Activity Sheet ETHICS
Activity Sheet ETHICS
Activity Sheet ETHICS
Activity 1
Direction: Put the case for or against your view or idea by giving evidence for your
claims/reasons for or against; attempt to influence the reader to accept your view
1. In view of Bentham and Mill’s assertion of the greatest happiness of the greatest number,
do you think that animal rights and welfare should even be a concern in the Philippines
where millions of people below the poverty threshold are struggling to have decent lives?
Is the concern for animal rights and welfare a first world problem?
Answer: As a religious person, I do believe that God made all living things here on earth. Many
of us consider animals as pet in the house and a companion during our travel. So I think it is our
duty as human as a highest form of human to gave respect, care and love to animals. They have a
big contribution in our ecosystem and they serve as the guardians of the mountains. We always
remember that everything here on earth has its own purpose and animals have too. So I think
Philippines should consider the rights and welfare of the animals simply because there are so
many animals in the world that are suffering as a result of being used for exotic pets, food,
entertainment, fashion, or medicine. Every animal has the right to have a happy life and treated
the way they deserve.
2. Does utilitarianism questions individual rights? What if violation the civil rights of
minority increases the sum total of pleasure of the majority?
Answer: The utilitarian critique asks whether or not either human rights are unalienable or
absolute. One such example is the right to life, as there are no other if someone’s life can be
taken, a human right may be significant. A person, the possession or enjoyment of everything,
other human rights depend on a person’s life. Consequently, the social total equation cannot be
bigger, to evaluate while considering high rights. Indeed, minority individuals frequently receive
preferential treatment protections provided by human rights conventions and laws.
3.Do you agree that happiness is the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain, and that all
actions are directed toward pleasure?
Answer: I concur that seeking pleasure and avoiding suffering are the paths to happiness since,
as humans, we have a right to happiness and satisfaction from our pleasure every day. Instead of
going through agony , which no one ever wants to experience, we choose to be happy. It aims to
make us appreciate the beauty of your existence. Happiness is everyone needed. We will just feel
the happiness if we are contented for everything that we have. We will never be happy if we just
run from our pain or if we chase the happiness. It is always our choice.
4. Are all pleasures comparable, even objectionable pleasures? What if the majority derives
pleasure from being sexist?
Answer: No, because all pleasure are good, particularly when they are excessive. Even
unpleasant pleasures are not the same l, because we are capable of seeking and seeking higher
intellectual pleasures. Because of desire to achieve more, what is pleasure for us today may not
be a pleasure tomorrow. Although the majority of people enjoy being sexiest, it is not a good
pleasure since prejudice and discrimination have no place in utilitarian because each individual
counts the same when measuring the pleasure provided by our acts.