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AFF2E Beyond The Pit

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Arion Games

Beyond the Pit

For the Advanced Fighting Fantasy Roleplaying

Andrew Wright

Incorporating elements derived from the original

Advanced Fighting Fantasy books written by Marc
Gascoigne and Pete Tamlyn

The world of Titan is a dangerous place,

filled with monsters, animals, constructs
and demons of all kinds.

The original Out of the Pit book brought

you 250 of these monsters, although this
barely contained the most common! Now,
we bring you another 250 dangerous and
intriguing denizens of Titan.

Whether using this book to provide

adversaries for Advanced Fighting Fantasy
heroes or simply as a companion as you pit
your skill against the Fighting Fantasy
gamebooks, the descriptions and
illustrations herein will prove invaluable
in your travels through the world of
Fighting Fantasy. .
In memory of Brian Williams, inspirational Fighting Fantasy artist.
You helped bring the world of Titan alive.

This Edition Print: 2013


Fighting Fantasy is © Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone all rights reserved
Fighting Fantasy, including the Fighting Fantasy shield, is a trademark of Steve Jackson and
Ian Livingstone and is used under license
Advanced Fighting Fantasy is © Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone all rights reserved

Cover Illustration is © copyright Terry Oakes

Internal illustrations are © copyright Alan Langford, Bill Houston, Bob Harvey, Brian
Williams, Jason Lenox, David Gallagher, Duncan Smith, Geoffrey Senior, Iain McCaig, John
Blanche, John Sibbick, Martin McKenna, Nik Williams, Pete Knifton, Russ Nicholson, Terry
Oakes and Tony Hough.
Map by Steve Luxton

Layout and Production: Graham Bottley

Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone hereby assert their moral right to be identified as the
authors of Advanced Fighting Fantasy in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents
Act 1988.

No part of this book may be copied or reproduced without express written permission from
the copyright holders.


Since the dawn of the Internet in the late nineties, when
Fighting Fantasy fans connected with each other for the
first time, shaking off the solitary burden of their chosen
When Out of the Pit was first published nearly thirty years
hobby, one question has repeatedly arisen. Namely,
ago, the lands of the Fighting Fantasy gamebooks consisted
“Who’s going to help me write a sequel for Out of the Pit?”
of the north-western corner of what would become the
We’d all tried to write one and we all knew it needed to
continent of Allansia, and Kakhabad, the Verminpit at
be done. There were too many hideous new monsters and
Earthend, from the Sorcery! saga. Subsequent gamebooks,
beasts in later Fighting Fantasy gamebooks for it not to
and the companion volume Titan, expanded the world to
happen. The problem was that it was such an immense
the three continents of Allansia, now greatly enlarged, the
task and the tattered scraps of half-completed bestiaries
Old World, which included Kakhabad, and Khul, the Dark
lay scattered across the Internet like the monolithic stone
ruins that dot the Flatlands of Allansia.
However, the world-building did not stop there! More
Dave Holt put together an extensive but unpublished
recent Fighting Fantasy gamebooks further detailed the
collection of monsters over several years. There was Jam
setting, including isolated islands, the Arrowhead
Norman’s Out of Other Pits, Simon Osborne’s catalogue of
Archipelago, the Isles of the Dawn, distant corners of
creature statistics, Brett Schofield’s bestiary, and even the
Khul, and so on and so forth. The world of Titan became
official Fighting Fantasy website got in on the act, with its
an immense, sprawling place of fantastic contrasts, where
own incomplete Beyond the Pit (whose title this volume
each and every gamebook was virtually an expansion
has unashamedly borrowed). However, all of them failed,
pack to a particular corner of this fascinating milieu.
no matter how admirable their contents and dedication.
Derided by some as “world-building by committee”, it
was probably this whole-heartedly gonzo approach to
What you hold in your hands therefore, is the first
creation that made Titan endure as a cult favourite of
successfully completed sequel to Out of the Pit, published
knowing fantasy fans everywhere.
nearly thirty years after its original illustrious predecessor.
The reasons why this attempt succeeded while others
The results of this can be seen in the book you now hold.
failed can be laid at the feet of a singularly determined,
Eastern Tatsu dragons rub shoulders with Tailspiker
knowledgeable and entertaining group of people called
lizards from the Chasms of Gorak, while leviathan-like
the Rebuilding Titan group, or the Titanorians. Past and
Cesuoshe slither alongside Giant Chameleons from distant
present members of this band of notables include Dan
tropical isles. This is as much a celebration of the weird
Williams, Doug Riddell, Andre Hausen, Hugh Eldred-
and wondrous creatures that inhabit Titan, as it is of the
Grigg, John Stockton, Sean Davies, Jared Milne, Warren
authors and artists who created them. Turn the page and
Maguire, Ken Beuden, Richard Krommydas, Victor
tread carefully, keep your blade sharp and your wits about
Cheng, Guillermo Paredes, Tiago Perretto, and Alexander
you, for who knows what monsters you may encounter
Ballingall, among many, many others.
while you trek through the unknown wilderlands…

Nine years ago it was suggested by the group to compile

a Titan Bestiary – a comprehensive database of every
animal or plant ever mentioned in a Fighting Fantasy
product – to create a resource that would power the
unofficial Fighting Fantasy wiki called Titannica. Then
Graham Bottley and Arion Games began publishing their
revision of the Advanced Fighting Fantasy role-playing
game, and a crazy idea was born: why not use the database
to create a sequel to Out of the Pit?

Hence this tome you are now reading. We hope you will
find it useful, interesting, and above all, inspirational, as
you seek new fiends and unfamiliar monsters to pit
against the brave adventurers in your Advanced Fighting
Fantasy games, whether they are stand-alone dungeons or
an elaborate campaign. May your STAMINA never fail!

Andrew Wright
Jeddah and Bangkok

THE CREATURES OF THE WORLD OF TITAN ground, but do not include natural caverns, which are termed
Caves. Plains are expansive grassy areas, such as the Flatlands.
On the following pages you will find details of many hideous Wilderness means large dead areas, which are rocky and
creatures, strange beasts and even some carnivorous plants desolate, such as the Wastes of Chaos. Demonic or Magical
that can be found across the savage world of Titan, from the Plane refers to a supernatural home in another dimension;
three continents of Allansia, Khul and the Old World, to the there are further explanations of these in Out of the Pit (pp.
myriad islands that dot the seas and oceans. Directors can of 44-46) and Titan (pp. 71-74).
course use these monsters for their Advanced Fighting Fantasy
adventures and campaigns. 7. NUMBER ENCOUNTERED. These numbers show how many
creatures will typically be encountered. A devious Director
To this end, each monster entry has two sections: one listing may feel free to double or treble this number to provide more
the statistics of the creature for ease of reference, while the of a challenge for his Heroes if needed. Some beings are
other is a longer description of the creature and any special solitary creatures, however, and will only be encountered on
abilities it may possess. The list of statistics is slightly longer their own: the description of the particular creature will have
than that of the original Out of the Pit, as it contains new further information in this case.
Advanced Fighting Fantasy information, and comprises of the
following: Rolling the numbers is simple: 1-6 means roll one die, and
that many creatures are encountered; 2-12 means roll two
1. SKILL and STAMINA. These are typical values as not all dice; 3-18 means roll three dice, and so on. 1-3 means roll one
monsters of the same type are exactly alike. In a large group die and halve the result, rounding any fractions up. 1-2 means
of creatures there will be some variation in these scores. For roll one: if the result is an odd number the score is 1, if it is an
example, in a group of four Minions, two may be normal even number the score is 2. There may also be special
creatures with SKILL 5, STAMINA 5; one might be a champion numbers, which will be explained in the descriptions of the
with SKILL 6, STAMINA 6; and the last may be a runt with SKILL monsters concerned.
4, STAMINA 3. Scores should only be varied by one or two
points. 8. TYPE. This gives a rough indication of the general nature of
the creature, and is also used to generate Treasure for it (see
2. ATTACKS. This number indicates the maximum number of the Treasure section at the back of this book).
opponents that a creature can fight in one Attack Round. If
the creature has more ATTACKS than there are opponents, it 9. REACTION. When Heroes first encounter a creature it will
does not get any extra ATTACKS. This follows the rules in react to them in one of a number of different ways. If it is
Advanced Fighting Fantasy (p. 59). Each Attack will be Friendly, it greets them warmly and shows no hostility. It may
conducted from the single Attack Strength rolled for the also share food or provide useful information. If it is Neutral,
creature, unless it says otherwise in the creature’s description. it is wary of them, but does not show open hostility; it will be
probably react if attacked, but may be fairly friendly if treated
3. WEAPON. This will indicate the type of weapon the creature carefully. If it is Unfriendly, it shows obvious displeasure at
uses in combat. Some creatures may also have more than one encountering them, but does not leap into battle immediately;
weapon type listed. Damage Rolls for all weapons can be it may wait to sum up the situation before deciding one way
found in Advanced Fighting Fantasy (p. 60). or the other. If it is Hostile, this often means it is hungry! The
creature will attack immediately. You will notice that for some
4. ARMOUR. This will indicate the type of armour that protects creatures two or more reactions are listed together. In these
the creature in combat. Armour Rolls for all armour types can cases the creature may react either way, depending perhaps
be found in Advanced Fighting Fantasy (p. 62). on what the Heroes are doing.

5. DAMAGE MODIFIER. This indicates if any changes are made 10. INTELLIGENCE. This final detail shows how clever a
to the creature’s Damage Roll, depending on how strong or monster is. There are four scores for this: High, Average, Low,
weak the creature is. Rules for Damage Modifiers can be and None. Humanoids will generally be rated as High
found in Advanced Fighting Fantasy (p. 128). (humans come somewhere in the middle of this category).
Most monsters and some animals will be Average; the rest are
6. HABITAT. This indicates the type of terrain a monster may Low. In general, only plants have an intelligence rating of
be encountered in. Where more than one type of habitat is None. Intelligence should be borne in mind when considering
listed, the first is where the creature is most often found, the the reaction of a particular creature. Clever beings will
second where it is less frequently found, and so on. For obviously use more cunning in their attacks, and may even
example, Chameleonites are mainly found in the hills where have spells or special weapons they can use. Stupider
they ambush lone travellers, but some are also found living creatures are more likely just to leap into battle regardless!
in small tribes in jungles and tropical rain-forest areas.

The terms should be self-explanatory, but the following may

help a Director when placing monsters in his adventures.
Towns include cities, villages and other settlements. Ruins are
found above ground, and can include towers, castles, houses
and so on. Dungeons, on the other hand, are found below

and non-magical traps, and safe from the prying eyes of

AMAZON the outside world.

SKILL: 9 Every Amazon village pays fealty and tribute (usually the
STAMINA: 6 pick of the male slaves) to a mysterious and widely feared
ATTACKS: 1 Queen. All other slaves are sold to unscrupulous slavers,
WEAPON: Spear, Javelin, Short Sword or Long Bow including unwanted male children. Female children are
ARMOUR: Leather Cuirass and Small Shield brought up as Amazons; likewise, female slaves whose
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None combat prowess is good enough may be invited to join the
HABITAT: Hills, Mountains, Wilderness Amazon clan providing they pass several arduous tests
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-6 or 3-18 (see below) of loyalty. The identity and location of the Amazon Queen
TYPE: Humanoid is a closely guarded secret, though there is a price on her
REACTION: Unfriendly head across the northern kingdoms of Kalamdar, Arion,
INTELLIGENCE: High and Peleus. Despite this, of all the bounty hunters who
have set out to track down the Queen of Amazons, not
Once thought to be little more than a myth, it is now one has returned alive.
known that the race of AMAZONS are a clan of fearsome
warrior-women who dwell in the mountainous wilds east Amazon from Fangs of Fury by Luke Sharp.
of the city-state of Kalamdar and other lonely places across Illustration by David Gallagher.
Khul. Small bands of one to six Amazons, armed and
armoured as above and riding mountain ponies or more
exotic steeds, such as the dreaded Phororhacos or GIANT ANEMONE
Fangtiger, conduct raids down into the lowlands, seeking
to acquire slaves and booty. All captured loot is then taken SKILL: 7
back via hidden passes, to isolated fortified villages of STAMINA: 14
three to eighteen inhabitants. Each village is led by an ATTACKS: 4
older Amazon known as a Slavekeeper, who is almost WEAPON: Large Claw (or see below)
always a witch or sorceress of some power. The ARMOUR: None
Slavekeeper ensures the village is protected by magical DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
HABITAT: Sea, Lakes, Rivers
TYPE: Monster
REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly

Sea anemones are normally small and inoffensive marine Not all the denizens of the Demonic Planes are scaly
creatures related to jellyfish. They attach themselves to Demons or mighty Undead. Some live there because it is
reefs and rocky shores where their stinging tentacles sway their home and where they have evolved in the
in the currents and catch tiny fish. In some parts of Titan treacherous and ever-changing conditions. The
however, such as the sunken ruins of Atlantis or the ANEMORUS is such a creature; a black and obscenely
depths of the Inland Sea, there exist GIANT ANEMONES. blubbery beast without limbs. Instead it uses a powerful
These resemble a brightly coloured mass of venomous tail to push itself through the turgid muck of the Plane of
tentacles arranged around a circular mouth, and are Blood or the Plane of Bile, avoiding the attentions of
capable of catching and devouring man-sized prey. The Ectovults and worse. Where its head should be is a great
strength of poison they can inject varies, with some species writhing mass of pinkish stinging tentacles that drag its
doing damage as above, while others can be instantly fatal prey into a hidden maw to be engulfed and slowly
(with a Test for Luck to avoid), such as the giant fresh-water digested. A sword or edged weapon is needed to cut
variety known as the Devil’s Locks, which is found in through its tough hide otherwise its victim will be
rivers and lakes across Allansia. Incredibly, Giant instantly overcome and devoured. The Anemorus is
Anemones display vestigial intelligence, and have been occasionally summoned by evil wizards to act as a
known to use their muscular tentacles to disarm those that guardian. Some escape their spell-bindings, and can be
prod them with weapons of any kind! found lurking in the colder waters of the northern seas.
Here they practice their favourite hunting technique of
Giant Anemone from Demons of the Deep by Steve Jackson. waiting beneath an ice-flow, ready to smash through it
Illustration by Bob Harvey. and attack anyone unfortunate enough to be traversing
that way.

ANEMORUS Anemorus from Slaves of the Abyss by Paul Mason and Steve
Illustration by Bob Harvey.

SKILL: 0 (see below)
STAMINA: 0 (see below)
ATTACKS: See below
HABITAT: Demonic Plane, Dreams
TYPE: Demon

ANGAROCS are hell-spawned creatures which exist only

in the dream world – until some sorcerer discovers how
to bring them through to the real world! They are servants
of the Snake Demon Sith, who values them highly among
her pets. Nevertheless, some do escape, or are captured
SKILL: 5 and enslaved by other Demon Princes such as Ishtra or
STAMINA: 10 Myurr. Angarocs are like huge snakes, but at intervals
ATTACKS: 4 along their bodies four legs sprout from either side. The
WEAPON: Tentacles (as Small Claw) legs are thick and hairy, like a spider’s, and enable the
ARMOUR: Light for edged weapons, Heavy for all others Angaroc to leap surprising distances.
HABITAT: Demonic Plane, Sea, Ice Angarocs have no weaponry – no armour, claws or teeth.
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-3 They need none, for their very being is poisonous. Anyone
TYPE: Monster coming near an Angaroc, whether in a dream or the real
REACTION: Hostile world, will lose STAMINA as their life-force is gradually
INTELLIGENCE: Low drained off. This is represented by rolling two dice every
Attack Round. If the roll is 2-7, the Angaroc will reduce

Typically, the creature will dwell within a small chamber

adjoining a large ant-hill, waving in apparent distress at
passing travellers. Any helpful stranger who pulls the
Symbiote from its burrow will lose 1 STAMINA point as the
ants swarm up its arms and begin biting. Horrifically, they
are merely softening up their prey so that the Symbiote
can overpower it and provide fresh meat for all. Every
time the Symbiote wins an Attack Round, more ants will
crawl on to the victim and begin biting. When the
Symbiote wins three Attack Rounds, there will be so many
ants on the victim that it will lose an additional 1 STAMINA
point per round.

Anemorus from Slaves of the Abyss by Paul Mason and Steve

Illustration by Bob Harvey.

its victim’s STAMINA by 2 points; if the roll is 8-12,

however, the victim is unaffected. If 8-12 is rolled three
times in succession, the victim may Escape the Angaroc
with a successful Test for Luck. Failure means the Angaroc
will pounce, smothering its victim with its vast body and
pinning it down while its life-force is slowly drained away.

Angaroc from Phantoms of Fear by Robin Waterfield.

Illustration by Jason Lenox.

WEAPON: Unarmed (Human) or Club APE-DOG and DOG-APE
HABITAT: Forests, Plains, Ruins SKILL: 7 6
TYPE: Humanoid ATTACKS: 1
REACTION: Friendly (but see below) WEAPON: Small Bite Mace
HABITAT: Ruins, Dungeons, Anywhere their master is
Strange are the ways of Chaos and Evil and the foul NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1 of each
mutant creatures they create. One of the weirdest is surely TYPE: Monster
the ANT SYMBIOTE of southern Allansia. From a distance REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly
the Symbiote resembles a dark-skinned human but closer INTELLIGENCE:
inspection reveals its colour is caused by a crawling layer Ape-Dog –High
of biting ants that it lives with in mutual co-operation! Dog-Ape - Average

‘As strong as an ARCTOLYCE’s mouth!’ is the Khulian

term for a gin-trap, and one look at the vicious jaws of this
ferocious beast is enough to confirm why! These
dangerous creatures are native to the wilder parts of Titan,
and resemble a cross between a wolf and a bear, though
they are more powerful than either beast. They have a
long snoutslike a wolf, great paws studded with razor-
sharp claws, and are equally mobile on two legs or four.
Arctolyces are territorial carnivores, but nomadic within
their hunting range, lacking a central lair or cave. Instead
they will have a series of spots throughout their territory,
such as the low branch of a tree, or a circle of boulders,
where they pass the time between kills. Arctolyce fur is
highly prized by those who can afford the considerable
price hunters charge, in view of the risks they take to
acquire such pelts. Indeed, in some markets the carefully
prepared skin of an Arctolyce may command a price of
not less than a hundred Gold Pieces for the skilled or lucky
hunter who procured it!

These two ugly misshapen creatures guard the gate to the Arctolyce from Phantoms of Fear by Robin Waterfield.
demi-sorcerer Balthus Dire’s Black Tower, and are Illustration by Jason Lenox.
rumoured to have been created by his father Craggen.
Although many scholars get them confused, it can be
stated definitively here for the first time that the APE-
DOG has the head of an ape and the body of a large dog,
while the DOG-APE has the head of a dog upon the body
of a great ape, with long, powerful arms. The Ape-Dog is
also the smarter of the two, and will stand up on its hind
legs and address visitors in an accented dialect of the
Common Speech. Should the visitor’s answers prove
unsatisfactory, both creatures will attack; the Dog-Ape
with an iron mace and the Ape-Dog with its simian jaws.
It is not known whether these creatures are unique, or if
there are others of their kind, lurking in the twisted gullies
and bone-strewn canyons of the Craggen Heights.
Certainly the race of Blogs from central Allansia is very
similar to the Dog-Ape in particular, though this just may
be pure coincidence.

Ape-Dog from Citadel of Chaos by Steve Jackson.

Illustration by Russ Nicholson.

WEAPON: Large Bite and Large Claw
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
HABITAT: Forest, Hills, Mountains
TYPE: Animal
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile

away. Arena Beasts are originally native to the Zushan

ARENA BEAST Jungle of Sunara Island, where they use their powers to
prey on the human and Kreehul tribes that dwell in this
SKILL: 8 region.
ATTACKS: 2 Arena Beast from The Crimson Tide by Paul Mason.
WEAPON: Large Bite and Large Claw Illustration by Terry Oakes.
TYPE: Reptile SKILL: 4
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile STAMINA: 10
WEAPON: Large Bite or Large Claw
HABITAT: Caves, Dungeons
TYPE: Animal

Adventurers and treasure-hunters poking around in the

forgotten corners of dank dungeons often encounter many
strange creatures, one such being the ARMOURED MOLE.
These near-blind subterranean carnivores are much larger
than their mole cousins, being the size of a large dog, and
their bodies are protected by scaly plates like those of an
armadillo. Their pointed teeth and powerful claws make

Similar in appearance to the dreaded Pit Fiend, ARENA

BEASTS are used for much the same purpose in the arenas
and battle-pits of Hachiman and the Isles of the Dawn.
Here they are often the first test of a gladiator’s mettle after
they complete their combat training. Although smaller
than the Pit Fiend, these ravenous, leathery-skinned
reptilian horrors have one secret weapon: their soul-
draining eyes! Any time an opponent is injured by an
Arena Beast, they must roll two dice. If the total is less
than their SKILL score, they have avoided looking into the
eyes of the creature. If the total is equal to or greater than
their SKILL score, they have gazed into the eyes of the
Arena Beast, and must lose an additional point from their
SKILL and LUCK scores as their freewill is literally drained

them a dangerous opponent, but, being blind, they rely

on their strange star-shaped snout to sniff out prey.
Indeed, Armoured Moles may be distracted from
attacking by making loud noises and scattering food
about. This confuses their remaining senses, and allows
its victim to Escape. This is fortunate, as anyone defending
themselves within the confines of an Armoured Mole’s
burrow must reduce their SKILL by 2 points for the
duration of the battle due to the cramped surroundings.
Armoured Moles are considered pests by Dwarfs, who
hunt them mercilessly, for the creatures often raid
underground food storage areas, as well as causing the
collapse of mine tunnels with their incessant burrowing.
Goblins however have been known to train the creatures
as guard beasts, while to the tiny Troglodytes they
represent a source of both food and ready-made armour.

Armoured Mole from Portal of Evil by Peter Darvill-Evans.

Illustration by Alan Langford.

WEAPON: Quarterstaff (see below)
ARMOUR: None however is their ebony staff that they wield in combat.
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None Anyone hit by the staff needs to roll a die. If the result is
HABITAT: Desert, Ruins a 1 or 2, they deduct damage from their STAMINA as
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1 normal; if the result is 3 or 4, they deduct 1 point from
TYPE: Bird/Humanoid their SKILL; if the result is 5 or 6, they deduct 1 point from
REACTION: Unfriendly their LUCK (if they do not have a LUCK score then deduct
INTELLIGENCE: High damage from STAMINA as normal). Anyone acquiring the
ebony staff of an Awkmute can also use its powers, but
Distantly related to the Hamakei of Allansia, AWKMUTES this is harder than it sounds as the creatures are often
are weird-looking inhuman clerics who dwell in dusty versed in priestly magic and capable of defending
temples and ruins across southern Khul, and in particular themselves using powers gifted to them by their dark
the lands bordering the Scythera Desert and the Inland gods.
Sea. They have a roughly humanoid body, with the head
and legs of some twisted bird, and are garbed in Awkmute from Seas of Blood by Andrew Chapman.
voluminous robes of dark and sombre hues. Unlike the Illustration by Bob Harvey.
Hamakei however, Awkmutes are not dedicated to the
quest for collecting obscure scraps of lore, but instead
follow the ways of the Dark Lords of Chaos and the BAKK-RUMAN
Demon Princes, striving to spread their worship among
the younger races of humankind. Disease and Decay are SKILL: 7
particularly favoured deities and it is not unusual for a STAMINA: 9
hidden shrine of human acolytes to be led by an Awkmute ATTACKS: 1
high priest. For this reason it is thought a conclave of WEAPON: Small Claw
Awkmutes dwells in the cursed city of Shakuru, providing ARMOUR: None
spiritual guidance to the Beggar-King Holagar the DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
Wretched and his plague-ridden citizens. HABITAT: Caves, Dungeons
Awkmutes are often festooned in a rattling profusion of TYPE: Animal
sacred talismans and religious adjuncts that may or may REACTION: Unfriendly
not have magical powers. Their most potent weapon INTELLIGENCE: Low

WEAPON: Dagger or Small Bite
HABITAT: Ruins, Dungeons, Forest
TYPE: Undead
REACTION: Friendly-Neutral (but see below)

The folk-tales of the northern Old World are replete with

stories of lone male wayfarers, travelling at night, who
chance upon a beautiful sleeping maiden in a forest glade
or ruined shrine. She will usually be clad in a fine gown,
and may even be covered in a silvery mesh of cobwebs
that indicate she has been in an enchanted slumber for a
very long time. Woe betide any unfortunate who attempts
to wake her using the time-honoured manner of a gentle
kiss however, for this is no fairy-tale princess but rather
the evil undead spirit of a BAOBHAN SITH!

The first attack of the Baobhan Sith will be to bite the

throat of whoever kissed them. This requires a successful
In the caverns that form the bowels of Titan, strange Test for Luck to avoid, and if the victim is Unlucky they
creatures lurk in the subterranean darkness. One such is lose 2 STAMINA points immediately and 1 STAMINA point
the BAKK-RUMAN, known to the Dwarfs as the ‘Wailer per Attack Round for the next 1-6 Attack Rounds as their
in the Depths’ owing to the continuous piercing noise it throat bleeds heavily. The Baobhan Sith will then launch
screeches as it attempts to locate prey. In appearance, the into a horrifying and blood curdling scream, which
beast is over a metre in height and covered in a pelt of requires another Test for Luck. Unlucky victims will be so
thick black fur. Its four limbs end in paws tipped by weakened from the scream that they are paralysed and
curved talons, and while its legs are short and stocky, its unable to move, even as the undead fiend pulls a dagger
arms are elongated and many-jointed, supporting sail-like from her gown and stabs them to death.
membranous wings that are more similar to those of a
Pterodactyl than a bat. The Bakk-Ruman’s head is large A lucky individual who can resist the effects of the scream
and vaguely human in shape, with blind staring eyes, will then have to contend with the Baobhan Sith’s magical
bat-like ears, and a small mouth full of sharp teeth. It power. She may know many spells but her favourite is a
listens to the varying echoes of its shrieking call to unique spell called the Baobhan’s Bane. This spell causes
accurately detect the presence of food, and anyone green shards of light to surround the victim, sinking into
fighting the creature in combat must deduct 2 points from their flesh and leaving them feeling chilled and weak.
their SKILL score as the high-pitched noise is so loud as to They must deduct 3 STAMINA points and 2 SKILL points,
be physically painful! however the SKILL loss is temporary and lasts for three
combats, including fighting the Baobhan Sith.
Bakk-Ruman from Beneath Nightmare Castle by Peter Darvill-
Evans. Baobham Sith from Vault of the Vampire by Keith Martin.
Illustration by Jason Lenox. Illustration by Martin McKenna.

Barbarians are tall, muscular humans with a mane of long

black or brown hair and skin bronzed from countless
seasons spent under the outland sun. They disdain the use
of armour, preferring to wear furs or leather hide, and
wield enormous two-handed swords and battle-axes in
combat. Barbarians gather together in tribes and can be
found living in many areas across all three continents of
Titan, including: the eastern hills of Lendleland, the
wastelands bordering the city-state of Kish, the rocky
margins of the Craggen Heights, and northern Allansia
from the Pagan Plains through the steppes of Kay-Pong
to the foothills of the Icefinger Mountains and beyond.
Noted tribes of Allansia include the Stormchild, Frostwind
and Bloodied Eagle clans, the latter being infamous for
their hostile attitude towards outsiders.

Each tribe will have a small well-hidden settlement of

timber huts housing four to twenty four warriors (both
male and female), and a further four to twenty four
non-combatants (including children, the elderly, and some
slaves). This settlement serves as a base for launching raids
against other tribes, conducting daily hunting expeditions
into the wilderness, and sending forth traders to visit
towns like Ismater and Zengis in northern Allansia to sell
furs and ivory. A Barbarian tribe is led by its chief, who
is the most powerful warrior (SKILL 10 STAMINA 10), and
who is advised by the village wiseman, who is usually the
most elderly and learned individual present. Other
important people in the tribe include the blacksmith,
whose forge makes the great axes and swords for the
warriors to use as weapons, and the shaman, who
provides a link to the gods and who may have
lycanthropic powers and be able to change into a bear or

SKILL: 9 Some tribes are known for their ability to train savage
STAMINA: 8 beasts; various clans of the Moonstone Hills occasionally
WEAPON: Battle Axe or Greatsword
ARMOUR: None or Leather Cuirass
HABITAT: Hills, Wilderness, Mountains
TYPE: Humanoid
REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly

Tribes of humans living in the wilder areas of Allansia,

Khul and the Old World respond to the dangerous
conditions in various ways. Some revert to primitivism,
such as the Wild Hill Men of the Moonstone Hills. Others
use horses or camels to transport themselves through the
wilderness, like the Nomads of the Flatlands. One group
however, has become more war-like and aggressive in
response to their environment, until their whole culture
is a celebration of might and strength. These are the

capture Griffin eggs and raise the hatchlings into ferocious

battle steeds. Similarly, the Frostwind tribe of northern
Allansia have an entire sub-clan of warriors known as
Skyriders, whose mounts are shaggy-furred cold-adapted
Pegasi. Barbarians sometimes trade the young of such
creatures, in addition to their other wares, but their most
infamous creation is akvavit, a throat-searing iced clear
spirit flavoured with caraway seed, and served in hollow
walrus tusk goblets. Anyone drinking a moderate amount
of this spirit gains 5 STAMINA immediately, and a +1 SKILL
bonus for the first combat after drinking it. Wandering
Barbarians will often carry a flask of it with them, along
with travel provisions that consist of dried meat sprinkled
with healing herbs (which add 3 STAMINA when

Barbarians have excellent hearing and vision, and tend to

fight first and ask questions later. They strongly dislike
all sorcery and wizardry, though they may wear simple
charms and amulets designed to give them luck during
battle or while hunting. Through the shaman of the tribe,
Barbarians venerate the spirits of their dead ancestors
above all, but they also acknowledge mighty deities whose
powers align with their beliefs, such as Farigiss, god of ice
and snow, Sukh the Storm God, and Lorodil the god of
volcanoes. Verlang, patron of blacksmiths, is also
worshipped, likewise favoured demigods of the Animal
Court, including Gurrang the Bear God, and Almor, Lord
of Wolves. Each Barbarian warrior will usually carry a
small totem or symbol of their chosen deity while they are
hunting, travelling, or adventuring. It is perhaps thus not
surprising that many Barbarians have gone on to become Many an unfortunate traveller has wearily stopped beside
famous adventurers, and a list of such notables would the trunk of a dead tree in the tangled forests of southern
include Ulrik Wolfsbane and Axel Wolfric from northern Khul, only to find themselves suddenly entwined in the
Allansia, Blacksand-based Vartan the Swordsman, Grunch sticky tendrils of a BARK BITER! These weird carnivorous
of the Outlands who patrols the road between Warpstone plants lie dormant for much of the time, until some prey,
and Salamonis, Anvar the Barbarian (from Kakhabad), usually a small deer or jungle antelope, wanders within
and Krom the Mighty and his younger brother Throm, range. Then, suddenly, green fibrous tendrils shoot out
who was last seen entering Baron Sukumvit’s Deathtrap from the bole of the tree to ensnare its prey and drag it
Dungeon. closer to a series of gaping mouths on the Bark Biter’s
trunk, that begin opening and closing in anticipation of
Barbarian from Caverns of the Snow Witch by Ian Livingstone. an easy feast. All of this attack is coordinated by a series
Illustration by Gary Ward/Edward Crosby. of eyes on the tips of the plant monster’s uppermost
branches. A victim that loses three successive Attack
Rounds has been dragged into one of the creature’s
mouths, and will take Large Bite damage every
BARK BITER subsequent round until it or the Bark Biter are dead.
Despite their bizarre appearance, Bark Biters are tree-like
SKILL: 9 in other aspects and will suffer double STAMINA damage
STAMINA: 8 when attacked with fire or axes. Though the reason for
ATTACKS: 3 their strange combination of both plant and animal
WEAPON: Tendril (as per Small Claw) and Large Bite attributes is unknown, Bark Biters can be found in many
ARMOUR: Light places in southern Khul, such as the fertile plateau of the
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None Kish Isthmus, the forested slopes of Mount Martu-
HABITAT: Jungle, Forest Amurru, and the untamed jungles to the east of Shurrupak.
TYPE: Plant Bark Biter from Seas of Blood by Andrew Chapman.
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile Illustration by Bob Harvey

WEAPON: Large Bite WEAPON: Small Bite
TYPE: Fish TYPE: Fish
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile REACTION: Unfriendly

There are many dangers swimming in the seas of Titan,

one such being the various kinds of sharks. Another is the
fearsome snaggle-toothed BARRACUDA, a large silvery
fish up to two metres long. Their bodies are slender,
fine-scaled and arrow-like in shape, while their heads
seem to be all madly staring eyes and long jaws full of
curved fangs. Barracudas live mainly in the warm tropical
oceans and seas, congregating in small packs around
rocky sea mounts, coral reefs and the ruins of sunken
cities, where they team up to hunt smaller fish, and the
occasional lone Merman or Sea Elf. They are fast-
swimming opportunistic hunters, and when fighting them
underwater, it is impossible to Escape, owing to their
speed. Barracudas are fished for around the waters of
Arantis, where they are considered an edible delicacy
known as sarul. The greatest numbers of Barracudas
however, are found near the port of Keladon, on Stayng
Island in the Arrowhead Archipelago. Here, in the aptly-
named Barracuda Bay, they gather in vast swirling shoals
to breed, spawn, and ultimately die. Thought to be related to the dreaded carnivorous Flying
Fish of Lake Ilklala, BATFISH are found throughout the
Barracuda from Demons of the Deep by Steve Jackson. warmer seas of Titan. Their serpentine body is up to a
Illustration by Bob Harvey. metre long, and their head is topped with a spiny crest.
Beneath this are two eyes, black as ink, and a gaping maw
containing several rows of blade-like teeth. Batfish take
their name from the leathery wing-like fins that sprout
from their back, just behind their head. These are used for
propelling themselves both through the water and also
out of it and into the air. This limited flying ability is
usually used to escape larger predators, but flocks of
hungry Batfish have also been known to attack ships,
preying on sailors on deck, or up in the rigging. They can
be distracted with food however, so the wise seaman
always carries a provision or two to throw at the piscine
horrors while he makes his escape below decks. Batfish
can survive out of the water for seven Attack Rounds,
before disappearing back into the sea. Legend has it that
an attack by the much-feared pirate galley Sea Drake is
always preceded by a wave of hungry Batfish. This may
have something to do with the fact that the Sea Drake’s
pirate crew are rumoured to be Vampires!

Batfish from Demons of the Deep by Steve Jackson.

Illustration by Bob Harvey.
18 BAY

innings, and in each innings both teams get a chance to

BAY strike the leather ball flung by the flinger of the other team.
Each striker has one strike only, and three outs (including
SKILL: 5 being caught) means the end of a team’s innings. The away
STAMINA: 5 team strikes first.
WEAPON: Club The game is played in cities and towns across north-
ARMOUR: None western Allansia, wherever there is a community of Bays.
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None Port Blacksand and Salamonis in particular are noted for
HABITAT: Towns, Ruins the skill of their Bays’ Ball teams, such as the Gallows
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 2-12 Street Ghouls (from Blacksand) and the Valley Road
TYPE: Humanoid Vagabonds (from Salamonis). Bays’ Ball has also spawned
REACTION: Friendly-Neutral an imitation game played by humans and larger races like
INTELLIGENCE: High Ogres and Trolls, called Ogreball. Purists deride this
variant however, as the teams are smaller, with the catcher
replaced by a tree stump or fence post that the flinger is
attempting to hit with the ball.

Bay from City of Thieves by Ian Livingstone.

Illustration by Iain McCaig.

Grizzly Long-Tooth Polar
SKILL: 9 6 9
STAMINA: 13 8 14
WEAPON: Large Bite and Large Claw
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
Grizzly Bear – Forests, Hills, Mountains
Long-Tooth Bear - Caves
Polar Bear – Ice, Mountains
TYPE: Animal
REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly

When barbarian tribes swept down from the Icefinger

Mountains and settled across the teeming plains of north- BEARS are large, shaggy-haired carnivorous mammals
western Allansia, they discovered a small, brown-skinned found across Titan. The most common kinds of Brown and
race of Goblin-like creatures dwelling in crude villages Black Bears are similar to each other and were previously
along the shores of the Western Ocean. Named BAYS, described in Out of the Pit (pp. 19-20). There are however
after their preferred choice of habitat, these creatures had some more specialized forms that an adventurer may meet
a peculiar religious festival that involved clubbing a on their travels, and these are described below:
statuette (usually of a god like Hashak or Hydana) far out
to sea. Over time, the barbarian kingdoms turned into Like its name suggests, the GRIZZLY BEAR is a hungry
city-states and the Bays settled within them, while their brute with a nasty temper that is found across Titan, from
idol-hitting ritual evolved into the game we now know the foothills of Allansia’s Frozen Plateau, to the forested
today as Bays’ Ball. highlands of both Mauristatia and the Mountains of the
Giants, and even on the more isolated islands of the
Bays’ Ball is played by two teams of six players each. The Arrowhead Archipelago. They are perhaps the second
players comprise a flinger, a catcher, and four fetchers largest bear after the Polar Bear and when they rear up to
(first sack, second sack, third sack and outfield). Each team attack, stand over three metres tall on their tree-trunk thick
can have two substitutes and one ring-in (such as a hind legs. Grizzly Bears are inevitably battle-scarred
nameless adventurer), per game. Each game has six veterans of the wilderness, and their raking talons and

turns them into ravening white-furred Werebears when

the full moon shines down upon the frozen tundra!

Bear from Tower of Destruction by Keith Martin.

Illustration by Pete Knifton.

WEAPON: Hooves (as per Large Claw) and Antlers (as per
Very Large Bite)
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
HABITAT: Hills, Plains, Wilderness
TYPE: Animal
REACTION: Unfriendly

brute power are enough to see off most adversaries.

Nevertheless, it is possible to distract them with food, and In the wilder areas of Khul, such as the Marcher Lands of
at least 6 Provisions worth of meals are needed to Hachiman or the misty shores of Lake Necros, lurk
successfully do so! Alternatively, one may climb a tree to creatures extreme even by the standards of Titan. One
escape the predations of a Grizzly Bear, for they are too such beast is the BLACK ELK, a gigantic sable-furred deer
large to follow, but they are also patient and have been some three metres tall with a four metre span of razor-
known to wait for days for their prey to descend or fall. tined ebony antlers. The giant deer weighs several tonnes
and uses both its hooves and its antlers to defend itself
The LONG-TOOTH BEAR is a smaller creature, albeit against predators and hunters. Unfortunately for the Black
armed with a pair of curved sabre-like fangs that give it Elk this happens all too often as its pelt is valuable, its flesh
its name. It is a subterranean animal, found in caves and makes for excellent Provisions, and its horns are used as
caverns across southern Khul, such as the extensive magical talismans. All of this perhaps explains why it is
Chasms of Malice that exist beneath the Kingdom of so rarely seen these days!
Gorak. Long-Tooth Bears usually eat small underground
mammals, although they are not averse to preying on Black Elk from Sword of the Samurai by Mark Smith and Jamie
Goblins or Orcs if the need so arises. They will lair in a Thompson. Illustration by Alan Langford.
shallow cave or fissure from which they can patrol the
surrounding tunnels in their constant hunt for food.
Long-Tooth Bears are also highly territorial, and will
defend their lair to the death!

The huge snow-white POLAR BEAR is the largest bear to

be found on Titan, excluding certain weird and rare
hybrids such as the Arctolyce and the Nandibear. It is
found across the polar northern regions, from the endless
Ice Wastes of Allansia, to frozen islands such as the
Diamond and Cragspider archipelagos, and all of the
pack-ice that covers the ocean in between. In coastal
regions Polar Bears prey on fish, seals, and walrus, while
further inland they have been known to hunt snow deer,
moose and young Mammoth calves. They are hunted in
turn by Frost Giants, who value their pelts above all others
for its thickness and warmth. Northern Barbarians, by
contrast, venerate them as emissaries of Gurrang the Bear
God, and keep carved ivory statues of Polar Bears as a
protection against their attacks. Some Barbarians are even
known to be infected with a form of Lycanthropy that


WEAPON: Sword or Large Claw WEAPON: Scimitar (as per Sword) or Long Bow
ARMOUR: Chainmail Cuirass ARMOUR: Leather Cuirass
HABITAT: Mountains, Forests, Caves, Ruins, Dungeons HABITAT: Hills, Marshes, Forests, Plains, Wilderness
1-6 TYPE: Humanoid
TYPE: Humanoid REACTION: Hostile

Given that they are cross between Orcs and Dark Elves,
A worrying development at the it may be wise not to speculate too closely on the origins
recent siege of the northern of the evil race known as BLACKHEARTS! Once thought
Allansian city of Sardath was the to be extinct, exterminated in the Great War against Chaos
appearance of a mutated type of by the hero Brendan Bloodaxe, they are in fact very much
Dark Elf known as the BLACK alive and scattered across north-eastern Khul in small
FLYER. These fearsome warriors isolated settlements. Blackhearts are easily recognisable
looked identical to their due to their tall Elven stature and muscular Orcish build,
Darkside brethren, except for the making them stronger than either of their parent races.
addition of a pair of gigantic Their faces are bestial, with a mouth full of jagged tusks
black bat-like wings sprouting while two long pointed ears frame a thick mane of
from their back. Although dark-hued hair. Blackhearts favour ornate leather armour,
restricted to nocturnal flights and use either jagged scimitars in combat or black-
only, these wings allowed the feathered arrows shot from a powerful longbow.
Black Flyers to cover
tremendous ground, fanning out across the Forest of They are renowned as hunters, preferring to seek out
Night on covert missions of terror and sabotage. It is not bears, wolves, or mighty creatures such as Nandibears,
known what caused the sudden creation of this both for their pelts and the honour gained in slaying them.
malevolent race, though local lore-masters have Most encounters with Blackhearts will therefore be with
speculated it may have been the result of illicit use of the bands of one to three hunters out in the wilderness,
Triplex Potion Concoctor of Corianthus the Storm Giant, engaged in tracking down these dangerous beasts. Rarely,
who was imprisoned by the Dark Elves for some time. one might
chance across a
To make things worse, there appear to be two kinds of small settlement
Black Flyers. One is the normal warrior sort, clad in of Blackhearts,
chainmail armour and armed with a sword. The other usually with
form is a kind of assassin and needs no weapons for their two to twelve
hands have transformed into cruel black talons with which hunters, male or
to rend their victims. Worse, they have the power of female, and a
shape-changing, and can take the appearance of whoever further one to
or whatever they kill. The only way to spot the difference six children as
is that these Black Flyers are the mirror image of their n o n -
target, not the exact image, so a scar on the right side of combatants.
its victim’s face will appear on the left side of its own face. Woe betide any
Many of both kinds of Black Flyers were destroyed when traveller who
the siege of Sardath was broken, but some escaped and finds such a
are believed to lurk in the darker corners of the h a m l e t
Freezeblood Mountains and the Forest of Night. however, as its
Meanwhile, in Sardath, there is still a standing bounty on inhabitants will
Black Flyers and Dark Elves, alive, or, preferably, dead. fight to the
death, and
Black Flyer from Seige of Sardath by Keith Phillips. pursue any
Illustration by Pete Knifton. escapees across

great distances to prevent knowledge of its location These creatures are extremely knowledgeable about their
becoming more widespread. In times of strife, Blackhearts surrounding territories, and if captured (usually by
will readily abandon their homesteads and join the forces chopping down whatever tree they have taken refuge in)
of whichever evil warlord has risen up to stake a claim will bargain for their freedom by promising to lead their
over the misty vales and endless plains of this corner of captors to ancient ruins and gleaming treasure. Whether
Khul. Be it Morgana of Krill Garnash or Arachnos of these promises are true however, or just lead to another
Deathmoor, the Blackhearts will care nothing as long as Blog ambush, is another matter entirely.
they may wage war against the descendants of Brendan
Bloodaxe and all his ilk. Blog from Armies of Death by Ian Livingstone.
Illustration by Nik Williams.
Blackheart from Masks of Mayhem by Robin Waterfield.
Illustration by Russ Nicholson.
SKILL: 5 WEAPON: Large Claws
WEAPON: Blowpipe (see below) or Club HABITAT: Plains, Wilderness, Hills
HABITAT: Forests, Jungles REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile
TYPE: Animal/Humanoid
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile
INTELLIGENCE: Average Easily outstripping
related avians such
The curiously named as the Death Hawk
BLOG, or Dogman, is or the Night
a primitive creature Hawk, the GIANT
from the depths of BLOODHAWK is
Allansia’s central the biggest species
woodlands, such as of hawk that flies
the Forest of Fiends the skies of Titan.
and the Forest of With a wingspan
Night. In appearance of well over four
they resemble a small, metres and
brown-skinned, pot- cloaked in a
bellied humanoid, mantle of flame-
with a dog-like head. red feathers that
Blogs are hated and become paler on
hunted down by all the bird’s head and
neighbouring human breast, it is truly an
races for their twin impressive aerial
practices of head- raptor. The Giant
hunting and eating Bloodhawk is commonly found soaring at great heights
human flesh, which over the grasslands of northern Khul, such as the Pikestaff
they cook in large cauldrons. They are skilled trackers, Plain or the Battlegrounds. If it spots any prey with its
moving silently through the trees before bringing down sharp eyesight (including anything human-sized!), it will
their victims with a barrage of poisoned darts from their spiral sharply down to the ground and attack with a
blowpipes. To avoid the darts, an adventurer needs a battery of razor-sharp talons. They are also extremely
shield and must Test for Luck. If they are Lucky, the darts smart birds, and if their intended victim suddenly
have struck their shield, but if they are Unlucky, the dart disappears or hides itself with an Invisibility Spell or the
strikes them, injecting a fast-acting poison into their like, then the Giant Bloodhawk will merely resume its
bloodstream. This causes a death-like paralysis, making lonely vigil in the sky, waiting for its prey to reappear
it easy for the Blog to grab their victim and carry them off before once more diving down with claws outstretched!
to the Blog’s cooking-pot in their hidden tree-top village. This natural intelligence makes them desirable for kings

and lords to own, and the eggs of Giant Bloodhawks have, known to keep a pack of them to let loose on the local
similar to those of Eagles, been known to fetch up to two population from time to time. Senyakhaz the Illusionist
hundred Gold Pieces when sold to noblemen or falconers. kept kennels of them within Neuburg Keep for example,
once she had charmed the local ruler, one Baron Tholdur.
Giant Bloodhawk from Masks of Mayhem by Robin This lasted until the dreadful howling of the Blood-
Waterfield. Illustration by Russ Nicholson. Lurchers, as they patrolled the moonlit streets of Neuburg,
attracted the attention of a wandering adventurer who
slew them all plus many other horrors besides!

BLOOD-LURCHER Blood-Lurchers also have limited powers of

parthenogenesis. The severed tentacle from one, if placed
SKILL: 8 near food (such as in a backpack or other container) will
STAMINA: 9 mutate into a Kiss of Death Protoplasm within one day.
ATTACKS: 1 This is a blob of rubbery finger-like tentacles, covered in
WEAPON: Large Claw blood-drinking suckers. Once grown, it will attempt to
ARMOUR: None jump onto the face or exposed skin of a victim and drain
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None all their blood. This requires two successful Tests for Skill
HABITAT: Ruins, Dungeons to avoid. If either test is successful, the Protoplasm can be
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-6 killed with little effort. If the first test is unsuccessful, the
TYPE: Monster victim will lose 2 STAMINA points from blood loss. If the
REACTION: Hostile second test is unsuccessful, they will go insane and die as
INTELLIGENCE: Low the Kiss of Death Protoplasm completely drains its victim
of blood. Satiated, it will then drop off the corpse of the
victim and find a dark place to hide, as it begins its final
Some creatures have been so badly warped by the powers transformation into a fully-grown Blood-Lurcher.
of Chaos it is impossible to tell what they once were. Such
an entity is the loathsome BLOOD-LURCHER, a pale, Blood-Lurcher from Beneath Nightmare Castle by Peter
hairless beast with a bloated belly and razor-sharp talons Darvill-Evans. Illustration by Jason Lenox.
on all four paws. The head is even worse: long, low and
eyeless, with a gaping red mouth full of writhing tentacles.
Typically, the creature feeds by slashing its victim to
ribbons with its claws, and then draining all their blood BLOODWORM
with the suckers on the end of its mouth-tentacles. Blood-
Lurchers are found in isolated places such as the ruins of Adult Young
abandoned cities, though sadistic overlords have been SKILL: 4 4
Adult – Large Bite
Young – Small Bite
Adult – None
Young – -1 to Damage Roll
Adult – Caves, Towns (sewers), Dungeons, Marshes
Young – Sea, Lakes, Rivers
Adult – 1-2
Young – 3-18
TYPE: Monster

The BLOODWORM is a curious creature thought to be

related to both the Mudgrinder and the Giant Sandworm,
though somewhat smaller than either of those two

behemoths. Still, it grows up to eight metres long and as water, and into the dank habitat favoured by the adults.
thick as a man’s torso, with a segmented body that is Both forms are equally at home underwater however, and
coloured the dirty reddish-brown hue of clotted blood. will add 2 to their SKILL when fighting in such an
Their grotesque head lacks eyes and instead is dominated environment.
by a large, star-shaped suckered mouth, surrounded by
rows of sharp hooks, resembling a gigantic tapeworm in Bloodworm from Trial of Champions by Ian Livingstone.
appearance. Its name comes from its appetite for blood, Illustration by Brian Williams.
and when encountered it will lunge quickly at its victim,
attracted to the heat of their body. Anyone who fails to
dodge the Bloodworm’s lunge (by an unsuccessful Test for
Skill), or who is subsequently wounded by the creature in
combat, will lose 2 STAMINA points per Attack Round
thereafter, whether or not they win that Attack Round, as
their blood is sucked away by the giant parasite! Adult Young
SKILL: 9 7
Adult Bloodworms are found in flooded caverns, muddy STAMINA: 10 8
sinkholes, and the stinking sewers of cities, but young ATTACKS:
Bloodworms are instead found in open water, such as Adult – 2
Young – 1
Adult – See below
Young – Large Claw
Adult – Heavy
Young – Medium
Adult – See Below
Young – None
HABITAT: Dungeons, Caves, Ruins
Adult – 1
Young – 1-3
TYPE: Monster

Down in the subterranean depths lurk the hideous yet

immensely powerful beasts called BONECRUSHERS,
slowly shuffling through dark tunnels and caverns in their
eternal quest for victims. They are mighty creatures, taller
than a man and covered in thick, leathery, iron-hard hide,
with an incredibly muscular torso and strong forearms
that end in taloned paws. Its clawed legs look stunted in
comparison, though they balance the Bonecrusher with
the help of a thick tail that drags along the ground behind
the creature as it walks. The head is small and ugly, with
tiny near-blind eyes, a flat nose and a mass of writhing
tendrils that overhang its wide mouth. The tendrils are
shallow seas or expansive lakes. Their overall appearance the Bonecrusher’s main sensory organ, constantly sniffing
is similar to the adult form, except they are much smaller, and tasting the air around it, and the scholar Aspartis
at around a metre in length, as thick as a man’s arm, and considers this evidence that the beast is related to the
they are also a vivid red in colour. Young Bloodworms, similarly tentacled Brain Slayer, perhaps as an associated
although always hungry, lack the blood-sucking ability of guard or warrior race.
the adults, and instead attack in large packs of three to
eighteen worms. For each extra worm, add 1 STAMINA
point and 1 ATTACK (so a pack of twelve young The creature’s fearsome reputation is due to its lethal
Bloodworms would be SKILL 4, STAMINA 12, ATTACKS 12). arms. Anyone who loses an Attack Round to a
After a year or so, they will migrate out of open or running Bonecrusher will be instantly killed as one clawed paw

WEAPON: Small Claw
ARMOUR: None (see below)
HABITAT: Dungeons, Ruins
TYPE: Undead

Often on Titan the spirits of the dead do not go quietly to

their grave. One particularly malevolent undead entity is
the BONE DEVIL, which is known to haunt the sites of
battlefields, ruined necropolises and the like. When
disturbed, it manifests as a swirling whirlwind of cold,
misty air, which will shoot inside the eye-socket of an
abandoned skull and instantly assemble a motley
collection of bones about it to appear as a ragged, roughly
Skeleton-like creature. The Bone Devil has strong psychic
powers that can paralyze its victims with fear, and anyone
facing it in combat must first Test for Skill on three dice in
order to shake off the mental paralysis. Worse, at the start
of each Attack Round, the Bone Devil’s opponent must
roll one die: on a 1-2 they are paralyzed, but on a 3-6 they
resist the attack and can continue fighting. Anyone
paralyzed by the Bone Devil can only watch helplessly as
grabs and breaks one or both of their arms while the other the monster tears into their chest and plucks out the
snaps their neck! Instead, a better tactic is to catch the still-beating heart to feast upon and empower itself with!
creature in a weighted net and pull it to the ground,
whereupon its sense of balance is destroyed and it will be
unable to rise owing to its immense weight. To do this
requires a successful Test for Skill to see if the beast is
caught in the net; failure indicates the net-bearer must Test
for Skill again to avoid the Bonecrusher’s lethal attack,
before readying their net for another attempt. The
Bonecrusher makes for a spectacular addition to any
arena, and thus the wise gladiator should always consider
the weighted net and an accompanying trident as a
necessary part of his or her arsenal. Indeed, the Maze of
the Bogomil in the strange and wild kingdom of Kazan is
positively infested with Bonecrushers, though many of
these are immature young, who lack the killer forearms
of the adult form and will instead settle for raking their
opponent with their claws.

Bonecrusher from Trial of Champions by Ian Livingstone.

Illustration by Brian Williams.

Interestingly though, those who wear a Bone Medallion

(Advanced Fighting Fantasy, p. 147) are completely immune
to the creature’s psychic powers and can attack it
normally. Due to the Bone Devil’s skeletal form, edged
and pointed weapons do only 1 STAMINA point of damage
per successful hit, while blunt and crushing weapons do
normal damage. Once the Bone Devil’s skeletal host body
is destroyed, the spirit will rise out of the skull and
disappear; certain legends tell of them reappearing later
to extract leisurely vengeance against their slayers.
Curiously, in parts of Allansia, some priests can perform
rituals that seal up the spirit of a Bone Devil into a
receptacle of some kind. This often takes the form of a
skull, painted gold with sealed orifices and a removable
top half. Such things are then left in tombs or ossuaries,
where the Bone Devil will lay dormant until disturbed by
an incautious adventurer.

Bone Devil from Trial of Champions by Ian Livingstone.

Illustration by Brian Williams.

WEAPON: Smother (as per Unarmed, (Large))
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None Unless this worm is Banished by priests or monks (see
HABITAT: Hills, Plains, Forests Advanced Fighting Fantasy, pp. 89-90), it will grow to
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1 consume its host from within, metamorphosing into
TYPE: Monster another Cangui before returning to the mulberry groves
REACTION: Friendly (see below) to find another victim. Still trapped within the creature
INTELLIGENCE: Low however is the suspended remnants of its first victim!
More than a few samurai or ronin have slain such a
creature only to reel back in shock as the Cangui’s spongy
In far eastern lands, such as Shabak, Hachiman, and the exterior has peeled away to reveal the emaciated body of
Isles of the Dawn, there are legends of the CANGUI, a an old man or woman, with a serene and composed
hideous giant worm that lurks among the mulberry expression on their face now that they are finally at peace
woods, preying on those who would come to harvest the with the world.
silkworms for their precious silk. The first signs of a
Cangui’s nocturnal approach is a fluttering in the trees as Cangui from The Crimson Tide by Paul Mason.
winds scatter mulberry leaves far and wide, and a faint Illustration by Brian Williams.
glowing light accompanied by a musky sibilance and a
melodious wordless voice that speaks soothingly in its
victim’s head. This is the mesmerizing attack of the Cangui CARNIVOROUS APE
and requires a successful Test for Skill to avoid. If avoided,
the glow will resolve itself as a huge sightless slithering SKILL: 9
worm, rearing up to its full height, revealing hundreds of STAMINA: 13
tiny legs that run along its belly. It will attempt to smother ATTACKS: 2
its victim by collapsing on top of them. WEAPON: Large Claw and Bite
If however, the victim falls prey to the Cangui’s DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
enchantments, it will fall into a deep slumber while the HABITAT: Forests, Hills, Caves, Jungles, Wilderness
creature weaves a silken cocoon about it and impregnates NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-2
it with a tiny egg. The old Cangui will then die, allowing TYPE: Animal
the victim to awaken from its cocoon with a writhing REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile
parasitic Cangui worm lodged deep within its belly. INTELLIGENCE: High

WEAPON: Brambles (as per Small Claw)
HABITAT: Jungles, Forests, Marshes
TYPE: Plant

One of the problems facing explorers hacking their way

through the more heavily forested areas of Titan, is that
the vegetation itself is lethal! A case in point are the
CARNIVOROUS PLANTS of Khul’s woods, jungles and
swamps. These appear as large, sweetly scented bushes,
waiting patiently for prey to rest in their shade. At this
point, sticky, spine-covered branches and tendrils will
suddenly assail the victim, attempting to beat it into
submission. If they reduce their victim’s STAMINA to zero,
the branches will push its body down a long tube in the
centre of the bush, at the end of which sloshes a pool of
digestive juices. This acidic liquid is not strong enough to
dissolve metal however, and adventurers who have
successfully slain a Carnivorous Plant have reported
finding treasure in its digestive cavity – presumably all
that remains of previous victims!
The CARNIVOROUS APE is thought to be the biggest
species of Great Ape on Titan, larger and more dangerous Carnivorous Plant from Space Assassin by Andrew
even than the formidable Champaque of Mauristatia. It Chapman. Illustration by Geoffrey Senior.
stands around three metres tall, with its long arms, corded
with muscle, having an arm-span of the same size. They
are huge, hairy beasts, covered in long black fur, with
powerful fists and a mouth full of sharp teeth that they
use to tear their victims apart. Carnivorous Apes are found
in the more isolated areas of Khul, such as the foothills of
the Cloudhigh Mountains, and eat almost anything they
can catch. Curiously, there are records of these creatures
displaying extraordinary intelligence, such as wearing
human accoutrements, and being able to speak the local
dialect of the area they inhabit. Some sages claim this is a
relictual memory that only applies to certain individual
apes that were created by artefacts such as the Portal of
Evil. The wizard Astragal however points to the example
of Grokkar, an apparent Carnivorous Ape who guards the
Tombs of the Dead, near the city-state of Zamarra, and
who can not only speak but also uses a Wand of Fireballs
to defend both itself and the tombs. Clearly then, the
Carnivorous Ape is a species with hidden depths and
talents, many of which are as yet unknown.

Carnivorous Ape from Portal of Evil by Peter Darvill-Evans.

Illustration by Alan Langford.

worse, attempts to take away their food. More than a few

CARRION BUG adventuring bands have come under attack from Carrion
Bugs while trying to extricate the body of a fallen comrade
SKILL: 7 from the depths of some forgotten dungeon!
ATTACKS: 1 Carrion Bug from Creature of Havoc by Steve Jackson.
WEAPON: Large Bite Illustration by Alan Langford.
ARMOUR: Medium
HABITAT: Dungeons, Caves, Ruins CESUOSHE
TYPE: Insect Tongue Creature
REACTION: Unfriendly SKILL: 6 13
Tongue – 1
Creature – 4
Tongue – Acid Lash (as per Club)
Creature – Very Large Bite
Tongue – None
Creature – Heavy
Tongue – None
Creature – Double Damage
HABITAT: Caves, Towns (sewers), Dungeons
TYPE: Reptile

Thought to be related to Sewer Snakes, the CESUOSHE is

a gargantuan serpent with a mottled brown scaly hide that
grows up to thirty metres long! It is found only in natural
caverns, and the catacombs and sewers that tunnel
beneath the cities of exotic southern lands such as
Hachiman, the Isles of the Dawn and the shores of the
Inland Sea. Typically, the Cesuoshe will lie patiently
within a tunnel, with its mouth wide open and waiting
for prey to literally walk straight down its throat.
Anything that puts up a fight will be subdued by the
thrashing coils of the creature’s purple tongue, which is
both thick and muscular as well as exuding an acidic slime
through its pores. Should its tongue be hacked apart, the
Cesuoshe will close its mouth and flee deeper
There are many types of scavengers living in the cave underground, waiting for its tongue to regenerate.
systems and dungeon complexes that burrow beneath the
surface of Allansia, and one of the weirder-looking ones However, if the creature is encountered in a large cavern
is the dreaded CARRION BUG. They are giant black or chamber where it can attack normally, it will rise up
beetle-like creatures, around one to two metres in length, and strike its enemies with its great fanged jaws. Anyone
that scuttle about on six jointed legs. Their strangest hit twice in succession by a Cesuoshe will be swallowed
feature is their head, which resembles a fanged death’s by the serpent and dissolved in the powerful digestive
head skull, and armed with razor-sharp mandibles that juices of its gullet. Rumours abound that Baron Sukhumvit
can strip muscle cleanly from bone in an instant. Carrion of Fang once tried to capture a Cesuoshe for his infamous
Bugs are usually found crawling around passageways and Deathtrap Dungeon. Unfortunately it died once the
tunnels in search of corpses to feed on. They will ignore galleon transporting it ventured into colder northern
live prey, unless it stands between them and a feast, or waters. Only parts of the tongue of the great beast could

lizard namesake, with a long prehensile tail, opposing

claws on all feet, and a blunt, snub-nosed head dominated
by a gaping tooth-lined mouth and bizarre turret-like eyes
that rotate independently to scan its surroundings. Once
they have attacked, their scaly skin often takes on a variety
of brightly-coloured hues – a sure sign it is angry!

If the Giant Chameleon ever gets 20 or 21 for its Attack

Strength and wins the Attack Round, then, with a horrible
squelching sound, its tongue (which is as long as its body)
shoots out of its mouth and hits its prey with a sticky pad
at its tip. This holds the prey fast while the creature
retracts its tongue, drawing the victim into the Giant
Chameleon’s mouth where it can be bitten severely for the
loss of 4 STAMINA and 1 SKILL. These enormous lizards are
often used by Chameleonites as steeds, such as those who
dwell within the jungles of Bone Island. In other lands,
Wood Elves and Jungle Elves hunt them for their skins,
which, if fashioned correctly, will enable a skilled
enchanter to create a Chameleon Cloak. This wondrous
artefact allows its wearer to blend in with the background,
and is much sought after by thieves and rogues as a result.

Giant Chameleon from Bloodbones by Jon Green.

Illustration by Tony Hough.

be saved, and this was duly resurrected by the grand

wizard Lexus of Blacksand, who implanted it inside the
mouth of a carven stone face, deep within the dungeon.

Cesuoshe from The Crimson Tide by Paul Mason.

Illustration by Terry Oakes.

WEAPON: Large Bite
HABITAT: Jungles, Forests
TYPE: Reptile
REACTION: Unfriendly

GIANT CHAMELEONS dwell only in the deepest, darkest

jungles and forests, using their colour-changing skin to
blend in with the foliage, waiting patiently for their prey
to wander past. Then, they seem to melt out of the
greenery and attack, almost always with the element of
surprise (see Advanced Fighting Fantasy, p. 64). A Giant
Chameleon looks like a scaled-up version of its smaller

isolated rugged or forested areas, such as the Moonstone

CHAMELEONITE Hills of Allansia, the jungles of southern Arantis, and the
tropical isles of the Western Ocean, such as Bone Island
Chameleonite Chameleon Man or Skull Island.
SKILL: 7 10
STAMINA: 6 6 Fresh or dried Chameleonite blood is much sought after
ATTACKS: 1 as a component to various magical adjuncts, especially
WEAPON: Potions of Transformation, and is imbued with colour-
Chameleonite – Club or Spear changing properties (see Advanced Fighting Fantasy, p. 145
Chameleon Man – Sword or Dagger for further details). It sometimes has an adverse effect
ARMOUR: Light when used fresh however. If an adventurer ever smears
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None fresh Chameleonite blood on their skin then roll a die and
HABITAT: Hills, Jungles consult the following table to see what happens:
TYPE: Reptile/Humanoid Roll Effect
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile 1 One arm becomes numb. Lose 2 SKILL points.
INTELLIGENCE: Cannot use shield or two-handed weapons.
Chameleonite – Average 2 Suffer from fever. Lose 1 SKILL and 4 STAMINA
Chameleon Man – High points. These can be healed later.
3-6 Immune to side-effects. Add 1 LUCK point!

Often a victim’s first sighting of a CHAMELEONITE is Finally, rumours abound of a more intelligent variety
also their last, as these stone-hued creatures use their known as the CHAMELEON MAN who dwells only in
colour-changing abilities to apparently materialize out of the most remote jungles. These creatures live high up in
thin air and attack with surprise (see Advanced Fighting houses carved within the living trunks of great trees, and
Fantasy, p. 64). They are vaguely humanoid and distantly use more advanced weaponry, such as swords and
related to Lizard Men and Calacorms, walking about on daggers. Some are even capable of casting magic spells!
two legs with strange, jerky movements. Chameleonites Supposedly, there are Chameleon Men living on the
have scaly skin and coiled, prehensile tails, with bulbous mysterious and volcanic isle of Orcmoot, off the northern
eyes and long tongues that protrude from their mouths. coast of Khul, but little else is known about them at this
They favour simple weapons in combat such as stone point in time.
clubs and flint-tipped spears. Chameleonites are found in
Chameleonite from Crypt of the Sorcerer by Ian Livingstone.
Illustration by John Sibbick.

Adult Young
SKILL: 11 8
STAMINA: 11 10
WEAPON: Large Bite and Large Claw
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
HABITAT: Wilderness, Plains, Desert, Ruins, Dungeons,
TYPE: Monster

Should you meet the Manticore,

Of its tail beware.
Shield yourself against the spikes
Flying through the air.
- Ancient Khulian Nursery Rhyme

Unlike the scorpion-tailed Manticores of Allansia and the adventurers more familiar with the rather different sting-
Old World, the CHAOS MANTICORE of Khul is a far tailed Manticores that lurk in the wilds of Allansia!
stranger adversary. While it has a lion’s body with mottled
black fur, huge leathery dragon-like wings, and a Chaos Manticore from Master of Chaos by Keith Martin.
disturbingly human-like head, its tail is radically different, Illustration by David Gallagher.
being green and scaly, and covered in a profusion of long,
iron-hard spikes. These can be fired at the Chaos
Manticore’s opponents in a manner similar to crossbow
bolts; roll one die to determine the number of spikes that
have hit the creature’s victim and deduct two STAMINA SKILL: See below
points for each spike that hits. If the victim has a shield, STAMINA: See below
they can roll a die to see how many spikes are blocked by ATTACKS: See below
the shield (which will be destroyed in the attack); excess WEAPON: Cleaver (as per Battle Axe)
spikes not blocked by the shield will strike the victim as ARMOUR: Light
above. Should the victim survive this barrage of spikes, DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
the Chaos Manticore will then attack with claws and fangs, HABITAT: Dungeons, Ruins, Caves, Wilderness
seeking to rend its prey apart and feast upon the remains. NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-6
TYPE: Humanoid/Monster
REACTION: Unfriendly/Hostile

Around the pit stand several CHAOS MUTANTS –

vaguely human-shaped things with a variety of
loathsome mutations: some have extra heads or
suckered tentacles for limbs, others have some body
parts misplaced or have the body parts of an animal
affixed to a human torso, or are covered in scales or
mottled, leprous flesh…
- A Journey to the Chaos Pits of Ruined Kabesh

Chaos Mutants are foul creatures whose physical forms

have been warped by the powers of Chaos to create
hideous mutations. Traditionally, this was caused by
cataclysmic events across Titan, such as the War of the
Wizards, where the release of magical energies twisted
and deformed the very landscape itself and the creatures
that inhabited it. However, the list of sorcerers and

Chaos Manticores lurk in the desolate badlands of central

Khul such as the Wastes of Chaos, the Deadlands, and the
Scythera Desert. They will usually make their lair in a ruin
or cave and prey on travelling merchant caravans, herds
of goats and camels, and whatever else is unfortunate
enough to cross their territory. Despite their name, Chaos
Manticores were not created during the relatively recent
Great War Against Evil, but are thought to have origins
stretching back to just after the Splitting of the Lands. The
exact reason for why they are so different to Manticores
elsewhere in terms of tail anatomy is unknown however.
This of course didn’t stop Baron Sukumvit from capturing
and importing a Chaos Manticore for the first incarnation
of his Deathtrap Dungeon, to better surprise careless

warlords who have delved into the arcane lore of creating in Khul, and Dree, where the creatures are known
such mutants is ever-growing, and includes such notables derisively as Mutes, in Allansia. They may also find
as the Dread Lord Axion and his secrets gleaned from the employment as mercenaries or in wandering circuses,
Lifters of the Crimson Veil cabal; the marrangha of such as the legendary Carnivale of Mauristatia. Some
Zharradan Marr and the similar notura of Karam Gruul; Chaos Mutants become cannibals, attacking and
the Mutation Field devised by the Riddling Reaver; and butchering travellers with sharp-bladed cleavers, while
even the Mutant Meatballs concocted by an alchemist of others form cults and conduct savage rites making
Throben for a rebellious Prince of Brice. sacrifice to Belthegor, the obscure demigod of second life,
and all Chaos Mutants.
Those Chaos Mutants that escape the experiments of their
cruel creators often band together in sewers, abandoned Chaos Mutant from Master of Chaos by Keith Martin.
catacombs, and marginal settlements including Rahasta Illustration by David Gallagher.

No one Chaos Mutant is identical to another. To determine their abilities and appearance, roll on the three tables below.
First, roll to determine the type of creature that has become a Chaos Mutant:


2 Minotaur 9 9 2
3 Centaur 10 10 2
4 Ogre 8 10 2
5 Lizard Man 8 8 1
6 Orc 6 5 1
7 Human 6 6 1
8 Goblin 5 5 1
9 Troll 9 9 2
10 Dwarf 7 7 1
11 Man-Orc 8 6 1
12 Chaos Warrior 10 10 1

Next, roll to determine how many mutations the creature has: 1-2 is one mutation, 3-4 is two mutations and 5-6 is three

Finally, roll two dice to determine the type of mutation(s) present. Reroll all duplicate mutation dice rolls, as well as any that
cause conflicting mutations.

1st Roll 2nd Roll Mutation Effect

1-2 1 Scaly skin +1 STAMINA, Medium Armour
2 Two heads +1 SKILL, +1 STAMINA, +1 ATTACK
3 Compound eyes +1 SKILL, Awareness special skill
4 Animal paws As per Small Claw, cannot use weapons or shields
5 Tentacles +1 ATTACK, as per Small Claw
6 Spines Medium Armour, enemy loses 1 STAMINA for every hit
3-4 1 Slime skin Medium Armour, enemy weapon stuck on roll of 6 on 1 die
2 Extra arm +1 ATTACK, can use extra weapon or shield
3 Extra eyes +1 SKILL, cannot be Surprised
4 Tail +1 ATTACK, as per Morning Star
5 Acid saliva Test for Skill to avoid, does 1 STAMINA damage per Round
6 Beak +1 ATTACK, as per Large Bite
5-6 1 Clawed legs +1 ATTACK, as per Large Claw
2 Sulphur Steamer -2 to enemy SKILL due to noxious gas cloud
3 Crab claws As per Large Claw, cannot use weapons or shields
4 Regeneration Wounds heal at the rate of 2 STAMINA per Attack Round
5 Carapace +2 STAMINA, Heavy Armour
6 Plague Carrier Enemy wounded by Chaos Mutant must roll on this table if they
survive to see what mutation they are afflicted with

Example: An adventurer encounters a Chaos Mutant in the sewers beneath the City of Mazes. Rolling a six on the first table reveals the Chaos
Mutant was once an Orc, and rolling a four on the second table indicates it has two mutations. Rolls of one and five means the Orc has tentacles
for arms. Rolls of four and six gives its second mutation as a beaked face. The mutant strides to the attack….

warlord such as Zagor the Warlock, Zharradan Marr, or

CHAOS WARRIOR Agglax the Shadow Demon (who in fact commanded a
whole battalion of Chaos Warriors!) Infamous Chaos
Chaos Warrior Chaos Champion Warriors include Darkblade Skullsplitter, one of the
SKILL: 10 11 fiercest Chaos Champions who ever lived; the Chaos
STAMINA: 10 12 Knights of the Blood Islands (not to be confused with a
ATTACKS: 1 similarly-named order of Death-Knights from
WEAPON: Greatsword, Mace, Morning Star or Battle Axe Ruddlestone); and the Marauders of Chaos, a malignant
ARMOUR: Plate Armour unit of heavy cavalry from southern Lendleland.
HABITAT: Dungeons, Ruins, Towns CHAOS CHAMPIONS (also known as Champions of
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-3 Chaos) are simply more powerful Chaos Warriors, whose
TYPE: Humanoid steadfast devotion to the Dark Lords of Evil and Chaos
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile has seen them further advance along a pathway that leads
INTELLIGENCE: High to eternal damnation. They may wield a cursed weapon
that drains the life-force of its foes, or wear enchanted
armour engraved with hypnotic traceries of glowing red
CHAOS WARRIORS are human killing machines, often symbols. Chaos Champions often have Talents such as
trained since birth by secret sects and chaos cults. Armour Training (see Advanced Fighting Fantasy, p. 31),
Immediately recognizable by their dark spiked armour Combat Reactions (see Advanced Fighting Fantasy, p. 31),
and visored helms, they wield a variety of weapons in or Strongarm (see Advanced Fighting Fantasy, p. 31). They
battle, including jagged-edged swords, enormous broad- may even possess a mutation of some sort, such as an extra
bladed axes, and large war clubs studded with knobs and arm, a crab’s claw or tentacle in place of a hand, or a
spikes. Chaos Warriors work themselves into a berserk scorpion-like tail. The exact effects of such a mutation
fury before fighting, screaming a series of war-cries in must be determined in advance, and for ideas of such
honour of the particular Dark Lord or Demon Prince that powers it is advisable to read the Chaos Mutant entry in
they have sworn to follow (this can often be deduced by this book.
the pattern of runes carved into the Chaos Warrior’s
armour). They are infrequently encountered either Chaos Warrior from Trial of Champions by Ian Livingstone.
individually or in small groups, in the service of a greater Illustration by Brian Williams.

WEAPON: Large Bite
HABITAT: Towns, Dungeons, Ruins
TYPE: Magical Creature

In Titan’s more treacherous cities, such as the sinister Port

of Crabs or the teeming, thief-haunted streets of Tak,
merchants and nobles have to guard their wealth with a
devious array of tricks and traps. One example is the
CHEST CREATURE, a magical guardian that resembles a
mobile strongbox with a stumpy leg at each corner, and a
spike-studded lid, whose jaws gnash viciously at any
intruder. They are usually placed inside treasure vaults
or tombs, where they lie dormant until disturbed by
robbers, at which point they charge and attack. However,
those who use Chest Creatures typically carry some kind
of amulet whose enchantments signal the creature not to

Related it is thought to the Giant Sandworm of the Desert

of Skulls, the CHION is a feared predator of the rugged
highlands of Khul. They are very similar to Sandworms
in appearance, with a long, worm-like body divided into
segments, and a gaping mouth containing two rows of
needle-sharp teeth. At ten metres long though, Chions are
only half the size of an adult Sandworm, and they also
possess a pair of vestigial eyes (one on either side of its
head) that they use to watch the environment around them
for signs of prey. They spend most of their time burrowing
through the snow, and when they spot potential food, they
will begin whirling and twisting about, creating a semi-
solid whirlpool of snow and ice around the prey. Their
victim must possess snowshoes, magical Boots of Agility,
or be prepared to Test for Luck in order to clamber up the
whirlpool’s sides of crumbling snow. If they succeed, they
may fight the Chion as normal when it surfaces from the
snow drifts to attack them. Should they fail however, they
will be sucked to the bottom of the whirlpool, where the
Chion will make short work of them by swallowing them
in one gulp!

Chion from Masks of Mayhem by Robin Waterfield.

Illustration by Russ Nicholson.

attack, so cunning thieves often look to steal such an

amulet first, before heading to the strongroom! Chest
Creatures are relatively simple to construct, requiring a
chest made from oak or pearwood (sapient or otherwise),
and four freshly-hewn legs from a Bristle Beast or
something similar in size. Any competent wizard should
be able to create one at a cost of one to two hundred Gold
Pieces for extra components and access to the right charms
and incantations.

Chest Creature from Midnight Rogue by Graeme Davis.

Illustration by John Sibbick.

WEAPON: Very Large Bite
HABITAT: Mountains, Ice
TYPE: Monster

tongue. Until they win an Attack Round and sever the

CHRABAT tongue, they must subtract 2 from their SKILL.

SKILL: 6 Chrabats live a simple life, banding together in small

STAMINA: 7 groups to fish and hunt larger swamp creatures, as well
ATTACKS: 1 (see below) as defend themselves against more war-like tribes such as
WEAPON: Club or Unarmed (Large) and Tongue (see below) Swamp Orcs and Marsh Fiends. They worship Furlakk
ARMOUR: None the Frog God, and sometimes keep 1-3 Giant Frogs as pets
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None and guard animals. Interestingly, in the ancient Kingdom
HABITAT: Marshes, Rivers, Caves, Dungeons of Klarash it was fashionable to animate dead Chrabats as
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-6 ZOMBIE-CHRABATS and wall them up in ancestral
TYPE: Amphibian/Humanoid tombs as undying guardians against robbers and looters.
REACTION: Hostile Such beasts are near identical to live Chrabats except they
INTELLIGENCE: Average count as Undead, and attack with their hands instead of
a weapon. Also, they feel no pain and must be
dismembered to be destroyed, so all wounds inflicted
upon them do only half the usual amount of STAMINA

Chrabat from Beneath Nightmare Castle by Peter Darvill-

Evans. Illustration by Jason Lenox.

WEAPON: Tentacles (as per Large Claw) and Very Large
ARMOUR: Medium
HABITAT: Mountains, Hills, Plains
TYPE: Monster

Thought to be related to the Slykk of central Allansia, the

CHRABATS are a race of frog-like humanoids found in
the damper areas of western Khul, especially Scorpion
Swamp and along the banks of the Foulbrood River. They
are large creatures, slightly taller than a human, with long
spindly arms that end in big splay-fingered hands, and
short muscular legs. Their heads are wide and flat and
topped by bulging eyes, while their gaping mouth
contains a elongated black prehensile tongue. Chrabats
usually attack with a crude weapon such as a wooden
club, but their tongue also helps by attempting to hinder
their opponent’s movement. When an enemy is wounded
by a Chrabat they must Test for Skill and if they are
unsuccessful, they have been entangled by the tentacular

In the cold northern lands of Allansia, danger can strike slice its prey, before sucking out their innards with its
from anywhere, and, in the case of the CHTHONIAN elongated snout, for fresh intestines, as the Northmen
TRAPPER, from below! These horrors have a long know to their cost, are the delicacy it prizes above all others.
tapering body, covered in hard, shiny scales, and a ‘head’
which is really just a cavernous mouth surrounded by a Coldclaw from Trial of Champions by Ian Livingstone.
seething mass of muscular tentacles. They lack eyes but Illustration by Brian Williams.
instead lurk beneath ground, using sensory organs on
their tentacles to detect the approach of a herd of deer or
a merchant’s mule-train. Then the Chthonian Trapper will
erupt from its lair causing a mini-earthquake that requires
everyone in the vicinity to Test for Luck or be knocked
down. Those that stay on their feet can immediately attack
the creature, but those who fall over must spend one
Attack Round getting to their feet and avoiding the
Chthonian Trapper’s tentacles as it seeks to drag them into
its gaping maw.

Chthonian Trapper from Siege of Sardath by Keith Phillips.

Illustration by Pete Knifton.

WEAPON: Large Claw
HABITAT: Ice, Mountains, Caves, Dungeons
TYPE: Monster

To the Northmen of the Freezeblood Mountains, it is
called the Vulkuz-Ganak, the “Eater of Gore” – a horrific
beast that stalks the icy night seeking human entrails to
feed upon. To the rest of Titan however, it is known more
ATTACKS: 1 per victim
simply as the COLDCLAW. Although these creatures
WEAPON: Small Bite
range widely across the pack-ice of the northern polar
regions, being found as far away as the Diamond Islands
DAMAGE MODIFIER: -1 to Damage Roll
and the Cragspider Archipelago, they usually lair in a
HABITAT: Marshes, Plains, Forest
dank cave or abandoned Dwarf-hold. One was even kept
for a time at the bottom of a sinkhole near the city of Fang,
TYPE: Plant
where criminals and unfortunates were hurled to their
doom! In appearance the Coldclaw is vaguely humanoid
with green armoured skin and an obese belly supported
by two spindly, jointed legs ending in clawed feet. Its head
and blubbery neck are warped and toad-like in form,
Thought to be related to the equally carnivorous
though with an extended proboscis that terminates in a
Tangleweed, CRAB GRASS is a type of flesh-eating plant
circular purple-lipped mouth containing rows of vicious
found in the more isolated parts of Titan. Unlike the
triangular teeth. Its arms end in crude hands that bear
blood-drinking Tangleweed however, Crab Grass attacks
long, scythe-like talons, which give the beast half of its
its prey (usually small mammals like rabbits and ground-
name. The other half comes from the freezing air that
squirrels though it will happily tackle larger game) with
surrounds the creature – anyone facing it in combat must
hundreds of green pincer-like nippers, which form
deduct 1 from their SKILL for the duration of the battle due
instantly on the end of its grass stalks as soon it is
to the biting cold. A Coldclaw uses its talons to rend and
disturbed. Because there are so many of these nippers, the

Crab Grass will get one individual Attack for each victim Some knights forsake the codes of chivalry and valour and
it is in contact with. The above ability scores are for one throw their lot in with the Dark Lords of Evil and Chaos,
large-sized patch of grass, which will usually occupy a such that when they die, they are reborn as undead
forest clearing or a patch of solid ground in the middle of DEATH-KNIGHTS! They become little more than a husk-
a swamp. Fire will not damage Crab Grass but it will cause like corpse clad in full plate-mail and bearing the weapons
it to draw back, allowing its prey to Escape. On the other of their former life. All Death-Knights are powerful and
hand, a Withering Spell, as developed by evil wizards intimidating warriors, but they have two major
such as Grimslade of Fenmarge, will destroy it utterly, weaknesses: both sunlight and certain unique magical
reducing all of the grass stalks to dust. spells (such as Charms of Unbinding or Words of Power)
will kill them instantly. As a result, they band together in
Crab Grass from Scorpion Swamp by Steve Jackson. formal orders, drawn to the service of a dark lord or evil
Illustration by Duncan Smith. sorcerer. Death-Knights tend to vary greatly, depending
on which order they belong to; details of three such orders
are given below:

Knights of Alptraum: SKILL 10 STAMINA 9 These are the

honour guard of the Lich-Lord Mortis of the Arrowhead
Archipelago. Over two hundred and fifty of them were
summoned by Mortis to man the battlements of Bloodrise
Keep on Stayng Island. The Knights of Alptraum wear
coal-black cloaks wrapped around their armoured frames,
and wield two-handed greatswords in battle. Their
emblem is the symbol of plague: a rotting skull on a black

Dread Knights of the Order of the Black Shroud: SKILL 8

STAMINA 9 The Knights of the Black Shroud number
thirteen in total, and their champion Chapter Master
wields an evil weapon known as the Mace of Mabuz. The

Knight Champion Emissary
SKILL: See below 12 10
STAMINA: See below 12 15
Knight and Champion – See below
Emissary – Mace or Morning Star
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
HABITAT: Ruins, Dungeons
Knight – 2-12
Champion – 1
Emissary – 1
TYPE: Undead

Dread Knights wear archaic armour and use black swords These penalties last for the duration of the combat,
inscribed with red runes. They are also known to use assuming the Death Skull’s opponents survive the battle!
Moon Dogs as guard-animals, and their symbol is a plain
sable field. Thought to hail from Bathoria, they were last Thanks to the accounts of the wizard Vanestin of Pollua,
seen in Ruddlestone, at Castle Valsinore on the Sourstone we know that a Death Skull was summoned by the evil
Peninsula. archmage Mordraneth, to patrol the Iron Crypts that
tunnel beneath the Isle of Despair. Interestingly,
Chaos Knights of Caer Skaal: SKILL 10 STAMINA 12 Not to be Vanestin’s colleague and fellow wizard Alsander, who
confused with Chaos Warriors (who are not Undead), the spent some time involuntarily imprisoned within the Iron
Chaos Knights serve the evil lord Belgaroth, the Usurping Crypts, disputes this. He argues that the Death Skull has
Serpent of Ruddlestone. They wear spiked black armour an integral role in the folklore of the people of both the
inlaid with red tracery, and wield a variety of weapons Isle of Despair and its much-larger neighbour, the Island
including swords, axes and maces. Many Chaos Knights of Scars. According to Alsander, Death Skulls are seen as
also ride black war-horses, and their Champion is an arbiters of the dead, devouring the spirits of those
expert in jousting with a lance. The symbol of the Chaos considered unworthy, and as such are found infrequently
Knights is an iron fist holding a black sword. in the islanders’ burial catacombs that infest the
mountainous areas of both islands.
A DEATH-KNIGHT EMISSARY, by contrast, operates
entirely alone. They are sent by the Demon Princes or even Death Skull from Stealer of Souls by Keith Martin.
the Dark Lords themselves, to either assassinate a Illustration by Russ Nicholson.
champion of Good or retrieve a powerful magical artefact.
Emissaries are clad in full plate armour as black as night,
and usually wield a cruelly spiked mace or morning star.
Beyond the visor of their battle-helmet lies either empty
nothingness or the fires of the Pit, and it is often the last
sight their victim sees before they are crushed beneath the
Death-Knight’s weapon.

Death Knight from Talisman of Death by Jamie Thompson

and Mark Smith. Illustration by Bbob Harvey.

WEAPON: Large Bite
HABITAT: Dungeons, Ruins, Caves, Demonic Plane
TYPE: Undead
In a gloom-laden corner of the Demonic Pit known as the STAMINA: 10
Lands of the Dead, lurk many strange Undead beasts that ATTACKS: 2
are occasionally summoned to Titan by unscrupulous and WEAPON: Hooves (as per Large Claw)
ill-meaning spellcasters. One such creature is the Skull ARMOUR: None
Beast, another is the DEATH SKULL. This is a large DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
jet-black flying skull, with glowing red eyes from which HABITAT: Anywhere their master is, Hills, Forests,
blood wells and drips, and bony jaws encrusted with the Wilderness, Demonic Plane
gore of previous victims. The Death Skull hungers for the NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1
souls of the living, and anyone encountering the beast for TYPE: Demon
the first time must instantly deduct 1 SKILL and 2 STAMINA REACTION: Hostile
points as they are struck with fear from its elemental evil. INTELLIGENCE: Low

WEAPON: Poisonous Barbed Sting (see below)
TYPE: Fish
REACTION: Unfriendly

The DEVILFISH is a type of large stingray that is found

in all the seas of Titan, and so-called because of their
vicious nature. They are particularly common around an
undersea canyon in the Eelsea, called, appropriately
enough, Devilfish Rift. They defend themselves by lashing
at their opponents with the poisonous barbed sting on the
end of their whip-like tail. Anyone wounded by a
Devilfish suffers 3 STAMINA points of damage per hit due
to this sting. Devilfish are certainly not edible, but are still
hunted by the Sea Nomads from southern Lendleland; a
short, brown-skinned race of people who follow migrating
shoals of fish up and down the coastline in flotillas of
floating raft-houses. The Sea Nomads value Devilfish for
their leathery hides, which they call shagreen and they use
If one feels that horses are a bit too common, there are a it to make scabbards for their swords and cuirass armour
variety of more spectacular mounts available for the for their warriors. Many Sea Nomads are injured while
discerning rider, such as Giant Lizards or Ophidiotaurs. fishing however, and often bear great jagged scars on their
For the dedicated demonologist however, there is only arms and legs from where the sting of the Devilfish sorely
one real choice: the DEMON STEED. This terrifying entity wounded them.
resembles a large black horse, though with fiery red eyes
and a savage-toothed beak-like snout containing a Devilfish from Demons of the Deep by Steve Jackson.
serpentine tongue. When disturbed, Demon Steeds Illustration by Bob Harvey.
breathe out flame-streaked clouds of reeking smoke that
reduces the Attack Strength of their enemies by 2. They
are fairly minor entities in terms of their place within the
Hierarchy of the Demonic Pit, and not especially difficult
to summon or bind to service. However, it is not necessary
to keep them permanently manifested on Titan, as Count
Reiner Heydrich of Mortvania has discovered. Instead,
one only needs to inscribe the relevant pentagram in the
stables area of one’s stronghold, which will then
automatically summon the Demon Steed whenever it is

Demon Steed from Vault of the Vampire by Keith Martin.

Illustration by Martin McKenna.

its ape-like head is dominated by a wide mouth containing

DEVOURER double rows of jagged and perpetually blood-stained
teeth. Also disconcerting are the creature’s ghostly white
SKILL: 10 eyes that give the mistaken impression the beast is blind
STAMINA: 8 when it most certainly is not. And, when disturbed from
ATTACKS: 2 its two favourite activities of eating and sleeping, the
WEAPON: Large Claw and Large Bite Devourer’s eyes virtually blaze with fury as it attacks
ARMOUR: Light whatever unfortunate victim has interrupted it!
HABITAT: Caves, Hills, Forests, Dungeons Devourer from Creature of Havoc by Steve Jackson.
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1 Illustration by Alan Langford.
TYPE: Monster
Whenever a serf or cottar goes missing in the vicinity of STAMINA: 12
Trolltooth Pass, the odds are high they have fallen victim ATTACKS: 2
to a DEVOURER! These foul beasts live in caves and WEAPON: Small Claw
among the rocky hills on both sides of the pass, feeding ARMOUR: Light
on whatever source of fresh meat has the misfortune to DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
stumble close to their lairs. In fact, they can be found in HABITAT: Dungeons, Ruins, Caves
such numbers that Zharradan Marr once had an entire NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-2
battle unit of Devourers, Clawbeasts, and Manic Beasts TYPE: Monster
under the control of his undead dungeon-master REACTION: Hostile
Darramouss. By all accounts, they achieved much glory INTELLIGENCE: High
during the Trolltooth Wars, when ranged against the
ragged forces of Balthus Dire.

It’s not hard to see why, given that a Devourer is basically

a two metre tall killing machine, covered in long shaggy
fur. Muscular clawed forearms reach out to grab prey, and

Owing to similarities in form, many consider the Eye ANKYLOSAURUS

Stinger’s closest relative to be the equally weird-looking
DIADRONE. This extraordinary creature is a sphere of SKILL: 9
slimy grey-green scales that is capable of both hovering STAMINA: 22
and flying through the air, with two glowing, slitted red ATTACKS: 1
eyes glaring balefully at its enemies. It has a small central WEAPON: Tail Club (as per Very Large Claw)
mouth, full of fangs, though this is for feeding and not ARMOUR: Heavy
attacking. Instead, the Diadrone uses two black-flecked DAMAGE MODIFIER: +2 to Damage Roll
green tentacles that end in sharp-clawed pincers, to reach HABITAT: Hills, Plains, Wilderness
out and attack its opponents. It is also a fast flyer, so much NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1
so that it is near impossible to Escape from the creature TYPE: Reptile
once it is involved in combat. REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly
Diadrones are usually used as guardians of treasure vaults
and the like. However, their existence, and that of Given the presence of dangerous carnivorous Dinosaurs
creatures such as the Eye Stinger, are a cause of much such as Tyrannosaurus, it should be no surprise there exist
speculation given their bizarre appearance. The heavily armoured plant-eating creatures like
adventuring scribe Mandalaxis encountered two ANKYLOSAURUS. They are stubborn four-legged
Diadrones in a ruined temple of Logaan, deep within the monsters, up to eight metres long, with a horned head,
Mountains of Grief. She postulated they are some sort of spiked flanks, and a back covered in iron-hard armour-
sentinel entity left stationed on Titan by the Neutral plated scales. Ankylosaurus defends itself with a mace-
Forces, to monitor the balance between Good and Evil. like club of bone at the end of its muscular tail; a weapon
Unfortunately, Mandalaxis disappeared while exploring that is perfectly capable of smashing bones or breaking
the manse of the Riddling Reaver in the Arantian legs. However, the tail of Ankylosaurus is not as flexible
highlands, while gathering further evidence for her as other similarly-armed dinosaurs such as Stegosaurus,
startling theory. so if the creature finds itself confined in a narrow ravine
or forested thicket it must halve its SKILL score (rounding
Diadrone from Stealer of Souls by Keith Martin. fractions down) as it does not have the required room to
Illustration by Russ Nicholson. manoeuvre. Ankylosaurus is also not especially
intelligent, and can easily be distracted with food,
particularly fruit and vegetables. In addition, they may
decide to wander away from a fight if they are hit three
times, though this does not obviously apply if they are in
DINOSAUR a life or death struggle with a Tyrannosaurus!

DINOSAURS are certainly some of the most spectacular

creatures that exist on Titan, though there has been
speculation of late that they are not originally from this
Adult Young
world. For example, they have no recognised deity in the
SKILL: 10 7
pantheon of the Animal Court, unlike their reptilian kin
such as lizards and snakes. Instead, some scholars suggest
that Dinosaurs inhabit a primeval but parallel world to
WEAPON: Large Claw and Large Bite
Titan, which is occasionally accessed by magical portals
created by ancient and powerful races including the Brain
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
Slayers. Dinosaurs are thus brought to Titan through such
HABITAT: Jungles, Forests, Hills
portals, often in egg form to be raised as riding steeds and
beasts of war. The use of these portals is obviously rare,
TYPE: Reptile
but is thought to be responsible for turning the Plain of
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile
Bones of Allansia into the Dinosaur-haunted wasteland
that it is today!
Not all Dinosaurs are gigantic; some, such as
Out of the Pit (pp. 37-38) contained details on five of the
DROMAEOSAURUS, are relatively small. These are
well-known Dinosaurs species currently recorded from
bipedal carnivorous Dinosaurs growing anywhere from
Titan. Below can be found details for a further nine species
two to four metres long; combat scores are given above
of these leathery-skinned reptilian horrors.
for both adult and young creatures. They are armed with
grasping claws on their forelimbs and a fang-filled mouth,
but their main weapons are giant curved killing talons,
one of which is found on each foot. These are used to

disembowel their prey, which includes small mammals, NOTHOSAURUS

as well as larger Dinosaurs, as Dromaeosaurus is a
renowned pack-hunter, capable of working together to SKILL: 9
bring down prey far larger than itself. They are also bred STAMINA: 11
by the Lizard Men of Silur Cha and used as fast riding ATTACKS: 1
steeds, usually carrying a lightly armoured Legionary WEAPON: Large Bite
wielding a javelin or cavalry spear. On the borders of the ARMOUR: Light
Lizard Man Empire, such as the Axehead Plains, they are DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
called Running Lizards, and both they and their riders are HABITAT: Sea-shore, Marshes, Lakes
greatly feared by the small human settlements such as NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-2
Capra and Coppertown. TYPE: Reptile
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile

This primitive Dinosaur is around four metres long, and

looks very much like a smaller version of a Plesiosaurus,
though with legs instead of flippers. Each leg ends in a
clawed and webbed foot, and its crocodile-like head has
a large mouth full of curved teeth. A NOTHOSAURUS
usually feeds on fish and small aquatic reptiles, but will
also eat anything from carrion up to human-sized prey.
They are thought to sense food by using the long tongue
that flickers in and out of their jaws in the manner of a
snake, and are also capable of swimming in the shallow
waters of swamps, where their mottled blue-green hide
provides a measure of camouflage.


Male Female
SKILL: 9 5
WEAPON: Large Bite
ATTACKS: 2 HABITAT: Sea-shore, Wilderness, Hills, Forests, Jungles
ARMOUR: Medium TYPE: Reptile
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll REACTION: Hostile
HABITAT: Jungles, Forests, Plains, Marshes INTELLIGENCE: Low
TYPE: Reptile
REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly PTERANODON is a large flying Dinosaur similar to
INTELLIGENCE: Low Pterodactyl, though with a razor-sharp toothless beak and
an elaborate crest protruding from the back of its skull.
IGUANODON is a large plant-eating Dinosaur that grows
up to ten metres long, with a muscular tail, stout body and
hooved feet. It will usually walk on all four legs,
wandering through forested areas in search of food. When
attacked however, it will rear up on its back legs and use
its forelimbs for defence, as each paw is armed with a
vicious thumb-spike that it uses to protect itself against
predators. Iguanodon also bands together in small herds
as an added cautionary measure against flesh-eating
Dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus and packs of vicious

Males have a huge wingspan of up to seven metres across, STRUTHIOMIMUS

while females are considerably smaller, with a three to
four metre wingspan. They will build a nest atop a cliff or SKILL: 9
other high place, near the sea or a great river or lake, STAMINA: 12
where they can hunt for fish. Despite this diet, Pteranodon ATTACKS: 2
is an extremely territorial creature, and will attack WEAPON: Large Claw
anything that enters its domain or gets close to its nesting ARMOUR: Light
site. Pteranodon eggs are especially valuable, as young DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
Pteranodons imprint quickly on whoever is around when HABITAT: Plains, Forests, Wilderness
they hatch as their mother, and are thus easily trainable. NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-6
Indeed, flying units of Legionaries mounted on large TYPE: Reptile
Pteranodons are known to be used by the Lizard Man REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly
Empire of Silur Cha in their ongoing siege against the INTELLIGENCE: Low
city-state of Vymorna. Pteranodon eggs will usually fetch
from a hundred to two hundred gold pieces of any major One of the smaller Dinosaurs to be found is
city; acquiring them however, is another matter entirely. STRUTHIOMIMUS, which is around four metres long and
two metres tall. In appearance it resembles an ostrich
without feathers, and with clawed arms instead of wings.
STEGOSAURUS Its long neck supports a small head with a toothless beak
that it uses to feed on vegetation such as tree leaves and
Adult Young fern fronds. Family groups of Struthiomimus can be found
SKILL: 11 10 living in either open or wooded terrain, and one member
STAMINA: 18 10 of the herd will always be on the lookout, uttering a series
ATTACKS: 1 of high-pitched squawks as an alarm call if it senses any
WEAPON: form of danger. They are fast-moving creatures, and this,
Adult – Tail Spikes (as per Very Large Claw) combined with an innate intelligence and sense of loyalty
Young – Tail Spikes (as per Large Claw) means they are sometimes raised as pets and hunting
ARMOUR: Heavy beasts. They will retreat once they have cornered their
DAMAGE MODIFIER: prey however, allowing their master to deliver the killing
Adult – +2 to Damage Roll blow.
Young – None
HABITAT: Forests, Plains, Hills, Wilderness
TYPE: Reptile
REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly Adult Young
STAMINA: 22 18
One of the more peculiar-looking Dinosaurs is ATTACKS: 2
STEGOSAURUS, a four-legged armoured creature with a WEAPON: Horns (as per Very Large Claw)
low belly and a mountainous back crested with an ARMOUR: Heavy
irregular row of triangular bony plates. Adults grow up DAMAGE MODIFIER: +2 to Damage Roll
to nine metres long, while the young are about half that HABITAT: Plains, Wilderness, Hills
size, and both have a long tail tipped with four sharp NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-2
spikes, each of which can be up to a metre long. These tail TYPE: Reptile
spikes are used as a defensive weapon and Stegosaurus REACTION: Hostile
is very capable of flailing about with its tail against INTELLIGENCE: Low
anything that threatens it (the tail weapon is known to
some scholars as a thagomizer). When not disturbed, TRICERATOPS is a close relative of Styracosaurus, though
Stegosaurus is a harmless plant-eater, feeding on ferns, it has only three horns on its head; one on its nose, and
moss and low bushes. However there are recent rumours two above its eyes, just before its bony neck-frill. At nine
that some of these creatures have been pressed into service metres long it is the largest of all the horned dinosaurs
as war-beasts by the Lizard Men of Silur Cha. While not and its thick leathery hide is impervious to most weapons.
as numerous as the Lizard Man Empire’s other Dinosaur Triceratops is a plant-eater and prefers grazing in plains
battalions, cohorts of armoured Stegosaurus, each ridden or upland areas. It is also the mortal enemy of
by a sling-wielding Legionary, have apparently seen Tyrannosaurus, and a battle between the two is truly a
service at the Siege of Vymorna. spectacle to behold. Unlike Styracosaurus, it is not
commonly used as a war-beast by the Lizard Man Empire
owing to its more aggressive and unpredictable nature.
However, if caught young, Triceratops can make for a

reasonable steed, at least DOLPHINS are a type of marine mammal related to

until it gets older and whales, and various kinds of them can be found in all the
reverts to its wild seas and oceans of Titan. They feed on fish and squid, and
temperament. Young hate both sharks and Sea Trolls, attacking them on sight.
Triceratopses that have This they do by ramming their opponents at high speed
been trained by the Lizard with their strong snout and reinforced skull. Dolphins are
Men of Silur Cha can add also very intelligent, having their own language of clicks,
2 points to their SKILL whistles and calls, and each Dolphin has its own unique
score to reflect their name that distinguishes it from its fellows, such as
improved levels of Keeekweet. They are friendly creatures, and anyone who
combat ability. has the ability to talk with them (through the Languages
or YAP spells) will find them to be curious and willing to
TYLOSAURUS help should trouble strike. Dolphins are especially
important for Merfolk and Sea Elves, who use them as
SKILL: 10 steeds, companions, and guards, in their battles against
STAMINA: 24 the more evil undersea races. They are also happy to be
ATTACKS: 3 friends with Sea Giants, though they find them tediously
WEAPON: Very Large Bite slow to converse with at times. Dolphins are usually found
ARMOUR: Medium in small pods of one to six animals, but occasionally gather
DAMAGE MODIFIER: Double Damage in much larger groups of three to eighteen individuals in
HABITAT: Sea the interests of acquiring more food or defending
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1 themselves against predators. There is even a Dolphin
TYPE: Reptile Island, midway between Allansia and the Old World,
REACTION: Hostile so-named for the large numbers of Dolphins that gather
INTELLIGENCE: Low here to feed!

One of the most feared marine Dinosaurs is Dolphin from Demons of the Deep by Steve Jackson.
TYLOSAURUS, a voracious monster that looks like a cross Illustration by Bob Harvey.
between a huge, toothy lizard and a shark. Growing up
to fifteen metres long, it has fin-like paddles instead of
legs, and a long, flattened tail that propels it quickly
through the water by flailing from side to side. A
Tylosaurus will feed mainly on fish, but it is also an
opportunist and will attack anything in the water
including squid, sharks, dolphins, and even its great rival
Plesiosaurus. Like Plesiosaurus, it will also prey on coastal
shipping, ramming a boat or ship with its great snout first,
and then leisurely gobbling up whatever falls overboard,
whether it be crew, livestock or cargo.

Dinosaurs from Battleblade Warrior by Marc Gascoigne and

Portal of Evil by Peter Darville-Evans.
Illustrations by Alan Langford.

WEAPON: Ram (as per Large Bite)
HABITAT: Sea, Lakes
TYPE: Animal
REACTION: Friendly-Neutral

perhaps fittingly given they are boon companions to Sukh

DRAGON the Storm God, Blue Dragons can breathe a lightning bolt
every other Attack Round, blasting a single foe with a
It is known by many sages that the DRAGONS of Titan coruscating mass of electrical energy. This requires a
can be divided into six different subspecies, each of which successful Test for Luck to avoid; Unlucky victims will
has a representative on the legendary Conclave of suffer 3 STAMINA points damage (or 6 STAMINA points
Dragons: Black, Gold, Green, Red, Silver, and White (see damage if hit by an adult Blue Dragon). In addition, if the
Out of the Pit, pp. 40-42). Recent work by the learned sage victim is wearing either chainmail or plate armour, then
Landor Shanzuul of Alkemis has revealed however that all damage caused by the lightning bolt will be doubled,
there are other types of Dragons that maybe more obscure, as the metal armour strengthens the shock of the attack.
but are no less awe-inspiring. Elsewhere in this volume
are details of exotic Dragons such as the Tatsu and the
Sturramak; while presented below are the Blue Dragon
and Sea Dragon.


Adult Young
SKILL: 16 14
STAMINA: 32 22
Adult – Very Large Bite and Very Large Claw
Young – Large Bite and Large Claws
Adult – Heavy
Young – Medium
Adult – Double Damage
Young – +1 to Damage Roll
HABITAT: Mountains, Deserts, Caves, Ruins
TYPE: Monster

BLUE DRAGONS are thought to have been a gift given

back in the Godtime from Kilanirax the Dragon King to SEA DRAGON
Sukh the Storm God. As a result, because these great
reptiles now pay fealty to Sukh, they can no longer be a Adult Young
part of the Conclave of Dragons. They are mighty and SKILL: 13 10
majestic creatures, being second only to the Gold Dragons STAMINA: 36 24
in size, and covered in a gleaming array of iridescent blue ATTACKS: 4
scales. Blue Dragons are exceptionally rare beasts and only WEAPON:
found in the most isolated of places, from lonely Adult – Very Large Bite and Very Large Claw
mountain-tops to crumbling ruins in the trackless depths Young – Large Bite and Large Claw
of arid deserts. Here they will brood atop a pile of gold ARMOUR:
coins and jewels, nurturing a fierce hatred of all other Adult – Heavy
dragonkind for exiling them from the Conclave. Some Young – Medium
Blue Dragons even take things a step further, and ally DAMAGE MODIFIER:
themselves with the local despot or warlord to further Adult – Double Damage
emphasize their renegade nature; tales tell of the Giant Young – +1 to Damage Roll
overlord Kuperan of central Khul who spectacularly rode HABITAT: Sea, Lakes
an adult Blue Dragon into battle against his foes! NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1
TYPE: Monster
In combat, Blue Dragons will usually use their cruel talons REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile
and toothy jaws to tear their enemies apart. However, and INTELLIGENCE: High

This steaming torrent can hit up to six opponents at the

same time and requires a Test for Skill to avoid;
unsuccessful victims will lose 3 STAMINA points (or 6
STAMINA points if breathed on by an adult Sea Dragon).
Unsurprisingly, this is the Dragon’s favoured attack when
preying on local shipping, for they are highly avaricious
creatures and delight in wrecking and looting the ships of
both merchants and pirates alike, to add to their ever-
growing treasure hoard. Sea Dragons typically make their
lair in a dark cavern on the sea floor, and it is rumoured
that enterprising adventurers who somehow reach the
creature’s home can make an agreement to summon the
Sea Dragon’s aid by clinking together 2 Gold Pieces three
times, and then three times again. Such pacts are not to be
entered into lightly however, for Sea Dragons are
treacherous monsters and think nothing of breaking an
agreement to devour their summoner should the
opportunity present itself.

Blue Dragon from Stealer of Souls by Keith Martin.

Illustration by Russ Nicholson.
Sea Dragon from Demons of the Deep by Steve Jackson.
Illustration by Bob Harvey.

WEAPON: Small Claw, Sabre (as per Sword), or Spear
During the Godtime, Hydana the Sea God’s penchant for ARMOUR: Light
abducting land beings and using them to populate his DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
undersea realm resulted in many aquatic races such as the HABITAT: Wilderness, Desert, Caves
Sea Elves and Merfolk, but perhaps his greatest NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-3 or 2-12
achievement was creating the reptilian beasts known as TYPE: Monster/Humanoid
SEA DRAGONS. These are long, serpentine creatures, REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile
covered in blue-green scales and serried spikes, with INTELLIGENCE: High
gaping jaws and cannonball-sized eyes. Sea Dragons lack
both forelimbs and wings, having instead a pair of wide,
razor-sharp fins they use for swimming, along with East of the city-state of Zamarra lie the rocky wastes
powerful back legs that bear ivory-coloured talons. They known as the Dragon Lands, home of the much feared
are widespread across the seas and oceans of Titan; for DRAGONMEN! These hybrid creatures are very much
example, one is known to make its home among the crosses between humans and Dragons, with a tall,
sunken ruins of Atlantis, and they are also found in the muscular stature, huge leathery wings capable of flight, a
monster-haunted Eelsea, off the western coast of spiked tail, clawed hands and thick scaly skin. Their heads
Femphrey and Gallantaria. There is even an enormous are exceedingly Dragon-like with a long tooth-lined maw
statue of a Sea Dragon in the Enchanted Garden of the and curved horns growing from the sides of their skulls.
Scarlet Pagoda, somewhere in the misty hinterland of Dragonmen typically attack with their bare claws, or a
Hachiman, that is rumoured to occasionally come to life barbed spear or short sabre, though they do have one
and devour all around it! nasty trick up their proverbial sleeve. Once per combat
(and usually at the start), a Dragonman may breathe a
It is erroneously believed that Sea Dragons do not have a blazing shaft of flame at their opponent, causing 4
breath weapon like their land-based counterparts, but this STAMINA points of damage, unless their victim successfully

only applies if the beast is encountered underwater, where Tests for Skill. Alternatively, one could do what most
the effects of its breath weapon are negligible. If however, Zamarrans do and carry a small magical Black Cube,
it is fought on the seashore, or above the surface, the Sea which has one use only, but renders its bearer immune to
Dragon will vomit forth a cascading wave of boiling sea any one Dragonman fiery breath, or similar flame-based
water at its opponents, once only, at the start of combat. attack.

from cityport to cityport ever since, the Dragonmen settled

down in the nearby wastes and have become the scourge
that all Zamarrans today know and fear!

Dragonman from Fangs of Fury by Luke Sharp.

Illustration by David Gallagher.

Handmaiden Queen
SKILL: 8 0 (see below)
WEAPON: Small Claw
ARMOUR: Medium
HABITAT: Forests, Jungles
TYPE: Plant/Humanoid
REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly

Whereas Wood Elves and Fairies are children of the plant

goddess Galana, DRYADS are true spirits of the trees,
tasked to protect the woods and forests from the ravages
of more war-like races. The most common form of Dryad

Dragonmen will usually be found prowling the wastes in

groups of one to three individuals, looking for either food,
for they are highly carnivorous, or treasure. They
particularly value jewels and gemstones, which they will
often take great care to embed between their iridescent
scales, but they also covet gold and silver, and the villages
that border the Dragon Lands are rife with rumours of lost
Dragonmen hoards, tucked away in some forgotten corner
of the wilderness. They can speak the local dialect of
humans to some extent and communicate with each other
in a language that varies from bird-like chirps and twitters
to deep roars and howls. Small groups of two to twelve
Dragonmen usually make a lair in a system of caves, often
accompanied by a similar number of young, which are
non-combatants. The Dragon Lands themselves are
supposedly ruled over by a legendary figure known as
the King Dragonman, an immense creature of huge size,
though no outsider has ever apparently seen this beast
and lived.

The origins of these creatures are somewhat obscure. The

great Allansian sage Landor Shanzuul relates finding a
fragment of lore concerning a long-forgotten priestess of
Kilanirax the Dragon God. This priestess, known as
Gwarthran and living in what is now Zamarra, allegedly
attempted to create a hybrid of man and Dragon, resulting
in not one but two races, the Dragonmen and the
mysterious Lizardines. While the Lizardines fled their
homeland and have led a nomadic existence wandering

are called HANDMAIDENS, and appear as tall young crea

women or female Elves, with dark brown skin, green hair,
and clothing made entirely of leaves. If ten or more Dryads
are encountered, one will be a Queen; very tall and thin,
with wrinkled brown skin, brown hair, and festooned in
simple clothes made from brown leaves. They live deep
within the oldest of forests, in enchanted glades guarded
by watch-posts accessible only via magical rope-ladders.
If an intruder chances upon such a place, the Dryads will
wordlessly gesture for them to leave; those that do not
will be attacked by the Handmaidens.

The DRYAD QUEEN however, has no knowledge of

combat, and will offer no resistance to being attacked. She
will be defended though by the guardian tree that forms
her guard-post: at the end of every Attack Round, roll a
die, and on a 6 the branches of her guardian tree have
grabbed her assailants and torn them apart! Should the tures known as ECTOVULTS. These have been well-
Dryad Queen be slain, her tree will also fall still, although described by a respected scholar as:
this is only a temporary setback and she will soon
regenerate. The only way to slay the Dryads is to set fire A grotesque winged reptile, its limbless translucent body
to their entire garden but this is of course a reprehensibly pulsing with unnatural energy. A vicious beak protrudes from
evil act. Instead, Dryads often aid those who help them its bulbous head, and milky eyes full of malice peer balefully
rebuild their gardens and replant their woods, providing around.
gifts such as thorn-swords crafted entirely from wood and
the like. Anyone so helping the Dryads must abandon Ectovults are found throughout the Pit, flitting through
their weapons at the entrance of the garden, for the the unnatural skies of the various Demonic Planes,
tree-spirits hate metal with a vengeance and seek to particularly around the pinnacles of the Palace of Agony,
destroy it wherever possible. Dryad Queens are even and also on the distant Plane of Obsidian, in an area called
known to weave simple magical charms that cause all the Abyss that is home to Bythos the Malevolent. Here
metal in the vicinity to rust instantly, consuming weapons, they are used both as transport, harnessed to crystal
gold coins, and even magical rings and charms. Truly chariots that convey Bythos’ Gatherer servants about their
these deceptively delicate and graceful tree-spirits should duties, and as scavengers, for they feed on anything.
be approached carefully and with great respect!
Indeed, these screeching winged horrors are famed for
Dryad from portal of Evil by Peter Darvill-Evans. their ability to crash into things (especially magical
Illustration by Alan Langford. artefacts which attract them beyond all measure), and
dissolve into pieces, and then reform with the object now
inside their body. In this manner they can carry off
anything up to a man in size. Ectovults are also immune
ECTOVULT to any and all weapons, which simply pass harmlessly
through their bodies, though the reverse does not apply
SKILL: 9 and their beaks can certainly damage their opponents
STAMINA: 0 (see below) when they are angry.
WEAPON: Large Bite The only known way to harm or incapacitate an Ectovult
ARMOUR: None is through using magic spells that involve cold or ice,
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None which will slow them down or freeze them. Worryingly,
HABITAT: Demonic Plane, Mountains, Anywhere their some Ectovults are now appearing on Titan, where
master is unscrupulous demonologists summon them from the Pit
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-6 to use as treasure detectors and retrievers. As such, in the
TYPE: Monster higher reaches of the Zanzunu Peaks or the Mountains of
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile Grief, one can hear the dread screaming of Ectovults on
INTELLIGENCE: Low the hunt, soaring between the upland pinnacles in search
of anything, but especially treasure, to consume.

We have already seen some of the strange fauna of the Ectovult from Slaves of the Abyss by Paul Mason and Steve
Demonic Pit in the form of the loathsome Anemorus, but Williams. Illustration by Bob Harvey.
occasionally preying upon them are the equally bizarre
48 ELF

DESERT ELVES, also known as Wilderland Elves, are a

ELF striking race of people, with green or violet eyes, pale
brown skin, and sandy-coloured hair. Unlike other Elves,
ELVES are one of the original races of Titan, created by the males may also be bearded. They dwell deep within
Galana the plant goddess, whom the Elves venerate as the trackless depths of the Desert of Skulls, as well as the
Erillia the Elf Mother. While most people’s ideas of Elves wastes that surround it, and may be found as far afield as
are as green-clad forest-dwellers famed for their grace, the Plain of Bronze and the Plain of Bones. To survive the
intelligence and longevity, there are in fact several other ravages of their home, Desert Elves wear swathes of dusty,
races of Elves still prevalent today. Out of the Pit (pp. 46-47) tan-coloured cloth and leather, and prefer to use long
detailed several of them and below can be found bows and swords when fighting. This happens more often
information on a further six types of Elf. Although none than they would like, as they can find themselves under
of these are especially common or numerous (like most attack from the dreaded Caarth Snake People, and
Elves), they may still be encountered by adventurers and barbaric tribes of Black Elves who dwell on the southern
wanderers on their journeys across the world of Titan. plains near the archaic catacombs known as the Dungeon
of Justice.

Surprisingly, Desert Elves have adapted to their domain

DESERT ELF relatively recently, after their original homelands were
swallowed up when the Caarth-ensorcelled wastes grew
SKILL: 8 ever larger. They travel only in the morning and evening,
STAMINA: 6 to avoid the hottest parts of the day, and stop to harvest
ATTACKS: 1 precious water by collecting dew, tapping cacti and
WEAPON: Long Bow and Sword sniffing out water deep under the sands using divination
ARMOUR: Leather Hauberk magic. Desert Elves worship only the goddess Erillia, as
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None other Elven deities are not applicable to their
HABITAT: Deserts, Wilderness circumstances. Their priests and mages often use Sand
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 2-7 Devils as familiars, and they are on good terms with the
TYPE: Humanoid Hamakei. One of their greatest warriors, Jerem of the
REACTION: Neutral Whitened Tree, even served for a time as bodyguard and
INTELLIGENCE: High protector of the noted Hamakei mystic Vulpa Heartsfire.


Yorefolk – Blowpipe (see below) or Dagger
Others – Sword or Club
Yorefolk – Leather Cuirass
Others – None or Leather Cuirass
Yorefolk – Forests
Others – Towns, Hills, Plains
Yorefolk – 2-7
Others – 1-3
TYPE: Humanoid
Yorefolk – Unfriendly-Hostile
Others – Friendly-Neutral
ELF 49

HALF-ELVES are the offspring of Elves and humans, and shouldered, and muscular for Elves, they had pale skin,
are tall, thin beings, with slightly pointed ears and fair fair hair and ice-blue eyes, and wore finely crafted suits
complexions. They have inherited agility, intelligence and of chainmail with furs and leather, while arming
a degree of gracefulness from their Elven parents, whereas themselves with long swords, great bows and throwing
their human attributes run to charisma, friendliness, and, knives. Rumours among the barbarians that inhabit the
unhappily in some cases, deception and downright evil foothills of the Frozen Plateau indicate the last of the Ice
behaviour. An unfortunate example of the latter is the Elves perished in the Ice Palace of the Mage-Architect
infamous undead Half-Elf Darramouss, cruel dungeon- Elokinan, though some say isolated settlements may yet
master of the Yellowstone Mines of Zharradan Marr. More exist in the Ice Wastes of far northern Allansia. Tradition
usually, Half-Elves can be found in towns and cities states that Ice Elves would always be ruled by three great
working in professions suited to their talents, such as Elves: the Clan Chief, the High Mage, and the Architect,
herbalists, scribes, curio-sellers, tomb-robbers and so on. sculptor of their homes and lives. Elokinan played all three
One such Half-Elf is the sorceress Jella of Zengis, once roles and apparently was among the last of his people.
apprentice to the wizard Covax and now a powerful
spellcaster in her own right. The Ice Elves were master craftspeople, carving almost
anything out of ice and snow, including the Sword of
Sometimes though, Half-Elves reject human society Tassaskil, which was their greatest enchanted weapon.
completely and retreat into the woodland realms of their They worshipped Erillia the Elf Mother, as well as a
Elven ancestors. Among the ancient boles of the Forest of triumvirate of lesser deities: Hamaskis (who they knew
Yore in central Allansia lurk the YOREFOLK, an entire as Livurien the Sorcerer), Farigiss the Ice God, and the
tribe of Half-Elves sworn to protect their woods from all Elven demi-god and hero known as the White Lord. All
intruders. Yorefolk wear cured animal skins as armour, Ice Elf settlements would contain worship places for these
and hunt with blowpipes whose darts have been dipped
in the poisonous essence of the Stingroot Plant. These
require a successful Test for Luck to avoid the fatal
consequences of each hit. The darts themselves cause 1
STAMINA point of damage per hit, regardless of whether
the poison was avoided or not. Other herbal concoctions
of the Yorefolk are more beneficial and famed across
Allansia for their efficacy. They grow a type of green
herbal tea with a peppermint flavour that restores 2
STAMINA points per drink consumed, and a brown herbal
powder that heals one die roll plus two STAMINA points
when swallowed. Of course, venturing into the depths of
the forest in order to acquire these mixtures from the
hostile Half-Elven Yorefolk is almost an adventure in


WEAPON: Sword, Long Bow or Throwing Dagger
ARMOUR: Chainmail Hauberk
HABITAT: Ice, Mountains
TYPE: Humanoid
gods, whether they were simple shrines or grandly carved
ice cathedrals, depending on the size of the community.
Though they are the most physically robust of the Elven It is thought that the Ice Elves were related to Mountain
races, the ICE ELVES are also ironically the only one that Elves, but diverged from the latter after the Orc Wars
has possibly become extinct (with the exception of the around the years 600 OT. Whereas the Mountain Elves
mysterious Elder Elves of ancient legend). Tall, broad- returned home to their highland kingdoms after defeating
50 ELF

the Orc hordes in the frozen northern wastes, the Ice Elves attend every century by sending their most wise and
stayed on, entranced by the crystalline beauty of these decorated shamen and warrior-lords.
bone-chilling climes. Led by the nine Elven mages who
defeated the Dark Twins (evil human wizards who led the
Orcs), the Ice Elves settled across the northern polar
latitudes of Titan, where some may yet to be found.

SKILL: 7 WEAPON: Crossbow, Spear or Dagger
WEAPON: Blowpipe (see below), Dagger or Spear HABITAT: Sea, Lakes
HABITAT: Jungles REACTION: Neutral
TYPE: Humanoid
REACTION: Neutral Similar to Merfolk and Sea Trolls, the SEA ELVES were
INTELLIGENCE: High originally land-dwellers that were kidnapped by the ocean
god Hydana, and magically enchanted to live beneath the
In the far southern jungles of Allansia, along the borders surface of the seas of Titan. They prefer warmer, tropical
of Arantis and the Swamplands of Silur Cha, there dwells waters than the colder areas closer to the poles, and defend
the mysterious race of JUNGLE ELVES. They live high in their territory vigorously against the warlike Sea Trolls.
the treetops, in small villages whose dwellings are carved Sea Elves are perhaps the best adapted of many of the
from enormous gourd-fruits, and they swing from tree to undersea races, being quick and agile swimmers, while
tree with the use of thick vines and creepers. Jungle Elves their greenish skin has chameleon-like powers of colour-
are physically similar to other Elves, although slightly changing. This allows them to blend in with whatever
broader across the shoulders, and with brown skin, green surface they are swimming over (weeds, sand or rocks),
eyes, and a tangled mass of black, brown or blond hair. and allows them to attack with surprise (see Advanced
They wear little except loincloths, and favour stone-tipped Fighting Fantasy, p. 64). When fighting, Sea Elves use
daggers and spears as weapons, along with bamboo daggers and spears tipped with shark’s teeth and razor
blowpipes. The latter use small, feathered darts as shells, as well as small yet powerful crossbows that fire
projectiles, whose sharp tips have been dipped in a variety sleek bone-carved darts at quite a speed through the
of vegetable poisons, depending on the effect desired. water. These are always tipped with poisons distilled from
Some induce paralysis while others may be fatal, but all Sea Snakes or Scorpion Fish, and will cause double
require a successful Test for Luck to avoid the consequences STAMINA damage, or paralysis (Test for Luck to avoid).
of each hit. The darts themselves cause 1 STAMINA point
of damage per hit, regardless of whether the poison was Despite this, Sea Elves are rare creatures, dwelling in small
avoided or not. hidden settlements deep within thick kelp forests or
weed-choked undersea caverns. Their dwellings are
Jungle Elves tend to the great rainforests with care and always protected by a variety of sea creatures such as
devotion, and abhor the more war-like races that also live Dolphins, Sea Spiders and Giant Octopus, which they feed
here, such as the various tribes of Head-Hunters, Pygmies with fish and scraps collected while tending and
and Panther Warriors, as well as the inhuman Lizard Men. harvesting their kelp crops. Sea Elf settlements are
Such foes are either slaughtered if present in small governed by powerful priests, whose lore and magic is
numbers, or avoided if in large numbers, for the Jungle totally connected with their underwater environment.
Elves are masters of camouflage, and can hide easily Unusually for Elves, they offer equal worship to both
amongst the dense foliage without being spotted. They Erillia and Hydana, as well as honouring a host of aquatic
are thought to be descended from Wood Elves that were demigods, such as Ichthys, god of fish, and Lord Whale.
caught in the southern jungles when the One Forest was Sea Elves still keep in contact with their Elven relations
torn apart during the Splitting of the Lands, and who on land however, and attend the Elven Council once a
quickly adapted to their new surroundings. Jungle Elves century, where they reside in large, water-filled tanks for
say they are the original domesticators of the beast known the duration of the council session.
as the Ophidiotaur, a claim they are continuously and
vigorously pursuing at the Elven Council, which they

WILD ELF but have been known to wield slings as missile weapons.
They are cannibalistic, and consumed with hatred for all
SKILL: 7 other sentient life, remorselessly attacking anyone who
STAMINA: 6 ventures into their territories. Wild Elves have also turned
ATTACKS: 1 their backs on the Elven gods, and worship only ancestor
WEAPON: Club, Dagger or Sling spirits and animal totems, such as Almor, Lord of the
ARMOUR: Leather Cuirass Wolves. Their lair, which is often a cave or cursed glade
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None in the depths of their hunting territory, will feature a
HABITAT: Hills, Wilderness, Plains, Forests shrine to such deities, as well as a cooking space
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 2-7 containing the butchered remains of those unfortunate
TYPE: Humanoid people they have hunted down and killed.
INTELLIGENCE: High Desert Elf from Demonstealer by Marc Gascoigne.
Illustration by Russ Nicholson.
Ice Elf from Tower of Destruction by Keith Martin.
Illustration by Pete Knifton.
Wild Elf from Crypt of the Sorcerer by Ian Livingstone.
Illustration by John Sibbick.

WEAPON: Small Claw
HABITAT: Marshes, Rivers, Caves, Lakes
TYPE: Fish/Humanoid
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile

WILD ELVES are a race of Elves that have sunken into

devolved barbarism, possibly as a result of the unending
torment that is life in the wilderness of Allansia. They are
found across the central hinterlands, from the Pagan
Plains in the west, through the sparsely forested
Moonstone Hills, to the Flatlands in the east. In
appearance, Wild Elves have begun to resemble the tribes
of Orcs and Goblins they formerly despised. Although still
tall and gaunt, they have filed their teeth to points, and
have long sharp nails while swirls of intricate war paint
adorn their bodies. Wild Elves band together in small
groups of warriors, armed with flint-studded clubs and
knives, wearing leather armour made from cured animal
hide. Unusually for Elves, they disdain the use of bows

The ELKIEM is a bizarre creature found in south-western considers them to be the young of Sea Serpents, dwelling
Khul and thought to be related to the Fish Man though far in fresh-water until they grow in size and develop their
more devious. It is similar in appearance, with blue-green eyesight, before they return to the dark depths of the ocean
scaly skin, and claw-tipped hands and feet, both of which where they were first spawned.
are heavily webbed. Its head is vaguely more human-like
than the Fish Man, though it has glaring yellow eyes and Elverine from Seas of Blood by Andrew Chapman.
a wide mouth full of sharp teeth. Two bony ridges run Illustration by Bob Harvey.
down its back, and slit-like nostrils and neck-gills allow it
to breath both on land and in the water respectively. The
Elkiem is usually a solitary hunter, and its favourite trick
in more populated areas is to leave what looks like an
abandoned fishing pole beside a quiet pond. Anyone
grabbing the fishing pole must Test for Skill or be ensnared
by leather thongs; the Elkiem will then pull both pole and
victim into the pond to devour at its leisure! The victim
must fight with a penalty of -8 for being underwater, and
if they role a double 1 for their Attack Strength then they
have drowned! Similarly dangerous is the Deep Red Pool
of Elkiem that is found in the Caves of Minosaddurr
beneath the kingdom of Gorak. Its scarlet waters are
reputedly crawling with the fish-beasts and anyone falling
in is never seen again!

Elkiem from Daggers of Darkness by Luke Sharp.

Illustration by Martin McKenna.

WEAPON: Large Bite
HABITAT: Rivers, Lakes, Marshes
TYPE: Reptile

Sometimes there are far worse creatures lurking in tropical

rivers than Piranhas or Crocodiles. One such menace are
the ELVERINES of southern Khul, occasionally confused FAIRY
by lesser authors with the similar-sounding but very
different Elvins of the Shamutanti Hills. Elverines are Fairy Black Fairy
ferocious fresh-water serpents, capable of eating humans SKILL: 7 6
or anything else that strays into their watery domain. STAMINA: 6 6
Curiously blind, with great bulging blank eyes staring ATTACKS: 1
sightlessly from their distorted skulls, these river snakes WEAPON: Dagger or Sling
instead track their prey through a combination of smell ARMOUR: None
and sensitivity towards disturbances in the water. Once DAMAGE MODIFIER: -1 to Damage Roll
within striking range, they attack by tearing chunks of HABITAT: Forests, Hills, Caves
flesh from their prey with powerful bites from their NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-6 or 4-24
fang-lined jaws. Elverines are commonly found in muddy, TYPE: Humanoid
slow-moving water, such as the Kishian Delta or the River REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly
Parine, where they are a danger to fishermen and farmers. INTELLIGENCE: High
The exiled sage Asahara of Lagash controversially

The FAIRIES, known also as Faeries or the Fay, represent thousand blue gems from the Ice Demons to adorn his iron
the mysterious Fifth Race that were rumoured to have crown of rulership), and all the descendants of Ossil’s
been created at the same time as the more populous unbroken lineage still carry Fairy blood in their veins to
humans, Giants, Dwarfs and Elves of Titan. They are in this day.
fact the secret children of the goddess Galana, and know
hidden mysteries of the plants that even Wood Elves do Fairies are mischievous creatures with unpredictable
not know. Fairies are found in enchanted glades, gardens natures. A favourite trick is to steal all the Gold Pieces of
of purity, or crystalline caves across all three continents anyone unfortunate enough to disturb one of their
of Titan, and their tiny settlements are ruled by a female revelries while simultaneously curing the intruder’s
Fairy (known as a Sylph), who is their Queen. The Fairy wounds, restoring their STAMINA back to its Initial level.
Queen gains much of her power from a magical garland Alternatively, roll a die and consult the table below to see
she wears that is crafted from obscure herbs. Fairies are what minor outrage they have perpetrated:
small winged humanoids, similar to Sprites or Minimites,
though often clad in gaudy finery. They are usually Die Roll Action
invisible to mortal eyes, appearing only as small flares of 1 Cut a hole in someone’s backpack. All contents
light that glow in the air and then die out, as if large will fall out and the backpack is useless.
fireflies were darting around. Often, the only indication 2 Bite someone on the back of their neck. Causes
of their presence will be the flutter of tiny wings and a 1 STAMINA point of damage.
series of high-pitched chirpings. 3 Undo the seams of someone’s clothes. Clothes
fall apart.
4 Steal one item from someone’s backpack.
5 Throw a stone at someone’s head for 1
STAMINA point of damage.
6 Tie someone’s bootlace’s together. As soon as
they move, they will trip up, falling over for 1
STAMINA point of damage.

Some of this unpredictability has been captured in an

enchanted artifact known as the Ring of Fays. Made from
pale silver and cut with strange patterns, the Ring of Fays
will aid the bearer once only, usually as a protection
against harm. If confronted by too dire a foe however, the
Fairy spirits trapped within the ring may refuse any
entreaty and prefer to remain ensorcelled within their

Like Spriggans, Fairies are also capable of magically

altering their size, growing up to the height of a normal
human. This has led to some interesting situations: for
example, King Ossil the Harmful, founder of the ancient
city-state of Gundobad, took a Fairy wife (who stole a

BLACK FAIRIES on the other hand, are the most evil of

all the little people. Thought to have been Fairies that were
tainted by the warped power of Chaos, they are small
humanoids about a metre tall, with dark skin, pointed
ears, cat-like eyes and short, powerful wings. Black Fairies
lack most of their relatives’ innate magical power
(including the ability to alter their size), but do delight in
trapping unfortunate wayfarers in fine-mesh nets and
other dastardly snares. Once they have captured
somebody, they will take all of their victim’s possessions,
and abandon them to their fate. If the victim is lucky, they
may be able to squirm free and escape before being
devoured by some forest predator. If they are unlucky
however, the victim may well find that the Black Fairies
have left them at the base of a Giant Pitcher Plant or a
similarly carnivorous shrub. Like their Fairy cousins,
Black Fairies prefer using such tricks and traps, and they
will attack only as a last resort, usually with a simple
dagger or sling.

Fairy from Clash of the Princes: The Warlock’s Way by

Andrew Chapman and Martin Allen.
Illustration by John Blanche.
Black Fairy from Crypt of the Sorcerer by ian Livingstone.
Illustration by John Sibbick.

explains why we find several other types of Fiend
Marsh Fiend Maze Fiend currently living in Khul today.
SKILL: 7 6
STAMINA: 10 8 Firstly, and rather different from its relatives, is the
ATTACKS: 1 MARSH FIEND, which has been found from Minak Sikla,
WEAPON: Small Claw the great swamp near the southern city-state of Zamarra,
ARMOUR: all the way to Scorpion Swamp in the north, and beyond.
Marsh Fiend – Medium This creature is much bigger in size, though it lacks the
Maze Fiend – Light ability to breathe fire, with greenish brown scaly skin,
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None clawed hands, and an impressive row of curved horns that
HABITAT: runs down its back, providing some extra protection.
Marsh Fiend – Marshes Marsh Fiends lurk near fords or stepping-stones, in groups
Maze Fiend – Dungeons, Ruins of two to twelve creatures, waiting for lone wayfarers to
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: ambush and feast upon. They are also known to prey on
Marsh Fiend – 2-12 both Swamp Orcs and Chrabats, though curiously they
Maze Fiend – 1-2 leave the Elkiem well alone.
TYPE: Monster/Humanoid
REACTION: Hostile Much more similar to their Allansian counterparts are the
INTELLIGENCE: Average MAZE FIENDS of Kazan, so-called for their presence in
many of the great stone labyrinths that are attached to
each of the six tribal cities of that nation. These creatures
One of the many bestial races lurking around the fringes are especially abundant in the maze of the southern
of the Desert of Skulls is the red-skinned, fire-breathing city-port of Korkut, where it has been discovered they are
FIEND. Recent research by the Hamakei mystic Vulpa partial to gifts of flowers. Anyone bribing a Maze Fiend
Heartsfire has found that the Fiends were originally a type with flowers will not have to fight them in combat! Maze
of Demon that was summoned to Titan and bound here Fiends can also breathe fire at their opponents. Roll one
by the ancient Djaratians. What is interesting is that Vulpa die every Attack Round, and on a roll of 1, they have
also discovered this knowledge had spread throughout singed their enemy for 1 extra STAMINA point of damage.
several Irritarian nations as far south as the mercantile
state of Taralak in what is now western Khul. This perhaps Maze Fiend from Daggers of Darkness by Luke Sharp.
Illustration by Martin McKenna.

Blacksand perfected a spell that transforms the Fire Imp,

FIRE IMP when slain in battle, into the Fire Demon, a far more
powerful entity. Few however can match the achievement
SKILL: 9 of Agglax the Shadow Demon, who, upon his resurrection,
STAMINA: 4 summoned a horde of fifty Fire Imps for his army that
ATTACKS: 1 ravaged the lands east of Zengis!
WEAPON: Fiery Breath (as per Short Bow)
ARMOUR: None Fire Imp from City of Thieves by Ian Livingstone.
DAMAGE MODIFIER: -1 to Damage Roll Illustration by Iain McCaig.
HABITAT: Anywhere their master is, Towns, Dungeons,
Ruins, Magical Plane of Fire
TYPE: Magical Creature SKILL: 6
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile STAMINA: 6
WEAPON: Small Bite
DAMAGE MODIFIER: -1 to Damage Roll
HABITAT: Caves, Dungeons, Ruins, Wilderness
TYPE: Monster
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile

The Snattacats of Kakhabad are well known for their

ability to remain invisible while stalking their prey
through the tangled Forest of Snatta. A more obscure
creature with a similar ability is the carrion-eating FLESH-

A common magical Familiar for sorcerers in Allansia and

beyond is the FIRE IMP, a small creature around a metre
long, with bat-like wings, red bristly fur, a horned head,
two clawed legs, and a long barbed tail. Summoned from
the Magical Plane of Fire, where it exists alongside Demon
Bats, Devlins and Fire Sprites, the Fire Imp is a loyal
guardian that will fight to the death to defend its master.
This it does by flying around its enemies and breathing
out an apparently inexhaustible supply of plumes of fiery
breath at them.

The natural history of the Fire Imp is somewhat obscure.

Often mistaken for Homunculi or Winged Gremlins, they
are in fact related to neither of these creatures, and most
scholars agree that their larval form is a near-featureless
spawn known as the Lava Imp. Confusing the issue
further, the research of the grand wizard Lexus of

FEEDER that lurks in dark corners across central Allansia,

stripping corpses of rotten flesh. Their appearance
matches their habits for they are scrawny, monkey-like
creatures, covered in dark scraggy fur. They have thin and
angular limbs, ending in clawed paws that propel them
through the shadows of their domain in a quick and jerky
manner. Flesh-Feeders have a bald, bony head, with tiny
eyes and an enlarged, protuberant mouth full of sharp
teeth. Unlike Snattacats, they do not use their powers of
invisibility for hunting, but rather while they feed to avoid
being caught unawares. It can be quite unnerving for an
adventurer to wander into a chamber in which corpses are
disappearing in bite-sized chunks before their very eyes!
In between meals, Flesh-Feeders are visible and quick-
tempered, and they are also not fond of their meals being
interrupted. Anyone disturbing invisible Flesh-Feeders
will automatically lose 2 STAMINA points when the
creature(s) bite them. After that, the little horrors will
become visible and combat may proceed as normal.

Flesh-Feeder from Creature of Havoc by Steve Jackson.

Illustration by Alan Langford.

WEAPON: Large Bite
ARMOUR: None decide which) will be knocked sprawling by the Giant
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None Frog as it hops about. A Giant Frog in such a situation can
HABITAT: Marshes, Jungles, Rivers, Lakes knock an opponent over every other Attack Round.
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-3 Anyone knocked over must spend the next Attack Round
TYPE: Amphibian getting up, during which they may not fight - so an enemy
REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly will score a free hit on them unless someone steps in to

Giant Frog from Scorpion Swamp by Steve Jackson.

Long legs, crooked toes, Illustration by Duncan Smith.
Glassy eyes, snotty nose.
- Taken from the Riddle Cupboards of the Riddling Reaver
Distantly related to Giant Toads and their kind, the
GIANT FROG may be found in wetlands across Titan, SKILL: 12
such as the Swamplands of Silur Cha and the jungles of STAMINA: 24
Arantis in Allansia, and the Vischlami Swamp in ATTACKS: 3
Kakhabad. They are also found in great numbers in WEAPON: Very Large Bite and Very Large Claw
Scorpion Swamp in western Khul, where two Giant Frogs ARMOUR: Heavy
serve at all times as bodyguards for the mysterious wizard DAMAGE MODIFIER: Double Damage
known only as the Master of Frogs. Essentially huge green HABITAT: Caves, Dungeons
frogs the size of a large dog, they have a wide mouth full NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1
of many tiny sharp teeth with which they use to subdue TYPE: Monster
their prey. Giant Frogs have powerful hind legs that can REACTION: Hostile
propel them to hop considerable distances. If they are INTELLIGENCE: Low
trapped in a confined space with an opponent, their
opponent must keep a careful eye on their violent The GARGANTIS is one of those beasts that are so terrible
hopping. If they do not, then any opponent (roll a die to they are virtually a myth, which, for Titan, is really saying

to possess many magical and mysterious powers, the only

definitive use for the horn is as a stake to permanently
destroy powerful undead sorcerers, such as Razaak the
Necromancer. Other properties of the creature’s horn can
only be guessed at, because the Gargantis is so rare and
so formidable nobody has been able to carry out a detailed

Gargantis from Crypt of the Sorcerer by Ian Livingstone.

Illustration by John Sibbick.

Ghost Ice Ghost Sulphur Ghost
SKILL: 9 7 7
STAMINA: 8 8 7
Ghost – Ghostly Touch (see below)
Ice Ghost – Ice Touch (see below)
Sulphur Ghost – Sulphur Touch (see below)
Ghost – Dungeons, Ruins, Caves, Wilderness
Ice Ghost – Ice, Mountains, Caves
Sulphur Ghost – Volcanic areas, Wilderness, Plains,
something. It is said to resemble a cross between a Pit NUMBER ENCOUNTERED:
Fiend and a Flesh Golem (despite being related to neither Ghost – 1
of them), with the size and ferocity of the former and the Ice Ghost – 1-3
lumpy misshapen appearance of the latter. The creature Sulphur Ghost – 1
stands upright on two muscular legs, with an enormous TYPE: Undead
torso and long tail covered in green scaly hide as thick as REACTION: Ghost - Neutral or Unfriendly-Hostile
chain-mail. Two powerful arms end in four-clawed hands, Ice Ghost - Hostile
and its gnarled head is dominated by a gaping maw Sulphur Ghost - Hostile
ringed by rows of long spiked teeth. In the centre of its INTELLIGENCE: High
forehead is a long, white, spiral-shaped horn, similar to
that of a Unicorn, but far larger. Scholars claim the
Gargantis dwells in sludge-filled pits deep underground, GHOSTS are spirits of the dead; non-corporeal entities
wallowing in the filth while feeding on whatever trapped between the Spirit Plane and our own world, until
unfortunate creatures stumble close to its domain. One some deed or action is completed that will allowed them
Gargantis is thought to dwell in the Howling Tunnels of to be released from their torment. They usually appear as
the western Flatlands, but whether there are others glowing apparitions of how they were in life, or at the
remains to be seen. moment of their own death, translucent figures in ancient
garb, radiating a chilling aura and wailing at their tragic
Not only does their formidable natural weaponry make plight. Unlike Spectres and Wraiths, many Ghosts have
them difficult to slay, but they also have a special defence no hatred for the living, and will gladly exchange scraps
mechanism they use when first wounded. As soon as a of lore or omens of fortune for a means of liberation from
Gargantis is wounded, a gland in their skull will emit their existence. Indeed, some Ghosts, such as Siegfried
waves of mental energy of intense power directed at all Heydrich of Mortvania, or Sargon the Dark from the
of their enemies. Unless protected by a mystical talisman sewers beneath Blacksand, actively seek out adventurers
such as a Crystal of Sanity, everybody in the immediate to complete tasks and quests for them. Woe betide those
vicinity of the Gargantis will go insane and begin attacking who refuse however, as the curse of a Ghost is a terrible
each other, with the Gargantis finishing off whoever thing: anyone cursed by a Ghost immediately loses 2 LUCK
survives. If, by some miracle, the creature is slain, its horn points and 1 point of SKILL.
can be claimed by whoever defeated it. Although it is said

Ghosts can also be captured by a Spirit Snare, which is a

modified bear-trap on a chain and made from silver; those
that are caught can then be transferred to a silver flask for

Some Ghosts, particularly those with strong ties to a given

area, may be quietened with an appeal to one’s ancestors,
if they hail from the same place. A Ghost that is made
placid in such a fashion will revert to a more helpful entity
as described above. Others tell of the Trial of Ghosts, an
arbitrary adjudication where the spirits of the living are
caught in the Dream World, and are judged on matters of
luck by three old ghostly crones in a manner reminiscent
of a witchcraft trial. The lore of Titan is rich with the
manifestations of Ghosts, particularly the celebration
known as the Night of the Ancestors, and the evening
before it, which is called the Spirit-Watching. Famous
ghosts of Titan include the riddling spirits of Djarat that
still stalk the ruins of the Desert of Skulls, the evil warrior-
ghosts of demons from Hachiman that are known as
Shura, Captain Velyarde of the cursed ghost-ship Sea
Maiden that sails the twelve seas for all eternity, Lord
“Filthy” Lucre the Headless Highwayman of Lupravia,

Other Ghosts have begun to succumb to the evils of

undeath, and will attack immediately. They can only be
harmed by silver or enchanted weapons and magic spells,
and are also affected by the Ward or Banish powers of a
priest; attempting to fight a Ghost without such things
will almost certainly result in death. Ghosts do not cause
physical wounds but rather drain the strength of their
opponents. The table below depicts the amount of damage
caused by a Ghost depending on how many times it hits
its opponent.

Anyone hit more than ten times by a Ghost is

automatically slain. STAMINA and LUCK points can be
restored through normal means, but SKILL points will
return at the rate of 1 point per 30 minutes if resting
completely, or 1 point per hour if not resting. Ghosts can
be injured by Holy Water, which cause 1-6 STAMINA points
damage if successfully thrown. Some Ghosts cannot cross
running water, except via a bridge, and all Ghosts are
repelled by a Spirit Door. This is a door made from
blackwood and engraved in silver with sorcerous sigils
that prevents the entry of any non-corporeal undead.

Number of Hits SKILLlost STAMINA lost LUCK lost

1-2 1 2 1
3-4 2 4 2
5-6 4 8 3
7-8 7 14 4
9-10 11 22 5

and the aptly-named Baron Blood, Lord of the Wild Hunt,

who leads a marauding band of ghostly minions across
the northern reaches of the Old World on long moonless
nights… SKILL: 7
Also known as Snow Ghosts, the merciless fiends called ATTACKS: 2
ICE GHOSTS are thankfully confined to the wintery WEAPON: Branches (as per Small Claw)
northern wilderness. Some rogue individuals are found ARMOUR: Medium
further south, such as those imprisoned within the DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
Howling Tunnels of the Allansian Flatlands, and whose HABITAT: Forests
eerie moaning cries give the tunnels their name. Indeed, NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1
the presence of attacking Ice Ghosts is always preceded TYPE: Plant
by a gust of cold, howling wind, followed by the REACTION: Neutral
appearance of the creatures themselves: glowing white INTELLIGENCE: Low
beings flying through the air, with agonized looks upon
their faces, and diffuse bodies trailing behind them.
Letting out a soul-chilling scream, they will attack! The usual image of a carnivorous plant is of one that lives
Opponents armed with enchanted weapons and magic in a steaming tropical jungle, but the colder woods and
spells will be able to attack the Ice Ghosts normally in coniferous forests of Titan also shelter these fleshing-
combat; those unfortunates who do not must make three eating terrors. Such a plant monster is the GNARLED
successful Test for Skill rolls to avoid being hit before the OAK of Khul, which is found across the continent at the
creatures fly off. Anyone hit once by an Ice Ghost will heart of ancient woodlands. Also known as the
begin shiver uncontrollably, turn deathly white and lapse Carnivorous Oak, it appears as a medium-sized oak tree,
into unconsciousness. If they are immediately Healed by whose roots and boughs are adorned with bones, corpses
a Priest, or the cold is drawn from their body by placing and scraps of armour. Those unfortunate enough to stray
certain magical stones upon their forehead, they will too close to investigate the previous victims of the tree are
survive with the loss of 2 STAMINA points. Otherwise, they immediately assailed by powerful branches that batter
will die of hypothermia; likewise, a second touch by an away at their foes until they are subdued. The bodies of
Ice Ghost is instantly fatal! The body of anyone slain by fresh victims are then left to rot where they lie, to provide
an Ice Ghost will then vaporise, becoming an Ice Ghost much-needed extra nutrients for the Gnarled Oak to
themself and attacking anyone in the immediate vicinity, subsist upon.
starting with their former comrades!

Rarer still are the strange nebulous beings known as

SULPHUR GHOSTS. Resembling little more than a
discoloured and vaguely humanoid-like puff of smoke,
they haunt volcanic wastelands and rock-strewn
wildernesses, and are reputed to be the spirits of
unfortunate wanderers who have died in such desolate
places. Sulphur Ghosts will skip about in the air like a
demented puppet, all but transfixing their enemies, before
shooting down to envelop their foes in a suffocating
embrace of poisonous fumes. The sulphurous touch of
such a creature automatically causes 2 STAMINA points of
damage per Attack Round with armour providing no
protection. Some adventurers claim that nose plugs
provide the only defence against such an attack, but this
has yet to be successfully verified. Like all Ghosts, Sulphur
Ghosts can only be harmed by magical weapons and
spells, and are also affected by the Ward or Banish powers
of a priest. Perhaps the most famous of all Sulphur Ghosts
is kept in a wooden box atop the North Gate of the cityport
of Kharé, attacking anyone who fails to recite the correct
Spell of Opening…

Ghost from Masks of Mayhem by Robin Waterfield.

Illustration by Russ Nicholson.
Ice Ghost from Crypt of the Sorcerer by Ian Livingstone.
Illustration by John Sibbick.

Some Gnarled Oaks live in a symbiotic partnership with

evil Imps or Sprites. These small creatures will lure prey
to the tree, either be pretending to be friendly, or by
stealing something from a traveller and allowing them to
follow. Needless to say, when the victim stumbles upon
the Gnarled Oak they are quickly dispatched with. The
plant gains food, and the Imp or Sprite gets whatever
trinkets the victim was carrying, as well as a year-round
safe lair to stay. Like most carnivorous plants however,
Gnarled Oaks are vulnerable to fire, and a careful
adventurer who uses any form of fire as an attack will
cause double the usual amount of STAMINA damage
whenever they successfully hit the oak tree in combat.

Gnarled Oak from Daggers of Darkness by Luke Sharp.

Illustration by Martin McKenna.

When a wizard requires a strong and reliable servitor, they
will often animate a GOLEM to aid them in guarding their Minor Magic spell. This hints at the strange internal
stronghold with unsleeping and unwavering diligence. alchemy of the creature, which is believed to consist of a
Rules on creating Golems can be found in The Heroes mixture of sulphurous brimstone. As a result, the
Companion (p.17). Out of the Pit (pp. 61-62) previously Brimstone Golem’s hide is somewhat softer than that of a
detailed three types of common Golems; further details Stone Golem and edged weapons can damage them as
on five rare kinds of these creatures can be found below. normal. However, should they be slain by their opponent,
the Brimstone Golem will explode into chunks of flying
stone that require a successful Test for Skill to avoid, or else
BRIMSTONE GOLEM their vanquisher must suffer the loss of 2 STAMINA points.

WEAPON: Fists (as per Large Claw) or Rock (as per SKILL: 8
Improvised) STAMINA: 9
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll WEAPON: Fists (as per Small Claw) or Mallet (as per
HABITAT: Anywhere their master is Warhammer)
TYPE: Magical Creature DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
REACTION: Hostile HABITAT: Anywhere their master is
TYPE: Magical Creature
At first glance a BRIMSTONE GOLEM appears similar to INTELLIGENCE: Low
the more common Stone Golem: a pillar of rough, coarse
rock that has been crudely hewn into the shape of a man.
However, while a Stone Golem is tasked with simple First believed to have been crafted by an obscure artisan
functions such as guarding a crypt or dungeon, the known as Mayrek the Potter, the CLAY GOLEM is a
Brimstone Golem is given more complicated instructions misshapen, slab-faced giant moulded from soft and
to follow. For example, one was encountered aboard the malleable clay. They make excellent guards, attacking
magical flying sphere of the evil wizard Zeverin the anything that comes near them with either club-like fists
Mighty, heating up rocks and hurling them into the fuel or a great bronze mallet. Clay Golems are usually found
chamber of the craft to power its flight (and was more than in moist climates, where the humidity keeps their surface
happy to throw these rocks at any opponent). The slick and flexible, so much so that the weapons of its
Brimstone Golem heated up the rocks by blowing a yellow opponents can become stuck to the Golem’s hide. After
dusty breath upon them, which is identical to the Heat each Attack Round anyone fighting a Clay Golem in

combat with a weapon must roll one die. On a roll of 1 pulp. The trunk-like legs of the Great Golem end in
their weapon has become stuck to the Clay Golem and smooth spheres, which enable it to glide over most
they must continue the fight unarmed! Fire-based attacks surfaces and make the creature both fast and agile. As a
cause double damage to a Clay Golem, drying out their result it is impossible to Escape from a Great Golem, and
skin and causing it to crack and shatter. Better still is a rare anyone fighting it on a curved surface (such as the
potion known as Siccator that removes all moisture from spherical chambers of Zeverin’s flying tower) must deduct
its target. When hurled at a Clay Golem it will reduce the 1 from their Attack Strength during the battle. Worse, the
creature to a pile of brown dust in a matter of seconds! creature is completely immune to non-magical missile
weapons, and can cast a Wall Spell once per day to create
an invisible force-field barrier. This is usually used to
restrain anyone unlucky enough to find that a Great
Golem lies between themselves and their objective!

Recent rumours from Allansia have indicated that some

unknown alchemist has successfully combined traits of a
Sentinel with a Clay Golem, creating a small clay doll-like
effigy. Touching the doll triggers a magical reaction that
causes it to instantaneously grow into a towering Clay
Golem, ready to deal with any interloper!

ATTACKS: 2 WEAPON: Spear or Sword
WEAPON: Fists (as per Very Large Claw) ARMOUR: Medium
ARMOUR: Heavy DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +2 to Damage Roll HABITAT: Anywhere their master is, Ice
HABITAT: Anywhere their master is NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1
TYPE: Magical Creature REACTION: Hostile
The GREAT GOLEM is one of the mightiest of these Centuries ago the Ice Elves ruled the northern polar
magical creatures and the secrets of its construction are wastes of Allansia, building elaborate citadels and
known only to the most powerful of sorcerers. Zeverin the cathedrals, carved from the ice itself and adorned with
Mighty certainly knew them, and used a Great Golem to numerous baroque ornamentations. Often the only things
guard the internal chambers of his flying tower of left standing in these desolately empty ruins are their
destruction. They are colossal and imposing creatures, unsleeping guardians: the ICE GOLEMS! These appear as
standing three metres tall and made from jet-black stone, a sculpture of an Elf, made of opaque ice and capable of
with huge fists capable of smashing a man into a bloody moving and speaking a set sequence of phrases, such as

“Only Elves may pass”! Should a non-Elf attempt to pass, Strength by one of the person using the blunted weapon
the Ice Golem will attack using a spear or sword of ice, for all future combats, until it is taken to a weapon-smith
wielding its weapon with considerable and surprising to be sharpened. It is not known at this stage how to
strength. Ice Golems are mindless creatures and immune destroy a Quartz Golem, though some adventurous mages
to illusions, so even those who can magically take the form claim that a Breach Spell may be well suited to the job!
of an Elf will be attacked!
Brimstone Golem from Tower of Destruction by Keith Martin.
Illustration by Pete Knifton.
QUARTZ GOLEM Clay Golem from Crypt of the Sorcerer by Ian Livingstone.
Illustration by John Sibbick.
SKILL: 10 Great Golem from Tower of Destruction by Keith Martin.
STAMINA: 18 Illustration by Pete Knifton.
ATTACKS: 2 Quartz Golem from Phantoms of Fear by Robin Waterfield.
WEAPON: Fists (as per Large Claw) Illustration by Jason Lenox.

Griffin War Griffin (Tooki)
SKILL: 10 12
STAMINA: 10 15
WEAPON: Large Claw and Large Bite
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
HABITAT: Mountains, Hills, Wilderness
TYPE: Monster

Sometimes spelled Griffon, or even Gryphon, the GRIFFIN

is a legendary beast with the head and wings of a great
eagle and the body of lion. Thought to be the offspring of
a son of Rogaar the Lion God and a daughter of the avian
deity known as the Hawklord, they are rare but widely
distributed across Titan. Griffins usually nest in
ARMOUR: Heavy mountainous areas, making their eyrie atop a rocky crag
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll from which they can spy out prey from far off. Horse flesh
HABITAT: Anywhere their master is is their favoured food, but they will eat any kind of meat
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1 when hungry, diving down from the sky to tear their
TYPE: Magical Creature victim apart with razor-sharp claws and a savage, hooked
REACTION: Hostile beak. Griffins are commonly depicted in statuary or
INTELLIGENCE: Low heraldry (such as Ruddlestone’s legendary Griffin Shield
of the Templar Knights of Telak), and they are known to
QUARTZ GOLEMS are peculiar guardians that will make loyal yet aggressive steeds if raised from the egg as
initially appear as an inanimate object carved entirely from a hatchling. People as diverse as the Barbarians of the
translucent crystal. Taking the form of a door, an altar, or Moonstone Hills and the mercenary warriors of the Giant
something similar, they will only transform into a tall and overlord Kuperan of central Khul are all known to favour
menacing living statue of crystal when they register the Griffins as battle-mounts. As a result, Griffin eggs may
presence of an intruder, which they will then attack with sell for several hundred Gold Pieces in the bazaar of a very
their sharp, blade-like fists. However, should the Quartz large city, but actually stealing these eggs from the nest of
Golem be defeated, it will instantly transform back into such a beast is another matter altogether!
the shape of its original object, which can be frustrating if
it was an immovable door through which egress was being In some parts of Allansia, Griffins have been bred into a
sought! Furthermore, the creature’s quartz hide blunts special race known as the WAR GRIFFIN or TOOKI. These
bladed weapons such as swords. This reduces the Attack are much larger than their wild cousins and more

WEAPON: Tentacles (as per Morning Star)
ARMOUR: Medium
HABITAT: Hills, Wilderness, Caves
TYPE: Monster
REACTION: Unfriendly

The Dark Continent of Khul has a reputation for being

home to some peculiar creatures and surely one of the
strangest looking is the immense GROUNDHOG. These
enormous monsters will lie in wait for prey in some
secluded spot, looking like an oversized boulder or a great
slab of rock. When a victim wanders close by, the
Groundhog will rise up on eight stumpy yet powerful
legs, while a huge, slit-like mouth full of curved fangs will
open in the centre of the creature’s broad back. All along
the edges of the back will be writhing tentacles, tipped
with balls of bone that extrude themselves from the
Groundhog’s body and beat at their prey like living
morning stars! Once they have subdued their prey the
powerful and ferocious as well. War Griffins are also tentacles will transport its body to the central mouth and
somewhat darker in hue, with shorter feathers and fur to
increase the speed with which they swoop through the
air. They were first thought to have been bred by an
ancient Dwarf king of the stone cliff-city of Warpstone,
for scouting out and dealing with the predations of Hill
Trolls and Flatland Nomads. Although their intelligence
and aggression makes training them a lengthy process,
War Griffins can be sometimes found among the retinues
of warlords and wizards across Allansia. The evil sorcerer
Xortan Throg was known to keep a War Griffin, which he
used to kidnap the Princess Sarissa in a bid to foment war
between the kingdoms of Salamonis and Chalice. Mightier
still was the necromancer Zharradan Marr who personally
commanded an aerial force of at least a dozen Tooki, all
ridden by elite Blood Orc archers. Prior to the Trolltooth
Wars, Marr used his War Griffins to capture the mighty
flying ship known as the Galleykeep, though some say in
doing so he sowed the seeds of his own eventual

Griffin from Dungeoneer by Marc Gascoigne and Pete

Illustration by John Sibbick.

feeding will commence. Anyone unlucky enough to find are known to carry bones up into the air and then drop
themselves standing on the back of a Groundhog that has them on a pile of rocks, in order to smash them and extract
suddenly revealed itself, can fight the creature but must the pulpy flesh within. They have also been domesticated
subtract 1 from their SKILL score due to their unstable by some races, such as Orcs and the Khomatads of the
footing as the beasts attempts to tip them into its mouth. wastes of Mavra Khomata, to act as a sort of battle-steed.
Worse, anyone who falls into the creature’s mouth will They are not quite large enough to be ridden, however
take Very Large Bite damage every Attack Round they can be trained to carry an iron rod between their
automatically (though they may also automatically wound talons, and hanging suspended from this will be an Orc
the Groundhog too). After eating, Groundhogs will spit or Khomatad raider. Such aerial bandits are rare though,
out anything that cannot be digested properly, such as as the Grypvulture has a nasty tendency to turn on those
weapons, armour and treasure. The wise adventurer will it carries if it is not kept well-fed with fresh meat.
therefore try to find the creature’s lair in order to claim
the loot, thought hopefully while the Groundhog is absent! Grypvulture from Island of the Lizard King by Ian
Livingstone. Illustration by Alan Langford.
Groundhog from Sword of the Samurai by Mark Smith and
Jamie Thompson. Illustration by Alan Langford.
STAMINA: 8 WEAPON: Stomp (as per Large Claw)
WEAPON: Large Claw or Large Bite DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
ARMOUR: None HABITAT: Desert, Wilderness
HABITAT: Deserts, Wilderness, Plains, Mountains TYPE: Reptile
REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly

High in the southern skies of Khul soar the

GRYPVULTURES: giant carrion-loving birds adorned
with a cloak of grey feathers and bearing iron-hard talons
and a cruel, curved beak with which to tear their prey
apart. They are larger than normal vultures, with a
wingspan of up to five metres, and are even capable of
carrying off human-sized prey should the need so arise.
Grypvultures particularly enjoy eating bone marrow and
HAG 65

Faced with the need to transport trade goods across the Thought by some to be related to the parasitic Gonchong,
inhospitable Scythera Desert of Khul, the local Lizard Men the HAC-QUEL-RAT is a far more active creature, though
tribes use enormous pack-beasts known as thankfully confined to the Zushan Jungle of Sunara Island,
GUNDERWALS as they travel from city-state to city-state. amid the Isles of the Dawn. Resembling a bloated green
A Gunderwal resembles a small, short-necked scaly sack-like mass, topped with two darkly gleaming
Brontosaurus, albeit one with eight legs and an ochre- eyes, it stalks through the forest canopy on eight clawed
coloured scaly hide! Although generally placid, they are and spindly legs. On the underside of the creature’s body
capable of defending themselves with kicks and stomps are four fang-lined mouths, each trailing a long tongue
from their great splay-toed, pad-like feet. A caravan of that resembles some sort of jungle creeper or vine. An
Lizard Men often consists of several of these creatures, unsuspecting victim may brush against or grab the vine,
laden with boxes, sacks and skins of wine, plodding whereupon they are stuck fast to its glue-like surface. The
dolefully across the dunes. Their foetid bulk does attract Hac-Quel-Rat will then release a paralysing poison that
great swarms of flies, and other creatures such as will travel down the tongue as a viscous blob and instantly
Saltsuckers, and for this reason, as well as their occasional render the victim immobile. The tongue will then draw
tendency to run amok, Gunderwals are forbidden from back up into the creature’s mouth where the victim will
entering many of the cities of the Inland Sea. Instead, they be torn apart. The only chance of escape, short of having
remain outside the walls, cropping coarse grass and comrades who can attack the beast directly, is to try and
waiting for their masters to finish trading before resuming break the grip of the tongue by grabbing onto other vines,
their long trek back across the wilderness. requiring a successful Test for Luck. Otherwise, the Hac-
Quel-Rat will be dining well in due course.
Gunderwal from Seas of Blood by Andrew Chapman.
Illustration by Bob Harvey. Flesh-Feeder from Black Vein Prophecy by Paul Mason and
Steven Williams. Illustration by Terry Oakes.

STAMINA: 7 Hag Sea Hag
WEAPON: Small Claw or Large Bite STAMINA: 7 8
REACTION: Hostile Hag – Ruins, Dungeons, Towns (sewers), Forests,
INTELLIGENCE: Average Caves, Marshes, Hills
Sea Hag – Sea
TYPE: Humanoid
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile

There has long been confusion as to whether HAGS are

actually human, or something else instead. In appearance
they resemble hideous old crones clad in tattered robes,
with wart-covered faces and a wild-eyed stare. While this
does make Hags look identical to the local village wise-
women or even the multitudinous witches who inhabit
the cursed village of Dree, there is some evidence to
suggest that Hags may be something rather different. For
example, it is known that Hag’s hair, when ground down
to form a compound with either a black pearl or a lotus
flower, is capable of destroying the most powerful of
Liches, such as Zanbar Bone the dread Night Prince.
Interestingly, a whip crafted from Hag’s hair and properly
enchanted is said to destroy the souls of those it lashes,
slaying them instantly with a single strike.
66 HAG

undersea fire that heats their cauldrons and cooking-pots!

They are found in the colder waters of Titan, often lurking
in a dark cave near a ship-wrecked stretch of coastline,
within deep fissures along the sea-floor, and among the
sunken ruins of ancient cities such as Atlantis.

Sea Hag from Demons of the Deep by Steve Jackson.

Illustration by Bob Harvey.

WEAPON: Sling, Short Sword, Spear or Dagger
ARMOUR: None or Leather Cuirass and Small Shield
HABITAT: Hills, Plains, Caves, Towns, Dungeons
TYPE: Humanoid
REACTION: Friendly-Neutral

In holes in the ground live HALFLINGS, small humanoids

related to Woodlings but more gregarious and friendlier
Hags are also accomplished wielders of magical spells. A with humans. Also known as the Little People, they are
typical Hag, if there is such a thing, will have a MAGIC shorter than Dwarfs, though clean-shaven, with a mop of
score of 7, 16 Magic Points and 2-7 Wizardry spells that brown, black or blond hair on their heads as well as the
cost no more than 4 Magic Points to cast. They will likely backs of their hands and the tops of their feet (Halflings
also be able to cast Minor Magic spells as well. In addition, are often barefoot). They prefer to live in rural hamlets
a Hag will be able to use one of the following Priestly that comprise four to twenty four male and female
Powers: Curse, Ill-Luck, or Weakness. They will only be halflings, and a similar number of children (who count as
able to use this power once per day, with an equivalent non-combatants). Such villages will consist of series of
DEVOTION score of 7. Hags are usually found in foul and Halfling holes burrowed into the sides of hills, with each
desolate places: the sewers of old cities (where they feast richly-adorned home furnished with a well-stocked larder.
upon rats!), among their weaker human sisters in decrepit Halflings may also be found in some of the larger cities in
settlements such as Dree and Weirtown, and exiled to the more peaceful parts of Allansia, Khul and the Old
lonely hovels out in the wilderness. They are known World, such as Salamonis, Royal Lendle, Chalannabrad,
cannibals, and if all their magical powers fail they will and Ximoran and the lands of the Council of Seven.
simply draw a razor-sharp dagger from their rags and
attack, in a bid to guarantee fresh meat for one of their They are sometimes adventurers, for they can be skilled
loathsome stews! scouts, trackers, and burglars, and may join up with other
fortune-hunters if they think the share of the spoils will
SEA HAGS are considered by some to be yet more be worth their while. Halflings usually defend themselves
evidence that Hags are not quite human. The reasoning with short swords and slings, while their hamlet militias
runs that they are rather different to Merfolk, which are are armed with spears. This is because they are preyed
humans kidnapped by the sea god Hydana to populate upon by large horrible creatures such as Ogres and Trolls,
his underwater realm. Sea Hags appear similar to their who regard Halfling villages as a buffet feast! Indeed, the
land-based sisters, though with a more greenish hue to Warthog Book of Troll Records notes that the Allansian
their skin and gills on their neck that allow them to record for the number of Halflings ears eaten by a Troll in
breathe. They still worship Shekka, goddess of witchcraft, a competition is one hundred and nineteen (which, given
in addition to a host of Dark Lords and Demon Princes, the multiple competitors present represents a sizeable
but are more powerful sorceresses with MAGIC 8, dent in the Halfling population), and there are tales out
DEVOTION 8, and 18 Magic Points on average. Sea Hags there in Trolltooth Pass of far more dangerous creatures
are even rumoured to be able to create a strange form of of havoc that lust after the flesh of the Little People!

WEAPON: Spike (see below)
HABITAT: Marshes, Rivers
TYPE: Insect

Halflings can also be found in places other than human

cities or their own settlements. Some prefer to live in
caverns or dungeons, though they are often at war with
other races that may be present underground, such as
Gremlins, Troglodytes, or Scuttlies. Rumour has it the
original Deathtrap Dungeon of Baron Sukumvit was
actually appropriated from a group of Halflings led by
Billybob Blade-bearer, and that the Baron either enslaved
them or chased them deeper into the caves that tunnel
beneath the mountains north of the city of Fang. Likewise,
from the southern lands come stories of cloaked Halflings
known as Light Worshippers, who venerate great glowing
crystals that they have dug out of the barren wastes and Found in marshes and by rivers across northern Allansia,
desert sands. Finally, there are the mysterious Chervah of HARPOON FLIES are large, mottled black flying insects,
Arantis, a race of Halfling-like creatures with bald heads each the size of a pigeon. Although their heads appear to
and pointed ears about which too little is currently known. have an elongated proboscis, it is actually a poisoned,
needle-like spike, which they can shoot at their prey.
Halfling from Trial of Champions by Ian Livingstone. Harpoon Flies can only grow one spike at a time, and it
Illustration by Brian Williams. takes a week for the spike to grow back after it has been
fired. The poison paralyses the insects’ victims, and female
Harpoon Flies then lay their eggs under the skin so that

the maggots will have plenty of meat to feed on when they

hatch. When a swarm of two to twelve Harpoon Flies
attacks, roll two dice; this is the number of spikes that hit
their targets (obviously there can’t be more spikes than
flies present so discount any excess spikes). Distribute
these hits evenly among all victims present and consult
the following chart to see the poison’s effects:

Spikes Hit Effect

1-3 Lose 4 STAMINA points and slightly
4-5 Lose 6 STAMINA and 2 SKILL points and
partially paralysed
6 or more Lose 8 STAMINA and 4 SKILL points and
completely paralysed

If all their victims are immobilized, the female Harpoon

Flies will descend and lay their eggs. Otherwise, it will
take one healing potion to remove any paralysis (and
restore lost SKILL points) and another healing potion to
restore any lost STAMINA points.

Harpoon Fly from Crypt of the Sorcerer by Ian Livingstone.

Illustration by John Sibbick.

Hellfire Spirit Master of Hellfire
SKILL: 9 14
STAMINA: 12 14
WEAPON: Earthly Plane. The Hellfire Spirit will summon up a fiery
Hellfire Spirit – Flaming Whip (as per Morning Star) nine-tailed whip as a weapon and cast a spell such as
Master of Hellfire – Unarmed (Large) Darkness, Ignite, Wall, Fire Bolt, Fly or Explode (pick one
ARMOUR: Light spell: the Hellfire Spirit can cast it successfully once a day).
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None A devious ruse used by some necromancers is to implant
HABITAT: Ruins, Dungeons, Demonic Plane the spirit in the dying body of an enemy’s friend so that
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1 when the friend is rescued and then dies, the Hellfire Spirit
TYPE: Demon takes over the body and attacks the necromancer’s enemy!
REACTION: Hostile If the Hellfire Spirit is defeated, the link connecting it to
INTELLIGENCE: High the Earthly Plane will be severed and it will be drawn
screaming back into the Spirit Realm.

In the complex hierarchy of the Pit, some spirits reside on Far more powerful is the dreaded MASTER OF
Titan in the physical or psychic remnants of their past HELLFIRE. This evil spirit is also considerably more
lives; these are the Undead. Some spirits are reborn in the independent than its lesser brethren and can only be
Pit as full entities capable of manifesting on Titan in their wounded with enchanted weapons. It manifests initially
true form; these are the Demons. Other spirits fall as a powerful demonic humanoid in a cowled robe, with
somewhere between these two extremes; capable of a horned brow and flaming eyes. The Master of Hellfire
manifesting on Titan and exhibiting great powers, but still will attack with grasping, steel-fingered hands, and a
tied to some physical presence or specific place. The similar variety of spells as the Hellfire Spirit (although
Ganjees are one example of these beings, another are the pick two spells instead of one). If magic weapons are used
HELLFIRE SPIRITS! to defeat it in this form it will flee howling back to the
Spirit Plane. If however its STAMINA is “reduced” to two
A Hellfire Spirit will usually possess the body of some or less by non-magical means, the Master of Hellfire will
unfortunate wretch who is about to die. When they expire, revert to its true form, that of a worm-eaten Zombie-like
the spirit assumes full control of the corpse, animating it corpse with great fiery eyes. In this form it will shoot a
as a physical shell with which to wreak vengeance on the blast of hellfire from its eyes once per Attack Round at a

selected victim; this blast hits automatically and does one its master, using its claws or whatever other weapon it has
to six STAMINA points damage with no protection from in its possession. Some wizards have been known to arm
armour. Masters of Hellfire are predictably rare on Titan the creatures with small magical bronze wands that cause
but they do occur: Zharradan Marr was rumoured to be 3 STAMINA points of damage with each successful hit.
allied with one who kept a room in his flying command- Anyone attempting to strike back at the Homunculus
ship the Galleykeep, while a tale from Khul tells of the evil however must reduce their Attack Strength by 1 during
wizard Grimslade whose soul was collected by a Master each Attack Round as the creature buzzes nimbly around
of Hellfire, after he died in his tower at the hands of a them on its leathery wings. They are intelligent creatures,
wandering adventurer. capable of both understanding detailed instructions and
conversing with their masters and their masters’ guests
Hellfire Spirit from Masks of Mayhem by Robin Waterfield. on a range of esoteric subjects. Despite its appearance, the
Illustration by Russ Nicholson. Homunculus is not a true Demon, though they are often
mistaken for extra-planar creatures with similar
appearances, such as the Fire Imp.

HOMUNCULUS Homonculus from Island of the Undead by Keith Martin.

Illustration by Russ Nicholson.
WEAPON: Small Claw
HABITAT: Anywhere their master is, Ruins, Dungeons ATTACKS: 2
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1 WEAPON: Small Bite or Sting (see below)
TYPE: Magical Creature ARMOUR: None
REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
INTELLIGENCE: High HABITAT: Caves, Hills, Forests, Plains
TYPE: Insect
The HOMUNCULUS is a small, Imp-like creature, usually REACTION: Unfriendly
created by an alchemist or magician to serve as their INTELLIGENCE: Low
magical Familiar. They have bat-like wings, green scaly
skin, a horned head, and long forearms tipped with sharp
claws. The Homunculus will attack anyone who threatens

Thought to be related to Giant Wasps but even more

deadly, the GIANT HORNET is usually found making its
lair in a shallow cave or dead tree. They have a wasp-like
appearance with yellow and black bodies, big multi-
facetted eyes and glittering wings that carry the creatures
rapidly through the air. Strangely, Giant Hornets are
inflicted with the taint of Chaos, and some have odd
mutations, like an extra pair of legs or a vaguely skull-like
head. Regardless, their attack is always the same,
consisting of the insect biting at its enemies with clattering
mandibles while trying to dart in and sting them with the
enormous venomous barb that projects out from its lower
abdomen. Whenever the Giant Hornet roles a double for
its Attack Strength, it has stung its opponent who will die
instantly unless they can also roll a double for their Attack
Strength! If they roll a double, they survive the sting but
must still suffer 6 STAMINA points damage from the effects
of the poison!

Flesh-Feeder from Creature of Havoc by Steve Jackson.

Illustration by Alan Langford.

WEAPON: Small Bite and Sting or Acid Spit (see below)
HABITAT: Towns, Ruins, Dungeons
TYPE: Insect/Humanoid
INTELLIGENCE: High one Attack Round wiping or washing the spit off their
bodies, for the substance is highly corrosive.

Thought to have been created by the extra-planar entity Despite these advantages, the Hornet Assassin is quite
Bythos, lord of the Abyss, for aiding his agents on Titan, cowardly and will typically favour hit-and-run tactics,
the HORNET ASSASSIN is a mutated hybrid of man and fleeing instantly if it feels its assassination attempt has
insect. Also known as the Winged Assassin, much of the failed. They are also capable of creating a range of
creature’s form is cloaked in a voluminous black hooded disguises using life-like masks, and may attempt to
robe, typically only revealing human-like hands and feet. discredit their victims prior to striking, by imitating them
Beneath the robe however, is an insectoid body with a pair and committing a sordid range of atrocities in their name
of dark wings that fit through tears in the cloth and allow (all Hornet Assassins have the Disguise Special Skill (see
the creature to fly and hover with great manoeuvrability. Advanced Fighting Fantasy, p. 28)). Although originally
The head is hornet-like with two large glittering faceted created by Bythos, and used by his agent Sige the Silent
eyes and a set of curved mandibles with which it bites. to slay the adventuress Sophia of Blacksand, as well as
The Hornet Assassin has two special attacks up its sleeve sow fear among the populace of the city-state of
however. If it can surprise its victim, its first attack will be Kallamehr, many Hornet Assassins are now free agents,
to leap on its victim’s back and sting them with the barbed and can be found anywhere that strife and discord
spike at the end of its abdomen (which is normally demand an active antagonist!
concealed under its robe). This will cause 3 STAMINA points
of damage. Once a day it is also capable of spitting an Hornet Assassin from Slaves of the Abyss by Paul Mason abd
acidic grey slime at its enemy. If they fail to dodge the Steve Williams.
attack (by a Test for Skill), they will suffer 1-6 STAMINA Illustration by Bob Harvey.
points of damage on impact, and a further 1-6 STAMINA
points of damage every Attack Round unless they spend

Lucky, they have just been grazed by the beast’s claws and
ICE HULK must deduct 1 STAMINA point. If they are Unlucky, they
have suffered a more savage wound and must deduct 2
SKILL: 6 STAMINA points and 1 SKILL point instead!
ATTACKS: 2 Ice Hulk from Masks of Mayhem by Robin Waterfield.
WEAPON: Large Claw Illustration by Russ Nicholson.
HABITAT: Mountains, Ice
WEAPON: Unarmed (Large)
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
HABITAT: Dungeons, Ruins, In the company of a sorcerer
TYPE: Magical Creature
REACTION: Neutral (but see below)

Legend tells of how Zagor the Warlock, Lord of Firetop

Mountain, bound the mystical source of his power into an
enchanted jewel. In order to keep it from the clutches of
thieves and those that would do him harm, Zagor
embedded the jewel within the solitary eye-socket of a
magical metal statue known as the IRON CYCLOPS. This
formidable golem-like creature was tall and man-like,

The ICE HULK is a close relative of the Yeti and found in

the snowy uplands of Khul, such as Krill Garnash and the
Mountains of the Giants. It has a similar appearance,
looking like a cross between bear and ape with great paws
like claw-tipped mallets, though its thick pelt is darker
and greyish in hue. The main difference between the
mutated Ice Hulk and the Yeti is that the mutation consists
of the alleged disappearance of the Yeti’s already tiny
brain! As a result, it takes time for these moronic creatures
to register the pain of being wounded. Anyone wounding
an Ice Hulk for the first time will therefore be surprised
when the creature renews its attack rather than hesitating.
The Ice Hulk’s opponent must Test for Luck. If they are

though standing on two hoofed feet, with a demonic

visage adorned with horns, fangs, pointed ears and a long
forked tongue. The Iron Cyclops would remain inert,
standing motionless on a pedestal in a richly-adorned
room deep within the dungeons of Firetop Mountain.
Anyone foolish enough to attempt to steal the Eye of the
Cyclops, as the jewel inevitably became known, would
cause the statue to animate and attack the intruder with
its great iron fists.

Nevertheless, someone did manage to defeat the Iron

Cyclops, though history is divided as to whether it was
the late Jamut Mantrapper, Chadda Darkmane of
Salamonis, or some unknown adventurer instead. Zagor,
at least in his first incarnation, was destroyed, and the Eye
of the Cyclops passed from sight, locked away in a
treasure vault somewhere in north-western Allansia.
Other Iron Cyclops have since been found, for it seems
Zagor created his based on ancient Carsepolian codices,
though the jewels embedded beneath their iron brows
often have very different functions. At least one tomb-
robber has reported the existence of an Iron Cyclops amid
the rubble of the ruined town of Cutsilver, whose red ruby
eye fires scarlet bolts of flame at those who would attempt
to rob it!

Iron Cyclops from The Warlock of Firetop Mountain by Steve

Jackson and Ian Livingstone. strong, and any successful hit will only cause them 1
llustration by Russ Nicholson. STAMINA point of damage. Typically they will be found in
some ancient and forgotten temple or shrine dedicated to
the Demon Princes, or an associated demigod, such as
ISHKARIM Arhallogen the Spider God, endlessly waiting to deal with
some unfortunate looter.
STAMINA: 9 Ishkarim from Battleblade Warrior by Marc Gascoigne.
ATTACKS: 1 Illustration by Alan Langford.
WEAPON: Scimitar (as per Sword)
ARMOUR: Leather Cuirass and Small Shield
HABITAT: Dungeons, Ruins, Demonic Plane
DAMAGE MODIFIER: -2 to Damage Roll
When a Demon Prince wishes to hide something valuable HABITAT: Plains, Hills, Wilderness
somewhere on the face of Titan, they have several means NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-6
available to them, but one of the most popular is to TYPE: Bird
surround it with a contingent of ISHKARIM. These REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly
undying sentinels will wait patiently by whatever they INTELLIGENCE: Average
guard, called into action only to deal with tomb-robbers
and temple-desecrators. Their lower bodies are like those
of a giant spider, with six to eight scuttling skeletal legs, ‘Scum! Scum! Rrrooaak! Be off with you, scum!’ squeaks a
while their top halves are a bizarre travesty of human tiny voice which makes you jump. ‘Rrrooaakk! Move on,
features, eternally dead and long enslaved by Chaos. dung-face. Show us yer back.’ You look round, but can see
Ishkarim are usually armoured and also carry curved nothing. You stand to search around the stone. ‘Rrroaarkkk!
scimitars with which they will attack whoever disturbs The vomit-puddle walks! Go on, sewer-snake! Away!’ You are
their guard duty. Their bony frames are surprisingly bewildered by the voice, until you catch sight of a small

WEAPON: Very Large Claw
ARMOUR: Medium
HABITAT: Marshes
TYPE: Plant/Humanoid
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile

black JABBERWING bird, hopping round on the top of the

boulder. It opens its beak and again the voice speaks to you:
‘Rrrooaaark! Make dust, goblin-brain. Go north to Dree. Only
Windward Plain out to the west. Not much happening there.
Rrroakk! Well, what are you waiting for, sewage-slime? GO!’
- Tales of Trolltooth Pass

Jabberwings are black birds related to Crows and Ravens,

and capable of conversing in the Common Speech with a
strong bias towards insults and invective. They are found
from Trolltooth Pass and then east across the Flatlands to
Shabak. Their preferred food is insects and bugs, and
given their speech and intelligence, they may be
persuaded to share information on the local area in
exchange for a few juicy grubs and caterpillars.
Jabberwings are often persecuted by the nomadic tribes
of the Flatlands however, who find their speech
disturbing, and they can defend themselves if needed. For In the centre of the mysterious kingdom of Kazan lies the
every extra Jabberwing add 1 SKILL 2 STAMINA and 1 desolate tract of marshes known as the Bogomil Deeps. A
ATTACK to the scores listed above. They are sometimes vast expanse of reeds and bulrushes, whose monotony is
kept as familiars by sorcerers and witches, though their broken occasionally by glades of primitive horsetail
foul language does tend to grate after a while. The wizard plants, this area is also the haunt of the legendary
Yaztromo has speculated that Jabberwings are the creatures known as the KALAMITES. These would appear
unfortunate result of an attempt to create a combined to be to the marshes what Tree Men elsewhere are to the
wizard’s apprentice and familiar, though this may just be forests; namely, plant-like guardians who watch over their
a joke dating from his time as a student of the Grand domain and guard them against the pesky fire-using lesser
Wizard of Yore! races of Titan. They are rather different to Tree Men in
appearance however, being misshapen husk-like
Jabberwing from Creature of Havoc by Steve Jackson. humanoids made of wood, with a neck-less head crowned
Illustration by Alan Langford. with thorns, and jointed limbs similar to bamboo. Indeed,
the limbs of the Kalamite are its most unique feature, for

they can extend at will to many metres in length, turning The KAPPA are a type of much-feared swamp monster,
the creature into a horrific giant that looms large over the common to the Mizokumo Fens in central Hachiman. They
reedy swamplands, seeking intruders to dismember (the are humanoid in form, though taller than a human, with
scores for this giant form are given above). If the Kalamite green scaly skin, webbed claws on hands and feet, and
rolls a double 6 for its Attack Strength it has successfully cruel yellow eyes that reveal a sly and devious
grabbed a victim in its hand and picked it up. Every intelligence. The Kappa control several fords that cross
Kazanid warrior knows at this point the best thing you the Hiang-Kiang River and its tributaries, defending them
can do is play dead, for the creature will quickly tire of with tridents, nets, and their own razor-sharp talons.
you and toss you back into the reeds. If you struggle, the Sharpened stakes are usually set under the water by the
Kalamite will of course squeeze its hand until you are ford to deter swimmers, and the fords themselves are
naught but a bloody pulp! Despite their size and strength, covered in green slime to make the path slippery and
these plant-like beings can be wounded, bleeding liquid treacherous. Thus do the Kappa strangle the internal
sap, and they also suffer double damage from flaming trade-routes of the kingdom in defiance of the Shogun!
weapons and all other fire-based attacks.
Despite bleeding foul purple blood when wounded, the
Kalamite from Daggers of Darkness by Luke Sharp. Kappa are difficult creatures to defeat, being individually
Illustration by Martin McKenna. strong as well as attacking in great numbers. Their one
weakness is their flat, oddly-shaped skull, which actually
contains a basin-shaped depression full of river water, and
explains why the Kappa move as if balancing something
KAPPA invisible on top of their heads. They need this water to
breathe, so anybody knocking a Kappa over in combat
SKILL: 8 (requiring a successful Test for Skill), will spill the water-
STAMINA: 13 filled basin and force the creature to retreat to its aquatic
ATTACKS: 2 domain, lest it drown in the open air. Such a bizarre trait
WEAPON: Large Claw or Trident (as per Spear) has led to much speculation as to the origins of this
ARMOUR: Light swamp-loving race, but, owing to their obvious lethality,
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None the Kappa keep their secrets for now.
HABITAT: Marshes
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 2-12 Kappa from Sword of the Samurai by Mark Smith and Jamie
TYPE: Humanoid Thompson. Illustration by Alan Langford.
REACTION: Unfriendly

WEAPON: Spear or Scimitar (as per Sword)
ARMOUR: Leather Cuirass
HABITAT: Deserts, Wilderness, Plains, Towns
TYPE: Humanoid

Named after the Mavra Khomata, a black sandy

wilderness that lies between the port of Kelther and the
kingdom of Kazan, KHOMATADS are an aggressive race
of warrior-creatures that prey on unfortunate merchants
and travellers that have to traverse these wastes. They
appear similar to Blackhearts, with a strange mix of Elvish
and Orc-like features, though they wear tattered scraps of
leather armour and prefer barbed spears as weapons.
Khomatads have managed to train Grypvultures as a form
of war-beast. The giant birds are not quite large enough

WEAPON: See below
ARMOUR: Chainmail Hauberk
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
HABITAT: Caves, Dungeons, Ruins
TYPE: Undead

“…in that year did We halt the Malice that was afflicting
our Kingdom. But at great cost! We lost our beloved
brother Orghuz to the Evil, and in a mighty struggle We
cast Him into the Dark Chasms, and did entrust the
noble Gaddon Warriors to guard Him and His
KHUDDAM spawn, for all eternity…”
- Fragment from The Annals and Histories of Tancred the
Magnificent, King of Gorak

The Seven Khuddam, also known as the Seven Fell

Servants, are a much-dreaded group of powerful and
malevolent beings of mysterious origins. Thought to be

to carry Khomatads on their backs; instead they will clutch

a metal pole in their talons, from which hangs a suspended
raider. Should they spot some hapless victims from the
air, they will order the Grypvultures to swoop down,
depositing the Khomatad marauders to attack without
mercy! When not engaged in banditry, they can be found
living in small communities of three to eighteen creatures
in a communal series of caves, or in crude huts erected
around a natural spring out in the wilderness. Rumour
has it that the Mavra Khomata may not be their only
homeland, and that Khomatads may be found further
afield in other arid wastes such as both the Mlubz and
Scythera Deserts.

Khomatad from Daggers of Darkness by Luke Sharp.

Illustration by Martin McKenna.

some kind of Vampire, they serve the Dark Lord Orghuz, Malice itself, assigned to Orghuz’s service; or perhaps
who is imprisoned with them in the caverns beneath the great warriors corrupted personally by Orghuz at a later
kingdom of Gorak. Both Orghuz and the Khuddam are date. What we do know though is that their process of
kept in check by the age-old powers of the Great Seals and unchecked exponential procreation (via a spawn-like
the True Shield, which are held in the deepest vaults of intermediary stage composed of a strange powdery
Gorak Keep. Should the Seals be broken and the Shield substance) suggests the Malice itself is a powerful entity
stolen, the Khuddam will roam free and marshal the and likely a Dark Lord of Chaos that has been somehow
Fellcohorts – an army of Orcs, Goblins and Trolls. imprisoned on Titan. Woe betide all of us if it is finally
Meanwhile, Orghuz will attempt to destroy the power of freed!
the True Shield. If this happens, the Khuddam will have
the ability to multiply exponentially: Khuddam from Chasms of Malice by Luke Sharp.
Illustration by Russ Nicholson.
First there will be 49 Khuddam, then 2,401, then 5,764,801,
until they become uncountable hordes, and Orghuz becomes
In appearance, the Khuddam are tall humanoids wearing
voluminous black hooded cloaks of fine chain mail, with SKILL: 7
glowing red eyes, long fangs (often spattered in blood STAMINA: 4
from a recent meal!), and clawed hands. Further details, ATTACKS: 1
such as gender and preferred weapon, depend on which WEAPON: Sting (as per Small Bite)
one of the Seven Khuddam a victim has the misfortune to ARMOUR: None
encounter: DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
HABITAT: Forests, Jungles, Plains, Hills
BARKEK: Male, fights with a jagged-edged sword full of NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-6 Droves
treacherous rip-hooks (damage as per Greatsword) TYPE: Insect
CHURKA: Female, fights unarmed (damage as per Large INTELLIGENCE: Low

FRIANKARA: Female – the Chief Khuddam (SKILL 12

STAMINA 16), fights with either a two-headed axe (damage
as per Battle Axe) or long poisonous claws (damage as per
Very Large Claw)

GESHRAK: Male, fights with a scimitar (damage as per


GRIFFKEK: Male, fights with a scimitar (damage as per


GURSKUT: Male, fights unarmed (damage as per Large


KAHHRAC: Male, fights with a massive scimitar (damage

as per Greatsword)
One sound that is much feared in the Allansian wilderness
All Khuddam possess vampiric powers of undeath, is the buzzing drone that heralds the arrival of a swarm
including hypnotism (see Out of the Pit, p. 116), tracking of KILLER BEES! At ten centimetres long, these black and
(using their excellent sense of smell), and shape-changing. yellow-striped insects are much larger than their honey-
It is thought they are immune to all attacks save that of bee relatives, and much more dangerous as well.
the enchanted Shining Sword being wielded by Tancred’s Extremely territorial and highly aggressive, a swarm of
Heir, but it is possible that other magical blades may Killer Bees will attack on sight anything that intrudes into
wound them also. their domain. The swarm will split into separate droves,
each of which counts as a separate “creature”, with the
We know far too little about their origins however. For combat scores given above, stinging their victims
example, we do not know if the Khuddam were original repeatedly, until it is dead or the drove(s) have been
companions of Orghuz, transformed to Evil like him by dispersed (by reducing their STAMINA scores to zero).
the demonic Malice; or whether they were creatures of the

Given the creatures are often found near running water, Their villages are tumbledown affairs of loosely grouped
an old trick to avoid their attacks is to hide underwater huts made from whatever branches, rocks and foliage they
for as long as possible, until the Killer Bees lose interest can scavenge. In the centre of the village will be a
and fly off. Another tactic is to drink a Potion of Insect communal gathering and cooking area, where food such
Control (see Advanced Fighting Fantasy, p. 144), and indeed, as roast wild boar and a tea-like broth are prepared. Each
close to Darkwood Forest where these creatures are village is lead by a Klattaman champion, with SKILL 9,
common, the wizard Yaztromo sells such potions from his STAMINA 8. Often, travellers will be invited into a
tower for the reasonable sum of 2 Gold Pieces. Armed with Klattaman village and plied with food and drink solely
a potion like this, some hunters even seek out the hives of for the purpose of fighting the champion to determine
Killer Bees on purpose, for the beeswax is a necessary who is the mightiest! There are tales of wandering
component of the RAZ spell (see Advanced Fighting adventurers who have beaten the champion and become
Fantasy, p. 82), while the honey will provide food equal to chief of the village, though the thrill of leadership soon
1-3 Provisions. pales, as the grunt-like and simplistic language of the
Klattamen makes them poor conversationalists, and they
Killer Bee from Sorcery Spell Book by Steve Jackson. can be exceedingly superstitious and fearful when
Illustration by John Blanche. confronting the unknown. Klattamen also have a unique
system of measuring time based on years being a certain
number ‘Away’ from the present; so that last year is One
Away, and a decade is Ten Away.

KLATTAMAN Klattaman from The Seven Serpents by Steve Jackson.

Illustration by John Blanche.
ARMOUR: Animal skins (as per Leather Cuirass)
HABITAT: Wilderness, Plains, Desert
TYPE: Humanoid
REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly

And who do we have here, then? As if I did not know.

The Analander! I wondered whether you would make it
this far. My congratulations on your skill and your
courage. You are indeed a worthy enemy. But here is
where your luck runs to an end. For now you face no
cowardly Black Elf, no brainless KLATTAMAN.
- The Archmage of Mampang

The Klattamen of Kakhabad are a semi-nomadic race of

barbaric creatures native to the Klatta-Bak Steppes, though
their marauding depredations ensure they are infamous
throughout the harsh wilderness that is the Baklands.
They were once human but the taint of Chaos that is
prevalent throughout the Verminpit has warped them into
brutal primitives, with tall, lanky bodies, brawny arms
and ugly, misshapen faces. Klattamen wear badly cured
animal skins that function as crude armour and favour
spiked clubs as weapons. They are a fearless yet foolhardy
people, and value strength above everything including
intelligence and even gold! Attacking as a group, each
Klattaman will be anxious to deal the deathblow to an
opponent and claim bragging rights within the tribe.

Kraken is truly a nightmarish foe. As well as feeding on

KRAKEN sharks and small whales, it is not averse to attacking ships
and boats, plucking unfortunate sailors from the decks
Kraken Tentacle Mottled Kraken with its long tentacles. In this case the combat scores given
(whole) (individual) above for individual tentacles will be used to represent
SKILL: 10 6 8 up to six tentacles attacking different victims, and if all the
STAMINA: 30 6 10 tentacles are defeated the Kraken will be driven off. If a
ATTACKS: victim is unfortunate enough to encounter the creature
Kraken – 6 underwater, then the creature’s whole combat score is
Tentacle – 1 used, along with any penalties for underwater combat.
Mottled Kraken – 3
WEAPON: The alchemist Plidor, infamous for his research into
Kraken – Tentacle (as per Very Large Claw) various tentacled molluscoid creatures, theorised that the
Mottled Kraken – Tentacle (as per Large Claw) Kraken spawns at sea, though its young travel upstream
ARMOUR: Light into fresh-water rivers and lakes, particularly in colder
DAMAGE MODIFIER: climates, where they feed on salmon and schoolfish. Here
Kraken – Double Damage they lurk, often in flooded caves and deep pools, until
Mottled Kraken – None around half-grown, and are known as MOTTLED
HABITAT: KRAKEN for their blotched and warty appearance.
Kraken – Seas, Lakes Separate combat scores for Mottled Kraken are given
Mottled Kraken – Lakes, Rivers, Caves above. They then return to the sea to attain their full size,
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1 striking terror in all creatures as they glide through the
TYPE: Mollusc dark ocean waters of Titan.
INTELLIGENCE: Medium Sometimes however, a Kraken may not make it back to its
salt-water domain and instead lair in a large inland lake
or tarn. It is known for example that a Kraken dwells in
Possibly one of the most dread and hideous beasts to ever the Spider Fens of Hachiman, where it pulls victims from
swim the seas of Titan is the legendary KRAKEN, a the Giant’s Causeway that crosses its mist-shrouded mere.
gargantuan squid-like monster big enough to sink a ship. An equally mighty creature lives in the foul water of Lake
With its ten huge suckered tentacles, enormous staring Nekros in northern Khul, and is rumoured to have
ink-black eyes, and a great, serrated beak-like mouth, the slaughtered Galrin’s Company, an entire band of
mercenaries that once camped on the lakeshore. Finally,
from the Inland Sea come tales of Reef Lurkers, a type of
Kraken with sulphurous yellow tentacles that lie in wait
in rocky undersea areas such as the Shoals of Trysta,
where they are a menace to the local shipping.

Kraken from Demons of the Deep by Steve Jackson.

Illustration by Bob Harvey.

WEAPON: Small Claw
HABITAT: Jungles, Marshes, Rivers
TYPE: Amphibian/Humanoid
REACTION: Unfriendly

WEAPON: Large Claw and Large Bite
TYPE: Crustacean
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile

The predatory KRELL, not to be confused with the many-

limbed Allansian primate of the same name, is one of the
stranger underwater menaces lurking beneath the surface
of the Inland Sea and other southern oceans. A giant
crustacean up to four metres long, the Krell is
distinguished by its armoured carapace, split into spine-
adorned segments, and its eight long many-jointed limbs.
The rear legs are used for propelling it along the seabed
in great leaps and bounds, while the front legs end in
sharp grasping claws that transfer food to the razor-like
mandibles that form the creature’s mouth. Weirdest of all
are the Krell’s two stalked eyes which display surprising
intelligence, for the beast is sentient and capable of
conversation (even if much of it consists of telling the
Krell’s victims how they are to be devoured). Krell
construct elaborate burrows in rocky areas or coral reefs,
usually near a food source such as a small settlement of
The KREEHUL is a strange type of toad-like humanoid Merfolk or Sea Elves. The lair of the Krell will be guarded
found in the damper, more tropical areas of the Isles of by other sea creatures such as Giant Anemones and Moray
the Dawn, such as the Zushan Jungle. Spindly limbs and Eels, and at least one chamber will contain a chalky mass
webbed feet support their large warty bodies, while of bones and skulls
distended emerald-green eyes sit proudly atop flat faces. comprising the Krell’s
Under their head hangs a fleshy throat-sac that Kreehuls many previous victims!
use to communicate with each other in deafening croaks.
These creatures are hunted by the humans of the Isles and Krell from Seas of Blood
are mistakenly thought to be primitive, for they refuse to by Andrew Chapman.
use weapons and only rely on their slimy hands and large Illustration by Bob
numbers to overwhelm opponents. In truth however, Harvey.
Kreehuls are followers of the Sitting Prophet, a deeply
serene and pacifist demigod of these lands, and only use
violence with extreme reluctance. For a time they guarded
an immense idol of the Sitting Prophet in the depths of the
Zushan Jungle, but were summoned by Credas, last of the
magical Triurge of Aven, to fight in the war that pitted the
twin sons of the tyrant Bezenvial against each other. It is
possible that Kreehuls may also be found on the mainland
of Khul, in suitable habitat such as the Mizokumo Fens of

Kreehul from Black vein Prophecy by Paul Mason and Steven

Illustration by Terry Oakes.


SKILL: 6 Lich Lich-Lord
DAMAGE MODIFIER: -1 to Damage Roll Lich – Small Claw or Dagger
HABITAT: Magical Plane of Fire, Volcanic areas, Dungeons, Lich-Lord – Sword, Battle Axe or Mace
Ruins, Anywhere their master is ARMOUR:
TYPE: Magical Creature Lich-Lord – Medium
Lich-Lord - +1 to Damage Roll
HABITAT: Dungeons, Ruins, Caves
Sometimes mistakenly called the Lava Demon (and thus NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1
confused with the great Lava Demons which are members TYPE: Undead
of the Tertius tier of the Demonic Hierarchy of the Pit), the REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile
LAVA IMP is a much smaller, though still dangerous INTELLIGENCE: High
inhabitant of the Magical Plane of Fire. They are
disgusting creatures, resembling giant flying eyeless slugs,
with a leathery crimson hide and gaping mouths full of
spiked teeth. In combat, they will hover around their
assailant, swooping in to attack with their fanged jaws.
On Titan, Lava Imps are known to infest lava tunnels and
volcanic areas but are more commonly found in the
presence of a mage who has summoned them forth from
the Plane of Fire. They make reasonable familiars, for they
are in fact the larval form of the Fire Imp, metamorphosing
over time into the latter as caterpillars turn into butterflies!

Lava Imp from Crypt of the Sorcerer by Ian Livingstone.

Illustration by John Sibbick.

The dreaded LICH is the one of the most powerful of the

corporeal Undead. They are shambling corpses, little more
than bones and bits of rotting flesh, animated purely by
the malignant willpower of their former occupant’s
twisted spirit. Despite their resemblance to mere Zombies
or Skeletons however, Liches can only be harmed by silver
or enchanted weapons, as more than a few unfortunate
adventurers have learned to great cost. They were often

powerful people in their former existence, able to afford Sharks and Barracudas are not the only big carnivorous
the dark sorceries that gave them the undying life of fish that swim the seas of Titan. In the kelp forests and
Lichdom. Now though, they are reduced to skulking weed jungles of subtropical and temperate waters such as
about their tombs and crypts, reduced to being undead the Western Ocean and the Kakhabad Sea lurks a
viziers and stewards, commanding respect from naught spectacular marine predator known as the LIONFISH.
but ghosts and shadows. Some Liches are known as Liche They grow up to five metres long, and are covered in
Queens, essentially identical in powers, but obviously glimmering golden-yellow scales, with an extensive array
female and dressed in decaying robes of faded finery. All of mane-like fins around their necks that give them their
Liches are capable of speech, and Liche Queens especially name, along with their bubbling roar as they attack.
will use this ability to lure enemies to their doom by Lionfish are related to the much smaller Scorpion Fish,
challenging them to feats of strength, such as wearing a but instead of being armed with poisonous spines, they
gauntlet of pain or other instrument of torture, and use their sharp-toothed mouth and clawed side-fins to
murdering them with bone daggers when they fail. catch and dismember their prey. They are also extremely
fast swimmers, and it is impossible to Escape from one of
More powerful still are the LICH-LORDS, undead them if they are being fought underwater. In fact the only
warlords and sorcerers who have rejected an existence in way to avoid contact with Lionfish short of staying out of
the Pit, and instead continue to strive for imposing their the water altogether is to hide in the most tangled areas
grandiose plans of conquest upon the living of Titan. Some of kelp and weeds (usually at the frond-like tops) where
can be faced in combat, using the scores given above, such the fish’s great size prevents it from entering. The Lionfish
as Belgaroth the Dread Lord of Ruddlestone, or Mortis of may well dart angrily around the base of the kelp several
Balthor, villain of the Arrowhead Archipelago (although times, roaring angrily to itself, but ultimately will swim
one may need to hack their way through the Lich-Lord’s off in search of easier prey.
retinue of chaos creatures, undead soldiers, and attendant
demons in order to do so). Others require more special Lionfish from Demons of the Deep by Steve Jackson.
means of disposal, usually because they have powerful Illustration by Bob Harvey.
spell-casting abilities, such as Darramouss, infamous
dungeon-master of the Yellowstone Mines of Zharradan
Marr, who could only be slain by a Ring of Holy Blessing.
Even more convoluted was the method to destroy the
Night Prince Zanbar Bone, which required a unicorn
tattoo, a silver arrow, and a compound of some
combination of black pearls, Hag’s hair and lotus flower
that had to be rubbed into the foul creature’s eyes! For
unknown reasons, Liches are especially prevalent in
north-western Allansia, and, aside from Darramouss and
Zanbar, other examples include Ungoth the Skeleton Lord,
servitor-guardian of Razaak the Necromancer, and
Quimmel Bone, brother of Zanbar, and insane physician-
in-residence aboard the flying ship Galleykeep.

Lich from Trial of Champions by Ian Livingstone.

Illustration by Brian Williams.

WEAPON: Large Bite and Large Claw
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
TYPE: Fish
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile

Lesser Greater Idol
SKILL: 8 9 9
STAMINA: 8 15 6
Lesser – 1
Greater – 2
Idol – Up to 6
Lesser – Sword, Spear or Fists (as per Small Claw)
Greater – Fists (as per Unarmed (Large))
Idol – Scimitar (as per Sword)
Lesser – Medium
Greater – Heavy
Idol – Medium (but see below)
Lesser – None
Greater – +2 to Damage Roll
Idol – None
HABITAT: Dungeons, Ruins, Anywhere their master is
Lesser – 1-3
Greater – 1
Idol – 1
TYPE: Magical Creature
REACTION: Hostile (when activated) Fenmarge, have even perfected spells to instantly animate
INTELLIGENCE: Low strategically placed Goblin Statues to deal with any
unwanted guests.
Similar to Golems, LIVING STATUES are animated
effigies carved from stone or made from bronze, brass or GREATER LIVING STATUES are far more impressive
even crystal. However, whereas Golems are painstakingly beings, being carved from solid blocks of rock or thick
constructed automatons that are always in a sense “alive”, plates of bronze, and often three or four metres tall. As
Living Statues are usually completely inert until activated befits their increased stature, they are usually placed
by a specific set of actions or instructions. Several different somewhere important, guarding a sacred shrine or
examples of Living Statues are given below, although it priceless artefact and pummelling any would-be looters
should be noted that all of them only suffer 1 STAMINA with their mighty fists. One such example is a great stone
point of damage per blow from edged or pointed Statue that stands in a mausoleum in the sunken ruins of
weapons, such as swords and spears. Crushing and Atlantis, wearing a jade circlet upon its brow that some
smashing weapons like maces, clubs and warhammers, claim is the mystical Crown of Atlantis. Another is a
are obviously much more effective and cause damage as massive Bronze Statue that guards its own offering bowl
normal. outside the Gambling Halls of Vlada in the city-port of
Kharé. Both of these have special abilities; the Atlantean
LESSER LIVING STATUES are the smallest and weakest, Statue can talk, Curse its victim (who must deduct 2 points
and usually set to guard a tomb or vault and the treasure from their LUCK score), or even detach and hurl its head
it contains. Should an unfortunate tomb-robber attempt like a boulder, whereas the Bronze Statue is invulnerable
to steal the valuables, the statue will animate and attack to all weapons unless struck at a certain weak point
until either it or the intruder is dead. The appearance and somewhere on its left leg!
weapons of these Living Statues varies widely, depending
on where they are found. In the ruins of ancient Djarat for Stranger still are the magical IDOLS of distant eastern
example, they are usually placed in pairs alongside the lands such as Shabak and the city-states of the Glimmering
entrance portal to a crypt, and carved as men bearing stone Sea. These are the enchanted effigies of actual gods and
spears. However, in northern Allansia, in the lands that goddesses, and usually take pride of place in a great
border the River Kok, there was once a fashion for rich temple or worship-hall. Such deities are different versions
noblemen to be buried with a Crystal Statue that would or aspects of more familiar gods venerated elsewhere; for
defend its lord’s wealth with only its flint-like fists. More example Tanit, Goddess of Envy, is depicted as a six-
worryingly, some sorcerers, such as Grimslade of armed woman in robes of decorative silk, with a brass

lamp in one hand and curved scimitars in each of its other south are blue-scaled, with no horns or spikes, and, as
hands. Idols are nowhere near as massive as Greater such, more similar in appearance to the Lizard Kings. This
Living Statues, but instead are ensorcelled to be immune mix of characteristics is especially interesting given there
to all non-magical weapons. Normal weapons will merely are no two-headed or mutant Desert Lizard Men,
bounce off their finely-wrought frame, allowing the Idol suggesting the race could be an unthinkable hybrid of
to quickly dispose of whatever thieves have disturbed it. normal Lizard Men and their Lizard King overlords!
Rumour tells of such an idol bought by Baron Sukumvit
from corrupt priests of Bakulan, and interred deep within Indeed, Desert Lizard Men lack any form of central
the second incarnation of his devious Deathtrap Dungeon. authority, and instead nomadically wander the wastes of
central Khul, in small trading convoys of one to six
Idol from Trial of Champions by Ian Livingstone. creatures, each mounted on a Gunderwal and laden with
Illustration by Brian Williams. trade goods. These caravans travel great distances,
ranging from Tak and Calah in the south, to Shakuru in
the west, and all the way to Ashkyos and Kalagar in the
north! Sometimes several caravans will band together and
LIZARD MAN pitch camp at an oasis among the dunes, creating a
temporary village of three to eighteen Desert Lizard Men.
Desert Pygmy To defend themselves and their goods they use longbows
Lizard Man Lizard Man (with foot-long arrows), scimitars and spears. In addition,
SKILL: 8 6 some are occasionally exiled from their caravans for theft,
STAMINA: 8 6 and these renegades can be found across Khul, working
ATTACKS: 1 as slavers, guards, mercenaries, and lone merchants,
WEAPON: peddling anything from medicinal potions to shark’s teeth
Desert Lizard Man – Spear, Long Bow or Scimitar (as necklaces.
per Sword)
Pygmy Lizard Man – Javelin, Short Bow, Spear or Club Far less sophisticated are the PYGMY LIZARD MEN of
ARMOUR: Medium southern Khul. These ferocious creatures may just be over
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None a metre in height, but are still strong and hardy, and
HABITAT: otherwise similar to the larger Lizard Men races in
Desert Lizard Man – Desert, Wilderness appearance. They are armed with a variety of weapons,
Pygmy Lizard Man – Jungles such as spiked clubs, spears and javelins tipped with flint
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-6 or 3-18 or barbs of bone, and short bows with dart-like arrows. A
TYPE: Reptile/Humanoid profusion of charms and amulets are strung around their
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile necks, and when hunting in groups of one to six creatures
INTELLIGENCE: Average-High they will also be wearing battle-kilts
of dried pandanus leaves. Several
different clans, each numbering from
As most scholars know, the majority three to eighteen Lizard Men, will
of Lizard Men on Titan are subjects cluster around a special site, such as
of the mighty empire of Silur Cha that a fresh-water spring or fruit-bearing
spans the southlands of Allansia. tree. Attacking one clan will rouse all
Those few Lizard Men who live the others in the vicinity, for they
beyond the empire’s borders are communicate using throat warbles
either mercenaries and freebooters or and Tok-Tok stick signals, whose
they belong to several rare sub-races, noise travels far through the still
two of which are found on the Dark jungle air. Due to their hardiness,
Continent of Khul. Pygmy Lizard Men are valued as
slaves and are becoming rarer in the
The most common of these are the lands of the Inland Sea. They can be
DESERT LIZARD MEN of the found in isolated patches of rainforest
Scythera Desert and the surrounding on both the island called the Roc, and
badlands. They are similar to their the Isle of Volcanoes, but their
Allansian brethren in being large greatest population lies in the
humanoids with scaly skin and a nameless jungles that stretch from
lizard’s head and tail, though there is Shurrupak east to Hachiman.
some regional variation in their
appearance. Those in the north have Pygmy Lizarman from Seas of Blood by
green scales, with horned heads and Andrew Chapman.
a spiked back, while those in the Illustration by Bob Harvey.

supported by jointed legs, with a single large claw that

MAIJEM-NOSOTH clacks against its slimy carapace, and bloated tentacles,
coated with ichor that lash out at its victims.
Major Minor
SKILL: 12 10 The major power of the Maijem-Nosoth is its near-
STAMINA: 12 10 invincibility. Their carapace is proof against all but the
ATTACKS: 4 most potent and enchanted vorpal blades, and some of
WEAPON: Large Claw the fleshy organs that comprise the rest of their body are
ARMOUR: Medium (and see below) capable of instant regeneration. What is more, because the
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll form of the creature is so hard to focus on, adventurers
HABITAT: Dungeons, Caves, Ruins, Anywhere their won’t be able to direct their blows effectively. Every time
summoner is, Demonic Plane an adventurer actually wounds the creature (and gets past
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1 its armour), roll one die. On a 1 or a 2, no damage is
TYPE: Demon inflicted; on a 3 or a 4 they do 1 point of STAMINA damage;
REACTION: Hostile on a 5 or a 6 they do 2 points of STAMINA damage. The one
INTELLIGENCE: High vulnerability of the Maijem-Nosoth, known to very few
learned sages and cautious adventurers, is that it cannot
abide high-pitched noises. Anyone who can whistle
Thought to be named, in somewhat scrambled fashion, during combat will cause the creature to lose 1 STAMINA
after the first unfortunate scholar who summoned one and point per round; and if they have an actual whistle or set
was subsequently devoured, the MAIJEM-NOSOTH of pipes, will inflict 3 STAMINA points of damage on the
belongs to an obscure race of demons known as the Lords creature per round! Should they defeat the Maijem-
of Gond. They are usually called forth from the Pit to act Nosoth, it will collapse in a twitching heap and dissolve
as guardians or assassins, but must be constrained with into a greenish slimy mess that hisses and steams.
powerful magic due to their insatiable appetites. Any error
in the summoning process will almost certainly result in Majiem-Nosoth from Slaves of the Abyss by Paul Mason and
the creature running amok and consuming everyone in Steve Williams.
the immediate vicinity! The Maijem-Nosoth has a Illustration by Bob Harvey.
particularly horrendous appearance that is thankfully
difficult to focus on, owing to the shimmering haze that
surrounds the beast. Those who gaze beyond this will find MAMLIK
their eyes ache from looking at its foul ulcerous body,
WEAPON: Sword, Scimitar (as per Sword) or Death Spell
Dagger (see below)
ARMOUR: None or Leather Hauberk
HABITAT: Towns, Ruins, Dungeons, Plains, Wilderness
TYPE: Humanoid

The MAMLIKS are a secretive sect of creatures that are

employed as mercenaries and paid killers in the southern
kingdoms of Kazan, Gorak and Zamarra, and for this
reason they are also known as Mamlik Assassins. They
are brutish, nasty humanoids that resemble a mutant
hybrid of Gark and Man-Orc, with the strength of the
former and the deviousness of the latter. When not heavily
disguised (all Mamliks have the Disguise Special Skill (see
Advanced Fighting Fantasy, p. 28)), Mamliks favour dark
cloaks, leather armour and swords or scimitars as
weapons. They will either be encountered in small groups
of one to six warriors, swaggering about and causing

WEAPON: Large Bite
HABITAT: Caves, Dungeons, Ruins
TYPE: Monster

Woe betides those who disturb the hairy fiend known

across Allansia as the MANIC BEAST! This bulky, vaguely
humanoid creature stands close to two metres tall on
stocky legs, with a muscular torso covered in short, bristly
fur. Its arms are long and end in splay-fingered hands
whose job it is to drag prey and food within range of the
creature’s razor-fanged mouth. The wild-eyed Manic
Beast’s name and fearsome reputation however, come
from its tremendous bursts of rage. When wounded in
combat for example, its anger will rise, and during the
next Attack Round it adds two to the dice roll for its Attack
Strength. If it is wounded during this Attack Round, the
bonus will be retained for the next Round, but if it is not
wounded then its temper returns to normal (or as close to

trouble, or alone, engaged in a clandestine and no doubt

nefarious mission.

When hired for an assassination, a Mamlik will wield its

signature weapon, a long curved, rune-inscribed blade
known as a Death Spell Dagger or Dagger of Darkness.
This will be enchanted to slay a specific target, type of
person or race of creature. For example, when the vizier
Chingiz attempted to seize the throne of Kazan, he
employed Mamlik Assassins to use their daggers to slay
the rightful heirs, known as Segrek’s Select. Any target
wounded by the dagger will be slain instantly, and the
dagger will dissolve into foul-smelling black smoke once
used. Even if the victim is just scratched by the dagger
they will be poisoned, and die within twenty-four days,
unless they can hand the dagger back to its original maker.
Mamliks are thought to dwell in a hidden fortress
somewhere in the Greater Ilkhans mountains of southern
Kazan, though given the obvious danger in verifying this,
nobody knows for sure.

Mamlik from daggers of Darkness by Luke Sharp.

Illustration by Martin McKenna.

normal as is possible for the Manic Beast!), and the bonus The MAN-OCTOPUS is a strange hybrid thought to have
is lost. been created by the rogue mage Galthazzeth, though there
is speculation he was working from older texts, such as
The origins of the Manic Beast are somewhat obscure. the grimoire of the evil Khulian alchemist Plidor, or even
Zharradan Marr was known to use them in an irregular the forbidden lore of the Brain Slayers themselves.
battalion of dungeon creatures, alongside Clawbeasts, Whatever their origins, the creatures escaped and spread
Devourers and the like, during the Trolltooth Wars, but it rapidly, first to the marshes surrounding Lake Nykosa,
is thought they predate his marrangha experimentations. and then to the sea-caves that dot the coastline of the Sea
Interestingly, the flesh of the Manic Beast is highly edible, of Pearls. There is even rumour of a colony of Man-
if somewhat bitter in flavour, and a cottage industry has Octopuses that dwell in the sewers beneath the great
sprung up near the southern city of Warpstone (where the eastern city of Bakulan! In appearance they have a vaguely
creatures lurk in some numbers), to provide roast haunch human face though disfigured with ghastly yellow eyes
of Manic Beast as an alternative source of rations and and a clacking serrated beak, while their green, bloated
provisions. Given the potential fury of their charges octopus-like body bears anywhere from two to six
however, the lifespan of a Manic Beast farmer is currently muscular tentacles. The Man-Octopus has two human-like
rather short. legs with webbed feet, which it can use to walk or swim,
and in battle it will attack with blows from its tentacles,
Manic Beast from Creature of Havoc by Steve Jackson. which can also grasp crude spears or clubs fashioned from
Illustration by Alan Langford. driftwood.

Man-Octopus from Space Assassin by Andrew Chapman.

MAN-OCTOPUS Illustration by Geoffrey Senior.

WEAPON: Club, Spear or Tentacle (as per Small Claw)
ARMOUR: None Minimite Mite
HABITAT: Caves, Dungeons, Marshes, Towns (sewers) STAMINA: 3 3
TYPE: Mollusc/Humanoid WEAPON: Dagger
REACTION: Unfriendly ARMOUR: None
HABITAT: Forests, Hills
Minimite – 1
Mite – 1-3
TYPE: Humanoid
REACTION: Friendly-Neutral
Minimite – High
Mite – Average

Thought to be related to Fairies and Sprites, MINIMITES

are tiny, thin, child-like humanoids with greenish-hued
skin and transparent insect-like wings. They flutter about
deep woods and forested hills, where they live solitary
lives lairing within a hole in a tree trunk, or underneath a
rocky overhang. Should a lone wayfarer or group of
travellers stumble past the Minimite’s humble abode, it
will immediately attach itself to them, chattering
incessantly, resting on their shoulders, and sharing their
food and drink (particularly ale, which they have a real
fondness for!). Due to their high SKILL score (with a Dodge
Special Skill score of 8), Minimites can be difficult to get
rid off. This will be a problem if their host is a magic-user,
as Minimites are surrounded at all times by a protective
anti-magic aura. Any spell that costs 6 or less Magic Points

Crown of Kings to Analand after it was stolen by the

Archmage of Mampang.

MITES, by contrast, are about twice the size of Minimites,

but with half the intelligence. They lack the magical
protective aura of their smaller brethren, and are also
much clumsier fliers. Some scholars conjecture that Mites
represent a primitive offshoot, from which more advanced
races, such as Fairies, Sprites and Minimites are ultimately
derived. Regardless, they live in similar territory, such as
rolling hills and wooded glades interspersed with
meadow-lands and band together in small groups to eke
out a living on berries, nuts and home-brewed dandelion
wine. Mites are sometimes captured by hunters and put
to work in sideshow attractions, retrieving objects in a
cabinet of fortune, or wrestling with Pixies in pint-sized
gladiatorial contests. Kind-hearted people who free them
from such awful captivity have been known to be
rewarded by the grateful Mite, with directions to the
nearest treasure cache or similar boon!

Minimite from The Shamutanti Hills by Steve Jackson.

Illustration by John Blanche

WEAPON: Dagger
or STAMINA will automatically fail in the presence of a DAMAGE MODIFIER: -1 to Damage Roll
Minimite. Only spells that cost more than this will work, HABITAT: Dungeons, Towns, Ruins
usually killing the Minimite in the process, due to the NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 2-12
explosive release of magical power. TYPE: Humanoid
The origins of this defensive enchantment lie back in the INTELLIGENCE: Average
mists of time, before the War of the Wizards, when
Minimites were renowned across the Old World as great
wizards and well-versed in the practice of high sorcery.
When the forces of Chaos erupted out of Kakhabad nearly
three centuries ago, the Minimites banded together to cast
a spell developed by the insane mystic Aughm
Lightchaser that would unleash the power of Goodness
in a devastating blast of intense energy. The spell worked,
obliterating the armies of Evil, but exacting a terrible curse
upon the race of Minimites. The use of magic was
outlawed among their own kind, resulting in the
development of the anti-magic aura they possess, and Scholarly conjecture is divided over the likely origins of
intricate spells woven into their very being prevented the servile race known as MINIONS. Some consider them
them from meeting up with their own kind for more than an excellent example of what happens when you feed a
short periods of time. Minimites thus became a race of group of Goblins or Gremlins with a steady diet of refined
nomadic individuals avoiding each other like the plague Mutant Meatballs. Others regard them as just one more
and dwelling alone in the wilderness. Perhaps the most of the myriad examples of peculiar beings that call
famous Minimite of recent times is the individual known Kakhabad the Verminpit their home. Certainly, their
simply as Jann, who played some part in returning the appearance is remarkably uniform: small nervous
creatures, barely a metre tall, with smooth hairless skin

that is pale in hue, and voices that alternate between a Often found lurking in the crooks and crevices in coral
squeak and a grunt. Often clad in tattered rags (and reefs and rocky areas of tropical and subtropical waters is
usually with a hidden dagger concealed somewhere upon the dreaded MORAY EEL. These large fish grow up to
their person), Minions will typically be found working as four metres long and are much more robustly built than
servants or slaves, in the employ of far larger creatures, other eels. They attack any prey coming near their lairs
such as those working in the dreaded Throg’s Kitchen in with powerful jaws packed with needle-like teeth, and
Mampang Fortress. their bodies are mottled or patterned with different shades
of green, brown, black and blue in order to blend in to
Minion from The Crown of Kings by Steve Jackson. their environment. Moray Eels can sometimes be
Illustration by John Blanche. distracted with food, and they are also reluctant to leave
the confines of their tunnel-like niches to pursue fleeing
prey. Despite this, their vicious nature means they are
often used as guard-creatures by marine beings such as
MORAY EEL Sea Trolls and the Krell.

SKILL: 7 Moray Eel from Demons of the Deep by Steve Jackson.

STAMINA: 11 Illustration by Bob Harvey.
WEAPON: Large Bite
HABITAT: Sea, Sea-shore
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile ATTACKS: 1
HABITAT: Hills, Plains, Wilderness
TYPE: Animal
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile

Related to both Giant Aardwolves and Hyenas, but larger

than either, the MORDIDAS of Khul are powerful
scavengers whose brindled pelts are mixture of brown,
grey and black. Usually a Mordida will be too cowardly
to approach humans, preferring to feast on carrion, but,
when hungry and desperate, they have been known to
attack anything up to a horse in size in their quest for food.
Their sense of smell is so powerful that they can even sniff
out invisible creatures and battle with them. Mordidas are
usually found in small family groups and will adopt a
method of attack peculiar to their kind where each will
attack the victim in alternate Attack Rounds while the
other(s) hang back. They are also occasionally afflicted by
a minor form of rabies, and perhaps one in six Mordidas
will be infected with this disease. It is not fatal if treated
immediately after a rabid Mordida attack, but anyone
bitten must suffer an additional 2 STAMINA points of
damage after the battle to represent cutting the poison out
of their wounds. Of course, if the victim has access to a
priest with the power to cure disease, such drastic action
will not be necessary.

Mordida from Masks of Mayhem by Robin Waterfield.

Illustration by Russ Nicholson.

WEAPON: Small Bite
HABITAT: Caves, Forests, Hills, Ruins
TYPE: Insect
REACTION: Unfriendly
however, and take double STAMINA damage from all
fire-based attacks.
Out in the wilds of Titan, experienced hunters know that The lair of a Giant Moth will contain several cocoons of
while lanterns attract moths at night, campfires may its young. These can be harvested for silk to make up to
attract their more dangerous relative, the GIANT MOTH. ten metres of light-weight yet heavy duty rope, which can
This huge, solitary nocturnal flying insect is over a metre be resold in a town or city for 20 Gold Pieces. The cocoons
long, with a wingspan of up to four metres, and large will be scattered about the creature’s lair, though care, in
enough to pin a human to the ground. It uses hook-like the form of a Test for Luck, must be taken in removing the
claws on its legs to grab on to its victims while it bites them silk. Anyone who is Unlucky has accidentally cut open
with barbed mandibles. Like the Giant Hornet, Giant the cocoon, spraying poisonous liquid on everyone in the
Moths often have strange mutations, and it is common to immediate vicinity. This causes 1-6 STAMINA points of
see them with eight legs instead of six, or a bloated body, damage each, as the Giant Moth and its young get some
studded with spikes. When not seeking prey, these measure of revenge on those who would despoil their lair.
creatures will be found in a lair such as a dusty cave,
abandoned building, or among the branches of a tall tree. Giant Moth from Clash of the Princes: The Warrior’s Way by
The dusky grey-brown colour of their wings blends in well Andrew Chapman and Martin Allen.
with their surroundings, so they often attack with surprise Illustration by John Blanche.
(see Advanced Fighting Fantasy, p. 64), even when disturbed
in their nest. They are especially susceptible to flames

a focal point for the coalescence of their form during the

MUCK DEMON ritual. Such a jewel can be recovered when the demon is
slain and is usually worth up to fifty Gold Pieces. Muck
SKILL: 8 Demons are often found guarding ruined crypts in areas
STAMINA: 8 with plenty of slime and silt to control, such as sunken
ATTACKS: 1 ruins, festering marshes, and the filth-laden catacombs
WEAPON: Small Claw beneath ancient cities.
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None Muck Demon from Demons of the Deep by Steve Jackson.
HABITAT: Ruins, Marshes, Caves, Towns (sewers), Demonic Illustration by Bob Harvey.
TYPE: Demon
Ranking only slightly higher than Demonspawn in the STAMINA: 12
twisted hierarchy of the Demonic Pit are the loathsome ATTACKS: 5
and slimy MUCK DEMONS. These entities typically WEAPON: Very Large Bite
manifest themselves as dark figures made entirely from ARMOUR: Medium
mud and silt, appearing as grotesque caricatures of man DAMAGE MODIFIER: Double Damage
or woman. Muck Demons attack with oozing arms that HABITAT: Marshes
attempt to smother their victims, but they also have NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1
control over all of the slime and detritus in the vicinity. TYPE: Monster
Anyone fighting them in combat therefore, must deduct REACTION: Hostile
3 from their Attack Strength as they are blinded and INTELLIGENCE: Low
choked by a great cloud of muck that envelops both
themselves and the demon. Muck Demons are usually
summoned by a sorcerer or evil priest to act as a guardian
for a tomb, and they require a jewel of some sort to act as

In the icy north of Allansia dwells the furred Polar Worm, Mukade’s head is dominated by an enormous gaping
while the scorching southern Desert of Skulls is the lair of maw, as well as two eyes that resemble massive discs of
the Giant Sandworm. In the wetlands of central Allansia inscrutable blackness, pulsating with ancient evil. The
though, from the marshes of the Kok River estuary in the Mukade hoard much treasure in their lairs, among the
west, to the swamps of Lake Nykosa in the east, lives their bones of their many victims, but their lethal nature ensures
distant relative, the much-dreaded MUDGRINDER. These few who battle with the beasts ever live to claim it!
grotesque black hulks are massive creatures with a thick
hide lined with deep grooves. Their eyeless heads bear a Mukade from Sword of the Samurai by Mark Smith and Jamie
gaping, blood-red maw studded with rows of dagger-like Thompson. Illustration by Alan Langford.
teeth. The underbelly of the Mudgrinder is softer than the
rest of its hide, and yellow in colour, while those fortunate
to actually injure the beast will discover it bleeds a viscous
green fluid from its wounds.

This happens rarely though, for when a hungry

Mudgrinder erupts from the stinking black waters of the
marsh seeking prey, it usually slays all in its path of
destruction! One method used by various swamp tribes
to vanquish the beast involves striking at its exposed
underbelly, though this puts the hunter at risk of being
smothered by the creature’s enormous bulk. To attempt
this, an adventurer must Test for Skill. If they are
successful, they have killed the beast or driven it off. If
they fail however, they have been crushed and
asphyxiated, and will die a watery death in the ooze of
the Mudgrinder’s home.

Mudgrinder from Armies of Death by Ian Livingstone.

Illustration by Nik Williams.

WEAPON: Very Large Bite
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
HABITAT: Caves, Dungeons
TYPE: Monster
REACTION: Hostile Warrior Wizard
Giant Centipedes are a common threat to anyone who WEAPON:
goes delving into the dark places of Titan in search of fame Warrior – Sword
and fortune. In some regions however, they have evolved Wizard – Dagger or Staff
into even more lethal and dangerous species, one such ARMOUR:
being the dreaded MUKADE of the eastern land of Warrior – Chainmail Cuirass
Hachiman. Found in caves among the foothills of the Wizard – None
Shios’ii Mountains and elsewhere, this horrific creature is DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
over twelve metres long – more than three times as big as HABITAT: Towns, Wilderness, Dungeons, Ruins, Caves
its Giant Centipede relatives! It has a bony and segmented NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 2-7 or 2-12
body that is a sickly off-white colour and gives off both a TYPE: Humanoid
pale luminescence and a foetid stench. The body is REACTION: Neutral
supported by hundreds of black scuttling legs, and the INTELLIGENCE: High

WEAPON: Spear, Club or Dagger
ARMOUR: Small Shield
HABITAT: Jungles
TYPE: Humanoid
REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly

NATIVES are the indigenous tribes of humans who live

on many of the tropical islands scattered across the
warmest of Titan’s twelve seas and four oceans. From the
Crucible Isles in the west to Bone Island in the east, these
tribes can be found making a living through fishing,
hunting, and raising crops and animals in small jungle
clearings. Natives will either be encountered in hunting
bands of one to six warriors, or settlements containing four
to twenty-four warriors (with the scores given above), and
an additional five to thirty villagers with SKILL 6 STAMINA
Contrary to what many heroic sagas would have people 6. Some claim that Natives are the descendants of the
believe, human adventurers are actually fairly scarce in sunken continent of Atlantis, who spread across the
number, as the majority of the populace tends to prefer
less lethal occupations. For one race however, known as
the MURKURONS, adventuring appears to be their only
occupation! These are strange, thin-bodied humanoids,
with silvery skin and pupil-less eyes that range in hue
from white through grey to black. With their pointed ears
and slim build, they have some similarities to both Elves
and smaller creatures such as Mites and Fairies, though
their exact origins are unknown. Murkurons are common
in the lands surrounding the Glimmering Sea in southern
Allansia, and there are notable communities of them living
in city-states such as Kallamehr and Alkemis.

Typically however, Murkurons will be encountered in an

adventuring party, with two to seven members for less
dangerous localities, and up to two to twelve adventurers
for more lethal regions. The majority of each party will be
warriors, clad in chainmail with a sword as a weapon. At
least one Murkuron, and sometimes two, will be a wizard,
wearing voluminous robes and armed with a staff or
dagger. These wizards are quite powerful, and prefer
using spells such as Fire-Bolt and ESP when out exploring
the wilds or some dank dungeon. Murkurons do have
their own language – indeed some can barely speak
proper Allansian, but beyond this, little is known at this
stage of their culture or religion.

Murkuron from Slaves of the Abyss by Paul Mason and Steve

Illustration by Bob Harvey.

islands and archipelagos following the cataclysm that

destroyed that ancient nation. At any rate, they have
proliferated and adapted into many diverse cultures, as
the following examples show.

The tribe of Kiaraboos dwell on the Isle of Despair and the

neighbouring Isle of Scars, where they war against bands
of Hobgoblins and worse. They wear loincloths and are
armed with spears coated in organic contact poison (when
hit, roll a die: on a roll of 4-6 subtract 1 further point of
STAMINA in addition to the wound). The Kiaraboos
enjoying bargaining and haggling over trinkets and
ornaments, and are led by their shaman Alkandi, who
bears a ceremonial staff decorated with silver filigree and
magnificent bird plumes.

The Usai Tribe lives among the jungles of Bone Island, and
are ruled by the wise Queen Zyteea. They hunt gazelle
and grow tropical Nauk Fruits (each one equivalent to one
Provision), when not battling against the Voodoo Priests
of the dark god Quezkari. The Usai are a warlike race and
they have developed a weapon known as the Bolarang.
This is a wooden cross with curved, pointed ends which
is hurled at enemies, requiring a Test for Skill to hit, and
causing 2 STAMINA points damage if successful. If
unsuccessful, it will return to the hand of its owner, ready
for another throw. The Usai are suspicious though
honourable Natives, and will often demand that strangers
submit to a warrior test, such as battling a jungle beast or
walking across a log that spans a pool of bubbling mud,
in order to gain acceptance among the tribe.

Native from Stealer of Souls by Keith Martin.

Illustration by Russ Nicholson.
victims and attempts to smother them with limb-like
pseudopods. Faustus was infamous for combining human
NECROTIC JELLY remains with Necrotic Jellies in a bid to imbue them with
sentience, so some may also have disturbingly human
SKILL: 7 faces leering out of their disgusting protoplasm.
ATTACKS: 2 The creature’s pseudopods are covered in acidic slime,
WEAPON: Acid Touch (as per Large Claw) which burns any flesh it comes into contact with. Worse
ARMOUR: None still, the Necrotic Jelly is also riddled with disease, and
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None one successful hit from the creature will infect its victim.
HABITAT: Ruins, Dungeons, Caves, Towns (sewers) This is a fast-acting wasting disease that will cause the loss
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1 of 1 SKILL point every day until the victim is either dead
TYPE: Monster or cured of their affliction by a skilled healer. Although
REACTION: Hostile originally from the principality of Mortvania, Necrotic
INTELLIGENCE: Low Jellies can now be found elsewhere in Mauristatia, and
other parts of the Old World besides. No one knows what
has caused this dread proliferation, for Doktor Faustus
Inspired by the Trickster God Logaan and his magical clay, disappeared years ago and his eventual fate is unknown.
misguided alchemists and wizards have been dabbling
with creating life from oozing slime and muck for Necrotic Jelly from Vault of the Vampire by Keith Martin.
centuries. One of the more notable practitioners was Illustration by Martin McKenna.
Doktor Faustus, a Mortvanian from the Old World whose
foul experiments produced the NECROTIC JELLY. This
seething monstrosity is a sickening greenish-yellow slimy
mess that slithers towards its

then embark on a savage regime of conquest and

NETHERWORLD DEMON slaughter, using whatever resources are at its disposal.
Some say this was the fate that befell the Archmage of
SKILL: 12 Mampang after he dabbled in one too many demon-
STAMINA: 20 summonings, though others claim the Archmage was
ATTACKS: 2 already half-Demon!
WEAPON: Large Claw
ARMOUR: Heavy Should the Netherworld Demon be confronted with the
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll truth of its possession, it will immediately manifest in its
HABITAT: Ruins, Dungeons, Anywhere their summoner is, demonic form and attack. It appears as a tall humanoid
Demonic Plane creature, covered in black hair, with hoofed feet, clawed
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1 hands and a huge bull-like face. Fire and smoke will pour
TYPE: Demon from its nostrils and the reek of brimstone will surround
REACTION: Hostile it. It can only be harmed by magic weapons, and even
INTELLIGENCE: High magic spells will only do a maximum of 4 STAMINA points
damage per spell. In addition, every Attack Round it will
breathe fire at one opponent, hitting automatically for 1-3
Summoning Demons is always an undertaking that is STAMINA damage with armour providing no protection.
fraught with dire peril, particularly if such a summoning
attracts the unwanted attention of a NETHERWORLD Netherworld Demon from The Crown of Kings by Steve
DEMON! These are powerful entities that constantly seek Jackson. Illustration by john Blanche.
to enter the world of Titan, preferably by possessing the
mind and body of a skilled wizard or conjurer. The wizard
will have scant seconds to avoid being possessed (through
a successful Test for Luck), otherwise the beast’s spirit will NIGHTGAUNT
enter their mind, killing them instantly, and taking control
of their memories and lives. The Netherworld Demon will SKILL: 8
WEAPON: Small Claw
HABITAT: Ruins, Dungeons, Anywhere their master is,
Demonic Plane
TYPE: Demon

When an evil sorcerer wants unwavering sentinels to

guard their domain, they use arcane summoning spells to
reach deep into the Demonic realms and bring forth the
entities known as NIGHTGAUNTS. These bizarre
creatures are humanoid in form, with jet-black smooth
skin that glistens like ebony, and are cloaked in hooded
robes. Nightgaunts attack with their taloned hands, but
their most disturbing feature is their blank and featureless
face. Indeed, those fighting Nightgaunts for the first time
should deduct 2 from their Attack Strength due to the
unnerving faceless appearance of these minor demons.
Strangely enough, they have very keen hearing, despite
lacking ears, and can also somehow scream an alarm call
that will summon any of their fellows in the vicinity,
although they have no mouth! Nightgaunts are thus used
as guards in the dungeons and strongholds of those who
summoned them, though not too close to the entrance as
the spells that call them from the Demonic Pit are complex
and energy-draining. They are usually summoned in pairs

search of prey. These creatures are undead, deformed,

one-eyed mutants, appearing as muscular humanoids,
though hunchbacked, with a shaven and oddly lumpy
skull. Their single eye is large, dominating the centre of
their face, and they also have a wide, fang-filled mouth.
Night Horrors are often clad in simple tunics and leggings,
usually made from dark cloth. It is not known if Night
Horrors are the undead remnants of some obscure
civilisation, or a more recent creation of evil priestesses
such as Leesha of Vatos. Some have speculated they must
be undead Cyclops owing to their single eye, though
physically they appear somewhat different to those

The Night Horror is a formidable opponent and is difficult

to defeat with a normal weapon. If its victim wins an
Attack Round, roll one die. On a roll of 1 to 3, the blow
will not have harmed the Night Horror's undead flesh. On
a roll of 4 to 6, the blow will wound it in the normal way.
They can however be slain instantly by ringing a hand-
bell; the creature will try to cover its ears with its deformed
hands, but ultimately scream in silent agony and collapse
dead to the floor. Night Horrors are usually armed with
smashing weapons such as clubs or maces, but
occasionally one will be brandishing a weapon of better
quality. One such example is the Night Horror of the Lost
City of Vatos, who wields a powerful artefact known as
the Silver Rod of Incandescent Doom. This fires a magical
bolt of white light at its victims from a gemstone
imbedded in the rod’s tip. Each bolt causes the loss of 2
STAMINA and 1 SKILL; if the victim’s SKILL is reduced to
zero then its life-force is completely drained away. How
a Night Horror acquired such a powerful weapon is
or small groups, but when slain merely leave behind simply just another mystery to be added to the many that
tattered scraps of shadow that quickly fade from view. surround the existence of these strange undead beings.

Nightgaunt from Tower of Destruction by Keith Martin. Night Horror from Temple of Terror by Ian Livingstone.
Illustration by Pete Knifton. Illustration by Bill Houston.

WEAPON: Club or Mace
ARMOUR: Leather Cuirass
HABITAT: Dungeons, Ruins
TYPE: Undead

When the sun sets outside the forgotten ruins of lost cities
deep within the Desert of Skulls, the NIGHT HORRORS
emerge from their lairs to stalk the dusty corridors in

WEAPON: Sabre (as per Sword), Spear, or Short Bow
ARMOUR: Leather Cuirass and/or Small Shield
HABITAT: Deserts, Plains, Wilderness
TYPE: Humanoid

Now gather round the fire

And shut out winter’s might,
For I will tell of Halfhand
Founding father of our land
When we rode right through the night.
- Riding with Halfhand, opening verse of an ancient folk-song

Some historians say that all NOMADS are descended from

the Halfhand brothers, those legendary chieftains who cut
a bloody swathe through the steppes and plains of
Irritaria, the First Continent. When Irritaria was torn
asunder into Allansia, Khul and the Old World, the
Nomads settled widely among the flatlands and the
deserts, their lifestyle unchanging and ever-wandering.
They are famous for their riding ability, whether their
steeds be camels or horses, and are experts at performing
all kinds of tasks while on the move, from shooting arrows
to patching tents. Nomads are usually armed with spears,
curved sabres, and short bows, using lacquered leather In Khul, Desert Nomads are found scattered throughout
armour for protection along with small shields. They may the interior of the continent and vary considerably in their
be encountered as bands of one to six hunters or scouts, outlook and deportment. Those from the northern
or more rarely, a settlement of tents and tethered riding Deadlands are hospitable to strangers, and style
animals with four to twenty four warriors (both male and themselves as Warrior-Savants, following the way of the
female) and the same number of non-combatants, Sun God Hazdur. In the Scythera Desert, the Nomads
including the elderly, children and slaves. Aside from this wage war against Lizard Men and Goblins, and are
however, they vary greatly depending on their chosen initiates of the Death-God Krsh, so-named for the sound
homeland. of a man’s dying breath. Further west, around the shores
of Lake Mlubz and the ruins of Zagoula, the Nomads are
Desert Nomads ride both camels and horses, and are known as Southern Swordsmen, and are a villainous
found in arid, barren wastes. In Allansia this means the rabble of bandits and mercenaries, riding both ponies and
Desert of Skulls, where the Nomads eke out a living by camels in search of merchant convoys to raid. Lastly, in
roaming the desert’s fringe and trading camel-hides and the Twin Sun Desert between the foothills of the
more precious goods with towns like Shazâar. They wear Mountains of the Giants and the Wastes of Chaos, are
yellow or white robes and follow holy men known as sufi, Nomads who wear dark robes and tattoo themselves with
who worship the Sand God Assamarra. Nomads from the the mark of the Twin Suns. They also ride camels and use
Desert of Skulls are famous for hunting Giant Sandworms a type of Giant Centipede called a Sandcrawler as a beast
by camel-back, using barbed harpoons to slay the of burden. These Nomads have also been known to use
gargantuan beasts. A dead Sandworm will prove a great nets and blowpipes as weapons to capture slaves and
boon to the Nomads, for the meat is edible, the thick skin waylay strangers. Their holy men are called Dervishes,
is used to craft sturdy tents, and the teeth make excellent and guard hidden shrines in the rocky wastes of this
ivory daggers. poorly known region.

Unlike Desert Nomads, Flatland Nomads are more similar pointed scales, which rise up hackles when they get angry.
in their traditions and inhabit grassy steppes on all three A pair of them are typically chained to the wall of a
continents. They worship Hunnynhaa the Stallion God, guard-cave where they let Dark Elves enter, but attack all
as well as a pantheon of lesser deities, not all of them other visitors. Obligaths are also skilled at disarming
benign, and each clan will have a shaman to interpret enemies, using their metal-like fangs to catch and destroy
omens, divine fortunes and intercede with spirits on their opponent’s weaponry. At the start of a combat, the
behalf of the tribe. In the Old World, these Nomads inhabit Obligaths’ foe must Test for Skill, and if unsuccessful then
the great central plains of Lendleland, and are lead by the creatures have snatched and destroyed their weapon
Battle-Khans who are more interested in raiding (although this only applies to non-magical weapons)!
Femphrey and Analand than paying tribute to the They do have some weaknesses however, such as a
Lendleland king. In Allansia, they are not even this fondness for the meat and bones of Orcs, which they will
organised, and instead form small warring clans devour hungrily. Experimentation by Wood Elf scouts has
wandering the eternal Flatlands from the Moonstone Hills also found that they are enfeebled by the herb Quagwart,
to the Sea of Pearls, and south to the Plain of Bronze. which will turn them into whimpering wrecks, unable to
Allansian nomads worship at shrines constructed amid perform their guard duty effectively.
the ruined monoliths and stone-circles of earlier
civilizations, and use rods of copper and bronze as a form Obligath from Siege of Sardath by Keith Phillips.
of trade currency. Finally, in Khul, the Flatland Nomads Illustration by Pete Knifton.
reached the pinnacle of nation-building by founding the
immense Empire of Kabesh, which stretched across the
continent from Ashkyos to Tak, until, under Khan
Gyorgir, it was torn apart in the Great War against Evil.
Now the Flatland Nomads are confined to more marginal
lands: the tiny kingdom of Kazan, the patches of steppes
near Lagash, and the grassy and aptly named

Nomad from Temple of Terror by Ian Livingstone.

Illustration by Bill Houston.

WEAPON: Large Bite
ARMOUR: Medium
HABITAT: Dungeons, Caves
TYPE: Monster
REACTION: Unfriendly

Deep underground in their subterranean cities and

settlements, the Dark Elves must guard against the threat
of attack from other races such as Brain Slayers or Skorn.
To prevent this, one of their major clans, the Clan
Camcarneyar, have created the OBLIGATHS, great dog-
like monsters that guard the tunnels and entrances to
Tirunduil Kelthas and other places besides. Malbordus
the Storm Child was even known to have kept a pack of
them as pets, hypnotized by his innate sorcerous power.
Obligaths are savage beasts, bigger than a wolf, with
powerful limbs, razor-sharp metallic teeth, and shiny

During the Godtime, Hydana the Sea God kidnapped

OGRE many races to populate his undersea realm, and these in
time developed into far more different creatures than their
Half-Ogre Sea Ogre land-bound relatives. One of the rarest of these is the
SKILL: 8 7 dreaded SEA OGRE; a brawny humanoid up to four
STAMINA: 9 11 metres tall, with scaly skin, a finned and bulging-eyed
ATTACKS: 2 head and huge webbed hands that it uses for grabbing
WEAPON: and dismembering its enemies. Sea Ogres subsist on a diet
Half-Ogre: Club, Mace, Morning Star or Warhammer of fish, and whatever else they can catch, with Sea Elves
Sea Ogre: Unarmed (Large) being a particularly favoured delicacy. They are simple,
ARMOUR: slow-witted beings, who are easily provoked into a
Half-Ogre: Leather Cuirass murderous rage, and they dwell alone in dark undersea
Sea Ogre: Medium caverns, or among the submerged rocks and boulders of
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll wreck-laden reefs. Occasionally, a Sea Ogre will attain a
HABITAT: degree of infamy due to its marauding raids on coastal
Half-Ogre: Dungeons, Caves, Ruins, Towns settlements: the ill-starred adventurer Jamut Mantrapper
Sea Ogre: Sea/Sea-shore slew such a creature who was menacing the harbour of
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: Port Blacksand, while another Sea Ogre of equally
Half-Ogre: 1-3 fearsome repute is rumoured to dwell within the sunken
Sea Ogre: 1-2 ruins of Atlantis.
TYPE: Humanoid
REACTION: Hostile Half-Ogre from Master of Chaos by Keith Martin.
INTELLIGENCE: Average-High Illustration by David Gallagher.

OGRES are the true Children of Chaos, a warped and

twisted race of large, brutally violent humanoids related
to Orcs, Trolls, and their ilk. They are either found living
solitary lives well away from civilization, or in the retinue
of some evil army. Other types of Ogres exist however,
such as the two presented below. With both of these new
Ogre races, there is a 1 in 6 chance that one of them may
be a champion, with an extra 5 STAMINA points due to their
savagery and experience.

Similar to Man-Orcs, HALF-OGRES are a shunned race

of hybrid creatures; part Ogre and (usually) part human.
Their bestial misshapen appearance, with greenish-brown
skin and bulky muscular limbs covered in wiry tufts of
black hair, often spells their exile from most human
settlements, except for lawless borderland cities, such as
Kharé or Ashkyos. Here they will be found working as
gladiators, mercenaries, and torturers, and armed with a
variety of club-like weapons including great studded
maces and claw-toothed warhammers. Some Half-Ogre
torturers also favour using the whip, preferred weapon
of one of their Ogre heroes: Naggamanteh, Master
Torturer to the Archmage of Mampang. Incidentally, the
rules for using a whip are: roll one die at the start of each
Attack Round. A roll of 1 means the Half-Ogre has snared
their opponent with the whip, and the victim must deduct
3 SKILL points for the next three Attack Rounds while they
fight themselves free. Following in Naggamanteh’s
legendary footsteps was Mehrabian the Torturer, a Half-
Ogre who dwelled within the Iron Crypts on the Isle of
Despair, until, rumour has it, he was dispatched by a Fire
Globe Spell cast by one of his prisoners, the wizard
ORC 99

is sleek and serpent-like, crested with two curved horns,

OPHIDIOTAUR and a long prehensile tongue darts in and out from a
fang-filled mouth. The Ophidiotaur also has a scaly,
SKILL: 9 snake-like tail that terminates in a spiky ball covered in
STAMINA: 8 poisonous stings.
WEAPON: Large Bite and Tail (see below) In combat the Ophidiotaur will bite its opponent and also
ARMOUR: Heavy lash out with its tail weapon. Each time the creature rolls
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None a double for its Attack Strength, its tail will sting its victim
HABITAT: Forests, Jungles for 2 STAMINA points of damage (irrespective of whether
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-2 the Ophidiotaur wins or loses that Attack Round). The
TYPE: Monster creature’s opponent may choose to Test for Luck to avoid
REACTION: Neutral the stinging tail if they are Lucky. Ophidiotaurs are highly
INTELLIGENCE: Average valued by both Wood and Jungle Elves as steeds and
hunting companions, and any settlement of these Elves
will usually have one or two of these creatures in
attendance. Possibly the most famous Ophidiotaur of
recent times was that owned by Daga Weaseltongue of
Stittle Woad, who was of course manipulated by the
necromancer Zharradan Marr into stealing the magical
Elven Vapours. Daga and his Ophidiotaur managed to
survive the subsequent tumultuous events, and can still
be seen today, hunting in the vicinity of Knot Oak Wood
in central Allansia.

Ophidiotaur from Creature of Havoc by Steve Jackson.

Illustration by Alan Langford.

Blood Orc Pygmy Orc Swamp Orc
SKILL: 7 7 6
STAMINA: 7 5 7
Blood Orc – Sword, Long Bow, Small Bite
Pygmy Orc – Short Sword, Mace, Dagger or Blowpipe
(see below)
Swamp Orc – Long Bow, Sword, Trident (as per Spear)
ARMOUR: Leather Cuirass and/or Small Shield
Blood Orc – Dungeons, Ruins, Caves
Pygmy Orc – Dungeons, Ruins, Towns, Plains, Hills
Swamp Orc – Marshes, Caves
The OPHIDIOTAUR is one of those mysterious creatures NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-6
for which many origins are claimed. The Wood Elves say TYPE: Humanoid
the Ophidiotaur was created by Istarel, God of Forest REACTION: Hostile
Creatures, and was found throughout the One Forest INTELLIGENCE: Average
during Irritarian times. The Jungle Elves however
maintain they originally found the creatures in the
southern jungles and tamed them, after which they were Along with Goblins, ORCS are probably the most
traded to Wood Elves elsewhere. One reason for this rare numerous of all the races that comprise the Children of
discord among the Elven races is the Ophidiotaur’s Hashak, and are found in every conceivable corner of
undeniably spectacular appearance. It is a tall creature, Titan. For the most part, Orcs vary little in appearance,
the size of a horse, armoured with thick scales, and save whatever mutations the warping powers of Chaos
standing on four legs that end in cloven hooves. The head might throw up. Occasionally however, some mutated or
100 ORC

crudely spawned Orcs stabilize into entirely new races of are a race that has been specially bred for burglary and
creatures, and three of these are presented here. assassination. Those engaged in clandestine missions will
be well equipped with ropes, grappling hooks, daggers
The BLOOD ORCS of Trolltooth Pass, and elsewhere in and blowpipes. The latter use poisoned darts, which are
north-western Allansia, were first formed by the tipped with a fast-acting poison that kills instantly if it hits
necromancer Zharradan Marr, and his dabbling in the (and requires a Test for Luck roll to avoid). The leader of a
forbidden art of marrangha, or creature creation. They are band of Pygmy Orc assassins is experienced and powerful,
slightly smaller than normal Orcs, but more powerfully with SKILL 7 STAMINA 10. Other Pygmy Orcs are often
built, and their heads are topped by two curved horns, employed as soldiers, for they can be tough to defeat, and
while a row of spikes runs down their backs. Blood Orcs wield short swords and maces in combat. They are found
have gnarled, pug-nosed faces, with powerful jaws full of mainly in north-eastern Khul, from Ashkyos to Corda,
vicious teeth. Indeed, their name comes from the fact that sometimes as members of the local thieves’ guilds, but
even when unarmed, they will simply attack their enemies more normally in the employ of evil masters such as
by biting them repeatedly with their savage fangs. More Morgana of Krill Garnash or Arachnos the Life-Stealer.
usually, they will wield swords and longbows in combat.
During the Trolltooth Wars, Zharradan Marr used them There is a breed of Orc that lives only in dank, gloomy
as foot-soldiers in units alongside monsters such as Manic places; by underground pools, or in tracts of fly-blown
Beasts and Devourers, for they are apparently even wetlands. Known as SWAMP ORCS, or Marsh Orcs, they
stupider than average Orcs. Having said that, Blood Orcs dwell in crude settlements of dilapidated huts on stilts
did play a prominent role in attacking the great flying ship that perch precariously above the muck and mire. Swamp
Galleykeep, while armed with bows and mounted on Tooki Orcs are gaunt, brown-skinned humanoids, clad in ragged
War Griffins, so their battle-capabilities are excellent. Their hides and armed with swords, tridents, and their favourite
tribal connections are not as strong as regular Orcs, and weapon: a longbow and a quiver full of dark-feathered
as a result Blood Orcs these days are often found in small arrows. They eat mainly fish and swamp fungus (such as
groups, working as mercenaries for whoever will hire Red-Spotted Toadstools), and they consider poisonous
them. snakes a delicacy. Swamp Orcs can be found in suitable
habitat across Titan, from the Swamplands of Silur Cha,
Similar to normal Orcs in general appearance, PYGMY where they serve in the armies of the Lizard Man Empire,
ORCS are much smaller in size, shorter even than Goblins! to the beast-haunted Scorpion Swamp, where the
What they lack in physical strength however, they more depredations of the local Swamp Orc tribes have gathered
than make up for in dexterity and skill, for Pygmy Orcs them much infamy. More often than not however, their
villages will be tucked away in some quiet corner of the
bog-lands, eking out an existence far-removed from the
greater troubles of the world at large.

Marsh Orc from Deathmoor by Robin Waterfield.

Illustration by Russ Nicholson.

Black Panther Forest Panther
SKILL: 9 6
WEAPON: Large Claw or Large Bite
Black Panther – Jungles
Forest Panther – Forests, Hills, Jungles
Black Panther – 1
Forest Panther – 1-3
TYPE: Animal
REACTION: Unfriendly

PANTHERS are large carnivorous cats related to jaguars and a Forest Panther approaches, your only choice is
and leopards. Unlike the spotted pelts of their relatives between hacking off your own leg to escape, or, flailing
however, panthers have a uniform coat colour, whose hue about with your weapon in the hope of driving the
depends on which species they belong to. Two different creature away. Confusing the matter is the fact that hyenas
types of Panthers are presented below. are known to imitate the snuffling roar of the Forest
Panther, so one should always try to confirm the true
The BLACK PANTHER of southern Allansia is a identity of an approaching beast before commencing
formidable creature, as befits a beast thought to be an impromptu amputation!
ancestor of the equally feared Black Lion. Unlike that great
cat however, the Black Panther dwells exclusively within Panther from Daggers of Darkness by Luke Sharp.
the jungles that border the Gulf of Shamuz, from Arantis Illustration by Martin McKenna.
to Silur Cha. Here, its night-black fur gives it excellent
camouflage as it hunts forest deer and antelope in the
shadows of the great trees that are its home. They are also
venerated by the Panther Warriors of the Nightshriek
Jungle who consider them incarnations of Sku-Rachi the
Panther God, and whose priests are rumoured to be SKILL: 5
Werepanthers (with SKILL 10 STAMINA 10 in panther form). STAMINA: 6
The FOREST PANTHER is found across southern Khul, WEAPON: Dagger
from Kazan, where both it and the Fangtigers are the ARMOUR: Pantherskin (as per Leather Cuirass)
symbols of the city of Yigenik, to Hachiman, where it is DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
known as the shako-gurubi. Forest Panthers are smaller HABITAT: Jungles
than Black Panthers, and even Jaguars, and are often NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-6 or 3-18
found hunting in pairs. Their pelts can be black, but also TYPE: Humanoid
ash-grey and deep brown in colour. The mysterious beings REACTION: Unfriendly
known as the Necromancers of Kazan are known to INTELLIGENCE: High
transform into Forest Panthers at times, though their
abilities will be several points higher than the combat The jungles of southern Allansia are a dangerous place,
scores given above. One ancient Hachiman legend holds and the humans who dwell there have had to adapt
that if you find yourself snared by a trap in the woods, themselves in many strange ways. Headhunters, for
example, have become brutal war-like cannibals, while
Pygmies hide themselves away and use blowpipes and
poisoned darts to defend their villages. Then there are the
PANTHER WARRIORS from the Nightshriek Jungle who
have taken to the trees for safety, and in imitation of their
totem animal, the Black Panther. High in the canopy are
their tribal settlements of around three to eighteen people,
living in leaf-roofed huts connected by rope bridges and
swinging vines. Small hunting bands of one to six Panther
Warriors will swing down from the treetops and attack
suitable prey, brandishing daggers curved like tiger claws
and wearing panther-skins as primitive armour.

They worship Sku-Rachi the Panther God, and each

settlement will be led by a warrior-priest, with SKILL 7,
STAMINA 6. There are rumours in fact that the priests of
the Panther Warriors are actually Werepanthers and
capable of shape-changing into the form of a Black
Panther, though this has never been verified. What is
known is that small prides of Black Panthers often lurk
around Panther Warrior settlements, and anyone captured
by the tribe will be immediately fed to the big cats as a
human sacrifice in honour of Sku-Rachi. It is thought that
the Panther Warriors are actually the remnants of a far
more sophisticated civilisation that was once spread across
this region, but successive disasters such as the War of the
Wizards and the steady creep of the Lizard Men Empire
have forced them into their current state of violent

lonely mountain peaks. It is a magnificent creature, larger

than most eagles, with red glowing eyes and a long,
curved beak that utters a harsh, ear-splitting cry. The fine
plumage of the Phoenix is comprised of metallic-looking
feathers that are gold in colour, and its strangest feature
is a halo of yellow flame that plays lightly all over its body
without consuming it. The Phoenix will make an initial
warning attack against those that disturb it, swooping
close and exploding in flame that causes 2 STAMINA points
of damage to its opponent. If this fails to deter its enemies,
it will attack, immolating itself every round which bathes
its victims in flames that cause zero to five STAMINA points
of damage (roll one die and minus 1) per round.

This ability to both tolerate and use fire in such spectacular

fashion has seen the Phoenix worshipped as a symbol of
reincarnation for being both born and consumed by
flames, as well as carrying lost souls back to the lands of
the living. The Healer of the Moonstone Hills, for example,
has taken the Phoenix as his totem symbol, and a stylized
rock carving of the bird marks the entrance to his cave in
the Allansian highlands. Further south, in the ruined city
of Vatos, disciples of Priestess Leesha wear headdresses
in the shape of the Phoenix and venerate tapestries
depicting the fabulous bird rising from the ashes. Across
the sea, in Khul, possession of a sparkling red ruby carved
into the shape of a Phoenix will allow the bearer to extract
one favour from any Phoenix he encounters; the nature of

primitivism. Certainly, ruined stone temples with panther-

like statuary have been discovered within the Nightshriek
Jungle but nothing definitive is known at this time.

Panther Warrior from Battleblade Warrior by Marc

Gascoigne. Illustration by Alan Langford.

WEAPON: Immolation (see below)
HABITAT: Deserts, Jungles, Mountains, Wilderness,
Magical Plane of Fire
TYPE: Bird
REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly

The PHOENIX is a near-mythical bird that hails from the

Magical Plane of Fire but is sometimes found haunting
isolated corners of Titan, such as desert rock-spires or

the task being communicated telepathically by the bird to

the ruby’s owner!

Most interestingly, in the jungles of southern Arantis, the

lore of Pygmy tribesmen mentions a rare creature called
the Yokka Bird, which is almost certainly the Phoenix. In
their language, ‘yokka’ means ‘sun’, and it said that the
birds fly down from the sun to Titan, to lay their eggs
where it is cool. What hatches from the egg resembles a
ball of fire more than a bird, and if the egg is broken, this
fiery hatchling will explode from the egg and shoot up
into the sky; anyone caught in the blast will lose 1-6 points
of STAMINA. To throw a Yokka Egg accurately, one must
roll under their SKILL score on two dice. The eggs are hot
to the touch however, so adventurers may wish to keep
them to stay warm while on expedition in colder climates.
Yokka Eggs can be bought the markets of some southern
cities, such as Rimon, Halak and Kaynlesh-Ma, for 6 Gold
Pieces a pair.

Phoenix from Sword of the Samurai by Mark Smith and jamie

Thompson. Illustration by Alan Langford.

WEAPON: Large Bite and Large Claw
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
HABITAT: Wilderness, Hills, Plains, Forests
TYPE: Bird
REACTION: Hostile SKILL: 0 (see below)
INTELLIGENCE: Low STAMINA: 0 (see below)
The PHORORHACOS is a huge, meat-eating, flightless WEAPON: See below
bird, taller than a man, with a powerful blade-like beak ARMOUR: None
and muscular legs that end in curved talons. Atop its head DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
is a feathery crest, while its tiny wings are used only for HABITAT: Hills, Wilderness, Plains
balance as the great bird chases down its prey such as deer NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1 meadow
and small antelope. It is found primarily in the more TYPE: Plant
isolated parts of Khul, such as the foothills of the REACTION: Friendly (see below)
Mountains of the Giants and the marginal steppes that INTELLIGENCE: None
form the Battlegrounds near Corda. It is said that the
Amazons of northern Khul raise the Phororhacos from
hatchlings to become formidable battle-steeds, and the Thought to be related to other strange grasses, such as
giant birds are certainly intelligent enough to understand Tangleweed and Crab Grass, PILFER GRASS is not as
simple commands. Consequently, the egg of a dangerous as these but it is no less troublesome. It is a
Phororhacos will usually fetch no less than one hundred long-leafed waist-high grass that grows abundantly in
Gold Pieces in any large market. Acquiring such an egg large meadows in desolate places such as the Shamutanti
is another matter entirely, for the Phororhacos will defend Hills, and it gets its name for the unfortunate habit of
its nest to the death using its axe-like beak and cruel claws! stealing items from passing travellers using the tops of its
leaves. These bend themselves towards a prospective
Phororhacos from Portal of Evil by Peter Darvill-Evans. victim, wrapping around bags, boots, and belts, in an
Illustration by Alan Langford. attempt to pickpocket Gold Pieces, items, or Provisions.

Sometimes in the frozen northern wastes of Allansia, the

rumbling noises that precede an avalanche are no
avalanche at all but the rapid tunnelling of the much-
feared POLAR WORM! Also known as the Ice Worm, this
monstrous grey-furred creature grows up to ten metres
long, though it is not as broadly obese as its southern
relatives such as the Mudgrinder or the Giant Sandworm.
Despite being almost entirely blind, Polar Worms are
active and aggressive predators using their sense of smell
to sniff out prey that range in size from snow-rabbits to
mountain ponies. These they devour with their enormous
jaws studded with rows of sabre-like teeth. The voracious
appetite of the Polar Worm means they often swallow
anything that takes their fancy, and this includes treasure.
Anyone wishing to retrieve such a potential bounty
however, must take some time cutting up the beast’s
corpse, which causes 2 STAMINA points of damage due to
exposure to the beast’s strong stomach acids.

Polar Worm from Tower of Destruction by Keith Martin.

Illustration by Pete Knifton.

Why it should do this remains a mystery, though some

sages speculate the grass was created by an exceptionally
avaricious herbalist as a defence against thieves.
Wayfarers forced to navigate a meadow of Pilfer Grass
are advised to stick to known paths, where they may lose
just one item, as opposed to forging their own way
through the Pilfer Grass which could result in two to seven
items being filched and lost forever. For some reason,
Pilfer Grass tends to prefer purloining items and artefacts,
choosing to steal Gold Pieces and Provisions only if there
is no alternative.

Pilfer Grass from The Shamutanti Hills by Steve Jackson.

Illustration by John Blanche.

WEAPON: Very Large Bite
ARMOUR: Medium
HABITAT: Ice, Mountains
TYPE: Monster

or, the creature was magically created by a demented

POOL BEAST sorcerer who spawned Pool Beasts by dropping violet
jewels into vats of living slime. In any case, the jewel is
SKILL: 8 worth fifty Gold Pieces to those who could slay the
STAMINA: 10 creature and cut the jewel from its forehead. This is easier
ATTACKS: 3 said than done however, as Pool Beasts are immune to
WEAPON: Tentacles (as per Large Claw) and Large Bite much magic, including Fire and Fear Spells, so a sharp
ARMOUR: Light weapon and strong sword arm are probably the best tools
HABITAT: Marshes
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1 Pool Beast from Scorpion Swamp by Steve Jackson.
TYPE: Monster Illustration by Duncan Smith.

One of the weirder creatures that lurk in the dark heart of PROWLER
a foetid swamp is the dreaded POOL BEAST. Essentially,
it is a rubbery brown pyramid-shaped lump of flesh, SKILL: 8
adorned with twitching tentacles, and surmounted by a STAMINA: 7
vaguely toad-like head with two glaring yellow eyes. The ATTACKS: 1
Pool Beast usually submerges itself beneath the muck and WEAPON: Small Claw
slime, erupting forth to attack its prey with jaws full of ARMOUR: None
curved fangs, and two larger tentacles that end in clawed DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
pincers. Possibly the strangest aspect to the creature HABITAT: Caves, Dungeons, Forests, Ruins
however, is the great Violet Jewel embedded in the centre NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-6
of its forehead. There have been countless arguments TYPE: Humanoid
between scholars as to why this is so; the two most REACTION: Hostile
popular theories are that the jewel is a natural feature of INTELLIGENCE: Average
the Pool Beast in the same way an oyster grows a pearl,

In their constant quest to create the ultimate beast of war,

the generals of Evil and Chaos experiment with many
strange mutants and hybrids. A recent example, first
encountered by the Wood Elves of Affen Forest, in a series
of ruined underground breeding pits thought to belong
to the Demon Prince Ishtra, is the savage PROWLER. They
have been crossbred from a mix of creatures, with wolf-
like faces and sleek grey fur, narrow wasp-like waists and
tapering abdomens, and the two-legged upright stance of
some sort of humanoid. Furthermore, their young are
maggot-like larvae that undergo metamorphosis through
a pupae stage to become adult Prowlers. Most of these
creatures were believed destroyed when Ishtra was
banished back to the Demonic Plane, but it is thought
some may have escaped from the caverns containing their
breeding-pens. Now, small groups of them lurk in the
dark places of north-eastern Khul, looking after their
young and slowly growing in number until they may rise
up in rebellion and conquer the small settlements and
trading posts that are found in these rural backwaters.

Prowler from Phantoms of Fear by Robin Waterfield.

Illustration by Jason Lenox.

WEAPON: Sucking Mouth (see below) choking and wheezing asthmatically, reducing its SKILL
ARMOUR: Light by 2 and its STAMINA by 6.
HABITAT: Ruins, Dungeons, Caves Quagrant from Slaves of the Abyss by Paul Mason and Steve
TYPE: Monster Illustration by Bob Harvey.

Bred by only the most loathsome and warped sorcerers, RAD-HULK

particularly those that lurk near the city-states of the
Glimmering Sea, or the eastern land of Shabak, the SKILL: 10
QUAGRANT is a dungeon-dwelling horror used to STAMINA: 6
devour troublesome prisoners. It resembles a bulky, ATTACKS: 1
shifting mass of mottled grey flesh, with a single giant WEAPON: Unarmed (Large) or Rock (as per Improvised
luminous eye, and a gaping black maw from which come Weapon)
ghastly sucking noises. Usually it will dwell in a deep pit ARMOUR: Light
or forgotten section of catacombs, shrieking and gurgling DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
to itself and consuming whatever sustenance comes its HABITAT: Caves, Dungeons, Ruins
way. The Quagrant attacks by sucking its victims into its NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-3
mouth, and then stripping their flesh off. Anyone fighting TYPE: Magical Creature
a Quagrant will be sucked into the creature’s maw as soon REACTION: Hostile
as they lose their first Attack Round. From then on they INTELLIGENCE: Low
will lose 2 points of STAMINA per round, even if they win
the Attack Round, as their flesh is literally sucked straight
off their bones. It is possible to turn the monster’s suction One of the more peculiar magical guardians deployed by
weapon against it however, by blowing a quantity of dust evil sorcerers are the sullen humanoids known as RAD-
or other irritant into the Quagrant’s mouth. This will cause HULKS. They are bulky, muscular creatures with sallow,
it to collapse backwards with a convulsive shudder, hairless skin that bulges with pulsating red veins.

Common Giant
SKILL: 4 7
Common Raven – Small Bite
Giant Raven – Large Bite
Common Raven – -2 to Damage Roll
Giant Raven – None
HABITAT: Plains, Hills, Forests, Wilderness
Common Raven – 1-6
Giant Raven – 1-3
TYPE: Bird
REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly

Ravens are large, black-feathered birds, related to crows

and jackdaws but with thick heavy beaks that are blade-
like in shape. The COMMON RAVEN is found across
Titan, in small flocks, or, to use the technical term ‘An
Unkindness of Ravens’. They will attack as a group to
defend a food source such as a rotting carcass, so for every

Although blind, Rad-Hulks can sense their prey by body-

heat alone, and are even capable of using this awareness
to hurl rocks at their opponents. They will typically be
placed in a distant cave or dark chamber, in the vicinity
of an enchanted metal box. Any foolish adventurer who
opens the box will bathe the room in brilliant white light,
instantly awakening its Rad-Hulk guardians and
providing them with enough energy to remain active for
an hour or more. Closing the box will have no effect, other
then ensuring the Rad-Hulks will fight their unfortunate
opponent in semi-darkness (and who will have to deduct
2 from their Attack Strength while battling the creatures).
They are not strictly alive therefore, relying instead on the
magical light to keep them charged, and thus represent a
sort of limited-use Flesh Golem, guarding a far corner of
the dungeon from intruders.

Rad-Hulk from Crypt of the Sorcerer by Ian Livingstone.

Illustration by John Sibbick.

extra Raven add 1 SKILL 2 STAMINA and 1 ATTACK to the

scores listed above. They are considered birds of ill-omen,
particularly at funerals where superstition holds that they
will fly away with the soul of the dead person, denying it
its final resting place. Conversely, they are also admired
for their imposing appearance and obsidian-coloured beak
and claws, and many a knight or warlord, such as Lord
Varen of Ruddlestone, has used the Raven as a symbol on
their shield or armour. They are also used as familiars by
witches and hedge-wizards, where their intelligence and
flying ability make them especially useful.

GIANT RAVENS are huge birds, with wingspans up to

two metres, and found on the plains of Lendleland and
Analand, as well as the foothills of Mauristatia. Here they
can be seen soaring through the sky, searching out carrion
or other food to feast upon. Giant Ravens are dangerous
and wily enemies, always attempting to strike an
opponent’s face and peck out their eyes. If a victim is
wounded at least once by the bird in combat they must
Test for Skill. If they are unsuccessful, the Giant Raven has
pecked out one of their eyes and they must immediately
lose 2 SKILL points; this also inflicts the Curse of the Raven
(see Heroes Companion, p. 74). They are intelligent birds
and can be trained relatively easily, so for this reason the
eggs and young of Giant Ravens will sell for fifty to one
hundred Gold Pieces in the market-place of any large city.

Giant Raven from Vault of the Vampire by Keith Martin.

Illustration by Martin McKenna.

REPLICANTH taken to the Production Room beneath the Reaver’s Roost

in order to create more Replicanths!
STAMINA: 4 This is because the Riddling Reaver has developed a
ATTACKS: 1 process for coating skeletons in a jelly-like substance to
WEAPON: Unarmed (Human) or Club make them easier to animate. The process is quite simple.
ARMOUR: None First, a skeleton is assembled from a variety of bones, with
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None a sticky paste being used to fuse the bones together. Then
HABITAT: Ruins, Dungeons, Mountains, Jungles the skeleton is hung from a hook connected to a pulley
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 2-12 apparatus and dipped into three vats containing different
TYPE: Humanoid kinds of jelly-like goo until the Replicanth is finished. At
REACTION: Hostile its peak, the Production Room is believed capable of
INTELLIGENCE: Average producing a finished Replicanth every five minutes!
Obviously, the Production Room cannot operate at this
level for any considerable length of time (particularly as
REPLICANTHS are the servants of the Riddling Reaver, it requires a constant supply of bones), but it has produced
the whimsical follower of the Trickster Gods, who dwells enough Replicanths currently scouring the borders of
somewhere in the jungle highlands near Arantis. They Arantis to make concerned sages and adventurers wonder
resemble a skeleton encased in jelly, and come in a variety what fresh conspiracy the Riddling Reaver could be
of shapes, sizes, and colours. Replicanths are not especially dreaming up this time!
intelligent creatures, nor capable of much communication.
Their main job is to scour the jungles and mountains Replicanth from The Riddling Reaver by Paul Mason and
surrounding the Reaver’s Roost (as the Riddling Reaver’s Steve Williams.
lair is known) in scavenging parties of two to twelve Illustration by Brian Williams.
individuals, equipped with clubs, sacks and torches. These
scavengers are looking for loot and also bones, which are
ROC 109

The biggest bird to ever fly across the skies of Titan is the
ROC gargantuan ROC, an immense eagle-like raptor, with a
wingspan of at least six metres and often up to ten metres
Adult Young or more. It is a powerful and extremely fast flyer, so much
SKILL: 10 4 so that ‘with two shakes of a Roc’s tail’ has become a
STAMINA: 13 6 common expression to denote something done at high
ATTACKS: speed. Rocs feed on anything from elephants to giant
Adult Roc – 3 snakes, blotting out the sun while they soar overhead,
Young Roc – 1 with wing-beats that sound like the flapping of a hundred
WEAPON: and one ships’ canvas sails. Then they dive to the attack,
Adult Roc – Very Large Bite and Very Large Claw their wings creating gusts of wind that all but knock their
Young Roc – Large Bite victims off their feet. Anyone attacking a Roc in combat
ARMOUR: None must deduct 1 from their Attack Strength because of this.
DAMAGE MODIFIER: Should the Roc win two Attack Rounds in succession
Adult Roc – Double Damage against the same enemy, it will carry them off in its talons.
Young Roc – None
HABITAT: Mountains, Sea, Desert, Wilderness, Plains If the Roc is a male (1 in 2 chance), this will be towards a
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: distant crag where the victim will be dismembered and
Adult Roc – 1 eaten. If however, the bird is female, the victim will be
Young Roc – 1-3 (in nest) taken to the creature’s nest. This will be an enormous affair
TYPE: Bird constructed from tree trunks and boulders and containing
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile one to three man-sized eggs (1 in 2 chance), or else young
INTELLIGENCE: Average chicks, which will attack, along with the mother bird,
given the scores above. Assuming the victim survives,
there will be bountiful treasure present for Rocs are avid
collects of bright and shiny trinkets. Roll twice on the
Humanoid chart in the Treasure section to simulate this.
Roc eggs and their young are also worth a fortune in the
markets of large cities; assume a price of not less than two
hundred gold pieces per egg or chick for anyone seller
courageous enough to capture such a prize and transport
it back to civilized lands.

Owing to their size, Rocs have extremely large hunting

territories and will make their lair atop a mountain peak
or lonely island, from which they will patrol the
surrounding terrain. As a result they have been found
across Titan from the humid lands of southern Allansia to
the isolated rocky spires of the Old World, to the baking
plains of Khul. They have been found guarding the Valley
of Diamonds in the Twin Sun Desert, and there is even a
mountainous island in the Inland Sea named the Roc after
the great birds that live there. More curious still are the
clans of Air Brigands from the Northern Wastes, near the
Kingdom of Peleus. Each clan, identified from the colour
of their flags (such as the Black Flags, Red Flags, Yellow
Flags and so on), wars with each other from atop the backs
of Rocs, and each Roc holds at least six Air Brigands
(comprising a pilot, a captain, and four crew members).
Roc-riding Air Brigands are armed with swords and
crossbows, wear cloaks and skull-caps dyed the colour of
their clan, and are not averse to attacking travellers as well
as their enemy clans.

Roc from Talisman of Death by Jamie Thompson and Mark

Illustration by Bob Harvey.

applying enormous pressure their opponent’s ribcage.

ROCK MAN Each Attack Round from then on, the victim will lose 1
SKILL and 2 STAMINA points as their ribs crack one by one,
SKILL: 10 until they are dead, or their companions (assuming they
STAMINA: 6 have any!) have slain the Rock Man. This is easier than it
ATTACKS: 1 sounds unfortunately, for the creature’s one vulnerable
WEAPON: Fists (as per Mace) point – a small section of its otherwise rock-like stomach
ARMOUR: Heavy (see below) – is covered by the wounded unfortunate it is currently
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None bear-hugging! Instead, its only other weakness is being
HABITAT: Hills, Plains, Mountains, Forests struck on the back by a Mace or Warhammer, which will
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-3 do normal damage each Attack Round until either the
TYPE: Humanoid Rock Man or its victim is dead. Rock Men were thought
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile to be solely the servants of Agglax as he raised an army
INTELLIGENCE: Low to attack Zengis, but recent reports indicate some have
escaped their servitude and now lurk in the Flatlands,
appearing as immobile man-like statues standing
motionless upon the steppes, at least until a curious
traveller gets within grasping distance of their gnarled

Rock Man from Armies of Death by Ian Livingstone.

Illustration by Nik Williams.

ATTACKS: 1 per head
WEAPON: Large Bite (see below)
HABITAT: Towns, Hills, Forests
TYPE: Undead
REACTION: Friendly or Hostile (see below)

Picture a small village in Hachiman at dusk. A weary

traveller has arrived, and is talking with the elders of the
hamlet, who sit by the village well. As the sun slips below
the horizon, the elders’ talk becomes more and more
meaningless, and then their jaws start chattering
uncontrollably, rattling teeth together in a hideous
clacking cacophony. As the traveller steps back in alarm,
the heads of the elders fly cleanly off their shoulders, and,
Evil sorcerers are constantly striving to create the perfect jaws snapping viciously together, swarm all over the
servant from the very rocks and stones of Titan. Boulder unfortunate traveller, tearing them apart and making
Beasts however have proved to be too stupid, and Earth them yet another victim of the fearsome ROKURO-KUBI!
Demons are too uncontrollable. A recent success though,
by Agglax the Shadow Demon, working from ancient texts These hideous undead creatures are found in outlying
originating in the fallen city of Gar-Goldoran, has been to areas of Hachiman, such as the dales of Kanshuro, and in
create the humanoid ROCK MAN. This creature looks like particular, the Vale of Tinshu. They will either be
a tall, muscular man, but with rough, rock-like skin encountered as small groups of one to six people,
consisting of an interlocking series of grey pebbles and travelling through the countryside, or an entire village of
stones. Rock Men are usually used as guards and sentinels, three to eighteen inhabitants. The attitude of the Rokuru-
battering away at intruders with their gnarled stony fists. Kobi depends on the time of day; in daytime they will be
Should they win an Attack Round they will immediately obsequious and servile, fawning over those they
lock their arms around their victim and begin to squeeze, encounter, until night-time, when they become ravening

The SALTSUCKER is a strange type of land-octopus from

the arid regions of Khul, such as the Scythera Desert and
the wastelands south of Lake Mlubz. In appearance it
resembles a normal octopus, though with seven tentacles
instead of eight, and each of which is about a metre long.
In the wild, Saltsuckers are thought to live symbiotically
with large herbivores such as Gunderwals, grazing
harmlessly on the salts and parasites that accumulate on
the great beasts’ leathery hides. Sometimes however, a
school of Saltsuckers will be drawn to a merchant caravan
or a shepherd and their herd of livestock, and will attempt
to eat the salt off from both human and domestic animal
alike. If the victim remains completely still (which is what
the Gunderwals do), the Saltsucker will consume its fill
and then move on. However, if the victim reacts violently
(which is what camels, mules and horses normally do),
this will spook the Saltsucker which will then attack. Good
caravan-leaders and animal herders thus keep a careful
lookout for the creatures lest they lose their animals to an
infestation of the mineral-loving molluscs.

Any victim entangled by a Saltsucker’s tentacles must

reduce their SKILL by 2 for the duration of the fight. The
Saltsucker will automatically inflict damage every Attack
Round, regardless of who wins the round. For each round
the victim wins, it can inflict damage upon the Saltsucker
as normal; for each round the Saltsucker wins, it winds
another tentacle around the victim, further reducing their
SKILL by 1. As a result of their disposition, Saltsuckers are
often used in tests of courage by humans of the northern

flesh-eating monsters, detaching their flying heads from

their bodies in order to hunt! Each flying head attacks by
biting, and also spitting black gobbets of poison which
hiss and smoke as they spatter against their victim (this is
why the Rokuro-Kubi does Large Bite damage when
attacking). The above scores are for a single flying head;
for each additional head up to six, add one SKILL and two
STAMINA points, as well as an extra ATTACK, so a pack of
six Rokuro-Kubi would be SKILL 12, STAMINA 18, ATTACKS

Rokuro-Kubi from Sword of the Samurai by Mark Smith and

Jamie Thompson. Illustration by Alan Langford.

WEAPON: Small Bite (and see below)
HABITAT: Deserts, Wilderness
TYPE: Mollusc

cities and elsewhere. A group of contestants will be The SAND SNAPPER is a bizarre predator found only in
blindfolded and bound at the ankles, but their sword arm the wastes of the Desert of Skulls in western Allansia. Its
will be kept free. Live Saltsuckers will then be released to origins are obscure, and although it shares its territory
feed off the salt on the victims’ skin. Those that remain with the Caarth, there is very little to suggest that it is one
still the longest are the winners; those that react by tearing of their experimental creations. The Sand Snapper is a
off their blindfolds and reaching for their weapons are the reptilian creature with a lizard-like head and a mouth full
losers. of serrated teeth. Its body is covered in thick brown scales
that are impervious to most weapons, and the tail is long
Saltsucker from Portal of Evil by Pater Darvill-Evans. and often coils snake-like in the sand behind the creature’s
Illustration by Alan Langford. body. It is not known how many or what kind of limbs
the Sand Snapper has, but it does have two long tough
tentacles that shoot out of the main body, by pushing apart
the scales. The tentacles are segmented and end in weird-
SAND SNAPPER looking four-fingered "hands", with each "finger" bearing
three or four sucker-like pads to grip prey with.
SKILL: 7 (each Tentacle)
STAMINA: 7 (each Tentacle) The Sand Snapper will lie waiting beneath the surface of
ATTACKS: 2 a dune for potential prey. When a victim approaches, the
WEAPON: Tentacle (as per Small Claw) Sand Snapper will bite it with its huge mouth, which
ARMOUR: Heavy immediately does 4 STAMINA points and 1 SKILL point of
DAMAGE MODIFIER: -1 to Damage Roll damage. If this fails to subdue the prey, the two tentacles
HABITAT: Deserts will erupt out of the Sand Snapper's body and attempt to
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1 grab the prey and pull it further into the Sand Snapper's
TYPE: Monster mouth. The victim must fight both tentacles at the same
REACTION: Hostile time. If either of the two tentacles wins two consecutive
INTELLIGENCE: Low Attack Rounds, then the victim is immobilised and
dragged into the gaping mouth to be slowly digested. If
however, the victim manages to cut off both the tentacles
(by reducing both tentacles' STAMINA scores to zero), they
have severed the two main nerves of the Sand Snapper,
which causes the hideous maw to fall open, releasing the
victim, who can then Escape. The Sand Snapper will then
burrow deeper into the sand and rest while regenerating
its severed tentacles.

Sand Snapper from Temple of Terror by Ian Livingstone.

Illustration by Bill Houston.

WEAPON: Dagger or Sling
DAMAGE MODIFIER: -1 to Damage Roll
HABITAT: Dungeons, Ruins, Caves
TYPE: Humanoid
REACTION: Friendly-Neutral

SCOUTS are a race of scrawny, nervous humanoids found

lurking in small communities hidden away in a stone-
walled labyrinth or ruined citadel. Thought to be related
to Goblins or Gremlins, with which there is a vague
resemblance, they will usually be charged with gathering

WEAPON: Short Bow or Dagger, and Tail (see below)
ARMOUR: Leather Cuirass
HABITAT: Forests, Jungles
TYPE: Animal/Humanoid

Deep in the forested foothills of the Cloudhigh Mountains

in south-western Khul lurk the SCURRELLORS, a strange
race of woodland creatures rarely seen by other people.
Standing shorter than a man, these furred humanoids
appear to be a cross between a squirrel and a monkey,
with flat, simian faces, tall pointed ears, and a long bushy
tail. Scurrellors typically wear simple leather tunics, dyed
green to provide camouflage, and arm themselves with
broad-bladed hunting knives, short bows, and a sheaf of
arrows in a shoulder quiver. Their most potent weapon
however, is a bizarre electricity-generating organ on the
tip of their tail. In close combat this will crackle with
energy and burn anything it touches: at the end of each
information and rumours by the overlord of the dungeon
that they inhabit, hence their name. Scouts are not
especially war-like and will often run about in a
disorganized mess when threatened by a determined
opponent. However, they do have one secret weapon, and
that is their ability to breathe out a gale-force wind that
will hurl their enemies backwards. This is the equivalent
of a HUF spell (Advanced Fighting Fantasy, p. 85) and while
it does not require a Galehorn, it does require at least two
Scouts to have any effect.

Such an ability leads to inevitable questions about the

origins of the Scouts as a race, and many choose to believe
this power of wind-blowing suggests they have some
affinity with Pangara, God of Winds. However, Scouts
also have a strong culture of trading and gift-giving,
particularly with lone wayfarers or wanderers in trouble,
and others see this as evidence they are connected to
Fulkra, patron deity of travellers. They are happy to swap
jewelled trinkets or gold for gossip and scuttlebutt about
their dungeon and its more fearsome inhabitants, with
those that pass through their chamber or lair. Scouts may
also trade some of their miraculous Food Cubes; these are
made from a type of bread-like cake and restore SKILL and
STAMINA scores to their Initial scores.

Scout from Citadel of Chaos by Steve Jackson.

Illustration by Russ Nicholson.

Attack Round roll one die and if the result is a 6, the tail
has struck the Scurrellor’s opponent, causing 4 STAMINA
points of damage. The unpredictable movements that
these tails make during combat are thus the reason that
Scurrellors usually attack one at a time.

They live in small communities high in the treetops of their

forest homes, in spherical structures made from vines,
creepers and leaves that hang suspended from the tallest
branches. Few have seen these arboreal villages however,
for the Scurrellors are master hunters and keep themselves
well away from the presence of man. They prefer to hunt
game birds, but will take deer or boar as needed. In recent
years unfortunately, as the forests have become crowded
with miners, bandits, and worse, the Scurrellors have now
found themselves to be the hunted.

Scurrellor from Portal of Evil by Peter Darville-Evans.

Illustration by Alan Langford.

Scuttlie Guard Normal Scuttlie
SKILL: 6 5
WEAPON: Spear or Dagger
DAMAGE MODIFIER: -2 to Damage Roll
HABITAT: Hills, Caves, Dungeons
TYPE: Humanoid
REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly

entrance and attempt to retrieve their belongings, they

Thought to be related to Gremlins, or perhaps will discover that being attacked by Scuttlie guards within
Troglodytes, SCUTTLIES are a mischievous race of short, the cramped confines of a burrow is an unpleasant
spindly humanoids, with pasty white skin, squeaky voices experience. Anyone fighting in such circumstances must
and large pointed ears. They are often dressed in deduct 2 from their Attack Strength for the duration of the
surprisingly fine clothing, which they have stolen from combat. Perhaps the most spectacular method used to
passing travellers and altered to fit their small frames. return their stolen possessions however, was developed
Scuttlies dwell in a hidden warren of tunnels that burrow by the Warlock-Prince Lothar of Gundobad, who, at a cost
directly into a hillside, or instead be part of a more of 3 STAMINA points, cast an Invert Spell. This turned the
extensive system of caves or underground chambers. In entire warren inside out, causing the Scuttlies to flee in
any Scuttlie burrow, at least four of the creatures will be terror from the devastation, and allow Lothar to leisurely
guards, with better combat skills than their fellows and retrieve his gear from the newly turned turf!
armed with short stabbing spears, while the rest will be
normal Scuttlies using daggers or knives for self-defence. Scuttlie from Clash of the Princes: The Warlock’s Way by
Andrew Chapman and Martin Allen.
These impish creatures are skilled thieves, usually waiting Illustration by John Blanche.
for a group of wayfarers or a merchant caravan to settle
down for the night, before carrying off just about all of
their victims’ possessions, often including the clothes on
their backs! This booty is then hidden in secret chambers
in the depths of the Scuttlie warren, amidst tangled roots
and twisted tunnels. Should someone find the burrow

the surface and attack any local shipping they might find
SEA HYDRA in the vicinity. It is here that the multiple attacks from their
many heads come into devastating effect. In a fight, its
SKILL: 10 opponent can attack one head, while defending against
STAMINA: 18 the others, each of which has a separate Attack Roll.
ATTACKS: 2-7 Unlike other Hydras however, it is not usually possible to
WEAPON: Very Large Bite attack the Sea Hydra’s body when it is attacking a ship,
ARMOUR: Medium as most of it will be underwater.
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
HABITAT: Sea Sea Hydras are effective scavengers as well as hunters,
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1 and much detritus tends to accumulate in their stomachs.
TYPE: Monster Assuming they can slay such a formidable beast,
REACTION: Hostile enterprising seafarers often find it worth their while to
INTELLIGENCE: Average eviscerate the creature’s bloated black carcass as treasure
is often found within the Sea Hydra’s gullet. In this
instance, roll twice on the Monster table of the Treasure
chart at the back of this book to see what lies within!

Sea Hydra from Seas of Blood by Andrew Chapman.

Illustration by Bob Harvey.

WEAPON: Small Bite
HABITAT: Sea/Seashore, Lake, Town (sewers)
TYPE: Reptile

One of the most strange and unpredictable of Titan’s

monsters is the dreaded Hydra. They can have between
two to seven heads, and in some cases up to nine! Their
body may be the muscular coils of a serpent, or the
shambling four-legged form of a gigantic lizard, while
their multitude of heads can be snake-like and fanged, or
dragon-like and adorned with horns and spikes. By far
the most terrifying of all their varieties however, is the
enormous SEA HYDRA that haunts the depths of Titan’s

Here it feeds on sharks and other large fish, tearing them

apart with its many tooth-lined jaws while propelling
itself through the water using its webbed claws and
powerful tail. Occasionally however, Sea Hydras rise to

SEA SNAKES are very beautiful and brightly coloured Distantly related to their land-based cousins, the spiders
reptiles found in Titan’s more tropical waters, and, like and scorpions, SEA SPIDERS are strange man-sized
many of their land-based relatives, they are often highly undersea creatures with a protective carapace, long jointed
venomous! While they prefer to live around coral reefs legs, six or more stalked eyes, and several spiny mandibles
and rocky coastlines with plenty of small fish to eat, there to bite their prey with. They are usually found living
is even one species called the Sea Adder that has adapted around coral reefs or deep down on the ocean floor, but
to life in the sewers of southern ports such as Halak and some have been known to clamber aboard passing ships
Rimon in south-western Allansia. If more than one Sea and attack any sailors on deck. In their underwater
Snake is encountered, add 1 SKILL, 1 STAMINA, and 1 domain, Sea Spiders are patient hunters, often waiting
ATTACK for each extra snake and treat them otherwise as immobile and partially camouflaged by weeds and coral
a single opponent for combat purposes. Anyone bitten by before leaping onto a large fish or unsuspecting Merman,
a Sea Snake looses 3 STAMINA points per bite, with no and as such they are excellent at surprising their victims
Armour Roll allowed owing to the reptile’s poisonous (see Advanced Fighting Fantasy, p. 64). For this reason they
fangs. Such is the virulence of this poison it is often are used as guard-creatures by Sea Elves, protecting their
extracted from Sea Snakes and used by the Sea Elves on settlements from the threat of raiding Deep Ones or Fish
the tips of their crossbow darts, for both hunting and Men.
Sea Spider from Demons of the Deep by Steve Jackson.
Sea Snake from Demons of the Deep by Steve Jackson. Illustration by Bob Harvey.
Illustration by Bob Harvey.

Serpent Chameleon Great Scitalis
SKILL: 7 Serpent Serpent
STAMINA: 10 SKILL: 7 6 9 8
ATTACKS: 2 STAMINA: 7 7 12 10
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None Serpent – Large Bite
HABITAT: Sea Chameleon Serpent – Small Bite
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-2 Great Serpent – Very Large Bite
TYPE: Insect Scitalis – Small Bite
Serpent – Deserts, Wilderness, Hills, Jungles
Chameleon Serpent – Dungeons, Ruins, In the company
of a witch or wizard
Great Serpent – Marshes, Jungles, Deserts
Scitalis – Dungeons, Ruins, Caves, Deserts,
TYPE: Reptile
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile

Snakes, it is well-known, are the offspring of the goddess

Vermistra, Queen of Snakes, who dwells at the heart of
the thickest and most remote jungles of Titan. SERPENTS
however, were once snakes until they became infected by
the taint of Chaos during the Night of the Dark Moon,
when monsters such as Xiarga the Horned Serpent were
released by the Dark Lords to slither across the surface of
Titan. They have since spread to all corners of the lands,
though they are more rare than their snake cousins. Given
the curse of Chaos is strong upon them, the appearance
of a Serpent may vary greatly. In general, they are thick,
muscularly coiled creatures usually ranging from one to

While many mutated Serpents appear to be unique, over

time several localised populations have established
themselves across Titan. Zamarra, in south-western Khul,
is legendary for the fire-breathing Flame Serpents (some
of which even have two heads!) that lurk in the
wilderlands surrounding the city-state, while the
Mountains of Grief in Allansia are home to iridescent-
scaled Serpents with gauzy, membranous wings similar
to those of a Dragonfly. Finally, bizarre two-tailed
Serpents lurk in the high meadows of the Shamutanti Hills
of Kakhabad, though the garbled accounts of travellers
indicate these creatures are strangely helpful, using their
tails to guide wayfarers past clumps of Pilfer Grass and
deadly Black Lotus flowers…

The equally strange CHAMELEON SERPENT has an

innate ability to mimic objects with a similar shape to
itself, and often appears as a magic wand or wizard’s staff.
Of course, it will reveal itself as soon as it is picked up by
a careless thief, biting its victim automatically for 2
STAMINA points of damage. After that, it can be fought
normally. It is thought that the Chameleon Serpent was
first bred during the Age of Wizards, by a careful Grand
Wizard of Yore (perhaps even Erridansis himself), to
guard his enchanted accoutrements against the more
unscrupulous student-pupils of his school of magic!

GREAT SERPENTS are simply gigantic versions of their

smaller serpentine brethren, being anywhere from six to
ten metres in length, and sometimes even larger! They are
four metres in length, with glistening scales that are often also cursed with mutations, which can be determined by
green or brown in colour, though other hues are possible. rolling one die and consulting the table above. Great
Their heads have broad powerful jaws, with needle-like Serpents are also very rare, though there are still some
fangs and a long forked tongue. All Serpents have some common types that are recognised by scholars. In
sort of Chaos mutation; roll one die on the following table particular, the Desert of Skulls is infamous for poisonous
to determine the nature of their affliction: Great Serpents with red, black and yellow scales, while
the Mizokumo Fens of Hachiman are home to horned
Great Serpents as wide as a tree, that prey on unfortunate

Roll Mutation
1 Poisonous – bite kills instantly unless treated with RES spell or priest’s Cure Poison power
2 Breathe Fire – Roll a die each Attack Round: 1 or 2 means opponent is burned for 1 STAMINA
3 Two Heads or Tails – Roll another die to determine which:
1-5 Two heads (Serpent has 2 ATTACKS),
6 Two tails (2 ATTACKS; second attack is Small Bite).
4 Horns and Spikes – +1 STAMINA for Serpent and skin is Medium armour
5 Wings – Serpent can fly; roll another die to determine wing type:
1-3 Bat wings,
4-6 Insect wings.
6 Roll two times on this table, ignoring further rolls of 6

victims who are attempting to cross these treacherous

’Legend has it that some twelve years ago, the
Archmage of Mampang fought and slew a mighty
Hydra which dwelt in the caves of High Xamen. So
formidable a foe was this creature that the Archmage
took its seven heads to Mampang where he used his
black arts to resurrect them as seven winged serpents.
They became his personal messengers, and, as an act of
faith, he assigned each to one of his own gods.’
- Shadrack the Hermit of Fishtail Rock

Thus do the SEVEN SERPENTS serve the Archmage,

bringing him information from all over Kakhabad and
beyond. They are formidable creatures, each with their
own special powers that mimic those of their Archmage-
chosen deity. They also each have a hidden weakness, and
armed with the knowledge of this, even a mere mortal
may defeat them; however, the Serpents keep knowledge
of their own vulnerabilities as their closest secrets!

Such is the reign of terror that the Seven Serpents hold

over places like the Baklands, special magic items have
been crafted to offer some measure of protection against
them. For example, the Serpent Ring, made of silver for
the Seventh Noble of Kharé, will command a Serpent to
reveal useful information about Mampang to the bearer
of the ring. Unfortunately, the Seventh Noble succumbed
to blindness some years ago and the current whereabouts

The SCITALIS or Treasure Snake is similar to the

Chameleon Serpent though its chosen illusion is that of a
bountiful hoard of gems, jewels and gold coins. Any
greedy adventurer who attempts to gather up the treasure
will suddenly find themselves trapped in the scaly,
brightly-coloured coils of the Scitalis! The Treasure Snake
is not poisonous and kills its prey by constriction so that
anyone trapped by the snake immediately loses 2 STAMINA
points. If they win the next Attack Round, the snake is not
wounded but they have escaped from its coils. The victim
can only wound the snake once they are free; for every
Attack Round they are trapped they still lose 2 STAMINA
points. As to why the Scitalis has such an illusion to trap
their (relatively) intelligent prey, few can say, except that
perhaps the Treasure Snake was originally bred or created
by an avaricious sorcerer or wealthy merchant to protect
their hoard of valuables from the attentions of thieves and

Serpent from The Shamutanti Hills by Steve Jackson.

Illustration by John Blanche.
Great Serpent from Sword of the Samurai by Mark Smith and
Jamie Thompson.
Illustration by Alan langford.

of the Serpent Ring are unknown. Likewise, the Serpent EARTH SERPENT
Staff, carved from Oak Sapling in the shape of a snake,
will allow its wielder to deduct 2 SKILL points from any SKILL: 14
Serpents they fight. It is currently in the possession of the STAMINA: 21
sorceress Dintainta of the Steppes, otherwise known as ATTACKS: 2
The Sham. WEAPON: Large Bite
ARMOUR: Medium
Further details on each of the Serpents, including their DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
powers and weaknesses, are given below under the HABITAT: Wilderness, Plains, Deserts, Hills
relevant entry. NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1
TYPE: Reptile

SKILL: 13 The EARTH SERPENT was made to mimic the powers of

STAMINA: 21 Throff, the Earth Goddess. It is a huge serpent with
ATTACKS: 2 burnished dark brown scales adorning its thick coils, and
WEAPON: Gas (see below) broad copper-coloured wings. It attacks by using the
ARMOUR: None powers of the earth against its enemies, including, but not
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None limited to, exploding rocks, collapsing pits, erupting
HABITAT: Wilderness, Mountains, Hills red-hot glowstones, and rolling boulders. Each of these
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1 attacks does 1 to 6 STAMINA damage per hit, and requires
TYPE: Reptile a successful Test for Skill to avoid. If its foes survive all of
REACTION: Hostile this, the Earth Serpent will then attack with its fang-filled
INTELLIGENCE: High mouth. It is also only takes half STAMINA damage from
direct magical attacks such as the Force Bolt spell.
The AIR SERPENT was made in tribute to Pangara, God
of Wind, and resembles a cloudy jet of gas in the form of The Earth Serpent’s weakness is that it needs to be in
a great winged serpent. It attacks by smothering its victims contact with the ground in order to use its powers. If it is
in choking gasses: the first successful attack will cause 1 raised off the ground it transforms into a small green
STAMINA point, the second 2 STAMINA points, the third 4 snake, which can be destroyed easily. This can be done
STAMINA points, doubling with each subsequent hit. If its with a magic spell, such as Levitate, Fly or HUF (as long
victim is slain, the Air Serpent will often blow into the as the caster has a Galehorn). Alternatively, one may
lungs of the victims’ corpse, animating it in a manner grapple with the Earth Serpent with their bare hands and
vaguely similar to that of a Zombie. When fought in its lift it from the earth. This requires an adventurer to win
gaseous form, the Air Serpent is a difficult opponent to an Attack Round (or take an automatic hit from the
defeat, and anyone that hits it must roll one die: a roll of serpent), and then successfully Test for Skill, or use the
1-3 causes no damage, while 4-6 will inflict 1 less STAMINA Strength Special Skill if they have it. Failure means they
damage than normal. It is also immune to lightning and will have to try again the next Attack Round. When
fire-based attacks. commanded by the Serpent Ring to reveal secrets of
Mampang Fortress, the Earth Serpent will counsel to offer
The Air Serpent’s weakness is that when it becomes no gold to Valignya if you value your life.
gaseous, it leaves behind a shrivelled green snakeskin
among the possessions of the corpse it inhabited. If this
skin is torn to pieces, the Air Serpent will be instantly
destroyed. It can also be blown apart by a HUF Spell, FIRE SERPENT
provided the caster has the Galehorn that the spell
requires. When commanded by the Serpent Ring to reveal SKILL: 13
secrets of Mampang Fortress, the Air Serpent will advise STAMINA: 18
not to light your way with a Blood Candle in the Chamber ATTACKS: 2
of Night. In recent years, the Air Serpent has gained some WEAPON: Large Bite
notoriety as the slayer of Tek Kramin, the boatman of Lake ARMOUR: Medium
Ilklala, and is greatly despised by those living along the DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
lakeside as a result. HABITAT: Forests, Hills, Plains, Wilderness
TYPE: Reptile

with an accompanying Galehorn. When commanded by

the Serpent Ring to reveal secrets of Mampang Fortress,
the Fire Serpent will state that one should never eat food
from the larder of Throg.


WEAPON: Large Bite
ARMOUR: Medium
HABITAT: Wilderness, Plains, Hills, Desert
TYPE: Reptile

The MOON SERPENT was created in the image of Lunara

the Moon Goddess. It appears as a great shimmering
reptile with pale blue and violet scales, hovering in the air
on glistening wings, and when it does manifest itself, the
world goes black as if the sun had been snuffed out like a
candle. Despite its latent power, it is highly susceptible to
fire. Anyone armed with a flaming torch or similar
weapon can fight the Moon Serpent as a SKILL 7 STAMINA
6 creature, while a Fire Bolt Spell will slay it instantly. If
killed, it will shrivel up and die, leaving behind a Crystal
Orb. When commanded by the Serpent Ring to reveal
secrets of Mampang Fortress, the Moon Serpent will state
that four guards patrol the gates of Mampang. During a
The FIRE SERPENT was inspired by the incendiary recent visit to the Baklands, the Moon Serpent caused
powers of Filash, God of Fire. It is a great serpent with Renfren the Illusionist, infamous in these parts for
scarlet scales and winged pinions of pure flame. Initially, waylaying strangers, to literally die of fright!
however, the creature will appear as a small reddish
yellow snake and attempt to lure its enemies close to
something flammable like a dead tree. Having done this, SERPENT OF TIME
the serpent will erupt in a lethal firestorm. Anyone caught
within the blast must roll one die: on a roll of 1-4 they SKILL: 16
suffer the equivalent amount of STAMINA damage, but on STAMINA: 24
a roll of 5-6 they have burnt their eyes and suffer a loss of ATTACKS: 5
3 STAMINA and 1 SKILL. If its foes survive this, the Fire WEAPON: Large Bite
Serpent will then attack with its fang-filled mouth, and ARMOUR: Light
anyone in combat with it must Test for Luck each Attack DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
Round or lose an additional 1 to 3 STAMINA points as the HABITAT: Marshes, Ruins, Hills, Wilderness
creature continues to self-immolate throughout the battle. NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1
It is also completely immune to any fire-based attacks. TYPE: Reptile
The Fire Serpent’s weakness is that it is rendered inert by INTELLIGENCE: High
sand. If sand is thrown at the creature its fire will go out
and it will revert to the small red-yellow snake form that The SERPENT OF TIME was inspired by Chronada, the
its enemies glimpsed initially. In this form it can be easily obscure Kakhabadian God of Time. It appears as a great,
destroyed. The Fire Serpent is also susceptible to the green-scaled serpent whose body and wings are covered
power of wind, and any strong magical wind will both in a silvery sheen. The power of the Serpent of Time is the
prevent the additional fire damage from being caused greatest of the Seven Serpents and is that it can alter the
during combat, as well as reducing the serpent’s SKILL flow of time itself by speeding time up or slowing time
score by 2. Magical winds in this case include a HUF spell, down as it sees fit. So, the creature can use its powers to

dodge blows, inflict wounds, avoid magic spells and so winged serpent with a spike-crested head. The Sun
on. This is reflected in its enhanced combat scores given Serpent can shoot bolts of flame from its eyes every other
above, but from a victim’s point of view they will not even Attack Round; these hit on a roll of 1-4 on one die and
see the serpent strike, only the end result: blood on the cause one die worth of STAMINA damage. The Sun Serpent
creature’s fangs and a gaping wound on their own body! is immune to lightning and fire-based attacks. Its
weakness is that it detests water and it will be utterly
The only weakness of the Serpent of Time is to recite an destroyed if the contents of a water-bottle are thrown at
ancient chant before it. Parchments containing the chant it, requiring a successful Test for Skill. If slain, it will shrivel
were originally scribed in the mysterious community of away to nothingness, leaving behind a glowing Sun Jewel.
Throben to combat the ZED spell, but work just as well When commanded by the Serpent Ring to reveal secrets
against the serpent’s powers. Unfortunately, they are of Mampang Fortress, the Sun Serpent will advise to
extremely rare. One of the few known examples was in beware the breath of the Mucalytics. Rumour has it that
the possession of the Black Elf sorceress Fenestra. during a recent visit to the Baklands, the Sun Serpent was
However, she gave it to the Marsh Goblins of the lured down from the skies by a Rain Spell cast by the Black
Vischlami Swamp so that they might combat the Serpent Elf sorceress Fenestra and imprisoned within a Glass Orb.
of Time, but none of them could read and so the scroll was Apparently she seeks to use it as bait in her feud with the
lost. When commanded by the Serpent Ring to reveal Water Serpent (see below).
secrets of Mampang Fortress, the Serpent of Time will
simply state that the Archmage is in disguise and thus not
who he seems. WATER SERPENT

SKILL: 13 WEAPON: Large Bite
WEAPON: Large Bite HABITAT: Lakes, Rivers, Seas
HABITAT: Deserts, Wilderness, Forests REACTION: Hostile
TYPE: Reptile
REACTION: Hostile The WATER SERPENT is thought to have been made in
INTELLIGENCE: High imitation of either Hydana the Sea God or Aqualis, God
of Rivers. It appears as a huge serpent made of water itself,
The SUN SERPENT was fashioned after Glantanka, with liquid wings and a gaping fish-like maw. The Water
Goddess of the Sun. It appears as a great golden-scaled Serpent is immune to lightning and fire-based attacks. Its
weakness is that it cannot abide oil and it will be utterly
destroyed if the contents of a flask of oil are thrown at it,
requiring a successful Test for Skill. When commanded by
the Serpent Ring to reveal secrets of Mampang Fortress,
the Water Serpent will advise to pay respects to
Naggamanteh the Torture Master. During a recent visit to
the Baklands, the Water Serpent slew the father of the
Black Elf sorceress Fenestra; she now seeks vengeance
against it, and has accordingly stocked up on flasks of oil!

The Seven Serpents from The Seven Serpents by Steve

Illustrations by John Blanche.

isolated places of foul repute, and can even be seen out to

SHADE sea, dancing across the waves and marking a spot where
perhaps a ship sank with all hands on deck. They can be
SKILL: 11 summoned by a warlock or a wizard to fight for one
STAMINA: 6 combat, after which they will disperse if not slain. Lothar,
ATTACKS: 1 Warlock-Prince of Gundobad even perfected a Battle Spell
WEAPON: Small Claw that would summon a slightly weaker Shade spirit warrior
ARMOUR: None (SKILL 7 STAMINA 4) to fight for him at a cost of only 1
HABITAT: Ruins, Dungeons, Caves, Sea, Wilderness
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-2 Shade from Clash of the Princes: The Warlock’s Way by
TYPE: Undead Andrew Chapman and Martin Allen.
REACTION: Hostile Illustration by John Blanche.

A SHADE is an evil tattered shadow of undeath, the last SHAEL-BEAST

remnants of a lost soul still haunting Titan until banished
back into the Pit where it belongs. They are little more than SKILL: 6
cowled hellish wisps, called forth from dark places to STAMINA: 14
wreak occasional violence on the living through their cruel ATTACKS: 2
spectral talons. Shades are also capable of making their WEAPON: Very Large Claw
incorporeal form invisible to the naked eye, dissolving ARMOUR: Light
into the shadows with a single thought, and hence usually DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
attack with the advantage of surprise (see Advanced HABITAT: Forests, Jungles
Fighting Fantasy, p. 64). They can be wounded with normal NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1
weapons, but their high SKILL score reflects the fact that TYPE: Bird
they are difficult to hit, as they flit about their victim(s) REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly
like a smoky cloud of ill-feeling. Shades typically haunt INTELLIGENCE: Low

On the forested slopes of the far-flung islands of the Black

Ocean – the Arrowhead Archipelago, the Isles of the
Dawn, and even the Coral Islands, for instance – lurks a
most peculiar bird known as the SHAEL-BEAST. Thought
by the eccentric hermit Fabneaus of Corda to be a distant
relative of the Cockatrice, the Shael-Beast is much larger
though no less horrible. It is a gigantic winged creature
with a stomach so bloated it resembles a balloon, while its
head and claws appear to be those of a grotesquely
warped fowl. The Shael-Beast has small wings that it beats
furiously to stay aloft, causing the blubbery folds and
wattles of skin beneath its beak to sway and wobble in
unison. When slain, the creature deflates instantly,
releasing a stench-laden blast of stale air that causes
everyone in the immediate vicinity to lose 1 STAMINA point

Indeed, the inflated bladders of Shael-Beasts are used

among the Isles of the Dawn to imprison particularly
troublesome prisoners, who are then sent floating across
the surface of the sea, condemned for the rest of their lives
to an existence in a foul-smelling spherical gaol. The nest
of the Shael-Beast is likewise unpleasant, and usually
comprises of a crater-like pit some twenty metres across,
in a large forest clearing. It will be full of a stinking morass
of refuse, rotting food, animal bones and whatever other
rubbish the Shael-Beast has collected on its erratic flights
across the surrounding countryside. Needless to say, the
nest will also be full of swarming clouds of flies, maggots,
and parasitic purple leeches. Any truly unfortunate soul

arms and head of a human female, complete with a long

shaggy mane of waist-length hair, and the lower body of
a goat, with cloven hooves and a short tail. Two curved
horns protrude from their foreheads. She-Satyrs arm
themselves with flint-tipped hardwood spears that they
can either hurl at their enemies like a javelin, or use in
melee combat as a spear. They are an aggressive race that
prizes strength and violence, openly challenging any
travellers that pass through their domain, and occasionally
tossing them into a pit to fight with a hungry wolf for

Any encounter with She-Satyrs will usually be with a

guard patrol of one to three scouts, for their tribal villages
are hidden carefully away in the highlands of Xamen.
These contain from four to twenty four individuals, living
in a series of caves that burrow into the mountain-side.
The leader of such a settlement will be the oldest and most
battle-hardened She-Satyr, with SKILL 9, STAMINA 8.
Despite their war-like nature, they also enjoy listening to
tales of distant places and epic adventures, for although
they wish themselves to travel widely they are unable to
leave the rarefied air of the high mountains for any length
of time. Any adventurer therefore who shares tales of their
exploits with the She-Satyrs may find themselves quickly
becoming a guest of honour and a source of wonder and

who lands in such a nest must immediately deduct 2

STAMINA points for their troubles!

Shael-Beast from Black Vein Prophecy by Paul Mason and

Steve Williams. Illustration by Terry Oakes.

WEAPON: Javelin (if thrown) or Spear (if held)
HABITAT: Mountains
TYPE: Animal/Humanoid
REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly

The deep valleys and soaring pinnacles of High Xamen in

Kakhabad are home to many strange races, some of whom
are allied to the chaotic fortress of Mampang, and some
of whom oppose it, like the savage SHE-SATYRS! These
tall beings are a curious hybrid, having the upper body,

In recent years, the She-Satyrs have become stricken with

an infectious and ultimately fatal trembling disease.
Infected individuals leave the tribe so as not to be a burden
to others, and die alone and unmourned in the wilderness.
Because of this, Sh’houri, the current Queen of the She-
Satyrs, has forged an alliance with the wandering holy
man Colletus to heal any sick members of the tribe in
exchange for shelter and information. All She-Satyr names
begin with the prefix ‘Sh’, for example: Sh’haarzha,
Sh’himbli or Sh’howna, but the reasons for this, along with
many other curious traits of this race, such as the lack of
males, or the sudden rise of the trembling disease, remain
some of the many mysteries of this poorly understood
corner of the Old World.

She-Satyr from The Crown of Kings by Steve Jackson.

Illustration by John Blanche.

WEAPON: Sword, Spear, Mace or Polearm
ARMOUR: Chainmail Hauberk and Small Shield
HABITAT: Dungeons, Ruins, Mountains
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-6 or 3-18 attentions of Samurai or other emissaries in the employ of
TYPE: Humanoid the Shogun, these villages are temporary, as the semi-
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile nomadic Shikome wander the mountainous highlands
INTELLIGENCE: Average that encircle Hachiman, searching for a new hidden valley
or system of caves in which to make their lair.
The strange and isolated eastern kingdom of Hachiman
has its own unique traditions that are quite different to Shikome from Sword of the Samurai by Mark Smith and Jamie
the rest of Khul, and this also applies to the monsters that Thompson. Illustration by Alan Langford.
dwell there. Instead of Dragons, for example, Hachiman
has the Tatsu; instead of Orcs, they have the bestial
SHIKOME. Like Orcs, they are vile humanoid beings,
hairy as apes and smelling of rancid butter, with claws, SIGHTMASTER
fangs and horrible snouted faces. Shikome dress in dirty
and tattered imitations of Samurai armour, equal to a SKILL: 7
Chainmail Hauberk, and may also have a spiked Small STAMINA: 5
Shield. Their weapons are typically in excellent condition, ATTACKS: 1
and include swords, spears, maces and ornately bladed WEAPON: Polearm, Greatsword, or Scimitar (as per Sword)
polearms. Shikome are usually found in the service of an ARMOUR: Chainmail Hauberk or Leather Cuirass
evil leader as guards and mercenaries, such as the DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
renegade Lord Tsientsin, or the utterly evil Ikiru, Master HABITAT: Towns, Ruins, Plains, Forests
TYPE: Humanoid
When not commanded by a power-crazed warlord or dark REACTION: Friendly
sorcerer, Shikome live in crude mountain villages, of INTELLIGENCE: High
which three to eighteen inhabitants will be warriors
described as above, and another four to twenty four
females and children, who are non-combatants. Leading The SIGHTMASTERS are a strange race of creatures found
the Shikome village will be the toughest, most battle- mainly in the kingdom of Analand, in the south-eastern
scared individual, with SKILL 8, STAMINA 9. To avoid the reaches of the Old World. Thought to have once been

Kakhabad warlords, and evil barons of both Mauristatia

and Brice. They are also not averse to waylaying strangers
for gold, relying on their reputation as good soldiers of
Analand to dupe prospective victims into lowering their
guard before striking!

Sightmaster from The Crown of Kings by Steve Jackson.

Illustration by John Blanche.

WEAPON: Dagger
HABITAT: Sea, Lakes, Rivers
TYPE: Humanoid
REACTION: Friendly (see below)

The SIRENS are a human-like race of evil seductresses

who appear as beautiful long-haired women singing
magical songs that lure men to their doom. Places with

human until cursed by some freak mutation of Chaos, they

are now spindly beings as thin as saplings, with large,
cat-like eyes with vertical pupils. Sightmasters take their
name from their eyes, which grant the power of
ultravision, enabling them to see great distances and
details, as well as being immune to the deceptions of
illusions of all sorts. It is also impossible to make a sneak
attack against a Sightmaster, and they can even see
invisible foes well enough to attack them! As a result,
many of them are enrolled in Analand’s elite Chawberry
Academy, where they are trained as Sightmaster Warriors,
forming a vigilant cohort of sentinels to guard the Great
Wall of Analand at all times from barbarian marauders
and tribes of Orcs. Such a warrior will be armed with an
elaborately-bladed pole arm or greatsword, and armoured
in a chainmail hauberk that is festooned with the insignia
of their Wall Battalion.

Unfortunately, due to either the tedious boredom of their

duties or the poor condition of their particular section of
the Great Wall (which is of course unfinished and
incomplete), some Sightmasters become renegades. Such
rogues usually abandon their Analand-issued weapons
and armour in favour of curved scimitars and a leather
cuirass. Given the powers of their visionary eyes, these
traitorous Sightmasters will be eagerly employed by no
shortage of ill-intentioned sorts, including nomad chiefs,

known populations of Sirens include the Shining Islands,

the rocky shores of the Sea of Silver, and the more isolated
coastal areas of the Glimmering Sea, though they can be
also found in fresh-water lakes and rivers. Anyone hearing
the song of a Siren for the first time must immediately
cover or block their ears, or be forcibly restrained by their
companions, otherwise they will be enraptured by the
song and lose all free will. By any means possible they will
make their way over to the rock upon which the Siren sits,
and she will then sacrifice them to her demonic gods by
plunging a long-bladed dagger into the victim’s chest.
Opponents who have blocked their ears with some form
of earplugs (and thus have their hands free) may attack a
Siren normally with their weapons.

Sirens are thought to follow Tanit, Goddess of Envy, and

Shekka, Goddess of Witchcraft. They also pay homage to
the evil sea demigod known as the Behemoth, and are
sometimes accompanied by minions of his, such as the
squid-like Tentallus. The exact connection between
humans and Sirens has been an area of rampant
speculation between certain scholars, though gathering
first-hand lore on the subject is understandably difficult.
Nevertheless, there are those who claim Siren ancestry,
such as the famous Khulian gladiator Helios Siren, winner
of the All-comers Fight to the Death at the Blacksand
Arena. Sirens do keep some treasure in a locked casket in
their lair, but their most prized possession is usually their prowl the corridors of their mausoleums attacking all
accompanying musical instrument, such as a lute or harp, intruders. Skeleton Kings usually wear a tattered
crafted from precious metals and studded with gems. If chainmail hauberk and arm themselves with a sword and
such a prize can be wrested from the grasp of a Siren it shield, or a two-handed greatsword. Some are even
will typically sell for a small fortune in Gold Pieces in the known to wear plate armour. They are usually interred in
market of a large city or port. their burial chambers along with several Skeleton
Warriors as guards, though some are also entombed with
Siren from The Trial of Champions by Ian Livingstone. their trusted steed, which may or may not resurrect itself
Illustration by Brian Williams. as an undead skeletal horse, to better convey its master
about the winding tunnels of their crypt. Like all
Skeletons, sharp weapons will only do 1 point of STAMINA
damage to them per successful hit, whereas blunt or
SKELETON KING crushing weapons will do normal damage.

SKILL: 9 Siren from The Trial of Champions by Ian Livingstone.

STAMINA: 7 Illustration by Brian Williams.
WEAPON: Sword or Greatsword
ARMOUR: Chainmail Hauberk and Large Shield
HABITAT: Dungeons, Ruins
TYPE: Undead STAMINA: 10
INTELLIGENCE: Low WEAPON: Small Claw and Very Large Bite
ARMOUR: Heavy (and see below)
The ancient lords of northern Allansia had a tradition of HABITAT: Demonic Plane, Ruins, Dungeons
being buried in stone tombs with their battle-armour and NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1
favourite weapon, not realising that many centuries later TYPE: Undead
they would be reanimated as SKELETON KINGS! REACTION: Hostile
Stronger than either Skeletons or Skeleton Warriors, they INTELLIGENCE: Average

WEAPON: Charge (as per Very Large Claw)
HABITAT: Anywhere its master is, Dungeons, Ruins
TYPE: Magical Creature

For sleeping of the SLEEPLESS RAM;

Seek out the one they call The Sham.
- Kakhabadian Rhyme

The Sleepless Ram, or as it is sometimes known, the

Marble Ram, is a life-sized marble statue of a large sheep,
found guarding the tower of the Archmage in the fortress
of Mampang. It remains motionless on an ornate plinth
until intruders invade its chamber, at which point it
animates and moves with extreme speed to deal with the

Sometimes it is not enough for a necromancer to raise the

bodies of the dead as Skeletons or Zombies. Instead, their
thirst for power leads them to summoning a creature far
more evil and dangerous – the legendary SKULL BEAST.
Usually restricted to a morbid area of the Pit known as the
Lands of the Dead, the Skull Beast manifests on Titan as
a gigantic skull supported by eight spider-like legs of
jointed skeletal bones. Protruding from its gnashing jaws
are up to four writhing tentacle-like tongues that
endeavour to coil around prey and drag them into the
beast’s mouth. This is represented by the Skull Beast doing
Small Claw damage when it first hits, whereupon the
enemy is transported to the creature’s mouth, and suffers
Very Large Bite damage every time it loses as Attack
Round from then on. Only one victim can be bitten at a

Complicating matters is the thick bony outer shell of the

creature’s skull. This counts as Heavy armour versus all
weapons, except clubs, maces, morning stars and
warhammers, which treat it as Light armour. Curiously,
when the creature is slain, and explodes in a cloud of
bone-dust and foul air, it leaves behind its shadow, as
some sort of residue from the Pit. This can be fashioned
into a magical Shadow Cloak, which helps anyone who
wears it move quietly (giving a +2 bonus to the wearer’s
attempts to sneak or hide). As Skull Beasts are rather rare
however, this makes Shadow Cloaks even rarer still!

Skull Beast from Keep of the Liche Lord by Dave Morris and
Jamie Thompson. Illustration by David Gallagher.

threat, smashing into its victims repeatedly until they are Although not the most powerful of demonkind, the
either dead or have fled the room. Any kind of edged SMOKE DEMON is certainly one of the more disgusting.
weapon does no damage to the Sleepless Ram, and even It is a filthy, diseased thing, reeking of burnt flesh and
blunt weapons only do 1 STAMINA point per successful hit. brimstone, fluid oozing from reddened welts on its torso.
No one has ever come close to slaying the creature, and A misty, foul-smelling aura of foetid blue smoke
while hurling vials of acidic gas or liquid, or Hogweed surrounds the body of the Smoke Demon, choking all who
Essence, will slow it down and render it immobile for one attempt to engage it in melee combat. Anyone fighting a
Attack Round, they will do no lasting damage! It is not Smoke Demon must therefore deduct 1 point from their
known how the Archmage constructed such a powerful SKILL score temporarily because of the effect of the stench-
servant and some suggest he was using forbidden lore laden haze. These demons may be found lurking in old
stolen from the Necromancers’ Guild of Throben. Others ruins or shattered temples, but are more commonly
consider the powerful sorceress Dintainta of the Steppes summoned by demon-worshipping spellcasters and sent
(otherwise known as The Sham) to be involved in the on special missions to slay and sow discord. For example,
creation of the Sleepless Ram, given she apparently knows Tasrin the Sage, a well-respected lore-master who dwelled
much lore concerning the beast. Whatever the case, let us in the foothills of the Frozen Plateau, was killed by a
pray to the gods that no more of these near-invulnerable Smoke Demon conjured by the evil wizard Zeverin.
beasts are ever magically animated again!
Smoke Demon from Tower of Destruction by Keith Martin.
Sleepless Ram from The Crown of Kings by Steve Jackson. Illustration by Pete Knifton.
Illustration by John Blanche.

WEAPON: Small Claw ARMOUR: Light
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None HABITAT: Sea (on iceberg), Mountains, Ice
HABITAT: Ruins, Dungeons, Anywhere their victim is, NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-3 or 3-18
Demonic Plane TYPE: Monster
INTELLIGENCE: High The icy northern wastes of Titan harbour many ferocious
creatures such as the Yeti and the Toa-Suo. Southern Titan,
on the other hand, has the dreaded SNOW BEAST, which
roams the pack-ice and rocky islets that make up this
isolated corner of the planet. Yeti-like in appearance (and
thought to be related), the Snow Beast is somewhat smaller
– around man-size – though still powerfully built. Despite
also being known as the Ice Beast, it lacks the freezing
touch of the Yeti, and instead attacks its prey with great
claw-studded paws. The rest of it is covered in a thick pelt
of white fur, and a toothy grimace forever contorts its
ape-like face.

Small groups of one to six Snow Beasts are most

commonly found on large icebergs that have broken off
from the southern pack-ice and drifted northwards in the
direction of Khul. They are capable of making heart-
rending howls and cries that draw boats and ships
towards their iceberg, whereupon the Snow Beasts
pounce, slaughtering all on board. More rarely, larger
groups of three to eighteen creatures may be found in
coastal mountainous areas where their icebergs may have
beached themselves after a long journey north. One such

Across Titan, dogs have been bred into many shapes and
sizes, such as Wolfhounds, Kalagarian Ridgebacks, and
Rottwilds. Possibly the strangest hails from Khul, and is
known as the Zagoulan SNUFF HOUND, a tracking beast
used by the nomadic tribes and others who dwell in the
arid wastes south of Lake Mlubz. Snuff Hounds are
curious-looking creatures, with low-slung distended
bellies, white hairless skin, and a short, almost human-like
face, except for its elongated nose that terminates in a
snuffling, trumpet-shaped orifice. This is of course what
gives the dog its name for it is capable of finding and
tracking down absolutely anything if it has a starting scent
to work with. Snuff Hounds are also quite aggressive and,
if not restrained, will attack whatever they have been
following. Fortunately they lack the strong bite of other
dog breeds and are reduced to using their clawed
forepaws as weapons. This means that Snuff Hounds are
usually kept tightly leashed as they are too expensive a
resource to waste by letting them attack things more
powerful than themselves!

Snuff Hound from Beneath Nightmare Castle by Peter

Darville-Evans. Illustration by Jason Lenox.

place is the isle of Enraki, in the middle of the Inland Sea,

where a large tribe of Snow Beasts has been known to
launch avalanches down the mountainsides against any
intruders. Given the improbability of an iceberg reaching
Enraki however, there are those who believe the warrior
priests of Asswr sel Dablo, who also dwell on the island,
have deliberately introduced the Snow Beasts to provide
extra protection for their fortress-monastery!

Snow Beast from Seas of Blood by Andrew Chapman.

Illustration by Bob Harvey.

WEAPON: Small Claw
HABITAT: Anywhere their master is, Towns, Ruins
TYPE: Animal
REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly

Greater Lesser
SKILL: 10 9
WEAPON: Large Claw
HABITAT: Ruins, Dungeons, Caves
Lesser Spectre – 1-3
Greater Spectre – 1
TYPE: Undead

Whereas Ghosts are the spirits of the lonely dead, and

Wraiths are tormented souls in constant conflict with their
surroundings, SPECTRES represent some of the most
powerful of the incorporeal Undead; ancient and intensely
evil creatures with a malicious, brooding hatred of all
living things. They appear as shrouded figures with a
ghostly human form, glowing either phosphorescent
green or luminous white. Spectres can glide through the
air, and even through walls, accompanied by a low
moaning sound as they seek out intelligent life to torment
and destroy. Should they encounter a victim they will
immediately attack, shrieking in hatred and rending at
their foe with icy taloned claw-like hands. Anyone who spirits of powerful warriors or spell-casters, condemned
has been wounded by a Spectre will lose 1 SKILL point at to haunt the site of their doom until slain a second and
the end of a battle on the roll of 1 to 5 on a single die final time by a well-equipped adventurer. Examples of
(assuming they survive the fight). This is the result of such loathsome fiends include Morgwyn of the Dark
having their life energy drained away by the evil creature. Tower, Queen of Belgaroth, who haunts the ruins of Caer
Skaal and uses foul sorcery to assail her victims; the
Worse, Spectres can only be harmed by magical weapons; undead wizard known as the Master of Waters, who
normal and silver weapons will simply pass straight dwells within the ruined catacombs that tunnel beneath
through their ethereal form, causing them no damage. Solani Island; and the piratical Jack-A-Lantern that lurks
Some alchemists, such as the crazed Mortvanian Doktor among the crypts in the cemetery of the Port of Crabs.
Verruckte, claim that if one can collect the residual essence Interestingly, not all Spectres are immediately hostile:
of a slain Spectre or Wraith, this can be used to create a some hireswords tell of a peculiar Spectre encountered in
potion that will restore any life energy (or SKILL points), the dungeon known as Shaggradd’s Hives of Peril. Rather
lost to such creatures. Unfortunately, the potion’s side than attack, it successfully persuaded the adventurers it
effect is those drinking it must reduce their Attack could grant them the magical power of walking through
Strength by 1 in all future battles with Spectres or Wraiths walls, and was most incredulous and apologetic when this
as they are now more vulnerable to them! More so-called power failed to work!
promisingly, it is possible to create a mixture known as
Spectrebane by combining tomb dust with Ethereal Oil, Spectre from Chasms of Malice by Luke Sharp.
and when applied to a magical weapon Spectrebane will Illustration by Russ Nicholson.
cause 1 extra point of STAMINA damage per wound
inflicted on the Spectre for the first five Attack Rounds.

All of this applies to both Lesser and Greater Spectres.

LESSER SPECTRES are the more commonly occurring of
the two types, relatively speaking, being found in
abandoned temples, forgotten tombs and the like.
GREATER SPECTRES however, are typically the undead


GIANT SPIDER brown-furred beast whose sac-like abdomen is marked
with pale grey spots. It is found in quiet woodlands and
One of the more ubiquitous creatures encountered by lonely hill-top copses across north-eastern Khul, such as
adventurers across Titan is the GIANT SPIDER, a hideous the foothills of Krill Garnash. Here it preys on forest
arachnid of huge size and voracious appetite. Details on creatures such as rabbits, squirrels and small deer,
the most common type of Giant Spider can be found in draining each victim entirely of blood, which in turns
Out of the Pit (p. 108), but there are other rare species found inflates its own size like a gigantic parasitic tick. To
in the more isolated and desolate corners of Titan. Three determine how many victims a Giant Bloodsucking Spider
such examples are given below. has consumed, and how bulky it is, roll one die and add
the result to the creature’s STAMINA score; this will be the
condition in which it is encountered. Those foolish enough
GIANT BLOODSUCKING SPIDER to think they can Escape from such a heavy slow-moving
creature will be in for an unpleasant surprise: the Giant
SKILL: 6 Bloodsucking Spider will shoot a mass of sticky webs at
STAMINA: 8 (see below) them as they flee. This requires a Test for Skill to avoid and
ATTACKS: 2 those who fail will be immobilized and eventually
WEAPON: Large Bite consumed by the spider, unless rescued quickly by any
ARMOUR: Light comrades nearby.
HABITAT: Forests, Hills
TYPE: Insect
WEAPON: Large Bite or Tail Spike (see below)
HABITAT: Jungles
TYPE: Insect

The GIANT SPIKE SPIDER is a primitive arachnid from

the jungles of southern Allansia. Rather than spinning a
web, it will weave together a hollow resinous structure
that resembles a dead log across a chasm, or a decaying
tree trunk in a forest clearing. The Giant Spike Spider will
lurk inside this structure until prey comes close, and then
shoot out a scorpion-like tail tipped with a poisonous
spike, hence its name. To avoid being stung, an adventurer
must successfully Test for Skill; failure to do so means that
they are instantly paralysed by the spider’s venom.
However, the paralysing poison is exhausted after the first
successful sting. To kill the spider, an adventurer must
avoid the spike and then have one round of combat. If
they win, they have successfully lopped off the spike. If
they lose the round, they suffer 1 STAMINA point of
damage, and are paralysed if the poison has not been used
up yet. If the creature’s spike is chopped off, it is still a
menace and will crawl out of its lair to attack with its
curved mandibles. Giant Spike Spiders replenish their
paralysing venom after one day, and their spiked tail takes
several weeks to regenerate if it is cut off. The resinous
structure they live in is highly flammable, and will burn
up rapidly if touched with any kind of fire. Unfortunately,

the bodies of the Giant Spike Spider’s victims (some of flee if their web attack misses or they are reduced to 2
which may be still alive) will be inside the structure, and STAMINA points in combat, scuttling back into the woods
they too will be incinerated! from whence they sprang.


SKILL: 9 Giant Bloodsucking Spider from Masks of Mayhem by Robin

STAMINA: 6 Waterfield. Illustration by Russ Nicholson.
ATTACKS: 2 Giant Spike Spider from The Riddling Reaver by Paul Mason.
WEAPON: Large Bite Illustration by Brian Williams.
ARMOUR: Light Giant Spitting Spider from The Siege of Sardath by Keith
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None Phillips. Illustration by Pete Knifton.
HABITAT: Forests
TYPE: Arachnid
In the dark woodlands known as the Forests of the Night ATTACKS: 2
lurk many horrible varieties of gigantic spiders, the most WEAPON: Large Bite, Small Claw
ubiquitous of which is the GIANT SPITTING SPIDER. ARMOUR: Light
These gruesome arachnids have a bulbous yellow-spotted DAMAGE MODIFIER: See below
body that sags down between spindly mottled red legs. HABITAT: Dungeons, Ruins, Caves
The Giant Spitting Spider takes it name from its ability to NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1
project a stream of sticky webbing at its victims, in an TYPE: Insect/Humanoid
attempt to immobilise them so it can strike. This webbing REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile
requires a successful Test for Skill to avoid; failure means INTELLIGENCE: High
the spider will pounce upon its victim and inject them
with a paralyzing poison, before hanging them from the
branches of a tree for later consumption. Giant Spitting The SPIDER KING is a powerful being of mysterious
Spiders are cowardly creatures however, and will often origin and disturbing appearance. It is an ugly, bulky

WEAPON: Large Claw
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
HABITAT: Dungeons, Ruins, Anywhere their summoner is,
Demonic Plane
TYPE: Demon

SPIKE DEMONS are among the strongest of the Lesser

Demons that form the Tertius Tier of the Hierarchy of the
Pit, acting as powerful shock-troops and slayers for their
commanding lieges. They are huge ape-like creatures,
covered in bristly green fur and hideous warts, with
yellow glaring eyes and a mouth full of curved tusks. On
the top of their head is a single bony spike that gives them
their name. Spike Demons attack with their clawed
knobbly hands, using them to tear victims apart. They are
extremely fast-moving despite their size, and impossible
creature with the grey-furred body of a Giant Spider and to Escape from. Spike Demons are sometimes summoned
the head of a man. One was known to be the overlord of by evil sorcerers such as Grimslade of Fenmarge, near
a small underground complex near the Whitewater River Scorpion Swamp, to carry out simple instructions such as:
but others are thought to lurk in similar places elsewhere. “Kill this fool. Give me the ring he wears; you may eat the
The Spider King is an arrogant and overbearing creature rest.” As can be seen from this example, they require very
that demands servile abasement; those who refuse to bow little in the way of payment except the promise of fresh
before him will be entrapped within an enormous web. meat!
Treat this the same as a Web Spell (Advanced Fighting
Fantasy, p. 80), except those that fail their Strength test lose Spike Demon from Scorpion Swamp by Steve Jackson.
1 STAMINA point for their exertions. The Spider King will Illustration by Duncan Smith.
attack all who escape the web, using his clawed forelegs
and mandibles. He has a poisonous bite, which inflicts
double STAMINA damage on anyone he wounds.

There has been considerable speculation by interested

scholars on the origin of such a creature. Some point to
the primitives of the southern Allansian jungles as their
occult priests are known to worship Arhallogen the Spider
God in loathsome rites that spawn foul hybrid beasts.
Others consider the ancient civilization of Djarat as a likely
source given the fervour of its long-dead priests for
attempting to recreate earthly forms of their chosen
deities. Still others contest the Spider King to be a brethren
race to the Spider Men, much the same as Lizard Kings
are to Lizard Men. Finally, and most controversially,
comes a tale from Khul where an adventurer transformed
the wizard known as the Master of Spiders into a creature
very much like a Spider King by invoking a Curse Spell!

Spider King from Fighting Fantasy by Steve Jackson.

Illustration by Duncan Smith.

they will revert to their normal stature – around thirty

SPRIGGAN centimetres tall – and flutter off into the undergrowth.
Spriggans are a nomadic race, due to their constant
SKILL: 7 thievery, and are always on the move. At night they will
STAMINA: 8 set up camp in a quiet glade or dell, guarded by a series
ATTACKS: 1 of magical lamps (see Advanced Fighting Fantasy, p. 147).
WEAPON: Dagger or Short Sword These will flare up in the presence of intruders and keep
ARMOUR: Leather Cuirass wild animals at bay, but will disappear at full morning
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None light, much like the Spriggans themselves, who will fade
HABITAT: Forests, Hills into the undergrowth in search of new victims to waylay.
TYPE: Humanoid Spriggan from Masks of Mayhem by Robin Waterfield.
REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly Illustration by Russ Nicholson.

Not all of the fairy folk are fey, whimsical creatures with
carefree dispositions. SPRIGGANS, for example, are a SKILL: 3
grotesquely ugly race of beings with misshapen heads, STAMINA: 19
lumpy skin and tattered wings. They are cowardly thieves ATTACKS: 1
who specialise in robbing lone wayfarers, old women and WEAPON: Tongue (as per Small Bite, and see below)
isolated farming homesteads. Legend has it that Spriggans ARMOUR: Medium
were once identical to normal Fairies before being cursed DAMAGE MODIFIER: -1 to Damage Roll
by a Hag over some trivial misdemeanour, and have HABITAT: Caves, Marshes, Rivers, Forests, Hills
wandered the forests and hills of Titan ever since, in small NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1
thieving bands. Certainly they share the Fairy ability to TYPE: Amphibian
alter their size and they are capable of bloating or growing REACTION: Hostile
up to human-size and over, with the ability scores and INTELLIGENCE: Low
equipment given above, though in this form they cannot
fly. When threatened by more powerful beings however, A forest idyll at dusk: wild boars drinking from a stream,
near a shallow cave in a crumbling cliff-face. Suddenly the
peace is broken by a long black ribbon-like tongue that
shoots from the cave, sticks like glue to a boar and drags
it shrieking back into the cave to be consumed by the
tongue’s owner, a STEGOCEPHALIAN! These enormous
amphibians look like a cross between a gigantic toad and
a scaly reptilian monster, with a horned head and a gaping
maw lined with many tiny sharp fangs. Their main
weapon however is their tongue and at the start of combat,
roll a die. On a 1, 2, or 3, their victim is entangled in the
tongue and must reduce their SKILL by the number rolled,
however they can still attack the Stegocephalian with their
weapon. On a 4 or 5, they must reduce their SKILL by the
number rolled, and they cannot use their weapon so must
deduct another 4 SKILL for being unarmed. If this reduces
their SKILL to 1 or less, the die roll counts instead as a 6.
On a 6, the victim is dragged into the Stegocephalian’s
mouth and slain instantly (unless they have companions
to help free them). If they manage to reduce the
Stegocephalian’s STAMINA to 12 or less, the monster will
instantly let go with its tongue and retreat back into their
lair, where it can be attacked and slain in normal combat.
Stegocephalians are rare but widespread, found
throughout Khul, usually lurking in some dark cave near
a pond or creek, feasting on whatever they can entangle
with their tongue-trap.

Stegocephalian from Portal of Evil by Peter Darville-Evans.

Illustration by Alan Langford.

Giant Stormbirds will take up residence on an isolated

sea-stack or cliff-top eyrie, building a nest of dry kelp and
driftwood. In the nest will be 1-3 eggs which will hatch
out into flightless Stormbird chicks (SKILL 4 STAMINA 4,
Small Bite). These will need to be fed with fresh fish every
day to survive but can be sold in the market of any large
sea port for a hundred Gold Pieces or more. Of course, the
nest of a Giant Stormbird will also contain other treasure,
usually all that remains from victims who have been
plucked screaming from the deck of a passing galleon.

Giant Stormbird from Stealer of Souls by Keith Martin.

Illustration by Russ Nicholson.

WEAPON: Large Claw and Large Bite
HABITAT: Sea, Sea-shore
TYPE: Bird
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile
Not all giant birds on Titan are birds of prey such as Rocs STAMINA: 9
and Giant Bloodhawks. On the rocky islets of the Ocean ATTACKS: 2 (see below)
of Tempests and neighbouring waters, dwells the GIANT WEAPON: Polearm
STORMBIRD, an avian more closely related to albatrosses ARMOUR: None
and petrels. This huge seabird has a wingspan of six to DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
eight metres, a broad yellow beak and yellow-tipped black HABITAT: Plains, Hills, Ruins, Caves
talons. Usually it feeds on large fish, and the eggs and NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1 or 1-3
chicks of smaller seabirds, but it has also been known to TYPE: Humanoid
attack ships and boats, attempting to carry off lone sailors REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile
stranded in the rigging or atop the crows’ nest. A pair of INTELLIGENCE: High

owing to their proximity to the Plain of Bones. As a result,

every Strider, whether hunter or assassin, will be wearing
some sort of talisman or amulet, such as the Bone
Medallion (Advanced Fighting Fantasy, p. 147), to protect
themselves against the evils of a world that they feel has
treated them most cruelly.

Strider from Trial of Champions by Ian Livingstone.

Illustration by Brian Williams.

WEAPON: Very Large Bite and Very Large Claw
ARMOUR: Medium
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
HABITAT: Mountains, Hills, Wilderness
TYPE: Monster

The STURRAMAK is a large dragon-like creature closely

related to the Wyvern, as it only has two legs instead of
four. It is found in isolated uplands areas in the Isles of
No scholars alive today know quite what warped the
dreaded STRIDERS into their current form, but there is no
denying they are one of the weirder-looking races of
Allansia. A Strider appears like a gaunt and hunched-over
human, with elongated legs and skeletal arms that can
touch the ground. Their hair is bleached white by the sun,
and their brown, leathery skin is usually covered by a few
scraps of threadbare clothing. Striders hail from the warm
southern savannahs of Allansia, such as the Plain of
Bronze, where their long legs help them move quickly and
unobtrusively through the head-high grasses. They are
not without defences however, and, when threatened, will
attack with a curious polearm that resembles an iron or
wooden pole with wickedly-curved blades at both ends.
So skilled are Striders and wielding these weapons that
they suffer no penalties using them in confined spaces,
and also have two ATTACKS in combat (when using any
other kind of weapon however, they only have one

This heightened close combat ability has seen Striders

used as hired killers and assassins across Allansia, from
Shabak in the east to Fang in the west. Indeed, any Strider
encountered outside of the Plain of Bronze will typically
be a lone mercenary such as this, while in their grassland
homes they will instead be found in small groups of one
to three hunters searching for food. No one has ever seen
a Strider settlement, or even a female or young of the
species, but we do know that they are superstitious
creatures and greatly fearful of the undead, perhaps

the Dawn, Hachiman, and the Shios’ii Mountains. The

Sturramak is an olive-green in colour, with great,
feathered wings, a broad powerful chest, and a fin-like
crest running from its head down its spine. The creature’s
head is strangely feline, whose cat-like eyes have vertically
slit pupils, and with a short muzzle-like snout. Every other
attack round it can breathe a fiery bolt of pure energy that
can hit two targets, causing 4 STAMINA points of damage
per hit, unless its victims can make a successful Test for

As if this is not enough, there are two other tricks the

Sturramak can rely upon when fighting. Firstly, any spells
cast at the creature will only be absorbed and used to fuel
its own powers as it feeds off the magical energy of others.
The Sturramak will gain one to six STAMINA points for
every spell cast at it. Secondly, and probably most
horrifically, the external skin of the Sturramak’s belly
crawls with hundreds of voracious purple grubs that live
with it in a sort of foul symbiosis. Once per battle, the
creature will be able to drop these leech-like creatures over
its foes in a squirming rain of death. This attack is equal
to about a hundred or more Flesh Grubs (see Out of the
Pit, p. 53) attacking the enemy simultaneously; if they lack
some form of protection against insect attacks they will
likely be destroyed instantly.

Such a bizarre range of abilities has lead to inevitable

questions about the origins of the Sturramak. Given the
ancient sorcerous nature of the kingdoms and empires of
the Isles of the Dawn, there are those that consider the
Sturramak represents some sort of war-beast from older
times, initially bred to sow terror and discord among a
population comprised largely of peasants and slaves.
Others claim that the creature is simply another warped In the great tropical mire that is the Swamplands of Silur
monstrosity of Titan, and the purple grubs in particular Cha, lurk horrible monsters. Some are native to the area,
are larval Sturramak, living alongside their parent until having lived there for thousands of years or more. Others
the time is right to be released onto a suitable host to feed are recent arrivals, mutated into existence by the noxious
and grow. effluence that leaks from the great cities and temples of
the Lizard Men Empire. An excellent example of the latter
Sturramak from Black Vein Prophecy by Paul Mason and is the much dreaded and highly carnivorous SWAMP
Steven Williams. Illustration by Terry Oakes. MUTANT. These creatures are around ten metres long,
with a crocodilian body and a mutated alligator-like head.
They are a sickly white colour all over, and are capable of
rearing up on their powerful hind legs when attacking,
using their clawed forearms and toothy maw to rip their
SWAMP MUTANT prey to shreds. Swamp Mutants are found all over Silur
Cha, right up to the River Vymorn and the Nightshriek
SKILL: 10 Jungles on the northern border with the Axehead Plains.
STAMINA: 16 There are even rumours that the Lizard Men have started
ATTACKS: 3 taming and training young Swamp Mutants to extend the
WEAPON: Large Claw and Very Large Bite capabilities of their already powerful navy!
ARMOUR: Medium
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +2 to Damage Roll Swamp Mutant from Battleblade Warrior by Marc Gascoigne.
HABITAT: Marshes, Rivers, Lakes Illustration by Alan Langford.
TYPE: Reptile

restores 2 STAMINA points or restores the drinker’s

SWORDFISH STAMINA to 10, whichever is higher.

SKILL: 11 Swordfish are most commonly encountered alone, in a

STAMINA: 10 shipwreck or sunken city where they have set up shop as
ATTACKS: 1 sword-masters, selling the secrets of the blade for a few
WEAPON: Rapier (as per Sword) Gold Pieces or other trinkets. Some also live in tidal areas,
ARMOUR: Leather Cuirass teaching land-folk as well, for they can tolerate being out
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None of the water for short periods of time. Rarely, a small
HABITAT: Sea community of two to twelve Swordfish may be found in
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1 or 2-12 some hidden coral reef, with one to six non-combatant
TYPE: Fish/Humanoid children (both male and female Swordfish have the same
REACTION: Friendly scores given above). Their lives are so secretive for they
INTELLIGENCE: High are always being kidnapped by more warlike races such
as Sea Trolls to use as unwilling mercenaries in their
constant battles against the Merfolk and Sea Elves.
Of all the strange races that dwell under the surface of
Titan’s seas and oceans, none are perhaps quite so bizarre One of the most famous Swordfish of all time is the great
as the blade-wielding piscine humanoids known as Cyrano, who styles himself as the finest swordsman of all
SWORDFISH. Not to be confused with the spike-nosed the seas, and who dwells in a ruined cathedral amid the
marlin-like fish of the same name, they are man-like rubble of the lost city of Atlantis. Another is Merkurio, a
creatures with the head of a fish, and are dressed in fine roving ambassador to the “dry-skinned land-lubbers”
clothes with flamboyant accessories such as plumed hats who dwelt for a time within the Croaking Caves of
and knee-high boots (how they obtain and maintain such Daddu-Yadu. The origins of such a strange race of people
finery underwater is unknown). Their name derives from are completely unknown. Some mystics speculate that
the razor-sharp rapier they carry at all times, and whose Swordfish are related to similar races such as Fish Men or
secrets they teach to anyone who wishes to learn. Elkiem, while others believe they were originally a race
Swordfish also carry a flask of healing potion, concocted of men from Femphrey, or somewhere similar, who were
from various underwater plants and shellfish, which cursed by a Sea Hag into their current form.

Swordfish from Demons of the Deep by Steve Jackson.

Illustration by Bob Harvey.

HABITAT: Marshes, Forests
TYPE: Plant

SWORD TREES are a bizarre type of dangerous plant

native to marshy or forested areas of north-western Khul,
such as Scorpion Swamp. They are dark green in colour,
and fairly small, but they have twisted branches that all
end in swords (or sword-like appendages). The branches
move exactly like arms, swinging their swords to attack
prey, while the trees can also uproot themselves and use
their roots as legs to slowly wander about on. There are
two schools of thought on the nature of these so-called

WEAPON: Large Bite and Large Claw; Spiked Tail (as per
Morning Star)
HABITAT: Caves, Dungeons, Mountains
TYPE: Reptile

In the subterranean netherworld known as the Dark

Chasms that lies beneath the Kingdom of Gorak, lurk
many bizarre monsters. One of the more normal creatures
is the formidable predator known as the TAILSPIKER or
the Spike-Tailed Lizard. Closely related to the Giant
Lizard of the lands above, it is similar in appearance
though considerably larger at up to eight metres in length.
Around half of this comprises the creature’s tail, which
ends in a viciously spiked club that gives the beast its
name. Typically, the creature will hang off walls or
ceilings in some dark cavern, waiting for prey to chance
by, before attacking with tooth, claw and tail (which
incidentally does approximately the same damage as a
Morning Star). The Tailspiker is known to be especially
partial to eating Orcs, of which there are certainly no
shortages of in the Dark Chasms, though really any
humanoid or group of humanoids that strays into its
domain will be considered fair game!
swords; one is that they are actually iron-hard leaves
similar to the Blade Tree of Mauristatia, while another says Tailspiker from Chasms of Malice by Luke Sharp.
the swords are real swords and either supplied to the trees Illustration by Russ Nicholson.
by whoever grew them, or taken by the trees from the
bodies of dead adventurers and travellers. The above
ability scores represent a typical glade of six Sword Trees
– for every extra Sword Tree over six, add 2 STAMINA and
1 ATTACK. They are hardy plants, being quite resistant to
fire (which causes 2 STAMINA points damage), and even if
the whole patch is slain in combat, new growth will spread
from the dead trees, regenerating them back to normal in
a manner of hours! Indeed, the only way to destroy them
utterly is to hack them apart in combat and immediately
burn the remains before they sprout back. Some devious
wizards have been known to harvest Sword Tree seeds
and throw them at an enemy while casting a Growth spell.
However this is usually a tactic of last resort as the lethal
plants do not differentiate between friend or foe and will
attack everything in the vicinity in order to create their
own source of compost!

Sword Tree from Scorpion Swamp by Steve Jackson.

Illustration by Duncan Smith.

peaks of the Shios’ii Mountains. Some Tatsu have been

TATSU found further abroad, in the wastes surrounding the
city-state of Zamarra, or the mysterious mountains known
Greater Lesser as the Anvils of the Gods in the far south of the Old World.
SKILL: 14 11 There are Lesser and Greater varieties of Tatsu, with the
STAMINA: 23 14 former marginally more numerous than the latter, but
ATTACKS: 3 both are extremely rare.
Greater – Very Large Bite and Very Large Claw The Tatsu is a very intelligent creature and will claim to
Lesser – Large Bite and Large Claw be bound by celestial laws of conduct when it encounters
ARMOUR: someone travelling through its domain. This will usually
Greater – Heavy resolve itself as a game of chance or a riddling contest, and
Lesser – Medium if the wayfarer wins the competition they will receive safe
DAMAGE MODIFIER: passage. However, should they lose, the Tatsu will leap
Greater – Double Damage upon them and devour them with its mouth full of great
Lesser – +1 to Damage Roll ivory fangs. They can also breath out a blast of flame every
HABITAT: Forests, Mountains, Marshes, Hills, Caves other Attack Round, which require a successful Test for
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1 Skill to avoid. If the victim is unsuccessful, they are badly
TYPE: Monster burned for 4 STAMINA points of damage (or 6 STAMINA
REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly points of damage if attacked by a Greater Tatsu).
Some Tatsu are even known to use magical spells,
summoning up illusory warriors to defend their lair, or
The TATSU is a strange type of wingless Dragon that call forth great storms to rain lightning bolts down upon
nevertheless has the magical ability to fly through the air. their enemies. These powers, together with their innate
It has a long sinuous body, like a massive serpent but with flying ability despite lacking wings, are created by an
four clawed legs. The Tatsu’s head is adorned with spikes enchanted pearl embedded deep within their skull.
and horns and dominated by its great, glaring amber eyes. Indeed, incredible gifts are said to be granted to those who
Its body is covered with thick iridescent scales that can slay a Tatsu and ingest such a pearl; such artefacts are
shimmer in silver, gold, scarlet and emerald hues. They all but priceless and only owned by the most powerful
are found in isolated areas of the kingdom of Hachiman, emperors and archmagi. More common are jade charms
such as the depths of the Forest of Shadows, or atop the sculpted in the shape of a Tatsu, which are known as
Talismans of Fortuitous Circumstances, and grant a boon
of 2 extra LUCK points to all who wear them. These amulets
are sometimes given to those to help a Tatsu, perhaps by
slaying a troublesome Sturramak, whom they are known
to loath with a passion!

Tatsu from Sword of the Samurai by Mark Smith and Jamie

Thompson. Illustration by Alan Langford.

WEAPON: See below
ARMOUR: See below
HABITAT: Ruins, Dungeons
TYPE: Magical creature
REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly

preposterous stroke of fortune, and the damage done is

increased by 1 point.

God: Telak, Appearance: Broad-shouldered, golden-skinned

warrior, Weapon: Greatsword, Armour: Plate Armour,
Special Abilities: This Guardian will strike mighty blows in
combat. Add 2 points to the creature’s Damage Roll
whenever it wounds its opponent.

God: Hamaskis, Appearance: Old wizened being in a purple

robe and hooded cloak, Weapon: Quarterstaff, Armour:
None, Special Abilities: The Guardian is an accomplished
spellcaster and has a MAGIC score of 8, 20 Magic Points
and 2-7 Wizardry spells that cost no more than 2 Magic
Points to cast.

God: Filash, Appearance: Warrior in blackened armour and

wreathed in flame, Weapon: Battle Axe, Armour: Plate
Armour, Special Abilities: Roll one die every Attack Round.
On a roll of 1 or 2, the Guardian’s opponent is burned by
flames for 1 STAMINA point damage. On a roll of 3-6, there
is no effect.

Temple Guardian from Keep of the Lich-Lord by Dave Morris

and Jamie Thompson. Illustration by David Gallagher.

As adventurers explore ancient ruins and decaying
dungeons they often come across long-abandoned shrines SKILL: 8
and temples that are now home to the strange beings STAMINA: 12
known as TEMPLE GUARDIANS. These are thought to ATTACKS: 4
be agents of the gods themselves, coalescing out of WEAPON: Tentacles (as per Large Claw)
nowhere to attack looters and desecrators, only to ARMOUR: Light
disappear just as mysteriously once the threat has been DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
dealt with. The physical appearance of a Temple Guardian HABITAT: Lakes, Rivers, Caves, Dungeons, Ruins
varies widely, depending on the god or goddess whose NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1
temple it is protecting. The adventurer Aidoclus of TYPE: Mollusc
Vernale for example, told of meeting a scarlet-armoured REACTION: Hostile
Temple Guardian brandishing twin longswords, in a INTELLIGENCE: Low
ruined shrine of Lhyss (the name by which Sindla,
Goddess of Luck, is known among the inhabitants of the
Arrowhead Islands). In Allansia, the renowned tomb- The TENTALLUS is what results when evil sorcerers such
robber Jerran Farr has encountered many Temple as Razaak meddle with creatures such as Giant Octopuses
Guardians in the lost cities of the Desert of Skulls, and and Tentacled Things, trying to hybridise them to create
describes them as animal-headed humanoids with spears even more fearsome beasts for their dungeons. Squid-like
and white kilts, harkening back to the bestial gods of the in appearance, the Tentallus has long gray-green tentacles
Djaratian civilisation that once flourished here. Below are up to five metres long that are covered in suckers and
further suggestions for some types of Temple Guardians warty growths. It often lurks in subterranean lakes, deep
that may be encountered: pools and forgotten streams, but it is also capable of
aestivating and sometimes lies dormant under a damp
Goddess: Sindla (or Lhyss), Appearance: Tall being in patch of ground, woken only by the footsteps of an
antique scarlet armour, Weapon: Sword, Armour: Plate unfortunate victim. The Tentallus always attacks with its
Armour, Special Abilities: When the Guardian is wounded, flailing tentacles, attempting to subdue its prey before
roll one die. On a roll of 1-4, the blow is slightly deflected devouring it. Should it be encountered underwater, the
by some ludicrously unlucky event, and the damage done victim must win at least one Attack Round in three or
is reduced by 1 point. On a roll of 5 or 6, the blow is drown. However, like the Tentacled Thing, it is repelled
rendered even more effective by some equally by a Bracelet of Mermaid Scales, which will cause it to

Reiner Heydrich of the Mauristatian principality of

Mortvania. The Thassaloss is a four-armed humanoid
skeleton of yellowed bones, with glowing green eye-
sockets. Two of its arms wield a large black scythe. It is
important to note that the Thassaloss is not affected by
Undead-related spells and abilities, such as Ward or
Banish. However, any Thassaloss can be killed instantly
by an obscure Old World enchantment known as the
Shatter Spell, which will snap its spine in two. Similar to
Skeletons though, edged and sharp weapons only do 1
point of STAMINA damage to a Thassaloss; blunt and
smashing weapons do normal damage. There are two
kinds of Thassaloss and both are detailed further below.

The MINOR THASSALOSS, which, despite its name, is

still a very formidable adversary, and during combat can
shoot a green ray of freezing cold from its eye sockets
towards its victim. This happens every Attack Round
regardless of whether the creature wins the Attack Round
or not. For a Minor Thassaloss, roll one die every Attack
Round. On a roll of 1-3, the ray strikes its victim, who must
deduct 1 point of STAMINA. On a roll of 4-6, the victim
manages to dodge the ray.

The MAJOR THASSALOSS is often the most powerful

retreat to the most distant part of its lair, waiting until the guardian of any prominent evil-doer. It is much larger in
bearer of the Bracelet has left its domain. The Tentallus is size than the Minor Thassaloss, however, the bones used
sometimes found in the company of Sirens, but more often to construct them both appear to be human-sized. During
than not prefers to lurk alone in the dark places, filled with combat the Major Thassaloss can shoot a green ray of
hatred and malice towards all other living things… freezing cold from its eye sockets at its victim. This

Tentallus from Citadel of Chaos by Steve Jackson.

Illustration by Russ Nicholson.

Minor Major
SKILL: 8 10
STAMINA: 11 15
WEAPON: Scythe (as per Polearm)
HABITAT: Dungeons, Ruins, Anywhere their master is
TYPE: Magical Creature

Although they appear to be undead, the THASSALOSS,

or Death Colossus, is actually a type of magical guardian
similar to the many varieties of Golem. The instructions
given to a Thassaloss are limited to staying in one spot to
guard a door or treasure, and to attack anyone who enters,
except their master. Given the amount of bones needed to
create one, their master is usually evil, such as Count

happens every Attack Round regardless of whether or not locally as the THRASHER. Roughly bear-sized, its
the creature wins the Attack Round or not. The strength muscular body is covered in a thick matted pelt of black
of this chilling attack depends on the type of Thassaloss. bristly fur. It uses its short forelimbs for grasping, and its
For a Major Thassaloss, roll one die every Attack Round. long powerful hind legs for leaping, powering itself across
On a roll of 1-5, the ray strikes its victim who must deduct all terrain in a series of bounding hops. The Thrasher’s
1 point of STAMINA. On a roll of 6, the victim manages to head is hyena-like, with a mouth full of sharp teeth, and
dodge the ray. its name comes from its long tail, which ends in a solid
club-like ball of cartilage and bone. This makes for a
Thassaloss from Vault of the Vampire by Keith Martin. devastating weapon and if the Thrasher ever rolls an 11
Illustration by Martin McKenna. or 12 for its Attack Strength regardless of whether it wins
that Attack Round, it has hit its opponent automatically
with its tail club (doing damage as per a Mace). Thrashers
usually prey on deer and wild goats, but sometimes
THRASHER terrorize remote hamlets, eating both villagers and their
livestock until a brave adventurer or hunter can be
SKILL: 7 persuaded to rescue them by slaying the beast. Tracking
STAMINA: 13 the Thrasher back to its lair is the easy part as it leaves
ATTACKS: 2 behind an unmistakable path of large footprints,
WEAPON: Large Bite and Tail Club (as per Mace) splintered trees and shattered rocks, and it also makes a
ARMOUR: Light horrid grinding and crashing noise as it rampages through
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None the undergrowth.
HABITAT: Hills, Plains, Forests
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-2 Thrasher from Keep of the Lich-Lord by Dave Morris and
TYPE: Animal Jamie Thompson.
REACTION: Unfriendly Illustration by David Gallagher.

Strange creatures often dwell in the more isolated parts

of Titan, and few such habitats are as large and varied as
the Arrowhead Islands. Here, not only do we find the TIGER
bizarre Whipperwolves, but also the weird beast known
Tiger Fangtiger Snow Tiger
SKILL: 8 7 8
STAMINA: 9 8 10
WEAPON: Large Claw or Large Bite
Tiger – Jungles, Forests, Marshes, Hills
Fangtiger – Forests, Hills, Mountains, Plains
Snow Tiger – Ice, Mountains
TYPE: Animal
REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly

TIGERS are among the largest predatory cats on Titan:

huge orange and black-striped felids related to Lions but
living in wooded areas with plenty of undergrowth. Here,
their colouration provides excellent camouflage while
hunting deer, antelope, and other prey. Tigers are native
to the southern jungles of Allansia, and in the Old World
they can be found in the forested areas of the Anvils of the
Gods, Far Analand, and the cloud forests of Mauristatia.
On Khul, they live in Scorpion Swamp, for they are
surprisingly water-loving for cats, to the jungles beyond
Shurrupak, and the kingdom of Hachiman. Rare White

Tigers are even known from the islands of the Arrowhead Icefinger and Freezeblood Mountains. Although it has a
Archipelago. Tigers have long history on Titan. They grey-white pelt adorned with jagged black stripes, its long
fought on the side of Good, alongside Magir the Tiger curved fangs and stub of a tail show that it is more closely
Goddess during the First Battle, and it is said that a related to the Sabre-Toothed Tiger of warmer southern
gigantic golden Tiger guards the accursed ruins of the lost lands. The Snow Tiger preys on deer and moose, tracking
city of Kharnek, somewhere in southern Allansia. them tirelessly across the tundra, but it will resort to
scavenging and eating carrion when times are hard. They
Looking like a cross between a normal Tiger and a are hunted by Frost Giants, Barbarians, and the Toa-Suo,
Sabre-Toothed Tiger, but smaller than either of them, are and as a consequence are rare throughout their range.
the FANGTIGERS of south-western Khul. With their
orange and black pelts, and the enormous curved fangs Snow Tiger from Tower of Destruction by Keith Martin.
that give them their name, they are impressive beasts and Illustration by Pete Knifton.
much intertwined with the cultures of the small kingdoms
of this area, such as Kazan, where they are the totem of
the clan and city of Yigenik, and Zamarra. Indeed,
Fangtigers can be domesticated to an extent and used as
battle-mounts, typically reined in pairs, with their rider
placing one foot on the back of each animal. Noted
warriors who ride a pair of Fangtigers into battle include SKILL: 9
the notorious Beshbalik, leader of the Kazanid mercenaries STAMINA: 9
known as Beshbalik’s Marauders, and the commander of ATTACKS: 1
a group of renegade Amazons operating in the vicinity of WEAPON: Trident (as per Spear)
the city-state of Zamarra. ARMOUR: None
The SNOW TIGER is a hunter of the northern Ice Wastes HABITAT: Marshes, Rivers
of Allansia, ranging as far south as the foothills of the NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-6
TYPE: Amphibian/Humanoid
REACTION: Unfriendly

Thought to be related to the batrachian Kreehuls of the

Isle of the Dawn, the TOADMEN of Allansia are much
stronger creatures and considerably more intelligent. They
are tall bulky beings, with a huge head that sits on a
puffed-out body covered in rough, warty skin. Their arms
and legs are thin yet powerful, and heavily webbed feet
to help them traverse their swampy homelands, while
their heads are almost all wide and cavernous mouth,
topped by two large, glistening bulbous eyes. Toadmen
are capable of speaking the language of humans, but
among each other will converse in a series of croaks and
belches. When an intruder stumbles into their swamp,
they will warn each other using a series of regular
booming croaks that echo across the fens, before
converging on their enemy en masse, and attacking with
simple iron-headed tridents.

If the enemy is too big or numerous, they will try and trick
or push them into the muddy Sinkpits that form part of
their marshy realm. These are treacherous patches of
quicksand that the Toadmen excavate at various spots
throughout the swamp, and anyone unfortunate enough
to fall into a Sinkpit will quickly drown unless they
possess some kind of enchanted rope or are helped out by
others. The most well-known community of Toadmen in
Allansia lives in the Bu Fon Fen (otherwise known as the
Swamp of the Toadmen), on the southern bank of the
Deedlewater. Here they cultivate extensive herb gardens
containing rare plants such as Sculliweed, Fishbait Flower,

Merfolk have solved this by deliberately breeding various

kinds of fish for specific purposes, creating in the process
the range of creatures now known as TOOLFISH. These
are almost always found in the workshop of a Merfolk
craftsman in one of their sunken cities, and can be bought
for 2 Gold Pieces or 1 Black Pearl. In the hands of non-
Merfolk however, Toolfish have only one use and then
they will swim away. They are also enchanted, and will
grow magically in size when removed from a tool-rack
and put to use. The above scores apply to the Sawfish,
which is the only Toolfish that will regularly fight
independently; assume scores of SKILL 6 STAMINA 2 for
other Toolfish, except the Glowfish, which has SKILL 0.
Five types of Toolfish are presented below, but there will
certainly be other kinds developed by the Merfolk for
different purposes.

The AXEFISH is around a metre long at full size, with a

heavy, horned beak that was originally used to crush coral
and the shells of crustaceans and molluscs. Now it is used
primarily as a chopping tool, but it can also be deployed
as a weapon if its owner is absolutely desperate. In this
instance, the Axefish will do damage equal to a Battle Axe,
but with a -2 penalty to its wielder’s Attack Strength.

The BORERFISH is a small, stout fish with a long

corkscrew nose. It is unknown what kind of fish it may
have been originally, but now it is used for drilling holes
in all kinds of materials. This would also include the hulls
of sailing ships, for there is a persistent rumour that the

Purity Plant, and many others besides. However, the

Toadmen consider their marsh and herb gardens to be
holy, for no-one’s eyes but their own. The punishment for
disobeying this law is death.

Toadman from Creature of Havoc by Steve Jackson.

Illustration by Alan Langford.

SKILL: 8 (Sawfish only)
STAMINA: 10 (Sawfish only)
ATTACKS: 1 (Sawfish only)
WEAPON: Saw (as per Sword; Sawfish only)
HABITAT: Anywhere Merfolk are, Sea
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-6 (1 of each type plus 1
TYPE: Fish

Living underwater presents many problems for the

various aquatic races that populate the seas of Titan, such
as making tools for craftwork and construction. The

pirate ship Troll, commanded by the infamous Captain

Bloodaxe, was sunk by an unknown adventurer using
precisely such a fish! If used as a weapon, the Borerfish
counts as an Improvised weapon, with a modifier of -1 to
the Damage Roll.

In contrast to the other Toolfish, the inoffensive

GLOWFISH can never be used as a weapon. Instead it will
grow in size and provide a shining blue light that is
equivalent to the effect of a Light spell (Advanced Fighting
Fantasy, p. 74). Indeed, for some nautically-inclined
wizards such as the mysterious Greylock of Atlantis, their
equivalent of the Light spell physically summons a
Glowfish to serve the caster for a short period of time!

The KNIFEFISH is a simple cutting tool that is derived

from a sharp-toothed gar or needlefish. Unlike the other
Toolfish it can be physically held and used as a hand
weapon if needed; in which case it does damage equal to
a Dagger.

Finally, the SAWFISH has been adapted from a spike-

toothed relative of the sharks and stingrays. Normally it
is used for sawing through tougher materials held in place
by a vice-like Giant Clam. However, if it or its owner is
threatened, the Sawfish will grow rapidly in size into a
silvery fish up to two metres long with a saw-toothed bill,
and attack, using the scores listed above. Note also that a
Sawfish can only saw through things if it has some
leverage; it could not saw through the smooth surface of
a trapdoor or ship’s hull for example, but it could saw
through the bars of a cage. Pikestaff Plain, and the nameless tracts of deep forests in
between. Here they raid each other for slaves and loot,
Toolfish from Demons of the Deep by Steve Jackson. uniting occasionally to launch an ambush on a merchant
Illustration by Bob Harvey. caravan wandering the lonely trails between the distant
settlements of Arion, Kalamdar and Fallow Dale. When
attacking, Tribesmen favour missile weapons such as
javelins and longbows, before using short thrusting-spears
TRIBESMAN when engaging in close combat. They are usually clad in
primitive leather armour made from the hides of beasts
SKILL: 8 they have killed, for Tribesmen believe to slay such
STAMINA: 8 creatures, including Nandibears and Sabre-Toothed
ATTACKS: 1 Tigers, is the mark of a great warrior.
WEAPON: Long Bow, Javelin or Spear
ARMOUR: Leather Hauberk Some of the tribes have been known to follow the fell
DAMAGE MODIFIER: None sorceress Morgana who dwells in these parts, but such
HABITAT: Mountains, Hills, Forests, Plains alliances never last long as there is plenty of dissent
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-3 or 3-18 between and even within each tribe. Tribesmen are
TYPE: Humanoid usually encountered in hunting parties of one to three
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile warriors, though there may be three to eighteen warriors
INTELLIGENCE: High (both male and female), and as many non-combatant
young and elderly back at their hidden village of crude
huts. Similar types of Tribesmen may be found on other
Much like the Wild Hill Men of the Moonstone Hills in continents, embracing related peoples like the Wild Wood
Allansia but somewhat more culturally advanced, the Men of Avanti in Kakhabad or the coastal marauders of
TRIBESMEN of northern Khul are just as aggressive and rocky Kulak Isle in Allansia.
untrustworthy. Their warring tribes inhabit a broad
swathe of territory including the mountainous highlands Tribesman from Masks of Mayhem by Robin Waterfield.
of Krill Garnash, the flat featureless expanse of the Illustration by Russ Nicholson.

with a Troll, the creatures’ twin brains do not impart any

TROLL increase in intelligence, and the Two-Headed Troll is
about as stupid as a Cave Troll. It is incredibly strong
Half-Troll Two-Headed Troll however, and will cause double damage on a roll of a 1 or
SKILL: 10 8 2 on one die for every time it hits its opponent in combat.
STAMINA: 12 10 In addition, the Two-Headed Troll is devoted to its
ATTACKS: 2 weaponry, and will often be found lovingly honing a
WEAPON: Battle Axe, Club, or Sword razor-sharp battle axe, or polishing the spikes of flint on
ARMOUR: a stone-headed club. Most of the time these creatures are
Half-Troll – Leather Cuirass encountered living a solitary existence in some forgotten
Two-Headed Troll – Light dungeon or wilderness cave, until chanced upon by a
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll luckless adventurer. If they overpower their prey, the
HABITAT: Two-Headed Troll will then commence a long argument
Half-Troll – Towns, Dungeons, Ruins with itself as to the best method of preparing their victim
Two-Headed Troll – Dungeons, Caves, Wilderness, Hills for dinner.
TYPE: Humanoid Two Headed Troll from Master of Chaos by Keith Martin.
REACTION: Illustration by David Gallagher.
Half-Troll – Unfriendly
Two-Headed Troll – Hostile
Half-Troll – Average-High
Two-Headed Troll – Low

Thought by some to be the first Children of Hashak the

Creator, TROLLS have spread across Titan where they toil
alongside their lesser brethren, the Orcs and Goblins, in
the armies of Chaos and Evil. Common races, including
Cave Trolls and Hill Trolls, are well-known to any
adventurer of standing, but there are also more obscure
types of Trolls lurking in dark corners throughout the
three major continents and beyond.

One example is the HALF-TROLL, which as its name

unfortunately suggests, is part-human and part-Troll.
Burly, brawny creatures, Half-Trolls are around the same
size as a normal Troll, but with more hair, a leaner
physique, and, for a Troll, above-average intelligence.
They are often found working in a variety of physically
demanding jobs, such as bodyguards, blacksmiths,
bouncers, and mercenaries. Half-Trolls usually arm
themselves with axes, swords, and stone clubs, and wear
whatever scraps of leather armour fit their twisted frames.
Incredibly, some scheming creatures even rise to positions
of power, and these individuals may have scores of SKILL
11 STAMINA 14. One such Half-Troll was the legendary TUSKER
Thugruff, who served as Battlemaster of the Testing
Grounds, for the necromancer Zharradan Marr, leading SKILL: 7
his legionaries during the epic Trolltooth Wars that STAMINA: 6
wracked central Allansia. ATTACKS: 1
WEAPON: Club or Scimitar (as per Sword)
Another powerful variety is the TWO-HEADED TROLL, ARMOUR: Leather Hauberk and Small Shield
whose twin heads are thought to be an affliction of Chaos DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
(and often accompanied by other mutations such as tails, HABITAT: Caves, Dungeons, Forests, Hills
horns, and spikes). Standing close to three metres tall, it NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-3
is a violent and very dangerous creature, whose wart- TYPE: Animal/Humanoid
covered faces are distended by drooling, tusk-laden REACTION: Hostile
mouths. Surprisingly, or perhaps not given we are dealing INTELLIGENCE: Average

animals they can catch. Their most treasured possession

however, will be a clay effigy of Grush, usually in the form
of a red pig, reminding them of the tainted origins of their

Tusker from Clash of the Princes: The Warlock’s Way by

Andrew Chapman and Martin Allen.
Illustration by John Blanche.

WEAPON: Horn (as per Sword) and Hooves (as per Large
HABITAT: Forests, Hills, Marshes
TYPE: Animal
REACTION: Neutral (Friendly towards maidens)

How did we capture the UNICORN? Oh, the traditional

method of using a young maiden and a wreath of
flowers as a lure. Worked like a charm, if I do say so
The Natural History of the Unicorn
Way back during the Godtime or so the priests say, Grush Throngard of Lendleland
the Boar God saw his fellow deity Hashak creating the
first Orcs with lumps of magical clay and decided to copy
him. Crafting a race of boar-headed figures, Grush hid
them away in the same dark places that Hashak had
concealed his Orcs and Trolls. As a result, when the Dark
Lords infected the Orcs with the curse of Chaos, they did
likewise to the creations of Grush, which are known today
as TUSKERS. Tuskers are thus sometimes mistakenly
called ‘Pig-faced Orcs’ though they are not directly related,
and their existence also gives rise to the falsehood that
Orcs are somehow descended from swine. In appearance,
a Tusker has a stunted, humanoid body covered in bristly
brown or grey hair, with clawed hands and a boar or
warthog-like head. Two curved tusks protrude from the
sides of its mouth, and the legacy of Chaos can often be
seen in the profusion of spikes and horns that adorn its
upper skull.

They are a grumpy and bad-tempered race, often drawn

to serving a local warlord or evil priest, who will use them
as guards and mercenaries, armed with barbed scimitars
and serrated cutlasses, and clad in leather armour. Some
Tuskers reject this life, and live solitary existences in the
wilderness, perhaps in a shallow cave or secluded grove.
These Tuskers will not have any armour, and will only
wield stone clubs (with a SKILL of 6 owing to their lack of
weapons training), which they use to subdue any game

The Unicorn is a magical type of horse, pure white in liquid, with vulpine fangs and powerful, claw-tipped
colour, with a long spiral-shaped horn protruding from hands on grossly elongated arms. The Vitriol Essence’s
its brow. They are extremely rare, and found only in the real weapon however is the fact it is composed entirely of
most primeval forests, lonely hills and mist-wreathed strong acid and every successful hit will inflict 4 STAMINA
marshes. Unicorns are intelligent, though opinion differs points of damage to its victim, with armour offering no
on whether they communicate through thought, similar protection, as the acid eats through its opponent’s flesh.
to an ESP Spell, or by speech. They are extremely Should the Vitriol Essence be reduced to 2 STAMINA points,
distrustful of most people except Wood Elves and Fairies, it will immediately flee to the depths of whatever body of
for cruel men and Orcs often hunt them as their pelts and liquid it currently calls home. After a short recuperation
horns are highly prized. It is well known that a beautiful period, it will return to attack, but in this reduced form it
human maiden wreathed in flowers can be used as an only has SKILL 8, STAMINA 4, and does 2 STAMINA points
effective Unicorn lure, although it is unknown if Orcs are of damage per successful hit, regardless of armour. The
able to employ a similar stratagem! Vitriol Essence is usually summoned by a wizard or
elementalist and placed in a vat of acid or deep
The horn of a Unicorn is not simply a trophy but a magical underground pool, to guard something of great value.
artefact in its own right. It counts as a lucky amulet and Smart adventurers will realise though that the creature
anyone who has one in their possession may permanently cannot leave its aquatic lair, and will no doubt devise some
add 2 to their LUCK score. The horn may have other powers method for holding off or distracting the Vitriol Essence
(certainly there are plenty of mages who claim it does!), while carefully removing any riches it may guard!
and can be sold at any market for fifty Gold Pieces or
more. Less well known is the fact that a captured or Vitriol Essence from Beneath Nightmre Castle by Peter
injured Unicorn may provide a wish to those who help it. Darville-Evans. Illustration by Jason Lenox.
The power of the wish is limited to the current condition
of the Unicorn, and may range from revealing the location
of a nearby hidden treasure, to completely restoring a
character’s SKILL, STAMINA, or LUCK score. Good knights
often use the symbol of a Unicorn upon their shields, while
it is said that tattooing a white unicorn in a golden sun
upon your forehead provides protection from the
mesmerism attack of greater Undead, such as Zanbar Bone
the Night Prince.

Unicorn from Scorpion Swamp by Steve Jackson.

Illustration by Duncan Smith.

WEAPON: Acid Touch (see below)
HABITAT: Caves, Dungeons, Magical Plane of Water,
Anywhere their master is
TYPE: Magical Creature
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile

Not all the denizens of the Elemental Planes are true

Elementals. For example, on the Magical Plane of Fire
there are also Fire Sprites, Devlins and Demon Bats; while
on the Magical Plane of Water there lives the VITRIOL
ESSENCE. This foul-tempered being takes the form of a
vaguely humanoid creature composed of red luminescent

capable of generating blobs of flesh all over its body that

VLODBLAD will extend into boneless limbs until it is killed. During
any Attack Round in which the Vlodblad is not wounded,
SKILL: 3 (see below) its SKILL score will increase by 2 points and it will have 1
STAMINA: 10 more ATTACK as it produced more tentacles with which to
ATTACKS: 1 (see below) flail at its enemies. Therefore it is imperative to kill the
WEAPON: Tentacle (as per Small Claw) Vlodblad quickly, lest it become a far more dangerous
ARMOUR: None beast than it initially appears!
HABITAT: Dungeons, Ruins, Caves Vlodblad from Beneath Nightmare Castle by Peter Darville-
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1 Evans. Illustration by Jason Lenox.
TYPE: Monster
The foul and bloated VLODBLAD is a creation of the evil SKILL: 6
Xakhaz, archmage of the now-depraved city of Zagoula. STAMINA: 10
It looks like a leathery-skinned flabby mound of damp ATTACKS: 4
rags, with two tiny eyes almost lost amidst the folds of WEAPON: Tentacle (as per Small Claw) and Large Bite
obscene and blubbery flesh. The Vlodblad is an utterly ARMOUR: Heavy
lethal drainer of STAMINA and is usually used in tandem DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
with illusion magic and hypnotism, so that a compliant HABITAT: Marshes, Rivers, Lakes
victim will sit on the creature, believing it to be a chair, NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-6
and be engulfed in its pulsating amorphous folds. If the TYPE: Mollusc
victim has a way to see through illusions however, they REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly
will view the creature as it really is and may attack it as INTELLIGENCE: Low
normal. Although somewhat sluggish, the Vlodblad is

Too many travellers in Khul have approached a lonesome the Weevil Man has managed to take the blow on his
ford of stepping stones across a stream and, as they jump carapace armour and suffers only 1 STAMINA point loss
from boulder to boulder, are suddenly dragged down by instead.
powerful tentacles towards a clacking beak, as what they
thought was a boulder reveals itself to be a GIANT Most Weevil Men live solitary existences in forested areas,
WATERSNAIL! The spiral shells of these carnivorous subsisting on a simple diet of maggots, grubs, and various
molluscs can be over two metres in diameter, though only kinds of fungi. They also set crude traps to catch small
the top portion will usually be showing above the animals such as rabbits and young deer. A favourite trap
waterline. The head of the creature is similar to that of a consists of several sharpened stakes tied to a stick, that,
normal snail, with two long eye-stalks, but below that are when triggered by stepping on an innocuous piece of
six grasping tentacles surrounding a sharp-beaked mouth. wood, causes the stakes to spring up and impale their
Anyone surprised by a Giant Watersnail must subtract 2 victim. This requires a successful Test for Luck to avoid;
from their SKILL as the tentacles wind themselves around anyone who is Unlucky must deduct 1-6 STAMINA points
their victim’s legs, and then reduce their SKILL by a further for their troubles. Weevil Men are terrified of sorcery
point at the end of every Attack Round as they are however, and any display of spectacular spellcasting,
dragged towards the creature’s mouth. Once their SKILL regardless of whether or not it has any tangible effect, will
is zero, they will automatically take Large Bite damage usually send the creatures scampering back to their lair.
every Attack Round from the Giant Watersnail’s beaked This is typically a hole or burrow at the base of a large tree
jaws, until they are freed by any companions or they are or moss-covered boulder, and contains the Weevil Man’s
dead. Giant Watersnails are found in marshier areas across meagre possessions, among which will be a whetstone to
Khul from the Mizokumo Fens in the east to Scorpion keep the blade of its hatchet sharp and ready for danger!
Swamp in the west, and are the primary reason that
Khulians in these parts approach half-submerged Weevil Man from Phantoms of Fear by Robin Waterfield.
boulders and stepping-stones with due care. Illustration by Jason Lenox.

Giant Watersnail from Portal of Evil by Peter Darville-Evans.

Illustration by Alan Langford.

WEAPON: Hatchet (as per Handaxe)
ARMOUR: Medium
HABITAT: Forests, Caves
TYPE: Insect/Humanoid
REACTION: Unfriendly

Out in the wilderness lurk many strange mutants, outcast

from human society and forced to eke out a living in the
hidden places of Titan, surviving against all the odds. One
such race of beings are the WEEVIL MEN, misshapen
hybrids of beetle and man, with a humanoid body, jointed
limbs, a spiky carapace, at least one clawed hand, and
twitching antennae. They are hardy fighters and arm
themselves with single-bladed hatchets that can be swung
at an opponent in melee combat, or thrown as a missile
weapon (treat as a Medium object). Weevil Men are also
experts at using their natural body-armour defensively:
at the end of any Attack Round, if a Weevil Man has
sustained any blows causing more than 1 STAMINA
damage, roll one die for each such wound. On a roll of 1-3,

Whipperwolves are tireless hunters, usually chasing down

WHIPPERWOLF victims in small packs while howling in an even more
bestial and feral way than that of normal wolves. They are
SKILL: 8 cautious but not afraid of fire, and will attack travellers’
STAMINA: 8 campsites, but curiously, they are reluctant to pursue prey
ATTACKS: 2 beyond the margins of the forest. If the pack’s quarry can
WEAPON: Small Bite or Tail Lash (as per Morning Star) make it to the edge of the woods therefore, they will be
ARMOUR: Light free from the dreaded attack of the Whipperwolves.
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll
HABITAT: Forests Whipperwolf from Keep of the Lich-Lord by Dave Morris and
NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-6 Jamie Thompson. Illustration by David Gallagher.
TYPE: Animal
WEAPON: Wind Blast (as per Sling)
ARMOUR: None (see below)
HABITAT: Wilderness, Plains, Desert
TYPE: Magical Creature
REACTION: Unfriendly

Living WHIRLWINDS are a curious race of Wind Spirits,

and thought to be related to the similar Sand Devils from
the Desert of Skulls. Exiled for unknown reasons from the
Magical Plane of Air, they appear as a howling man-sized
spiral of swirling air, dust, and debris, and for this reason

Scattered across the islands of the Arrowhead Archipelago

lie tangled forests of heavy-timbered oak trees that are
home to both Wood Elves and Centaurs, as well as far
more bloodthirsty creatures such as the fearsome
WHIPPERWOLF. Looking like an over-sized muscular
timber wolf with glaring red eyes, the beast gets its name
from its thick whip-like tail, which is studded with
numerous curved blade-like spikes. When attacking, the
Whipperwolf both bites and lashes at its prey with its
fearsome tail. In fact, if the Whipperwolf rolls an 11 or 12
for its Attack Strength, regardless of whether it wins the
Attack Round or not, its tail automatically hits its
opponent, causing damage equal to that of a Morning Star.

they are also known as Dust Devils. Male and female

Whirlwinds are somewhat different in appearance; the
former are featureless and non-communicative, whereas
the latter are vaguely human-like, with a ghostly female
face that is more than happy to hurl insults at its victims.
Whirlwinds attack by battering their enemies with wind
and debris, and they can also charge through their victims
in a bid to suck them up. This requires a Test for Skill to
avoid; those who are unsuccessful lose 2 STAMINA points
and are knocked unconscious. Unlike Sand Devils,
Whirlwinds are unharmed by water, and their forms are
still insubstantial enough that all successful hits only cause
1 STAMINA point of damage each.

Whirlwind from Citadel of Chaos by Steve Jackson.

Illustration by Russ Nicholson.

WEAPON: Large Claw
ARMOUR: Medium
HABITAT: Forests, Jungles
TYPE: Demon Wood Demon from Crypt of the Sorcerer by Ian Livingstone.
REACTION: Hostile Illustration by John Sibbick.

Found in dark forests, lonesome glades and stinking
jungles, it is not certain whether the strange-looking SKILL: 8
WOOD DEMON is an actual entity summoned from the STAMINA: 9
Demonic Pit, or whether it is a manifestation of malign ATTACKS: 1
intelligence in a woodland area. Whatever the case, it has WEAPON: Small Claw
a hideous appearance, being humanoid in shape but with ARMOUR: None
dark, crusty bark-like skin, that is covered in moss and DAMAGE MODIFIER: None
fungus, and crawling with bloated insects. Also known as HABITAT: Ruins, Dungeons, Wilderness, Forests
the Forest Demon, the creature has a crumpled, skull-like NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-2
face and sunken eyes as dark as the earth itself. Its initial TYPE: Undead
attack is with long vine-like arms that require a Test for REACTION: Hostile
Skill to avoid. If this is successful the intended victim may INTELLIGENCE: High
fight the Wood Demon normally; however, if the test is
failed, the victim is entwined within the demon’s arms
and needs a hunting knife or dagger to cut themselves When an undead spirit has been trapped on Titan for too
free. Woe betide those who do not have a dagger to hand long, it becomes a tortured, tormented soul, in constant
as they will be squeezed to death by the Wood Demon conflict with life around it: in other words, a WRAITH!
and their body used as a source of nutrients to feed the Appearing as a smoky, wailing apparitional figure
earth of its beloved wood. The demon does not have a lair, radiating a hideous chilly malice, it will float towards its
but the remains of unfortunate travellers may be found enemies with wispy claws outstretched, attempting to
scattered throughout the Wood Demon’s territory, their drain their very life-force. In addition to STAMINA loss,
belongings and possessions still attached to their rotting anyone who is hit by a Wraith and survives the battle must
corpses... roll a die, and on a roll of 1-4, they have also lost 1 SKILL
point as well. This loss of SKILL is permanent, unless the

The XANTHIC HORROR is what results when a town

sewer or rural waterway is contaminated by a toxic
accumulation of magical effluence. These disgusting
beasts are shapeless, glowing yellow blobs, adorned with
a profusion of writhing tentacles, feelers, tendrils and
similar extrusions. Usually found in already fouled
streams and creeks, such as the Bilgewater in central
Allansia, the Xanthic Horror will lurk in a deep pool and
shamble forth to attack prey, heaving itself out of the
water if necessary and slithering across the ground,
tentacles waving in the air. They are so slow however, that
it is possible to shoot them up to three times with a missile
weapon such as a bow and arrow before closing for melee

Xanthic Horror from Seige of Sardath by Keith Phillips.

Illustration by Pete Knifton.

victim can find some kind of amulet or potion capable of

restoring their drained vitality.

To make matters worse, Wraiths can only be wounded by

magic or silver weapons. Normal weapons will pass right
through their insubstantial forms, leaving them
completely unharmed. Wraiths are found flitting about
places of forgotten evil where dead souls gather, such as
abandoned graveyards, the sites of ancient battles, ruined
crypts, and the like. Northern Ruddlestone has a Wraith
Wood that is supposedly infested with the creatures.
There are even rumours of a long-lost town deep within
the Deathmoor in north-eastern Khul that is populated by
a vengeful horde of the life-hating Wraiths. Woe betide
the adventurer that enters the nameless streets of that
decaying settlement without an enchanted blade!

Wraith from Vault of the Vampire by Keith Martin.

Illustration by Martin McKenna.


WEAPON: Tentacles (as per Large Claw)
WEAPON: Large Claw
HABITAT: Towns (sewers), Rivers, Lakes, Marshes
HABITAT: Rivers, Lakes, Marshes, Sea
TYPE: Monster
TYPE: Demon

In the distant The ZOALINTH is often considered to be the most

Isles of the successful of the mutant creations of the evil wizard
Dawn, travellers Shanzikuul, though if the truth is to be told, he was merely
avoid upland using older lore gleaned from the Chaos Pits beneath the
tarns and ruined city of Kabesh. As such, there are a few of these
isolated brooks hideous creatures skulking about in the more distant
with good eldritch ruins of Khul: the Dead City certainly, and the
reason, for these catacombs under Zagoula almost definitely. The
are home to the appearance of the Zoalinth alone is horrific enough: at
d r e a d e d nearly three metres tall, with twin crocodile heads atop
YUEMO! This is the barrel-chested body of a bear, standing on thick clawed
a type of demon legs covered in fur and feathers. A long spiked lizard-like
that appears to tail slaps along the ground behind it, and it reaches for its
be half man and prey with scrawny yet strong forearms that end in eight-
half fish, and fingered claws. On its heads, a weird pattern of black and
which lurks in white bands radiates out at odd angles along the scaly skin
the lonelier parts away from its yellow snouts, and acidic drool drips
of the constantly from its toothy jaws.
seeking to claim The Zoalinth usually fights by grabbing at prey with its
the souls of claws, and biting them with its snaggle-toothed mouths,
s o l i t a r y however it also has a further secret attack. If its STAMINA
wayfarers and misanthropic hermits. The Yuemo is is reduced to 2 or less, the creature will immediately vomit
humanoid in shape, but with a fish’s head, whose mouth forth a wave of steaming acid at its opponent. This
opens and shuts rhythmically in demonic parody of its requires a Test for Skill to avoid; those that roll greater than
piscian equivalent. The creature is covered in small gold their SKILL will suffer 4 STAMINA points of damage as the
or silver scales, and is armed with razor-sharp fin-blades acid burns into them! Despite its monstrous appearance,
instead of hands. Harpoons and tridents are particularly the Zoalinth is actually relatively intelligent. It can speak
effective against the Yuemo’s slippery hide, and an a crude version of the local human dialect where it dwells,
adventurer armed with such a weapon may add 2 to their and can also follow and understand simple commands
Attack Strength when fighting the Yuemo. However, the and instructions. The Zoalinth can also be trained to
creature can only be slain permanently by a magic recognise a symbol or badge and allow all who bear these
weapon; if its STAMINA is reduced to zero by a non-magical safe passage, through to whatever it is supposed to be
weapon, it will simply transform itself into water and guarding.
splash back into its aquatic domain. There are also
confusing reports of tiny golden fish that leap out of the Zoalinth from Master of Chaos by keith Martin.
water following the death (permanent or otherwise) of a Illustration by David
Yuemo and land at the feet of the creature’s slayer. These Gallagher.
fish are often kept as living charms in a small vial of water,
but whether their presence is efficacious or not, few can

Yuemo from The Crimson Tide by Paul Mason.

Illustration by Terry Oakes.

WEAPON: Large Claw and Large Bite
DAMAGE MODIFIER: +2 to Damage Roll
HABITAT: Dungeons, Ruins, Caves
TYPE: Monster
REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile

necessary, roll for the amount of Gold Pieces, or for the

TREASURE Special Item on the lower table. This will give you the
treasure, if any, that a creature has in its lair. If a creature
Adventurers of any stripe are always interested in loot is encountered away from its lair, it will not normally be
and treasure, usually obtained from the carcasses and carrying any treasure, unless it is a Humanoid; in that case
hidden lairs of monsters they have just slain. To work out a roll can be made as if it was in its lair. Demons and other
what treasure a monster or a group of monsters possesses, creatures from the Magical Planes will never have any
roll one die for each creature in turn on the appropriate treasure with them. Plants are assumed to always be in
table according to the Type of the creature. Then, if their lairs!

Roll Humanoid Monster Undead All others

1 none none none none
2 1-3 Gold Pieces none none none
3 1-6 Gold Pieces 1-3 Gold Pieces none none
4 2-12 Gold Pieces 1-6 Gold Pieces 1-6 Gold Pieces none
5 Special Item 2-12 Gold Pieces 2-12 Gold Pieces 1-3 Gold Pieces
6 Special Item + 1-6 Gold Pieces Special Item Special Item 1-6 Gold Pieces

Special Items

Roll Item and explanation

2 Potion of Life – will restore to life any recently killed creature (or person) at half STAMINA
3 Ratskull Wristband – cursed by a Hag, -4 SKILL until magically removed
4 Enchanted Axe – +1 to Attack Strength when used in combat
5 Silver Scorpion Brooch – can restore +1 STAMINA when survive a battle
6 1-6 jewels, worth 10 Gold Pieces each
7 1-3 gems, worth 25 Gold Pieces each
8 Bomba Fruit – (one use) will double STAMINA gain when eaten with a Provision
9 Scroll of Agonizing Doom – (one use) engulfs an enemy in a crackling blue aura that causes them to lose 8 STAMINA
10 Enchanted Breastplate – every opponent must deduct 2 from dice roll when attacking the wearer of this armour
11 Necklace of Choking – anyone wearing this silver necklace must successfully Test for Skill three times or choke to death
12 Fire Sword – +2 SKILL when held or used in combat, +1 STAMINA damage, functions as a torch

Directors should feel free to substitute their own favourite items for those already on this table. Give a powerful item a high or low
number so it isn’t chosen quite so often as the regular items, and always sprinkle a few nastier items to balance up all the nice ones!
Also, don’t forget to consult Advanced Fighting Fantasy (pp. 142-149) for a much more extensive list of treasure and magical items.

have three columns, roll one die – on a 1 or 2 use the first

ENCOUNTER TABLES column, on a 3 or 4 use the second column, and on a 5 or
6 use the last column. A few columns also have None as
As long as there are adventurers and wanderers trekking an encounter; this means that a creature is not encountered
through distant and little-known lands, there will always as the environment is desolate and uninhabited.
be a chance of encountering the strange and monstrous Alternatively, there may be plenty of smaller creatures in
inhabitants of such places. The following tables may be the vicinity, but most of them are benign and non-
used by the Director when they decide such a wandering threatening.
monster has turned up. Alternatively, they can be used
when designing your own adventures: decide what the In the original Out of the Pit (pp. 126-128), there were no
area is like and then roll on the appropriate table to see encounter tables included for areas such as Wilderness,
what lives there. Towns and Towns (sewers). These are now presented here
for the first time, but note that the first column for these
Each of these tables should be used by rolling three dice encounter tables refers to creatures from Out of the Pit,
on the table appropriate to the area. Certain areas have a while the second column is for new creatures in this book.
high variety of inhabitants, or are common stomping In addition, Blacksand (p. 93) has an encounter table for
grounds for adventurers and their ilk. To cater for this, normal town inhabitants. A roll of SPECIAL on that table
there are two (or even three) columns for some categories: indicates the Director may roll on the Towns encounter
simply choose which column you wish to roll on, or roll table in this book to determine what special creature has
a die to decide – if the result is even, use the first table, if been encountered in whatever settlement the adventurers
it is odd, use the second. For Dungeons and Ruins, which are currently exploring.

3 Death-Knight Hellfire Spirit Maijem-Nosoth
4 Spike Demon Chaos Warrior Death Skull
5 Spectre Half-Ogre Ghost
6 Temple Guardian Bone Devil Thassaloss
7 Coldclaw Diadrone Shade
8 Homunculus Blood-Lurcher Hornet Assassin
9 Ape-Dog Chest Creature Maze Fiend
10 Blood Orc Murkuron Scout
11 Minion Replicanth Shikome
12 Fire Imp Snuff Hound Lava Imp
13 Chameleon Serpent Vlodblad Scitalis
14 Nightgaunt Obligath Skeleton King
15 Ishkarim Baobhan Sith Smoke Demon
16 Half-Troll Wraith Bonecrusher
17 Iron Cyclops Skull Beast Night Horror
18 Zoalinth Spider King Lich

Roll I II
3 Mukade Stegocephalian
4 Rad-Hulk Vitriol Essence
5 Armoured Mole Manic Beast
6 Two-Headed Troll Giant Moth
7 Hag Tailspiker
8 Weevil Man Chaos Mutant
9 Prowler Man-Octopus
10 Tusker Carrion Bug
11 Flesh-Feeder Scuttlie
12 Mottled Kraken Long-Tooth Bear
13 Fairy Blackheart
14 Scitalis Muck Demon
15 Giant Hornet Half-Ogre
16 Devourer Bakk-Ruman
17 Khuddam Tentallus
18 Gargantis Cesuoshe

Roll I
3 Stegosaurus
4 Black Elk
5 Giant Bloodhawk
6 Strider
7 Mamlik
8 Pygmy Orc
9 Jabberwing
10 Nomad
11 Common Raven
12 Fangtiger
13 Whirlwind
14 Sightmaster
15 Struthiomimus
16 Rock Man
17 Thrasher
18 Triceratops

Roll I II Roll I
3 Arctolyce Shael-Beast 3 Chion
4 Ophidiotaur Grizzly Bear 4 none
5 Dryad Fairy 5 Polar Bear
6 Gnarled Oak Blog 6 Ice Golem
7 Whipperwolf Ant Symbiote 7 Snow Tiger
8 Scurrellor Carnivorous Plant 8 Ice Elf
9 Forest Panther Giant Spitting Spider 9 none
10 Killer Bee Spriggan 10 none
11 Mite Common Raven 11 Snow Beast
12 Giant Moth Fangtiger 12 Coldclaw
13 Bark-Biter Half-Elf 13 none
14 Weevil Man Giant Hornet 14 Chthonian Trapper
15 Wood Demon Sword Tree 15 Ice Hulk
16 Minimite Hag 16 Polar Worm
17 Carnivorous Ape Rokuro-Kubi 17 none
18 Unicorn Tatsu 18 Ice Ghost

Roll I Roll I
3 Ankylosaurus 3 Roc
4 Rokuro-Kubi 4 Gunderwal
5 Pilfer Grass 5 Dragonman
6 Giant Hornet 6 Whirlwind
7 Halfling 7 Awkmute
8 Wild Elf 8 Grypvulture
9 Barbarian 9 Desert Lizard Man
10 Scuttlie 10 Nomad
11 Mordida 11 Saltsucker
12 Spriggan 12 Khomatad
13 Chameleonite 13 Serpent
14 Black Fairy 14 Desert Elf
15 Giant Bloodsucking Spider 15 Sand Snapper
16 Cangui 16 Great Serpent
17 Blackheart 17 Phoenix
18 Groundhog 18 Blue Dragon

Roll I Roll I
3 Sturramak 3 Iguanodon
4 Griffin 4 Arena Beast
5 Chion 5 Ophidiotaur
6 Ice Hulk 6 Hac-Quel-Rat
7 Ectovult 7 Jungle Elf
8 Amazon 8 Bark-Biter
9 Shikome 9 Dromaeosaurus
10 Tribesman 10 Native
11 She-Satyr 11 Pygmy Lizard Man
12 Snow Tiger 12 Carnivorous Plant
13 Black Flyer 13 Panther Warrior
14 Chthonian Trapper 14 Tiger
15 Snow Beast 15 Giant Spike Spider
16 Polar Worm 16 Black Panther
17 Roc 17 Giant Chameleon
18 Tatsu 18 Shael-Beast

Roll I II Roll I II
3 Mudgrinder Kalamite 3 Manticore Sulphur Ghost
4 Pool Beast none 4 Baddu-Beetle Giant Bloodhawk
5 Kappa Bloodworm (Adult) 5 Pterodactyl Pilfer Grass
6 Giant Watersnail Sword Tree 6 Neanderthal Wild Elf
7 none Chrabat 7 Giant Aardwolf Whirlwind
8 Hag Elkiem 8 Calacorm Amazon
9 Elverine Kreehul 9 Giant Firefly Serpent
10 Swamp Orc none 10 Wild Dog Nomad
11 none Giant Frog 11 Black Elf Giant Raven
12 Man-Octopus Harpoon Fly 12 Night Hawk Klattaman
13 Yuemo Muck Demon 13 Centaur Saltsucker
14 Toadman Marsh Fiend 14 Harpy Barbarian
15 Crab Grass none 15 Sleeping Grass Pteranodon
16 none Nothosaurus 16 Giant Fly Dragonman
17 Xanthic Horror Stegocephalian 17 Aakor Phororhacos
18 Swamp Mutant Great Serpent 18 Cockatrice Chaos Manticore

Roll I Roll I II
3 Tentallus 3 Weretiger Chaos Warrior
4 Yuemo 4 Mik Half-Ogre
5 Giant Watersnail 5 Calacorm Fire Imp
6 Sea Elf 6 Ogre Mamlik
7 Toadman 7 Krell (trained) Murkuron
8 Elkiem 8 Red-Eye Half-Elf
9 Harpoon Fly 9 Man-Orc Bay
10 Elverine 10 Dwarf Halfling
11 Giant Frog 11 Black Elf Minion
12 Sea Snake 12 Wolf Dog Snuff Hound
13 Chrabat 13 Orc Sightmaster
14 Dolphin 14 Flayer Khomatad
15 Siren 15 Common Troll Pygmy Orc
16 Giant Anemone 16 Werewolf Hornet Assassin
17 Xanthic Horror 17 Lizardine Half-Troll
18 Kraken 18 Vampire (night only) Rokuro-Kubi

3 Sea Hydra Tylosaurus Roll I II
4 Roc none 3 Giant Slug Quagrant
5 Siren Sea Ogre 4 Slime Sucker Pool Beast
6 none Sea Hag 5 Mucalytic Bloodworm (Adult)
7 Pteranodon Krell 6 Wererat Mottled Kraken
8 Giant Anemone Lionfish 7 Giant Centipede Necrotic Jelly
9 Batfish none 8 Sewer Snake Flesh-Feeder
10 Barracuda Moray Eel 9 Giant Leech Man-Octopus
11 Dolphin Sea Spider 10 Giant Rat Carrion Bug
12 none Bloodworm (Young) 11 Flesh Grub Sea Snake
13 Sea Elf Sea Snake 12 Rat Man Chaos Mutant
14 Toolfish Swordfish 13 Snapperfish Hag
15 Devilfish none 14 Giant Toad Elverine
16 Nothosaurus Anemorus 15 Fish Man Muck Demon
17 none Giant Stormbird 16 Crocodile Tentallus
18 Kraken Sea Dragon 17 Tentacled Thing Xanthic Horror
18 Slime Eater Cesuoshe

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