Formulation of the State indicators and action plans by respective Departments (12th June, 2018)
Preparation of draft SDG Report titled "Towards Building Capacities, Enhancing Freedom, and
accelerating Development: Meghalaya Vision 2030“ (Ongoing)
• Improve range of schemes for enhancing poverty alleviation, including access to social assistance services, financial services and skill
development, while enhancing community participation in development programme
• Increase crop production through improved integrated farming systems, knowledge backstopping, irrigation and farm mechanization,
implementation of Supplementary Nutrition Programme supported by strong monitoring and follow-up systems
• Implementation of the 4th phase of the Megha Health Insurance Schemes and increasing integrated Antenatal Care coverage and First
Referral Units for, improving medical facilities and personnel for rural areas
Implementation of non-formal preschool education, increasing scholarships for enrolment into higher education, enrolment of women
candidates in government Industrial Training Institutes and short term courses, and increasing no. of learning institutions across the state
Public sensitization gender issues, establishment of One Stop Centre Schemes and Women Helpline across all districts, skill
development and enhance access to financial services for women, and Opening of Gender Budget Cell in Social Welfare Department
Repair, Renovation and Restoration schemes to enhance the storage capacity of water bodies; Promotion of rain water harvesting for water
stressed highland areas; Augmentation of field delivery system through central schemes like CAD & WM, construction of sanitation
Leveraging central schemes and funding from multi-lateral agencies to improve power infrastructure in rural areas and increase adoption of
renewable energy, implementation of differential tariff to offer affordable energy and attract investments into sector
Skill development and sector specific training for women and youth across the state and developing support mechanisms for industry and
corporate tie-ups, development of supply chain and market linkage, establishment of a Start-up Cell
SEZ in Shillong for farming of herbal, aromatic and ginger varieties, leading to production of drugs and aromatic products for export,,
enhancement of connectivity through new roads and bridges, establishment of multi-sector industrial parks by private sector on PPP mode,
promotion of innovation, technology development and dissemination of knowledge through new and existing Regional Centres of Excellence,
focus on projects with large coverage and limited time consumption in agricultural, community development and other sectors.
Improved access to housing schemes with robust follow-up mechanism to gauge coverage, creation of green parks for senior citizens under
AMRUT Mission, increase coverage of the Master Plan
• Carbon footprint study of the entire state conducted to establish the baseline for future actions, State Action Plan on Climate Change
(SAPCC) formulated and the State Council on Climate Change and Sustainable Development established;
• Launching of IEC based campaigns to enhance public awareness to encourage the use of local sustainable products and services that
generate local employment and benefits; launch of three green campaigns by the Hon’ble Chief Minister - 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle),
One Citizen One Tree, and Education curriculum for Nature
• Establishing of 40 numbers of community based mini-compost plan covering a population of 8 Lakhs communities, Initiating rigorous
segregation of waste at household levels in urban areas with a coverage of 70% households, Implementation of World Bank funded
community led landscape management project; Development of eco-tourism sector and skilling of local youth in eco-tourism
• Meghalaya Climate Change Centre (MCCC) has been established under the National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem
(NMSHE), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India; MCCC is also engaged in conducting training and awareness on
climate change for various stakeholders
• Rejuvenation and climate proofing of spring-sheds for livelihood, water and food security in Meghalaya under National Adaptation Fund
for Climate Change (NAFCC)
Broad Strategies
• Reduction of number of intentional homicide per 100,000 population through awareness campaigns and counseling programs.
• Installation of CCTVs at all the District Jails to monitor and track the activities at several points.
• Construction of Central Jail at Shillong and District Jails in all the newly carved districts for effective and smooth functioning
• Construction of a Training Institute for Prisons Officers. Instructors for various field would be appointed to impart training to the
• Enhancing the disposal of 50% pending cases in all the Districts through existing Child Welfare Committees by organizing Special
Drive Hearing.
• Setting up of women police stations and special units in all Districts to combat crime against women and children.
• Establishing monitoring system to ensure and evaluate the services provided by CCIs/Childline.
• Installation of E-Prisons Software in all the District Jails to ensure transparency and accountability in the system.
• Combating all forms of organized crime through robust ICT system, strengthening the available resources, legal system, etc.
• Enhancing robust ICT system to ensure accountability and transparency at all levels.
• Ensuring 80% involvement of Community Beneficiaries in Social audit for assessing the schemes and projects.
• Tracking and Monitoring the percentage of responded RTI queries and ensuring transparency through ICT modules/systems.
• Implementation of the Meghalaya Community Participation & Public Services Social Audit Act, 2017
• Evidence-based policy making through social audits: The NSAP pension beneficiaries are given parity along with the beneficiaries
of CM’s Social Assistance Programme. Over 57,000 people benefited under this scheme
• 1917-iTEAM project - a disruptive innovation project for connecting farmers with markets, logistics and extension
• Establishing of single window public interface agency – EFCs
• SRS (Systematic Review System) - District level Comprehensive Review Meetings by Cabinet Ministers
• Establishing of Meghalaya Climate Change Centre
• Bottom 20 approach under MGNREGA for inclusive development and for creating sustainable livelihoods assets.
• Meghalaya State Aquaculture Mission (MSAM)
• Apiculture Mission
• Last-mile Connectivity through plastic cell technology (under Megha Lamp)
• Field Level Leadership Development Initiative (FiLDI)
• Agri-Horti Missions (Lakadiong, Jackfruit, Mushroom and Seed Missions)
• Spring-shed rejuvenation – INRM
• Mission Organic