SWMB CribSheet

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Star Wars Miniature Battles GAME CRIB SHEET

Straight Skill Test: Roll 1D6 + Trooper’s skill level, then compare to the test’s “difficulty level.” If the score is equal
to or higher than the difficulty, the trooper passes; if the score is lower, he fails.

Opposed Test: Both Players roll 1D6 + the relevant skill or modifiers. The higher score wins.

For both types of skill tests, these rules apply:

A die roll of 1 is a “bomb out” (no modifiers are added and the total score is 0).
A die roll of 6 leads to a “rollover” bonus (roll die again and add to total score).


1 – Initiative Phase: Each Player rolls 1D6 + Command skill. Highest score has initiative.

2 – Movement Phase: Players alternate moving squads in initiative order. Troopers must maintain “command
distance” equal to Command skill in inches. Your squad may:
– Remain stationary You may “opportunity fire” on another moving squad during the phase if you pass a
morale test, or you may fire normally during the Fire Combat Phase.
– Walk You may move your troopers’ Walk Rate or less in inches. You may fire normally during the Fire
Combat Phase at a +1 difficulty.
– Run You may move your troopers’ Run Rate or less in inches. Wounded troopers may not run and the squad
may not fire during the Fire Combat Phase.
– Charge into Close Assault Combat You may move your troopers’ Run Rate or less into base-to-base contact
with enemy troopers. Charging squad must pass a morale test, and the defending squad takes a morale test to
recieve a charge. The defending squad takes defensive fire at a +1 difficulty.
– Troopers already in Close Assault Combat may change facing or attempt to disengage.

Movement over...
Clear Terrain: Move standard move rates in inches.
Rough Terrain (includes stairs): Costs 2x movement.
Moderate Barriers (includes doors): Cost 2” to cross.

3 – Fire Combat Phase: All fire is simultaneous. A squad must:

– Target one enemy squad in line of sight (90° arc to front).
– Meaure Range, using the average distance between squads, and compare to the weapons ranges to determine
the base difficulty of the shot:

Base Difficulty Modifiers for Target Condition Modifiers for Firer Conditions
Short Range: 6 (majority of squad) Walking: +1
Medium Range: 8 Light Cover: +1 Opportuinty Fire: +1
Long Range: 10 Medium Cover: +2 Defensive Fire: +1
Heavy Cover: +3 Seperated from Squad: +1
Prone: +1 Shaken: +1
Demoralized: +2

Damage Results:
Weapons Damage Strength roll < target’s STR roll No Effect
Weapons Damage Strength roll ≥ target’s STR roll Wound
Weapons Damage Strength roll ≥ target’s STR roll+4 Incapacitated

Wound: Figure is laid prone an marked as wounded May stand up next turn at a cost of 2”. All attributes and skills
are at a -1 and trooper cannot run.
Incapitated: Figure is removed from table at the end of the Morale Phase.
4 – Close Assault Combat Phase: To determine hits: Enemy soldiers in base-to-base contact make opposed tests
using 1D6 + Melee Combat skill (if armed with melee weapons) or Brawling skill (if unarmed).
Modifiers to Close Assault Combat attacks:

Charged this turn +1 Attacked from side or rear -2

Defending barrier +1 Prone -2
Squad is demoralized or broken Seperated from squad -1
(per additional trooper) +2 Shaken -1
Gaffe Stick +1 Demoralized -2
To determine damage, make opposed rolls:
Attacker rolls 1D6 + STR (+1 for Gaffe Stick)
Target rolls 1D6 + STR (+armor modifiers)
Close Assault Combat uses the same “Damage Results” table at Fire Combat.
Forceback and advance: The squad which recieved more casualties is forced back 4” with the same facing, unless it
outnumbers the enemy squad. The winning squad advances 4” (if defending a barrier, the squad makes a difficulty 6
Command test to stay).
5 – Morale Phase: A morale test is an opposed roll of 1D6 + Command vs. 1D6 + threat level.
Squads With troopers Wounded or Incapacitated this turn Squads with reduced morale may attempt to rally.
must make a morale test.
Rally Threat Level 4
Morale Test Type Threat Level
Casualty 4 Rally Threat Level Modifiers
Charging (movement phase) 6 Squad is behind cover -1
Receiving a Charge (movement phase) 4 Squad is shaken +1
Squad is demoralized or broken +2
Standard Threat Level Modifiers Squad has taken 50% or more
Shaken +1 casualties +2
Demoralized +2 Each casualty taken this turn +1
Each casualty taken this turn +1 Commander wounded or
Commander wounded or incapacitated this turn -2
incapacitated this turn +2
Squad is behind cover -1 Rally Threat Level Modifiers
Squad wins turn of close assault -1 Squad is behind cover -1
Squad loses turn of close assault -2 Squad is shaken +1
Squad is demoralized or broken +2
“Charge” Modifiers Squad has taken 50% or more
Attacking enemy’s flank or rear -2 casualties +2
Attacking enemy behind barrier +1 Each casualty taken this turn +1
“Receiving a Charge” Modifiers Commander wounded or
Attacked in flank or rear +2 incapacitated this turn -2
Outnumbered 2:1 +2 Opportunity Fire: Squads testing morale for Opp. Fire in
the movement phase do not suffer changes in morale
Morale Test Results
Threat roll+4 ≤ Command Roll Morale +1 Opportunity Fire Test Threat Level 4
Threat roll ≤ Command Roll No Effect Opportunity Fire Threat Modifiers
Threat roll > Command Roll Morale -1 Squad is behind cover -1
Threat roll ≥ Command Roll+4 Morale -2 Squad is shaken +1
Squad has taken 50% or more
casualties +2

Opportunity Fire Test Results

Threat roll ≥ Command Roll Cannot Fire
Threat roll < Command Roll Can Fire

Morale Status
Shaken (level 2-3) Blaster & Grenade test +1 difficulty, close assault skills -1; +1 morale test threat levels
Demoralized (level 1) Blaster & Grenade test +2 difficulty, close assault skills -2; +2 morale threats, cannot advance
Broken (level 0) All skills=0; may not fight. Squad routs a full run move away from enemy in Morale Phase.
6 – Special Actions Phase: Remove fire modifier markers. Special events may occur.
Star Wars Miniature Battles VEHICLE CRIB SHEET
See Companion pp 14-15 for info about different drive systems in different terrain types.
See Companion pp 16-20 for info about different maneuvers.
Maneuver Difficulty Numbers (Failure = vehicle goes out of control) Flight
Maneuver Cautious Cruise Top Low Lvl =
Slide (1” forward and side) 4 6 8 (Max 4” turn, repulsor 7”, walker 2”) 0-3m (0-1.5”)
Bootlegger Turn 6 8 10 (No walkers; min speed 20”; move ½) Lvl 1 =
Jump 8 10 12 (+1 difficulty per inch drop over 2”) 3-10m (1.5”-5”)
Turn (45°) ** ** ** (No test, up to allowed # Turns) Lvl 2 =
Additional Turn 4 6 8 (Turns in excess of vehicle’s # Turns) 10-20m (5”-10”)
Double Turn (90°) 4 6 8 (Limited to vehicle’s # Turns) Lvl 3 =
Rotate 6 8 10 (Repulsorcraft & hovercraft; move ½) 20-30m (10”-15”)
Climb ** 4 6 (Flying only; min move 16”, up 1 lvl) Lvl 4 =
Extrmeme Climb 6 8 10 (Flying only; min move 8”, up 1 lvl) 30-40m (15”-20”)
Dive ** 4 6 (Flying; min move 10”, down 1 lvl) Lvl 5=
Climb 4 6 8 (Flying; min move 5”, down 1 lvl) 40-50m (20”-25”)
10 passengers per turn may board or disembark at a cost of their ½ movement rate. Vehicle must be stationary to
board; can safely disembark at speeds below 10”; at 10” or more troops must make a Damage Table roll (their STR vs.
DAM STR 3 + 1 per 1” over move of 10”)
Vehicle Fire Combat
Vehicle mounted weapons use following fire. Ranges below close are point blank, base difficulty 4.
Add weapon’s Fire Control to gunner’s Vehicle Blasters skill. Fire linked = 1 roll to hit vs. 1 target.
Driver firing a weapon while driving uses Vehicles Blasters skill at difficulty +1.
Passengers fire small arms from moving vehicle (when allowed) at +1 difficulty; no long range targets allowed.
Firing at Vehicle: Cover value: roll 1D6; roll ≥ cover value means rider is hit; roll < cover value means vehicle is hit.
Speed Effects Below 0 Body Points the crew/passengersmust make
Speed Differences Modifier to Difficulty # survival rolls at difficulty 8 + 1 per 2 extra BPs:
0-19” 0 Survival Roll + 4 ≤ Difficulty # = Incapacitated
20-29” +1 SR ≤ DN = Wound
30-39” +2 SR > DN = No Effect
40-49” +3
50-59” +4 Critical Hit Table (1D6 + Weapon STR)
60”+ +5 0 None
(Within 45° of perpendicular use target’s speed as 1-7 Targeting Computer (lose 1 Firce Control)
difference) 8-10 Power Coupler (Move Rate + Accel/Decel ½)
11-13 Driver Stunned (Go out of control next turn)
Vehicle Damamge Table 14-16 Guidance System Locked (Turn Distance x2)
Roll Effect 17-19 Gunner Wounded (future fire +1 difficulty)
DR+4 ≤ SR No Effect 20-21 Gunner Incapacitated (no fire until replaced)
DR ≤ SR Love 1 Body Point 22-23 Weapon destroyed (locmay be crit hit again)
DR > SR Lose Bodt Pts = Damage STR of weapon 24-25 Power Loss *No move or fire; crew my exit)
DR > SR+4 Lose Bodt Pts = Dam STR of weapon, 26-27 Driver Incapacitated (OOC next turn)
plus Critical Hit 28+ Internal Explosion (all cre incapacitated)

Destroyed vehicles move ½ move then halts/crashes.

Speed Effects
OOC Movement Rate (1D6) OOC Direction OOC Altitude Flyer Diving from Low Lvl Crashes;
1-2 = Decelerates 1 = Turns 90° Left 1-2 = Dives 1 Level Flips on D6 roll of 5-6
3-4 = Remains Same 2 = Turns 45° Left 3-4 = Remains Same 1-2 Flips onto Left Side
5-6 = Accel 1D6 x 2 inches 3-4 = Goes Straight 5-6 = Climbs 1 Level 1-2 Flips onto Top
5 = Turns 45° Right 1-2 Flips onto Right Side
6 = Turns 90° Right

OOC vehicle crew may fire at +1 difficulty. Passengers may not fire from OOC vehicle.

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