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Guide To Human CD Antigens

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CD Antigens

CD Antigen AbID Cellular expression Functions Reported markers of…* CD Antigen AbID Cellular expression Functions Reported markers of…* CD Antigen AbID Cellular expression Functions Reported markers of…* CD Antigen AbID Cellular expression Functions Reported markers of…*
CD37 30414, 518, Mature B cells, myeloid Signal transduction   CD78 24151 B cells (expresson increases Expressed as part of the MHC class II   CD152 33967, 33319, Activated T cells, activated Negative regulation of T cell activation Activated T cells; endo cells CD255 21139, 21129, Widely expressed. High TWEAK: Induce apoptosis via multiple  
19701 cells. Low level of on B cell activation), tissue molecule 49319, 19792 B cells 21127 expression in heart pathways in cell type specific manner;
expression in T cells, gran mac, epi cells CD153 36434 Activated T cells, activated Costimulation of T cell activation; ligand Activated T cells placenta, lung, muscle, promotes proliferation and migration
and mono CD79a 33290, 42798, B cells Subunit of B cell antigen receptor Pro and pre B cells; Cancers mac, activated neu, for CD30 kidney, pancreas, and of endo cells as a regulator of
CD38 25041, 24978, Variable expression levels Regulates cell activation, proliferation Immature and activated B and T 712 (CD79a+CD79b); signal transduction - majority of acute leukemias activated B cells HUVEC angiogenesis
24977, 25004, on most hematopoietic and adhesion cells; plasma cells; mono; Baso; of precursor B cell type, B
CD154 24934, 27408, Activated T cells, activated Costimulation; ligand for CD40 Activated CD4+ T cells; Baso CD256 10688 Lk, pancreatic cells, colon T cell and B cell proliferation  
2577 and some non- thy; hematopoietic/lymphoid cell lymphomas and in some 24966, 47204 plt, activated mono CD257 16082, 12381, Activated mono, DC T cell and B cell growth and  
hematopoietic cells. stem cells myelomas 16081 development
High levels on plasma CD155 3142 Mono, mac Cell migration and adhesion; polio virus Monocyte and mac
CD79b 25169, 24939, B cells Subunit of B cell antigen receptor B cells
infection CD258 17716, 40819 Activated T cells, activated Costimulation of T cells; induces DC; activated T cells
cells, early T and B cells, 25522, 26275, (CD79a+CD79b); signal transduction mono apoptosis
activated T cells, germinal 23826 CD156a 38981 Mono, gran Cell adhesion Monocyte and mac; gran
centre B cells CD261 34399, 18360, Activated T cells TRAIL/Death receptor; induces  
CD80 25555, 42803, Activated B and T cells, Costimulation of T cell activation and Activated B cells CD156b 39162 Lph, mono, gran, DC, Cleaves transmembrane form of TNF-α   8414 apoptosis
CD39 30423, 30424, Mac, Langerhans, DC, B cell adhesion; protects activated cells Neuronals; potential marker of 42925, 24970, mac, DC proliferation endo cells, epi cells and TGF-α to generate soluble forms
3042 activated B cells, NK cells, from lysis NK cells 53003 CD263 46861, 18346, Low expression in most Inhibits trail induced apoptosis  
CD156c 1997 Articular chondrocytes, lk, Metalloprotease activity; cell-cell and   1674 cells. Negative in most
microglial cells brain, tumor cells cell-matrix interaction
CD81 24940, 25513, T and B cells, NK cells, Signal transduction   tumor cells
CD40 25567, 27281, B cells, mono/mac, FDC, Costimulation of B cell growth; mono 25675, 33697 mono, thy, DC, endo CD157   Gran, mono, B cell ADP-ribosyl-cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase Mono; neu; endo cells
25270, 27927, endo, fib, keratinocytes differentiation and isotype switching cells, fib CD264 18350, 18349, Low expression in most Inhibits trail induced apoptosis  
progenitors, endo cells, T activities; pre B cell growth 2019 cells. Negative in most
CD82 27338, 47098 Lk (upregulation on Signal transduction   cell subset tumor cells
CD41 19687, 19690, Plt, megaK Plt activation and aggregation Plt activation), plt CD158 21564, 27954, Most NK cells, T cell subset Most CD158 subtypes inhibit NK cell  
30434, 15021 CD265 45092, 13918 DC, activated mono Receptor for TRANCE DC
CD83 48245, 48318, Activated T and B cells, Regulates immune response   21566, 14825 cytotoxicity; other subtypes activate NK
CD42a 30398, 30399, Plt, megaK Plt adhesion and aggregation Plt 48320, 49324 circulating DC, Langerhans cell cytotoxicity CD266 21359 Endo cells, epi cells, Regulates apoptosis and proliferation  
30397, 19729 keratinocytes
CD84 33217, 33218, Mature B cells, T cell subset, Homophilic adhesion molecule; Hematopoietic stem cells; plt; CD159a 24983 NK cells, some T cell subset Negative regulation of NK cell  
CD42b 30401, 30402, Plt, megaK Plt adhesion and aggregation Plt 3202 mono/mac, plt, thy enhances T cell activation and cytokine mono; activation
CD267 39124, 39006, B cells, myeloma cells Inhibits B cell proliferation Activated T cells
30400, 2578 production 16230
CD159c   NK cells, CD8+ T cells Activates NK cell cytotoxicity  
CD268 38977, 38985, B cells, T cell subset B cell survival and maturation; T cell Activated B cells
CD42d 23773 Plt, megaK Plt adhesion and aggregation Plt CD86 25556, 24862, Mono, activated B and T Costimulation of T cell activation and Mono; activated B cells
25594, 25239, cells, endo proliferation CD161 21651, 25905, Most NK cells , NK-T cells, NK cell mediated cytotoxicity; induces NK cells; T cells (with CD4+ 16582, 16232 activation
CD43 46727, 33873, lk (except resting B cells). Anti-adhesion; binds CD45 to mediate Mono; granulocyte/neutrophil/ 22516, 23624 memory T cells, thy immature thy proliferation suppressor/inducer T cells; with CD269 17323 B cells, plasma cells Plasma cell survival Plasma cells
13471, 28104, Low expression in plt adhesion basohphils; T cells (with CD4+ 53004
CD8+ cytotoxic/suppressor T cells)
9088 suppressor/inducer T cells; with CD87 27423, 3129 Gran, mono, NK cells, Cell chemotaxis; adhesion Mono and mac; gran; activated CD273 21103, 21159, DC, activated mono Co-stimulation; inhibition DC
CD8+ cytotoxic/suppressor T cells) T cells, endo cells, fib, T cells CD162 19794, 19793 Mono, gran, most T cells, Adhesion; lk rolling Mono 21107
hepatocytes stem cells
CD44 25451, 19622, Hematopoietic and non- Lk rolling, homing and aggregation. Mesenchymal stem cells; eryth CD274 28753 T cells, B cells, NK cells, DC, Co-stimulation; inhibition DC
25224, 25171, hematopoietic cells Adhesion of lk to endo cells, stromal CD88 33951, 21652, Gran, mono, DC, Gran activation Reactive astrocytes and CD163 15676, 17051 Mono, mac Endocytosis Monocyte and mac mac, epi cells
6124 (not plt) cells, and the extracellular matrix. 54378, 12962 astrocytes microglials; mac; gran CD165 3276 Lph subset, mono, Important for adhesion of thy to thymic Cortical thy CD275 48567, 3774 Acivated mono, mac, DC Costimulation DC; plasma cells; activated B cells
CD89 33221, 33211, Mono, mac, gran, neu, B Induces phagocytosis, degranulation Mono; neu immature thy, plt, epi cells epi cells. CD278
CD45 25519, 27287, Hematopoietic cells (not Critical for T cell and B cell receptor Lk; hematopoietic progenitors 38319 Activated T cells, thy T cell development Activated T cells
25603, 19592, eryth and plt) mediated activation. 22520 and T cell subset and respiratory burst CD166 33404, 53442 Activated T and B cells, NK Adhesion; T cell activation Activated B and T cells ; stromal subset
8216 CD90 25322, 25672, Hematopoeitic cells, Costimulation of lph; possible inhibition Hematopoeitic / lymphoid stem cells, mono, epi cells, fib, cells; endo cells; neuronals CD279 26209, 26211, Activated T and B cells, T cell tolerance Activated B and T cells
CD45RA 30507, 27290, B and T cell subset (naïve Critical for T cell and B cell receptor Naïve T cell subsets; B cell subsets; 24904, 8872 neurons, fib, stromal cells, of stem cell and neuron differentiation cells; neuronals neurons, mesenchymal 52587 thy subset
27292, 30476, T), mono, medullary thy mediated activation mono HEV endo cells, mouse stem / progenitor cells
CD281 51673 Mono, mac, DC, Regulates TLR2 function Mono; neu
22363 T cells CD167 37838 Epi cells, DC. Inducible Collagen receptor   keratinocytes
CD45RB 28331, 25006, T cell subset, B cells, mono, Critical for T cell and B cell receptor Mono and mac CD91 33201, 34024, Mono, mac, neurons, fib Alpha 2 mac; globulin receptor Mono expression in lk
CD282 24996, 13553, Mono, gran, mac, DC, Innate immunity to gram positive Mono; neu
25647, 28110, mac, gran, DC, NK cells mediated activation 33200, 28320 CD169 18619 Mono, T cell subset, thy Hyaluronic acid receptor; cell adhesion Mac 13464, 9101, keratinocytes bacteria
8218 CD93 33223 Mono, gran, endo cells, May mediate the enhancement Mono; neu; endo cells subset, activated lph 13463
CD45RC 24937, 25521, B cells, NK cells, CD8+ T Critical for T cell and B cell receptor   neu of phagocytosis in mono and
CD170 38582 mac, neu, DC Adhesion Mac; neu CD283 45093, 17264, DC, fib, epi cells Innate immunity to viruses DC; stromal cells
25213, 3135 cells, subset of CD4+ T, mediated activation mac upon interaction with soluble 53424
medullary thy, mono, DC defense collagens; may play a role in CD171 24345 T cell subset, B cell subset, Adhesion Mono
intercellular adhesion DC, mono, neurons CD284 8378, 45104, Mono, mac, endo cells Innate immunity to gram negative Mono
CD45RO 51564, 19758, Activated T and memory T Critical for T cell and B cell receptor Monocyte and mac; gran; helper/
CD172 34076, 34059, Mono, gran, DC, brain, Adhesion Potential stem cell marker; DC 9105, 13556 bacteria
19741, 23 and B cells subset, mono/ mediated activation inducer T cells CD94 25020, 33204, NK cells, T cell subset Inhibition of NK cell function; induces NK cells
33203, 19740 cytolytic activity and cytokine 33987, 53721 stem cells CD288 45097, 53630 Lung, peripheral blood lk TLR8: Role in pathogen recognition and  
mac, gran, cortical thy, activation of innate immunity
DCsubset production CD173 33404 Eryth (human only), stem H antigen: Is a precursor to the A and B Potential stem cell marker; eryth;
CD95 25290, 33227, Mono, neu, lph, fib Fas: Induces apoptosis   cell subset, plt blood group antigens (humans only). plt CD290 53631 Highly expressed in spleen, TLR10: Participates in the innate immune  
CD Antigen AbID Cellular expression Functions Reported markers of…* CD46 28068, 26014, Lk, plt, endo cells, epi cells, Co-factor for factor 1 proteolytic   lymph node, thymus and response to microbial agents
28067, 789 Placental trophoblasts, cleavage of C3b and C4b; sets 25405, 25559, (Some Abcam antibodies have been CD174 3359 Stem cell subset, eryth, Blood Group Lewis y antigen Potential stem cell marker
CD1a 27992, 22352, Cortical thy, Langerhans, Non-peptide Ag presentation Thymics - marks T cells at the sperm and some tumor protective barrier threshold against 2437 tested in functional studies for the epi cells
27991, 708 DC short cortical thymic stage of cells, hematopoietic inappropriate complement activation induction of apoptosis. See www. CD294 12573 Th2 cells, Baso, eos Regulates immune and inflammatory Baso
differentiation abcam.com for details)
CD175s 54464 Erythroblasts, endo cells, Binds CD22, Siglec-3-5 and 6; implicated   responses; induces Th2 cells, eos and
and non hematopoietic epi cells in the induction of metastasis and basophil migration
CD1b 23992 Cortical thy, Langerhans, Non peptide Ag presentation Cortical thy nucleated cells CD97 23490, 33229, Gran, mono. Low Neu migration   invasiveness of tumors. Overexpressed
DC 13023 expression in lph, mac, DC in several carcinomas and is associated CD295 5593 Hematopoieic cells, heart, Regulates fat metabolism; regulates  
CD47 33950, 33953, Hematopoietic cells, Adhesion   liver, kidney, pancreatic proliferative / anti-apooptotic T cells
CD1c 18216 Cortical thy, Langerhans, Non peptide Ag presentation Myeloid DC 1; cortical thy 48517, 9089 epi cells, endo cells, CD98 33236, 42928, Mono, lph NK cells, gran. Cell activation; cell aggregation Mono; T cells (with CD4+ with poor prognosis. 
DC, B cell subset cells and hematopoietic precursors
mesechymal cells 26009, 33232 All human cell lines. suppressor/inducer T cells; with CD176 44859 Stem cell subset, epi cells Thomsen Friedenreich antigen: acts Pan Carcinomas
CD1d 11076 Intestinal epi, B cell subset, Non peptide Ag presentation   CD8+ cytotoxic/suppressor T cells) as an oncofoetal antigen, with low CD299 49862 Endo cells in liver and T cell trafficking; HCV and HIV infection Endo cells (liver and lymph nodes)
CD48 48314, 51595, Lk Cell adhesion; T cell costimulation T cells (with CD4+ suppressor/ lymph nodes
DC 30478, 28111, inducer T cells; with CD8+ CD99 48530, 48531, Lph, NK cells, mono, gran, Lk migration; T cell activation; cell   expression in normal adult tissues but
CD1e General CD1 DC Non peptide Ag presentation   9185 cytotoxic/suppressor T cells) 48529, 9087 endo cells, epi cells, some adhesion increasing to fetal levels of expression in CD304 18130, 16786 DC, T cells, neurons, endo Angiogenesis; Dendritic cell-T cell Plasmacytoid dentritic cells
antibodies: tumor cells, thy hyperplasia or malignancy. cells interaction
CD49a 33672, 34160, Activated T cells, mono, Adhesion; embryo development  
24877, 25599, 34445 melanoma cells, endo cells CD100 33259, 33261, Lk, oligodendrocytes Mono migration; T and B activation; T   CD177 26013, 33332, Neu, Baso, NK cells, T cell   CD305 27744, 27755, T cells, B cells, NK cells, DC, Inhibits cellular activation and Mono
24837, 24986 33260 cell-B cell and T cell-DC interaction 8090 subset, mono, endo cells 27743, 14826 mono, mac inflammation
CD49b 41460, 30486, Plt, B cells, mono, Adhesion; platelet aggregation; NK cells; plt; mono; cctivated
CD2 27995, 25241, Thy, NK cells, T and B cells Adhesion; T cell activation Pan T cells (with CD4+ suppressor/ 42775, 30485, activated T cells, epi cells, receptor for echovirus 1 T cells CD101 33263, 33264, Mono, gran, DC, activated T cell activation and proliferation Monocyte and mac; gran CD178 16105, 27409, Activated T cells, DC, Fas Ligand: Apoptosis induction Activated T cells CD307 37457 B cells Ig receptor; possible role in B cell Activated B cells
27994, 34250 inducer T cells; with CD8+ 24039 T cells, Langerhans 18340 tumor cells, testis activation and neoplasia
30487 endo cells, NK cell subset,
cytotoxic/suppressor T cells); megaK CD102 47207, 25524, Resting lph, mono, plt, Adhesion; costimulation; lymphocyte Mono; T cells (with CD4+ CD309 10975, 2349 Endo cells, primitive stem Angiogenesis Endo cells
human NK cells; thy CD179a 17245 Pro and early pre-B cells Early B cell differentiation  
CD49c 30488, 30489, Most adhesion cell lines. Adhesion and signal transduction   25262, 35045 vascular endo cells recirculation suppressor/inducer T cells; with
CD3 24947, 27349, Mature T cells, thy Signaling T cell activation; regulation of Pan T cells (with CD4+ suppressor/ CD8+ cytotoxic/suppressor T cells); CD180 33329, 21328, B cell subset, mono, DC LPS recognition and signaling; B cell Mono; DC
CD312 49922 Mac, activated mono, DC, Immune and inflammatory response Monocyte and mac; neu
20140 Low expression on B and 17233, 45429 activation
27331, 33429, TCR expression inducer T cells; with CD8+ T cells endo cells hepatocytes and lung cells
3985 cytotoxic/suppressor T cells); CD103 24938, 25517, Intraepi lph, some Lph retention; activation   CD181 38989, 38991, Neu, baso, NK cells, T cell CXCR1: neutrophil chemotaxis Neu CD314 35035, 39010, NK cells, T cell subset NK activation  
NK cells CD49d 25796, 25666, T and B cells, thy, mono, Adhesion, cell migration, homing and T cells (with CD4+ suppressor/ 8042, 10400 subset, mono, endo cells and activation. neoangiogenesis;
24944, 220 eos, Baso, NK cells, mast activation inducer T cells; with CD8+ 48246, 25198 peripheral blood lph, 39003, 36136
CD4 48391, 21418, Thy subset, T helper/ T cell activation; thymic differentiation; TH cells; regulatory T cells; activated lph hematopoiesis
cells, DC, erythroblastic cytotoxic/suppressor T cells); CD317 14694 Plasma cells, Possible role in pre-B cell growth Pro B lph; mono; DC
33437, 34271, inducer and regulatory HIV receptor mono; marker of HIV infection; precursors neuronal stem cells CD104 22486, 41342, Epi cells, endo cells, Cell adhesion; migration; tumor   CD182 38998, 39007, Neu, baso, NK cells, T cell CXCR2: neutrophil chemotaxis Gran lymphoplasmacytoid cells,
23803, cells, mono, mac subcortical and cortical thy; 25254 Shwann cells, keratinocytes metastasis 10401 subset, mono, endo cells and activation; Neoangiogenesis; stromal cells, fib
CD4+ medullary thy subset (when CD49e 23815, 25461, Thy, T cells, mono, plt, early Adhesion; regulation of cell survival and mono; activated T cells hematopoiesis
used in conjunction with other 25189, 24694 and activated B cells, apoptosis CD105 18278, 53321, Endo, mesenchymal stem Angiogenesis; modulates cellular Mesenchymal stem cells; endo CD318 1377 Hematopoietic stem cells, May be involved in cell adhesion Pluripotent stem cells; colon and
endo cells, epi cells 49228 cells, erythroid precursors, response to TGF beta 1 progenitors; activated mac CD183 10402 T cell subset, B cells, CXCR3: T cell chemotaxis Activated T cells epi cells and cell matrix association; potential lung cancers - expression level is
thy markers) NK cells, mono, mac,
activated mono, mac role in the regulation of anchorage correlated with the metastatic
CD5 25280, 24500, Thy, T and B cell subset, Regulates T cell-B cell lymphocyte Pan T cells (with CD4+ suppressor/ CD49f 30496, 30497, Memory B cells, T cells, thy, Adhesion and cell migration; ESC; mono; plt; activated T cells
proliferating endo cells
28080, 20142 mono, plt, megaK, epi, embryogenesis CD106 24853, 25452, Activated endo cells, FDC Lk adhesion; transmigration and Activated endo cells versus migration or proliferation versus ability of carcinoma cells; Possible
24873, 25161, B-CLL interaction inducer T cells; with CD8+ differentiation via its phosphorylation; novels for leukemia diagnosis.
endo, cytotrophoblasts 7224, 19264 costimulation of T cells CD184 7199 T cell subset, B cells, DC, CXCR4: Cell migration; hemotopoietic Mono
36466 cytotoxic/suppressor T cells); mono, endo cells progenitor cell homing; HIV-1 cell entry possible marker for leukemia diagnosis
subcortical thy CD50 47029, 42907, Lk, thy, Langerhans, endo Adhesion and costimulation   CD107a 24871, 25367, Activated plt, activated T LAMP1: Promotes adhesion of human  
and for immature hematopoietic stem
21895, 10804 cells, T and B cells, gran, 48247, 25245 cells, activated endo cells, PBMC to vascular endothelium; possibly CD185 10405 B cells, T cell subset, CXCR5: Cell migration Cerebellar neurons
CD6 34290, 33782, Thy, T and B cell subset, Thy development; T cell activation T and B lph; a potential marker of T
activated gran involved in the adhesion of PBMCs to cerebellar neurons cell subsets; belongs to the tetraspanin
9181, 49503, neuron subset cell activation mono web involved in tumor progression and
the site of inflammation CD186   Th1 cells, B cell subset, NK CXCR6: T cell recruitment; HIV-1  
22381 CD51 33078, 48520, Plt, activated T cells, Adhesion; signal transduction   metastasis.
CD7 1158, 27324, Thy, T cells, NK cells, T cell costimulation Pan T cells (with CD4+ suppressor/ 34226 endo cells, osteoblasts, CD107b 25082, 24945, Activated plt, activated T LAMP2: Lysosomes play a critical role Lysosomes cell subset coreceptor
25368, 25447, cells, activated endo cells in cellular metabolism. LAMP2 may CD321 54252, 52647 Epi cells, endo cells, lk, Tight junction formation; regulation of  
34293, 8236, pluripotent HSC, thy inducer T cells; with CD8+ melanoma cells, megaK CD191   Mono, mac, lph, DC, stem CCR1: Leukocyte chemotaxis Potential stem cell marker; mono plt, eryth, lung, placenta, leukocyte migration; epithelial barrier
25631 be involved in leucocyte adhesion; cells
16042 cytotoxic/suppressor T cells); thy; CD52 33083, 36443, Thy, lph (not plasma cells), Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) Gran
important in autophagy - process of
kidney maintenance; platelet activation
pluripotent HSC 2576 mono/mac, epi cells anchored antigen which may play CD192 32144 Mono, B cells, activated T CCR2: Leukocyte chemotaxis; HIV- Mono; Baso; endo cells CD322 33425, 33423, HUVEC, HEV in tonsils and Tight junction formation; cell Mono; endo cells
bulk degradation of cellular protein
CD8 26004, 34153, Thy subset Tc cells; subcortical and a role in carrying and orienting cells, DC coreceptor 46950 heart polarization; lymphocyte homing
25417, 34282, medulary thy subset (when carbohydrate CDw108 26012, 8222 Activated T cells, eryth Activated T cells
CD193 21342, 16581, Eos, Baso, T cell subset, DC, CCR3: Leukocycte chemotazis; HIV-1 Baso; DC; microglia CD324 48194, 48195, Epi cells, keratinocytes, Cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion;  
34364 used in conjunction with other CD53 33864, 667 Lk, DC, osteoblasts, Signal transduction   CD109 27343, 47211 Activated T, activated Plt; activated T cells; endo cells 16231 microglia coreceptor 48196, 1416 trophoblasts, plt tumor suppression; cell growth and
thy markers) osteoclasts plt, subset of CD34+ cells,
CD195 11466, 11465, Mono, T cell subset CCR5: Lymphocyte chemotaxis; HIV Mono differentiation
endo cells
CD8a 25499, 25676, Thy subset, Tc cells, NK Co-receptor for MHC class 1 molecules   CD54 24869, 25553, Endo, mono, Extravasation of lk from blood vessels; Endo cells 32048 infection CD326 49295, 8666, Epi cells, some carcinomas Binds LAIR-1 and 2 to inhibit cellular Epi cells
25498, 25167, cells, DC subset 25007, 2213 hematopoietic and non- regulates T cell activation CD112 16912 Mono, neu, subset of Intracellular adhesion Mono; neu
49297, 8667 activation and inflammation
25478, 33786 hematopoietic cells. Low CD34+ cells, endo cells, epi CD196 10398 Memory T cells, B cells, DC, CCR6: Cell migration; HIV coreceptor DC
expression on resting lph, cells, myeloid cells. Langerhans CD328 38573 NK cells, T cell subset, Negative regulation of NK cell and T Mono
CD8b 21246, 21247, Thy subset, Tc cells Co-receptor for MHC class 1 molecules   mono, gran cell activity
21245, 41328, upregulation on activation CD114 11411, 10657 Myeloid progenitor cells, Myeloid cell proliferation and Gran; neu; Baso CD197 25790, 36432, T cell subset, DC CCR7: T lymphocyte adhesion; thy Helper/inducer T cells
21248 endo and trophoblastic differentiation 32361 regulation CD329 38578 Mono, neu, subset of Negative regulation of immune Mono; gran
CD55 25634, 25540, Hematopoietic and Regulates complement activation; Eryth NK cells, B cells, T cells, response
CD9 34162, 34161, Plt, pre-B cells, eos, Baso, Cell adhesion and migration; platelet ESC; plt; Baso; mono 25635, 1422 nonhematopoietic cells ligand or protective molecular in cells CD198   Mono, T cell subset, DC, Cell migration; HIV 1 coreceptor Mono
HUVEC cells hepatocytes
2215 activated T cells, endo activation fertilization; signal transduction CD115 37858 Mono, mac, monocytic Monocytic cell proliferation and Mono
and epi cells progenitors, neuronal cells, differentiation CD199   Thy, intraepi lph, Cell migration; HIV 1 co-receptor   CD331 829 Widely expressed in adult Limb induction; cardioskeletal, Stromal cells
CD56 48524, 7169, Neural tissues, NK cells, T Homophilic and heterophilic adhesion Neuronals; NK cells and fetal tissues. Over cardiomyocyte and liver development
48522, 19774, cell subset, small cell lung osteoclasts melanoma cells
CD10 28096, 27384, B and T cell precursors, fib, Peptidase; regulates B cell growth Mesenchymal / lymphoid stem expression in breast cancer
35268, 34199 neu, bone marrow stromal cells; neu; pre-pre B lph 9272 carcinoma CD116 10670 Mono/mac, gran, DC, Myeloid cell hematopoiesis and Mono; neu; endo cells CD200 33364, 33365, Thy, B cells, activated Down-regulatory signal for myeloid cell Thy
cells endo cells, eos differentiation 33363, 33734 T cells, endo cells, function CD332 10648 Brain, liver, prostate, Limb induction; craniofacial Stromal cells
CD57 25605, 25577, NK cell subset, T cell subset, Adhesion NK subsets kidney, lung and spinal development
CD11a 19570, 25500, Lk, lph, gran, mono and Intracellular adhesion and costimulation Mono and mac 25614, 8597 mono CD117 21321, 42776, HSC and progenitors c-kit: Crucial for development of Hematopoetic / lymphoid stem keratinocyte subset
24951, 52895 mac 25364, 21322, gonadal and pigment stem cells cells and progenitors CD201 15604 Endo cell subset Protein C activation  
CD58 26006, 27301, Lk, eryth, epi cells, endo APC-T, killer target cell interaction;   CD333 10651 Brain, kidney, brain. Testis Limb induction; craniofacial Stromal cells
CD11b 25482, 24874, Gran, mono, NK cells, T Cell adhesion; apoptosis; chemotaxis Mesenchymal stem cells; 21897, 1420 cells, fib, hematopoietic costimulation CD202b 27852, 24859 Endo cells, Stem cell subset Angiogenesis   in adult. Small intestine development
25175, 24954, and B cells, DC macrophage/monocyte/myeloid and non-hematopoietic CDW119 11286, 21431, Lph, NK cells, mono/mac, Role in host defense and   in fetus
6332, cells; gran; microglial cells cells 11285 gran, endo cells, epi cells immunopathological processes CD204   Mac in cortical and LKL uptake; host defense Mac
medullary regions (thymus), CD334 49307, 49306, Liver, kidney, lung, Endoderm and skeletal muscle Stromal cells
CD11c 42800, 33485, Mono, mac, gran, T and B Cell adhesion Marker for CD11c subset of CD59 36467, 15686, Hematopoietic and non- Prevents complement polymerization; Hematopoietic stem cells; eryth CD120 25472, 36251, Hematopoietic and non- Cell differentiation; apoptosis; necrosis;  
lymph nodes, alveoli, 5481 pancreatic cells. lph and development; cancer metastasis
52632, 11029 cell subset myeloid cells; type 1 myeloid DC; 42788, 28114, hematopoietic cells protects cells from complement 16920, 19139 hematopoietic cells, epi anti bacterial; viral and parasitic. mac
Kupffer cells (liver), mono.
monocyte and mac; gran 9182 mediated lysis cells
Widely expressed by mac CD335 54002 NK cells NK cell activation  
CD13 46882, 46883, Gran, mono (+ precursors), Zinc binding metalloproteinase Mesenchymal stem cells; CDw60 22384, 25755 Subset of CD4+ and CD8+ Co-stimulation of T cells Plt CD121a 25074, 20876 Low expression in fib, lph, IL-I receptor I: Mediates IL-1 signaling Stromal cells; endo cells lineage cells in the spleen
25723, 7417 endo cells, epi cells. mono; gran peripheral T-cells, plt, mono mono/mac, gran, DC. epi CD336 48562, 48561, Activated NK cells NK cell activation  
cells, neural cells CD205 33367, 33368, DC, thymic epi cells Endocytosis; enhances antigen DC 25911
CD14 25620, 16174, Mono, mac Receptor for complex of LPS and LBP Monocyte and mac; endo CD61 33271, 33272, With CD41 on plt, with Mediates cell adhesion to diverse MegaKaryocyte and plt 24042 presentation
16175, 21889, (myelomoncytic cells) progenitors 19784, 7167 CD51 on mac, endo, fib, matrix proteins CDw121b 34838 B cells, mono/mac, some T ILI receptor II: Mediates negative Monocyte and mac CD337 48565, 48564, NK cells NK cell activation  
8103 Langerhans, gran megaK, osteoclasts, mast cells, keratinocytes signaling CD206 8919, 8918 Mac, mono, inflammatory Endocytosis Monocyte and mac; DC 26250
dendritic epidermal cells CD339 7771 Widely expressed in adult Cell fate determination in Stromal cells
CD15 42751, 28103, Gran, mono, neu, eos Cell adhesion Endo progenitors; granylocyte/ cells, mac CD122 25516, 24943, NK cells, resting T cells, IL2 Receptor beta: IL-2 and IL-15  
20137 neu; mono; cancers - Reed- 21466, 33956, subset of B cells, mono receptor beta chain signaling CD207   Langerhans, DC Facilitates antigen recognition and DC and fetal cells hematopoiesis; cardiovascular
CD62E 51241, 13481, Activated endo cells, Lk rolling; tumor cell adhesion; Endo progenitors
uptake development
Sternberg cells of Hodgkin’s 51529, 6630 E-Selectin angiogenesis 21467
disease; on T cell lymphomas CD123 21469, 21468, Vasophils, eos, IL-3 receptor alpha chain Baso; mono; granulocyte/neu; CD209 37220 DCsubset Antigen endocytosis and degradation; DC CD340 48180, 48181,   Essential component of a neuregulin- Cancers - detectable in a
CD62L 41459, 24876, B and T cell subset, mono, Lk rolling and homing Naïve/effector memory T cells
attachment of some viruses (including 48188, 31890, receptor complex proportion of breast and
including mycosis fungoides and 25600, 3920 gran, NK cells, thy (L-selectin) 50277 hematopoietic progenitors, pluripotent stem cells
on some leukemias. mac, DC, endo cells, small HIV) 2428 other adenocarconomas,
CD62P 33279, 42795, Activated plt, endo cells, Lk terythering and rolling   subset of lph as well as transitional cell
CD16 46885, 46886, Neu, NK cells, mac Low affinity Fc receptor; mediates Gran; neu; NK cells; mac CD210 33405, 21478, T cells, B cells, NK cells IL-10 receptor Monocyte and mac
52047, 664 phagocytosis and ADCC 6632 megaK, P-selectin 10778 carcinomas. In breast cancer,
CD124 50277 Low expression on lk and Receptor for IL-4 and IL-13 Lymphoid stem cells; endo cells;
expression determined by
CD17 1902   Mono; neu/Baso CD63 19787, 18236, Activated plt, mono, mac, Translocated to cell surface on Plt, endo cell, and granulocyte progenitors, endo and Pro B lph; T cells (with CD4+ CD213a1 3772 B cells, mono, endo cells IL-13 receptor Mono
1318 gran, endothelium activation of plt, endo cells and gran. activations; monocyte and immunohistochemistry is
epi cells, fib, mature T and suppressor/inducer T cells; with
CDw17   Mono, plt, B cell subset, Lactocyl ceramide; cell surface Plt Associated with the early stages of mac; melanomas – involved in CD213a2 34931, 27414 B cells, mono IL-13 receptor   associated with poor prognosis.
gran, DC, T cells, plt, neu glycosphingolipid B cells CD8+ cytotoxic/suppressor T cells)
melanoma tumor progression (in early stages of melanoma tumor CD218a   Th1 cells, B cell subset, Signal transduction through binding   CD344 12992 Ubiquitous expression. Frizzled 4: Receptor for Wnt proteins;  
CD18 40911, 52049, Lk Cell adhesion   CD125 10759 Eos, Baso, activated B Receptor for IL-5 (IL5RA) Baso
Highly expressed in adult may be involved in transduction
regulation of motility and adhesion of progression cells, mast cells NK cells, moncytes, gran, to IL-18
25489, 52050, melanoma cells). endo cells heart, skeletal muscle, and intercellular transmission of
8220 CD126 34304, 47215 Activated B and plasma IL-6 receptor subunit Plasma cells ovary, fetal kidney polarity information during tissue
CD64 34224, 23890, Mono, mac High affinity receptor for IgG Monocyte and mac; activated cells, T cells, mono, epi CD218B 47269, 47258 NK cells, T cell subset, Signal transduction  
CD19 25484, 1167, B cells (but NOT plasma Signal transduction Pro and pre B lph; FDC 27928, 9248 neutrophil, eosinophil and Baso morphogenesis; plays a critical role in
cells, fib mono, endo cells
52056, 25609, cells), FDC retinal angiogenesis
CD65 51913, 51912 Gran, myeloid cells. Low Useful for studies of stages of
CD127 33704, 48527, B precursors, mature T cells, IL-7 receptor alpha chain Lymphoid stem cells; pro B lph; CD220   Lk, fib, endo cells, epi cells Insulin receptor  
expression on mono myeloid cell proliferation CD349 13000 Highly expressed in brain, Frizzled 9: Receptor for Wnt proteins;  
48526 thy, mono mono CD221 8093 Lk, some non- Signaling; cell proliferation and   testis, eye, skeletal muscle, may be involved in transduction and
CD20 25542, 51792, T and B cell subset B cell activation and proliferation B Cells; Baso; cancers - used
46896, 25610, for the typing of malignant CD66 51569 Neu Activated neutrophil, eosinophil
CD128 38989, 38991, Neu, Baso, T cell subset IL-8 receptor   hematopoietic cells differentiation kidney intercellular transmission of polarity
CD66a,c,d,e and Baso 8042, 13018 information during tissue morphogenesis
32090 lymphomas and other CD222 8093 Lph, mono, gran, fib Cell adhesion; migration  
lymphoproliferative disorders. CD66a   Mature gran, eptithelial Homophilic and heterophilic adhesion; Neu CD129 48497, 10773   IL-9 receptor   and/or in differentiated tissues
cells, hematopoietic neutrophil activation CD223 41346, 41332 Activated T cells, activated Negative regulation of T cell expansion Eryth; activated T cells
CD21 24887, 25355, Mature B cells, FDC, T cell Signal transduction   CD130 47218, 27359 T cells, activated B cells, Transmitts activities of IL-6, IL-11, LIF   NK cells and homeostasis CD350 12991 Placenta, fetal kidney, Frizzled 10: Receptor for Wnt proteins;  
tissues, neu, colon and liver fetal lung, fetal brain may be involved in transduction and
24827, 24992 subset plasma cells, mono, endo and CNF
CD66b 51534, 48589 Gran Gran; neu CD226 33335, 33337, T cells, NK cells, mono, plt Activation of T cells or NK cytotoxicity Mono intercellular transmission of polarity
CD22 25267, 24971, Mature B cells B cell adhesion; signal transduction Mature B cells; plt; Baso; cancers cells 33393, 24041
25369, 21890, - useful in phenotyping mature CD66c   Neu, epi cells, colon Cell adhesion; neutrophil activation Gran information during tissue morphogenesis
CD131 21581, 45176, Mono, gran, early B cells, Transducing signal from IL-3R, IL-5R and Hematopoetic stem cells; mono;
CD227 45167 Epi cells, stem cell suset, Cell adhesion and signaling   and/or in differentiated tissues
25135 leukemias. carcinoma hematopoietic stem cells GM-CSFR neutrophil/Baso
lymphocyte subset, mono
CD23 25457, 46908, Mature B cells, activated Low affinity receptor for IgE; ligand for Activated mac; plt; activated eos; CD66d   Neu Neu activation Neu CD133 16518, 5558 Hematopoietic stem Stem and early progenitor Cells
24999, 24957, mac, eos, FDC, plt CD19; CD21 and CD81 activated B cells cell subset, epi and (including neural and ESC) CD229 33400, 51847, T cells, B cells, thy Lph differentiation  
CD66e   Adult colon epi, colon Homophilic and heterophilic adhesion   33399, 33398
710 carcinoma endo precursors, neural
CD230 51666 Heamatopoietic and non Prevents apoptosis  
CD24 51535, 25657,
25646, 25658,
B cells, gran, epi cells,
Regulation of B cell proliferation and
Pancreatic cancers; Pro B lph;
CD66f   Eptihelial, placental Immune regulation and protection of   precursors
hematopoietic cells Key to abbreviations
syncytiotrophoblasts, fetal fetus from maternal immune system; CD134 33960, 34009, Activated T cells, OX40: T cell activation, proliferation and Activated T cells
31622 liver pregnancy specific glycoprotein. 6415 regulatory T cells differentiation ; apoptosis; cell adhesion CD231   T-ALL cells, neurons May be involved in cell proliferation Neuronals; Leukaemias -
and cell motility expressed in acute myelocytic Abbreviation Text Abbreviation Text
CD26 30359, 30360, Mature thy, T cells Exoprotease; HIV pathogenesis Activated B and T cells; mac
CD68 955 Mono, mac, neu, Baso, Possibly has a role in phagocytic Mac; mono and microgilals CD135 18463, 33285, Mutipotential, myelocytic Receptor tyrosine kinase Pluripotent stem cells
42897, 3154 (upregulated on 23895, 33283, mono and primitive B cell leukemia cells of some patients
DC, myeloid progenitors activities of tissue mac, both in Baso Basophils Lph Lymphocytes
activation), activated B intracellular lysosomal metabolism and 37847 progenitors CD233   Eryth, kidney cells Anion exchanger  
cells, NK cells, epi cells, Endo Endothelial cells Mac Macrophages
extracellular cell-cell and cell-pathogen CD137 33289, 3169 Activated T cells, FDC, Costimulation of T cell activation   CD234 48194, 48195, Eryth, endo cells, epi cells, Chemokine decoy receptor  
mac interactions; binds to tissue- and organ- mono, activated B cells, 48196, 40821 neurons, cerebellum Eos Eosinophils MegaK Megakaryocytes
CD27 30366, 30367, T cells, medullary thy, B cell Costimulation of T cell and B cell B cell malignancies specific lectins or selectins, allowing epi cells
10456 subset, NK cells activation CD235 51531, 42762, Eryth Glycophorin A: Provides the cell with Eryth Epi Epithelial cells Mono Monocytes
homing of macrophage subsets to CD138 27390, 27329, Plasma cells, pre-B cells, ECM receptor / Syndecan Breast cancers; Plasma cells 6397 a large mucin like surface which
CD28 25488, 24908, Most T cells, thy, plasma Costimulation Activated B cells particular sites; recirculation of CD68 27362, 34164 epi cells, neural cells, may provide a barrier to cell fusion; Eryth Erythrocytes Neu Neutrophils
25487, 25178, cells, NK cells, activated from endosomes and lysosomes to the breast cancer cells minimizing aggregation between red ESC Embryonic stem cells NK Natural killer cells
13463 B cells plasma membrane; may allow mac to blood cells in the circulation
crawl over selectin bearing substrates
CD139 35664 B cells, mono, gran, FDC,  
FDC Follicular dendritic cells Plt Platelets
CD29 36468, 23834, Lk Interacts with CD49a in VLA-1 integrin   eryth CD236 6398 Eryth, stem cell subset Important role in regulating the stability Stem cell subsets; eryth
30393, 23825, or other cells. Fib Fibroblasts Tc Cytotoxic T Cells
CD140 48204, 49310 Fib, mesenchymal cells, plt, Cell proliferation, differentiation and Stromal cells of red cells
7168 CD69 24848, 25570, Activated lk, NK cells, thy Signal transmitting receptor Activated mac; T and B cells; glial cells, chondrocytes survival Gran Granulocytes TH Helper T Cells
25008, 51862 subset, plt, Langerhans, NK cells CD238   Eryth, hematopoietic Endothelin 3 conversion enzyme Eryth
CD30 24976, 25187, Activated T and B cells, Regulates lymphocyte proliferation ESC; activated T and B cells; cell
CD141 27396, 6980 Mono, neu, plt, endo cells Activation of protein C and initiation of Myeloid DC; endo cells progenitors
25186, 23766 mono, activated NK cells, and cell death. Has a critical role in the surface antigen of Hodgkin’s and activated mac HSC Hematopoietic stem cells Thy Thymocytes
protein C anti-coagulant pathway
Reed-Sternberg cells pathophysiology of Hodgkin’s disease Reed-Sternberg cells CD70 24538, 21950 Activated B and T cells, Induces proliferation of costimulated Activated B and T cells CD239 24147 Eryth, fib Eryth differentiation and trafficking Eryth Lk Leukocytes
and other CD30+ lymphomas. mac T cells; enhances the generation CD142 35807 Mono, epi, astrocytes, Initiates blood clotting Mono; endo cells
Schwann cells, endo cells CD240   Eryth Eryth
CD31 25563, 23359, Mono, plt, gran, endo, Cell adhesion Mesenchymal stem cells; plt; mono of Tc cells and contributes to T cell
activation. This cytokine is also reported CD143 11709, 33318, Endo, epi cells, DC, Angiotensin converting enzyme   CD243 3364 Stem cells, drug resistant Influences uptake, tissue distribution Pluripotent stem cells
25644, 7389, lymphocyte subset, epi and mac; gran; T cells (with CD4+
7388 cells suppressor/inducer T cells; with to play a role in regulating B-cell 11739, 11738 neuronal cells, activated tumor cells and elimination of P-glycoprotein Key to conjugations Key to research topics
mac transported toxins and drugs
CD8+ cytotoxic/suppressor T cells) activation, cytotoxic function of NK
cells; and immunoglobulin sythesis. CD144 33321, 7047 Endo cells, stem cell subset Cell adhesion Stem cell subsets; endo cells CD244 51857, 54251 NK cells, T cell subset, Baso, NK cell activation; NK cell -T cell NK cells
CD32 30356, 30357, B cells, mono, gran, plt, Regulation of B cell function; induces monocyte and mac; neu mono interaction Text colour Conjugation Text colour Topic
30355, 45143 endo cells phagocytosis and mediator release CD71 33996, 25622, Proliferating cells, Transferin receptor 1 - controls iron Erythroblasts; mac; activated B CD146 33300, 25435, Endo cells, melanoma, Cell adhesion Endo progenitors; activated T
7350, 8598 reticulcytes, erythroid uptake during cell proliferation and T cells 24577 FCD, activated T cells cells; FDC CD247 25616, 11505, T cells, NK cells Component of CD3/TCR complex;   Allophycocyanin Immunology
CD33 25773, 25906, Mono, gran, mast cells, Lectin acitivity; adhesion Myeloid cells; mono
33395, 33772, antigen recognition an signal
21892, 30371 myeloid progenitors precursors, activated lk CD147 34044, 23876, Lk, eryth, plt, endo cells Cell adhesion; T cell activation Eryth; plt; mono; endo cells
11281 transduction FITC Stem Cells
CD34 18225, 46924, HSC and progenitors, Cell adhesion (via L-selectin) Pro and pre B lph; eryth; stem cell CD72 33286, 18223, B (not plasma) cells, mac, B cell activation and proliferation Pro and pre B lph 21898, 666
46970, 21252, capillary endo cells and early and late progenitors; 8091 FDC, epi and endo cells CD148 10639 Gran, mono, DC, plt, B Tyrosine phosphatase; cell growth and   CD249 24981, 25200, Epi cells, endo cells Converts angiotensin II to angiotensin III  
25009, 36837 Phycoerythrin Neuroscience
8158 lymphoid stem cells; endo CD74 54213, 49782 B cells, activated T cells, Intracellular sorting of MHC class II Mono and mac cells, T cells differentiation
progenitors mac, Langerhans, DC, molecules CD150 33314, 42814, T cells (up regulated on Costimulation; measles viral infection Hematopoeitic progenitors; T cells CD252 7434 DC, activated B cells, Costimulation DC; activated B cells
endo cells, mast cells Biotin Endothelial
CD35 51567, 25 Eryth, B cells, mono, neu, C3b and C4b; mediates adhesion and Mono; neu; T cells (with CD4+ endo cells, epi cells 33313, 33311 activation), regulatory T (with CD4+ suppressor/inducer
eos, FDC, T cells subset phagocytosis suppressor/inducer T cells; with CDw75 33287 B cell subset, T cell subset, Cell adhesion   cells, B cells, DC, endo cells T cells; with CD8+ cytotoxic/ CD253 47230, 27322, Activated T cells, NK cells Apoptosis: TRAIL or Apo 2L initiates Apoptosis studies; activated B and Unconjugated Cancer
CD8+cytotoxic/suppressor T cells) eryth suppressor T cells) 10516 apoptosis of tumor cells by binding to T cells
CD151 either of its receptors, DR4 or DR5
CD36 48311, 51566, Plt, mono/macrophage, Scavenger receptor; mediates Endo progenitors; plt; monocyte CD77 19795 Germinal centre B cells, Induces apoptosis   33316, 33317, Endo cells, megaK, plt, Essential for proper assembly of the Plt
39024, 36978, endo and thyroid adhesion and phagocytosis and mac; mac. High expression in 33315 epi cells glomerular and tubular basement CD254 21425, 21424, Activated T cells, stromal T cell-B cell and T cell-DCinteraction; Stromal cells; activated T cells
17044 precursors Burkitt’s lph membranes in kidney. 13582 cells, osteoclasts bone development www.abcam.com/cdmarkers

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Image: Scanning electron micrograph of rat blood cells. Courtesy of the Biomedical Imaging Unit, University of Southampton, UK. *Data taken from several sources. CD antigen may also be present on other / additional cell types.

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