The Tenna Dipper A Poor Mans Antenna Analyzer Compress

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The 'Tenna Dipper: A "Poor

Man's" Antenna Analyzer

Mac A. Cody
• Who am I?
• What is antenna tuning?
• What is antenna analysis?
• The minimalist approach
• History of the 'Tenna Dipper
• My spin on a homebrew 'Tenna Dipper
• Using the 'Tenna Dipper to tune an antenna
• Using the 'Tenna Dipper to analyze an antenna
• Comparison Testing: 'Tenna Dipper vs miniVNA Pro
• Questions?
Who Am I?

• Kansas State University: BSEE '79, MSEE '81

(Digital signal processing and instrumentation)
• Motorola GED, Chandler AZ: '81 - '88
• Sunair Electronics, Ft. Lauderdale FL: '88 - '92
(Adaptive Link Establishment modem)
• '92 - Present: E-Systems/Raytheon IIS, Garland TX
• Technician and General Class: '09 - KF5DAF
• Amateur Extra: '10 – AE5PH
• Interests: SDR, home brewing, EMCOMM
What Is Antenna Tuning?
• Adjusting an antenna such that it is near or at
resonance for a desired range of frequencies
• Adjusting an antenna such that it has nearly the
same impedance of a connected radio for a
desired range of frequencies
• Adjusting a transmatch to compensate for the
impedance mismatch between an antenna and a
radio for a desired range of frequencies
Using a Radio and SWR Meter
Can Be Problematic
• Many radios and transmatches do not have built-
in SWR meters (especially true for home brew
• Good SWR meters can be expensive and
fragile, either electrically, mechanically, or both
• Using a radio to tune the antenna may damage
the radio, the SWR meter, or both
• An SWR meter is one more piece of radio gear
to hook up (and transport, if in the field)
What Is Antenna Analysis?

• Determining the impedance of an antenna

over a range of frequencies
• Determining the Voltage Standing Wave
Ratio (VSWR) of an antenna over a range
of frequencies
• Determining the resonant frequency (or
frequencies) of an antenna
• Determining the gain pattern of an
Using an Antenna Analyzer Can
Be Problematic
• They can be expensive (good ones are very
expensive) - $99 to $$$$
• Many antenna analyzers must be calibrated in
order to produce reliable, realistic results
• The operator must use the antenna analyzer
properly to obtain reliable, realistic results
• Improper use of an antenna analyzer can
damage it, resulting in an expensive repair bill
(or the purchase of a new analyzer, ouch!)
The Minimalist Approach

• Antenna tuning: Determine that an antenna or

transmatch are adjusted such that the radio is
not likely to be damaged during transmission for
a desired range of frequencies
• Antenna analysis: Determine the range of
frequencies that an antenna is unlikely to cause
damage to the radio during transmission
• These similar goals can be accomplished with
one, relatively simple and (potentially)
inexpensive piece of test equipment: A Resistive
SWR Bridge
A Resistive SWR Bridge
• A Wheatstone bridge with the
antenna as the unknown
resistance Zx (blue circuitry)
• The green circuitry measures
the forward voltage
• The yellow circuitry measures
the reflected voltage
• The red circuitry measures
the bridge imbalance, hence
the ratio between Zx and 50Ω
• Only the red circuitry is
required if only an indication
of imbalance is needed
History Of The 'Tenna Dipper
• Created by Steve "Melt Solder" Weber, KD1JV
• A digital VCO (74HC46) drives an antenna
resistance bridge (Harmonics? You betcha!)
• Four frequency bands are set by four trimmer pots
forming a tapped voltage ladder, with another
trimmer pot used for fine adjustments
• Two 2N3904 transistors, arranged as a Darlington
pair, drive an LED to indicate the amount of antenna
• Provides a tap for your frequency meter
• Fits in an Altoids® tin with a 9V battery!
4SQRP 'Tenna Dipper Kit
• Commercialized version of the 'Tenna Dipper
formerly sold by the Four State QRP Group
• Added a modified version of the Arizona
ScQRPions Stinger frequency counter chip,
which reports the frequency measured in Morse
code at 27 WPM
• Isolates VCO and frequency counter from bridge
via a logic gate
• Still fits in an Altoids® tin (if you trim the PCB)
with a 9V battery
Hendricks Deluxe 'Tenna Dipper
• Currently sold as a kit by Hendricks QRP Kits for
$75 (Is there value for this cost?)
• Provides frequency counter with a four-character
LED, with two frequency scales
• Two MPS5179 RF transistors to improve detector
performance at higher frequencies
• One, single turn pot to set frequency in two bands
• Kit includes components, PCB, decals, and an
unfinished case
• Yahoo group provides support
My Spin On a Homebrew
'Tenna Dipper
• PIC micro-based LED frequency counter designed
by Wolfgang "Wolf" Büscher, DL4YHF
• Diode separates bridge from VCO and frequency
counter to avoid signal reflection interference
• Still uses two MPS5179 RF transistors, after some
enlightening experimentation
• Ten-turn pot to improve frequency selectivity
• Created single-sided PCB using Eagle CAD
• Discovered frequency sensitivity issues - VCO,
transistors, bridge transformer?
Homebrewing is a learning experience!
AE5PH 'Tenna Dipper PCB
Completed AE5PH 'Tenna Dipper
Power Output Frequency Sensitivity
Power Output Over Frequecy Range (50Ω Load)



Power (W)

Power w/ Diode (W)

Power w/o Diode (W)
Power w/ HC04 (W)
0.02 Power w/ AC04 (W)

Possible causes of power loss are VCO duty cycle


reduction, transistor gain frequency roll-off, or frequency

sensitivity in the bridge transformer – Hendricks QRP

Deluxe 'Tenna Dipper probably has this problem too!

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Frequency (MHz)
Using the 'Tenna Dipper to
Tune an Antenna
• Select the frequency band and adjust the pot to
display the desired frequency
• Adjust the antenna until the LED brightness "dips" to
a minimum, or ...
• Adjust the transmatch until the LED brightness
"dips" to a minimum
• Adjust the pot and watch the brightness of the LED
and the frequency counter value to estimate the
match frequency range
• Multiple LED "dips" may be due to VCO harmonics
Using the 'Tenna Dipper to
Analyze an Antenna
• Switch between bands and adjust the pot until the
LED brightness "dips" to a minimum
• The frequency counter displays a local maximum
resonance point
• Adjust the pot and watch the LED brightness and
the frequency counter to get a sense of the range of
locally maximal resonance
• Perform this task over the frequencies of interest, as
there may be multiple resonance points
• Multiple LED "dips" may be due to VCO harmonics
Comparison Testing
• How does the 'Tenna
Dipper compare to a real
antenna analyzer?
• The mini Radio Solutions
miniVNA Pro is a PC-
based Vector Network
Analyzer (VNA)
• It will be used to provide
“truth” measurements for
a test antenna
• Provided by Doug Knabe
Testing at QTH of Doug KN5DK
Subject: Homebrew Buddipole
• A Buddipole is a “walking
portable”, loaded dipole
developed by Budd
Drummond W3FF
• Band selection (20, 17, 15,
12, or 10 meters) through
selection of loading coils
• Tuning done by adjusting
the length of the whips
Buddipole Setup

• Buddipole configured with 20-meter coils

• Black whip - Fully extend all five sections
• Red whip - Fully extend the inner four
sections and extend the outer, fifth section
by 3½ inches
• Raise Buddipole to sixteen feet above the
• Goal: Operate at 14.180 MHz with an
SWR < 2:1
Reflection Measurement
Single Frequency Measurement
Smith Chart Measurement

14.180 MHz
'Tenna Dipper Results
• LED dimmed, but did not fully extinguish,
at about 14.15 MHz
• This is the frequency at which the complex
impedance vector is closest to 50 Ohms
• Errors in the 'Tenna Dipper's frequency
counter are not taken into account
• Bench testing indicated that frequency
counter may be have about ±10 KHz error
'Tenna Dipper Tuning Table
Red Aerial Whip Sections* Frequency where LED is Dimmest
4 Sections + 6.5” of Section 5 14.00 MHz
4 Sections + 6.0” of Section 5 14.02 MHz
4 Sections + 5.5” of Section 5 14.05 MHz
4 Sections + 5.0” of Section 5 14.07 MHz
4 Sections + 4.5” of Section 5 14.10 MHz
4 Sections + 4.0” of Section 5 14.12 MHz
4 Sections + 3.5” of Section 5 14.15 MHz
4 Sections + 3.0” of Section 5 14.17 MHz
4 Sections + 2.5” of Section 5 14.19 MHz
4 Sections + 2.0” of Section 5 14.21 MHz
4 Sections + 1.5” of Section 5 14.23 MHz
4 Sections + 1.0” of Section 5 14.25 MHz
4 Sections + 0.5” of Section 5 14.28 MHz
*Black aerial always has all five sections of whip fully extended

Thanks and 73, Mac / AE5PH

...and a big thanks to Doug Knabe KN5DK

for his hospitality and support during testing!
Back-up Slides
Smith Chart Measurement

14.180 MHz

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