AD&D First Quest - The Music Album

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Information for running the adventure

This intbr mation is for those who are familiar with the EDEANCED First Quest is an adventure for a very ltigh level party. Even with charucte rs ol'
DU NGEDNS it DRFLGDN S1?‘ Fantasy titdventure Role-Playing Game. 15th level and better, players are going to find it clilficuit; consequently they
Those who are not familiar with the game will find rules for it {and its sister — may wish to use one or rnorc ofthe characters set out below. {When allowing
the DUNGEONS it DRAGONS-E Fantasy Adventure Role—Playing Game} those eitaracte rs to select their magical arsenal use your iudgenient as to what is
in games shops and good toy shops everywhere. It is not presented in the same or is not reasonable]. The information presented here is only the outline you
way as in most adventure modules but is simply a structune to allow you, the will need to run the adventure, be lore play can start you will have to he sure you
DIM, to create an adventure that follows the storyline told on this album. are familiar with the stn ry the album tells and ha ye a strong sense ol' the
forhidding and grim atmosphere ofthe plot. Similarly. you will have to he sure
you understand the various monsters that will he encounterrtl [particularly in
l'-‘art Two}. You might not have all the reference works quoted l'rt|m, no truly
DM’s Introduction to Part One have to flesh out some of the mooste rs from the stat istics given. ‘ill-‘hen doing an
remember that they are meant to he powerful and prubaliiy have tnany innate
In Part One the party will be continually harrassed by the minions of the {lid magical abilities.
Gods (Shades) as it makes its way across the Fenial Fields and follows the River
Ctsgorrim upstream to the Goblin Kingdom in search of the Entrance to the
Underworld. Legends tell that the Chalice can be found by passing through the
Entrance to the Underworld, and local enquiry [in Gorrim and beyond] will
reveal that only the Gnomes ltnow where this Entrance is. In order to gain the
Gnomes’ trust the party will have to vanquish nests of Xorn who have been Monster Roster for Port (Inc
gradually forcing the Gnomes out of their underground homes. Unfortunately
{for the Hobgoblins} the Entrance is io the middle of a Hobgoblin Kingdom — Name Ho Ail ll-H-' Ill} hp til Ill .|\l. H up 'lllt\I1-ll fill’
although there are 250 of them, a quick party may only meet a few. No scale is
shown on the map — it is only a rough representation of the lands crossed. S.||||{|,|:p| tr I ‘J l'll lil I 1 ll I I! hi J‘-t|'l-ll ll MM ll

From Gorrim to the Entrance to the Underworld is many days travel. Xorn 24 Ll ‘J 1' Ft‘ -l"- -I H t't N M |'.|'."- It MM
Similarly, the caravan is not listed as the party may meet it whenever you feel Ilohqguhlina fill '5 *1 III ‘1 I -no l.l-' M ltl Ill Mil-l
they need aid and succour.

Along the way the party will he ioined by monlts and elves [see NPC stats — you
will need to be familiar with the monks‘ amazing attaclt abilities and to list the
elves’ spell hooks}. Each night the party will be silently attacked by Shades —
there will always be 6 Shades in the attacking group no matter how many where NPCs for Part One
killed the previous night.
Monks 5 | as M12 ta 5:2 4-is LN st — lo PHB
Treasure: The Shades have no treasure, and the Xorn and I-lob-goblins have lflbloodg-uarclll _
the normal treasure to be found in their lairs. Elves 3 -2 J2 lilflr-"M.l_-‘ll var var var NG M — 12 PHB

Suggested Characters
Penartur Thewson Quick Pit-i Tambor The Pu-It Etheldreda
P15 R1? MUIT F19 T22 C20 * each to he armed with at least one +2 weapon
S l'i' S 115 S11 S IE7“ S13 Si? * each to choose protection so as to be ACE or better
I ll} I I5 I13 I9 Ilfi I12 * each character to have a single additional magical item -[not
W15 W IT WI] Wll W10 ‘ill-'15 artifact) of choice
D ID D I4 D l'i D15 DIS D9‘ * spells to he chosen by player
C lo C IT C12 C1-I5 C15 C13 * Ranger‘s followers not on this adventure
Ch 1S C1112 Ch ll Ch ii) Chiti- Chi’? * Pa|adin's warhorse will go as far as the Underworld only

ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. DUNGEONS tie DILHGUNS are registered trademarks owned by TEE. Inc. E 1985 TSR. Inc. All Rights Reserved.
DM’s Introduction Part Two Encounter Areas in Part Two
Part Two of the adventure is a complete contrast to Part One, involving a 1 Charon the Boatman
traditional dungeon exploration. The numbered areas of the map are occupied Charon is not a foe. He will transport the party to and fro across the river so long
with either traps or monsters and are referred to in the notes below. The map as they pay his price (MMII p-25}. If the party choose to fight him the
shows tunnels and corridors leading away from the main route but there are no Hydrodaemons lurking in the river will loin in the fun.
monsters or traps listed for these areas. You can either ignore them by leaving
them blocked off or let them lead to traps and encounters of your own devising. 2 The Gates
There are quite likely to be Fire Giants around somewhere and it would he These are modest iron gates, each s’ wide and 11]’ high, which swing easily on
surprising if there weren’t a fair smattering of golerns and elementals too; they creaking hinges. They are not locked and may be climbed. Carvings on the
could even lead to other adventures, D l-3 or Q1 perhaps. stone surrounds act as a symbol of hopelessness {PHI} pill]

The Entrance to the Underworld is through the ‘mouth’ of a rock formation I The Living Dead
that looks like a face {the Gnomes will have given explicit instructions}. As the This is a straightforward light. Once all the party have passed the Gales, Ky utts
mouth is approached the land becomes barren and the air is so thick with a sense will distract them by letting his Sons attack and will cast spells from the
of evil and horror that it can almost be tasted. Inside it is pitch black —- torches shadows. Recommended spells for Kyuss are: i[2t2, 5*, rt, '.l*tt2, l11t2, I2};
and lanterns illuminate only half their normal area {spells work as normal] 2[5:t4, ft, 'i:t2,Btt2);3-[1, 2*.tt2, 4*tt2, -tiitll, ll]tt2]; 4{l*tt4, h*ir-‘l, 'l""J; ‘ill, 1", 4",
—and the sense of evil is very strong. Clerics turning undead do so two columns 51:2, 9*, 10x2), 6{2, 3x2, o*it3); ‘Fist-pain,=l—me:r;t:o-daemon}.
to the left of normal on the Cleri-cs vs Undead table.
-1 Wandering Monsters
It will be necessary for you to prepare this section carefully as the monsters arc This small labyrinth is the home of several Dactnuns and rt. group tti'H|,1rclrr!t. it
very powerful and many have spell abilities that should he used to their is inevitable that the party will meet at least one ofrhe iiaetnootr and the noise ol'
advantage. It is also worth studying the general abilities of the classes some of the fight will inevitably attract the others.
these monsters belong to (cg daemons]. It is not meant to be a cake-walk!
5 Hall of Spiders
Spells: the spell abilities of the monsters and NPCs are given as references to Another straightforward fight. lipossihlc the s|1i|.ier1 will wail ulttli the party
the numbers the spells bear in the PHB. First the level number is given are all ill the to-nt|‘| licfutt- sttttlittg the |l1|a.t'lt.
followed in brackets by each spell currently available. ‘When the reversed form
Di‘ E 5Pt.'11 has heen learned it is marked with an “. So, for example, a character It Dragon Pttssuges
with Cleric abilities that has learnt darkness [reverse of the first level spcll Ht least one of the llragtltts will I1-r at ltotttc when the party atrtvrlr lttti liroar
light} and hold person, would have his spell ability shown as; ]{?*_],; 2|[5}, that aren't there will soon retttrtt,

Treasure: All the monsters in this part of the adventure arc in their lairs and 'i' liluttm of Pools
have the normal treasure allocation. The pools are tr dangerous 1 rap. I i tiny l't '. or N l't I rltoultl look lrtlo rt pool. larrt
ol'dcur.l friends and relatives will he seen. 'I'ltr l‘t lot N l't '.1|1.t|i| .'s'av-r vr Spells at
-4 or tiivc in and be ttupprti. ihrly tr tlllprl evil It-pril can II“-'i." 1hr rltlrlrtrt

ii Magical Portal
Between the Room of Pools and the cave which has the Hook of Never Ending
Spells there is a Magical Portal. On it are carved three heads — one of a
Monster Roster for Part Two Daemon, one of a Spider and one of a Dragon. These must be touched in that
order (the order in which these monsters were encountered by the party} for the
Name No ac tt-tv 1-tn hp at n at. s up "rt-taco Ref Portal to open. Any form of ‘information’ spell used sensibly Eaugury, for
l 2-E NE ii-‘I 215295
example} should help. If touched in the wrong order the party is transported to
Charon i-5 IS léfihp hdfidll
the cave mouth and back in time to the precise moment they first entered, but,
I-Iydrodaemon 42 9+3t5 TI‘? 5- 5-J-4 Nli L 11523 MMII sadly, without recovering any hit points of damage.
Kyusa {Licl:t}* ll Til- I-ll] NE M 1'iB-H5 MM
S-one of Illyua ED -ll IB- I-E CE M 256 FF 9 Book of Never Ending Spells
Yagnodaemou l3-+ I 3 T2 13-22 NE L B311-b ll-'tMll This wondrous book contains spells that do not vanish when read as a scroll,
Ultrodaenton :‘E\tDfi'~O\ l-#28 91 -I-id NE M. 9920' it-'lMll
and the book states as much on the cover. As with the Book of Infinite Spells
the spells must be read in turn. The first one is a spell for opening the doorway
lllearsodaenmn 15 1ll+10 B5 iii-24 NE M Il-390 I-‘F
to the Chalice. Upon uttering this spell, the whole book crumbles to dust. Once
Nycadaemon --s 12 l2+3tl iii] EB-32 NE L S-2-ill FF the spell is spoken a doorway th rough to the chalice appears and can be opened
Spectre Lari E ill ’l'*3- 35 l-S LE .'vl IJDDU MM} without difficulty {if the Book is re moved from the Underworld before this
Gig. Spider i2 15115 S-3 'i’“ iii ii CE
LL 5310 new spell is uttered then the Book does not crumble and it then acts as a Book of
Lg: Spider i2 4111 2-ii C-E I. 425 MM Infinite Spells; the doorway to the Chalice does nut open, either}.
Red Dragon it I |i*I
5-tilfi CE. L IE3-10 MM
-to ID The Chalice
Red Dragon t,ur-u,»- 9 9+" 5-id LIE L ldTBD hddd]
The Chalice is hidden in a Prismatic Sphere which is in the centre of the room
Combines -1 ~';=+—-1tr-;t~.r-it hirt- I5 15 §l5i$i‘i |\_)-| g]|_g1¢ }\j[ |s}—l| v—l 2-20 CE M 5975 Mil-‘iii and is guarded by 4 Carnbions who stand motionless until any member of the
* Kyuss is a Lich with spells as I CZI party touches the Sphere in any way or attacks them. Suggested spells for the
** Gigantic Spider has poison like the Large Spider but Saves are at -2 Cambions are: llfldtt 3, 23); 2|jl5, 21 1|; for each and 3(=l=, I 1, 19*, 21) split between
*" Spell User the 4 of them. Their characteristics are: S135“ I15 ‘W14 D16 Cl? Chill

ADVANCED DUNGEONS it DRAGONS, DUNGEONS tic DRAGONS are registered trademarks owned by TSR. ll 1935 TEE. Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Label: Filmtrart PLC - Dragen 1
Fermat: Er; ‘v“rnvl, LP, Tape
Ceuntryr: Llltl
Fleleased: 1955

Fteeerd 1, Side 1
l—" he Du est Begins - Phil Therhteh
ru he Sleedguard - Denis Haines
|T|—l—l ves - Dave Miller I Phil Therhteh
he Sereerer'sr"1'r|::-|:rrentiee - Steve Parsens
he Caravan - Denis Haihes
'-IT!"5.3l'|-li-'3.-' 1' - —l—l—he
l Herees Hide Dut - Barrie Guard
Heeerd 1, Side;-L
i‘ - G nemes - Denis Haihes
El - Heh-gel:rlins - Steve Parsehs
El - The River el Seuls - Dave Miller
1|] - The Gates el Hell - Dave Miller i’ Phil Therhteh
Fleeerd 2, Side 1
1|. - The Living Deed - Denis Haines
12 - Wandering lvlensters - Phil Therhteh
13 - The Hell el S|:-iders- Dave Miller i‘ Phil Thernteh
14 -The Dragen Passages - The Deviee
15 -The Fleem el Peels - Denis Hairres
Heeerd 2, Side E
15 - The Lest Caves - Dave Miller i’ Phil Therrrteh
1? - r the Sereerer's Cave - Dave Miller
15 -The Sum mening - Phil Therhteh
19 -The Crvstal Chaliee - Steve Parsehs
ED -The Return el Light - Phil Therhteh
21 -The Afierm ath - SF-* Hall

Artrr'erl1t By {Frenttinn er Sleeve ,1‘-lrtrvertgl — Jelt Eaale_v
Artrverllt Ev {inn er Jaettet r"'Jrr"l:l"r-'lS'r"r['iZ:_r1 — Geett Wingate
Ceheeet By — Jehn Hall
Ceerelinater [Sleeve Ce-erdinatien S].g‘— Tim Heller
Err eeutive Preeleeer — Franl-t Fleelgers
Mastered 5}» — Simeh Heywedh, Simeh Sm art
l"-.larreter— valentine Dvall ftrasttsgtlt, A2, A5, ST, S3, Ct, C4, D1‘, D3, D5]
C-Ither {Adventure Createrjl — Dave ivliller {5}
Tyeegraehy [inner Jael-tet Types etl — Pa ul Ceel-them {El
ltlterels By lTe;=itj— Jim Semhra, Phil Gallagher. Tem ta-av

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