Ignition System-01-01
Ignition System-01-01
Ignition System-01-01
Ignition System
General Description
Ignition System Construction
The ignition system is an electronic (distributorless) ignition system. It consists of the parts as described below.
It detects the engine and vehicle conditions through the signals from the sensors, determines the most suitable
ignition timing and time for electricity to flow to the primary coil and sends a signal to the ignitor (power unit) in the
ignition coil assembly.
• Ignition coil assembly (including an ignitor)
The ignition coil assembly has a built-in ignitor which turns ON and OFF the current flow to the primary coil
according to the signal from ECM. When the current flow to the primary coil is turned OFF, a high voltage is induced
in the secondary coil.
• High-tension cords and spark plugs
• CMP sensor (Camshaft position sensor) and CKP sensor (Crankshaft position sensor)
Using signals from these sensors, ECM identifies the specific cylinder whose piston is in the compression stroke,
detects the crank angle and adjusts initial ignition timing automatically.
• TP sensor, ECT sensor, MAP sensor, MAF sensor, IAT sensor, knock sensor and other sensors / switches
Although this ignition system does not have a distributor, it has two ignition coil assemblies (one is for No.1 and No.4
spark plugs and the other is for No.2 and No.3 spark plugs). When an ignition signal is sent from ECM to the ignitor in
the ignition coil assembly for No.1 and No.4 spark plugs, a high voltage is induced in the secondary coil and that
passes through the high-tension cords and causes No.1 and No.4 spark plugs to spark simultaneously. Likewise,
when an ignition signal is sent to the ignitor in the other ignition coil assembly, No.2 and No.3 spark plugs spark
1H-2 Ignition System:
10 9
7 5V
3 4
BLK/WHT E23-29
1 17
12V 5V
14 13
BLK/RED E23-16
15 5 5V C37-58 BLK/ORN
12 C37-15 BLK
C37-30 BLK
50A 50A 80A PNK C37-21 E23-31 BLK
E23 C37
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31
60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46
1. Ignition switch 7. No.1 spark plug 13. Individual circuit fuse box
2. Main relay 8. No.2 spark plug 14. “IG ACC” fuse
3. Ignition coil assembly for No.1 and No.4 spark plugs 9. No.3 spark plug 15. “FI” fuse
4. Ignition coil assembly for No.2 and No.3 spark plugs 10. No.4 spark plug 16. Junction block assembly
5. CMP sensor 11. Sensed information (MAP sensor, ECT sensor, MAF and IAT 17. “IG COIL” fuse
sensor, TP sensor, Knock sensor, VSS, Electric load signal,
Engine start signal)
6. CKP sensor 12. Battery fuse box
Ignition System: 1H-3
Component Location
Ignition System Components Location
The figure shows left-hand steering vehicle. For right-hand steering vehicle, parts with (*) are installed
at the opposite side.
13* 14
6 8 9
11 10
4 7
Ignition Spark Test 5) Crank engine and check if each spark plug sparks.
1) Remove air cleaner assembly with air intake pipe.
2) Disconnect all injector couplers from injectors.
Without disconnection of injector couplers,
combustible gas may come out from spark
plug holes during this test and may get
ignited in engine room.
type referring to “Spark Plug Inspection”. 6) If no spark is emitted, inspect the related parts as
4) If OK, connect ignition coil coupler to ignition coil described in “Ignition System Symptom Diagnosis”.
assembly and connect spark plug to ignition coil
assembly or high-tension cord. Ground spark plug.
Repair Instructions
High-Tension Cord Removal and Installation Installation
Removal 1) Install No.1 cylinder (2) and No.3 cylinder (3) high-
tension cords to spark plugs and ignition coil
1) Remove air cleaner assembly with air intake pipe assemblies (1) while gripping each cap.
and cylinder head upper cover.
2) Disconnect No.1 cylinder (2) and No.3 cylinder (3) ! CAUTION
high-tension cords from ignition coil assemblies (1)
while gripping each cap. • Never attempt to use metal conductor
high-tension cords as replacing parts.
• Insert each cap portion fully when
installing high-tension cords.
! CAUTION I4RS0A180004-01
Ignition Coil Assembly (Including ignitor) Ignition Coil Assembly (Including ignitor)
Removal and Installation Inspection
S7RS0B1806005 S7RS0B1806006
Removal Measure secondary coil for resistance.
1) Disconnect negative (–) cable at battery. If resistance is out of specification, replace ignition coil
2) Remove air cleaner assembly with air intake pipe
and cylinder head upper cover. Secondary coil resistance
3) Disconnect ignition coil coupler. 7.5 – 10.3 k# at 20 "C, 68 "F
4) Disconnect high-tension cord (3) from ignition coil
assembly (2).
5) Remove ignition coil bolts (1) and then pull out
ignition coil assembly.
I3RM0A180004-01 I4RS0B180003-01
4) Install cylinder head upper cover and air cleaner 2) Start engine and warm it up to normal operating
assembly with air intake pipe. temperature.
5) Connect negative (–) cable to battery. 3) Make sure that all of electrical loads except ignition
are switched off.
4) Check to be sure that idle speed is within
specification referring to “Idle Speed and IAC
Throttle Valve Opening Inspection in Section 1A”
5) Fix ignition timing by using “Fixed Spark” of “Misc
Test” mode on scan tool.
Ignition System: 1H-9
6) Set timing light (1) to high-tension cord for No.1 7) If ignition timing is out of specification, check the
cylinder and check that ignition timing is within followings.
specification. • CKP sensor
Initial ignition timing • CKP sensor plate
Fixed with SUZUKI scan tool: 5 % 3" BTDC (at • CMP sensor
specified idle speed)
• CMP sensor rotor tooth of camshaft
Ignition order • VSS
1–3–4–2 • Timing chain cover installation
Special tool 8) After checking initial ignition timing, release ignition
(A): 09930–76420 timing fixation by using scan tool.
9) With engine idling (throttle opening at closed position
and vehicle stopped), check that ignition timing is
about 3" – 13" BTDC. (Constant variation within a
few degrees from 3" – 13" BTDC indicates no
abnormality but proves operation of electronic timing
10 0 control system.) Also, check that increasing engine
speed advances ignition timing.
If the check results are not satisfactory, check CKP
sensor and ECM.
1, (A)
Tightening Torque Specifications
Tightening torque
Fastening part Note
N$m kgf-m lb-ft
Spark plug 25 2.5 18.0 !
Ignition coil bolt 10 1.0 7.5 !
For the tightening torque of fastener not specified in this section, refer to “Fasteners Information in Section 0A”.