Class 7 Science Chapter 1 Revision Notes
Class 7 Science Chapter 1 Revision Notes
Class 7 Science Chapter 1 Revision Notes
Class - 7 Science
• Nutrition refers to how an organism consumes food and how the body
processes it.
• Nutrients are the components of food that give the body with nutrition.
• All creatures consume food and use it to obtain energy for body growth
and upkeep.
• With the help of chlorophyll, solar energy is stored in the form of food in
the leaves. During photosynthesis, oxygen is created.
• Fungi get their food from rotting, dead things. They are saprotrophs, or
saprotrophic organisms. Cuscuta plants are parasitic. They eat the host
plant's food.
• Saprophytic organisms are those that feed on dead and decaying plant
and animal debris.
Mushrooms, moulds, and some fungi and bacteria are examples.
• Insectivorous Plants: Green plants that get their nutrition from both the
soil and the atmosphere, as well as small insects. Pitcher plant,
bladderwort, and Venus fly trap, for example.
• The relationship between algae and fungus can be seen in the form of
lichens on tree trunks. Fungus provides water to algae, and algae provides
food to fungus.