Rotavator B16web
Rotavator B16web
Rotavator B16web
Serial number
The Serial and Model Numbers are stamped on the frame of your ROTAVATOR.
For future reference, record the numbers below.
ALWAYS quote them when ordering spareparts.
We hope you will be happy with your HOWARD Rotavator.
Treat it well – and it will serve you diligently for many years to come.
Should you encounter problems - or have questions in respect of mechanical slashing , grass control or lawn
maintenance – please feel free to contact us or consult our dealers.
1) Continuous R & D may result in the technical contents of this HOWARDAlatpertanianSdnBhd
Manual not always being identical to the specifications for the 2, Jalan Perusahaan 3,
latest model delivered. HOWARD in ASIA since 1962. Batu 20, 48000 Rawang.
2) For more details and technical support, consult our web – Selangor.W.Malaysia
page: Tel : (6 03) 6093 1010
Fax : (6 03) 6092 1010
E-mail :
Spare Parts Direct Line : (6 03) 6093 6363
Before use
Ensure operators have read and are familiar with the instructions contained in this manual.
Consult the Tractor Manufacturer‟s Manual for instructions on linkages and safe working methods.
Ensure the ROTAVATOR is sitting on firm, level ground and securely supported.
Ensure the ROTAVATOR is set parallel to the ground, when looking from the back of the machine
- this is to ensure uniform depth of cultivation.
Ensure the BLADES are fitted correctly forming the pre-set “Scroll Pattern”. This ensures that the
enter the soil at regular intervals to even out the load on the transmission.
Make certain that all guards, covers, warning labels and safety devices are correctly fitted and
Ensure the work area is clear of bystanders.
Inspect the work area for obstructions which may constitute a hazard.
Disengage all clutches and shift into neutral prior to starting the tractor engine.
During use
Engage the PTO drive before moving forward and lowering the ROTAVATOR to the ground, at a
speed suitable for prevailing conditions.
As a general guide, the more unfavorable the conditions are, the SLOWER the tractor forward
should be.
Observe all safe driving procedures such as reducing speed on slopes and sharp turns.
Avoid working on ground where there is a risk of the tractor overturning.
Do not operate across the face of slopes.
Avoid disengaging the tractor transmission before raising the ROTAVATOR from the ground.
When making sharp turns, while operating the ROTAVATOR , ALWAYS lift the machine clear of
the ground and disengage the PTO drive.
After use
Disengage the PTO drive when transporting the ROTAVATOR or not in use.
Inspect the ROTAVATOR for damage and that its rotor has not become clogged with mud/soil,
strings or other debris. Clean the machine thoroughly before storage.
Check that all bolts, nuts and fasteners are tight . Replace worn, broken or bent blades, If any.
Carry out lubrication and maintenance as detailed in this manual.
Always Never
Rotavation is the direct application of tractor The texture of rotavated soil absorbs and retains up to
engine power through a rotor and hoe blades of a three times as much moisture as conventionally
special design to soil preparation in establishing ploughed soil. This is particularly valuable during dry
the ideal growth conditions for seedlings and seasons and in areas with low rainfall. Surface run-off
seeds. and soil erosion is considerably minimized on
rotavated land.
The working of the soil by Rotavation gives
control over weeds and serves to mix fertilizer, Fine, medium or course tilth can be obtained to suit
lime, crop residues and other organic matter with the crop, the soil and the climate – in accordance with
the soil, producing good physical conditions for recognized principles of agricultural soil management.
composting, formation for humus and rapid seed
germinations. HOWARD invented Rotavators – and has been
actively involved in mechanization of soil preparation
Compared with other methods of soil preparation in Southeast Asia since 1962.
(disc of mould board ploughs), Rotavators
provide a superior and even soil mixing rate
throughout the tiling depth, allowing the soil with
the best structure to remain in the surface layers
where it is most needed.
Farmers will know when the timing is right for soil preparation, and will know the condition of the land, the
purpose and type tilth required.
Rotavation allows optimal possibilities and combinations to achieve the result desired:
LIGHT SOILS are inclined to disintegrate, resulting in loss of water retention capability. As such it is
Recommended to rotavate light soil areas before drying out – and choose a coarse tilth, i.e. slow rotor speed,
raised trailing board and fast tractor speed.
CLAY SOILS should be rotavated when too wet (bailing up) nor too dry (dust) , and should generally be
worked to a finer tilth, using above parameters.
Tractor speeds of 3 – 6 km/hour will apply to most conditions and will provide 0.5 – 1.0 ha prepared land per
Unlike a plough, the weight of the machine does not rest on the soil – engaging cutting edges, and the rotating
blades exert no downward pressure. The scroll pattern of the blade configuration provides forward
momentum thereby also reducing the tractor horsepower required. Rotavator blades are scientifically shaped
to have a cutting and lifting action, with the heel of the blade never wholly touching the soil at any stage.
Working depth, cm 16
For Tractor, Hp 15 - 45
Number of blades 24 30 36 42
Offset, max, cm - 11 11 22
New Machine
Power Take-Off Drive Shaft & Safety Device
The ROTAVATOR is supplied with a PTO Drive Shaft complete with Shear Bolt Torque Limiter. For transport
reason, the Outer Half Shaft c/w PTO Yoke is taken off and must be refitted before use.
1) The chaincase filled to the level plug( 0.7L). Use SAE 140 gear oil.
2) The gearbox filled to the dipstick mark (0.7). Use SAE 140 gear oil.
3) All oil and grease points to be lubricated.
4) All bolts and nuts tightened (re – tighten after first 8 hours works).
Your ROTAVATOR has been designed to work in a wide variety of conditions, and is a very simple machine to
use. The following adjustments will ensure optimum performance in all conditions.
The PTO Drive Shaft must be set to a safe working length to ensure the inner shaft does not “bottom” or separate
from the outer shaft under all conditions of use and transport .
To determine the correct mounting position: With the Rotavator on a firm level surface, the Depth Control
equipment should be adjusted until the Gearbox Input Shaft is horizontal (see Fig. 1)
Position the tractor at a distance from the Rotavator to give 12 cm minimum engagement of the inner half of the
PTO Drive Shaft in the outer half when connected to the tractor. This establishes the safe working length of the
PTO Drive Shaft for connection to the tractor.
Position the tractor lower link ball joints in line with the Hitch Pin‟s holes in the Mounting Brackets ( see Fig. 2).
Connect the tractor lower links, left hand link first, securing with Hitch Pin‟s and Cotter Assemblies, adjusting
the right hand tractor lift arm if necessary. Fit the tractor upper link and secure. Attach the PTO Drive Shaft to
the tractor ensuring the quick release pin engages the spline shaft groove. Attach the PTO Drive Shaft Guard
Chains to the tractor and Rotavator
Attach stabilizer bars or check chains to limit sway to 3 cm. Adjust tractor linkage to level the Rotavator laterally
and longitudinally (see Fig. 3)
Fig. 3
Before engaging the tractor PTO, lift the Rotavator on the hydraulic lift linkage until the lowest cutting edges of
the blades are 230 mm above ground level and set the limit stop on the hydraulic lift control quadrant
(see Fig. 4)
Fig. 4
Finally check that during transport and use, the PTO Drive Shaft does not “bottom” or separate and that the
maximum height of 230 mm is not exceeded.
Should it not be possible to obtain the aforementioned setting with your tractor, SEEK ADVICE; it may be
necessary to reduce the length of the PTO Drive Shaft by cutting of equal amount from both Inner & Outer
Cardan Tubes with a hacksaw.
Operational Information
By simple adjustments, the ROTAVATOR will produce a range of tilths in most soil types and handle various
cultivation techniques e. g. weed control seedbed preparation, trash and chemical incorporation, etc.
As a general principle, fine tilths are produced by a combination of slow tractor speeds, and a lowered trailing
board. Conversely, coarse tilths are produced by fast tractor speeds, and raised trailing board (see Fig. 5)
As an alternative to the standard 3-blade, a 2-blade rotor configuration can be used which reduces the tendency
for clogging and soil balling (see Fig. 6). The 2-blade configuration is specially suited to sticky soil conditions,
-Adjusting the height of the trailing board which by impact shatters the blade but “clods”
-Raised trailing boards also deposit weeds and trash on the surface to wither, whilst lowered trailing boards bury trash
as well as having a leveling effect on the soil.
-Increasing or decreasing the tractor travel speed which alters the size of blades cut “clod”(A). Higher travel speeds
may also be used for shallow work on previously broken ground or scalping passes for weed control.
Working Instructions
Set the depth control skids to the required tillage depth. Select a trial trailing board position to give the type of tilth
required. Engage the tractor PTO and drive forward, progressively lowering the Rotavator into the ground. Proceed
for a short distance and check whether the resultant tilth is satisfactory and the tillage depth is uniform across the
rotor width. If not, make the appropriate adjustments to produce the required tilth.
If in doubt, consult the Operators Checklist which provides remedies for most operational problems.
Always drive with rotavated ground ON THE RIGHT, except when finishing the headlands, which should be started
against the bund/fence – and worked anti clockwise.
ROTAVATOR MHR 16 has only one rotor speeds of 210 rpm at tractor 540 rpm PTO. Use tractor traveling speeds in
combination with this speed to achieve the types of tilth you desire;
Higher speeds may be used for shallow scalping for weed control or broken ground.
For normal soil tillage, travel speeds of 2 – 4 km/hour usually provide the best tilth.
Drive Chain
Daily check for oil leakage in these two areas. If oil leaks, take IMMEDIATE action to clean the “wedged” seals of
all foreign materials, replace worn seal kits and / or bearings. Loose nut holding the Rotor Drive Shaft or Stub Axle
and blocked breather in the Jackshaft Housing may also be a cause to this problem.
ROTAVATORS are fitted with Standard rotors, but can be supplied with interchangeable rotors.
The interchangeable rotors can be rapidly transposed in approximately 20 minutes. The rotors available will
produce a range of tilths on a variety of soil types and moisture contents with maximum economy provided
Badly bent, worn or broken blades will impair efficiency and should be replaced immediately using genuine
HOWARD BOLT ASSEMBLIES which are specially manufactured to a high tensile strength specification.
Firstly, indentify left and right hand blades. Refer Fig.34 on the left.
Blade bolts must have the heads located against the blade and the washers
and nut against the rotor flange. Use only ORIGINAL –HOWARD –
BLADES and HOWARD – BLADES – BOLTS. Always attach blades to
the left side of the rotor flange, except the right hand end flange, where
the blades are fitted on the right side.
When correctly fitted, the blades must form a “scroll” pattern. This
ensures that they enter the soil at regular intervals to even out the load on
the transmission. When replacing worn blades, remove one blade and fit
the new one in its place before proceeding to the next. This will ensure
that the blade “scroll” pattern is maintained.
3 Blade Formation:
Left Hand Blades use Right Hand Blades use
Hole No: 1 + 2; 5 + 6; 9 + 10 Hole No: 3 + 4; 7 + 8; 11 + 12
Fit a right hand blade to any pair of pre-defined/numbered holes in the left hand End Flange
Move to the next flange and fit a right hand blade using the pair of holes which are slightly ahead of the holes
occupied by the blade in the end flange.
Proceed along the rotor fitting one right hand blade on each flange with the exception of the right hand End
Flange which carries left hand blades only. Ensure that each blade is slightly in advance of the blade on the
previous flange.
On the second flange from the left fit a left hand blade immediately in front of the right hand blade already in
position. Continue along the rotor including the right hand End Flange.
For a 3-Blade Rotor repeat the procedure fitting right and left hand blades alternately until there are 6 blades on
each flange ( except the left and right end flanges).
Changing rotors
Take out the 6 bolts (A) securing the rotor to the Rotor
Dive Shaft on the left hand side of the machine and the 6
bolts (B) securing to rotor to the Stub Axle on the right
hand side plate of the machine ( see Fig. 37). Loosen the
bolts securing the right hand Stub Axle Plate to the Body.
Weed – cutters
Depth control
For model fitted with side mounted depth control skids: Fig. 44
illustrates the attachment of the left hand skid. Slacken nut (A) on
the adjusting bar (B). Position the skid (C) to the required depth of
work and re – tighten the nut
Service Diagnosis
0.7L SAE 140 Gear Oil
(Gearbox) 0.7L SAE 140 Gear Oil
New Machine
The following Safety Decals provide basic safety instructions for this equipment and must be maintained in legible
condition. Decals may vary from image shown, however general warning intent should be the same.