Problems-Convection 1

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Problems- Convection 1

1. Atmospheric air at T=275 K and free stream velocity u =20 m/s, flows over a flat plate L=1.5m
long that is maintained at a uniform temperature T w=325 K.
a. Calculate the average heat transfer coefficient h m over the region where the boundary layer is
b. Find the average heat transfer coefficient over the entire length L=1.5m of the plate
c. Calculate the total heat transfer rate Q from the plate to the air over the length L=1.5m and
width w=1m.

Assume transition occurs at Rec=2 x 105

(Physical properties of atmospheric air at 300 K: k=0.026 W/m C ; Pr= 0.708 ; ν=16.8 x 10-6
m2/s; = 1.98 x 10-5 kg/ms)

2. A 1.0 kW heater is constructed of a glass plate with an electrically conducting film which
produces a constant heat flux. The plate is 60 x 60 cm and placed in an air stream at 27 C, 1 bar
with u=5m/s. calculate the average temperature difference along the plate and the temperature
difference at the trailing edge.
(Properties at 300 K: ν=15.69 x 10-6 m2/s ; Pr=0.708 ; k=0.02624 W/mK)

3. Air at 27 C and 1 atm flows over a flat plate at a speed of 2 m/s. Calculate the boundary layer
thickness at a distance of 20 and 40 cm from the leading edge of the plate.
a. Calculate the mass flow which enters the boundary layer between x=20 cm and x=40 cm. the
viscosity of air at 27 C is 1.85 x 10-5 kg/ms. Assume unit depth in the z direction.
b. Assume that the plate is heated over its entire length to a temperature of 60c. calculate the
heat transferred in
i. The first 20 cm of the plate and
ii. The first 40 cm of the plate.

(Properties of air at film temperature: ν=17.36 x 10-6 m2/s ; k=0.02749 W/m K ; Pr=0.7; Cp=1.006
kJ/kg K)

4. Engine oil at 20C is forced over a 20 cm square plate at a velocity of 1.2 m/s. the plate is heated
to a uniform temperature of 60C. calculate the heat lost by the plate.
(The properties of engine oil at the film temperature: ν=0.00024 m 2/s ; k=0.144 W/m K ;
Pr=2870; =876 kg/m3)

5. A smooth flat rectangular plate is placed edge wise in a stream of fluid. At what fraction of the
length from the leading edge would the drag force on the front portion be equal to half of the total
drag force? Assume the boundary layer is to be laminar.

6. A 2m x 3m flat plate is suspended in a room, and is subjected to air flow parallel to its surfaces
along its 3m long side. The free stream temperature and velocity of air are 20°C and 7 m/s. The
total drag force acting on the plate is measured to be 0.86 N. Determine the average convection
heat transfer coefficient for the plate.
The properties of air at 20°C and 1 atm are: (=1.204 kg/m3, Cp =1.007 kJ/kg K, Pr =0.7309)

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7. Air at a pressure of 101 kPa and 20°C flows with a velocity of 5 m/s over a 1m x 5m flat plate
whose temperature is kept constant at 140 °C. determine the rate of heat transfer from the plate if
the air flows parallel to the (a) 5m long side and (b) The 1 m side
The properties of air at the film temperature of 80 °C are as follows: k=0.03 W/m K; Pr=0.706 ;
ν=2 x 10-5 m2/s)

8. When an ordinary fluid flows over a flat plate and a uniform heat flux transferred to fluid from
the surface, prove that qwall=1.5 (Tw-T)avg[h]x=L.

9. Air at 1 atm and 300 K flows across a 20 cm square plate at a free stream velocity of 20 m/s. the
last half of the plate is heated to a constant temperature of 350 K. calculate the heat loss by the

10. To defrost ice accumulated on the outer surface of an automobile windshield, warm air is blown
over the inner surface of the wind shield. Consider an automobile wind shield (k w=1.4 W/mK)
with an overall height of 0.5m and thickness of 5mm. the outside air (1atm) ambient temperature
is -20C and the average air flow velocity over the outer wind shield surface is 80 km/hr, while
the ambient temperature inside the automobile is 25C. Determine the value of the convection
heat transfer coefficient, for the warm air blowing over the inner surface of the wind shield,
necessary to cause accumulated ice to begin melting. Assume the wind shield surface can be
treated as a flat plate surface.

Properties of air at the film temperature: k=0.02288 W/mK ; ν=1.252 x 10 -5 m2/s ; Pr=0.7387

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