All the Each student is allotted one company. Student is Make students aware of the Ratio CO3 : discuss the role of
students expected to do the following analyses for the last 5 analysis and financial statements. depository participants,
years and provide his/her opinion about them. derivative instruments in
financial markets ( Bloom
) 1. Ratio analysis Level : L2 , Unit : Unit3 )
a. Profitability Ratios
b. Liquidity Ratios CO4 : appraise various
mutual fund schemes and
c. Gearing Ratios
different corporate actions
2. Comparative Analysis of financial
( Bloom Level : L5 , Unit :
Unit4 )
3. Analysis of stock market related ratios
CO5 : categorize products
After calculation, student is expected to give his/her dealt in secondary market,
opinion. Moreover formula used for calculation clearing settlement and
should be clearly visible in the report. redressal techniques ( Bloom
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Academic Tasks (22231)
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