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Football Unit Assessment

Football Skills Rubric A-5, 6, 10, 11

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited
Passing Master skill Developing skill Beginning skill Starting
-Thumb & index finger on back level with all level with most level with 1 or 2 movement
part of ball with fingers spread on
cues present. cues present. cues present. patterns that lack
-Non-throwing hand on Movements are Moves with ease Movements cues.
inside/front of ball for stability effortless, using using skills in a require Movements need
-Non throwing side foot forward
-Throwing arm and hand cocked skills in a basic game.  concentration intense
slightly back behind head. dynamic game with skills best concentration
-Move flexed elbow forward to situation.  used in drills or using skill in
-Snap wrist downward on release. modified games.  individual

Receiving Master skill Developing skill Beginning skill Starting

-Form triangle with hands, level with all level with most level with 1 or 2 movement
thumbs in toward body creating a
cues present. cues present. cues present. patterns that lack
-Stretch arms out to meet target. Movements are Moves with ease Movements cues.
No elbow lock. effortless, using using skills in a require Movements need
-See ball come into hands Catch
with two hands if possible. skills in a basic game.  concentration intense
-Absorb force of ball by bringing dynamic game with skills best concentration
it into body. situation.  used in drills or using skill in
-Switch ball to one arm,
protecting ball with free hand. modified games.  individual

Football Cooperation Rubric

C-1, 3, 4, 6

Criteria   4   3   2   1  

Excellent   Proficient   Adequate   Limited  
Cooperation Consistently Frequently Occasionally Rarely cooperates
(C-1 & 6)   cooperates with cooperates with cooperates with with others,
others, providing others, providing others, providing providing
encouragement and encouragement and encouragement and encouragement and
support   support  support  support 
Leadership Takes on various Takes on various Takes on various Avoids or refused
(C-4)  roles and roles and roles and to take on roles or
responsibilities with responsibilities with responsibilities with responsibilities  
eagerness   readiness   encouragement 
Fair Play (C- Consistently plays Frequently plays Occasionally plays Rarely plays fairly,
3)  fairly, showing fairly, showing fairly, showing showing proper
proper etiquette  proper etiquette  proper etiquette  etiquette 

Football Participation Rubric

D- 2, 3, 4

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited
Follows the Consistently Frequently  Occasionally  Rarely follows
rules of the follows the rules follows the rules of follows the rules of the rules of the
game/activity of the game and the game and the game and game and
(D-3 & 4)  participates in participates in participates in participates in
warm-up and warm-up and cool- warm-up and cool- warm-up and
cool-down down activities down activities  cool-down
activities activities
Participation/ Consistently Frequently Occasionally Rarely displays a
Motivation displays a displays a positive, displays a positive, positive,
(D-2) positive, enthusiastic attitude enthusiastic attitude enthusiastic
enthusiastic towards all towards all attitude towards
attitude towards activities and activities and all activities and
all activities and games games games

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