Criteria 4 3 2 1
Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited
Passing Master skill Developing skill Beginning skill Starting
-Thumb & index finger on back level with all level with most level with 1 or 2 movement
part of ball with fingers spread on
cues present. cues present. cues present. patterns that lack
-Non-throwing hand on Movements are Moves with ease Movements cues.
inside/front of ball for stability effortless, using using skills in a require Movements need
-Non throwing side foot forward
-Throwing arm and hand cocked skills in a basic game. concentration intense
slightly back behind head. dynamic game with skills best concentration
-Move flexed elbow forward to situation. used in drills or using skill in
-Snap wrist downward on release. modified games. individual
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited
Follows the Consistently Frequently Occasionally Rarely follows
rules of the follows the rules follows the rules of follows the rules of the rules of the
game/activity of the game and the game and the game and game and
(D-3 & 4) participates in participates in participates in participates in
warm-up and warm-up and cool- warm-up and cool- warm-up and
cool-down down activities down activities cool-down
activities activities
Participation/ Consistently Frequently Occasionally Rarely displays a
Motivation displays a displays a positive, displays a positive, positive,
(D-2) positive, enthusiastic attitude enthusiastic attitude enthusiastic
enthusiastic towards all towards all attitude towards
attitude towards activities and activities and all activities and
all activities and games games games