Geo Class 10 Notes

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ldeal Industaie Locafon

=Manvfatvning nclustnie»a
a vuilub Uiy of xaw neudeni ulo
Phoclweon f gooda in Rounge qwavu Coninuovs powe) supply Waka
4 PAocessing om now mutiuls Cp skiues cbou spr'y
n one

Trcnsponteron ducilitres
meunucevning new by banks & insunun ce latdTe
The eco nomic stun g t h f ha count meauuh y manets)
mcuvrs by 4he slvelopmend o f
G1OVenment policit cdpo ingluence.
maunuuvain g in ewstaie
Incdustialisadion &Urbanisedro n
mp oxtance hand
ovide Jeahujata h pt Heeles. 9 huned in
). 1+hulps in mo clennbiny dhe ouniwlton. u n b cunisaron follows whun in swstria ionb
2). i s the back bone of eco no my shn
3). They tcuc he olup en elane o TF inchwstnies nid come , Sucilitus
anol thws
Senvice wuds o be Csctd
peop le on cqnitulhvw by tuy boh move hand in hound
POVyding johs hy noviliny jans L
). Hclps in encul icedTon f poventy st ny Uben Agglomerdton many indostnito
to malke use of
Cuncd unemmp lo yment feh c to come togeth
v bhoninTn i l ome
he acwcundru g eo otfenud y he unbun
5 Taims in hoiny n g clown he shu
uayion l pcanhe trpan biny 33 *Clussi easTon of ndwstni
G) Bi ngs
rd in boodu
much needed doneigm exthange
3). On he busi of *cuw muteiad;
Agiwltunt k ncwstniuwioufTonX
Agn b ye
yo haund in haund aw mcttni ob tuine c o m

aano ba sed inwstaies elupend on cotton , Jutc ek .

i w l u tor n c mutnia. minenal bese

i obtined fnsm h
indwstnin paovideeardi zons anod M m cutcni
minenalo & ruboUa c e n .
mauhine, ond ett to intneuse he etr.
ycdwminivm, Iho n & sirel
PAocluefon of oyiwuAt secton p
lh 2). On the besiu of 4hein Main ole
nostnig thus boostoiw Jaon S e
Contrib uion in oun GDP - Bcasickey
SUppY2L metoiulh to othen inclustaTD
incustnies coppen & dwminium sme Lting ete
4he shun of mnonvouning
s onl 7 in D P o u t of 27 %
Ewt Asicn in othUn inesmit.
mvth Abwth h a n Jew
Covrdnes u h hus 25 35 / sha n a Dn Consurmem
tht pcLace s
od cls ounel eline ck
NMCC The udinu Mon luchnin Ssel hm in.nenkah.
Corpeuyenen Councs h he en
y vse h maie by bus
set vp vith the objefutsinpaay inustoien
the nocwet d) of manujacunins e genJube ek
3). On the busis of copitd investmert Cotton Texttles

Small-scale industnies hey n mostly concentnted
in vestmenb vpBo one c a u Meuha ashinc Gujand
scde in owstnies
Becawsethene is otHon blak sobhi
Kournge best for gowing coton
invEstm enh monL +houn one c no

Avail cubJily of Luboun and muukeh,

dimu tnauns poat b m motni
4). On +he basis of Ownexship
Supponb othen in dwstnito kgonenak
Public Se cto employ mend
isn mh,
owned o p e s t cted bY gov ocencics ButSpinning ony centnWined
BHEL &SAIU Bhomut Heovy {hbngcols lin
Strel Au ho ihy ok Indiu Imd e d GTU) ancIN-
Weavin higwy olecentad ued

Paivese SechOH Tata lon &strel Conpony limit ed lifferund s k i tncudiioved etusi gm , J r mH

Ow ned &opencded by indlividucl

e : TISco , Baj Auto Ltd t
n lncdia ycnn i ot high qudiy hich
weexpo, vse low qvuliy yann

Joint Sectom oninJiu hus ubaic is not so o o ,

joinHy w n by the Gtute & gnoup y Thus ,we shovld expot daoaie nahan
in diviwa it wiuu make nro{tto s

ey Ou India Ltd.((OIL heun Pann cu

of wecau ing seckon is nuclta

mpnay ement
Coopeottve Secton insteel of expon+ny Ymn. weuvew
h t t low -q vaty
owned by h e p.nocwces k opercte cd
by Supplie of xuw muwtniab Prob lems
Gnoup of 50-190 people.
shae pno &lossejoin+ly.
eg Sg in dy s y , coin indus ty.A mu Powes ShTHf compe
Supply kow ouhp
of SythuTE
5). On the basis of weight of
Laloo vn
machinea its
Haw mateM i cw ids to Shoul d Use god
be upgaacdecd cqvudiy of yam
Heavy Incdustoie
Hon ond stee Jute Textile
L ight Indu stnies
ndia io 2nd auy et no curen aJ fen Bany la dh
eetric 9od mudicub and iyht
The int jule
w set up in 1K5s
9uw m a t n i cuo a nd er
a Riuhoc kotko)
Agno- based Incustnies t i mos tuy sivete ne c u g i basin

based on aniwltau naw mutius,

I4/, erployinest abundcunt vvedn suppy
).Texile Incust neivy ir
onge goo d ne twonk of(tacunsporteion

nique posuTo n in ndian e cono my. Chap skileed(ebov
Has significant cont ributron
Cclacqu cepowen)surry
industni pro cuTon employment
genuncd7on .
neenb ymankcDsuch u (Colket)
(u°1n tDP
Cont i b u l e s culoo u u n c l n
2u mvoni cdi
ti he o n Self4elian ne) Huglb in ony.
Complek inhe vu ctain Jle i qowr neanuy
I n 16 Sumumbaiy the Jinst
e t u e muwas es tublio
ho d, hana o p o eno
PHoblems: Ineli ankea 2nd i pModction of eudt
Steel Jst pocwe en of spon ge ion

compettion LCs cUnene s t u we ncd to devtlop +his incwtuy.

zd by jue is

tempethan h no Cucledsle evcnyuhu Mini Stel In gneeed

ntuneToned Planh sheel plant
Utand Jwe lanye in size
pet -Smallen
/olhey 20o OS
uu vse mildcalloy hendles eey hing
2) SUGH AR Inelustsuy unclen one o

indio 2nd lanueat p-oclueei ot svgan Stel Authoihy of India (Ltd) (sAID
And tce public secha uncl en tuke he
st oyeot o gUn & khundlsan
mddo u concentncctd Junetro ning oF hee incwsties,
usn sts a China i laaajest p oclue en & conmunmen

e muniel t butky.
Indi a langet expoakn
cwciulcelle inh s t e s msstly.
i muxim unm concentnuhed inK
ntds le ime dso
becaws é
nge Cnushig Sec Cho tu-Nay pua gion
how cost of o n o
Avcileuhiliy of cCLw meteniCl

c cne n he nejions hewt Cheup Ltulso vn

hOme manktt n a nloy (kelu tht)
nighe S secontain i
1 saves th tacn poattion cojt

Paob lems
Coking cou i m t rel & hiyh cost
hou o d e ctive Aeuboun
old&inei ficid
Secspns cke ocup Poon & old infncu tucha
navu muHhot
Sunse conku 9131e yvli suPy ot powe/ eung y.

mcximie H
e eto co
Libexulioodron & Foneign inuestmun
oline ct have given boost to h ea
begg ase inclustuy. (Iqul)
MinesH c bastd Incwstsies Thou in a uquiument of es tanth &
dlopmend to pao duee skel mot
nao uutty.
. IHon Stee Industuy
It basie
key inc tus tny
machiney , hey inclus toie dupend ont
Pxowetronconsumptr on of steel
of ten ruganc d inde of
count uy
elw clopment

c huuvy incustny cUz

o acw mdvi.
1Hon one, cokinq cocd & limesBone av
uquisd inH: 2:1
Munganese i also tuqumd +o huncun
hu stee
2). Aluminium Smelting mine 4). FetUizen Inelwstny

2nd most imp meteullungic incustsy We olo not have potLoh enol we r t c
in Inelia. o import i t

3nd ingeot cluren of

94eis tant to coO1Osio n , ca good lneliu pro

con cucton of h t nitnogemous t l i z e s .

mel e clo le & become staong vhun Then a o public se c r
mixe nith ot mtuo Huzinci of Cujanat o coopecdve .
Uses ton maunylo thuaing of cincnufi c
alumIm m pact ot (neen Revolutton

Bwxte o c nuw mateniad used which

ulpe d in expan dinq of dentdia
o vey bulky, dank ucledi h nod

conrentrekal n wttn stod

Odoha , w , kenulu, ChhuHigah, Mh ce poctwt ty
T and ett b0cEw se
5). Cement Ineluw sty

Rs,lea suppy hteh Buwxile aveilaliliy uquins eavy bulky smaw mutnial
cluctoicy mednia in equinamen of Cocu), le ctoit po wek
Rew mtni ugi o . artacmpondton
c mi1n GulC
mos thy Locckd in Gujanct cuz
coUntoie) c Cany
1 C

5. Chemicad Inclusty ctr cdpn y un hecd nw mautoni ubs like limesto nc.
silica an c 8Ypsum
dcst gnowing elivensilying im
the t plant wes Seup
Reupid o towth hos been uconelo d in hoth
in Ongonic &0ngcani c
chennciin O
3l% in n DP ovt of T. owuilohil ih ot rcuuv memiul
3nd Rng est in Asia 12 in ordd
nculan powON cvp7
Tacuponttsrdn e>pecialy n i w og

6). Automobide Indw stny

OHg cunie InOguun
-have condo on b hydrogen -clo not huve C onH pnovidles vchicle fon qi ek doanspot
bond hond
t iy Cons umen ncwst y ntsvudeln
-ptochmica Sulphwn'ic acid oc
rieni aicle ett Libnlisdion l d o napie gnowth
-Used n d
Use d n mokiny
when 3tous etc luss,socps & dungens FDb1oucj in new Heh
Nan od inenies b widey spma
ptnckumi cu plundy hoc ctee in De\hi , GuUnugocum,

+ i any est own consunmen MwmouiPune, chencii, Ko lkade

Basic chemicab vndeny noc enin 4o
uathen po doe t e chemiueby ve tob,
Industoiul cpplieuion
Pyniwltun i7t1, ptntnde, el
Diasty on (on, umen mankety.
. Infon mation& lechnology Incwstni e
Noise Pollutron
Bengcdw hc emeyed as

etctonic epitad of lndia

cCwsed by incwstrid&eomtwton
cetw i e
Proi cl employ men ofd machiney ineffecwe eqvpmtnh
(oniloviahel tn

(30/ wok oce io women e p wtanre
e o d o n , stnem, incnuaed
Å eaano thi moit oiyn rhune)c,
mumlboi, Pune oida, Bergotunu
helpel n 4e gn0 ndh of Stavre Seetn
Contnol of Envisonmendo
Resecnh i nu cled in IT so the

we Cun elo v good ed gluhd lwt. DegnaadTon

Rain utn haweettng
EnviHon mentu polluro
TAt hot wotn
Ai Pollutro Sup o i
ocicl er Racy le &Reuse

Cewseel by pmexnce hiqk pono o u he wen heo re

of onalesincole gos cosonb

Noisematniud whi ch cun

Thy cowtin bo th solid& iquc postde

HingSmole stcko >Josnic Jukw
moke emithd hi aefinnibo b pluh im keo ot cou.
should Useou on qe
+ocveuely caf fcct hu mun ked ,
sUencey)shovld he dHeel in machi nes

wld fie He whole chmo sphue h cn¢acaIny

Shou edeigni e machi
enyy eFPrcien eluce noiGe,
Wouto Pollution
&ino n conic
Cuse by one onie
incu stoi ww t T y
ttxtue Paimany Taccdnund Tamer
Ppn pulp, chumical - tument b

incustOieo pysic muhod -by chamica,

n elustoie ut_lown elyen, c ncgnh - ynincling ek biologiccd &
C on plw Tlco
Tzedmen phyAi prorene
is Fly ch
Majon solid en te
biologieu wwtewh
l o n & skel Poce
phooph- jYpsum

Themud Pollution NTPC NodTo na) Theamol Povwen

CoopncdTon Lte.
wd i dn oineel wut bodje

higly toxic wes le leac t nmc aces monu Ai

adopTin Poovidiniy n
tn thed win H urd
ecuense cued te cquudTe e
h pont munugeud,
en o c o n R & mon
quid wyk mah&emt
Mini muin
aloo potlu he growndweun Ce

y may
ype ot m t n i u
Lifelines of Nasiona Eonony On the bagis
) (meralled Road
mads ocement Conine R
The pate ot
clevl opment of a counthy
cupends upon the nodveion af goo cdo
b senvices. p o , uranicotron
2)VmeulJed Ro
Thenefou, effecint meunm of tounapont S o out ot vse in he aain y Secson

CA paenequists foa Jant olvd opmin

*Roacbways han hal Poincipad modeof
tnans porhton
Constnwdron cost mu ch tow mulFaniovs attvtro
o Cilwuys lousinestsIghseeiny k pifgnimu.
Can be use in úndulufin g topognupy mon hen

ne gnafin g one
heqotihe hiqhu qradiendh t slopes
wiC s0tan).
Paovide e edto tnunpo lie ot hu countny
pind the econ ormic
Us ed fon doonto-doon senvice wU as
accdenu +hu landopmun
o d fon Jess nouwo s h o r dtanr. 9oiwlu
of he industy
theia vast dwe
y cne of 6 types pluinc uh
Nothe an clensit& o i h
L4). Cno leden Ouud id aknal Supuhigkuo and, high po pulation
linin 9 Delhi-kolkata- 1n nai- Mumbai) agoi cwl hunw nes DuncC
ountt\ns cane unfcvounabl
Delhi oy si-Lon e Sup highuay Himalcay tn m
ton he contAu UTon ot
Wonth- Souh Sainm agu to Kunniyukuman
14 highly Indluenced hy phy Siognuphic
East- Wast Sdthan to Ponh anden tcono rmit o cto
Aim to dute he me&is tounc e

bln +hme qu ciires o Ineiu. mitadion trukt.

of Indiu NHAI wihout
utrionul Highwuy Auhoniv M a n pusseng tnu vel
of aauwoy poptuty,
). nuaionw Hiyhway Theg &damagins
countny. Prople pv e chuin un necessuniy.
inke extneme punh b
Centnal Pblic woaks depantru
[c PWD
asroned Hiywwty NO. 1 kPipeline Indiun
Delhi +he tnunsportedion
Suni Munplw anmivod on
sheh-Shuh Amnuen cnude ou, PUnslwm
USed Fon taunspanting
3 ) . Stde Highuwoy
navna gas
dotaitt hadqvaad. tauhp9nrelkan
kinkinq State capik Solids ccan be
W o d D p ontm* ins slnay,
Stat Public Ccon vtew
bu i svhseeved
L).Distoic Roudo nitl cos is hig
cash On mini m
n ottn plucen.
ditnit Ruleo out auw-sklpmurs losses /deloys
ziwa Panuhu d. oe
o Some nehuonks o ppeline
s). Ohe Poudo
tow» )Assum t Konpun
nunu cancw w
Muntni oncmeen
Sadok ojon a, to Juandhan
Praclhwn 2). Salay
Roacls y 3). Huzina to Jaddishpun
6). Bond
Roud Oganuwion
Boad in cncns of
pro v

t n economjC derel op muns

have l p
he se ancca
Watenways *nteun dro nad Tcda
of tnaunpont
The xchane e of 9o oelo cumong peope,

Chupet meun
Stuts coudeies io caledTAaa.
most suutuble ton cannyin g u y 9 o .
TAde blw covntnies to cded
ve-efficitent & envino n munt Inkanauiona Taou ale.
hlunel naviqutron of4,50o kmin ng'h Acdv anc e ment of Inleanabiono tnads
is moved hy se
95). f countay taucle of a county b on index to
hou cne majon 12 sec po j eco nomic passPenidy.

Thw i conaidtud os the

on c Countny
Kunclu-sf pond fen indepcndere economic o ano mek
pov, wc- shks d
Munnbui ->
biy1e Favounable bdance Expont>Impod
Jawuhunlu neu Pont o easeunhi
vpolin9,53s se*po
UnJavovbe bulunce-Export<Impot
Iveliu hus eminqed ce a sowae ria
e spsd sf Insn
o akudnmkh mnu
NRw anyedont a inkan atrone m .
eganing Kange oneigh exh ange
Kochdh i Lagsn htuhnl
hnovn expond s T
Chin nai olhe at nifreied pon
ovl nttel,.l
Vshulhupatnum> uepend d t o exihovy ec
Panuawip Kolkaha idand eie po
Hwdiu> sbsidio pot fon sthet cult dnecHy
Mou houn1S midion people

engagedin tovaim incdwsty.

k[Aiuways Tounism promoks nasToned ineojonaTo
mos Jastet, comjonruble k pecatigiouy to lo us houndicAaty
macko f taanspot Suppord
Ccun coven alithcwlt tanain k long helps in hi drdopmunt of
ineanadionad undes tunelinq about oon
Ocecanic stne ahs wuth gntat ect

Pawunhans Hdiopk td. pmovid

sevic t ou Navna no CoopencTon.
oultunsk heotuyr
ounis h viut India ton hanva9e,eco,
Only Noath- eskan sBet has speciu
PAovsisns t o e e n d sewiceto people clun , awltunad medite but'inest
ditio nn tony ntveM Jone ounismn
EFHoas me being m acle tu promoe

X |CommunicoJion diffcent ype of tounYm

eso nod Mss

finst cduss Cancs k provice enbekuinmun
enwelope coeco awanunuy
Scond cuss ruelio televinion e
poniodit oh
nwspurp books. Inelia Padio Akashwani
Thne me sixckunveh. .Dooneleanahun
Inolian postu) nuhwgsk The Cendnad Bocand
any est in wod.
Suhs coben Twnkk
ungo most publuad
Dialin g CSTD) in lneliu
eletom nohonko in Hiq, huvs pape>
a1/7 s r v He C indi, Ery,Vncw.

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