The Eagle Lesson Plan
The Eagle Lesson Plan
The Eagle Lesson Plan
This unit will be introduced at the beginning of the third quarter in an 11th grade English Language Arts classroom. The unit will begin by addressing what poetry is, and reading and analyzing strategies to decipher meaning. These lessons will be introduced at the beginning of the unit so students can use these techniques throughout the quarter. The students will begin a poetry folder which holds a page to be filled out after every lesson, containing the three poetry questions discussed in lesson 2. Once these strategies are established, the students will be introduced to a series of elements that create the meaning within the poem, as well as prevalent themes in poetry. The students will finish up the unit by using the elements, themes and poetry questions to create a classroom anthology, made up of the students own poems, the poems we learned in class and higher level thinking questions the students designed themselves for the poems. By the end of the semester, the students should be able to read/analyze poetry, pick out figurative language devices, identify important themes and decipher meaning.
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Opportunities to Learn
Diverse Learning: We will be discussing and inferring meaning of hard vocabulary words within the poem to help readers who may not understand. The words will be highlighted on the ditto, allowing the students to identify the words and to take notes on the meaning. Even before this part of the lesson, I will have already translated the poem on the board, which will also help the students make connections. The students will be given a handout of the poem to follow along and there are lines provided for their translations. The post writes will be read aloud and put on the board for the students to complete at the end of class, however, a printout will be available on the desk for students to take home. The print out has guiding questions for students who need the extra help.
Materials Needed: The Eagle by Lord Alfred Tennyson post write printout
1.Students will access prior knowledge of poetry in a quick write at the beginning of class. 2. Students will examine a poem by defining unknown words and translating the poem into their own words (paraphrasing) in groups using the poem The Eagle. 3. Students will then interpret the meaning in a post write activity, in which they will also evaluate the use of the reading strategy. Opening: Before we begin class, I would like to see what you believe Poetry is. Please take out a sheet of paper tell me what you think poetry is. Perhaps even tell me of a poem that you enjoyed. The students will answer the questions while I write The Eagle translated into my own words. They will be instructed to look to the board and read the words to themselves. Now that everyone has completed their quick write, please look to the poem I wrote on the board. Does this fit your idea of poetry? What do you think of it? Was it easy for you to read?
Instructional Procedures
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Lesson Plan Template What would you change about the poem? Students should say that the poem was easy to read but they did not think the poem was creative and that it was boring. The reason that you feel this way is because this is not the actual poem; this is my translation into my own words. Now I will pass out the actual poem for us to read aloud together. Would anyone like to read the poem? Either a student reads the poem or I read the poem myself. Which version did you feel was more poetic? Why do you feel that way? How did the poem make you feel? Students should say that the other version was more poetic because of the words the author used. They may even mention imagery, if they have heard this term before, and how these words gave them a different picture in their head. The Reason why I showed you this exercise is because this is a way to help you learn how to read a poem. By taking language that is harder for you to understand and translating it into your own words will help you not only understand the words better, but also the meaning of the poem Engagement: Today, we will be working in groups. In our groups, we will be taking a poem and translating it into words easier for us to understand. I will erase the poem before this activity. However, before we get into groups, I would like to read this poem aloud and identify some words that you may not understand. I will go over the use of unfamiliar words, such as azure and crag and the reason why the author used such words. Also the students and I will go over language such as azure, wrinkled sea crawls and thunderbolt. I will have the students infer the meaning behind the images. As you can see, we have already begun the translating process by deciphering the words that we do not understand. Now, in your groups you are to take this same poem and translate it entirely. What I want you to do, is take the most literal and understandable word you can find for each image that the author presents and rewrite this poem with your groups. None of the same images should be used. Just as you saw in my example Winter. Once we have finished, we will share the poems that we came up with.
Closure: Time is up class; let us see what we have found. Students will read the poems that they have created. The students should find the differences between the actual poem and what the
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Lesson Plan Template groups came up with to be humorous. Compared to the actual poem, these do not seem like poems at all, do they? However, once we defined the words we did not understand and translated the poem, we all understand what the author was trying to say. This break down of the poem, by translating it into our own words is called paraphrasing, it will help you throughout the unit on poetry. However, we dont only use this method in poetry, but we also use this translating to understand meaning in life. One obvious example you may find in your history class. Upon reading historical documents, we may not understand what they mean, so we translate it into our own words to decipher the meaning. Tonight, notice where you find yourself translating or trying to decipher meaning, or think of where else this strategy may be useful. But before we go, I would you each to take a moment to answer the three questions written on the board. If you do not finish, copy the questions down and finish them for homework. Three questions will be written on the board for the students to answer: 1. After reading this poem, and using the strategy, what do you believe that the poem is about? 2. Why do you think the author used this language? 3. Did this strategy help you to understand the poem better? Why do you think it did?
1. Have the students write the names of each member of their group and pass in their translation of the poem to asses their ability to accurately use this strategy towards the poem. 2. Collect the students post writes and assess the students understanding of how to read poetry and infer meaning and why strategy is important. Student Work Sample 1 Approaching Proficiency: Student Work Sample 2 Proficient: Student Work Sample 3 Exceeds Proficiency:
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Lesson Implementation:
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Poem: Translation:
The Eagle
He clasps the crag with crooked hands; Close to the sun in lonely lands, Ringed with the azure world, he stands. ______________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________
The Wrinkled sea beneath him crawls; He watches from his mountain walls. And Like a Thunderbolt he fells.
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This unit will be introduced at the beginning of the third quarter in an 11th grade English Language Arts classroom. The unit will begin by addressing what poetry is, and reading and analyzing strategies to decipher meaning. These lessons will be introduced at the beginning of the unit so students can use these techniques throughout the quarter. The students will begin a poetry folder which holds a page to be filled out after every lesson, containing the three poetry questions discussed in lesson 2. Once these strategies are established, the students will be introduced to a series of elements that create the meaning within the poem, as well as prevalent themes in poetry. The students will finish up the unit by using the elements,
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Lesson Plan Template themes and poetry questions to create a classroom anthology, made up of the students own poems, the poems we learned in class and higher level thinking questions the students designed themselves for the poems. By the end of the semester, the students should be able to read/analyze poetry, pick out figurative language devices, identify important themes and decipher meaning.
Opportunities to Learn
Diverse Learners: Students will be provided with handouts for each lesson containing the three questions. The ditto I will model with the students will have guiding questions that the students can refer to throughout the semester, as well as an organizer. Since this is their first lesson in close reading and using the question strategy, on the handout of the poem The Mirror, the important areas I think should be commented on will be bracketed with a line provided for the student to comment. Materials: The Mirror bt Sylvia Plath Ars Poetica by Archibald MacLeish potry packet with questions
1. Students will analyze poetry by examining the speaker, purpose and how it is achieved by using the poem The Mirror by filling out the handouts they are presented with their groups 2. Students will demonstrate their understanding of using this strategy to find meaning by filling out their poetry organizer and providing evidence of close reading for The Mirror and Ars Poetica. Opening: In the previous lesson, we discussed what poetry was and one method for reading a poem. Who can tell me what that method was? Student should say paraphrasing. This was one effective method for understanding a poem. However, today
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Lesson Plan Template we will be trying out another method. This method will take us a step further from just understanding the surface meaning of a poem. We will be learning how to analyze a poem to find deeper meaning. We will focus on three important questions that will follow us throughout the unit of poetry. Who is the speaker, what is their purpose and why, and how is it achieved. In the packets I am passing out, you will find these three questions on a series of pages. After each lesson we complete throughout the unit, we will fill in these pages. The more accurately you fill them out, and the more time you take on them the day we complete the lesson, will help you at the end of the semester. Engagement: On the second page of the packet is a graphic organizer to guide the students to understanding what information I am looking for in each question. We will go over each one of these questions and I will model what I am looking for using The Eagle, which the students are already familiar with from the previous lesson. I will show them how to do a close reading to find the answers to these questions. They will be able to ask any questions or concerns they have, so they understand this concept that we will be using throughout the unit. Now it is your turn. We will be discussing The Mirror by Sylvia Plath. In your groups, I want you to answer these three questions in regards to the stanza I assign to your group. I will divide the students into six groups. Three groups to the first stanza and three to the second stanza. They will present their findings to the class. Students should say something in regards to the author comparing herself to a lake and a mirror to describe herself. Now that we see the purpose behind each stanza, we need to find the reason why she put these two ideas together into a poem. What reason would she compare these two ideas? Students will share some ideas as to what she is trying to achieve with the poem as a whole and asked to individually write their theory as a post write. Closure: Today we did close readings to find the answers to our three important questions: Who is the speaker, What the purpose is and why, and how it is achieved. Using these questions and strategies, we found the deeper meaning behind what Sylvia Plath was trying to say. These questions will guide us throughout the unit, so that we understand the poetry and the
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Lesson Plan Template devices the author is using to achieve the themes and purpose behind their writing. Tonight for homework, I want you to read over the poem Ars Poetica on page 754. On a separate sheet answer these three questions. We will be using this poem tomorrow in our next lesson.
1. Collect handouts from each group and assess the ability to answer each of the questions taught in class for their assigned stanza of The Mirror. 2. Collect quick writes to assess students ability to accurately use this theory to further analyze the poem individually. Student Work Sample 1 Approaching Proficiency: Student Work Sample 2 Proficient: Student Work Sample 3 Exceeds Proficiency: Lesson Implementation:
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This unit will be introduced at the beginning of the third quarter in an 11th grade English Language Arts classroom. The unit will begin by addressing what poetry is, and reading and analyzing strategies to decipher meaning. These lessons will be introduced at the beginning of the unit so students can use these techniques throughout the quarter. The students will begin a poetry folder which holds a page to be filled out after every lesson, containing the three poetry questions discussed in lesson 2. Once these strategies are established, the students will be introduced to a series of elements that create the meaning
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Lesson Plan Template within the poem, as well as prevalent themes in poetry. The students will finish up the unit by using the elements, themes and poetry questions to create a classroom anthology, made up of the students own poems, the poems we learned in class and higher level thinking questions the students designed themselves for the poems. By the end of the semester, the students should be able to read/analyze poetry, pick out figurative language devices, identify important themes and decipher meaning.
Opportunities to Learn
Diverse Learning: In the handout with the song lyrics, the students will be provided with an organizer that points out key words or clues when looking for personification, metaphors and simile. This will guide them through the assignment, as well as throughout the unit When the students are in their groups, I will walk around and help guide the conversations about the poems to make sure that the students are on the right track. Materials: Pre-quiz Song Lyrics page Three poems- TBD
1. Students will analyze the difference between metaphor, simile and personification by identifying each device in lyrics 2. Students will examine three poems for these devices and analyze their effect on the meaning of the poem.
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Lesson Plan Template Opening: Students will be given a pre-quiz containing lines from famous poems. On the quiz they will have to decipher the sentences from real and poetic. I will explain to them that the real sentences are part of Literal Language. The speaker is stating what is actually happening. Poetic Language is really figurative language. It is language that uses figures of speech and should not be taken literally. If I were to say it was raining cats and dogs or that my nose was runny, would you believe that animals were falling from the sky or my nose hopped off my face to take a jog? These are both elements of figurative language. This is what we will be discussing today in class. Engagement: To teach the students about the difference between the two, we will go over a couple of the questions on the pre-quiz and I will explain the use of metaphor, simile and personification in these lines and key words to help the students decipher the difference. We will go further into depth on these three figures of speech using lyrics from popular songs. The students will make a symbol for each: metaphor, simile and personification, on their own, and using the symbols, they will mark the lyrics in regards to which device is being used. Once they finish we will go over the list and discuss why figurative language is effective in poetry. From there, the students will be divided into six groups. These are the students home groups. Then they will be given numbers to go out and complete a jigsaw activity in which they become experts on their poem/device, and go back to present to their home group. Two groups will discuss metaphor, two discuss simile and two discuss personification and how it helps the author achieve their purpose. Before sending the students into their groups I will explain this to them. Also, I will tell the class that once they identify the literary device, if they work backward, it may help them further. Why do they use this? What meaning does it give to the poem- that is the purpose. I will model and example and split them into groups. Once they report their findings, the students are to go back to their desks. Closure: Now that we have learned three figures of speech, we can look back to our three poetry questions. (speaker, purpose, achieved) Now we can see that in the poems The mirror and The Eagle, it was these devices that were used to help
Instructional Procedures
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Lesson Plan Template the author achieve the purpose. These devices were also used in the poem Ars Poetica, which we read last night. Tonight, take one of these threee poems and fill out one of the question hand outs. Focus on how these figures of speech help achieve the authors purpose. Remember, sometimes if we work backwards and find the figure of speech, we can figure out their purpose from there. What does the metaphor mean? Why would the author use it? THAT is the authors purpose. Dont forget to keep filling out your questions handout!
1. Collect lyrics handout and assess the students ability to decipher between the three literary elements by how they marked their papers. 2. Collect the students homework and assess the students ability to analyze the authors poem and purpose using the literary terms taught in class by how they answered the three poetry questions we discussed last lesson. Student Work Sample 1 Approaching Proficiency: Student Work Sample 2 Proficient: Student Work Sample 3 Exceeds Proficiency: Lesson Implementation:
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This unit will be introduced at the beginning of the third quarter in an 11th grade English Language Arts classroom. The unit will begin by addressing what poetry is, and reading and analyzing strategies to decipher meaning. These lessons will be introduced at the beginning of the unit so students can use these techniques throughout the quarter. The students will begin a poetry folder which holds a page to be filled out after every lesson, containing the three poetry questions discussed in lesson 2. Once these strategies are established, the students will be introduced to a series of elements that create the meaning within the poem, as well as prevalent themes in poetry. The students will finish up the unit by using the elements, themes and poetry questions to create a classroom anthology, made up of the students own poems, the poems we learned in class and higher level thinking questions the students designed themselves for the poems. By the end of the semester, the students should be able to
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Lesson Plan Template read/analyze poetry, pick out figurative language devices, identify important themes and decipher meaning.
Instructional Procedures
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Lesson Plan Template The Beautiful Changes by Richard Wilbur on page 994 in your text. Dont forget to keep filling out your questions handout!
1. Students will be informally assessed by their participation in chalk talk by providing at least one example of irony on the board. 2. Collect students students groups questions to analyze proper identification of personification, metaphor or simile within the poem and provide the meaning. 3. Collect post writes to assess students ability to connect irony to everyday life and understand what makes the situation ironic by answering the post write questions. Student Work Sample 1 Approaching Proficiency: Student Work Sample 2 Proficient: Student Work Sample 3 Exceeds Proficiency: Lesson Implementation:
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This unit will be introduced at the beginning of the third quarter in an 11th grade English Language Arts classroom. The unit will begin by addressing what poetry is, and reading and analyzing strategies to decipher meaning. These lessons will be introduced at the beginning of the unit so students can use these techniques throughout the quarter. The students will begin a poetry folder which holds a page to be filled out after every lesson, containing the three poetry questions discussed in lesson 2.
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Once these strategies are established, the students will be introduced to a series of elements that create the meaning within the poem, as well as prevalent themes in poetry. The students will finish up the unit by using the elements, themes and poetry questions to create a classroom anthology, made up of the students own poems, the poems we learned in class and higher level thinking questions the students designed themselves for the poems. By the end of the semester, the students should be able to read/analyze poetry, pick out figurative language devices, identify important themes and decipher meaning.
Instructional Procedures
Engagement: *Model using organizer *Do it in groups *remove sense Closure: *popst write evaluating using senses by compareing with the sense and without.
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Assessment Reflections
Student Work Sample 1 Approaching Proficiency: Student Work Sample 2 Proficient: Student Work Sample 3 Exceeds Proficiency: Lesson Implementation:
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This unit will be introduced at the beginning of the third quarter in an 11th grade English Language Arts classroom. The unit will begin by addressing what poetry is, and reading and analyzing strategies to decipher meaning. These lessons will be introduced at the beginning of the unit so students can use these techniques throughout the quarter. The students will begin a poetry folder which holds a page to be filled out after every lesson, containing the three poetry questions discussed in lesson 2. Once these strategies are established, the students will be introduced to a series of elements that create the meaning within the poem, as well as prevalent themes in poetry. The students will finish up the unit by using the elements,
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Lesson Plan Template themes and poetry questions to create a classroom anthology, made up of the students own poems, the poems we learned in class and higher level thinking questions the students designed themselves for the poems. By the end of the semester, the students should be able to read/analyze poetry, pick out figurative language devices, identify important themes and decipher meaning.
Instructional Procedures
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Lesson Plan Template experiences.. This is why often times, the theme of poetry focuses on experiences which the reader can relate- mainly childhood memories. So for the work we will be doing today, we will be working serperately today to complete the poems. I will model the poem digging for the students. I will show them how to underline lines they can relate to and make notes in a close reading. Then show them how to fill in the graphic organizer to relate self to text. Once they see what to do, they will be instructed to do the same on their own with the poem Those Winter Days. Once it seems as though they are finished, they will turn to pair/share, which I will walk around and monitor. Closure: Students will be provided with a chance to share. I will begin by sharing my connections. Now we have seen one example of an important theme in poetry. We each take the image provided and interpret it in our own way, whether we know it or not, due to the childhood we experiencd. Just in this class, this one poem held different meaning for each one of you. Tomorrow we will look into another theme. For homework, read the two poems I am passing out to you now. We will discuss them tomorrow in class. Try to figure out what the theme is within the poems and make notes. Before you go, we are going to complete a quick write. Now that you have seen this theme in action, I would like you to write what you would write in a poem with this theme. What type of images would you offer? The answers you write here with help you in a future lesson. Dont forget to keep filling out your questions handout!
1. Collect students organizer to see their ability to use the strategy of related self to text to find meaning by offering at least three examples. 2. collect post writes to assess understanding of theme by offering ideas for what they would write if given this theme Student Work Sample 1 Approaching Proficiency: Student Work Sample 2 Proficient:
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This unit will be introduced at the beginning of the third quarter in an 11th grade English Language Arts classroom. The unit will begin by addressing what poetry is, and reading and analyzing strategies to decipher meaning. These lessons will be introduced at the beginning of the unit so students can use these techniques throughout the quarter. The students will begin a poetry folder which holds a page to be filled out after every lesson, containing the three poetry questions discussed in lesson 2. Once these strategies are established, the students will be introduced to a series of elements that create the meaning within the poem, as well as prevalent themes in poetry.
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Lesson Plan Template The students will finish up the unit by using the elements, themes and poetry questions to create a classroom anthology, made up of the students own poems, the poems we learned in class and higher level thinking questions the students designed themselves for the poems. By the end of the semester, the students should be able to read/analyze poetry, pick out figurative language devices, identify important themes and decipher meaning.
Instructional Procedures
Assessment Reflections
Student Work Sample 1 Approaching Proficiency:
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Student Work Sample 2 Proficient: Student Work Sample 3 Exceeds Proficiency: Lesson Implementation:
This unit will be introduced at the beginning of the third quarter in an 11th grade English Language Arts classroom. The unit will begin by addressing what poetry is, and reading and analyzing strategies to decipher meaning. These lessons will be introduced at the beginning of the unit so students can use these techniques throughout the quarter.
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The students will begin a poetry folder which holds a page to be filled out after every lesson, containing the three poetry questions discussed in lesson 2. Once these strategies are established, the students will be introduced to a series of elements that create the meaning within the poem, as well as prevalent themes in poetry. The students will finish up the unit by using the elements, themes and poetry questions to create a classroom anthology, made up of the students own poems, the poems we learned in class and higher level thinking questions the students designed themselves for the poems. By the end of the semester, the students should be able to read/analyze poetry, pick out figurative language devices, identify important themes and decipher meaning.
Instructional Procedures
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Student Work Sample 1 Approaching Proficiency: Student Work Sample 2 Proficient: Student Work Sample 3 Exceeds Proficiency: Lesson Implementation:
This unit will be introduced at the beginning of the third quarter in an 11th grade English Language Arts classroom. The unit will begin by addressing what poetry is, and reading and analyzing strategies to decipher meaning. These lessons will be introduced at the beginning of the unit so students can use these techniques throughout the quarter. The students will begin a poetry folder which holds a page to
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Lesson Plan Template be filled out after every lesson, containing the three poetry questions discussed in lesson 2. Once these strategies are established, the students will be introduced to a series of elements that create the meaning within the poem, as well as prevalent themes in poetry. The students will finish up the unit by using the elements, themes and poetry questions to create a classroom anthology, made up of the students own poems, the poems we learned in class and higher level thinking questions the students designed themselves for the poems. By the end of the semester, the students should be able to read/analyze poetry, pick out figurative language devices, identify important themes and decipher meaning.
Instructional Procedures
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Student Work Sample 1 Approaching Proficiency: Student Work Sample 2 Proficient: Student Work Sample 3 Exceeds Proficiency: Lesson Implementation:
Lesson Plan Template introduced to a series of elements that create the meaning within the poem, as well as prevalent themes in poetry. The students will finish up the unit by using the elements, themes and poetry questions to create a classroom anthology, made up of the students own poems, the poems we learned in class and higher level thinking questions the students designed themselves for the poems. By the end of the semester, the students should be able to read/analyze poetry, pick out figurative language devices, identify important themes and decipher meaning.
Instructional Procedures
Assessment Reflections
Student Work Sample 1 Approaching Proficiency:
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Lesson Plan Template Student Work Sample 2 Proficient: Student Work Sample 3 Exceeds Proficiency: Lesson Implementation:
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