CH 2 - Functions

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2.1 Overview
2.1.1 Introduction
Functions are one of the most
fundamental ideas in modern
mathematics. Concepts related
to functions have been devel-
oped over centuries by many
famous mathematicians, includ-
ing Leibniz, Euler and Fourier.
Defining a function on a basic
level allows for analysis of
situations that appear to be
complex but can often be mod-
elled by an equation or set of
equations. More thorough inves-
tigation can occur by looking at
derivatives and integrals of func-
tions using methods of calculus,
allowing for a deeper understand-
ing of the model or optimisation of processes. These concepts and skills are particularly important in numerous
careers including many engineering disciplines, medical research and computer science, where functions are
used to develop safer structures, evaluate drug efficacy and design, and optimise programs, among many other
uses. Functions are also used extensively in astrophysics to calculate trajectories for space travel! Calculating
timing and direction is vital for successful launches and re-entries of space shuttles. When exploring further
away from Earth, functions can be used to model gravitational slingshot manoeuvres around stars, planets
and moons, allowing us to reach further into the cosmos.

2.1 Overview
2.2 Functions and relations
2.3 Function notation
2.4 Transformations of functions
2.5 Piece-wise functions
2.6 Review: exam practice

Fully worked solutions for this chapter are available in the Resources section of your eBookPLUS at

32 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

2.2 Functions and relations
2.2.1 Set and interval notation
Set notation
A set is a collection of things, and in mathematics sets are usually used to represent a group of numbers. Each
number within a set is called an element, and these elements can be listed individually or described by a rule.
Elements within a set are separated by commas. Some important symbols and pre-defined common sets are
listed below.
{...} refers to a set of something. A relation is a set of ordered pairs.
∈ means ‘is an element of’. N refers to the set of Natural numbers.
∉ means ‘is not an element of’. J refers to the set of integers.
⊂ means ‘is a subset of’. Q refers to the set of rational numbers.

⊂ means ‘is not a subset (or is not contained in)’. R refers to the set of Real numbers.
∩ means ‘intersection with’. R+ refers to the set of positive Real numbers.
∪ means ‘union with’. R− refers to the set of negative Real numbers.
\ means ‘excluding’.
∅ refers to ‘the null, or empty set’.
{a, b, c} is a set of three letters.
{(a, b), (c, d), ...} is an infinite set of ordered pairs.

Interval notation
Interval notation is a convenient way to represent an interval using only the end values and indicating
whether those end values are included or excluded. When using interval notation, a rounded bracket is used
to indicate a value that is excluded and a square bracket is used to indicate a value that is included in the
interval. Recall that on a number line and on a Cartesian plane, excluded values are represented by an open
circle and included values by a closed circle.
If a and b are real numbers and a < b, then the following intervals are defined with an accompanying
number line:

(a, b) implies a < x < b or (a, b) implies a < x ≤ b or

a b x x
a b

(a, ∞) implies x > a or [a, ∞) implies x ≥ a or

x a x

(−∞, b) implies x < b or (−∞, b] implies x ≤ b or

x b x

[a, b] implies a ≤ x < b or [a, b] implies a ≤ x ≤ b or

x a b x
a b

CHAPTER 2 Functions 33

Describe each of the following subsets of the real numbers using interval notation.
a. b. c.
x x
–4 0 2 –3 0 5 x 0 1 3 5

a. The interval is x < 2 (2 is not included). a. (−∞, 2)
b. The interval is −3 ≤ x < 5 (−3 is included). b. [−3, 5)
c. The interval is both 1 ≤ x < 3 and x ≥ 5 (1 is c. [1, 3) ∪ [5, ∞)
included, 3 is not). The symbol ∪ indicates the
combination of the two intervals.


Illustrate the following number intervals on a number line.

a. (−2, 10] b. [1, ∞)

a. The interval is −2 < x ≤ 10 (−2 is not included, a.
10 is). –2 0 10 x
b. The interval is x ≥ 1 (1 is included). b.
0 1 x

2.2.2 Relations
A mathematical relation is any set of ordered pairs.
The ordered pairs may be listed or described by a rule or presented as a graph. Examples of relations could
include A = {(−2,4) , (1, 5) , (3,4)} where the ordered pairs have been listed; B = {(x, y) : y = 2x} where
the ordered pairs are described by a linear equation; and C = {(x, y) : y ≤ 2x} where the ordered pairs are
described by a linear inequation. These relations could be presented visually by being graphed on coordinate
axes. The graph of A would consist of three points, the graph of B would be a straight line and the graph of C
would be a closed half-plane. Relations can be continuous, where all values of a variable are possible within
a specified interval, or discrete, where only fixed values are permitted.
In a set of ordered pairs, the first value, or x-value, is referred to as the independent variable and the
second value, or y-value, is called the dependent variable. The possible x-values are defined first, then the
resulting y-values are found through substitution of these x-values into the rule that describes the relation. As
such, the values of y are dependent on the given x-values.

34 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland


Sketch the graph representing each of the following relations and state whether each is discrete or
a. y = x2 , where x ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4}
b. y = 2x + 1, where x ∈ R

a. 1. Use the rule to calculate y and state the ordered a. When x = 1, y = 12
pairs by letting x = 1, 2, 3 and 4. =1 (1, 1)
x = 2, y = 22
= 4 (2, 4)
x = 3, y = 32
=9 (3, 9)
x = 4, y = 42
= 16 (4, 16)

2. Plot the points (1, 1) , (2, 4) , (3, 9) and (4, 16) on a y

set of axes. 16
0 1 2 3 4 x

3. Do not join the points as x is a discrete variable It is a discrete relation as x can be only
(whole numbers only). whole number values.
b. 1. Use the rule to calculate y. Select values of x, say b. When x = 0, y = 2 (0) + 1
x = 0, 1 and 2 (or find the intercepts). State the = 1 (0, 1)
ordered pairs. x = 1, y = 2 (1) + 1
= 3 (1, 3)
x = 2, y = 2 (2) + 1
= 5 (2, 5)
2. Plot the points (0, 1) , (1, 3) and (2, 5) on a set of y y = 2x + 1
5 (2, 5)
3 (1, 3)
1 (0, 1)
–2 –1 –10 1 2
3. Join the points with a straight line, continuing in It is a continuous relation as x can be
both directions as x is a continuous variable (any any real number.
real number).

CHAPTER 2 Functions 35
a.1. In a Lists & Spreadsheet a.1. On a Table screen,
page, label the first complete the entry line
column as x and the for Y1 as:
second column as y. Y1 = x2
Enter the values 1–4 in then press EXE.
the first column.

2. In the function cell 2. Select SET by pressing

below the label y, F5, then complete the
complete the entry line as fields as:
= x2 Start: 1
then press ENTER. End: 4
Select the Variable Step: 1
Reference for x when then press EXE.
prompted. Select TABLE by
pressing F6.

3. In a Data & Statistics 3. Select GPH-PLT by

page, click on the label pressing F6.
of the horizontal axis
and select x. Click on the
label of the vertical axis
and select y.
The graph appears on
This relation is discrete.
the screen.
This relation is discrete.
b.1. On a Graphs page, b.1. On a Graph screen,
complete the entry line complete the entry line
for function 1 as for Y1 as
f1(x) = 2x + 1 Y1 = 2x + 1
then press ENTER. then press EXE.
The graph appears on
the screen.

This relation is continuous.

2. Select DRAW by
pressing F6.

This relation is continuous.

36 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

Types of relations
Relations are classified according to the correspondence between the coordinates of their ordered pairs. Note
that the word many in this context means more than one, and the precise number is not considered.
One-to-one relations
A one-to-one relation exists if for any x-value there is only one corresponding y-value and vice versa. Examples
a. {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)} b. y

0 x

One-to-many relations
A one-to-many relation exists if for any x-value there is more than one y-value, but for any y-value there is
only one x-value. Examples are:
a. {(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)} b. y

0 x

Many-to-one relations
A many-to-one relation exists if there is more than one x-value for any y-value but for any x-value there is
only one y-value. Examples are:
a. {(−1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 2)} b. y

0 x

Many-to-many relations
A many-to-many relation exists if there is more than one x-value for any y-value and vice versa. Examples
a. {(0, −1), (0, 1), (1, 0), (−1, 0)} b. y y

0 x 0 x

2.2.3 Functions
Relations which are one-to-one or many-to-one are called functions. That is, a function is a relation where
for any x-value there is only one y-value.

The vertical line test

Line tests can be used to help classify functions and relations from a graph. A vertical line test is used to
identify a function and can be applied by placing a vertical line (parallel to the y-axis) through the graph. If

CHAPTER 2 Functions 37
there is only one intersection between this line and the graph for each possible x-value, then the graph is a
function. If the line can be placed such that it intersects the graph more than once, while remaining parallel
to the y-axis, then the graph does not represent a function. All polynomial relations are functions.
A horizontal line test, parallel to the x-axis, can be applied in a similar way to classify the type of the
y y

0 x 0 x

one-to-one relation many-to-one relation

function function

y y

0 x 0 x

one-to-many relation many-to-many relation

not a function not a function

Notice that the first two graphs above pass the vertical line test (shown in pink), while the bottom two
graphs do not. All four graphs are relations, but only the top two are functions. The horizontal line test
(shown in green) has been applied to classify the type of relation.

Interactivity: Vertical and horizontal line test (int-2570)


Classify each of the following relations as one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, or

many-to-many, or and state whether each relation is a function or not.
a. y = (x + 3) (x − 1) (x − 6)
b. {(1, 3), (2, 4), (1, 5)}

38 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

a. 1. Draw the graph. a. y = (x + 3) (x − 1) (x − 6)
x-intercepts: (−3, 0), (1, 0), (6, 0)
y-intercept: (0, 18)
The graph is a positive cubic.
y = (x + 3)(x – 1)(x – 6)

(0, 18)
(–3, 0) (1, 0) (6, 0)
0 x

2. Use the horizontal line test A horizontal line cuts the graph in more than one place.
and the vertical line test to A vertical line cuts the graph exactly once. This is a
determine the type of relation. many-to-one relation.
3. State whether the relation is a y = (x + 3) (x − 1) (x − 6) is a many-to-one relation which is
function. a function.
b. 1. Look to see if there are points b. {(1, 3), (2, 4), (1, 5)} x = 1 is paired to both y = 3 and
with the same x- or y = 5. This is a one-to-many relation. It is not a function.
2. Alternatively, or as a check, y
plot the points and use the 4
horizontal and vertical line 3
tests. 2
0 x
1 2 3 4 5
A horizontal line cuts the graph exactly once.
A vertical line cuts the graph in more than one place. This is
a one-to-many relation.

Units 1 & 2 Area 2 Sequence 1 Concept 1

Functions and relations Summary screen and practice questions

CHAPTER 2 Functions 39
Exercise 2.2 Functions and relations

Technology free
1. WE1 Describe each of the following subsets of the real numbers using interval notation.
a. b.
–2 0 1 0 5

c. d.
–3 0 4 –1 0

e. f.
–5 –2 0 3 –3 0 1 2 4

2. WE2 Illustrate each of the following number intervals on a number line.

[−6, 2)
a. b. (−9, −3)
(−∞, 2]
c. d. (1, 10)
(−∞, −2) ∪ [1, 3)
e. f. [−8, 0) ∪ (2, 6]
3. Describe each of the following sets using interval notation.

a. {x : − 4 ≤ x < 2} b. {y : − 1 < y < 3 }
c. {x : x > 3} d. {x : x ≤ −3}
e. R f. R \ {0}
Note: Questions 4, 5 and 6 relate to the following information.

A particular relation is described by the following ordered pairs:

{(0, 4) , (1, 3) , (2, 2) , (3, 1)} .
4. MC The graph of this relation is represented by:
A. y B. y
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1

0 1 2 3 4 x 0 1 2 3 4 x

C. y D. y
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1

0 1 2 3 4 x 0 1 2 3 4 x

5. MC The elements of the dependent variable are:

A. {1, 2, 3, 4}
B. {1, 2, 3}
C. {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
D. {0, 1, 2, 3}

40 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

6. MC The rule for the relation is correctly described by:
A. y = 4 − x, x ∈ R B. y = x − 4, x ∈ N
C. y = 4 − x, x ∈ N D. y = 4 − x, x ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3}
7. WE3 Sketch the graph representing each of the following relations, and state whether each is discrete
or continuous.
Day Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun

Cost of petrol (c/L) 168 167.1 166.5 164.9 167 168.5 170
{(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 9)}
y = −x2 , where x ∈ {−2, −1, 0, 1, 2}
d. y = x − 2, where x ∈ R
e. y = 2x + 3, where x ∈ J
f. y = x2 + 2, where − 2 ≤ x ≤ 2 and x ∈ R
8. WE4 Classify each of the following relations as one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one or
many-to-many, and state whether each relation is a function or not.
a. y b. y c. y

0 x
0 x 0 x

d. y e. y f. y

0 x 0 x 0 x

9. Classify each of the following relations as one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one or many-to-many, and
state whether each relation is a function or not.
a. y b. y c. y

0 x 0 x
0 x

d. y e. y f. y

0 x
0 x 0 x

CHAPTER 2 Functions 41
10. Consider the relations below and state:
i. which are functions
ii. which are one-to-one functions.
a. y b. y c. y d. y

0 x 0 x
0 x 0 x

e. y f. y

0 x x

11. Consider the relations below and state:

i. which are functions
ii. which are one-to-one functions.
a. y b. y c. y d. y

0 x
0 x 0 x
0 x

e. y f. y

0 x
0 x

12. MC Which of the following rules does not describe a function?

A. y = B. y = 2 − 7x C. x = 5 D. y = 10x2 + 3
13. MC Which of the following relations is not a function?
A. {(5, 8), (6, 9), (7, 9), (8, 10), (9, 12)}
B. y

0 x

C. y2 = x
D. y

0 x

42 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

14. MC During one week, the number of people travelling on a particular train at a certain time
progressively increases from Monday through to Friday. Which graph below best represents this
A. B.
Number of people

Number of people
0 M T W T F 0 M T W T F

C. D.
Number of people

Number of people
0 M T W T F 0 M T W T F

15. The table below shows the temperature of a cup of coffee,

T °C, t minutes after it is poured.

t (min) 0 2 4 6 8

T (°C ) 80 64 54 48 44

Plot the points on a graph.

b. Join the points with a smooth curve.
c. Explain why this can be done.
d. Use the graph to determine how long it takes the coffee to reach half of its initial temperature.
16. A salesperson in a computer store is paid a base salary of $300 per week plus $40 commission for each
computer she sells. If n is the number of computers she sells per week and P dollars is the total amount
she earns per week, then:
a. copy and complete the following table

n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

b. plot the information on a graph

c. explain why the points cannot be joined together
d. write an equation in terms of P and n to represent this situation.

CHAPTER 2 Functions 43
2.3 Function notation
2.3.1 Domain and range
A relation may be described by:
1. a listed set of ordered pairs
2. a graph or
3. a rule or formula that defines one variable quantity in terms of another.
The set of all first elements of a set of ordered pairs is known as the domain and the set of all second
elements of a set of ordered pairs is known as the range. Alternatively, the domain is the set of independent
(x) values and the range is the set of dependent (y) values.
If a relation is described by a rule, it should also specify the domain. For example:
1. the relation {(x, y) : y = 2x, x ∈ {1, 2, 3}} describes the set of ordered pairs {(1, 2), (2, 4), (3, 6)}
2. the domain is the set X = {1, 2, 3}, which is given
3. the range is the set Y = {2, 4, 6}, and can be found by applying the rule y = 2x to the domain values.
If the domain of a relation is not specifically stated, it is assumed to consist of all real numbers for which the
rule has meaning. This is referred to as the implied domain (or maximal domain) of a relation. For example:
1. {(x, y) : y = x3 } has the implied domain R.

2. {(x, y) : y = x } has the implied domain x ≥ 0, where x ∈ R, since the square root of a negative
number is an imaginary value.
The graph of any polynomial relation normally has a domain of R. For some practical situations, restrictions
have been placed on the values of the variables in some polynomial models. In these cases the polynomial
relation has been defined on a restricted domain. A restricted domain usually affects the range.
Set notation or interval notation should be used for domains and ranges.


For each of the following, state the domain and range, and whether the relation is a function or
a. {(1, 4), (2, 0), (2, 3), (5, −1)} b. y

–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
(3, –2)

c. y d. {(x, y) ∶ y = 4 − x3 }
–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4

a. 1. State the domain. a. {(1, 4), (2, 0), (2, 3), (5, −1)}
The domain is the set of x-values: {1, 2, 5}.
2. State the range. The range is the set of y-values: {−1, 0, 3, 4}.

44 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

3. Are there any ordered pairs which have The relation is not a function since there are two
the same x-coordinate? different points with the same x-coordinate: (2, 0)
and (2, 3).
b. 1. Reading from left to right horizontally in b.
the direction of the x-axis, the graph uses
every possible x-value.
State the domain. The domain is (−∞, ∞) or R.
2. Reading from bottom to top vertically in
the direction of the y-axis, the graph’s
y-values start at −2 and increase from
State the range. The range is [−2, ∞) or {y : y ≥ −2}.
3. Use the vertical line test. This is a function since any vertical line cuts the
graph exactly once.
c. 1. State the domain and range. c. The domain is [−1, 3]; the range is [−2, 2].
This is not a function as a vertical line can cut the
graph more than once.
2. Use the vertical line test. y
–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
d. 1. State the domain. d. y = 4 − x3
This is the equation of a polynomial so its domain
is R.
2. It is the equation of a cubic polynomial
with a negative coefficient of its leading
term, so as x → ± ∞, y → ∓ ∞.
State the range. The range is R.
3. Is the relation a function? This is a function because all polynomial relations
are functions, and it passes the vertical line test.


For each relation√ given, sketch its graph and state the domain and range using interval notation.
a. { (x, y) : y = x − 1 } b. {(x, y) : y = x2 − 4, x ∈ [0, 4]}

a. 1.
√meaning for x ≥ 1 because if
The rule has a.
x < 1, y = negative number .

CHAPTER 2 Functions 45
2. Therefore, calculate the value of y when When x = 1, y = √0
x = 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, and state the coordinate =0 (1, 0)
points. x = 2, y = √1
=1 (2, 1)
x = 3, y = √2 ( 3, √2 )
x = 4, y = √3 (4, √3 )
x = 5, y = √4
=2 (5, 2)

3. Plot the points on a set of axes. y

y= x–1
4. Join the points with a smooth curve starting from 2
x = 1, extending it beyond the last point. Since no
domain is given we can assume x ∈ R (continuous).
5. Place a closed circle on the point (1, 0) and put an
0 x
arrow on the other end of the curve. 1 2 3 4 5

6. The domain is the set of values covered horizontally Domain = [1, ∞)

by the graph, or implied by the rule.
7. The range is the set of values covered vertically by Range = [0, ∞)
the graph.
b. 1. Calculate the value of y when x = 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4, b. When x = 0, y = 02 − 4
as the domain is [0, 4]. State the coordinate points. = −4 (0, −4)
x = 1, y = 12 − 4
= −3 (1, −3)
x = 2, y = 22 − 4
=0 (2, 0)
x = 3, y = 32 − 4
=5 (3, 5)
x = 4, y = 42 − 4
= 12 (4, 12)

2. Plot these points on a set of axes. y

y = x2 – 4, x ∈ [0, 4]
3. Join the dots with a smooth curve from x = 0 to
x = 4. 8
4. Place a closed circle on the points (0, −4) and (4, 12). 6
0 x
–2 1 2 3 4


46 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

5. The domain is the set of values covered by the graph Domain = [0, 4]
6. The range is the set of values covered by the graph Range = [−4, 12]
Technology can be used to check the graphs.


b.1. On a Graphs page, b1. On a Graph screen,
complete the entry line complete the entry line
for function 1 as for Y1 as
f1(x) = x2 − 4 0 ≤ x ≤ 4 Y1 = x2 − 4, [0, 4]
then press ENTER. then press EXE.
The graph appears on Select DRAW by
the screen. pressing F6.

2. To find the endpoints of 2. To find the endpoints

the graph, press MENU, of the graph, select
then select: Trace by pressing F1.
5: Trace Type ‘0’ then press
1: Graph Trace. EXE twice. Type ‘4’
Type ‘0’ then press then press EXE twice.
ENTER twice.
Type ‘4’ then press
ENTER twice.

3. The domain and range The domain is [0, 4] and the range 3. The domain and range The domain is [0, 4] and the
can be read from the is [–4, 12]. can be read from the range is [–4, 12].
graph. graph.

2.3.2 Function notation

The rule for a function such as y = x2 will often be written as f (x) = x2 . This is read as ‘f of x equals x2 ’.
We shall also refer to a function as y = f (x), particularly when graphing a function as the set of ordered pairs
(x, y) with x as the independent variable and y as the dependent variable.
f (x) is called the image of x under the function mapping, which means that if, for example, x = 2 then f (2)
is the y-value that x = 2 is paired with (mapped to), according to the function rule.
For f (x) = x2 , f (2) = 22 = 4. The image of 2 under the mapping f is 4; the ordered pair (2, 4) lies on the
graph of y = f (x); 2 is mapped to 4 under f: these are all variations of the mathematical language that could
be used for this function.
The ordered pairs that form the function with rule f (x) = x2 could be illustrated on a mapping diagram.
The mapping diagram shown uses two number lines, one for the x-values and one for the y-values, but there
are varied ways to show mapping diagrams.

CHAPTER 2 Functions 47
Under the mapping, every x-value in the domain is mapped to its f(x) = x2 Ordered pairs
square, x → x2 . The range is the set of the images, or corresponding 5 5
y-values, of each x-value in the domain. For this example, the polyno- 4 4 (2, 4), (–2, 4)
mial function has a domain of R and a range of [0, ∞), since squared 3 3
numbers are not negative. Not all of the real numbers on the ynumber 2 2
line are elements of the range in this example. The set of all the available 1 1 (1, 1), (–1, 1)
y-values, whether used in the mapping or not, is called the codomain. 0 0 (0, 0)
–1 –1
Only the set of those y-values which are used for the mapping form the
–2 –2
range. For this example, the codomain is R and the range is a subset of –3 –3
the codomain since [0, ∞) ⊂ R. –4 –4
The mapping diagram also illustrates the many-to-one correspon- –5 –5
dence of the function defined by y = x2 .
x → x2


If f (x) = x2 − 3, find:
a. f (−2) b. f (a) c. f (2a) d. f (a + 1) .
a. 1.Write the rule. a. f (x) = x2 − 3
2. Substitute x = −2 into the rule. f (−2) = (−2)2 − 3
3. Simplify the expression if possible. =4−3
b. 1. Write the rule. b. f (x) = x2 − 3
2. Substitute x = a into the rule. f (a) = a2 − 3
c. 1. Write the rule. c. f (x) = x2 − 3
2. Substitute x = 2a into the rule. f (2a) = (2a)2 − 3
3. Simplify the expression if possible. = 22 a2 − 3
= 4a2 − 3
d. 1.Write the rule. d. f (x) = x2 − 3
2. Substitute x = 2a + 1 into the rule. f (a + 1) = (a + 1)2 − 3
3. Simplify the expression if possible. f (a + 1) = a2 + 2a + 1 − 3
= a2 + 2a − 2

2.3.3 Formal mapping notation

The mapping x → x2 is written formally as:
f: R → R, f (x) = x2
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
name domain codomain rule for, or
of of f equation of, f

The domain of the function must always be specified when writing functions formally.

48 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

We will always use R as the codomain. Mappings will be written as f : D → R, where D is the domain.
Usually a graph of the function is required in order to determine its range.
Note that f is a symbol for the name of the function or mapping, whereas f (x) is an element of the range
of the function: f (x) gives the image of x under the mapping f. While f is the commonly used symbol for a
function, other symbols may be used.


Consider f : R → R, f (x) = a + bx, where f (1) = 4 and f (−1) = 6.

a. Calculate the values of a and b and state the function rule.
b. Evaluate f(0).
c. Calculate the value of x for which f (x) = 0.
d. Find the image of −5.
e. Write the mapping for a function g which has the same rule as f but a domain restricted to R+ .

a. 1. Use the given information to set up a system of a. f(x) = a + bx
simultaneous equations. f(1) = 4 ⇒ 4 = a + b × 1
∴ a + b = 4...............(1)
f(−1) = 6 ⇒ 6 = a + b × −1
∴ a − b = 6...............(2)
2. Solve the system of simultaneous equations to Equation (1) + equation (2)
obtain the values of a and b. 2a = 10
Substitute a = 5 into equation (1)
∴ b = −1
3 State the answer. a = 5, b = −1
f(x) = 5 − x
b. Substitute the given value of x. b. f(x) = 5 − x
f(0) = 5 − 0
c. Substitute the rule for f(x) and solve the equation for x. c. f(x) = 0

∴x = 5
d. Write the expression for the image and then evaluate it. d. The image of −5 is f (−5).
f(x) = 5 − x
f(−5) = 5 − (−5)
= 10
The image is 10.
e. Change the name of the function and change the e. g : R+ → R, g(x) = 5 − x


CHAPTER 2 Functions 49
Units 1 & 2 Area 2 Sequence 1 Concept 2

Functions domain and range Summary screen and practice questions

Exercise 2.3 Function notation

Technology free
1. MC The domain of the relation graphed at right is: y
A. [−4, 4]
B. (−4, 7)
C. [−1, 7] –1 0 3 7 x
D. (−4, 4)

2. MC The range of the relation {(x, y) : y = 2x + 5, x ∈ [−1, 4]} is:

[7, 13]
[3, 13]
[3, ∞)
3. MC A relation has the y = x + 3, where x𝜖R+ . The range of this relation is:
A. R+
B. [3, ∞)
C. R
D. (3, ∞)
4. MC The function f : {x : x = 0, 1, 2} → R, where f(x) = x − 4, may be expressed as:
A. {(0, −4), (1, −3), (2, −2)}
B. {0, 1, 2}
C. {(0, 4), (1, 3), (2, 2)}
D. {(−1, −5), (1, −3), (2, −2)}
5. WE5 For each of the following, state the domain and range and whether the relation is a function or not.
a. {(4, 4), (3, 0), (2, 3), (0, −1)} b. {(x. y) : y = 4 − x2 }
c. y d. y
(1, 4) 5
(0, 3) 3
(–2, 0) 1
(3, 0)
0 x x
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5

50 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

6. State the domain and range for each of the following relations.
a. y b. y
15 10

10 5

5 x
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5

x –5
0 1 2 3 4 5

c. y (1, 8) d. y
8 4

6 2 (2, 2)

0 x
–2 –1 1 2
2 (–2, –2) –2

x –4
–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

e. y f. y


0 3 x
–6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4


7. Consider each of the graphs in question 6.

a. Classify each relation as one-to-one, many-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-many.
b. Identify any of the relations that are not functions.
8. State
i. the domain and
ii. the range of each of the following relations.
a. {(3, 8), (4, 10), (5, 12), (6, 14), (7, 16)}
b. {(1.1, 2), (1.3, 1.8), (1.5, 1.6), (1.7, 1.4)}
Time (min) 3 4 5 6

Distance (m) 110 130 150 170

CHAPTER 2 Functions 51
Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Cost($) 25 35 30 35 30

e. y = 5x − 2, where x is an integer greater than 2 and less than 6.

f. y = x2 − 1, x ∈ R
9. a. Sketch the graph of y = (x − 2)2 , stating its domain, range and type of relation.
b. Restrict the domain of the function defined by y = (x − 2) so that it will be a one-to-one and
increasing function.
10. WE7 a. If f(x) = 3x + 1, determine

.i. f(0) ii. f(2) iii. f(−2) iv. f(5)

b. If g(x) = x + 4 , determine
i. g(0) ii. g(−3) iii. g(5) iv. g(−4)
c. If g(x) = 4 − , determine
x 1
1 1
i. g(1) ii. g( iii. g(− ) iv. g(− )
2 ) 2 5
d. If f(x) = (x + 3)2 , determine
i. f(0) ii. f(−2) iii. f(1) iv. f(a)
11. If f (x) = x + 2x − 3, calculate the following.
a. .i. f (−2) ii. f (9)
b. .i. f (2a) ii. f (1 − a)
c. f (x + h) − f (x)
d. {x : f (x) > 0}
e. The values of x for which f (x) = 12
f. The values of x for which f (x) = 1 − x
12. Determine the value (or values) of x for which each function has the value given.
a. f(x) = 3x − 4, f(x) = 5 b. g(x) = x2 − 2, g(x) = 7
c. f(x) = , f(x) = 3 d. h(x) = x2 − 5x + 6, h(x) = 0
x √
e. g(x) = x2 + 3x, g(x) = 4 f. f(x) = 8 − x , f(x) = 3
13. WE8 Consider f : R → R, f (x) = ax + b, where f (2) = 7 and f (3) = 9.

a. Calculate the values of a and b and state the function rule.

b. Calculate the value of x for which f (x) = 0.
c. Evaluate the image of −3.
d. Write the mapping for a function g which has the same rule as f but a domain restricted to (−∞, 0].
Technology active

14. MC The range of the function, f(x) = 2 4 − x is:
A. R+ B. R− C. [0, ∞) D. (2, ∞)
15. Express y = x − 6x + 10, 0 ≤ x < 7 in mapping notation and state its domain and range.
16. The maximum side length of the rectangle shown is 10 metres.
a. Write a function which gives the perimeter, P metres, of
the rectangle.
b. State the domain and range of this function.
17. WE6 For each relation given, sketch its graph and state the domain and range using interval notation.
a. {(x, y) : y = 2 − x2 } b. {(x, y) : y = x3 + 1, x ∈ [−2, 2]}
c. {(x, y) : y = x + 3x + 2} d. {(x, y) : y = x2 − 4, x ∈ [−2, 1]}
e. {(x, y) : y = 2x − 5, x ∈ [−1, 4)} f. {(x, y) : y = 2x2 − x − 6}

52 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

18. State the implied domain for each relation defined by the following rules. √

a. y = 10 − x b. y = 3 x c. y = − 16 − x2
d. y = x2 + 3 e. y = f. y = 10 − 7x2
19. The number of koalas remaining in a parkland t weeks after a virus
strikes is given by the function N(t) = 15 + koalas per hectare.
a. How many koalas per hectare were there before the virus struck?
b. How many koalas per hectare were there 13 weeks after the virus
c. How long after the virus strikes are there 23 koalas per hectare?
d. Will the virus kill off all the koalas? Explain why.
20. Consider the functions f and g where f(x) = a + bx + cx2 and g(x) = f(x − 1).
a. Given f (−2) = 0, f (5) = 0 and f (2) = 3, determine the rule for the function f.
b. Express the rule for g as a polynomial in x.
c. Calculate any values of x for which f (x) = g (x).
d. On the same axes, sketch the graphs of y = f (x) and y = g (x) and describe the relationship between
the two graphs.

2.4 Transformations of functions

A graph has undergone one or more transformations if its position or shape has been altered. The
transformations covered in this chapter are:
• dilations (stretching or compressing)
• reflections (flipping)
• translations (moving horizontally or vertically).
Once the basic shape of a function is known, its features can be identified after various transformations
have been applied to it simply by interpreting the transformed equation of the image.

2.4.1 Dilations
A dilation from an axis either stretches or compresses a graph from that axis, depending on whether the
dilation factor is greater than 1 or between 0 and 1, respectively.

2.4.2 Dilation from the x-axis by factor a

A dilation from the x-axis acts parallel to the y-axis, or in the y
The point (x, y) → (x, ay) when dilated by a factor a from the
(x, ay)
A dilation of factor a from the x-axis transforms y = x2 to
y = ax2 and, generalising, under a dilation of factor a from the x-axis, ay
(x, y)
y = f (x) → y = af (x).
For any function:
y = af (x) is the image of y = f (x) under a dilation of factor a 0 x
from the x-axis, parallel to the y-axis.
Dilation of factor a, (a > 1),
from the x-axis

CHAPTER 2 Functions 53
2.4.3 Dilation from the y-axis by factor b
A dilation from the y-axis acts parallel to the x-axis, or in the y
The point (x, y) → (bx, y) when dilated by a factor b from the (x, y) (ax, y)
y-axis. To see the effect of this dilation, consider the graph of
y = x (x − 2) under a dilation of factor 2 from the y-axis. Choosing x
the key points, under this dilation: ax

(0, 0) → (0, 0) 0 x

(1, −1) → (2, −1)

(2, 0) → (4, 0)

and the transformed graph is as shown.

The equation of the image of y = x (x − 2) y = x(x – 2)
under this dilation can be found by fitting the
points to a quadratic equation. Its equation is image
x x
y = (0.5x) (0.5x − 2) ⇒ y = ( ) (( ) − 2).
2 2 (0, 0) (2, 0) (4, 0)
This illustrates that dilating y = f (x) by a 0 x
factor 2 from the y-axis gives the image
y = f( ).

For any function:

y = f (bx) is the image of y = f (x) under a dilation of factor from the
y-axis, parallel to the x-axis.


The diagram shows the graph of y = f (x) passing through y

points (−2, 0), (0, 2), (3, 1).
Sketch the graph of y = f (2x) using the images of the y = f(x)
points (−2, 0), (0, 2), (3, 1). (0, 2)

(–2, 0) (3, 1)
0 x


54 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

1. Identify the transformation. y = f(2x) ⇒ y = f
( 12 )
The transformation is a dilation from
the y-axis of factor .
This dilation acts in the x-direction.
2. Find the image of each key point. Under this dilation (x, y) → ( , y)
(−2, 0) → (−1, 0)
(0, 2) → (0, 2)
(3, 1) → (1.5, 1)
3. Sketch the image. y = f(2x) y = f(x)

(0, 2)

(–2, 0) (1.5, 1) (3, 1)

0 x

(–1, 0)

2.4.4 Reflections
The point (x, y) becomes (x, −y) when reflected in the x-axis and (−x,y) when reflected in the y-axis.
y y

(x, y) (–x, y) (x, y)

0 x 0 x

(x, –y)

Reflection in the x-axis Reflection in the y-axis

√ √
Reflecting the graph of y = x in the x-axis gives the graph of y = − x , so under a reflection in the
x-axis, y = f (x) → y = −f (x). √ √
Reflecting the graph of y = x in the y-axis gives the graph of y = −x , so under a reflection in the
y-axis, y = f (x) → y = f (−x).

For any function:

• y = −f (x) is the image of y = f (x) under a reflection
in the x-axis
• y = f (−x) is the image of y = f (x) under a reflection
in the y-axis

CHAPTER 2 Functions 55

The diagram shows the graph of y = f (x) passing through y

points (−2, 0), (0, 2), (3, 1). y = f(x)
Sketch the graph of y = f (−x) using the images of the
points (−2, 0), (0, 2), (3, 1). (0, 2)

(–2, 0) (3, 1)
0 x

1. Identify the transformation required. y = f (−x)
This is a reflection in the y-axis of the
graph of y = f (x).
2. Find the image of each key point. Under this transformation,(x, y) → (−x, y)
(−2, 0) → (2, 0)
(0, 2) → (0, 2)
(3, 1) → (−3, 1)
3. Sketch the image. y

y = f(–x) y = f(x)
(0, 2)

(–3, 1) (3, 1)
(–2, 0) 0 (2, 0) x

2.4.5 Translations
Translations parallel to the x- and y-axis move graphs horizontally to the left or right and vertically up or
down, respectively.
Under a horizontal translation of c units to the left, the following effect is seen:
y = x2 → y = (x + c)2 ;
1 1
y= → y= ;
x x+c
√ √
y = x → y = x + c;
and so, for any function, y = f (x) → y = f (x + c).

56 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

Under a vertical translation of d units upwards:
y = x2 → y = x2 + d;
1 1
y= → y = + d;
x x
√ √
y = x → y = x + d;
and so, for any function, y = f (x) → y = f (x) + d .

For any function:

• y = f(x + c) is the image of y = f (x) under a horizontal translation of c units to the left.
A negative c-value will result in translation to the right.
• y = f (x) + d is the image of y = f(x) under a vertical translation of d units upwards.
A negative d-value will result in translation downwards.
• Under the combined transformations of c units parallel to the x-axis and d units
parallel to the y-axis, y = f(x) → y = f (x + c) + d.


The diagram shows the graph of y = f (x) passing through y

points (−2, 0), (0, 2), (3, 1). y = f(x)
Sketch the graph of y = f (x + 1) using the images of these
(0, 2)
three points.
(–2, 0) (3, 1)
0 x

1 Identify the transformation required. y = f(x + 1)
This is a horizontal translation 1 unit
to the left of the graph of y = f(x).
2 Find the image of each key point. Under this transformation:
(−2, 0) → (−3, 0)
(0, 2) → (−1, 2)
(3, 1) → (2, 1)
3 Sketch the image. y
y = f(x + 1) y = f(x)

(–1, 2) (0, 2)

(–3, 0) (2, 1) (3, 1)

0 x

(–2, 0)

CHAPTER 2 Functions 57
2.4.6 Combinations of transformations

The graph of y = af (b(x + c)) + d is the graph of y = f (x) under a set of transformations which are
identified as follows.
• a gives the dilation factor |a| from the x-axis, parallel to the y-axis.
• If a < 0, there is a reflection in the x-axis.
• b gives the dilation factor from the y-axis, parallel to the x-axis.
• If b < 0, there is a reflection in the y-axis.
• c gives the horizontal translation parallel to the x-axis.
• d gives the vertical translation parallel to the y-axis.

When applying transformations to y = f (x) to form the graph of y = af(b(x + c)) + d, the order of operations
can be important, so any dilation or reflection should be applied before any translation.
It is quite possible that more than one order or more than one set of transformations may achieve the same
image. For example, y = 4x2 could be considered a dilation of y = x2 by factor 4 from the x-axis or, as
y = (2x)2 , it’s also a dilation of y = x2 by a factor from the y-axis.

a. Describe the transformations applied to the graph of y = f (x) to obtain y = 4 − 2f (3x + 2).
b. Describe the transformations applied to the graph of y = x to obtain y = 6 − 2x .


a. 1. Express the image equation in the summary form. a. y = 4 − 2f(3x + 2)

= −2f 3 x + +4
( ( 3 ))
2. State the values of a, b, c, and d from the summary y = af(b(x + c)) + d
form. 2
a = −2, b = 3, c = , d = 4
3. Interpret the transformations, leaving the Dilation of factor 2 from the x-axis,
translations to last. followed by a reflection in the x-axis;
then, a dilation of factor from the
y-axis; then, a horizontal translation
units to the left; finally, a vertical
translation upwards of 4 units

b. 1. Express the image equation in the summary form. b. y = 6 − 2x

= 3 −2(x − 3)
2. Identify the transformations in the correct order. Dilation of factor from the y-axis,
followed by a reflection in the y-axis;
then, a horizontal translation 3 units to
the right


58 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

Interactivity: Graph plotter: transformations of functions (int-2576)

Units 1 & 2 Area 2 Sequence 1 Concept 3

Transformations of functions Summary screen and practice questions

Exercise 2.4 Transformations of functions

Technology free
Note: Questions 1– 5 relate to the following information.
Consider the function y = f (x) as shown.

y = f(x)
(0, 2)

(–2, 0) (3, 1)
0 x

1. WE9 For the graph of y = f(x) shown above, sketch the graph of y = f ( ) using the images of the
points (−2, 0), (0, 2), (3, 1).
2. For the graph of y = f(x) shown above, sketch the graph of y = f (x) using the images of the points
(−2, 0), (0, 2), (3, 1).
3. WE10 Consider again the graph given above. Sketch the graph of y = −f (x) using the images of the

points (−2, 0), (0, 2), (3, 1).

4. WE11 For the graph of y = f (x) given above, sketch the graph of y = f (x) − 2 using the images of the

points (−2, 0), (0, 2), (3, 1).

5. For the graph of y = f (x) given above, sketch the graph of y = f (x − 2) + 1 using the images of the
points (−2, 0), (0, 2), (3, 1).
6. a. The parabola with equation y = (x − 1) is reflected in the x-axis followed by a vertical translation
upwards of 3 units. What is the equation of its final image?
b. Obtain the equation of the image if the order of the transformations in part a was reversed. Is the
image the same as that in part a ?
7. WE12 a. Describe the transformations applied to the graph of y = f (x) to obtain y = 4f ( − 1) + 3.
√ 2
√ x
b. Describe the transformations applied to the graph of y = x to obtain y = 3− .

CHAPTER 2 Functions 59
1 1
8. a. The graph of y = undergoes two transformations in the order: dilation of factor from the y-axis,
x 2
followed by a horizontal translation of 3 units to the left.
What is the equation of its image?
b. Describe the sequence of transformations that need to be applied to the image to undo the effect of
the transformations and revert to the graph of y = .
9. Identify the transformations that would be applied to the graph of y = x2 to obtain each of the
following graphs.
a. y = 3x2 b. y = −x2 c. y = x2 + 5 d. y = (x + 5)
10. Describe the transformations that have been applied to the graph of y = x3 to obtain each of the
following graphs.
x 3 3 3 3
a. y = ( ) b. y = (2x) + 1 c. y = (x − 4) − 4 d. y = (1 + 2x)
11. Give the √equation of the image of
i. y = x and
ii. y = x4 if their graphs are:
a. dilated by a factor 2 from the x-axis
b. dilated by a factor 2 from the y-axis
c. reflected in the x-axis and then translated 2
units vertically upwards
d. translated 2 units vertically upwards and then
reflected in the x-axis
e. reflected in the y-axis and then translated 2
units to the right
f. translated 2 units to the right and then
reflected in the y-axis.
12. Give the coordinates of the image of the point (3, −4) if it is:
a. translated 2 units to the left and 4 units down
b. reflected in the y-axis and then reflected in the x-axis
c. dilated by a factor from the x-axis parallel to the y-axis
d. dilated by a factor from the y-axis parallel to the x-axis.
5 1
13. a. .i. Give the equation of the image of y = after the two transformations are applied in the order
given: dilation by a factor 3 from the y-axis, then reflection in the y-axis.
ii. Reverse the order of the transformations and give the equation of the image.
b. .i. Give the equation of the image of y = 2 after the two transformations are applied in the order
given: dilation by a factor 3 from the x-axis, then vertical translation 6 units up.
ii. Reverse the order of the transformations and give the equation of the image.
14. The graph of y = f (x) is shown. y
On separate diagrams sketch the graphs y = f (x)
of the following.
a. y = f (x − 1) b. y = −f (x)
(−1, 0) (2, 0)
c. y = 2f (x) d. y = f (−x)
0 x
e. y = f ( ) f. y = f (x) + 2
2 (0, −1)

(1, −2)

60 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

15. Describe the transformations applied to y = f (x) if its image is:
a.y = 2f (x + 3) b. y = 6f (x − 2) + 1 c.y = f (2x + 2)
1 x−3
d. y = f (−x + 3) e. y = 1 − f (4x) f. y = f .
9 ( 9 )
16. Form the equation of the image after the given functions have been subjected to the set of
transformations in the order specified.
1 1
a. y = undergoes a dilation of factor from the x-axis followed by a horizontal translation of 3 units
x 2 3
to the left.
b. y = x5 undergoes a vertical translation of 3 units down followed by reflection in the x-axis.
c. y = undergoes a reflection in the y-axis followed by a horizontal translation of 1 unit to the right.

d. y = x undergoes a horizontal translation of 1 unit to the right followed by a dilation of factor 0.5
from the y-axis.
e. y = (x + 9) (x + 3) (x − 1) undergoes a horizontal translation of 6 units to the right followed by a
reflection in the x-axis.
f. y = x2 (x + 2) (x − 2) undergoes a dilation of factor 2 from both the x- and y-axis.

Technology active
17. a. The function g : R → R, g (x) = x2 − 4 is reflected in the y-axis.
Describe its image.
Show that the image of the function f : R → R, f (x) = x 3 when it is
reflected in the y-axis is the same as when√ it is reflected in the x-axis.
c. The function h : [−3, 3] → R, h (x) = 2 − 9 − x2 is reflected in the
x-axis. Describe its image. What single transformation when applied
to the image would return the curve back to its original position?
d. The graph of y = (x − 2) + 5 is reflected in both the x- and y-axis.
What is the nature, and the coordinates, of the turning
point of its image?
e. The graph of a relation is shifted vertically down 2 units, then reflected
in the y-axis. If the equation of its image is y2 = (x − 3), undo the
transformations to obtain the equation of the original graph.
f. A curve y = f (x) is dilated by a factor 2 from the x-axis, then vertically translated 1 unit up, then
reflected in the x-axis. After these three transformations have been applied, the equation of its image
is y = 6 (x − 2)3 − 1. Determine the equation of y = f (x). y (2, 0)
18. The graph of the function y = g (x) is given. y = g(x)
a. Sketch the graph of y = −g (2x). (0, 7)
b. Sketch the graph of y = g (2 − x).
c. For what values of c will all the x-intercepts of the graph
of y = g (x + c) be negative? (–4, 0) (–2, 0)
0 (4, 0) x

d. Give a possible equation for the graph of y = g (x) and hence

find an expression for g (2x).

CHAPTER 2 Functions 61
2.5 Piece-wise functions
2.5.1 Piece-wise functions
A piece-wise function is one in which the rule may take a different form over different sections of its domain.
An example of a simple piece-wise function is one defined by the rule:
x, x≥0
{−x, x < 0 .
Graphing this function would give a line with positive gradient to the right of the y-axis and a line with
negative gradient to the left of the y-axis.
This piece-wise function is continuous at x = 0 since both of its branches join, but that may not be the case
for all piece-wise functions. If the branches do not join, the function is not continuous for that value of x: it is
discontinuous at that point of its domain.
Sketching a piece-wise function is like sketching a set of
functions with restricted domains all on the same graph. Each
y = –x, x < 0 y = x, x ≥ 0
branch of the rule is valid only for part of the domain and,
if the branches do not join, it is important to indicate which
endpoints are included and which are excluded through the
use of open and closed circles.
As for any function, each x-value can only be paired to
exactly one y-value in a piece-wise function. To calculate the
(0, 0) x
corresponding y-value for a given value of x, the choice of
which branch of the rule to use depends on which section of
the domain the x-value belongs to.


A continuous piece-wise linear graph is constructed from the following linear graphs.
y = 2x + 1, x ≤ a
y = 4x − 1, x > a
a. By solving the equations simultaneously, find the point of intersection and hence state
the value of a.
b. Sketch the piece-wise linear graph.

a. 1. Find the intersection point of the two a. y = 2x + 1
graphs by solving the equations y = 4x − 1
simultaneously. Solve by substitution:
2x + 1 = 4x − 1
2x − 2x + 1 = 4x − 2x − 1
1 = 2x − 1
1 + 1 = 2x − 1 + 1
2 = 2x

62 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

Substitute x = 1 to find y:
y = 2(1) + 1
The point of intersection is (1, 3) .
x = 1 and y = 3
2. The x-value of the point of intersection x = 1, therefore a = 1.
determines the x-intervals for where the
linear graphs meet.
y = 2x + 1
b. 1. Sketch the two graphs without taking b. y
into account the intervals.
3 (1, 3)
1 y = 4x – 1
–8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2. Identify which graph exists within the y = 2x + 1 exists for x ≤ 1.

stated x-intervals to sketch the y = 4x − 1 exists for x > 1.
piece-wise linear graph. Remove the sections of each graph that do not
exist for these values of x.
3 (1, 3)
(– 12 , 0) 1 (0, 1)
–8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

CHAPTER 2 Functions 63
a.1. On a Calculator page, a.1. On an Equation screen,
press MENU, then select Simultaneous by
select: pressing F1.
3: Algebra
2: Solve System of
Linear Equations.
Complete the fields as:
Number of equations: 2 Select 2 unknowns by
Variables: x, y pressing F1.
then select OK.
Complete the entry line
as linSolve
y = 2x + 1
, {x, y}
({y = 4x − 1 )
then press ENTER.

2. The answer appears on The point of intersection is (1, 3), 2. Rearrange the given y = 2x + 1 ⇒ 2x − y = −1
the screen. so a = 1. equations into the form y = 4x − 1 ⇒ 4x − y = 1
ax + by = c.
Enter the coefficients
for x and y, and the
constant term, into the
matrix on the screen.

3. Select SOLVE by
pressing F1.

4. The answer appears on The point of intersection is

the screen. (1, 3), so a = 1.

b.1. On a Graphs page, b.1. On a Graph screen,

complete the entry line complete the entry lines
for function 1 as for Y1 and Y2 as
2x + 1, x ≤ 1 Y1 = 2x + 1, [, 1]
f1(x) =
{4x − 1, x > 1 Y2 = 4x − 1, [1, ]
then press ENTER. then press EXE.
Note: the piece-wise Select DRAW by
function template can pressing F6.
be found by pressing the Note: when restricting
t button. the domain of a
function, use interval
notation, leaving the
upper or lower bound
blank to represent ±∞ .

64 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

2. To mark the point where 2. To mark the point
the branches join, press where the branches join,
MENU then select select Trace by
5: Trace pressing F1.
1: Graph Trace. Type ‘1’ then press
Type ‘1’ then press EXE twice.
ENTER twice.

3. To find the x-intercept, 3. To find the x-intercept,

press MENU, then select G-Solv by
select: pressing F5, then select
6: Analyze Graph ROOT by pressing F1.
1: Zero. Use the up/down arrows
Move the cursor to the to select the graph
left of the x-intercept of Y1, then press EXE
when prompted for the twice.
lower bound, then
press ENTER.
Move the cursor to the
right of the x-intercept
when prompted for the
upper bound, then
press ENTER.

4. To find the y-intercept, 4. To find the y-intercept,

press MENU, then select G-Solv by
select: pressing F5, then select
5: Trace Y-ICEPT by pressing
1: Graph Trace. F4. Use the up/down
Type ‘0’ then press arrows to select the
ENTER twice. graph of Y1, then
press EXE twice.


Consider the function:

x2 , x<1
f (x) =
{−x, x ≥ 1

a. Evaluate:
i. f (−2)
ii. f (1)
iii. f (2).

b. Sketch the graph of y = f (x) and state the domain and range.
c. State any value of x for which the function is not continuous.

CHAPTER 2 Functions 65
x2 , x<1
a. Decide for each x-value which section of a. f (x) =
the domain it is in and calculate its image {−x, x ≥ 1
using the branch of the piece-wise i. f (−2): Since x = −2 lies in the domain section
function’s rule applicable to that section x < 1, use the rule f (x) = x2 .
of the domain. f (−2) = (−2)2
∴ f (−2) = 4
ii. f (1): Since x = 1 lies in the domain section x ≥ 1,
use the rule f (x) = −x.
∴ f (1) = −1
iii. f (2): Since x = 2 lies in the domain section x ≥ 1,
use the rule f (x) = −x.
∴ f (2) = −2

b. 1. Sketch each branch over its restricted b. Sketch y = x2 , x < 1

domain to form the graph of the Parabola, turning point (0, 0) open endpoint (1, 1)
piece-wise function. Sketch y = −x, x ≥ 1
Line, closed endpoint (1, −1)
Point x = 2 ⇒ (2, −2)

y = f(x)

0 x
–1 1 (1, –1)

2. State the domain and range. The domain is R.

The range is (−∞, −1] ∪ [0, ∞).
c. State any value of x where the branches c. The function is not continuous at x = 1 because
of the graph do not join. there is a break in the graph.

66 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

a.1. On a Calculator page, a.1. On a Graph screen,
press MENU, then complete the entry lines
select: for Y1 and Y2 as
1: Actions Y1 = x2 , [, 1]
1: Define. Y2 = −x, [1, ]
Complete the entry line then press EXE.
as Define Select DRAW by
x2 , x < 1
f1(x) = pressing F6.
{−x, x ≥ 1 Note: when restricting
then press ENTER. the domain of a
function, use interval
notation, leaving the
upper or lower bound
blank to represent ±∞ .

2. Complete the next 2. Select Trace by

entry line as pressing F1, then, with
f1 (–2) the cursor on the graph
then press ENTER. of Y1, type ‘–2’ and
press EXE twice.

3. Complete the next 3. Select Trace by

entry line as pressing F1, then use
f1 (1) then press the up/down arrows to
ENTER. move the cursor to the
Complete the next graph of Y2. Type ‘1’
entry line as and press EXE twice.
f1 (2) then press Type ‘2’ then press EXE
ENTER. twice.

4. The answers appear on f (−2) = 4, f (1) = −1 and 4. The answers appear on f (−2) = 4, f (1) = −1 and
the screen. f (2) = −2 the screen. f (2) = −2

b.1. On a Graphs page, the b.1. See a.1.

entry line for function 1
already contains the
piece-wise function
defined as f1(x) on the
Calculator page.
Click the tick box then
press ENTER to view
the graph.

2. Draw the graph. When copying the graph from the 2. Draw the graph. When copying the graph from
screen, remember to use an open the screen, remember to use
circle at the point (1, 1) and a an open circle at the point
closed circle at (1, −1). (1, 1) and a closed circle at
(1, −1).
3. The domain and range The domain is R and the range is 3. The domain and range The domain is R and the range
can be read from the (−∞, −1] ∪ [0, ∞) can be read from the is (−∞, −1] ∪ [0, ∞)
graph. graph.

CHAPTER 2 Functions 67
2.5.2 Modelling with piece-wise functions
Mathematical modelling is the process by which a real-life situation or system is represented using mathe-
matical concepts, often in the form of a rule or equation. Sometimes scenarios must be simplified in order
to apply a rule at this level of study. In these scenarios, if the values of one variable are influenced by the
values of another variable, then the former is the dependent variable. An independent variable is a factor that
influences the dependent variable.
When applying modelling techniques to practical problems, the following process should be considered:
1. Consider if it is suitable to apply a mathematical model to the problem.
2. Identify the key variables and:
i. identify which is independent and which is dependent
ii. consider the natural restrictions that are placed on both in the situation given (e.g. time cannot be
negative in most cases).
3. Determine the formula or formulae that govern the relationship between key variables.
4. Sketch a graph if possible, considering any natural restrictions on the variables.
5. Use the known information to directly answer the questions being asked. Reflect the language from the
question in your worded responses where possible.
When using piece-wise functions to model practical problems, the domain of each function branch must
be stated, remembering that each x-value may only have one associated y-value across the whole piece-wise


The following two equations represent the distance travelled

by a group of students over 5 hours. Equation 1 represents
the first section of the hike, when the students are walking
at a pace of 4 km/h. Equation 2 represents the second section
of the hike, when the students change their walking pace.
Equation 1: d = 4t, 0 ≤ t ≤ 2
Equation 2: d = 2t + 4, 2 ≤ t ≤ 5
The variable d is the distance in km from the campsite,
and t is the time in hours.
a. Identify the dependent variable.
b. Determine the time, in hours, for which the group
travelled in the first section of the hike.
c. i. What was their walking pace in the second section
of their hike?
ii. For how long, in hours, did they walk at this pace?
d. Sketch a piece-wise linear graph to represent the distance
travelled by the group of students over the 5-hour hike.

a. The distance travelled depends on the time. a. Distance is the dependent variable.
b. 1. Determine which equation the question applies to. b. This question applies to Equation 1.
2. Look at the time interval for this equation. 0≤t≤2
3. Interpret the information. The group travelled for 2 hours.


68 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

c. i. 1. Determine which equation the question applies to. c. i. This question applies to Equation 2.
2. Interpret the equation. The walking pace is found d = 2t + 4, 2 ≤ t ≤ 5
by the coefficient of t, as this represents the The coefficient of t is 2.
3. Answer the question. The walking pace is 2 km/h.
ii. 1. Look at the time interval shown. ii. 2 ≤ t ≤ 5
2. Interpret the information and answer the question. They walked at this pace for 3 hours.
d. 1. Find the distance travelled before the change of pace. d. Change after t = 2 hours:
d = 4t
d = 8 km
2. Sketch the graph d = 4t between t = 0 and t = 2. d
8 (2, 8)
(0, 0)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t
3. Solve the simultaneous equations to find the point of 4t = 2t + 4
intersection. 4t − 2t = 2t − 2t + 4
2t = 4
Substitute t = 2 into d = 4t:
4. Sketch the graph of d = 2t + 4 between t = 2 and d
14 (5, 14)
t = 5.
Ensure all points of interest including end points, 12
intercepts and intersections are labelled with their 11
co-ordinates. 10
8 (2, 8)
(0, 0)
0 t
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

CHAPTER 2 Functions 69
Units 1 & 2 Area 2 Sequence 1 Concept 4

Piece-wise functions Summary screen and practice questions

Exercise 2.5 Piece-wise functions

Technology free
1. MC Consider the following piece-wise function:
−x x < 1
f (x) =
{ x, x ≥ 1
a. The graph which correctly represents this function is:
A. y B. y

1 1

0 1 x 0 x
2 1 2
–1 –1

C. y D. y

0 x
0 x –1

The range of this piece-wise function is:

A. R B. [−1, ∞) C. (−1, ∞) D. [0, ∞)
2. WE 13 A continuous piece-wise linear graph is constructed from the following linear graphs.

y = −3x − 3, x ≤ a
y = x + 1, x ≥ a
By solving the equations simultaneously, find the point of intersection and hence state the value of a.
Sketch the piece-wise linear graph.
3. Consider the following linear graphs that make up a piece-wise linear graph.
y = 2x − 3, x ≤ a
y = 3x − 4, a ≤ x ≤ b
y = 5x − 12, x ≥ b
a. Sketch the three linear graphs, for x 𝜖 R.
b. Determine the two point of intersection.
c. Using the points of intersection, find the values of a and b.
d. Sketch the piece-wise linear graph.
x2 + 1, x ≥ 0
4. a. Sketch the graph of the function g(x) =
{2 − x, x < 0
b. State the range of g.
c. Evaluate:
i. g(−1) ii. g(0) iii. g(1).

70 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

⎪x − 2, x < −2
5. a. Sketch the graph of the function f(x) = ⎨x2 − 4, −2 ≤ x ≤ 2

⎩x + 2, x > 2
b. State any value of x for which the function is not continuous.
c. State the range of f.
d. Evaluate:
i. f (−3) ii. f (−2) iii. f (1) iv. f (2)
v. f (5).

⎪4x + a, x < 1

6. Consider the function defined by f (x) = ⎨ 2
⎪ , 1≤x≤4
Determine the value of a so the function will be continuous as x = 1.
b. Explain whether the function is continuous x = 0.
7. A step graph is a special type of piece-wise function consisting of a series of horizontal line segments.
Write the equations that make up the step graph shown below.
–7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8. Specify the rule for the function represented by the graph on the right. y
9. WE15 The following two equations represent water being added to a water tank over 3 f (x)
15 hours, where w is the water in litres and t is the time in hours. 2
Equation 1: w = 25t, 0 ≤ t ≤ 5
Equation 2: w = 30t − 25, 5 ≤ t ≤ 15
a. Identify the dependent variable. x
b. Determine how many litres of water are in the tank after 5 hours. –2 –1 0 1
c. i. At what rate is the water being added to the tank after 5 hours?
ii. For how long is the water added to the tank at this rate?
d. Sketch a piece-wise graph to represent the water in the tank at any time, t, over the 15-hour period.
10. A car hire company charges a flat rate of $50 plus 75 cents per kilometre up to and including 150
kilometres. An equation to represent this cost, C, in dollars is given as C = 50 + ak, 0 ≤ k ≤ b, where
k is the distance travelled in kilometres.
a. Identify the independent variable.
b. Write the values of a and b.
The cost charged for distances over 150 kilometres is given by the equation C = 87.50 + 0.5k.
c. By solving the two equations simultaneously, find the point of intersection and hence show that the
graph will be continuous.
d. Sketch both equations on the same set of axes.

CHAPTER 2 Functions 71
11. The postage costs to send parcels from the Northern Territory to Sydney are shown in the following

Weight of parcel (kg ) Cost ($)

0 − 0.5 6.60

0.5 − 1 16.15

1−2 21.35

2−3 26.55

3−4 31.75

4−5 36.95

Where a parcel weight appears next to more than one cost, the higher price is applied.
a. Represent this information in a graph.
b. Pammie has two parcels to post to Sydney from the Northen Territory. One parcel weighs 450 g and
the other weighs 525 g. Is it cheaper to send the parcels individually or together? Justify your answer
using calculations.
12. Airline passengers are charged an excess for any luggage that weighs 20 kg or over. The following
graph shows these charges for luggage weighing over 20 kg.

Charge ($)


0 x
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Luggage weight (kg)

How much excess would a passenger be charged for luggage that weighs 31 kg?
b. How much excess would a passenger be charged for luggage that weighs 40 kg?
c. Nerada checks in her luggage and is charged $40. What is the maximum excess luggage she could
have without having to pay any more?
d. Hilda and Hanz have two pieces of luggage between them. One piece weighs 32 kg and the other
piece weighs 25 kg. Explain how they could minimise their excess luggage charges.
13. The growth of a small tree was recorded over 6 months. It was found that the tree’s growth could be
represented by three linear equations, where h is the height in centimetres and t is the time in months.
Equation 1: h = 2t + 20, 0 ≤ t ≤ a
Equation 2: h = t + 22, a ≤ t ≤ b
Equation 3: h = 3t + 12, b ≤ t ≤ c

72 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

a. i. By solving equations 1 and 2 simultaneously, determine
the value of a.
ii. By solving equations 2 and 3 simultaneously, determine
the value of b.
b. Explain why c = 6.
c. During which time interval did the tree grow the most?
d. Sketch the piece-wise linear graph that shows the height of the tree
over the 6-month period.
14. The temperature of a wood-fired oven, T °C, steadily increases until it
reaches 200 °C. Initially the oven has a temperature of 18 °C
and it reaches the temperature of 200 °C in 10 minutes.
a. Construct an equation that finds the temperature of the oven during
the first 10 minutes. Include the time interval, t, in your answer.
Once the oven has heated up for 10 minutes, a loaf of bread is placed
in the oven to cook for 20 minutes. An equation that represents the
temperature of the oven during the cooking of the bread is
T = 200, a ≤ t ≤ b.
b. i. Write the values of a and b.
ii. In the context of this problem, what do a and b represent?
After the 20 minutes of cooking, the oven’s temperature is lowered. The temperature decreases
steadily, and after 30 minutes the oven’s temperature reaches 60 °C. An equation that determines the
temperature of the oven during the last 30 minute is T = mt + 340, d ≤ t ≤ e .
c. Determine the values of m, d and e. What does m represent in this equation?
d. Using your values from the previous parts, sketch the graph that shows the changing temperature of
the wood-fired oven during the 60-minute interval.
15. Determine the points of intersection for the following four linear graphs, and hence complete the
intervals for x by finding the values of a, b and c.
a. i. y = x + 4, x ≤ a
ii. y = 2x + 3, a ≤ x ≤ b
iii. y = x + 6, b ≤ x ≤ c
iv. y = 3x + 1, x ≥ c
b. What problem do you encounter when trying to sketch a piece-wise linear graph formed by these four
linear graphs?

Technology active
x3 , x<1
16. WE14 Consider the function for which f(x) =
{2, x≥1
a. Evaluate the following.
i. f (−2)
ii. f (1)
iii. f (2)
Sketch the graph of y = f (x) and state the domain and range.
⎧ 1
⎪ , x<0
17. a. Sketch the graph of the function f(x) = ⎨ x

⎩x + 1, x ≥ 0
b. State the range of f.

CHAPTER 2 Functions 73
18. Stamp duty is a government tax on the purchase of items such as cars and houses. The table shows the
range of stamp duty charges for purchasing a car in South Australia.

Car price ($P) Stamp duty (S)

0−1000 1%

1000−2000 $10 + 2%(P − 1000)

2000−3000 $30 + 3%(P − 2000)

3000+ $60 + 4%(P − 3000)

a. Explain why the stamp duty costs for cars can be modelled by a piece-wise linear graph.
The stamp duty charge for a car purchased for $1000 or less can be expressed by the equation
S = 0.01P, where S is the stamp duty charge and P is the purchase price of the car for
0 ≤ P ≤ 1000. Similar equations can be used to express the charges for cars with higher prices.
Equation 1: S = 0.01P, 0 ≤ P ≤ 1000
Equation 2: S = 0.02P − 10, a < P ≤ b
Equation 3: S = 0.03P − c, 2000 < P ≤ d
Equation 4: S = fP − e, P > 3000
b. For equations 2, 3 and 4, determine the values of a, b, c, d, e and f.
c.Determine the points of intersections for the equations in part b.
d. Suki and Boris purchase a car and pay $45 in stamp duty. What price did they pay for their car?

2.6 Review: exam practice

A summary of this chapter is available in the Resources section of your eBookPLUS at
Simple familiar
1. MC The interval shown below is:

–5 –1 0 1 4 x
A. [−5, −1] ∪ [0, 4] B. [−5, −1) ∪ [0, 4]
C. (−5, −1) ∪ (1, 4] D. [−5, −1) ∪ (1, 4]
2. MC The rule describing the relation shown in the graph is: y
A. y = 2x B. y = 2x, x ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4}
x 6
C. y = 2x, x ∈ N D. y =
2 4

0 1 2 3 4 x
3. State whether each of the following relations has discrete or continuous variables.
a. {(−4, 4), (−3, 2), (−2, 0), (−1, −2), (0, 0), (1, 2), (2, 4)}
b. The relation which shows the air pressure at any time of the day.
c. y d. y

0 x 0 x

74 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

The relation which shows the number of student absences per day during term 3 at your school.
The relation describing the weight of a child from age 3 months to one year.
4. Which of the following relations are functions? State the domain and range for each function. Hint: It
may be helpful to view the graphs of the relations in parts e and f using technology.
a. {(0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 5)} b. {(−3, −2), (−1, −1), (0, 1), (1, 3), (2, −2)}
c. {(x, y) : y = 2, x ∈ R} d. {(x, y) : x = −3, y ∈ J}
e. y = x3 + x f. x = y2 + 1
5. State the domain and range of each of the following relations.
a. y b. y c. y
y= x–1
0 1 x

0 x –2 0 2x

d. y e. y f. y
4 y = 1–x
0 x

–3 0 x

0 x

6. Identify the implied domains of the rational functions with the following rules.
Hint: It may be helpful to view the graphs of these functions using technology.
a. y =
16 − x2
b. y =
x2 + 3
7. A function f is defined as follows: f : [−2, a] → R, where f (x) = (x − 1)2 − 4.
a. Determine f(−2), f(−1), f(0), f(1), f(3).
b. If f (a) = 12, find the value of a.
c. Sketch the function f, labelling the graph appropriately.
d. From the graph or otherwise, state the:
i. domain of f (x)
ii. range of f (x).
8. Consider f : R → R, f (x) = x3 − x2 .
a. Determine the image of 2.
b. Use technology to sketch the graph of y = f (x).
c. State the domain and range of the function f.
d. What is the type of relation?
e. Give a restricted domain so that f is one-to-one and increasing.
9. MC For the function f ∶ [−2, 4] → R, f(x) = ax + b, f(0) = 1 and f(1 = 0). The image of −2 under the

mapping is:
A. −2 B. −1 C. 1 D. 3

10. MC The graph of y = x is translated 4 units upwards and then reflected in the y-axis. The equation of
its image √ is: √ √ √
A. y = − x + 4 B. y = −x + 4 C. y = − x − 4 D. y = −x − 4

CHAPTER 2 Functions 75
11. MC The graph of a function y = f(x) is shown in diagram (i) and is transformed in diagram (ii).

y y
y = f(x)
(–2, 6) (1, 6)
6 6

0 x x
–4 –2 2 –1 0 1 2

Diagram (i) Diagram (ii)

A possible equation for the graph in diagram (ii) is:

A. y = f(−2x)
B. y = f − x
( 2 )
C. y = −2f(x)
D. y = − f(x)
−x − 1,
⎧√ x < −1
⎪ 2
12. Consider f : R → R, f(x) = ⎨ 1 − x , −1 ≤ x ≤ 1

⎩x + 1, x>1
a. Calculate the value of:
i. f (0) ii. f (3) iii. f (−2) iv. f (1)
b. Show the function is not continuous at x = 1.
c. Use technology to sketch the graph of y = f (x) and state the type of relation.
d. Determine the value of a such that f (a) = a.

Complex familiar
You may choose to use technology to answer questions 17–20.
13. Define f (x) = x3 + lx2 + mx + n. Given f(3) = −25, f(5) = 49, f(7) = 243,
use technology to answer the following questions.
a. Calculate the constants l, m and n and hence state the rule for f (x).
b. What is the image of 1.2?
14. For the graph shown: y (3, 18)
a. state the domain and range
b. find the rule for x ∈ (−∞, −2)
c. find the rule for x ∈ (−2, 0)
d. find the rule for x ∈ [0, 3], given it is of the form y = ax2
e. determine the rule when x ≥ 3 4
f. describe the relation using piece-wise function notation of
⎧ –2 0 4 x
⎪..., ...
the form f(x) = ⎨..., ...

⎩..., ...

76 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

15. .a. Form a rule for the graph of the piece-wise b. Form the rule for the graph of the piece-wise
function. function.
y y
(4, 6)

(0, 1) (0, 3)
(–1, 0) (1, 0)
0 x

0 x
(2, 0)

c. Determine the values of a and b so that the function with the rule

⎪a, x ∈ (−∞, −3]

f (x) = x + 2, x ∈ (−3, 3)

⎩b, x ∈ [3, ∞)
is continuous for x ∈ R; for these values, sketch the graph of y = f (x).
d. In an effort to reduce the time her children spend in
the shower, a mother introduced a penalty scheme
with fines to be paid from the children’s pocket
money according to the following:
If someone spends more than 5 minutes in the
shower, the fine in dollars is equal to the shower
time in minutes; if someone spends up to and
including 5 minutes in the shower, there is no
fine. If someone chooses not to shower at all, there
is a fine of $2 because that child won’t be nice to
be near.
Defining appropriate symbols, express the penalty scheme as a mathematical rule in piece-wise form
and sketch the graph which represents it.
16. The amount of money in a savings account over 12 months is shown in the following piece-wise graph,
where A is the amount of money in dollars and t is the time in months.

A ($)

0 t
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
t (months)

CHAPTER 2 Functions 77
One of the linear graphs that make up the piece-wise linear graph is A = 2000 − 150t, 0 ≤ t ≤ a.
a. Determine the value of a.
b. The equation that intersects with A = 2000 − 150t is given by A = b − 50t. If the two equations
intersect at the point (4, 1400), show that b = 1600.
c. The third equation is given by the rule A = 4100 − 300t. By solving a pair of simultaneous
equations, determine the time interval for this equation.
d. Using an appropriate equation, determine the amount of money in the account at the end of the
12 months.

Complex unfamiliar
You may choose to use technology to answer questions 17–20.
17. a. A hat is thrown vertically into the air and at time t seconds its
height above the ground is given by the function h (t) = 10t − 5t2 .
Calculate how long it takes the hat to return to the ground and
hence state the domain and range of this function.
b. For part of its growth over a two-week period, the length of a
leaf at time t weeks is given by the function
l (t) = 0.5 + 0.2t3 , 0 ≤ t ≤ 2.
i. State the domain and determine the range of this function.
ii. Calculate how long it takes for the leaf to reach half the
length that it reaches by the end of the time period.
18. Jerri and Samantha have both entered a 10-km fun run for charity.
The distance travelled by Jerri can be modelled by the linear
equation d = 6t − 0.1, where d is the distance in km from
the starting point and t is time in hours.
a. Determine the time taken for Jerri to run the 10 kilometres.
Give your answer correct to the nearest minute.
b. In the context of this problem, explain the meaning of the d-intercept (y-intercept). The distance
Samantha is from the starting point at any time, t hours, can be modelled by the piece-wise linear
d = 4t, 0 ≤ t ≤
d = 8t − 2, ≤ t ≤ b
c. How far, in kilometres, did Samantha travel in the first 30 minutes? What was her speed during this
d. i. Determine the value of b .
ii. Hence, show that Samantha crossed the finish line ahead of Jerri by 11 minutes.
e. By solving a pair of simultaneous equations, determine:
i. the time when Samantha passed Jerri on the run
ii. the distance from the starting point at which Samantha passed Jerri.
f. Construct two graphs on the same set of axes to represent the distances travelled by Jerri and
Samantha for the 10-km race.

78 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

19. Consider the function given by f(x) = x2 − 10x + 21.
a. Sketch the following transformations of the graph of y = f(x), showing the images of its turning point
and intersections with the coordinate axes.
i. y = f(x + 3) ii. y = f(−x) iii. y = f(2x)
iv. y = f 4 + v. y = −0.5f(x) − 2
( 3)
b. Determine the values of h so that the roots of the equation f(x − h) = 0 will always be negative.
20. A ray of light comes in along the line x + y = 2 above the x -axis and is reflected off the axis so that the
angle of departure (the angle of reflection) is equal to the angle of arrival (the angle of incidence).

Angle of arrival Angle of departure


a. i. Calculate the magnitude of the angle of departure.

ii. Form the equation of the line along which the departing light travels.
iii. Express the path of the incoming and departing rays in terms of a piece-wise function.
b. The reflected ray of light strikes the vertical line x = 4 and is reflected off this line in the same way
so that the angle of departure is equal to the angle of arrival.
Angle of departure

0 x
Angle of arrival 4

i. Give a reason why this section of the path of the ray of light is not a function.
ii. Form a piece-wise rule with x in terms of y, which describes both the incoming and departing
paths of the ray of light for this section of its path.

Units 1 & 2 Sit chapter test

CHAPTER 2 Functions 79
Answers d.

Chapter 2 Functions
0 x
Exercise 2.2 Functions and relations 2
1. a. [−2, ∞) b. (−∞, 5)
c. (−3, 4] d. (−∞, −1]
e. (−5, −2] ∪ [3, ∞) f. (−3, 1) ∪ (2, 4]
2. a. [−6, 2) b. (−9, −3) e. Discrete
–6 0 2 –9 –3 0 6
c. (−∞, 2] d. (1, 10] 5
0 2 01 10 2
e. (−∞, −2) ∪ [1, 3) f. [−8, 0) ∪ (2, 6] x
–2 –1 0 1 2
–2 0 1 3 –8 0 2 6
f. Continuous
3. a. {x : − 4 ≤ x < 2} 6
= [−4, 2)

b. {y : − 1 < y < 3} 4

√ 2
(−1, 3 )
{x : x > 3} x
–2 –1 0
1 2
(3, ∞)
8. a. one-to-many, not a function
d. {x : x ≤ −3}
b. many-to-one, function
(−∞, −3]
c. many-to-one, function
e. R or (−∞, ∞)
d. one-to-one, function
f. (−∞, 0) ∪ (0, ∞)
e. one-to-one, function
4. B f. many-to-one, function
5. A 9. a. many-to-many, not a function
6. D b. many-to-one, function
7. a. Discrete
c. one-to-one, function
170 d. many-to-one, function
e. many-to-many, not a function
f. many-to-one, function
Cost (c/L)

10. .i. The functions are a, b, c, d, f.

ii. The one-to-one function is c.
160 11. .i. The functions are b, c, d, e, f.
ii. The one-to-one functions are b, c, e.
b. Discrete 12. C
13. C
14. C
4 15. a. T (°C)
1 80
0 x 70
1 2 3 60
c. Discrete 50
y 40
x 20
–2 –1 0 1 2 10
0 2 4 6 8 t (minutes)

80 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

b. T (ºC) e. i. Domain = {3, 4, 5}
80 ii. Range = {13, 18, 23}
70 f. i. Domain = R
60 ii. Range = [−1, ∞)
40 9. a.
y = (x – 2)2
0 2 4 6 8 10 t (minutes)
c. Because the variables are continuous, measurements (0, 4)
can be taken in between the given values.
d. Half of the initial temperature is 40 °C. It takes
approximately 11 minutes.
16. a. 0 (2, 0) x
n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

p 300 340 380 420 460 500 540 Domain R, Range R+ ∪ {0}, many-to-one
b. An answer is [2, ∞)
b. P ($)
10. a. i. f(0) = 1 ii. f(2) = 7
iii. f(−2) = −5 iv. f(5) = 16
b. i. g(0) = 2 ii. g(−3) = 1
iii. g(5) = 3 iv. g(−4) = 0
350 c. i. g(1) = 3 ii. g =2
250 1 1
iii. g − =6 iv. g − =9
200 ( 2) ( 5)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 n d. i. f(0) = 9 ii. f(−2) = 1
c. The variables are discrete.
iii. f(1) = 16 iv. f(a) = a2 + 6a + 9
Only whole numbers of computers can be sold. 2
11. f(x) = x + 2x − 3
d. P = 300 + 40n
a. i. f(−2) = −3 ii. f(9) = 96
2 2
b. i. f(2a) = 4a + 4a − 3 ii. f(1 − a) = a − 4a
Exercise 2.3 Function notation 2
c. f(x + h) − f(x) = 2xh + h + 2h
1. C d. {x : x < −3} ∪ {x : x > 1}
2. B e. x = −5, x = 3
f. x = −4, x = 1
3. D
12. a. x = 3 b. x = ±3
4. A 1
c. x = d. x = 3 or x = 2
5. a. Domain is {0, 2, 3, 4}, range is {−1, 0, 3, 4}. This is a 3
function. e. x = −4 or x = 1 f. x = −1
b. The domain is R and range is (−∞, 4]. It is a function. 13. a. a=2
c. Domain is [0, 3], range is [0, 4]. This is a function. b=3
d. Domain is [−2, ∞), range is R. This is not a function. ⇒ f(x) = 2x + 3
6. a. Domain [0, 5], range [0, 15] 3
b. x = −
b. Domain [−4, 2) ∪ (2, ∞), range (−∞, 10) 2
c. f(−3) = −3
c. Domain [−3, 6], range [0, 8] d. g : (−∞, 0] → R, g(x) = 2x + 3
d. Domain [−2, 2], range [−4, 4]
14. D
e. Domain {3}, range R
f. Domain R, range R 15. f : [0, 7) → R, f(x) = x − 6x + 10

7. a. The relation in part a is one-to-one, part b is Domain is [0, 7), range is [1, 17).
many-to-one, part c is many-to-one, part d is 16. a. P = 4x + 6
one-to-many, part e is one-to-many and part f is b. Domain (1, 6], range (10, 30]
17. a. y
b. The graphs of d and e are not of functions.
8. a. i. Domain = {3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7}
ii. Range = {8, 10, 12, 14, 16}
– 2 0 2 x
b. i. Domain = {1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 1.7}
Range = {2 ,1 8. ,1 6. ,1 4}
or = {1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2}
c. i. Domain = {3 , 4 , 5 , 6} Domain = (−∞, ∞)
ii. Range = {110, 130, 150, 170} Range = (−∞, 2]
d. i. Domain = {M, Tu, W, Th, Fr}
ii. Range = {25, 30, 35}

CHAPTER 2 Functions 81
b. y c. x = 2
9 y = x3 + 1 d.
( ) 5
0, –
( )3 , 49
– —
x ∈ [–2, 2] 2 2 16
( )
–5 , 49
2 16

–2 0
2 x
( ) 3
0, –
(2, 3) g

Domain = [−2, 2] 0 x
Range = [−7, 9] (–2, 0)
(6, 0)
c. y (–1, 0)
(5, 0)
y = x2 + 3x + 2 y = f(x) y = g(x)
The graph of function g has the same shape as the graph
of function f but g has horizontally translated 1 unit to
x the right.
–2 –1 0

Domain = (−∞, ∞) Exercise 2.4 Transformations of functions

1 1. y y = f(x)
Range = [− , ∞)

d. y
(2, 0)
y=f –
2 ()
–2 –1 0 1 x
(3, 1) (6, 1)
(–4, 0) (–2, 0)
y = x2 – 4, x ∈ [–2, 1]
–3 0 x
Domain = [−2, 1]
Range = [−4, 0]
e. y y = 2x – 5, x ∈ [–1, 4)
3 2.
–10 1 2 3 4 x y = f(x)
(0, 2)
–7 (3, 1)
Domain = [−1, 4) 1 f(x)
(0, 1) y=–
Range = [−7, 3) (–2, 0) 2
f. y 0 x
y = 2x2 – x – 6
( ) 1
3, –

–2 –1 0 1 2 x

Domain = (−∞, ∞) 3. y
Range = ,∞
[ 8 ) y = f(x)
1 (0, 2)
or = −6 , ∞ 2
[ 8 )

18. a. Domain = R b. Domain = [0, ∞) (3, 1)

c. Domain = [−4, 4] d. Domain = R (–2, 0)
0 x
e. Domain = R\{0} f. Domain = R
19. a. 47
(0, –2) (3, –1) y = –f(x)
b. 21
c. 9 weeks
d. As t increases gets smaller and approaches zero.
N(t) → 15, so no.
5 3 1
20. a. f(x) = + x − x2
2 4 4
3 5 1
b. g(x) = + x − x2
2 4 4

82 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

4. c. horizontal translation of 4 units to the right and a
y vertical translation of 4 units downwards
d. dilation of factor from the y-axis followed by a
y = f(x) 1
horizontal translation of unit to the left
(0, 2) 2

√ x
11. i. a. y = 2 x b. y =
y = f(x) – 2 √ √
(3, 1) c. y = − x + 2 d. y = − x − 2
(–2, 0) (0, 0) √ √
0 x e. y = 2 − x f. y = −x − 2

4 x 4 x4
ii. a. y = 2x b. y = ( ) =
(3, –1) 2 16
4 4
c. y = −x + 2 d. y = −x − 2
(–2, –2) 4
e. y = (x − 2) f. y = (x + 2)4
12. a. (1, −8) b. (−3, 4)
4 3
c. −3, − d. , −4
( 5) (5 )
3 3
5. y 13. a. i. y = − ii. y = −
x x
3 3
b. i. y = +6 ii. y = + 18
x2 x2
(2, 3) y = f(x – 2) + 1
y = f(x)
14. a. y
(0, 2)
(5, 2)
y = f (x – 1)
(0, 1)
(3, 1)
(0, 0)
(–2, 0)
x 0 (1, –1) (3, 0) x

(2, –2)

b. y
6. a. y = −(x − 1) + 3 y = f (x) (1, 2)
b. y = −(x − 1)2 − 3, not the same as in part a.
(0, 1)
7. a. Dilation of factor 4 from the x-axis, dilation of factor 2 (2, 0)
from the y-axis, horizontal translation 2 units to the (–1, 0) 0 x
right and vertical translation 3 units upwards.
b. Reflection in y-axis, dilation of factor 4 from the y-axis
followed by horizontal translation 12 units to the right
Reflection in y-axis, dilation of factor 1 from the x-axis
c. y
followed by horizontal translation 12 units to the right.
1 y = 2 f (x)
8. a. y=
2(x + 3) (–1, 0) (2, 0)
b. Undoing the transformations requires the image to 0 x
undergo a horizontal translation 3 units to the right
followed by dilation of factor 2 from the y-axis. (0, –2)
9. a. dilation of factor 3 from the x-axis
b. reflection in the x-axis (1, – 4)
c. vertical translation of 5 units upwards
d. horizontal translation of 5 units to the left
10. a. dilation of factor 3 from the y-axis
b. dilation of factor from the y-axis followed by a
vertical translation of 1 unit upwards

CHAPTER 2 Functions 83
d. y c. The function h is the lower semicircle, centre (0, 0),
y = f (–x) radius 3. After reflection in the x-axis its image is the
(–2, 0) (1, 0) upper semicircle.
0 x To return the curve back to its original position, reflect
(0, –1) in the x-axis again.
(– 1, – 2) d. The image has a maximum turning point with
coordinates (−2, −5).
2 2
e. y = (x − 3) → y = (−x − 3) → (y − 2)2 = (−x − 3).
e. y The original equation was (y − 2)2 = −(x + 3).

(–2, 0)
y=f –
2 () f. y = −3(x − 2)3

0 (4, 0) x
(0, – 1) 18. a. y
(2, –2)
(–2, 0) (2, 0)
0 x
f. y
(–1, 0) y = –g(2x)
y = f(x) + 2
(–1, 2)
(0, 1) (2, 2)
(–2, 0)
0 x
(1, 0) (0, –7)

(1, –10)
15. a. a dilation of factor 2 from the x-axis followed by a
horizontal translation of 3 units to the left y
b. a dilation of factor 6 from the x-axis followed by a
horizontal translation of 2 units to the right and a (0, 10)
vertical translation of 1 unit upwards
c. a dilation of factor 1 from the y-axis followed by a y = g(2 – x)
horizontal translation of 1 unit to the left
d. a reflection in the y-axis followed by a horizontal
translation of 3 units to the right
e. a reflection in the x-axis, a dilation of factor 1 from the
y-axis and then a vertical translation of 1 unit upwards (–2, 0)

f. a dilation of factor 1 from the x-axis, a dilation of factor

0 (4, 0) (6, 0) x
9 from the y-axis and then a horizontal translation of 3
units to the right c. c > 4.
1 d. g(x) = − (x + 4)(x + 2)(x − 4)
5 32
16. a. y= b. y = −x + 3
3(x + 3)2
1 √ 7
c. y=
d. y = 2x − 1
g(2x) = − (x + 2)(x + 1)(x − 2)
1−x 4
e. y = −(x + 3)(x − 3)(x − 7) f. y = x2 (x + 4)(x − 4)
17. a. The function g is its own image under this reflection. Exercise 2.5 Piece-wise functions
b. f : R → R, f(x) = x 3 1. a. B b. C
Under a reflection in the x-axis, y = f(x) → y = −f(x). 2. a. Point of intersection = (−1, 0), therefore a = −1.
1 1
Therefore, y = x 3 → y = (−x) 3 . b. y
Under a reflection in the y-axis, y = f(x) → y = f(−x).
1 1 8
Therefore, y = x3 →y= (−x) 3 7
y = (−x) 3 5
1 1 4
= (−1) 3 x 3 3
= −x 3
The image under reflection in either axis is the same,
1 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 x
y = −x 3 . –1

84 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

3. a. y d. w
10 450
8 400
6 (15, 425)
4 300
2 250
–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x 150
–4 100 (5, 125)
–6 50
–8 (0, 0)
–10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 t

b. (1, −1) and (4, 8) 10. a. Distance

c. a = 1 and b = 4 b. a = 0.75, b = 150
d. y c. (150, 162.5) at this point both equations will have the
same value and therefore the graph will be continuous.
d. C ($)
10 240
8 (4, 8) 220
6 200
4 180 (150, 162.5)
2 160
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 x
–2 120
–4 100
(1, –1)
4. a. y 40
3 20
2 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 k (km)
11. a. y
–2 –1 0 1 2 40
b. Range [1, ∞)
c. i. g(−1) = 3 35
ii. g(0) = 1
iii. g(1) = 2
5. a. y 25
Cost ($)

4 20
1 15
–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 x

–4 5
b. x = −2 and x = 2
c. (−∞, 0] ∪ (4, ∞) 0 x
1 2 3 4 5
d. i. f(−3) = −5 ii. f(−2) = 0 Weight (kg)
iii. f(1) = −3 iv. f(2) = 0
b. Individually: 450 g costs $6.60, 525 g costs $16.15, total
v. f(5) = 7
cost = $22.75 together total weight = 450 + 525 = 975
6. a. a = −2
costs $16.15 to send
b. x = 0 lies in the domain for which the rule is the linear It is cheaper to post them together ($16.15 together vs
function y = 4x + a so the graph will be continuous at $22.75 individually).
this point.
12. a. $65
7. y = 1, 1≤x≤1 b. $100
y = 2.5, 1<x<2 c. 10 kg
y = 3, 2≤x≤4 d. 32 - kg charge = $65, 25- kg charge = $40, total = $105.
x+2 x≤0 Place 2−3 kg from the 32 - kg bag in the 25-kg bag,
8. f(x) =
{2x + 1 x > 0 32 − 3 = 29 kg. 25 + 3 = 28 kg, charge for each is
9. a. water $40, total= $80.
b. 125 L
c. i. 30 L/h ii. 10 hours

CHAPTER 2 Functions 85
13. a. i. a = 2 ii. b = 5 18. a. There is a change in the rate for different x-values
b. The data is only recorded over 6 months. (i.e. car prices).
c. 5 ≤ t ≤ 6 (between 5 and 6 months) b. a = 1000, b = 2000, c = 30, d = 3000, e = 60, f = 0.04
c. (1000, 10), (2000, 30) and (3000, 60)
d. h
30 d. $2500

(2, 24)
25 (5, 27)
2.6 Review: exam practice
Height (cm)

Simple familiar
15 1. D

10 2. B
3. a. Discrete b. Continuous c. Continuous
5 d. Discrete e. Discrete f. Continuous
4. a. Not a function
0 t
1 2 3 4 5 6 b. Function
Time (months) Domain = {−3, −1, 0, 1, 2}
Range = {−2, −1, 1, 3}
14. a. T = 18 + 18.2t, 0 ≤ t ≤ 10
c. Function
b. i. a = 10, b = 30
Domain = R
ii. a is the time the oven first reaches 200 °C and b is
the time at which the bread stops being cooked.
−14 d. Not a function
c. m = , d = 30, e = 60 e. Function
m is the change in temperature for each minute in the Domain = R
oven. Range = R
d. T (10, 200) (30, 200) f. Not a function
5. a. Domain = R
160 Range = (0, ∞) or R±
Temperature (°C)

140 b. Domain = [−2, 2]

120 Range = [0, 2]
100 c. Domain = [1, ∞)
80 Range = R
60 d. Domain = R
40 (60, 60)
Range = (0, 4]
20 (0, 18)
e. Domain = R
0 t Range = (−∞, −3]
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (min) f. Domain = R\{0}
15. a. (1, 5), (3, 9) and (2.5, 8.5)
Range = R\{0}
a = 1, b = 3, c = 2.5 6. a. R \ {±4} b. R
b. b > c, which means that graph iii is not valid and the 7. a. f(−2) = 5
piece-wise linear graph cannot be sketched. f(−1) = 0
16. a. i. f(−2) = −8 ii. f(1) = 2 iii. f(2) = 2 f(0) = −3
b. f(1) = −4
(1, 2) f(3) = 0
b. a = 5
1 c. f (x)
12 (5, 12)
(0, 0)
0 1 x

(– 2, 5)
(3, 0)
Domain R; range (−∞, 1) ∪ {2} (–1, 0)
–2 0 1 5 x
17. a. y f (x)
1 (0, –3)
01 2 x –4 (1, – 4)
–2 –1
d. i. Domain [−2, 5] ii. Range [−4, 12]

8. a. The image of 2 is 4.
b. Range of f = (−∞, 0) ∪ [1, ∞)

86 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

b. c. a = −1
y (3, 5)
(2, 4)

y = f (x)
(0, 2)
f (–2, 0)
0 x
(–3, –1)
(0, 0)
0 (1, 0) x

d. Let the time in the showers be t minutes and the dollar

amount of the fine be C.
c. Domain R, range R. ⎧
⎪2, t = 0
d. many-to-one The rule is C = ⎨0, 0 < t ≤ 5

⎩t, t > 5
e. Many answers are possible. One answer is to restrict the
domain to (1, ∞) and another is to restrict the domain C
to R− . 8
9. D 6
10. B (6, 6)
4 (5, 5)
11. A 2 (0, 2)
12. a. i. f(0) = 1 ii. f(3) = 4 (5, 0)
iii. f(−2) = 1 iv. f(1) = 0 0 2 4 6 t

b. For y = 1 − x2 , there is a closed endpoint (1, 0) but
for y = x + 1 there is an open endpoint (1, 2). The two 16. a. a = 4
branches do not join. Hence, the function is not b. A = 2000 − 150t and A = b − 50t intersect at (4, 1400)
continuous at x = 1 as there will be a break in its graph. 2000 − 150(4) = b − 50(4)
c. y 1400 = b − 200
1600 = b
(2, 3) c. 10 ≤ t ≤ 12
(1, 2) d. A = $500
(–2, 1) 1 (1, 0)
x Complex unfamiliar
17. a. It takes the hat 2 seconds to return to the ground.
The domain is [0, 2].
The function

is many-to-one. The range is [0, 5].
2 b. i. Domain is [0, 2].
d. a = 2
Range is [0.5, 2.1].
Complex familiar ii. 1.4 weeks
13. a. l = 0, m = −12, n = −16,
18. a. 1 hour, 41 minutes
f(x) = x − 12x − 16 b. Jerri started 0.1 km (100 metres) behind the starting
b. f(1.2) = −28.672
c. 2 km
14. a. Domain = x ∈ (−∞, 4]\{−2}
4 km/h
Range = [0, 18] d. i. b = 1.5
b. y=4
ii. Samantha took 1 hour 30 minutes hours to run
c. y = −2x
10 km, Jerri took 1 hour 41 minutes. Difference:
d. So y = 2x2
41 − 30 minutes = 11 minutes
e. y = −18x + 72
e. i. 0.95 hours (57 minutes)
⎧ 4, x ∈ (−∞, −2)
⎪ ii. 5.6 km
⎪ −2x, x ∈ (−2, 0]
f. f(x) = ⎨ 2x2 , f. d
⎪ x ∈ [0, 3] 10
⎪ 9
⎩ −18x + 72,
Distance (kilometres)

x ∈ [3, 4]
x + 1, x≤0 7
15. a. y =
{−x + 1, x>0 6
(0.95, 5.6)
3, x<2 4
b. y =
{3x − 6, x≥2 3
2 (0.5, 2)
0 t
0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2
Time (hours)

CHAPTER 2 Functions 87
19. a. i. y iv. y
(–3, 21)
y = f(x + 3) (–6, 21)
y = f 4 + 2x

3 )
( )
3, 0
2 ( )
9, 0

(0, 0) (4, 0) 0 x

( )
0 x (0, –3) 3 , –4
(2, –4) –

ii. y v. y
(5, 0)
(0, 21) x
y = f(–x)
(3, –2) (7, –2)

(–7, 0) (–3, 0) 0 (0, –12.5)

y = 0.5 f(x) – 2
0 x

(–5, –4)
b. h < −7
20. a. i. 45°
iii. y ii. y = x − 2
2 − x, x < 2
iii. y =
{ x − 2, x ≥ 2
b. i. As a vertical line can cut the graph in more than one
(0, 21)
place, this section of the path of the ray of light is
not a function. It is one-to-many.

( ) ( )
3, 0

7, 0

y = f(2x)
ii. x =
y + 2, 0 < y < 2
{ 6 − y, y ≥ 2
0 x

( )
5 , –4


88 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 for Queensland

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