This document is a student's exam result sheet from the Board of Secondary Education in Madhya Pradesh, India. It provides the details of the student Om Patil, including their enrollment number, application number, subjects and scores. Om Patil scored a total of 484 out of 500, passing with first division. They also participated in an NCC certificate course and various sports competitions. The results are for immediate information and the original marksheet will be issued separately by the Board.
This document is a student's exam result sheet from the Board of Secondary Education in Madhya Pradesh, India. It provides the details of the student Om Patil, including their enrollment number, application number, subjects and scores. Om Patil scored a total of 484 out of 500, passing with first division. They also participated in an NCC certificate course and various sports competitions. The results are for immediate information and the original marksheet will be issued separately by the Board.
This document is a student's exam result sheet from the Board of Secondary Education in Madhya Pradesh, India. It provides the details of the student Om Patil, including their enrollment number, application number, subjects and scores. Om Patil scored a total of 484 out of 500, passing with first division. They also participated in an NCC certificate course and various sports competitions. The results are for immediate information and the original marksheet will be issued separately by the Board.
This document is a student's exam result sheet from the Board of Secondary Education in Madhya Pradesh, India. It provides the details of the student Om Patil, including their enrollment number, application number, subjects and scores. Om Patil scored a total of 484 out of 500, passing with first division. They also participated in an NCC certificate course and various sports competitions. The results are for immediate information and the original marksheet will be issued separately by the Board.
FATHER'S NAME: ARUN PATIL MOTHER'S NAME: RANI PATIL Subject Practical/Internal Subject Name Theory Marks Total Remarks Code Marks ENGLISH 002 095 095 DISTN (SPECIAL) HINDI 051 095 095 DISTN (GENERAL) 210 PHYSICS 069 029 098 DISTN 220 CHEMISTRY 069 029 098 DISTN 150 MATHEMATICS 098 098 DISTN
Grand Total (Theory + Practical/Internal) 484
/ 500
Participated in NCC 'A' Certificate Course and obtained Grade : XX Environmental Education & Disaster Management : Awarded Bonus Marks For Participation In State/National/International Level Games : XX Result declaration i.e 29/07/2021) Note: neither MPOnline nor Board of Secondary Education, Madhya Pradesh is responsible for any inadvertent error that may have crept in the results being published on the internet. The results published on internet are for immediate information to the examinees. These cannot be treated as original marksheets. Original marksheets are being issued by the Board separately. Hosted by MPOnline Ltd Data provided by Board of Secondary Education, Madhya Pradesh