Steps Plus Dla Klasy V Reinforceext2
Steps Plus Dla Klasy V Reinforceext2
Steps Plus Dla Klasy V Reinforceext2
1 Rozwiąż krzyżówkę. 1
Down 3 4
1 We usually have lessons in a . h
2 We have music lessons in the .
4 You can watch a school play in the . 5
5 We have lunch in the . 6 7
m t
8 You can read books in the .
Across 8
3 You can buy fruit and drinks at the . 9
6 We have computer lessons in the .
7 You can go up and down the . 10
9 We have PE lessons indoors in the .
We play with our friends in the .
We haven’t got 1 butter in the fridge, but 5 Pracujcie w parach. Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem
we’ve got 2
cheese. There’s 3 pytania na temat waszych pokojów.
flour in the cupboard, but there isn’t 4
sugar. We haven’t got 5 strawberries, but CDs books TV magazines computer
we’ve got 6 tomatoes. We haven’t got flowers CD player
eggs, but we’ve got 8 ham. We
can’t make a cake, but we can make a pizza. Yum! Are there any CDs Yes, there are. There are
in your bedroom? some CDs on my shelf.
Steps Plus dla klasy V • Unit 2 Reinforcement PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press
Unit 2 Extension worksheet
To: Emma
NEW From: Kate
Dear Emma,
How are you? I’m very happy at my new school.
It’s big and there are lots of rooms. There’s a
great music room with some fantastic musical
instruments. We can play them in our music
lessons. I play the clarinet. There’s a big school
hall with a stage and some chairs. Upstairs,
there’s a language lab for French and German
lessons and there’s a science lab for science
lessons. We do our PE lessons on the big sports
field. It’s got a football pitch, a hockey pitch
and a cricket pitch. There are lots of students
at my new school. They’re very friendly. My
teachers are nice, too. They’re always very
Write soon and tell me your news. 4 Wróć do e-maila w ćw. 1. Do których wyrazów
Love, Kate odnoszą się wytłuszczone słowa w poniższych
1 It’s big.
1 Przeczytaj powyższy e-mail. Czy Kate lubi swoją 2 We can play them in our music lessons.
nową szkołę?
3 It’s got a football pitch.
2 Uzupełnij zdania, wpisując a, some lub any.
1 There are chairs in the school hall. 4 They’re very friendly.
2 Kate has got clarinet.
3 There aren’t musical instruments 5 They’re always very helpful.
in the science lab.
4 There’s big sports field.
5 There are nice teachers at the school. 5 Uzupełnij pytania, wpisując many lub much.
Następnie napisz odpowiedzi zgodne z prawdą.
3 Uzupełnij pytania i napisz krótkie odpowiedzi. 1 How classrooms are in your school?
1 there musical instruments
2 How bedrooms are in your house?
in the school hall?
3 How chairs are in your kitchen?
2 there stage in the school
4 How milk is in your fridge?
3 there rugby pitch on the
5 How chocolate is in your bag?
sports field?
4 there friendly students at
Kate’s school? 6 Pracujcie w parach. Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem
pytania z ćw. 5 i odpowiadajcie na nie.
5 there helpful teachers at
Kate’s school?
Extra writing
7 Wyobraź sobie, że jesteś w nowej szkole. Napisz
o niej e-mail do swojego kolegi lub swojej
Steps Plus dla klasy V • Unit 2 Extension PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press