Geo Class 10 Notes
Geo Class 10 Notes
Geo Class 10 Notes
=Manvfatvning nclustnie»a
a vuilub Uiy of xaw neudeni ulo
Phoclweon f gooda in Rounge qwavu Coninuovs powe) supply Waka
4 PAocessing om now mutiuls Cp skiues cbou spr'y
n one
Trcnsponteron ducilitres
meunucevning new by banks & insunun ce latdTe
The eco nomic stun g t h f ha count meauuh y manets)
mcuvrs by 4he slvelopmend o f
G1OVenment policit cdpo ingluence.
maunuuvain g in ewstaie
Incdustialisadion &Urbanisedro n
mp oxtance hand
ovide Jeahujata h pt Heeles. 9 huned in
). 1+hulps in mo clennbiny dhe ouniwlton. u n b cunisaron follows whun in swstria ionb
2). i s the back bone of eco no my shn
3). They tcuc he olup en elane o TF inchwstnies nid come , Sucilitus
anol thws
Senvice wuds o be Csctd
peop le on cqnitulhvw by tuy boh move hand in hound
POVyding johs hy noviliny jans L
). Hclps in encul icedTon f poventy st ny Uben Agglomerdton many indostnito
to malke use of
Cuncd unemmp lo yment feh c to come togeth
v bhoninTn i l ome
he acwcundru g eo otfenud y he unbun
5 Taims in hoiny n g clown he shu
uayion l pcanhe trpan biny 33 *Clussi easTon of ndwstni
G) Bi ngs
rd in boodu
much needed doneigm exthange
3). On he busi of *cuw muteiad;
Agiwltunt k ncwstniuwioufTonX
Agn b ye
yo haund in haund aw mcttni ob tuine c o m
Small-scale industnies hey n mostly concentnted
in vestmenb vpBo one c a u Meuha ashinc Gujand
scde in owstnies
Becawsethene is otHon blak sobhi
Kournge best for gowing coton
invEstm enh monL +houn one c no
Paivese SechOH Tata lon &strel Conpony limit ed lifferund s k i tncudiioved etusi gm , J r mH
nique posuTo n in ndian e cono my. Chap skileed(ebov
Has significant cont ributron
Cclacqu cepowen)surry
industni pro cuTon employment
genuncd7on .
neenb ymankcDsuch u (Colket)
(u°1n tDP
Cont i b u l e s culoo u u n c l n
2u mvoni cdi
ti he o n Self4elian ne) Huglb in ony.
Complek inhe vu ctain Jle i qowr neanuy
I n 16 Sumumbaiy the Jinst
e t u e muwas es tublio
ho d, hana o p o eno
PHoblems: Ineli ankea 2nd i pModction of eudt
Steel Jst pocwe en of spon ge ion
indio 2nd lanueat p-oclueei ot svgan Stel Authoihy of India (Ltd) (sAID
And tce public secha uncl en tuke he
st oyeot o gUn & khundlsan
mddo u concentncctd Junetro ning oF hee incwsties,
usn sts a China i laaajest p oclue en & conmunmen
e muniel t butky.
Indi a langet expoakn
cwciulcelle inh s t e s msstly.
i muxim unm concentnuhed inK
ntds le ime dso
becaws é
nge Cnushig Sec Cho tu-Nay pua gion
how cost of o n o
Avcileuhiliy of cCLw meteniCl
Paob lems
Coking cou i m t rel & hiyh cost
hou o d e ctive Aeuboun
old&inei ficid
Secspns cke ocup Poon & old infncu tucha
navu muHhot
Sunse conku 9131e yvli suPy ot powe/ eung y.
mcximie H
e eto co
Libexulioodron & Foneign inuestmun
oline ct have given boost to h ea
begg ase inclustuy. (Iqul)
MinesH c bastd Incwstsies Thou in a uquiument of es tanth &
dlopmend to pao duee skel mot
nao uutty.
. IHon Stee Industuy
It basie
key inc tus tny
machiney , hey inclus toie dupend ont
Pxowetronconsumptr on of steel
of ten ruganc d inde of
count uy
elw clopment
2nd most imp meteullungic incustsy We olo not have potLoh enol we r t c
in Inelia. o import i t
Rs,lea suppy hteh Buwxile aveilaliliy uquins eavy bulky smaw mutnial
cluctoicy mednia in equinamen of Cocu), le ctoit po wek
Rew mtni ugi o . artacmpondton
c mi1n GulC
mos thy Locckd in Gujanct cuz
coUntoie) c Cany
1 C
5. Chemicad Inclusty ctr cdpn y un hecd nw mautoni ubs like limesto nc.
silica an c 8Ypsum
dcst gnowing elivensilying im
the t plant wes Seup
Reupid o towth hos been uconelo d in hoth
in Ongonic &0ngcani c
chennciin O
3l% in n DP ovt of T. owuilohil ih ot rcuuv memiul
3nd Rng est in Asia 12 in ordd
nculan powON cvp7
Tacuponttsrdn e>pecialy n i w og
(30/ wok oce io women e p wtanre
e o d o n , stnem, incnuaed
Å eaano thi moit oiyn rhune)c,
mumlboi, Pune oida, Bergotunu
helpel n 4e gn0 ndh of Stavre Seetn
Contnol of Envisonmendo
Resecnh i nu cled in IT so the
Cewseel by pmexnce hiqk pono o u he wen heo re
y may
ype ot m t n i u
Lifelines of Nasiona Eonony On the bagis
) (meralled Road
mads ocement Conine R
The pate ot
clevl opment of a counthy
cupends upon the nodveion af goo cdo
b senvices. p o , uranicotron
2)VmeulJed Ro
Thenefou, effecint meunm of tounapont S o out ot vse in he aain y Secson
ne gnafin g one
heqotihe hiqhu qradiendh t slopes
wiC s0tan).
Paovide e edto tnunpo lie ot hu countny
pind the econ ormic
Us ed fon doonto-doon senvice wU as
accdenu +hu landopmun
o d fon Jess nouwo s h o r dtanr. 9oiwlu
of he industy
theia vast dwe
y cne of 6 types pluinc uh
Nothe an clensit& o i h
L4). Cno leden Ouud id aknal Supuhigkuo and, high po pulation
linin 9 Delhi-kolkata- 1n nai- Mumbai) agoi cwl hunw nes DuncC
ountt\ns cane unfcvounabl
Delhi oy si-Lon e Sup highuay Himalcay tn m
ton he contAu UTon ot
Wonth- Souh Sainm agu to Kunniyukuman
14 highly Indluenced hy phy Siognuphic
East- Wast Sdthan to Ponh anden tcono rmit o cto
Aim to dute he me&is tounc e
Chupet meun
Stuts coudeies io caledTAaa.
most suutuble ton cannyin g u y 9 o .
TAde blw covntnies to cded
ve-efficitent & envino n munt Inkanauiona Taou ale.
hlunel naviqutron of4,50o kmin ng'h Acdv anc e ment of Inleanabiono tnads
is moved hy se
95). f countay taucle of a county b on index to
hou cne majon 12 sec po j eco nomic passPenidy.