Quarter-Activity 1. STEM 11-Charity
Quarter-Activity 1. STEM 11-Charity
Quarter-Activity 1. STEM 11-Charity
STEM 11-Charity
There are moments in our life that brings joy on us, there are laughter, tears, and frustration that we’ve
got from it, but still let us appreciate the positive moments that we have experience.
The most unforgettable experience that happened in my life is when I got baptized once again and
accept God as my saviour, as I drown myself into the water, I knew that there’s a better beginning that’s
waiting for me. My connection to our God keeps growing and growing and I am able to received the holy
ghost, that moment makes me to serve him without any hesitation, and just pure intention.
Altar call is the best part of a divine service, I plead and repent unto the Lord all of my sins, cast away all
of my worries and just have faith in him. There are also moments in our life that we tend to cry our
heart out because we can’t handle it, not all unforgettable memories are happy, there are also
frustration and sorrow that makes us to breakdown, but I know that these are all part of our lives that
we can’t avoid, so we must never give up. We must live our life to the way it is and never let anyone to
stumble us down, just makes them as our breakthroughs, because we are not here without them.
Everyone have their happy moments, spending time with their families, friends, and even strangers that
they just met. So let’s cherish all of it and thank God that we have able to experience a happy thing like
that, because not everyone can have it, and experience something like that.
Achievements and Accomplishments are the best part that we gain from our school, and hardships.
Those achievement in elementary, high school, and even now lead us to our better selves, it is what
makes us so special and unique from others.
My biggest achievement in my life is when I was a high school student, I am a consistent honour student
since grade 7, those certificates and medals are my pleasure, and I will never tired of aiming that
because these are what makes my family proud of me, It makes me so happy whenever I received some
compliments from them. Maybe I’m not pretty enough to be crushable, at least I’m smart enough to
impress and express me. We can’t just live our lives having beautiful face, sexy body, flawless skin, and
expensive clothes, we must accomplish that can leave a mark to everyone minds. I knew that all of the
achievements that I’ve got will serve as an inspiration to everyone. There are also failures that we may
experience but that’s not a hindrance for me to give up, instead use it as a lesson to aim more.
My achievements, my successes and my accomplishments are the one that make me happy and proud.
Whereas, my mistakes, my failures and setbacks make me strong and bold.
How I see myself 10 years from now
Dreaming of my future is one of my favourite thing to do, seeing myself as a successful nurse perfectly
moulded by God.
I see myself doing what I’ve prayed for, having the things and going to places that I’ve never been
before. I see myself paying the sacrifices of those parents whose been there and helped me during my
hard days, those people that help me to bring out the best version of myself. I see myself standing at the
back of pulpit, singing and praising God with a light heart, having my ministry, and building memories
with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I see myself doing the things that I’ve pursued, helping those who
are sick, helping them find cure, and inspiring the young ones to never give up on their dreams. I may
not be sure for my future but you know, dreaming is free, maybe these days we are just imagining things
we wanted to do, then the next day we’re crying because of our failures, but at least think that maybe
tomorrow there will be a better opportunity waiting for me. I may see myself as a successful nurse, but
there are also times that I tend to think, what if I fail? There are so many what if’s that keep on lingering
in my mind, but I know today, tomorrow, someday will be a better day for us.
So, if you would ask me how I see myself 10 years from now? Probably doing the things that I’ve been
praying for and enjoying every single taste of all my achievements despite of all the breakdowns and
hardships I’ve encountered, I would still keep on living what I’ve been dreaming for.