Capital Structure Determinants and Firms' Performance: Empirical Evidence From Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia
Capital Structure Determinants and Firms' Performance: Empirical Evidence From Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia
Capital Structure Determinants and Firms' Performance: Empirical Evidence From Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia
One of the most decision in corporate finance is the financing decision of the firms
(Saeedi and Mahmood, 2006). Financing choices can be determined by
a combination of many factors that may be related to the characteristics of the firm
as well as to their institutional environments (Fan et al., 2012). According to Booth
et al. (2001), capital structure decisions of the firms in both developing and
developed countries may also be affected by the same firm-specific factors.
There are numerous developed theories to analyze alternative capital structures.
However, the most prominent theory is the theory of the capital structure
introduced by Modigliani and Miller (1958) and named as the irrelevance theory.
According to them, a combination of debts and equities has no effect on the value
of firms. This capital structure has inspired many researchers to develop advanced
theoritical models to further explain the capital structure of firms (Niu, 2008).
Mursalim, Dr. M.Si. Ak.,CA.,CPAI, Department of Accounting, Muslim University of
Indonesia, Indonesia; Mika Mallisa, SE.,M.Si, Doctoral Program, Muslim University of
Indonesia, Indonesia; Hadri Kusuma. Prof. Dr., MBA, Department of Accounting, Islamic
University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Corresponding author:;
Mursalim, Mallisa M., Kusuma H. Vol.16 No.1
However, Myers (1984) is still doubt about how firms choose their financing
sources. Myers’s question about the capital structure is also supported by previous
studies that show that capital structure decisions are mixed and determined by
a complex set of factors ( Dincergok and Yalciner, 2011). Therefore, there is still
a gap to explore other alternatives and factors that may answer and explain how
capital structure decisions made by firms, for example through comparing
determinants of capital structures of some countries.
Previous studies that compared the determinants of the capital structure of the firms
among countries have shown different factors. Booth et al., (2001) investigated
capital structures in India, Pakistan, Thailand, Malaysia, Turkey, Zimbabwe,
Mexico, Brasil, Jordan and Korea, and found that spesific country factors have
affect on the the capital structure. Deesomsak et al. (2004) studied capital
structures decisions in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia suggested that
the capital structure decision of firms was influenced by the environment where the
companies operate such as firms and country spesific factors. The study by Huat
(2008) in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philipine found that profitability and
growth opportunities significantly influenced capital structure. Dincergok and
Yalciner (2011) compared factors of the capital structure in Turkey, Brazil,
Argentina, and Indonesia. The study analyzed the effect of both firm related factors
and macroeconomic factors. The study results show that profitability, tangibility,
interest rates and real GDP growth affected the capital structure decision.
The purpose of this study is to compare and empirically test determinants of capital
structure choices in the Southeasth Asia countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, and
Thailand. However this study adds corporate governance (CG) as a new variable
that may influence capital structure decisions (Kim, 2011). The implementation of
good corporate governance by the company will increase the confidence of
potential investors, improve fairness, transparency, accountability and
responsibility of the company, thereby increasing the company's market value
(Maier, 2005), and its impact on firms performance. In addition, the choice of these
countries is motivated by fact that Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand have the
largest market capitalization after Singapore in Southeast Asia.
Vol.16 No.1 Mursalim, Mallisa M., Kusuma H.
Yalciner, 2011). The trade off theory assumes that firms have to balance their
bankruptcy and agency cost of debt through the tax benefit of debt in order to have
an optimal capital structure (Dincergok and Yalciner, 2011). According to this
theory, a firm should keep constant firm investment plans and assets. A firm’s
optimal leverage ratio is resolved by trading off between the tax benefit of tax
savings from debt payments and costs of debt financing (Tongkong, 2012)
Many factors influence firms choices between debt and equity financing. In this
study we focus on seven factors: profitability, firm size, growth opportunity, and
volatility, inflation rate, gross domestic product and corporate governance. We
limit ourselves to these factors because the previous studies have shown these
factors are the most consistently correlated to leverage as a proxy of the capital
structure. We also add the corporate governance as a new variabel that takes
antention by investors currently.
There are conflicting theoritical predictions of correlation between profitablity and
leverage (Huat, 2008; Niu, 2008). However, we follow the pecking order theory.
This theory postulates and predicts a negative relationship between profitablity and
leverage (Huat, 2008; Thuy, 2008). In this study profitability is measured by
earning before interest and tax divided by total asset (Autore and Kovacs, 2004;
Huat, 2008). We propose the following hypothesis:
H1: The profitability of the firms is negatively related to the leverage
According to trade off theory there are positive relationship between the firm size
and its leverage (Titman and Wessels, 1988; Rajan and Zingales, 1995; Lim, 2012).
Previous studies suggest that larger firms prefer to issue the long-term debt, while
small firms tend to choose the short-term debt (Niu, 2008) since large firms could
have access easier to the capital markets and have a higher debt capacity. This
result indicates that previous studies tend to follow trade-off theory. This study
follows this theory. Firm size is measured by the natural log of revenue (Titman
and Wessels, 1988; Huat, 2008). Therefore, our second hypothesis is formulated as
H2: The firm size of the firms is positively related to the leverage
Growth opportunity can be defined as the opportunity to invest in profitable
projects. A project having a potential to grow significantly leads to a profit for the
investor. New investments are often presented to potential investors as growth
opportunities. Previous studies have shown that the growth opportunity has
a positive relationship with total liabilities (Frank and Goyal, 2010; Dincergok and
Yalciner, 2011). Based on this we propose the following hypothesis:
H3: The growth opportunity of firms is positively related to the leverage.
Volatility is a proxy for the probability of financial distress of the firms (Niu, 2008)
and reflects the corporate business risk (Lim, 2012). The indicator of volatility can
be the standard deviation of the percentage change in operating income (Titman
and Wessels, 1988). A high use of debts by firms tends to have a higher volatility
of the firm therefore higher risk. The previous studies on the effect of volatility
Mursalim, Mallisa M., Kusuma H. Vol.16 No.1
(business risk) on the capital structure have shown mixed results. Lim (2012) found
a negative impact on the corporate leverage ratio while Dincergok and Yalciner
(2011) found a positive affect on the debt ratio. Similar mixed result was also
found by Thuy (2008). The next hypothesis is formulated as:
H4: The volatility of firms is negatively related to the leverage.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is often regarded as the best measure of a country's
economic performance. Samuelson and Nordhaus (2010) defines GDP as the
market value of all final goods and services produced in an economy during
a given period of time. Empirical evidence about the relationship between GDP
growth rates and capital structure showed inconsistent results. Jong et al. (2007)
have shown a positive correlation between GDP growth rates and leverage.
Conversely, Demirgus-Kunt and Maksimovicy (2008) found negative effects of
GDP growth on the leverage. The hypothesis is formulated as follows:
H5: Gross Domestic Product is negatively related to the leverage.
Samuelson and Nordhaus (2010) provides a definition of inflation as a situation
where an increase in the general price level, good goods, services and factors of
production in a country and in a certain time. In economic theory, inflation will
lead to higher interest rates. Inflation will also cause the high domestic exchange
rate. If the inflation rate is high, it will trigger the movement of the exchange rate at
a higher level and therefore high costs of borrowing. The study by Booth et al.,
(2001) and Fan et al., (2012) showed that a negative and significant relationship is
between leverage and inflation. Based on this we propose the following
H6: Inflation rate is positively related to the leverage.
Corporate governance is a system made by all parties concerned with companies to
run their businesses better, in accordance with the rights and obligations of each
party to improve the welfare of all parties. According to Kim (2011) the main
attributes of corporate governance include: reduction of risk, simulation of
performance, improved access to capital markets, enhancement of marketability of
goods and services, improved leadership, demonstration of transparency and social
accountability. The results of the study by Allen (2013) that scoring corporate
governance in eleven countries of Asia including Indonesia, Malaysia and
Thailand shows that Indonesia occupies the lowest rank in the implementation of
corporate governance and suggests the need for regulatory support for its
application in the enterprise. In addition, a good corporate governance practice is
required as firms borrow more, otherwise bankruptcy costs will threat the
sustainabily of the operating companies. Therefore, our seventh hypothesis is
formulated as follow:
H7: Corporate governance of the firms is positively related to the leverage.
According to Titman and Wessels (1988), the term of capital structure refers to
financial structure, financial leverage or mixture of different types of securities
Vol.16 No.1 Mursalim, Mallisa M., Kusuma H.
(long-term debt, common stock, preferred stock) that are issued by a company to
finance its assets. According to (Rajan and Zingales, 1995; Huat, 2008) leverage is
the ratio of total debt to total assets, which can be a proxy of the capital structure.
Following the trade-off theory, companies with high debts will have the tax benefit
of tax saving. This firm's financing policy leads to increase in its performance.
Therefore, our hypothesis is formulated as follow:
H8: The capital structure of firms is positively related to the firm performance.
Research Method
This study used financial data from the firms listed in the Indonesian Stock
Exchange, Bursa Malaysia, and Stock Exchange of Thailand. The purposive
random sampling method was adopted in this study. To include in the sample,
a firm must meet the following criteria:
a. Publishing annual financial statements
b. Having positive earnings
c. Actively traded in the market.
These criteria results in 321 firms consisting of 94 firms of Indonesia Stock
Exchange, 153 firms of Malaysian Stock Exchange, and 74 firms of Stock
Exchange of Thailand for the period of 2008-2012.
To test eight hypotheses we used two multiple regressions. The equations 1 was
used to test hypothesis 1-7 and equation was conducted to test hypothesis 8.These
regressions were run for each of countries.
LEV= β01+ β1PROF+ β2 FS+ β3GO+ β4VOL+ β5IR+ β6GDP+β7CG+ ε1 (1)
EVA = β02 + β8LEV + ε2 (2)
Where: β1 to β8 = coefficients of explanatory variables; PROF = Profitability; FS =
Firm Size; GO = Growth Opportunity; VOL = Volatility; GDP = Gross Domestic
Product; IR = InflationRate; CG = Corporate Governance; LEV = Capital
structure; EVA = Firm performance
Mursalim, Mallisa M., Kusuma H. Vol.16 No.1
a value of 0.14. Malaysia’s firms were the lowest mean (0.08). Mean of volatility
from Indonesian firms show the highest ratio (0.18), while its lowest value was
Malaysian firms (2.07).
Table 1 also presents the average value of the macroeconomic factors such as
Gross Domestic Product rate, inflation rate, and corporate governance during the
period of study. On the average the Malaysian GDP rate was the highest rate of
0.13. It is followed by Indonesia (0.06) and Thailand (0.03). The inflation rate for
Indonesia was the highest rate, its mean was 0.06, while Malaysian inflation rate
was 0.04 and 0.02 in Thailand. The average value corporate governance in
Malaysia was the highest value of 0.52, Thailand firms had 0.42 and Indonesian
firms were 0.32.
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of Dependent Variables
Variabel Statistical description Indonesia Malaysia Thailand
Mean 0.11 0.11 0.13
Median 0.07 0.08 0.10
Standard Deviation 0.16 0.22 0.28
Mean 2.02 2.18 2.30
Firm Size
Median 2.10 2.12 2.16
Standard Deviation 0.88 0.69 0.69
Growth Mean 0.18 0.08 0.14
Opportunity Median 0.09 0.03 0.06
(GO) Standard Deviation 0.79 0.19 0.65
Mean 9.26 2.07 4.16
Median 10.87 2.05 4.47
Standard Deviation 5.15 1.93 2.71
Mean 0.06 0.13 0.03
Gross Domestic Median 0.06 0.06 0.03
Product (GDP) Standard Deviation 0.01 0.18 0.04
Mean 0.06 0.04 0.02
Inflation Rate
Median 0.05 0.03 0.03
Standard Deviation 0.02 0.02 0.05
Corporate Mean 0.32 0.52 0.46
Governance Median 0.39 0.52 0.55
(CG) Standard Deviation 0.14 0.02 0.03
Capital Mean 0.53 0.37 0.42
Structure Median 0.52 0.33 0.43
(LEV) Standard Deviation 0.23 0.22 0.22
Firm Mean 0.49 0.31 1.22
Performance Median 3.51 0.33 2.01
(EVA) Standard Deviation 5.11 1.60 4.86
The dependent variabel of the capital structure measured by total debts divided by
total assets show that Indonesian firms on the average used the highest debt level.
Mean debt ratio was 0.53, 0.42 and 0.37 for Indonesian, Thailand and Malaysian
Vol.16 No.1 Mursalim, Mallisa M., Kusuma H.
Table 2 shows that three variables of firm specific factors such as profitability, firm
size and volatility were consistently significant factors explaining the capital
structure of the firms for the three countries. As it was expected and postulated by
Pecking Order Theory, profitability had a negative and significant relationship to
the capital structure. The coefficient of profitability variable was negative and
significant at the 1% level for all countries. These results were consistent to the
studies by Thuy (2008) and Huat, (2008). In addition, the coefficient of firm size
factors was also significant at the 1% level even though the sign of the coefficient
for the Indonesian firms was negative. The trade off theory suggests a positive
relationship between the firm size and its leverage. This result was consistent to the
Mursalim, Mallisa M., Kusuma H. Vol.16 No.1
previous works such as Titman and Wessels, 1988; Rajan and Zingales, 1995; Lim
(2012). Furthermore, table 2 shows that the volatility of firms was negatively
related to the leverage. This result may suggest that a low use of debts by firms
tends to have s higher volatility of the firm therefore high risk. The previous
studies on the effect of business riskon the capital structure have shown mixed
results, but Lim (2012)) found a negative impact on the corporate leverage ratio.
Table 2 also reports that the coefficients and t-value of the variables for growth
opportunity, gross domestic product, inflation rate and corporate governance were
statistically significant for the firms in two countries. The coefficient of the growth
opportunity was positively significant for Thailand firms, but negatively significant
for Indonesian firms. The result of the test of a positive association in Thailand was
consistent with the trade-off theory, suggesting that the companies consider the
growth opportunity in the determination of the level of the capital structure. Some
previous studies also supports the same result such as Booth et al. (2001). In
addition, the results of the hypothesis show that GDP was statistically significant
factors for the firms in Indonesia and Malaysia. However, the sign of the GDP
coefficient was negative (-0.048) for Indonesian firms and positive (0.014) for
Malaysian firms. The study results in a negative relationship between GDP with
a capital structure was similar to the works by Demirgus-Kunt and Maksimovicy
(2008). Conversely, a positive relationship of Malaysian firms was in line to the
research of Jong et al., (2007). Furthermore, the coefficient of the inflation rate was
negative for the three countries. However, this variable was a significant
determinant of the capital structure for the Indonesian and Malaysian firms only.
This significantly negative relationship between the capital structure and the
inflation was similar with the findings by Booth et al (2001) and Fan et al. (2006).
Lastly, the corporate governance has a positive significant relationship to the
capital structure for Indonesian (0.037) and Thailand firms (0.035). The results
supported the works of Saad (2010) and Kim (2011), who which found a positive
relationship between the corporate governance level and the capital structure.
According to the trade-off theory, companies with high debts tend to have the tax
benefit of tax savings. This firm's financing policy leads to increase in its
performance. Table 3 shows that the capital structure of firms was significantly
related to the firm performance. However the coefficient signs of the variables
results were mixed. The relationship between the capital structure and firm’s
performance were positive for Thailand (0.231) and Malaysian firms (0.187) but it
(-0.116) was negative for Indonesian firms. This result wass consistent with the
works by Ismail (2011) and Iavorskyi (2013) who found significant effects on the
capital structure of the company on the firm performance.
Vol.16 No.1 Mursalim, Mallisa M., Kusuma H.
firm performance. However, research on this issue is scare. This study investigated
the determinants affecting the capital structure decisions made by firms in new
industrial countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. The result reveals
that company’s profitability, firm size and volatility have dominant roles in
explaining the variation of the capital structure. The variables of growth
opportunity, gross domestic product, inflation rate and corporate governance also
in general influence the variation of the capital structure. Furthermore, the capital
structure of firms was significantly related to the firm performance. These results
support both trade-off theory and pecking order theory.
The findings of this study may give some practical implications. Understanding the
main determinant of the capital structures may help whether the investors buy or
sell the stocks of the company. For example, investors may avoid investing their
money on high-debt companies because bankruptcy problems may occur. These
findings also may help firm management in planning, controlling and estimating
the demand for fund. Furthermore, the managers of firms can formulate an optimal
capital structure that helps design the appropriate capital structure for their
companies and formulate loan strategies.
This study may be subject to limitations. This study does not classify samples
based on the characteristics of business or business group that may affect the
company's capital structure selection decisions. A further study may take into
account clusters of the samples based on business, debt classification, and
ownership structure and taxation policies in each country. Future research can
extend the period of the study and employ a more rigorous statistical approach in
examining capital structure determinants. This study may employ rough proxies of
the capital structure determinancts. Further studies need to consider other
measures. Future research can be extended into the motivational factors of the
financing decisions that enhance firm performance.
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Vol.16 No.1 Mursalim, Mallisa M., Kusuma H.