The Tenna Dipper A Poor Mans Antenna Analyzer Compress
The Tenna Dipper A Poor Mans Antenna Analyzer Compress
The Tenna Dipper A Poor Mans Antenna Analyzer Compress
Power (W)
Frequency (MHz)
Using the 'Tenna Dipper to
Tune an Antenna
• Select the frequency band and adjust the pot to
display the desired frequency
• Adjust the antenna until the LED brightness "dips" to
a minimum, or ...
• Adjust the transmatch until the LED brightness
"dips" to a minimum
• Adjust the pot and watch the brightness of the LED
and the frequency counter value to estimate the
match frequency range
• Multiple LED "dips" may be due to VCO harmonics
Using the 'Tenna Dipper to
Analyze an Antenna
• Switch between bands and adjust the pot until the
LED brightness "dips" to a minimum
• The frequency counter displays a local maximum
resonance point
• Adjust the pot and watch the LED brightness and
the frequency counter to get a sense of the range of
locally maximal resonance
• Perform this task over the frequencies of interest, as
there may be multiple resonance points
• Multiple LED "dips" may be due to VCO harmonics
Comparison Testing
• How does the 'Tenna
Dipper compare to a real
antenna analyzer?
• The mini Radio Solutions
miniVNA Pro is a PC-
based Vector Network
Analyzer (VNA)
• It will be used to provide
“truth” measurements for
a test antenna
• Provided by Doug Knabe
Testing at QTH of Doug KN5DK
Subject: Homebrew Buddipole
• A Buddipole is a “walking
portable”, loaded dipole
developed by Budd
Drummond W3FF
• Band selection (20, 17, 15,
12, or 10 meters) through
selection of loading coils
• Tuning done by adjusting
the length of the whips
Buddipole Setup
14.180 MHz
'Tenna Dipper Results
• LED dimmed, but did not fully extinguish,
at about 14.15 MHz
• This is the frequency at which the complex
impedance vector is closest to 50 Ohms
• Errors in the 'Tenna Dipper's frequency
counter are not taken into account
• Bench testing indicated that frequency
counter may be have about ±10 KHz error
'Tenna Dipper Tuning Table
Red Aerial Whip Sections* Frequency where LED is Dimmest
4 Sections + 6.5” of Section 5 14.00 MHz
4 Sections + 6.0” of Section 5 14.02 MHz
4 Sections + 5.5” of Section 5 14.05 MHz
4 Sections + 5.0” of Section 5 14.07 MHz
4 Sections + 4.5” of Section 5 14.10 MHz
4 Sections + 4.0” of Section 5 14.12 MHz
4 Sections + 3.5” of Section 5 14.15 MHz
4 Sections + 3.0” of Section 5 14.17 MHz
4 Sections + 2.5” of Section 5 14.19 MHz
4 Sections + 2.0” of Section 5 14.21 MHz
4 Sections + 1.5” of Section 5 14.23 MHz
4 Sections + 1.0” of Section 5 14.25 MHz
4 Sections + 0.5” of Section 5 14.28 MHz
*Black aerial always has all five sections of whip fully extended
14.180 MHz