AC - 43-12A Preventive Maintenance

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of 'ionsportotion
Federal Aviation

Subject: PREVENTIVE MAINI'ENANCE O.te: 10/28/83 AC No: 43-12A

Initiated by: AWS~ 340 OwJee:

1. PURPOSE. This advisory circular (AC) provides information ooncerning

preventive maintenance, who nay perforn it, the standards of performance
applicable to it, authority for approving aircraft for return to service, and
the applicable recording requirements. This AC also clarifies those areas most
frequently misunderstood in the past, and explai.n s the recent changes in the
rules concerning preventive maintenance.

2. CANCELlATION. AC 43-12, Preventive Maintenance, dated July 16, 1976, is


3. RElATED FEDERAL AVIATICN RffiUIATIONS (FAR). Part 1, Definitions and

Abbreviations, Section 1.1~ Part 43, Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance,
Rebuilding, and Alteration; Part 61, Certification: Pilots and Flight
Instructors~ and Part 145, Repair Stations.


a. The holders of mechanic and repairman certificates, persons working

under the supervision of these mechanics and repairmen, repair stations
certificated under Part 145, and air carriers certificated under Parts 121, 127,
and 135, are authorized to l,)erfonn preventive maintenance. These J)ersoos are
also authorized to perform other maintenance. Therefore, it is of little
consequence to them haw a particular function is classified, since they are
authorized to perform the function as either preventive maintenance or as other
maintenance. Further, the procedures used in approving for return to service
and recording are identical. This AC will, therefore, consider preventive
maintenance frcrn the cwners/operators point of view.

b, FAR Part 1, Section 1.1, defines preventive naintenance as ", ••

sinple or nu.nor preservation operations and the replacerrent of small standard
parts not inv~1ving comPlex assembly operations."

(1) FAR Part 43, Appendix A, paragraph (c) contains the list of those
functions determined by the FAA to neet this definiticn. If a function <Des not
appear in this list, it is not preventive maintenance. Further, because of
differences in aircraft, a function may be preventive maintenance on cne
aircraft and not oo another. To provide for this, paragraph (c) contains the
limitation, "provided it does not involve complex assembly operations" on the
aircraft involved. Chmers and pilots JTUSt use gx>d judgment in determining that
a specific function may appropriately be classified as preventive maintenance.
N:. 43-12A

(2) A Pilot may not perfonn preventive naintenance oo aircraft used

under Parts 121, 127, or 135, even when the pilot owns the aircraft.

c. Persons authorized to perform preventive maintenance. In addition to

those persons listed in paragraph 4a of this AC, Sectioo 43.3(g) authorizes the
holder of a pilot oortificate issued under Part 61 to perform preventive
maintenance. Section 43.7 limits the privilege to persons oolding at least a
private pilot certificate and Section 43.5 prohibits operation of the aircraft
unless approved for return to service. Further, pilots nay ooly approve for
return to service preventive maintenance which they themselves have

d. Applicable performance standartls.

{1) FAR 4 3.13 requires preventive rraintenance to be <bne using

methods, techniques, and practices acceptable to the Adnllnistrator. These are
normally set forth in the manufacturer's maintenance manuals; however, same may
be found in AC's published by the FAA.

(2} FAR 43.13 requires the use of the tools, equiprrent, and test
apparatus necessary to assure completion of the work in accordance with accepted
irrlustry practices. This rreans that the proper tools and test apparatus rcust be
used. Normally these are listed as part of any FAA-approved manufacturer's
maintenance literature.

{ 3) FAR 43.13 also requires that any special equipment recc.moonded. by

the rre.nufacturer or its equivalent rcust be used in a manner acceptable to the
Administrator. This provis-ion is rrpre directly applicable to rraintenance than
preventive rraintenanoe. However, it nay cx:rre into play. Therefore, omers and
pilots should be aware of it.

(4) Additionally, Section 43.13 requires that the work performed and
the materials used are to be such as to ensure that, when the work is finished,
the itern worked en is at least equal to its original condition. Caution m.1st be
exercised because same functions which appear to be simple tasks may, in fact,
be quite CXJ~t"q?licated. Care should be taken to ensure that the manufacturer•s
instructions are understood, the function is within the individual 1 s capability,
within the definition of preventive maintenance, and that it is listed in
paragraph (c) of Appeooix A of Part 43.

e. Recording preventive maintenance. Preventive rraintenanoe nust be

recorded in accordance with section 43.9 of FAR Part 43. '!his is chne by
entering in the maintenance record, of the item worked oo, the following:

(1) "A description (or reference to data acceptable to the

Administrator) of the work performed." This shoold indicate what was
done and how it was <bne. This is normally quite simple for preventive
maintenance: however, if the description is extensive, reference to docutoonts
containing that description is acceptable. These may be manufacturer's

2 Par 4
10/28/83 N::. 43-12A

manuals, AC's, or other docunents or references containing data acceptable to

the .Administrator. If d:::>o.nrents other than types which are in cx:mron use are
referenced, the cbCUITent should be made a part of the maintenance record, as
required by Section 43.9(a)(l).

( 2) "The date of carpletion of the work perfonred." This is self

explanatory and is the date on which the entry is nade, as required by Section

( 3) The kind of airman certificate exercised. \then preventive

maintenance is performed as authorized in Section 43. 3(g), the certificate may
be indicated in any manner whi~h would be clear to the reader. For exanple: PP,
CP, or ATP might be used to indicate private, commercial, or airline transport
pilot, respectively. The certificate that number displayed on the
certificate beifkJ exercised. Affixing a signature to the entry, which describes
the work aca:xrplished, constitutes approval for return to service, as required
by Section 43.9(a)(4).

NOTE: Sinoo CMners/pilots are not authorized to approve work

accanplished by others, Section 43.9(a) (3) is not applicable when
preventive naintenanoe is perfo:rtred by the holder of a pilot's
certificate. The holder of the pilot's certificate <:bing the work
is the only person who can sign the approval for return to service.

f. '!he changes to Section 43.9 which require preventive maintenance to be

recorded became effective October 15, 1982 (Amendment 43-23, 47 FR 41076:
September 16, 1982). On this same date, the list of items considered to be
preventive maintenance in Appendix A of Part 43 was expanded. ~ of the item:;
warrant discussion. ·

(1) Item 25 (Part 43, Appendix A, paragraph (c)). This item deals with
the assembly of gliders and has been an the list of preventive maintenance for
sane tine. The new recording requireroonts, h::Jwever, significantly affects this
iten. The recordiDJ requirements are intended to provide continuity in the
maintenance record and to ensure that the person performing preventive
maintenance assumes responsibility for the work perforrred. An entry for the
assembly after required inspection ensures this ass\.JJTPtion of responsibility.
Repeated entries are required each time a person assembles the aircraft for
operation. The assembly nust re recorded and the aircraft approved for return
to service in accordance with Section 43.9 by a person authorized in
Section 43.7.

( 2) Item 28 (Part 43, Appendix A, paragraph (c)). This item deals with
the installation of balloon baskets and burners specifically designed for quick
renoval and installatia1. Such disasserrt>ly and assembly is necessary to
facilitate transportiDJ the balloon either to the launch site or after a flight
is terminated. The assembly operation is preventive naintenanoe and subject to
the provisions of Sections 43.3, 43.7, and 43.9. As required by Section 43.l(b),
entries are required for assembly operations on all balloons except those
certificated in the experimental category which have not been previously
certificated in another category.

Par 4 3
AC 43-12A

g. Items 6 and 23 (Part 43, Appendix A, paragraph (c)). These items

permit the draining and reservicing of oil, and the removal, cleaning and
reinstallation of oil screens, filters, and strainers in an aircraft oil
system to be done as preventive maintenance, and are subject to the provisions
of Sections 43.13(a) and (b).

Joseph A. Pontecorvo

Acting Director of Airworthiness

4 Par 4

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