2018Ch85 - Pressure Controller FInal Lab

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Experiment # 5

1. Pressure Control Training System
2. Digital multimeter

Pressure control trainer contains an educational board with a pressurized vessel, a set of sensors
and actuators for pressure. A control module, consist of the interface circuits for the sensors,
actuators, ON/OFF, proportional, integral and derivative control circuits (P

Knowledge of close loop control system:

Open loop control system and Close loop: System in which output quantity has no
effect upon input to the control process are called open loop control system, and these systems
just that open ended non feedback systems: But the goal of any electronic control system is to
measure, monitor and control a process and one way in which we can accurately control the
process is by monitoring its output and feeding some its back to compare the actual output with
the desired output so as to reduce the error and if disturbed, bring the output back to the original
or desired response. The quantity of output being measured is called the feedback signal and
the type of control system which used feedback signals to both control and adjust itself is called
close loop system. A close loop system also known as feedback control system is a system
which uses a concept of open loop system as its forward path but has one or more feedback
loops or paths between its output and its input. The reference to feedback is simply means that
some portion of its output is returned back to the input to form part of systems excitation. Close
loop control systems are designed to automatically achieve and maintained the desired output
conditions by comparing it with the actual conditions. It does this by generating an error signal
which the difference between the output and reference point. In other word “closed loop
systems” is a fully automatic control system in which its control action being dependent on the
output in some way.
Reference: https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/systems/closed-loop-system.html

Schematic Example of Close Loop Control System in dryness of clothes:

In control systems, a controller is a mechanism that seeks to minimize the difference between the
actual value of a system (i.e., The process variable) and the desired value of the system (I.e., the
set point). Controllers are a fundamental part of control engineering and used in all complex control


There are two main types of controllers: continuous controllers, and discontinuous controllers.
In discontinuous controllers, the manipulated variable changes between discrete values.
Depending on how many different states the manipulated variable can assume, a distinction is
made between two positions, three position, and multi-position controllers.
Compared to continuous controllers, discontinuous controllers operate on very simple,
switching final controlling elements.
The main feature of continuous controllers is that the controlled variable (also known as the
manipulated variable) can have any value within the controller’s output range.
Now in the continuous controller theory, there are three basic modes on which the whole
control action takes place, which are:

1. Proportional controllers.
2. Integral controllers.
3. Derivative controllers.

Proportional Response: The proportional component depends only on the difference

between the set point and the process variable. This difference is referred to as the Error
term. The proportional gain (Kc) determines the ratio of output response to the error signal.
For instance, if the error term has a magnitude of 10, a proportional gain of 5 would
produce a proportional response of 50. In general, increasing the proportional gain will
increase the speed of the control system response. However, if the proportional gain is
too large, the process variable will begin to oscillate. If Kc is increased further, the
oscillations will become larger and the system will become unstable and may even oscillate
out of control.

Figure 4: Block diagram of a basic PID control algorithm.

Integral Response: The integral component sums the error term over time. The result is
that even a small error term will cause the integral component to increase slowly. The
integral response will continually increase over time unless the error is zero, so the effect
is to drive the Steady-State error to zero. Steady-State error is the final difference between
the process variable and set point. A phenomenon called integral windup results when
integral action saturates a controller without the controller driving the error signal toward

Derivative Response: The derivative component causes the output to decrease if the
process variable is increasing rapidly. The derivative response is proportional to the rate
of change of the process variable. Increasing the derivative time (Td) parameter will cause
the control system to react more strongly to changes in the error term and will increase
the speed of the overall control system response. Most practical control systems use very
small derivative time (Td), because the Derivative Response is highly sensitive to noise in
the process variable signal. If the sensor feedback signal is noisy or if the control loop rate
is too slow, the derivative response can make the control system unstable

Reference: https://www.ni.com/en-lb/innovations/white-papers/06/pid-theory-
Objective of Proportional Controller: (A)
1. To verify the effects of the gain of the loop on the dynamic response of the system
2. To represent the dynamic response curve of the system

Circuit Schematic:

Procedure for P controller:

1. Connect, through leads, bush No. 9 of the WATER PUMP DRIVER to bush No. 9 and
bush No. 10 to bush No. 10 (Sheet 5.1 Fig. 5.1).
2. Connect bush No. 1 of the Pressure Sensor to bush No. 1 of the relevant interface and
bush No. 2 to bush No. 2 (Sheet 5.1 Fig. 5.1).
3. Connect the bush of SET POINT 1 to bush No. 4 of the PID controller and bush No. 3
of the pressure interface to bush No. 3 of the PID controller (Sheet 5.1 Fig. 5.1).
4. Insert one terminal of the digital voltmeter, set in dc, in the bush of SET POINT 1 and
the other one in the earth bush.
5. Regulate the voltage on SET POINT 1 at 2V.
6. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter from the bush of SET POINT 1 to bush No.
3 of the PID controller: the voltage value must be equal to 0V.
7. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter to bush X1 of the PID controller: the voltage
value must be equal to the difference between the voltage applied to bush No. 4 and
that applied to bush No. 3, which is 2V.
8. Regulate the PROPORTIONAL knob at 25%.
9. Connect bush No. 5 of the PID controller to bush No. 5 and bush No. 8 to bush No. 8
10. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter to bush No.3 of the PID controller: write
down in Table 5.1 the voltage value.
11. Write down in Table 5.1 the voltage value read every 15 seconds until the transitory is
12. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter to bush X1 of the PID controller: the voltage
value, to be written down, represents the steady state error.
13. Regulate the PROPORTIONAL knob to 50% and repeat the procedure from step No.
14. Repeat the procedure with the PROPORTIONAL knob at 75% and 100%.
15. Put OFF the main switch.
16. Draw the curves of the closed loop dynamic response for all the values of the
17. Analyze the results.

Observation & Calculation:

Zero Error: 0.53mV
Graphical Plot:

PC (Volatage Vs Time)


kp (25%)

kp (50%)
0.4 kp(100%


-10 40 90 140 190 240 290 340 390
Objective of Proportional Integral (PI) Controller: (B)
1. To verify the effects of the gain of the loop on the dynamic response of the system
2. To represent the dynamic response curve of the system

Circuit Schematic:

Procedure for PI controller:

1. Connect, through leads, bush No. 9 of the WATER PUMP DRIVER to bush No. 9
and bush No. 10 to bush No. 10 (Sheet 5.1 Fig. 5.1).
2. Connect bush No. 1 of the Pressure Sensor to bush No. 1 of the relevant interface and
bush No. 2 to bush No. 2 (Sheet 5.1 Fig. 5.1).
3. Connect the bush of SET POINT 1 to bush No. 4 of the PID controller and bush No. 3
of the pressure interface to bush No. 3 of the PID controller (Sheet 5.1 Fig. 5.1).
4. Insert one terminal of the digital voltmeter, set in dc, in the bush of SET POINT 1 and
the other one in the earth bush.
5. Regulate the voltage on SET POINT 1 at 2V.
6. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter from the bush of SET POINT 1 to bush No.
3 of the PID controller: the voltage value must be equal to 0V.
7. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter to bush X1 of the PID controller: the
voltage value must be equal to the difference between the voltage applied to bush No.
4 and that applied to bush No. 3, which is 2V.
8. Regulate the PROPORTIONAL knob at 25%.
9. Connect bush No. 5 of the PID controller to bush No. 5 and bush No. 8 to bush No. 8
10. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter to bush No.3 of the PID controller: write
down in Table 5.1 the voltage value.
11. Write down in Table 5.1 the voltage value read every 15 seconds until the transitory is
12. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter to bush X1 of the PID controller: the
voltage value, to be written down, represents the steady state error.
13. Regulate the PROPORTIONAL knob to 50% and repeat the procedure from step No.
14. Repeat the procedure with the PROPORTIONAL knob at 75% and 100%.
15. Put OFF the main switch.
16. Draw the curves of the closed loop dynamic response for all the values of the
17. Analyze the results.

Observation & Calculation:

Zero Error: 0.53mV

Graphical Plot:

PIC (Volatge Vs Tiime)





-1.77 ki(75%)
-1.775 ki(100%)


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Objective of Proportional Integral (PD) Controller: (C)
1. To verify the effects of the gain of the loop on the dynamic response of the system
2. To represent the dynamic response curve of the system

Circuit Schematic:

Procedure for PD controller:

1. Connect, through leads, bush No. 9 of the WATER PUMP DRIVER to bush No. 9
and bush No. 10 to bush No. 10 (Sheet 7.1 Fig. 7.1).
2. Connect bush No. 1 of the Pressure Sensor to bush No. 1 of the relevant interface and
bush No. 2 to bush No. 2 (Sheet 7.1 Fig. 7.1).
3. Connect the bush of SET POINT 1 to bush No. 4 of the PID controller and bush No. 3
of the pressure interface to bush No. 3 of the PID controller (Sheet 7.1 Fig. 7.1).
4. Insert one terminal of the digital voltmeter, set in dc, in the bush of SET POINT 1 and
the other one in the earth bush.
5. Regulate the voltage on SET POINT 1 at 2V.
6. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter from the bush of SET POINT 1 to bush No.
3 of the PID controller: the voltage value must be equal to 0V.
7. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter to bush X1 of the PID controller: the
voltage value must be equal to the difference between the voltage applied to bush No.
4 and that applied to bush No. 3, which is 2V.
8. Regulate the PROPORTIONAL knob at 25%.
9. Connect bush No. 5 of the PID controller to bush No. 5 and bush No. 8 to bush No. 8
10. Regulate the DERIVATIVE knob at 25%.
11. Connect bush No. 7 of the PID controller to bush No. 7 (Sheet 7.1 Fig. 7.1).
12. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter to bush No.3 of the PID controller: write
down in Table 7.1 the voltage value.
13. Write down in Table 7.1 the voltage value read every 15 seconds until the transitory is
14. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter to bush X1 of the PID controller: the
voltage value, to be written down, represents the steady state error.
15. Regulate the DERIVATIVE knob at 50% leaving the PROPORTIONAL knob at 25%
and repeat the procedure from step No. 11.
16. Repeat the procedure with the DERIVATIVE knob at 75% and 100%.
17. To reduce the steady state error, regulate the PROPORTIONAL knob to 50%, 75%
and 100% if necessary.
18. Put OFF the main switch.
19. Draw the curves of the closed loop dynamic response for all the values listed in the
20. Analyze the results.

Observation & Calculation:

Zero Error: 0.51mV
Graphical Plot:

PDC (Voltage Vs Time)



kd (25%)

kd (50%)


-10 40 90 140 190 240 290 340 390

Applications Proportional:
1. Two classic mechanical applications are the toilet bowl float proportioning valve and
the fly-ball governor.
2. Proportional control concept is more complex than an on–off control system such as a
bi-metallic domestic thermostat, but simpler than a proportional–integral–derivative
(PID) control system used in something like an automobile cruise control. On–off
control will work where the overall system has a relatively long response time, but can
result in instability if the system being controlled has a rapid response time.
Proportional control overcomes this by modulating the output to the controlling device,
such as a control valve at a level which avoids instability, but applies correction as fast
as practicable by applying the optimum quantity of proportional gain.
3. Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controllers are used in most automatic process
control applications in industry today to regulate flow, temperature, pressure, level,
and many other industrial process variables.
Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proportional_control


Result & Discussion:

As we turn the knob and increase the proportional or proportional integral or proportional
derivative gain (while in proportional integral and proportional derivative the proportional gain
kept constant at 25%) the system reaches the steady state in less time and the same trend
depicted in graphs in all 3 graphs of PC, PIC, and PDC although there should be calibration
error lies in this instrument but according to the knowledge of gain which is the ratio of output
over input shows that as we increases the output value the system should reaches the stable
state or steady state in less time.




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