Temperature Heat and Thermodynamics - First Law

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Module - -



How can we keep track of energy as it is transferred from one system to another?
How can we calculate the amount of internal energy - a quantity that seems to
be hidden within the very "guts" of matter? Further, what is the difference
between temperature and heat, and between heat and work?

This module focuses on the first of two central thermodynamic principles: the
conservation of energy, or, as it is sometimes called, the first law of thermo-
dynamics. The second basic principle, which rleals with the inevitable increase
of a quantity called entropy, is the subject of another module Second Law and
Entropy. These two abstract principles, plus a few other concepts and laws
and the vocabulary needed for literacy in the field, are the entire content
of thermodynamics. The energy and entropy principles form the framework that
governs all energy conversions involving heat; they are the touchstones we
must rely on as we attempt to create new energy devices, such as solar converters
or fusion reactors, to limit the wasteful exploitation of the Earth's resources.

The approach of this module is macroscopic - that is, we shall deal with systems
that are approximately of human scale in size and mass (thermometers, blocks of
ice, heat engines), and we shall choose observable quantities such as pressure,
volume, and temperature to describe the behavior of these systems. The macro-
scopic approach should be seen as supplementary to the microscopic approach,
which regards the behavior of the atoms and molecules as fundamental. This
latter framework chooses the molecular velocities, energies, and momenta as
the starting point, and values for macroscopic observables are derived from
the microscopic picture. The microscopic approach is treated in another module
Kinetic Theory of Gases, where the behavior of gases is interpreted in terms
of molecular energies and collisions.
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 2


Before you begin this module, Location of

you should be able to: Prerequisite Content
*Interpret an integral as the area under a curve Calculus Review
and evaluate it (needed for Objective 5 of this
*Calculate the work done by a constant or variable Work and Energy
force oriented parallel or obliquely to the Module
displacement of a particle (needed for Objective
5 of this module)
*Calculate the kinetic energy of a particle, given Work and Energy
its mass and velocity [specifically, use the formula Module .
K = (1/2)mv 2 ] (needed for Objective 5 of this module)
*Employ the relationship of power to energy and time Work and Energy
(E = Pt) in order to calculate one of the quantities, Module
given the others (needed for Objectives 3 and 5 of
this module)
*Calculate the amount of gravitational potential Conservation of
energy near the surface of the Earth (specifically, Energy Module
use the formula U = mgh) (needed for Objective 5
of this module) g

After you have mastered the content of this module, you will be able to:
1. Temperature and zeroth law - (a) State the zeroth law of thermodynamics and
define the terms used; (b) deduce Kelvin temperature from the pressure of a
gas thermometer; and (c) convert these temperatures from the Kelvin to the
Celsius scale and vice versa.
2. S ecific heat ca acit - Define specific heat capacity, and solve mixture
problems in w ich several materials insulated from the environment and
originally at different temperatures attain equilibrium).
3. Heat conduction - State the heat-conduction equation, define each term
used, and, given a conductor of uniform cross section, find the value of
whichever variable is unknown.
4. Latent heat and change of phase - Define latent heat, and solve problems
in which a substance changes phase and/or temperature.
5. First law of thermod namics - State the first law of thermodynamics, define
the terms involved heat, work, internal energy), and calculate these
quantities for a system undergoing a given process, possibly presented in
the form of a pressure-volume (pV) graph. The calculation may require you
to convert kinetic or gravitational potential energy to internal energy.
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 3(B 1)

TEXT: Frederick J. Bueche, Introduction to Ph~SiCS for Scientists and Engineers

(McGraw-Hill, New York, 1975), second e ition


( In contrast with the strictly macroscopic point of view in this module, Bueche
\ -
explains thermodynamics largely within the framework of kinetic theory. To
get an overview, we recommend that you first read fairly quickly through Sec-
tions 15.1 through 15.4 in Chapter 15, Sections 16.1 through 16.5 and 16.9
through 16.15 in Chapter 16, and Sections 17.1 through 17.4 in Chapter 17.
Keep the macroscopic-microscopic distinction in mind; you will not be expected
to learn any aspects of kinetic theory in this module. ---
For your second readi ng, we recommend that you proceed sequenti ally by objecti ve,
as listed in the Table. It will also be important to study the listed problems
with solutions and to work the assigned problems. The table lists only the
sections dealing with macroscopic thermodynamics, and in cases where both

Objective Problems with Assigned Problems Additional
Number Readings Solutions Problems
Study Text Study Text
Guide Guide
1 Sec. 15.3; second para- A G
graph on p. 302 of Sec.
17.2; Quest. 4 of
Chap. 17; Sec. 16.15;
General Comment 1
2 Secs. 16. 1, 16. 2, B Illus. a H Chap. 16,
16.3, General Comment 16.1 Probs. 1,
2 3, 5, 6
3 Sec. 16.14 C III us. I Chap. 16,
16.8 Probs. 24
to 26
4 Secs. 16.10,16.12 D 111 us. J Chap. 16,
16.3 to Probs. 15
16.5 to 17
5 Secs. 16.5,17.1, E, III us. K, L Chap. 17, Chap. 17,
17.2 (first paragraph F 17. 1 Probe 1 Probe 2
of p. 301), 17.3 up
to Eq. (17. 3), fi rs t
paragraph of Sec. 17.4,
General Comments 3 to 9
a Illus . = Illustration(s).
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 3{B 2)

microscopic and macroscopic ideas are presented together, you should concen-
trate on the latter. If you wish to do further reading on macroscopic thermo-
dynamics, an excellent treatment is in University Physics, Chapters 15 to 19.*
For Objective 1, read Section 15.3, the definition of thermodynamic equilibrium
on p. 302 and the statement of the zeroth law of thermodynamics in Question 4
(p. 320) of Chapter 17, and Section 16.15. Read General Comment 1. Then work
( Problems A and G. Bueche defines a system to be in thermal equilibrium if the
system is identical with a similar isolated system that has existed unchanged
for an infinitely long time (p. 302). There are sound reasons behind such a
definition, but it is difficult to apply in practice because of the' infinite
time required. We shall say that two systems are in thermal equilibrium when
they are in thermal contact (for example, separated by a thin sheet of copper)
and when macroscopic changes have ceased to occur. It is important to realize
that the zeroth law (lltwo systems, each in thermal equilibrium with a third
system, are in equilibrium with each other") is one of the fundamental assump-
tions of thermodynamics; because of Bueche's emphasis on microscopic ideas,
he is unable to give the zeroth law much space.
For Objective 2, read Sections 16.1 through 16.3, General Comment 2, study
Illustration 16.1, and work Problems Band H. Then read Section 16.14,
study Illustration 16.8, and work Problems C and I for Objective 3. Bueche
uses the symbol A for heat conductivity, but we shall use k. For Objective
4, read Sections 16.10 and 16.12, study Illustrations 16.3 through 16.5, and
work Problems D and J.
Objective 5 is the most important and comprehensive objective in this module.
Read Sections 16.5 and 17.1 through 17.4. Then read General Comments 3 to 9.
Study Illustration 17.t and work Problem 1 in Chapter 17. Finally work Prob-
lems E, F. ~. and L.
In Section 17.1 Bueche states the first law as 6U = ~Q - 6W. If you find the
combined presence of differentials (infinitesimal changes) and deltas (finite
changes) confusing, you m'ay prefer to remember this law in the form
~U = Q - W (finite changes) or dU = ~Q - ~W (infinitesimal chanqes).
(The meaning of the slashes through the differentials for Q and Wis explained
in General Comment 7.)
After you have completed the reading and problems, do the Practice Test; if
you are successful, take a Mastery Test. If you need more help, reread the
appropriate sections of the text and General Comments, then work the relevant
Additional Problems listed in the Table.

*Francis Weston Sears and Mark W. Zemansky, University Physics (Addison-Wesley,

Reading, Mass., 1970), fourth edition.
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 3(HR 1)

TEXT: David Halliday and Robert Resnick, Fundamentals of Physics (Wiley, New
York, 1970; revised printing, 1974)


We recommend that you proceed objective by objective, as follows: For Objective
1, read and study Chapter 18, Sections 18-1 to 18-6, and General Comment 1; then
study Problem A and work through Problem G.
The thermometer shown in Figure 18-1 may be
difficult to understand. The more commonly
seen device shown in Figure 1 will also func-
tion as a constant-volume gas thermometer;
however, it will not give a very accurate
reading of the Kelvin temperature (because
gases are generally stored at quite high
pressure in such cylinders). Figure 1

Read and study Chapter 19, Sections 19-1 and 19-2 and Example 1 for Objective
2. Then work Problem 5 in the text and Problems Band H in this study guide.


Objective Problems with Assigned Additional
Number Readings Solutions Problems Problems
Study Text Study Text
Guide {Chap. Guide (Chap.
19 ) 19)
Secs. 18-1 to 18-6, A G Chap. 18, Probs.
General Comment 1 5, 6
2 Secs. 19-1, 19-2, B Ex. a 1 H 5 Chap. 19, Probs.
General Comment 2 1(a) , 23
3 Sec. 19-3 C Ex. 2 I 11 Chap. 19, Probs.
9, 15
4 Sec. 19-7 D J 13 Chap. 19, Probs.
3, 4
5 Secs. 19-4 to 19-7, E, F Ex. 3 K, L 27 Chap. 19, Probs.
~eneral Comments 24, 25, 29 (not
3 to 9 easy), 31
aEx . = Example(s).
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 3(HR 2)

Your text uses the term "specific heat" to refer to the quantity c = t.Q/(m t.T);
we shall employ "specific heat capacity." Read General Comment 2. Then, for
Objective 3, read Section 19-3 carefully; study Example 2 of Chapter 19, and
work Problem 11. Finally, work Problems C and I.
Read the third paragraph of Section 19-7 (on pp. 367, 368, starting with "Let
us consider the boiling process ... "). The result you will need to remember for
Objective 4 is that for boiling, Q = mL, where Q re~resents the total heat
absorbed, m represents the mass of material vaporized, and L symbolizes the
heat of vaporization. This formula can also be used for all phase changes
(vaporization, condensation, melting, freezing, sublimation), and L is then
referred to as the heat of transformation or the latent heat. If you have
difficulty with Problems 13, D, and J, read Chapter 16, Section 16-6,
"Change of Phase," in University Physics,* and work Problems 16-23 and 16-33.
For Objective 5, read and study Sections 19-4 through 19-7, plus General
Comments 3 to 9. Look over Example 3 carefully, and work Problems 27 in
Chapter 19 and E, F, K, and L in this study guide. Note: In Figure 19-4
the force F is drawn incorrectly. It should be directed upward, since it is
the force exerted ~ the piston ~ the gas inside the cylinder. With this
correction, the work done ~ the gas is correctly given by dW = F . d!, as
stated in the text.
When you feel that you have mastered all of the objectives, try the Practice
Test. If you are successful, take the Mastery Test; if not, study the appro-
priate sections, examples, and problems once more, and, if necessary, work
some of the Additional Problems listed in the Table.

*Francis Weston Sears and Mark W. Zemansky, University Physics (Addison-Wesley,

Reading, Mass., 1970), fourth edition.
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 3(SZ 1)

TEXT: Francis Weston Sears and Mark W. Zemansky, University Physics (Addison-
Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1970), fourth edition


The concepts of this module are developed extremely well in your text.
Therefore, we recommend that you read the relevant chapters twice; the first
time, read Chapters 15, 16, 17, and 19, Sections 19-1 through 19-11 fairly
quickly to get an overview. The second time, proceed objective by objective,
working the relevant problems (see Table below) as you go.
For Objective 1, read and study Chapter 15, Sections 15-1 to 15-4, General Comment
1, and work Problems A and G in this study guide, Then study Chapter 16, Sections
16-1 through 16-3 and General Comment 2. Work Prdblems Band H and Problem 16-3
in your text. Study Chapter 17, Section 17-1 for Objective 3, then do Problems
16-1 in the text and C and I in this study guide. Problem ~7-3 in the text is
similar to C and I but somewhat more challenging. For Objective 4, read Section
16-6 in Chapter 16 and work Problems D and J. To master Objective 5 (First Law),
read Sections 19-1 through 19-8, 19-10, and 19-11, plus General Comments 3 to 9.
This is the most" comprehensive and ~mportant objective; you should think through
a response to Problem 19-1, and check your answer; then work out Problems E, F,
and K, and study solutions provided carefully. Finally, do Problem L. When you
feel that you have mastered all of the objectives, try the Practice Test. If you
succeed, take a Mastery Test; if not, study the appropriate sections, examples,
and problems, and, if necessary, do some of the Additional Problems listed in the


Objective Problems with Assigned Problems Additional
Number Readings Solutions Problems
Study Study Text
Guide Guide
Secs. 15-1 to 15-4, A G 15-1 , 15-2
General Comment 1
2 Secs. 16-1 to 16-3, B H 16-13 16-5, 16-6, 16-
General Comment 2 8, 16-10, 16-16
3 Sec. 17-1 C I 16-1 , 17-5, 17-7 (not
17-3 easy)
4 Sec. 16-6 D J 16-23, 16-25,
16-27, 16-33,
5 Secs. 19-1 to 19-8, E, F K, L 19-1(c) 19-3,19-7,19-
19-10, 19-11, General 9, 19-13 (not
Comments 3 to 9 easy)
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 3(WS l}

TEXT: Richard T. Weidner and Robert L. Sells, Elementar~ Classical Physics

(Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1973), second edition, 01. 1


In contrast with the strictly macroscopic point of view adopted in this module,
Weidner and Sells explain classical thermodynamics largely within the frame-
work of kinetic theory. To get an overview, you should quickly read through,
but not study, the following sections: Chapter 18, Sections 18-1 to 18-3
and 18-6 to 18-8; Chapter 19, Section 19-4; Chapter 20, Sections 20-1 to
20-3, 20-5 and 20-6. As you read, keep the macroscopic-microscopic distinc-
tion in mind; you will not be expected to learn any aspects of kinetic theory
in this module, but the overview will be helpful. For further reading, an
excellent treatment of macroscopic thermodynamics is in Chapter 16 of Univer-
sity Physi cs. *
For your second reading, we recommend that you proceed objective by objective,
studying the problems with solutions and working the assigned problems listed
in the table. For Objective 1, read Sections 18-1 through 18-3 and General
Comment 1, and work Problems A and G in this study guide. Then read the last
three paragraphs of Section 20-2 [Eq. (20-1)], Section 20-3 and General Comment
2. Study Example 20-1, and work Problems Band H in this study guide for


Objective Problems with Assigned Additional
Number Readings Solutions Problems Problems
Study Text Study Text
Guide Guide
1 Secs. 18-1 to 18-3, A G 18-2
General Comment 1
2 Secs. 20-2, 20-3, B Ex. a H 20-3, 20-6
General Comment 2 20-1
3 Secs. 20-3, 20-6 C Ex. I 20-15, 20-19
4 Sec. 20-5 D Ex. J 20-9 20-10, 20-13,
20-3(a) 20-16
5 Secs. 18-6 to 18-8 E, F Ex. K, L 20-1 20-4, 20-5,
. , 20-8
General Comments 20-3(b)
3 to 9
aEx . = Example(s).
*Francis Weston Sears and Mark W. Zemansky, University Physics (Addison-Wesley,
Reading, Mass., 1970), fourth edition.
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 3(WS 2)

O~jective 2. Your t:X~I~ definition of specific heat capacity (c = ~U/m ~T)

dlffers f~om.the deflnl~lon we shall u~e.b:low in solving problems (c = ~Q/m ~T),
but for llqulds and SOllds the two deflnltlons differ by a negligible amount.
For Objective 3, read Section 20-6, study Example 20-4, and work Problems C
and I. Read and study Section 20-5 up to the last paragraph on p. 417 for
Objective 4; the rest of this section and Figures 20-3 and 20-4 should be
skimmed. Work through part (a) of Example 20-3, and do Problem 20-9. Study
Problem D and work Problem J of this study guide.
For the First law, Objective 5, read Sections 18-6 through 18-8, 19-4, 20-2,
and General Comments 3 to 9. As you read, study Example 20-2 and part (b)
of Example 20-3, then work Problem 20-1 and check your answer at the back
of the text. Finally work Problems E, F, K, and L.
Note: Weidner and Sells state the first law of thermodynamics as follows:
dQ = dU + dW (Section 19-4, p. 386). Later they state the alternative form
~Q = ~U + ~W (Section 20-2, p. 411). We shall use slightly different but
equivalent statements in presenting solutions to the problem set: ~U = Q - W
and dU = ~Q - ~W. The sign conventions for U, Q, and Ware the same. We
also prefer to state the first law with the internal energy, U, on the left
and with the heat, Q, and work, W, on the right. The meaning of the slashes
through the differentials ~Q and ~W will be explained in General Comment 7.
When you feel prepared, do the Practice Test; if you are successful, take a
Mastery Test. If you need more help, reread the appropriate sections of the
text or the General Comments and work the relevant Additional Problems listed
in the Table.
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 4

1. Pressure
The pressure p is defined to be the f Figure 2
force per unit area. If some gas is
enclosed in a cylinder with a leak-
proof (though frictionless) piston
having an area A (see Fig. 2), this
gas will exert an upward force of
p = pA Piston

on the piston. An oppositely di- ~- gas

rected force of equal magnitude will
be needed to hold the piston in place.
In 1he diagram, this force is represented
by f.

2. Heat Units
Your text uses units of calories (or kilocalories) for heat, but we shall
consistently employ the joule unit (J), in accordance with the International

1 _ 1
1 J ~ 4.2 cal - 4.2 x 103 kcal.

The remaining comments concern conservation of energy, as stated in the first

law of thermodynamics, which is the most important and comprehensive concept
of this module.


For a given system which undergoes any process beginning and ending in equili-
brium, the heat tr~nsferred to the system (Q) minus the work do~e by the system
(W) is exactly equal to the change in the internal energy functlon U. In
symbols, ~U = Q - W
It is important to be clear about the system under consideration and to define
the boundaries of the system carefully. For example, if the system is a gas
within a cylinder, the cylinder walls and the piston head form the boundaries.
The size of the system or the shape of the boundary can change, as when the
piston moves, but in order for the first law to be valid one must keep track
of the heat and work crossing the boundary. For example, if the piston moves
out, then the system does work Won the environment, and if a flame is put
under the cylinder then heat is transferred to the system.
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 5

We shall only consider systems in which no material enters or leaves, or which can
be idealized as such. It is possible to add a term to the first law to take into
account matter entering or leaving the system, but this is taken up in more advanced
courses. Thermodynamics was originally the study of "heat engines"; that is, systems
~ that absorbed heat and performed work. Therefore, heat was naturally Considered
positive when it entered a system, and work was positive when it left the system.
The same conventions are still used today, and this is the reason for the differ-
ence in sign between Q and W in the first law.

4. Definition of Work
From your previous study of mechanics (Work and Energy) you may recall that
work on a particle is defined as
W= f F. d~,

where the integral is carried out along the path taken by the particle. We
use the same definition for the work done by a system in thermodynamics. In
cases where a system expands or contracts by volume dV, we can extend this
definition to read
W= f f p dV,

where p represents the pressure within the system, and the integral is carried
out from the initial volume Vi to the final volume Vf . Notice that work is
positive when the system expands, but this tends to decrease the internal
energy function because of the minus sign in the first law. It is also use-
ful to realize that fp dV can be represented as the area under the graph of
p versus V, and this can sometimes be the best way to calculate Wfor a given
process (see Problems K and L). In addition to changes in the volume of the
system, it is important to remember that other types of work can also change
the internal energy of a system. For example, electrical and frictional forces
can also do work, and this must be included in calculating AU.
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 6
Work done on a system has the result of increasing the internal energy func-
tion. Thus rubbing your hands together rapidly is associated with a rise in
temperature of your palms; compressing gas in a cylinder also results in a
temperature rise, and rapid stirring of a water-ice mixture brings about
melting of some of the ice.

5. Definition of Heat
( There is also a way to increase the internal energy of a system without the
performance of work. This method is known as heat transfer or heat flow,
and it is associated with a difference in temperature across the boundary
separating the system and the environment. For example, one could hold one's
hands near a fire; a cylinder of gas could be placed in boiling water; and a
water-ice mixture could be held above a house radiator. In summary, heat flow
is a transfer of energy that brings about changes in system properties; these
changes are exactly the same as would be produced by the performance of work,
and they are associated with a difference of temperature across the system
In this module you study three topics related to heat transfer: conduction,
specific heat capacity, and change of phase. These are basically just ways
of accounting for or measuring heat transfer Q across the boundary of a
system; thus, they provide a way to put numbers into the first law. For
example, for a pot of water on the stove, we can calculate Q in three differ-
ent ways: (1) The temperature difference AT between the inside and outside
of the bottom, plus its thermal conductivity k, thickness L, and area A lead
to a value for dQ/dt = -kA(AT/L). (2) If the water temperature is observed
to rise by AT, then Q can be found from Q = mc AT, where m represents the
mass of water in the pot, and c represents the known specific heat capacity
of water. (3) If the water is allowed to boil and M kg boils away, then, using
L to represent the known heat of vaporization of water, Q = ML.

6. Eguivalence between Internal and Mechanical (Kinetic and Potential) Energy

You should recall the law of conservation of mechanical energy for conservative
forces (Conservation of Energy module), which can be stated as
K + U(x, y, z) = E,
where K (kinetic energy) = (1/2)mv 2 , U represents the potential energy function,
and E represents the total mechanical energy, which is constant. In particular,
for motion of 'a particle (mass m) near the surface of the earth, U = mgy,
assuming that no forces other than gravity are acting. Mechanical energy can
be converted into internal energy in various ways, always through the medium
of work. If the forces acting are known, then one can calculate the work and
the energy transferred from mechanical to internal form. However, it is usually
easier to calculate the energy transfer directly, as in the example below.
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 7

A block of ice at 0° C with mass 50 kg, slides along a horizontal surface,
starting at a speed of 5.4 m/s and finally coming to rest after traveling 28.3 m.
Given the coefficient of sliding friction ~, calculate the heat generated and,
assuming that all of the heat is transferred to the ice, the mass of ice melted.
Rather than calculating the work using the weight, coefficient of friction,
and distance traveled, we note that all of the initial kinetic energy is con-
verted into internal energy of the ice. K = (1/2)m l v2 , where ml = SO kg,
and v = S.4 m/s. Thus
K = (1/2)(50 kg)(5.4 m/s)2 = 730 J.
Now, ~Uice = m2L, where m2 represents the mass of ice melted, and L = 3.3 x lOS
J/kg, the heat of fusion for water. We set ~Uice = K, or m2L = 730 J,

m2 -- 3. 3 x73010 J5 J / kg -- 2. 10 x
10k g.

This is a very small amount of ice melted: In ~eneral the amounts of mechanical
energy with which we have direct experience (10 to 10 3 J) usually produce
rather small thermal effects.

7. Differential Form of First Law and Inexact Differentials

The first law can also be written for infinitesimal changes as dU = ~Q - ~W.
The slashes through the differentials for Q and Windicate that these are not
"exact differentials. This is to guard against any misconception that there

might exist functions of the thermodynamic variables p, V, T, etc., of which

~Q and ~W would be differentials - there are no such functions. On the other
hand, dU is an exact differential, and there does exist a unique function U
that'depends only on the state of the system and not on the path by means
of which the system is brought to that state. There are other such functions
of state, for example, p, V, T, and the entropy S, which will be pursued
further in the module Second Law and EntroQX.

8. Thermodynamic Processes
You should be familiar with two terms used to describe particular types of
Adiabatic refers to processes in which Q = O. This is usually the result of
insulation surrounding the system of interest, but many processes are carried
out quickly enough so that appreciable amounts of heat are not transferred to
the working substance, and these processes are also referred to as adiabatic.
An example of the latter type is the expansion of the burning gases in an
automobile engine cylinder. For adiabatic processes, 6[J.= -W.
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 8
An isobaric process is carried out at constant pressure. All processes carried
out with systems open to the atmosphere are isobaric. For an isobaric process,
W= ! P dV = P f dV = p(~V); thus, if a change of volume occurs as part of an
isobaric process, the work is easy to calculate.

9. Pressure-Volume Graphs
One of the most useful tools in the study of a thermodynamic system is a
pressure-volume (pV) graph. In addition to compactness and clarity, pV graphs
have the helpful feature that work can be represented as an area under the
Draw a pV graph for two sequential processes: (1) Isobaric expansion of a
gas in a cylinder from Vo to 2VO at PO' and (2) heating of the cylinder and
gas with the piston fixed; the pressure increases from Po to 2PO' and the
volume remains constant at 2V O'
The pV graph is shown in Figure 3. Now calculate the work done, Wland W2 ,
during each process:

This is represented by the shaded area in the graph.

W2 = f P dV, dV = 0,

therefore W2 = O.
Pressure Figure 3
2 Po ----------
( 2)

----......"'-oji\~""""''''''--- vol ume

~. Ang~ist and.L. Hepler, Order and Chaos (Basic Books, New York, 1967). This
l~ an lnterestlng and easy-to-read book dealing with the basic content and
hlstory of thermodynamics. Many fascinating details are given concerning the
experiences and personalities of the early thermodynamicists.
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 9

Richard Merrill et a1. (Eds.), Ener Primer, Solar, Water, Wind, and Biofue1s
{Portola Institute, 558 Santa Cruz Ave., Menlo Park, Ca11f., 9 4. hlS con-
tains the meaty article, "So1ar Radiation and Its Uses on Earth," with an appen-
dix on "Methods of Estimating Solar Heater Performance," both by John I.
Ye11ott. This article is probably the best introduction to the field; there
are numerous opportunities to employ the concepts covered in this module in
making estimates of the feasibility and required dimensions of the systems
described. This field - utilization of solar energy - is steadily becoming
more exciting, and there is a challenging opportunity here for people with
knowledge of thermodynamics to make an important social contribution .
.( Morton Mott-Smith, The Concept of Ener~y Simply Explained (Dover, New York,
1934). This is slightly more technica than Angrist and Hepler; it also is
historical but gives more attention to the kinds of practical engineering
problems that James Watt and other early workers were trying to solve. One
gets an excellent view of why and how the theory of thermodynamics grew up.
For example, the first pV graphs were "indicator cards" drawn by the moving
pistons of Watt's engines.
H. C. Van Ness, Understanding Thermodynamics (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969).
This is a slim, enjoyable, and insightful book. It attempts to show, in a
conversational way, the plausibility and usefulness of the basic concepts.
Topics covered are the first law, reversibility, heat engines, power plants,
the second law, and statistical mechanics.
Mark W. Zemansky, Heat and Thermodynamics (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968), fifth
edition. This is an excel lent textbook, written at a somewhat more advanced
level than this module.


A(l). (a) State the zeroth law of thermodynamics and define "therma1 equi1i-
brium" and "system."
(b) Suppose that you wish to identify an unknown liquid by measuring
its boiling point accurately. You first use a constant-volume gas
thermometer to measure the pressure (p) of the confined gas to be
2.6 x 10 4 Pa* at the triple point of water. Then you bring the same
confined gas to equilibrium with the unknown boiling liquid and measure
p = 3.5 x 10 4 Pa. What is the temperature of vaporization on the
Kelvin scale?
(c) What is the temperature of vaporization on the Celsius scale?
(d) What is the unknown liquid?
(a) The zeroth law states that two systems in thermal equilibrium with a third
system are in thermal equilibrium with each other. Thermal equilibrium can be
defined as the state in which two systems are in thermal contact (for example,
separated by a thin sheet of copper) and in which changes in the systems have
ceased. A system is a portion of matter that we separate (in our minds) from

*The pascal ;s the SI unit for pressure: 1 Pa = 1 N/m2.

STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 10

the environment external to it; the properties of the system itself are des-
cribed by variables (for example, temperature, pressure, volume, mass, internal
energy), and the interaction with the environment is described in terms of
quantities transmitted across the system boundaries (e. g., heat and work).
(b) Using the definition t ~ P, and recalling that the temperature of the
triple point of water is defined to be 273.16 K,
T(K) _ 35 Pa. 35
T = 26(273.16) = 368 K ~ 370 K.
273.16 K - 26 Pa'
(c) T{OC) = T(K) - 273.15° = 95°C.
(d) Since water has a boiling temperature at standard pressure of 100°C, the
liquid is probably water. (If the atmospheric pressure were below standard
pressure during the experiment, it would explain the observed reduction of the
boi 1i ng temperatur~_.)

B(2). An aluminum block (c = 9.1 x 10 2 J/kg K) of mass 0.80 kg at a temperature

of 275°C is dropped into an aluminum calo~imeter cup of mass 0.200 kg
containing 1.00 kg of water (c = 4.2 x 10 J/kg K) at 20°C. The system
is insulated and attains equilibrium at a final temperature Tf ·
(a) U~ing the definition of specific heat capacity, set up the Qtotal = 0
(b) Solve for Tf •
(a) Q"gained" by aluminum = cAMATA = CAMA(T f - TA),
Qgained by cup = ccMc{Tf - Tc)'
Qgained by water = cwMw{Tf - Tw)'
If Qtotal = 0, then cAMA(T f - TA) + ccMc{Tf - Tc) + cwMw{Tf - Tw) = o.
(b) Tf(cAM A + ccMc + cwMw) = cAMATA + ccMcTc + cwMwTw'
T = eAMATA + eeMeTe + ewMwTw = 2.878 x 10 J = 560C.
f cAMA + ccMc + cwMw 5.1 x 10 3 J/oC
Note that heat is actually lost by the aluminum, but this is automatically
taken into account by the fact that we wrote all temperature changes as T{later)
_ T(earlier) in part (a), and we put all of the heat terms on one side of the
equation. If you set up the equation Q(gained) = Q(lost), as Bueche, Halliday and
Resnick, and Weidner and Sells do, then you must be careful to make all ~T'S posi-
tive, that is, T(higher) - T(lower).
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 11

C(3). A copper rod (length 0.35 m) has a circular cross section with radius
r = 0.050 m. The two ends are kept at different, fixed temperatures, and
the sides are insulated. The energy transfer along the rod is observed
to be 8.4 x 10 2 W, and the temperature in the middle is 145°C. For
copper the thermal conductivity k = 3.8 x 10 2 W/m K [1 watt (W) =
10 3 mW = 1 J/sJ.
( (a) Draw a sketch of the setup.
(b) What are the temperatures of the two ends?
(a) Note: You are only expected to produce a sketch, similar to Figure 4 with
L = 0.35 m and r • 5.0 x 10- 2 m.
(b) Since the rod has constant cross section, we can put dT/dx = (T 2 - Tl)/L,
and the heat equation becomes


T2 = 145 + 98/2 = 194°C; Tl = 145 - 98/2 = 96°C.

0(4). A block of ice, mass 0.20 kg and temperature O°C, is dropped into a
brass calorimeter cup of mass 0.100 kg containing 0.300 kg water at
80°C. Assuming that no heat is lost to the environment, find Tf , the
final equilibrium temperature.
2 5
Cbrass = 4.2 x 10 J/kg K; Lice melting = 3.3 x 10 J/kg;
Cwater = 4.2 x 10 J/kg K.

Figure 4
, .., ,, 'I
I \


, I
,1 \

T = 145 0 C
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 12
(a) Write an expression for Ql' the heat gained by the ice. Be sure to
include both the heat involved involved in melting the ice (Q = ML) and
in warming the resulting water.
(b) Write an expression for Q2' the heat lost by the cup and the water.
(c) Equate the expressions from (a) and (b), solve for Tf , and evaluate.
(a) Ql = MIL + CwMI(Tf - 0).
(b) Q2 = ccup Mcup(80 - Tf ) + cwMw(80 - Tf ).
(c) Ql = Q2' cwMITf + ccupMcupTf + cwMwTf = ccupM cup 80 + cwMw80 - MIL,

= 3.816 x 10 4 J ~ 18°C.
2.142 x 10 3 J/k

E(5). (a) State the first law of thermodynamics, and define all the terms
appearing in it.
(b) The density of liquid water at 100°C and 1 atm (~ 105 Pa) is 1.00
3 3 6
x 10 kg/m , and the heat of vaporization is 2.30 x 10 J/kg. The
density of water vapor under the same conditions ;s 0.58 kg/m 3. Con-
sidering 1.00 kg of water as the system calculate the change in volume
~V during vaporization.

(c) Using W= f P dV, calculate the work done £l the system on the
surrounding atmosphere. Is this work positive or negative?
(d) Set up the first law for this problem; be careful about the signs
for Q and W, and calculate ~U.
(a)~U = Q - W.
(b)~V = Vsteam - Vwater = liPs - l/pw = 1.72 m3 , where Pw is the density of water
and ps is the density of steam.
(c) W= f p dV = P ~V (since p is constant~ W= (105 Pa)(1.72 m3) = 1.70 x 105 J.
This ;s positive work since the system expanded; work was done ~ the system
on the environment.
(d) U = +2.3 x 106 J/kg - (1.70 x 105 J) = 2.13 x 106 J/kg.
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 13

F(5). (a) A car (M = 1600 kg) is traveling at 56 mph (25.0 m/s) when it brakes
to a halt. The car has four iron brake drums (10.0 kg each) with a
specific heat capacity c = 4.6 x 10 2 J/kg K. The brakes are air-cooled,
and each drum loses 15 000 J to the air during the braking. Assume that
the internal energies of the four brake drums increase equally and that
the other parts of the car and the road 'suffer no change in internal
energy. What is the change in temperature of the brake drums?
(Start from the first law.)
(b) A waterfall is 75 m high. The water has a temperature of 20.0°C
above the waterfall and is flowing at 4.0 m/s. Calculate the expected
temperature at the bottom. Start from the first law; neglect any transfer
of heat to the ground or to the air. Water has a density of 10 3 kg/m 3
and a specific heat of 4.2 x 10 3 J/kg K.
(a) ~U = Q - W. Considering one brake drum as the system, work is done on the
drums, and we can calculate this work by equating it to one-fourth of the-origi-
nal kinetic energy of the car; thus

W = _(~)(~)mv2 = -(~)(~}(1600 kg)(25.0 m/s)2 = -1.25 x 10 5 J, Q = -1.50 x 10 4 J;

therefore from the first law

~U = (-1.50 10 4 J) - (-1.25 x 10 5 J) = +1.10 x 10 5 J.

To find the temperature rise we use the definition of specific heat capacity:
T =~ = 1.10 x 10 J = 240C.
cM (4.6 x
10 J/kg)(lO.O kg)
(b)~U = Q - W. The system is a given mass of water. Q = 0, since we are neglect-
ing heat transfer to the ground and air. The work is done on the system by the
earth and the surrounding water; therefore Wis negative. We can calculate W
by equating it with the kinetic plus gravitational potential en~rgy of the
water at the top of the waterfall,

W= (1/2)mv 2 + mgh.
To calculate the temperature rise, we use the definition of specific heat,

cmT = (})mv 2 + mgh and T = (1/2)V~ + gh = 0.18°C.

We expect a temperature of 20.18°C, which would be difficult to measure.
(Joule actually tried this experiment, unsuccessfully.) As noted above in
General Comment 5, the thermal effect of mechanical work is usually rather
sma 11.
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 14

G(l) . (a) On a brisk autumn day (5.0 0 e) you inflate the tires of your car to
a pressure of 44 lb/in. 2 (2.90 x 10 5 Pa). (Your tire gauge reads 29 1b/in.2
or 1.9 x 10 5 Pa, but you recall that this is the excess above atmospheric
pressure, which is about 15 1b/in.2 or 1.00 x 10 5 Pa.) Assuming that the
tires and air inside are in equilibrium with the outside air, what is the
temperature of the air inside on the Kelvin scale?
(b) After a fast trip down the Interstate, YOU again measure the pressure
and find that the gauge now reads 42 1b/in. 2 (2.80 x 10 5 Pa). What is
the temperature (in kelvins) now of the air inside the tires? (Assume
that the volume of air remains constant.)
H(2). Figure 5 shows a flow calorimeter. A liquid of density 1200 kg/m 3 flows
through at the rate of 1.20 x 10- 5 m3 /s. The heating element supplies
400 W, and, after steady state is achieved, it is observed that the
liquid flowing out is 20.0° warmer than the liquid entering.
(a) Assume that no heat is lost to the environment, and consider the
mass of liquid flowing through the system in t seconds to be the system. Set
up an equation for Ql (the amount of heat gained by this system in time
t) in terms of M (the mass of liquid flowing through in time t), c (the
specific heat of the liquid), and T (the temperature change of the liquid).
(b) Find Q2' the amount of heat lost by the heating element in t seconds.
(c) Using the results of (a) and (b), set up the Q1 = Q2 equation, solve
for the specific heat capacity, and evaluate the resulting expression.
1(3). This problem is illustrative of the way heating systems for buildings
are designed. Assume that the building is a cube 10.0 m on a side with
walls of wood 0.20 m thick. For wood, k = 8.4 x 10- 2 W/m K. If you
wish to keep the inside of the cube at 20 e (68°F) when the outside

temperature goes down as low as ooe (32°F), calculate the required capa-
city (power) of the heating system as follows:
Figure 5

Element I rr Liquid out

------III" t - - -........
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 15
(a) The area A of one wall of the cube is m2.
(b) Therefore, since the cube has sides, the total surface area A
of the building is __m . 2 --
(c) Therefore the cube is equivalent to a large, flat conductor of con-
stant cross-section al area A, and length (thi ckness) L = m; the
difference in temperature between the two sides is T2 - Tl = °C.
(d) Therefore, dT/dx is constant throughout the conductor, and we can put
dT/dx = (T 2 - Tl)/L = ____ °C/m.
(e) Using the values above, evaluate the required capacity (power) of
the heater, dQ/dt = __ W.
(f) Estimate whether the magnitude of the answer is reasonable.
J(4). If 0.150 kg of ice and 0.200 kg of water in thermal equilibrium are heated
to 60°C by being mixed with Mkg of steam at 100°C, how much water will
be in the final mixture? Use

Lice melting = 3.30 x

10 J/kg, L
wa ert "
vaporlzlng = 2.30 x 106 J/kg,
_ 3
and Cwater - 4.2 x 10 J/kg K.
(a) Write an expression for Ql' the heat gained by the ice-and-water
system. Be sure to include the heat involved in both melting the ice
and raising the temperature of the melted ice and water,
(b) Write an expression for Q2' the heat lost by the steam. Include
both the heat to condense the steam and to lower the temperature of the
resulting liquid water.
(c) Equate the expressions from (a) and (b), and find the v~lue of. M.
K(5) • Fiqure 6 shows an elementary form of steam engine, the Newcomen engine.
[You may be i nteres ted· to know that thi sengi ne once 'represented the van-
guard of technology, and it was used for quite some time to pump water
out of the mines of England, in spite of its shocking inefficiency (by
today's standards). Its success and its defects erovided the stimulation
for James Watt to invent the modern steam engine.] The engine operates
as foll ows:
Stage 1: Constant volume heating - heat flowing into the boiler changes
some of the water to steam, gradually increasing the pressure against
the piston. The piston is initially held against the stops by a constant
force F, a combination of the weight of the piston and the atmospheric
pressure on the top of the piston. During this stage, the volume of the
system is constant, and the pressure rises from 0 to P1 Stage 2: Constant
pressure expansion - when the boiler pressure reaches Pl' then the upward
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 16

,. • Fiqure 7
Stage A

. .. . .
... ~
.. ....
. . :.; ....•. : .... ·.steaIT?- .
.. ..' ... ..
' .. . ., BOILER
Water-ice mixture

H Heat

Stage B
Figure 6

(10 5 N/m 2 )
4.0 B


2.0 Stage C

4.0 8.0 12.0 18.0
(10- 3 m 3 )
Figure 8

Temperature controlled
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics 17
force just balances F, and the piston rises slowly. The pressure of the
system remains constant as the volume of the system increases from Vl to
V2 •
During Stage 1, the system gains Ql = 2.10 x 105 J, and during Stage 2,
the system gains Q2 = 2.90 x 105 J; also Pl = 4.0 x 105 Pa, Vl = 0.100 m3 ,
and V2 = 0.200 m3 .
(a) Draw a pressure-volume graph for Stages 1 and 2.
(b) Which of the following terms do we use to describe Stage 1 and Stage
2: isobaric, adiabatic, or neither?
(c) Give the value of Wl , the work done during Stage 1.
(d) Find the value of ~Ul' the change in internal energy in Stage 1;
use the first law of thermodynamics.
(e) Calculate W2 , the work done during Stage 2. Justify the sign of the
answer, and shade the area on the pV graph corresponding to W2.
(f) Calculate ~U2' the change in internal energy during Stage 2. Justify
the sign of the answer.
(g) For the complete process, Stage 1 plus Stage 2, give values for W, Q,
and ~U.
L(5). A cylinder contains a sample of gas confined by a piston as in Figure 7.
The cylinder is immersed in a water-ice mixture, and the gas is in thermal
equilibrium with pressure PA = 1.50 x 105 Pa and volume VA = 0.0140 m3.
We shall refer to this as State A of the system. The gas then undergoes
the following sequential changes:
Process 1. The cylinder is removed from the ice-water bath, surrounded with
an insulating jacket, and the piston is gradually pushed in. In other
words, the gas is compressed adiabatically. The fina) state of the gas
is now State B (see pV graph) with PB = 3.6 x 10 5 Pa and VB = 8.3 x 10- 3 m3 •
During this process the gas has done work Wl .
Process 2. The temperature of the gas is measured, and the cylinder is placed
in a controllable bath at the same temperature. The piston is now allowed
to move out gradually, and the temperature of the bath (and thus the gas)
is controlled in such a way as to keep p = -kV + c, with k and c constant
(see Figure 7). This process is continued until the piston is at the same
position as in State A, and the gas is said to be in State C, PC = 2.40
x 10 Pa and Vc = VA' During Process 2 the gas does work W and gains
heat Q2'
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 18
Process 3. The piston is fixed in place; the cylinder is placed back in the
ice-water mixture and is allowed to come to thermal equilibrium. During
this process the heat flow is Q3' and the work done is W3.
(a) Process 1 and States A and B are shown on the accompanying pV graph
(Fig. 8). Show Processes 2 and 3 and State C on this graph.
(b) Calculate W2.
\ '
(c) Suppose that during Process 2, the net heat gained from the bath is
Q2 = +3040 J. Calculate the change in the internal energy function
during Process 2, ~U2'
(d) Suppose that during Process 3, 5.7 x 10- 3 kg of ice melted in the
bath. Using L = 3.30 x 10 5 J/kg, calculate Q3'
(e) Find the change in internal energy during Process
(f) Fhind thelChange(i~ intefn~l energy during Process Hint: Use
t e resu ts Of C) aryd el,
(g) Using the result of If), find Wl•
(h) Combine your results for W" W2 , and W3 to find the total work done
during the cycle.
(i) Combine your results for Ql' Q2' and Q3 to find the total heat added
during the cycle.
(j) Combine the results for Wl , W2, and W3 and Ql' Q2' and Q3 to determine
whether, over the entire cycle, work input is being converted to heat
output or heat input is converted to work output. How many joules of
heat (or work) are converted over the entire cycle?

G(l). (a) T = 278 K; (b) T = 364 K. If your answer is 271 K, you forgot that
the gauge represents the excess over atmospheric pressure.
H(2). (a) Ql = cMT. We also must remember that
M= (1200 kg/m 3)(1.20 x 10- 5 m3/s)t = 1.44 x 10-2 t kg.
(b) Q2 = 400t J. (c) Ql = Q2' cM ~T = 400t,
c = 400t/M ~T = 400t/(1.44 x 10-2 t kg)(20.0 K) = 1.39 x 10 3 J/kg K.
1(3). (a) As = 100 m . (b) 6 sides, Atotal = 600 m2.
(c) L = 0.200 m. (d) (T 2 - Tl)/L = (20.0°C - 0.0°C)/0.200 m = 100°C/m.
(e) dQ/dt = -kA[(T 2 - Tl)/L] = -(8.4 x 10- 2 W/m K)(600 m )(100°C/m) = 5000 W.
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 19
(f) It seems reasonable that fifty 100-W bulbs would keep a 10-m cube comfort-
able inside when the outside temperature is oDe (32°F).
J(4). (a) Q, = (0.150)(3.30 x 10 5) + (4.2 x 10 3)(0.35)(60) = 1.38 x 10 5 J.
Q2 = M(2.30 x 10 6 ) + (4.2 x 10 3)M(40) = 2.47 x 106MJ.
( (c) M= (1.38 x 10 5)/(2.47 x 10 6 ) = 0.056 kg. Therefore there will be (0.150
+ 0.200 + 0.056) kg = 0.41 kg of water in the final mixture.
K(5). (a) The pressure volume graph is shown in Figure 9.
(b) Stage 1 = neither (isochoric); Stage 2 = isobaric.
(c) W1 = 0 (because ~V = 0).
(d) ~U1 = Q1 - Wl = Ql = 2.10 x 10 5 J.
(e) W2 - 0.100) m3 = 4.0 x 10 4 J.
= fp dV = p ~V = (4.0 x 10 5 Pa)(0.200
This is positive because the system expanded and did work on the environment.
(f) ~U2 = Q2 - W2 = (2.90 x 10 5 J) - (4.0 x 10 4 J) = 2.50 x 105 J. This is
positive; the system gained more energy by heat flow than it lost by doing work.
4 5
(g) Wtotal = Wl + W2 = 4.0 x 10 J. Qtotal = Ql + Q2 = 5.0 x 10 J.
~Utotal = ~Ul + ~U2 = 4.6 x 10 J.
Note that if we proceed by means of a different path, say by means of
Processes 3 and 4 on the graph (Fig. 9), we would get different values for
Wand Q but the same value for ~U.
L(5). (a) See Figure 10. (Paths 2 and 3 are represented by straight lines.)
(b) W2 = area under Path 2 = Pc(V B - VA) + (1/2)(P B - Pe)(V c - VB)
= (-1.368 x 10 3 J) + (-3.42 x 10 2 J) = +1.71 x 10 3 J.
This is positive, as it should be, since the system expands ahd does work on the
Figure 9
(X 10 5 N/rn 2 )

4. 0 ~

2.0 I- (4)

'--_.L-._~_(""~_)_~_""._ _ _ V( rn 3 )
0.1 0.2
STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 20
(C)6U 2 = Q2 - W2 = +3040 J - (+1710 J) = +1330 J.
(d) Q3 = Mice meltedL = -(5.7 x 10- kg)(3.30 x 105 J/kg) = -1880 J.
This is negative because heat was lost by the gas.
(e) 6U 3 = Q3 - W3 ; W3 = 0 since V = 0; therefore 6U 3 = Q3 = -'880 J.
(f) 6U, = -(6U 2 + 6U 3 ) = -('330 J '880 J) = +550 J.
(g) 6U, = Q, - W" and since Process' is adiabatic, Q, = 0; therefore, 6U, = -W"

and W = -550 J. This is negative, as it should be, since the system is contract-
ing, and work is being done on the system.
(h) Wtota1 = W1 + W2 + W3 = -550 J + 1710 J + 0 = +1160 J.
(i) Qtota1 = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 = 0 + 3040 J - 1880 J = +1160 J.
(j) Heat input is being converted to work output. One can also determine this
by glancing at the pV graph; the area under the curve directed toward increasing
V (Process 2) is greater than the area under the curve directed toward decreasing
V (Process 1); therefore, the net work is positive.

Figure 10

2.0 3


4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0

STUDY GUIDE: Thermodynamics - First Law 21

1. (a) State the zeroth law of thermodynamics.
(b) A tank of oxygen gas is at a pressure of 3.8 x 10 5 Pa at 20.0°C. The
tank is dropped into a vat of boiling water (T = 100°C). Calculate the new
pressure of the gas.
2. A "so1ar house" has storage facilities for 4.0 x 10 9 J. Compare the space
requirements for this storage on the assumption that (a) the heat is stored
in water (c = 4.0 x 10 3 J/kg K) heated from a minimum temperature of 20.0°C
to 40°C; or (b) the heat is stored in Glauber salt heated in the same temp-
erature range. Glauber salt has the following properties (approx):
Specific heat capacity (solid): 2.00 x 10 3 J/kg K. Specific heat capacity
(liquid): 3.00 x 10 3 J/kg K. Density: 1.00 x 10 3 kg/m 3 • Heat of fusion:
2.00 x 10 5 J/kg. Melting point: 32°C.
3. A rubber ball (c = 1.20 x 10 3 J/kg K) is dropped from a height of 2.00 m
onto the floor, where it bounces for a while and finally comes to rest.
Find the rise in temperature of the ball, assuming that half of the original
energy of the ball went into internal energy of the ball.
4. The pV diagram in Figure 11 represents several processes that may occur in
a certain thermodynamic system. In the process 1 + 2 + 3, 90 J of heat.
enters the system, and 40 J of work is done by the system. In the process
1 + 4 + 3, 10.0 J of work is done by the system. In the direct process
3 + 1, the amount of work is 22.0 J.
(a) How much heat enters or leaves the system in the process 1 + 4 + 37
(b) How much· heat enters or leaves the system during the direct process 3 + 17
(c) How much work is done during the cycle 1 + 2 + 3 + 17
(d) If AU 12 = 30.0 J, how much work is done during the process 1 + 2, and
hOW much heat enters or leaves the system?
Figure 11

r----:3~ __ 3

'r 0'0£+ = 'Lb ~O = 'L M(p)

'r O'SL+ (:»
('aA~+~6au s~ L + £ .AoJ M) 'r ZL- (q)
'r 09+ (~) 'v
~----------------v ':J0Z_OL x 9' L = 111 .£
'E w Sv = (.Aa+~M) awn LOA (~) ·Z
'e-d sOL x S'v (q)
·.A a4+ o 4:>ea 4+~M wn~.Aq~L~nba Lew.Aa4+ u~ a.Ae
Aa4+ ua4+ 'wa+sAs P.A~4+ ~ 4+~M Wn~.Aq~L~nba L~w.Aa4+ u~ a.Ae swa+sAs OM+ JI (e) 'L
S.AaMSUV +sal a:>~+:>~.Ad
pass recycle
Mastery Test Form A
1 2 3 4 5
Name ________________ Tutor
1. (a) State the zeroth 1aw of thennodynami cs and defi ne the tenn IIsys tern. II
(b) You connect a spherical stainless-steel container to a manometer, which
measures the actual pressure of the gas inside the container. When this
container is immersed in water at O°C, the manometer reads a pressure of
2.5 x 10 5 Pa. But when it is placed in a crucible of molten zinc, the
pressure reading quickly rises to 6.0 x 10 5 Pa. What is the temperature
of the zinc in kelvins?
2. A hot 0.300-kg copper object (c = 3.8 x 10 2 J/kg K) is dropped into a perfectly
insulated container containing 0.200 kg of water at 20.0°C. This causes the
water to boil, 0.0050 kg being converted to steam. The heat of vaporization
for water is 2.30 x 10 6 J/kg. Calculate the original temperature of the
copper object.
3. A cylinder containing a sample of gas is immersed in a mixture of water and
ice. The initial state of the gas is A, with pressure, volume, and temperature
PO' VO' and TO' The piston is very slowly pushed in until the volume is VO/4
and the pressure has increased. We shall call this State B. Then the piston
is very rapidly (i.e., adiabatically) pulled out again to its original position,
bringing the gas to State C. [PC = (1/2)P O and TC = 2T O'] The gas is then
allowed to interact with the ice-water mixture without further changes, and
it returns to State A after a period of time.
(a) Show the three states and processes on a pV diagram, and justify your
drawing qualitatively.
(b) Make a table showing the sign (+, -, or 0) of the heat transferred and
the work done by the gas during each process.
(c) Has the device converted heat to work, or work to heat? If 2.00 x 10 4 J
has been converted; calculate the mass of water frozen or ice melted. The
heat of fusion of water is approximately 3.30 x 10 5 J/kg.
pass recycle
Mastery Test Form A
1 2 3 4 5
Name Tutor
--------------------------- ---------------------
\ 1. (a) State the zeroth law of thermodynamics and define the term IIsystem. 1I

(b) You connect a spherical stainless-steel container to a manometer, which

measures the actual pressure of the gas inside the container. When this
container is immersed in water at O°C, the manometer reads a pressure of
2.5 x 10 5 Pa. But when it is placed in a crucible of molten zinc, the
pressure reading quickly rises to 6.0 x 10 5 Pa. What is the temperature
of the zinc in kelvins?
2. A hot 0.300-kg copper object (c = 3.8 x 10 2 J/kg K) is dropped into a perfectly
insulated container containing 0.200 kg of water at 20.0°C. This causes the
water to boil, 0.0050 kg being converted to steam. The heat of vaporization
for water is 2.30 x 10 6 J/kg. Calculate the original temperature of the
copper object.
3. A cylinder containing a sample of gas-is immersed in a mixture of water and
ice. The initial state of the gas is A, with pressure, volume, and temperature
PO' VO' and TO· The piston is very slowly pushed in until the volume is VO/4
and the pressure has increased. We~hall call this State B. Then the piston
is very rapidly (i.e., adiabatically) pulled out again to its original position,
bringing the gas to State C. [PC = (1/2)P O and TC = 2T O.J The gas is then
allowed to interact with the ice-water mixture without further changes, and
it returns to State A after a period of time.
(a) Show the three states and processes on a pV diagram, and justify your
drawing qualitatively.
(b) Make a table showing the sign (+, -, or 0) of the heat transferred and
the work done by the gas during each process.
(c) Has the device converted heat to work, or work to heat? If 2.00 x 10 4 J
has been converted, calculate the mass of water frozen or ice melted. The
heat of fusion of water is approximately 3.30 x 10 5 J/kg.
pass recycle
Mastery Test Form B
2 3 4 5

Name Tutor
----------------------------- -------------------------
.( 1. You blow up and tie off a balloon from a bottle of gas at 2.00 x 10 5 Pa
pressure and 25.0°C. Assume that the balloon comes to equilibrium at this
temperature and pressure. Then you heat the balloon until it bursts at
60°C. What is the bursting pressure?
2. The copper bar of square cross section (s = 0.050 m) in Figure 1 with L =
1.00 m has one end immersed in an insulated water bath at 100°C and at atmo-
spheric pressure and the other end connected to a constant-temperature reser-
voir at 400°C. How long does it take to vaporize 0.300 kg of the water?
The thermal conductivity for copper is 4.5 x 10 2 W/m K, and the heat of
vaporization of water is 2.30 x 10 6 J/kg.
3. (a) State the first law of thermodynamics.
(b) Define the following in one or two sentences: system, eguilibrium,
work, heat, internal energy.
(c) When water freezes at atmospheric pressure, its volume increases by
about 10%. Is ~U for this process larger or smaller in magnitude than
the heat of fusion 3.30 x 10 5 J/kg)? By how much? You may be asked to
justify your answer in terms of the first law. (1 atm = 1.00 x 10 5 Pa;
Pwater = 10 3 kg/m 3 .)

Figure 1

100 ern

5 ern 400°C
pass recycle
Mastery Test Form C
1 2 3 4 5

Name Tutor ____________

1. You bring the probe of a constant-volume gas thermometer into equilibrium

with a boiling water bath at 92°C. You measure the pressure to be 1.60
x 10 5 Pa. Then you bring the probe to equilibrium with a liquid-solid
mixture of an unknown substance. The pressure is then measured to be 0.60
x 10 5 Pa. What is the melting point (in kelvins) of the unknown substance?

2. A copper kettle with a base area of 10- 2 m2 evaporates water at a rate of

4.6 x 10- 3 kg~s. What_is the tem~eratu~e gradien~ ~T/~x ac~oss the bottom
of the kettle. (L vap - 2.30 x 10 J/kg, kcopper - 4.5 x 10 W/m K.)

3. Grapes are placed in a juice press at Point 1 in Figure 1. As the top is

slowly depressed, the volume decreases and the average pressure exerted
on the sides of the juice press increases, until Point 2 is reached. The
grapes burst, and the juice runs at approximately constant pressure until
Point 3. Since only skins and seeds are left, further increase in pressure
(to Point 4) makes no significant change in volume. Ql2 = -10.0 J of heat
flows out during process 1 + 2; there is no heat flow during process
2 + 3, but juice flows out, carrying away an internal energy ~Uj = 200 J;
there is no heat flow in process 3 + 4; Vl = 3.00 x 10- 2 m3 , V2 = 2.00
x 10
-2 m,
3 V3 = 1.00 x 10 -2 m,
3 and P2 = 4.0 x 10 4 Pa. ( Note: Pressure
here is taken relative to atmospheric pressure present.)
(a) How much work is done in the complete process 1 + 2 + 3 + 4?
(b) What is the change in internal energy of the grapes in the juice press,
U4 - U" during the complete process?

straight Figure'
3 2
o V2
pass recycle
Mastery Test Form
2 3 4 5

Name Tutor

2 0
Thermal conductivity of copper = K = 3.8 x 10 watts/m K
{ Specific heat of copper = c'= 3.8 x 10 2 J/kgOK
density of water p = 10 3 kilm 3

1. State the zeroth law of thermodynamics. Define briefly a system, internal

energy and adiabatic.

2. Two blocks of 100 kg each are brought into contact. One block is made of Cu
and is initially at 200 o C·. The material of the second block is unknown but
it is initially at OOC. If the final temperature of the combination is 75 0 C
what is the specific heat of the unknown material? (For copper c = 3.8 x 10 2 J/kgOK).

3. A waterfall is 10.0 m high. Above the falls the water is flowing at 3 m/s.
Below the falls the flow is negligable. If the water is 20.0oC above the falls
calculate the final temperature of the water.

Courtesy of University of Missouir-Rolla

pass recycle
Mastery Test Form E
2 3 4 5
Name Tutor

Thermal conductivity of copper K = 3.8 x 10 watt/moK
Latent heat of Ice = L = 3.3 x 10 5 J/kg
Heat of vaporization of water = 2.3 x 10 6 J/kg
Specific heat of copper, c = 3.8 x 10 2 J/kg oK
radius of the earth = 6.4 x 10 6 m.
1. A rod of copper is 0.1 meters long and has a cross section of 1 cm. If
one end is kept at 200 0 C and the other end is pressed into a block of ice,
how much ice is melted each second?

2. 0.100 kg of water at 1000C is vaporized at 1 atmosphere. The resulting

steam at 1000C occupies a volume of 0.18 m3 at 1 atmosphere.

a) calculate the work done by the steam.

b) calculate the change in the internal energy of the system.
c) Define equilibrium, system, adiabatic. State the zeroth law of thermodynamics.

Courtesy of University of Missouri-Rolla

pass recycle
Mastery Test Form ~
2 3 4 5
Name Tutor
1. a) State the first law of thermodynamics.
I, b) Define briefly: system, equilibrium, work, heat, internal energy.

2. A hot 500 kg Cu block (c = 3.8 x 10 2 J/kg oK) is dropped into an insulated

container containing 500 kg of water at 20 o C. This causes 2.0kg of the water
to be converted to steam and escape. The final temperature of the remainder
is 9S o C. If the heat of vaporization is 2.30 x 10 6 J/kg calculate the
original temperature of the copper object.

3. Make a PV graph for (a) an isob~ric expansion from Vo to 2Vo at Po followed

by (b) an increase in pressure to 2 Po at constant volume. Calculate the
total work done in these processes.

Courtesy of University of Missouri-Rolla

pass recycle
Mastery Test Form Go
2 3 4 5

Name Tutor

1. A 2000kg automobile traveling at>O mls strikes a patch of ice. The driver
panics and locks his brakes. Assume the heat of fusion of the ice is
L = 3.3 x 10 5 J/kg. Calculate the mass of ice melted by the time the car
comes to rest. (Assume the temperature of the ice is OOC and that the
temperature of the water from the melted ice is OOC.)

2. Define briefly adiabatic, isothermal, internal energy, and heat.

3. During a certain thermodynamic process using an ideal gas starting at OOC and
pressure P = 1.5 x 10 5 Pa and volume 0.014m (State A),the gas is compressed
adiabalically until the pressure is 3.6,x 10 5 Pa and the volume is 8.3 x 10- 3 m
(State B). The gas now undergoes an isobaric expansion until the volume =
0.014 m3 (State C). The gas pressure is then reduced at constant pressure to
reach State A.

a) Draw a PV graph of the process.

b) Calculate the work done during the isobaric expansion.

c) Calculate the work done in going from state C back to State A.

Courtesy of University of Missouri-Rolla



1. What To Look For: The zeroth-law statement should be fairly close to the
one given below. There are various possibilities for the definition of
Solution: (a) Two systems in thermal equilibrium with a third are in thermal
equilibrium with each other. A system is a portion of matter that we separ-
ate in our minds from the environment external to it.
(b) T = (PT/P273 K)(273 K) = [(6.0 x 10 5 )/(2.50 ~ 105)J(273) = 655 K.
2. What To Look For: The student should start with Q = a or Qlost = Qgained.
Solution: Qlost = Qgained' ccMc ~T
c = cwM
w ~T w + MwLvap ,
c M ~ T - ML
T = ww w vap + 1000C
final ccMvap

=(4.2 x 10 3 J/kg K)(0.200 kg)(80 K) - (0.0050 kg)(2.30 x 106 J/kg)

(3.8 x 10 2 J/kg K)(0.300 kg)

3. What To Look For: (a) The diagram should be a IItriangle w'ith B higher than li

A and C and with AC a vertical straight line. The students should not be
penalized if they draw straight lines or different types of curves for
AB and BC. (c) Answer should include 3 parts: work to heat, ice melted,
and the amount.

Figure 14
-- - - - - - - _1- - - _ _
- --- - - - - - -:- - - - - - - --- C

V,/li v. v

Solution: (a) See Figure 14. The process A + B is a compression; therefore the
line must go to the left, and up because the problem states that the pressure
rises. The line for B + C must go down and to the right because the problem
states that the pressure PC = (1/2)PO' and it is an expansion. Line CA must be
vertical because the piston stays fixed.
(b) AB BC CA
heat 0
work + o
(c) Since the area under AB is negative and greater than the area under BC, which
is positive, we expect that work is converted to heat.
M(melted) = 2.00 x 10 J = 6.1 x 10- 2 kg.
3.30 x 10 5 J/kg


1. What To Look For: Student should convert temperatures first to Kelvin scale.
If not, mark incorrect and discuss definition of temperature in terms of
pressure. Show how to convert from degrees Celsius to kelvins.

Solution: = P25.0°CTburst = (2.00 x 105 Pa)(333 K) = 2 23 x 105 Pa.

Pburst 298 K 298 K .
2. What To Look For: Student should use both conduction formula and latent-
heat formula.
Solution: dQ/dt = Q/t because of steady state.
dt/dx = 6T/~ because of uniform cross section.
Q/t = -kA(6T/~); Q = ML,
ML~ (0.300 k8)(2.30 x 10 J/kg)(l.OO m) = 2.0 x 10 3 s.
t = kA 6T = (4.5 x 10 2 W/m K)(0.050 m)2(300 K)
3. What To Look For: (a) Student statements do not need to be this compre-
hensive, but the underlined ideas should be stated explicitly, or at least
alluded to. (c) Student should calculate work. Sign is important, as well
as number. Student could say that 6U is more
negative than Q, therefore 6U < Q, but make sure this is properly explained
and that Q and ~U have the proper signs.
Solution: (a) For a system that undergoes any process beginning and ending
in equilibrium, the heat transferred to the system (Q) minus the work done
by the system (W) is exactly equal to the change in the internal energy
function U. 6U = Q - w.
(b) A system is a portion of matter that we isolate, in our minds, from the
environment. A system is in thermal equilibrium when it is in thermal contact
with its surroundings and when macroscopic changes have ceased to occur. Q
represents heat transfer, which is the transfer of energy to a system, bring-
ing about the same changes as if work were done, but.without the performance
of work; energy transfer by means of heat is associated with a temperature
+ +
difference across the system boundary. Work, W= f F • dr, is the action
of a force over a distance, with at least a small component of the force
directed along the displacement; the most common type of work in thermodynamics

is f p dV, due to the expansion or contraction of a system. ~U is defined by

the first law as equal to Q - W; ~U is a state function that depends Qnll on the
internal system properties and not on the path between two states.

(c) ~V = (O.lOO)(Mwater/pwater)'
W= P ~V
= (1.00 x 10 Pa)(O.lOO)(l.OO kg) = +10.0 J.
10 3 kg/m 3
Since ~U = Q - W, ~U is larger in magnitude than the heat of fusion by 10 J.


1. Solution: For a constant-volume gas thermometer:

T ~ p. Therefore
T = (92°C + 273.15)(0.60 x 10 Pa) = 137 K.
1.60 x 10 5 Pa
2. Solution: A = 10- 2 m2 , ~m/~t = 4.6 x 10- 3 kg/s,
vap = 2.30 x 10 m, ~Q/~t = kA(~T/~x)

3. Solution: (a)

~Q12 = -10.0 1+ 2 J
~Q = 0 2+ 3 ~U = 200 J.
~Q = 0 3+ 4
V1 = 3.00 x 10 -2 m,
3 V2 = 2.00 x 10- 2 m3 ,
V3 = 1.00 x 10 -2 m,
P2 = 4.0 x 10 4 N/m2

Work = area = (1/2)(V2 - V1)(P2) + P2(V 3 - V2)

= (1/2)(1.00 x 10- 2)(4.0 x 10 4) + (4.0 x 10 4 )(1.00 x 10- 2 )

= 2.00 x 10 2 + 4.0 x 10 2 = 6.0 x 10 2

Work = 600 J.

(b) Process 1 + 2: ~Q = -10.0 J, ~W = +200 J,

~U12 = ~Q - ~W = -10 + 200 = +190 J.
Process 2 + 3: ~Q = 0, ~W = -400 J, ~U23 = ~Q - ~W = 0 + 400 = +400 J.
Process 3 + 4: ~Q = 0, ~W = 0, ~U34 = O. ~Uj = 200 J (juice lost).
Therefore, ~U14 = +190 + 400 - 200 = +390 J.

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