The Fishkeeper - May-June 2022

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A Pond for Koi or a Pond for Ducks!

THE MAY/JUNE ‘22 Vol. 13/No. 03

For the Aquarist: Freshwater & Marine

The website for the aquarist

An Insight into


An Aquascape that
appears relatively
unchanged after

Breeding the Neon Goby! Care and Reproduction of

Amphiprion ocellaris! May/June 2022 the fishkeeper 1

While mandarins are often found
in small groups or pairs in the wild,
males are intolerant of each other
in the confines of an aquarium.

Terrarium Plants 101...pg28

Should I Feed Mice or Rats?

Vol. 13 | No. 03 | May/June

Subscribe online at
The Bamboo
care and breeding

The Bushmaster


the #1 reptile and exotic
pet website


Pg. 08
Tarantula Cages Pg. 38


2 the fishkeeper May/June 2022

For the Aquarist: Freshwater & Marine
South Africa’s only magazine for marine and freshwater aquarium hobbyists.

MAY/JUNE Vol 13 / No 3/ 2022



We all have questions when it comes to fishkeeping so due to
popular demand we have decided to start up a new section within
Amphiprion ocellaris or the Common clownfish has to be one of the magazine where we do our best to answer the questions that
the most well known marine species available to the aquarist. you our readers have.
Predominantly due to the movie series Finding Nemo. Being
easily available, hardy and prolific breeders in captivity, makes
them a great starting species for any aquarist looking to wet
their feet in marine fish breeding.
The Neon Goby proves to be a highly sort after species due to its
minute size making it suitable for nano aquariums upwards. They
also prove to be rather hardy and a relatively easy species to
breed, adding to their popularity.

Marine Aquaculture has been a field which has seen huge
developments overt the last decade. Species that were
considered virtually impossible to rear within the home aquarium
in the past, have now been produced regularly for the trade. This
takes a lot of pressure off reef systems. For species such as the
04 From the Editor
Yellow tang which are now banned from being collected in the 05 About the Editor
wild, captive breeding now provides a hugely popular species
that would otherwise be impossible to get.
38 Advertiser’s Index May/June 2022 the fishkeeper 3

F irst of all, before I dive into this edition of TheFishkeeper, I must
apologize for the late release. Over the course of the last 6 weeks,
my city in particular has been hit by some of the worst floods we have
Volume 13 | Number 03
had in over 100 years. This caused instances where we were without May/June 2022
water or electricity for up to two weeks at a time in some instances. Managing Editor
This obviously makes fishkeeping rather challenging, with the production Design Layout
levels in our fishroom becoming stagnant over the period. This I put down Advertisements
to the potential quality of the water and therefore additional chemicals Subscriptions
being added which impacted the fecundity of our breeding fish. Sales
Matt Needham
For this our third edition of the year, we decided to dedicate this issue Proof Reading
to marine aquaculture. Marine aquaculture has come on in leaps and Liaquat H Sain
bounds in the last few years especially. This is due to the dedication
of a good few notable individuals and the businesses and research
institutes they work for. As technology and the availability of certain food Contact the Editor at
items increases, the breakthroughs in the rearing of captive bred marine
ornamental species grows as well. In particular, the discovery in the use for any inquiries on advertising,
of the copepod Parvocalanus crassirostris, has resulted in numerous sales etc
species being reared such as various large and small angelfish, certain
tangs, mandarins and so forth. This is a massive boost for the industry
and we cannot wait to see what other breakthroughs are just around the
corner. Disclaimer: The Editor and
Publishers of The Fishkeeper do
not accept any liability whatsoever
We hope you enjoy this issue. with regard to any statement, fact,
advertisement or recommendation
made in this magazine and do not
We would like to hear from you. Please contact us with any topics you necessarily agree with the viewpoints
would like to see within the magazine and we will do our best to provide expressed by contributors to The
Fishkeeper magazine.
them for you. Also do not be shy in sending us your aquatic questions,
yours may get selected to feature within TheFishkeeper.

I hope you enjoy this issue! Happy reading, and happy fishkeeping! © 2022 by The Fishkeeper. All rights
reserved. Reproduction of any
The Editor material from this issue in whole or in
part is strictly prohibited.

“a righteous man cares for the

needs of his animals,”


Subscribe now!
Email us at editor@thefishkeeper. for info on how to subscribe,
alternatively you can purchase your
subscription off Pocketmags or on
TheFishkeeper app which can be
found on Google play store and
Apple’s equivalent.
Issue Colour Adverts Cover Photo:
July/August 20 May Clownfish eggs
September/October 20 July
November/December 20 September

4 the fishkeeper May/June 2022

About the Editor!
Matt Needham was born in Durban, South
Africa in 1985. His passion for fish began
at a very young age with picking up his first
aquarium at the age of 10 as a Christmas
present. Around the time he was 16 he had
20 tanks and had started working at his
local petshop on weekends, where he was
approached to run their fish section.
Once he had finished school he attended
the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal where
he acquired a degree in Environmental
sciences life stream. During this period he
had purchased approximately 100 tanks and
had begun to breed freshwater Angelfish on
a commercial scale, with around 20 pairs
spawning. After University he moved to the
UK for a couple of seasons to pursue his
cricket career and unfortunately shut down
his breeding operation where he bred well
over 50 different species of fish with great
success, with the majority of these being Above and Below: The Editor with two different species of Loricariidae
Cichlids. During this period he studied a found along tributaries of the Rio Negro river, Brazil.
Diploma in Ichthyology through the Institute
of Animal Health Care in the UK. SeaWorld under SAAMBR. He started working there
On his arrival back into the country in 2010, he as an intern in January 2011 of which he then received
inquired about a potential position at uShaka a full time position as an Aquarist in the aquarium from
April that year, where he works with various species
of marine fish, elasmobranchs, corals and other
invertebrate species. During his time at SAAMBR he
has been involved with numerous projects ranging
from the reproduction of fish at the aquarium and
helping ORI with coral work in Sodwana Bay. In 2017
he won an award at the Pan African Association for
Zoos and Aquaria conferance for his presentation on
the captive spawning of the coral Acropora appressa
and linking it to the wild.
In 2013 Matt was invited along as a representative
on an Amazon fisheries project called Project Piaba.
The goal of the project was to help the local fisherman
improve their methods of capturing wild caught
specimens for the aquarium hobby. In doing this it kept
them in a self sustainable industry instead of moving
over to destructive practices such as forestry and
Matt has well over 20 years of experience in the
commercial trade and breeding of ornamental fish
and has regularly contributed to The Fishkeeper over
the years. He was approached mid way through 2019
with regards to taking over the production of The
Fishkeeper. May/June 2022 the fishkeeper 5


Care and
Reproduction of
Amphiprion ocellaris!

6 the fishkeeper May/June 2022

Amphiprion ocellaris or Nemo as many
now refer to this species, is a hardy
clownfish species which provides a nice
introduction into marine fish breeding. May/June 2022 the fishkeeper 7

lownfish, also known as occupants will be chased away “Clownfish can
C anemone fish, belong to
the Pomacentridae family.
Amphiprion ocellaris exist in the
from the area in which the anemone
and clownfish have settled. be kept and bred
in relatively small
Indo-Pacific region from China In the Aquarium
down through the Indonesian Maintenance of Amphiprion aquaria due to
islands and to the coast of Australia. ocellaris does not pose any
problems with them being viewed their affinity to
An inhabitant of coral reefs, as one of the easiest species to
Amphiprion ocellaris are usually get into the marine hobby with.
stay in one spot,
found amongst anemones They are an extremely hardy fish, usually within
of the genera Heteractis and which tend to enjoy a fairly strong
Stichodactyla which provide a current within the aquarium. Their their anemone.
home and protection from would
be predators in return for left-over
introduction to a reef tank with an
established anemone will provide a
One key aspect
food. It’s immunity to the sting of lovely spectacle as they pond with of breeding
the anemone and call it home. A
clownfish is that
the anemone derives from the fact
that clownfish smear themselves, Sociable species they are known
little by little, with the mucus of to give any new additions to the the vast majority
the anemone until they become aquarium a hard time, but not to
accustomed to it. A good-sized the level that would cause any do not need
anemone may be able to provide problems. A pair can be kept quite
shelter from a couple dozen easily within a nano aquarium of an anemone in
juveniles but eventually one pair 10gallons or more, although a order to spawn
will establish themselves and chase bigger aquarium of 40 gallons of
the rest away. The same applies to more should be provided should successfully.”Nelize Van Driel
the aquarium, where all other tank you wish to keep more species.

8 the fishkeeper May/June 2022

Feeding Pixabay
Its appetite is quite encouraging A Pair of Amphiprion ocellaris within
with most their anemone.
Dwarf flagifcichlid
not allLaetacara
individuals that
curviceps with fry
are available being captive bred
and relishing most food options
that are provided from dry food
to frozen fare. They will generally
come to feed as soon as there is
food within the aquarium. They will
relish live prey such as brine shrimp
but will thoroughly enjoy frozen
mysis shrimp, krill and small pieces
of mussel. They will adapt to most
types of frozen food. Subsequently
their diet can be supplemented with
various quality dried foods which
will provide a lot of the essential
vitamins and minerals which may be
missing from frozen foods. Variety is
key, with a nice varied diet providing
everything this species will require.

A couple? No problem
Clownfish possess a particularly
surprising physiological
characteristic; they are protandric
hermaphrodites which means they
are capable of changing sex in a
functional way. They are all born
as males with the most dominant
individual turning into a female
through the influence of heirarchical
relationships within the community.
If this female is removed from the
group, the next most dominant
individual will become a female
and so on. This is attractive to
the aquarist as the purchase of a
juvenile pair inevitably results in the
formation of a couple.

Providing the right conditions

Clownfish can be kept and bred
in relatively small aquaria due to
their affinity to stay in one spot,
usually within their anemone. One
key aspect of breeding clownfish is
that the vast majority do not need
an anemone in order to spawn
successfully. Many breeders use
flower pots or a cave like structure
built with tiles. This will give the pair
the security they require.
A 3ft tank divided into 3 sections
on a central filtration system will
provide a perfect aquarium in which
to spawn this species and some of May/June 2022 the fishkeeper 9

Above: The Darwin or Black version of Amphiprion
ocellaris. This is a wild colour variety which is only found
off the coast of Darwin in Australia.

Right: Amphiprion ocellaris eggs which are close to

hatching. This can be seen by the noticable silvery eyes
of the larvae within their eggs.
the other smaller types. The central filtration
system will provide the extra water volume to
aid in the reduction in ammonia, nitrites and
nitrates. Saying this, the filtration system will
require certain items to make it perform up to

The essential items that will be required for the

filtration system would some form of mechanical
filtration to capture any particulate matter which
may enter the sump. This can be performed by
filter socks or simple filter pads which are readily
available. Biological filtration can be performed
using various options such as live rock, sand
beds, bio balls, ceramic rings, a trickle filter
and so forth. All of these options will provide
a sufficient area which will allow denitrifying
bacteria to live and perform their task.

A constant water temperature will need to also

be provided which a simple heater with sufficient

10 the fishkeeper May/June 2022

Tim Smith

wattage placed in the sump is more than capable

of handling. General rule here, is to provide at
least 1Watt per litre of water within the system. In
some case, multiple heaters may be required.

Tim Smith Ther pair will begin by cleaning their chosen
spawning site from what you have provided. This
could be within a clay pot or close to the protection
of an anemone if one has been provided. They will
generally tend to select a spot where the feel there
is ample protection from any would be predators.
After a long courtship, the pair will tend to start
the spawning process towards the end of the
day, before the lights are turned off. This would
generally be as the reef starts to quieting down,
lessoning the chance of being disturbed by many
species that would find the eggs a nice little snack.

The female will lay a string of eggs at a time with

the male closely following behind to fertilize them.
After a couple of hours, several hundred eggs
may have been deposited.

Once the egg laying process is complete, the pair

will remove any of the eggs that are not fertilized
or die off. They will continue to do this until they
Tim Smith
hatch, along with keeping the area around the May/June 2022 the fishkeeper 11

eggs pristine and free of any and water quality. Once this stage as well as natural selection in
debris. They will vigorously aerate is over, the young will start to the wild. Some of the original
the eggs using their pectoral fins or develop the colour of their parents “designer clown” morphs were
by gently chewing on them which and can be fed a variety of food infact naturally found on the reefs.
aids in removing any debris from items especially good quantities of These interesting individuals which
the surface of the egg. artemia nauplii once they reach a differed in their pattern started a
length of 5mm. large craze where there are now
Six to nine days will pass before an array of new pattern morphs
the eggs will begin to hatch. This Designer clowns and colours available to the hobby.
period can be determined by the Overtime a large variety of “designer This provides a fascinating project
temperature of the water, with clownfish” have come into the to any breeder who has an interest
warmer temperatures tending hobby through selective breeding in genetics.
to speed up the developmental
process. The eggs of parents should
be removed from the spawning
tank as the parents will prey upon
their young after hatching. You
can get the hatch date timing pretty
close as the eggs will become a
sparkling silver colouration and you
will be able to see the larvae’s eyes
within the eggs. The tank should be
put onto a closed system to prevent
any of the larvae from being sucked
out of the aquarium. The larvae will
break away from their egg casings
a couple of hours after lights off
and have an affinity for light. This
makes collection of them rather
easy within a reef aquarium.

Feeding the larvae

Feeding often becomes the most
challenging aspect of marine fish
breeding with many species only Above: A pair of the Snowflake morph
able to eat the tiniest of organisms
Below: The Wyoming white designer morph
as a first feed due to their minute
size. Some species are even
picky when it comes to their food,
preferring to dine on a specific food
item over all others.

Luckily Amphiprion ocellaris larvae

are not that fussy and infact are one
of the easier species to get feeding
after hatching. The fry can be fed
rotifers, particularly the species
Brachionus plicatilis. As they will
be required in their numbers, it is
best to make sure you have a good
culture of rotifers going before
looking to raise any larvae.

After 7 to 11 days the larvae

begin to change. This is a critical
stage at which point their success
depends on their Nutritional health

12 the fishkeeper May/June 2022 May/June 2022 the fishkeeper 13
Planted Tank

An Aquascape that
Appears Relatively
Unchanged after
By: Aqua Design Amano

14 the fishkeeper May/June 2022

Since Nature Aquarium Gallery in Niigata holds many aquascapes, trimming is done in succession. Depending
on the timing of a visit, visitors may see some aquascapes soon after trimming. In light of this situation, Amano
came up with the idea of producing an aquascape that does not appear very different before and after trimming.
It is possible to create an aquascape that appears relatively unchanged by using driftwood or stones with a
strong impression in the middle ground.

Tank Data Water change: 1/3 once a week

Water quality: Temperature: 25ºC; pH: 6.8; TH:
Aquarium: Cube Garden W90 x D45 x H60 50 mg/l
Lighting: Solar RGB x 2 units, turned on for 10 Aquatic Plants
hours per day Hemianthus micranthemoides
Filter: Super Jet Filter ES-1200 (Bio Rio M, NA Hemianthus callitrichoides “Cuba”
Carbon) Rotala sp. (Ceylon)
Substrate: Aqua Soil Amazonia, Power Sand Anubias barteri var. nana “Yellow Heart”
Advance, Bacter 100, Clear Super, Tourmaline BC
CO2: Pollen Glass Beetle 30, 3 bubbles per Fish
second via CO2 Beetle Counter (using Tower) Nematobrycon lacortei
Aeration: 14 hours after the light is turned off Crossocheilus oblongus
using Lily Pipe P-4 Otocinclus sp.
Additives: Brighty K; Green Brighty Iron Caridina multidentata

Maintaining and Enjoying an Aquascape That Changes Over Time

Driftwood caught on rocks and mosses growing on a fallen tree are scenery often seen in nature. This aquascape
conjures up such a drama of nature. We find Willow Moss spreading gradually over driftwood and stones or the
stiff roots of Anubias taking roots on driftwood while maintaining an aquascape for a long time. Stem plants are
trimmed by taking the overall balance of a layout in consideration. The growth of stem plants can vary after
trimming, and consequently the appearance of an aquascape changes as well. May/June 2022 the fishkeeper 15

[The appearance of the aquascape
two months after the initial setup]

The stem plants and undergrowth plants

do not look as dense as in the finished
aquascape due to the short time since
the initial setup. However, the overall
impression of the aquascape is very
similar because of the well-constructed
middle ground.

[The appearance of the

aquascape after one year]

More than one year has passed

since the initial setup, and the
Willow Moss that has grown over the
entire driftwood adds a very natural
atmosphere to the aquascape.
Ceylon Rotala is maintained without
having to replant its new shoots
since it tolerates repeated trimming
very well.

16 the fishkeeper May/June 2022

[The appearance of the aquascape after one year]

More than one year has passed since the initial setup, and the Willow Moss that has grown over the entire
driftwood adds a very natural atmosphere to the aquascape. Ceylon Rotala is maintained without having to
replant its new shoots since it tolerates repeated trimming very well.

A Tip for Making All the Stem Plants in a Layout Appear Luxuriant

When a number of different types of stem plants are grown together in a layout, fast growing stem plants often
engulf the slow growing ones and cause them to decline. To prevent this, slow growing stem plants should be cut
to a somewhat longer length and planted at the initial planting time. They should also be cut at a higher location
than their fast growing counterparts during trimming. Although this takes an extra effort, all the stem plants will
grow and look luxuriant at the same time.

Tank Data
Aquarium: Cube Garden W180 x D60 x H60 (cm) Water quality: Temperature: 25ºC; pH: 6.8; TH:
Lighting: Solar RGB x 4 units, turned on for 10 20 mg/l
hours per day
Filter: Super Jet Filter ES-2400 (Bio Rio L, NA Aquatic Plants:
Carbon) Rotala nanjean
Substrate: La Plata Sand, Aqua Soil Amazonia, Rotala rotundifolia (Green)
Power Sand Advanced L, Bacter 100, Clear Super Rotala sp. (Ceylon)
, Tourmaline BC Rotala rotundifolia
CO2: Pollen Glass Beetle 50, 6 bubbles per Myriophyllum mattogrossense (Green)
second via CO2 Beetle Counter (using Tower) Gratiola sp.
Aeration: 14 hours after the light is turned off Pogostemon sp. “Dassen”
using Lily Pipe P-6 Anubias barteri var. nana “Petit”
Additives: Brighty K; Green Brighty Iron Bolbitis heudelotii
Water change: 1/3 once a week Microsorum sp. (Narrow Leaf) May/June 2022 the fishkeeper 17

Paracheirodon simulans Crossocheilus oblongus
Hemigrammus armstrongi Otocinclus sp.
Hyphessobrycon sweglesi Caridina multidentata
Trim Each Cluster of Stem Plants by Type

It is fine to trim all stem plants at the same time in the same way if an aquascape composed of stem plants is to
be maintained for a short period of time. However, layouts are created in the Nature Aquarium Gallery based on
the idea of maintaining the aquascape attractively for a long period of time. If stem plants with different growth
speeds and tolerance against trimming were cut in the same manner, a well-balanced and attractive aquascape
cannot be maintained. Therefore, aquatic plants are trimmed by type to tidy up the appearance of each cluster.

[The appearance of the aquascape four months after the initial setup]

The aquarium environment is maintained in good condition, and various stem plants seem to be growing
vigorously. The key point for maintenance is to add liquid fertilizers regularly to prevent the color of leaves from
turning pale.

18 the fishkeeper May/June 2022

[The appearance of the aquascape after one year]

The appearance of the aquascape right after trimming stem plants. One year has passed since the initial setup.
The aquascape is maintained with periodic trimming.

The appearance of the stem plants shortly

after trimming. The place that looks like
a valley is the boundary between Rotala
nanjean and Green Rotala.

The appearance of the stem plant bushes

observed from the back of the aquarium.
The key point in trimming is to cut fast
growing stem plants short and slow growing
ones somewhat longer. May/June 2022 the fishkeeper 19


An Insight
into Marine
Marine aquaculture has seen many breakthroughs
in recent times as new technology and food items
become far easier to obtain.

20 the fishkeeper May/June 2022

he reproductive behaviour of coral reef fish the Hawaii oceanic institute to name a few, have
is far from being unique and is a reflection started to have success in getting species that
of the rich variety of their environment. were previously considered practically impossible
to rear through to adulthood. This is a massive
One of the main characteristics of certain species boost for the marine trade and hobby.
is that their sex can change as they mature.
In addition, mating displays and spawning can Familes
vastly differ according to the family. In some Pomacentridae
cases, the young are abandoned, whereas in This family groups together the clownfish and
others they are protected by their parents. damselfish species. The fry are generally fairly
easy to raise, even for the beginner marine
Thus, we can see the reproduction in coral reef breeder. With clownfish it is rather easy to
species does not follow any specific rule set obtain a pair due to them being protogynous
but presents a multitude of radically different hermaphrodites, whereabouts all are born male
examples. and the most dominant individual will become the
female. Sex change also appears to have been
Over the last few years there have been noted amongst damselfish species.
significant breakthroughs with regards to the
rearing of marine ornamental fish. Companies Gobiidae
and institutes such as Biota, ORA, Pomalabs and These little fish are particularly highly valued

Bangaii Cardinalfish male holding

eggs. May/June 2022 the fishkeeper 21

when it comes to stocking a reef aquarium. the Caribbean.
Breeding them is relatively easy as it has the
considerable advantage of being done in tanks Pseudochromidae
that are considered small for marine species. With their bright colours, fish from this family
These fish are ideal for the amateur who may are extremely popular within the hobby. Forming
be making their first attempt at breeding marine a pair can prove challenging as there are no
species. Feeding the larvae may still prove obvious differences between the sexes. The
rather difficult as with most, although some problem arises generally for the amateur breeder,
species have been known to accept artemia who may have difficulty in buying enough adults
nauplii shortly after hatching. The easiest and separating them over time as they can be
gobies to reproduce are those within the genus rather aggressive when pair forming. Pair forming
Gobiosoma, brightly coloured and hailing from should ideally be done in very large tanks, or

Juvenile Bangaii Cardinal are released within a

longspine sea urchin. This urchin will then offer
them protection from predators. Pixabay

TimTim Smith

22 the fishkeeper May/June 2022

Designer Clownfish has become a large industry
partitioned into sections for
with their being a number of pattern and colour match making attempts.
morphs of species such as the Maroon, Percula
and Ocellaris Clownfish. Grammidae
Gramma loreto and Gramma
melacara are the most well-
known members of this
family which is endemic to
the Caribbean region. They
reproduce in a very similar
way to the Pseudochromidae,
so will present similar

Other varieties
Callionymidae, whose
most famous member is
Synchiropus splendidus do
reproduce, although their
larvae prove a lot harder to
get through than the species
described above. A few
individuals have managed
to recently get this species
through in numbers, utilizing
copepod nauplii as a first feed
for the larvae.

Plesiopidae reproduce with

some degree of success.
They have the unusual
characteristic of incubating
Pixabay their eggs in their mouths, like
many african lake cichlids.

Other species that practice

the method of mouthbrooding
are the Apogonidae. This
family includes the ever-
popular Banggai cardinalfish,
Pterapogon kauderni. This
species has some of the
easiest fry to raise which
will go straight onto artemia
nauplii once the male
releases them. Many of the
Apogonidae species prove
fairly easy to raise with a vast
portion of their larvae going
straight onto rotifers as a first
food source.

Sexuality amongst various

The sexual life of marine fish
can be very complicated with
hermaphroditism being fairly May/June 2022 the fishkeeper 23

Newly released baby Banggai’s
take refuge amongst the spines
of a sea urchin.

A massive breakthrough has been in the captive breeding

of the Yellow Tang. This species is endemic to Hawaii
where wild collection has now been banned.


widespread amongst species. A good example fish, at a value of 9% to 1%.

is of the numerous species of clownfish in the
genuses Amphiprion and Premnas. These Breeding set ups
popular species start their lives as males. The Fortunately, the majority of species mentioned
dominant individual will then acquire functional earlier are able to be bred in aquariums as small
feminine characteristics. These are known as as 10 gallons. This is due to two individuals
protandrous hermaphrodites. pairing off and generally residing within a small
territory which even in the wild that do not
Conversely, Anthias are protogynous venture far from.
hermaphrodites, will all juveniles starting off as
females and the more dominant individuals turn Certain other species such as those from the
into males. Due to this a harem style structure damselfish group as well as Banggai cardinalfish,
results within the community. do exceptionally well in larger set ups. Banggai
cardinals do very well within a long vat like set
Protogynous hermaphroditism accounts for a up, where a colony can establish itself. This
greater percentage of transsexualism in marine species is bred in this manner for the trade in

24 the fishkeeper May/June 2022

places its eggs within the coral species of Angelfish, Surgeons
branches. and Butterflies. Other species are
demersal spawners, preferring
“Most species Courtship and spawning to lay their eggs on a surface of
The tactics employed to attract some sort and offering protection
from the reef go a partner are varied. The first until they hatch. The clownfish,
thing a male needs to prove to damsels, gobies, blennies and
through a stage the female he intends to court, dottybacks are species that spawn
of pelagic life of is that he is the individual with in this manner.
the best genetics. To do this,
which very little is he will attempt to drive out all Protection and rearing of young
actually known.” the intruders that venture into
the territory that he has marked
The strategies adopted by
marine species with regards to
out for himself. The role of the protection of the fry are quite
males colouration is also of great unusual. Most species spawn
importance when it comes to mate within the open water column;
selection although coral fish’s their millions of eggs and larvae
colouration tends to serve more for drifting with the plankton, with the
confusing predators then attracting fry only returning to the reef once
These set ups are best put onto
partners. However, many fish do metamorphosis/settlement has
a central filtration system with
tend to change colours in order taken place. The vast portion of
all the required equipment such
to encourage a female to lay her fry ending up as a snack for the
as a decent protein skimmer,
eggs. Dascyllus trimaculatus or numerous creatures that exist
mechanical and biological
the Domino, undergo a complete within the ocean. The egg number
filtration, heating if required and a
colour inversion, from a black being inversely proportional to
return pump to pump water back
background with three white spots, the degree of protection. Thus,
to the breeding tanks from the
to a greyish background with three fish which lay their eggs on the
sump system.
black spots. substrate produce relatively small
numbers of fry in comparison to
Tank décor should be minimal with
The rest of mating displays consist pelagic spawners, as they take
only the essentials supplied such
of provocative movements. care of the eggs and in some
as spawning areas and potentially
Many species spawn in open species the larvae.
some extra décor like pvc pipes to
water and are known as pelagic
add a little security.
spawners, such as the various Damsels and Clownfish for one,
Prepping to spawn
Among demersal spawners, Below: A great example of a well presented Clownfish breeding set up.
several rituals may proceed
the laying of eggs. First off, the
spawning area has to be cleaned
up to a pair’s standard. Algae
and encrusted organisms are
meticulously removed. Gobies,
which lay their eggs within
burrows, tend to hide the entrance
behind a mound of substrate that
has be placed strategically. With
Gramma loreto, the breeding pair
create a cosy shelter which is
carpeted with the debris of algae.

Other fish may seek out the

protection from other species,
such as the relationship between
clownfish and anemones.
The yellow coral goby (Gobidion
okinawae) clears the living tissue
from a branch of coral. Here it May/June 2022 the fishkeeper 25

pick out any eggs which are dead,
or have been attacked by fungus
whilst regularly aerating the good

Bangaii cardinalfish take it as far

as protecting the larvae within
the confines of the male’s mouth,
until they reach quite an advanced
stage of development and are then
released into the protection of a
long spined sea urchin.

Larval Feeding
One of the main difficulties
faced is the initial feeding of the
larvae. A lot of species can be
reared utilizing rotifers (genus
Brachionus). An initial culture
of unicellular algae such as
Nannochloropsis sp or Isochrysis
sp will need to be set up as a With growth comes an increased Above: Captive bred Pacific blue
food source for rotifers. Once food requirement and therefore tangs. Pixabay
this is established, a culture of larger waste production.
rotifers can be set up which will Bottom: Captive bred Royal
be fed the algae. The rotifers Gramma
Difficulties in reproduction
should multiply extremely quickly The very principle on which the which they feed and develop
and will provide a great first food reproduction of marine fish is during this transitional period
item for the larvae of clownfish, based, poses a hindrance to their is not fully understood for the
pseudochromids and so forth. breeding within the confines of the majority of species.
It is essential to maintain a few aquarium.
cultures of algae and rotifers as The fish that tend to be the
backups, just in case one culture Most species from the reef go easier of the species to spawn
does crash which can happen. through a stage of pelagic life and rear, are for a greater part
of which very little is actually those species that watch over
The rotifers can either be drip known. The eggs and fry drift in their eggs and in cases fry and
fed into the larval system or the currents before eventually are not scattered into the open
a quantity fed at once. This is returning to the reef. The way in ocean.
often measured out as a certain
number of rotifers per milliliter at
many institutions but for the home
aquarist, your gut feel is good
enough. With these foods being
live, it is very hard to foul the water
unless there has been excessive

Once the larvae are past the

critical stage of metamorphosis,
they can be weaned onto artemia
nauplii which is preferably
enriched if held for longer than
24 hrs. This is due to the artemia
losing its Nutrional value as it
Regular water changes will need
to be conducted as the fish grow. Pixabay

26 the fishkeeper May/June 2022

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Your Questions
Send your questions through to and
we may pick yours to feature.


Q Is it necessary for the Common clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) to have their own anemone in order to

A In the wild, clownfish are generally always found associated with anemones. They tend to lay their eggs
on rocks or dead coral that is very close to the anemone. This provides a sense of security and aids in
keeping potential predators at bay. Whilst it is aesthetically pleasing to house clowns with their own anemone,
it is not entirely necessary. Many of the clownfish that you may come across at your local pet shop or fish store,
have been captive bred and have never experienced an anemone. In fact, the majority of farms breed clownfish
without the use of an anemone but rather offer something such as a clay pot.


28 the fishkeeper May/June 2022


Q On the shelves of my local shop, I have seen a product called Ammonia chips which claim to remove the
ammonia from aquarium water. Would you recommend that I use these?

A Ammonia chips will certainly do what they claim and remove ammonia from the water. They will not
however, do away with the need for a mature filter system of suitable bacteria.
Ammonia chips are a natural resin material called zeolite. They are best used in anet bag in your canister or
internal filter. The chips will eventually become saturated with ammonia which is chemically bonded to the resin.
The resin can be regenerated by removing the bag and soaking it overnight in a brine solution.
A rinse in freshwater is then all that is required before the chips can be used again.
The zeolite chips must not be used in salt water tanks as the resin will not work or may even release some
ammonia. An aquarium using ammonia chips should not be treated with salt either as the absorbed ammonia
will then be released back into the aquarium with disastrous results. when any medications are to be added to
the aquarium, the zeolite should be removed as the medication will be absorbed, lessening its effectiveness.
Zeolite is often used by retailers and wholesalers who appreciate its ability to take up ammonia in their often-
overcrowded tanks.


Q My favourite shop has a little fish

called a panther fish. Although
not brilliantly coloured but off white with
numerous black spots, I think it is cute
and would like to add it to my collection
of clownfish and damsels. Would it get on
well with these fish?

A The panther fish or more correctly,

the Panther grouper (Chromileptis
altivelis) is indeed a striking fish. Its
head appears too small and its pectoral
fins overly large. There is however one
drawback: this cute little fish that you
are interested in soon turns into a rather
large fish. Panthers also have a very large
mouth. They will not hesitate to eat any of
their smaller tank mates and will find your
clowns and damsels a nice treat. Basically,
anything that fits in its mouth could be
considered food.

If kept in a large enough tank with large

enough tank mates, the Panther grouper
will come to recognize its owner and beg for
food whenever it sees them near the tank.
Ensure you can accommodate its potential
size and it will become an incredible pet.
Pixabay May/June 2022 the fishkeeper 29


Breed i n g t h e
Neon G o b y !

Very few marine species are known to

reproduce within the confines of an
aquarium. The Gobies of the genus
Gobiosoma fall into this category with
the Neon goby proving quite prolific.

30 the fishkeeper May/June 2022

“The male will normally keep
himself busy with the aeration
and maintenance of the eggs,
keeping them healthy and
free of any debris or fungus.”

obiosoma oceanops the ideal inhabitants for reef reproduction process within
are small gobies which aquariums and look their best the confines of a community or
come from the eastern when kept in small groups in species only aquarium, where
part of the tropical Atlantic. large tanks. several individuals are housed.
Their common name of ‘neon The addition of some pvc tubing
gobies’ derives from the long Providing the right food can of 2cm in diameter will provide
metallic band, which they sport. prove challenging, as the spots in order for pairs to lay their
Generally, they measure from 3 mouths of these fish are minute eggs. You may prefer to push
to 4cm and are often associated in nature. Due to this, they will them into the substrate to make
with the tubular sponges typical not accept larger foods such them look more natural. The
of the Caribbean. as the majority of pellet foods most important aspect to take
and even foods such as frozen into consideration when setting
Neon gobies have the habit artemia. The best bet would be the pvc tubing up, is that these
of cleaning and removing the to mince their food into smaller fish like to have an entrance
parasites from other fish in pieces or better yet provide food which is sufficiently disguised
a similar fashion to the more items such as artemia nauplii, so that they feel protected within
well-known cleaner wrasse cyclops and the likes. the confines of the tubing as they
(Labroides dimidiatus). do prefer to lay their eggs within
Prepping for reproduction natural cavities. It is necessary
In captivity, Gobiosoma are The easiest way is to start the to remove the clutch so the May/June 2022 the fishkeeper 31

tubes do need to be accessible. The presence of utilising an airstone will aid in keeping the eggs
other within the aquarium does not interfere with well oxygenated.
any part of the breeding process.
Raising the fry
Isolating the clutch After about a week, the fry will emerge from their
As soon as a breeding pair have laid, remove the egg cases. The male will continue to fan them
male along with the tube containing the clutch to for another few days until they reach the free-
a separate tank containing the same water as the swimming stage of their development. It is at this
parent tank. The filtration is best carried out by a point that is best to remove him from the tank as
mechanical filtration system of some sort, such as he may prey upon the fry.
a box filter, with the filter wool rinsed daily.
The first food for these minuscule fish will consist
The male will normally keep himself busy with the of unicellular organisms with rotifers being one
aeration and maintenance of the eggs, keeping of the most common types used in marine fish
them healthy and free of any debris or fungus. He breeding. After around two weeks the fry should
will do this by using his fins to create a current be able to wean from rotifers onto artemia nauplii
to stop dirt from settling on the eggs as well as over a course of about week. It is best to do it it
provide them with a good supply of oxygenated via this manner instead of completely swapping
water. Do not panic if you see him picking at the foods in one go as there generally is always a few
eggs as he will be removing any dead or fungused individuals which are not quite as fast growing as
eggs from the clutch. others.

If you were not able to remove the male with the After four weeks, the young should be at an
eggs, which can be quite common especially advanced enough stage for you to be safely pass
within a community system, a simple current the critical point.


32 the fishkeeper May/June 2022 May/June 2022 the fishkeeper 33

A Pond for Koi

or a Pond for
By: Angela Beckx

34 the fishkeeper May/June 2022

here are different kinds of ponds that can used for virtually any shape and size you wish to
be built using flexible pond liner for Koi or build. Pond liners are available in different micron
for Ducks if you are more of an aquatic bird and I would recommend for both Koi and Ducks a
person than a fish lover. When thinking about 500-800 micron sheeting. The stronger you go the
building a pond, it is very important to have a good longer the pond liner will last and placing an edging
plan before you start to dig. Decide which option around the liner will prolong its life further as you
you would like as the depth and filtration of the will limit the exposure to the sunlight. Pond liners
pond will be very different depending if you wish to are available in precut sizers or you can order to
keep fish or ducks in your liner pond. If you wish to size. Black and Blue are the most popular colours.
keep fish you will need around 1meter depth and
then you can add a liner bottom drain to take out Guidelines and helpful tips on how to make a
the fish waste on the floor of the pond. If you are liner pond.
only keeping Ducks then you don’t need to go as Step 1
deep for them. Dig the hole to the shape you would like for your
liner pond, and make the sides sloping rather than
When trying to find a good position for you Koi or vertical. Create plant shelves for marginal plants
duck pond try to find a place in the garden that gets and make the shelves or steps about 20 to 40cm
half a day sun and half a day shade. If the pond deep to allow for different water plant requirements.
gets full sunlight all day long the algae sometimes Make sure you use a spirit level and check the pond
can be a problem. Think about putting garden is level, if it is not level it makes it very hard for you
benches near the pond, so you can enjoy sitting to hide the liner when you are doing the edging.
peacefully and watching your Koi or Ducks swim Having shelves also helps Ducks get in and out of
around. the water with ease.

Construction Step 2
Flexible pond liners are often the most inexpensive Make sure the hole is free from sharp stones, sticks
option to build your koi or duck pond. They can be and roots and place the underlay on a 5cm layer May/June 2022 the fishkeeper 35

of umgeni sand. If you cannot get a
liner underlay, bidum has being used.
Using an underlay or bidum helps to
protect the pond liner. Place the liner
over the underlay. Lightly anchor the
liner in its position using bricks that
must be evenly distributed around
the top edge of the liner to keep it in
its place.

Step 3
Slowly add water into the pond and at
the same time pull and tuck the liner
into your desired shape. The liner will
stretch in the beginning and you can
mold it to your requirements and get
rid of some of the creases. You will
have some creases that will remain,
but overtime the natural algae will
grow over the creases and you will
not see them. Once you have molded
it get out of the pond and fill it up
completely, making sure the liner fits
closely all around. Leave it over night
to allow for proper settlement of the
liner and then cut off any excess liner “When trying to find a good position for
with scissors or a knife. Remember you Koi or duck pond try to find a place
to leave a minimum of 60cm overlap
for anchorage. in the garden that gets half a day sun
Step 4
and half a day shade.”
Once the liner settles in you need to
leave it for few days to settle and then
you can begin the edging. Slabs and
paving stones are a popular choice.
Other options like, flat rocks, river
pebbles, smooth boulders, rocks of
different shapes and sizes all help to
hide the edging of the liner and give
the pond a natural look.

Step 5
If you are going to add fish to your
pond then you need to install a pump
and filter. If you have built a large
pond you will connect the liner drain
to the filter system. Smaller systems
you will just place your pump inside
the pond and connect it to your filter
and UV light. The filter will trap the
dirt and fish waste and the UV light
will prevent the pond from going
green. If you are just going to keep
Ducks then you do not have to have
a filtration system but it is advised
as the pond will get dirty very fast
without it. Pixabay

36 the fishkeeper May/June 2022 May/June 2022 the fishkeeper 37
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We specialize in:
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40 the fishkeeper May/June 2022

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