be separated.
interval must be based on experience. Use of unstable fuel or mixing of
incompatible fuel oils may give
When the bowl is opened for routine precipitation of sludge and overloading
cleaning, the sludge space should be of the separator.
inspected and, if necessary, the interval
between discharges changed WARNING
Clean sludge space: the interval may Disintegration
be prolonged. “Clean sludge space” hazard
means that no noticeable amount of
solidified sludge remains in the sludge Each new bunker requires
space. reconsideration of the discharge time
Dirty sludge space: the interval must setting.
be shortened. “Dirty sludge space”
means that some solidified sludge has
accumulated in the sludge space.

1810135-02 15
6 Additional Parameter Information FOPX Parameter List

Type of oil Initial Time to first

bowl inspection

Distillate (1.5 – 5.5 cSt /40 °C) 4 hours 1 week

Marine Diesel Oil (max. 13 cSt / 40 °C) 2 hours 1 week

Intermediate / Heavy Fuel Oil 0.5 hour 2 days

P2 Clarifier mode
The FOPX separator is a clarifier
which can handle water.
P5 High temperature alarm
P5,P6 and P7 can be set both for heavy
fuel oil (HFO) and for diesel oil (do),
see P15. If both oils are to be used, do
as follows:
1. Set P5, P6 and P7 for “HFO”(P15
is factory set to “HFO”.
2. Change P15 to “do”.
3. Go back to P5 and set P5, P6 and
P7 to “do”.
If only diesel oil is valid for the
installation, the following must be
1. Set P5 greater than 0.
2. Change P15 to “do”.
3. Go back to P5 and set P5, P6 and
P7 to “do”.

P5 should be set sufficiently above the

temperature set point P7.
(Recommendation 5 – 10 °C, or
10 – 20 °F, higher than P7).
If P5 = 0 (no monitoring temperature
sensor, Pt 100, is connected)
then P6 = P7 = “- - -”.

16 1810135-02
FOPX Parameter List 6 Additional Parameter Information

P6 Low temperature alarm

Should be set sufficiently below the
temperature set point P7.
(Recommendation 5 – 10 °C, or
10 – 20 °F, lower than P7).
P7 Temperature set point
To be set according to plant
application. See also P5 and P6.
P8 P-band (Proportional band)
If P37 = 0 then P8 = “- - -”.
If P37 = 1 or 2 then P8 is automatically
preset to 40%.
P9 I-time (Integral time)
If P37 = 0 then P9 = “- - “.
If P37=1 or 2 then P9 is automatically
preset to 1.2 minutes.
How to set P8 and P9:
If the temperature varies with regularly
repeated oscillation, setting of the
proportional band and integral time
would be necessary.
• Increasing the value of parameter
P8 (proportional band width) will
result in a slower and more stable
control action.
• Increasing the value of parameter
P9 (integral time) also results in
slower response from the EPC-400.

We recommend you to follow these

1. Set P9 = 10 minutes.
2. Decrease P-band (P8) band in steps
until the process reaches the point
where it starts to oscillate with a
constant amplitude. Test the
stability after each step by

introducing a step-change of load

or set point.
Constant amplitude

1810135-02 17
6 Additional Parameter Information FOPX Parameter List

3. When you have discovered the

point where the process oscillates
with a constant amplitude note the
following figures:
A = The value of P-band (P8).
B = The time for one full period in

4. Calculation of optimal parameter
P-band I-time
P8 = 2.2 × A P9 = 0.8 × B
The settings above give a rather good
result but may be adjusted according to
individual characteristics in different
P10 Stand-by / On mode
In the case of transducer failure or
temporarily abnormal operation with
excessive water content, or during fault
finding, the ALCAP functions can be
set in stand-by mode (P10 = 0) and the
separator can be operated as a pure
In stand-by mode the following do not
• No transducer value nor deviation
from reference value will be
• No alarm function for “Water
transducer fault”
• No “ALCAP alarms, A7” will be
• No sludge discharges will be
initiated by the transducer during
P61. There will only be a sludge
discharge when P61 has elapsed.

18 1810135-02
FOPX Parameter List 6 Additional Parameter Information

• No addition of displacement and 6.2 Installation Parameters

conditioning water to the separator
bowl. P20 Separator type
When P20=4.1 or 4.3 the specific
• No draining function during P60.
functions for each separator type is
automatically set.
P23 EPC-400 address
In a FOPX separation system the EPC-
400 is always regarded as master unit,
e.g. P23 = 1. FOPX can only operate
stand-alone and not as serial separation
Operation in stand-by mode for a
prolonged period of time may cause
heavy side breakdown. P34 Alarm delay time
Activation of most alarm functions can
To remind the operator of stand-by be delayed up to 30 seconds, except
mode, the display will indicate “n.c.” for:
(not connected) to the left of the • emergency / vibration alarm
display and the time to next sludge
• high temperature alarm
discharge to the right of the display.
The time between sludge discharges • transducer alarm
will automatically be set to 15 minutes which have a fixed delay time of 2
and a reminding alarm will occur every seconds.
24 hours (A7-3). P35 Low temperature alarm delay after
P15 HFO / do selection of type of oil MV1 change over
To prevent false alarm (A7-10) when When the change over oil feed valve
cleaning diesel oil the type of oil must changes position the flow rate and thus
be specified. the oil temperature may be influenced.
Once P5, P6 and P7 are set for “HFO” By delaying the temperature alarm, a
respectively “do” they automatically false alarm is avoided as the oil
follow the selection of P15. temperature has time to stabilize.
If P15 = “HFO” and P5 is set > 0 then P35 should be set according to plant
P5 for “do” is automatically preset to application. If a delay time above 120
50 °C/120 °F. seconds is necessary, check the heating
If P15 = “do” then P52 and P70 are system and the installation layout.
ignored. P36 Remote control
See P5 for the relationship between P5, Remote control can be applied in form
P6, P7 and P15. of:
• external switches
• external computers

1810135-02 19
6 Additional Parameter Information FOPX Parameter List

P37 Heater type 6.3 Timer Sequence

The EPC-400 control unit is designed
for control of:
• Heatpac EHS-62 (P37 =1)
6.3.1 Starting Sequence
• Heater with heating media control
valve (P37=2) P50 Bowl closing water
For proper closing of the separator
N.B. If a different type of heater is installed
bowl during start-up sequence. If more
(P37 = 0), only a start/stop signal is
than 60 seconds is required, it may
available from the EPC-400 control
indicate malfunction.
If a steam heating system is connected P52 Conditioning water
to the EPC-400 and if the system is Addition of water to separator bowl
equipped with an optional shut-off during starting sequence. The water is
valve, and provided P37= 0 or 2, the to soften the sludge, to prevent sludge
valve is opened when the heater is remaining after discharge.
started. The valve is shut: P53 Reference time, oil feed on
• when the heater is stopped Time to stabilize the transducer
reference value during the starting
• at high temperature alarm
sequence. The transducer reference
• at power failure value is stored when this time has
• at EPC stand-by mode. elapsed.

P40 Temperature reading

Degrees Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit
6.3.2 Separation Sequence
(°F) temperature readings available. P60 Time for first discharge after start-
P5, P6 and P7 have to be set according up
to °C or °F. Only the first time, after start-up, there
P41 Max. start time for heater is a discharge after P60 (minimum time
Sets the maximum allowed start time between sludge discharges). The drain
for the heater. Minimum temperature valve (V5) can only be activated
limit (P6) must be reached within this during P60.
time. Bowl closing water is intermittently
P43 Extra alarm function
Extra alarm functions can be P61 Time between sludge discharges
connected. By setting P43 to 1 the oil P60 + P61 is the maximum time
feed to the separator will be stopped between two consecutive sludge
when the extra alarm occur. discharges. See P1.
Bowl closing water is intermittently

20 1810135-02
FOPX Parameter List 6 Additional Parameter Information

The time within P61 may be 6.3.4 Stopping Sequence

interrupted by a sludge discharge,
P84 Displacement water. Oil feed off
initiated by the transducer signal.
Before the separator is stopped
displacement water is added to the
6.3.3 Sludge Discharge Sequence bowl to displace the oil and ensure
P70 Displacement water there is a minimum loss of oil.
Filling of displacement water to the P86 Separator motor off
bowl eliminates the risk of oil loss at The separator motor is automatically
the following sludge discharge. switched off. Restarting is blocked for
When a transducer signal from the 3 minutes.
transducer MT4 is obtained the filling
of displacement water is stopped and
P72 starts.
P71 Closing water
Topping up of operating system before
P72 Sludge discharge
Sludge discharge initiated by MV15
admitting water to the separator bowl.
If more than 4 seconds are required,
this may indicate a malfunction.
P74 Bowl closing water
To be set for proper closing of the
separator bowl during a sludge
N.B. This parameter is only valid for FOPX
P76 Conditioning water
Addition of water to the bowl after a
sludge discharge. The water is to soften
the sludge, to prevent sludge remaining
after discharge.
P78 Reference time
Reference time after a sludge
discharge. The transducer reference
value is stored when this time has

1810135-02 21
6 Additional Parameter Information FOPX Parameter List

22 1810135-02
7 Sequence Diagram

The duration of the monitoring functions and

output signals is illustrated in the diagram.
Valve Terminal Activated function Stand- Starting Separa- Sludge discharge Stop-
Relay, by sequence tion seq. sequence4 ping
Sen- seq.
sor OFF P50 P52 P53 P60 P61 P70 P71 P72 P74 P76 P78 P84 P86 OFF
15 s 60 s 120 s 10 min 20 min 120 s 1.0 s 3.0 s 5.0 s 25 s 30 s 70 s 180 s
Mon. functions

- X7:1 Extra alarm

PS41 X7:3 High oil pressure

PS42 X7:4 Low oil pressure

XS1/ Vibration
XS2 Emergency stop1

- X9:4 Heater fault

High oil tempera-

TT1 X11:1-3
Low oil
TT1 X11:1-3
Water transducer
MT4 XE:1-4
(signal displayed)
X5:3/X/:4 Discharge failure
Output signals
X1:1-2 Motor starter

Blocking vibration
XS1 X2:3-4

MV1 X4:4 Oil to separator

MV5 X5:1 Drain valve open

MV10 X5:2
Conditioning water
Bowl opening
MV15 X5:3
Bowl closing
MV16 X5:4
1. Emergency stop (XS2) is normally connected to terminal X8:4. If optional vibration switch (XS1) is installed, it
will be connected to terminal X8:4. Emergency stop (XS2) will then be connected to the system power supply.
If the EPC is in stand-by mode (OFF) and the emergency stop button is pushed, the separator motor will be
2. With optional sensor TT1 installed P50 will not start if the temperature is to low or to high.
3. During P60 and P61 intermittently 1second every 5 minutes.
4. Closing water only during P71, P72 and P74 for FOPX 611/614. P72=2 for FOPX 611/614.

1810135-02 23
7 Sequence Diagram FOPX Parameter List

Starting sequence
• If P15 = do
then P53 = 0.

Separation sequence
• MV5 will be open in P60 when trigger
value ≥ 100% (shown in the diagram with
a dotted line) and then P78 = 0.
• If trigger value ≥ 100 in P61 or P70
then remaining time = 0.
Bowl closing water is intermittently supplied
during the separation sequence (shown in the
diagram with a broken line).

Sludge discharge sequence

• If P15 = do
then P70 = 0.
• If in stand-by mode (P10 = 0)
then P70 =P78 = 0.
Within this period of time the transducer
signal from the transducer MT4 normally
interrupt the P70 sequence.

Stopping sequence
Before the actual stopping sequence begins
the separation is completed with a sludge
discharge sequence.

24 1810135-02

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