Internship Report MBAa.1

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Internship Report

Integrated Security Services Limited.
Supervised By

Ms. Julia Parvin

Assistant Professor
Department of Marketing
Faculty of Business Studies
Premier University Chittagong.

Submitted By

Sufi Md. Saif Uddin

ID: 2004220302158
Major: Marketing
Program: MBA Batch: 42th
Premier University

Date Of Submission
10th October, 2022

Date – 10th October, 2022
Ms. Julia Parvin
Assistant Professor
Department of Marketing
Department of Business Administration
Premier University, Chittagong.

Subject: Submission of the Internship report on “Integrated Security Services Limited.”

Dear Madam,
With due respect, this is to inform you that, in accordance to your advice I have prepared this
term paper report on " Integrated Security Services Limited”. I am grateful to Madam for giving
me this nice opportunity to work on this report. I have tried myself to explain my learning and

I sincerely hope that you will accept the Internship report and also hope that my work will come
up to the level of your expectations. Although I have tried my best, certain mistakes and
inconveniences may reside and for this I seek pardon and hope the department will accept my


Sufi Mohammad Saif Uddin
ID: 2004220302158
Program: MBA, Batch: 42th
Marketing Department
Faculty of Business Administration
Premier University.


First of all I would like to thank the almighty Allah that I am enabling enough to do this term
paper report. I am great deal of gratitude to my supervisor Ms. Julia Parvin, Assistant Professor,
Marketing department, Premier University, Chittagong. Ma’am offered me constant guidance
and many insightful and constructive observations throughout the study. Basically, her support,
encouragement and availability to discuss ideas and problems have contributed much in
completing this study. Ma’am always kept me on task and pointing out me back to my research
objectives. Her advice drives me to enrich the report with information.

Finally, I would like to add few more words saying that this report is prepared by novice and
naturally there could be unwilling errors and omissions which are extremely belonging to me.

Table Of Contents

Chapter Content Page

1 Introduction 5

2 Overview of Integrated Security Services Ltd. 7

3 Services 10

4 Clients 12

5 Organization Charts 16

6 Recruitment & Selection Procedure 20

7 Recruitment & Training Module 24

8 Training School 31

9 Growth & Future 36

10 Health Safety & Environment Policy 38

11 Welfare Scheme for ISSL Employees 48

12 Products of ISSL 52

13 Role of Marketing Mix on Customer Perception 54

14 Conclusion 57

Online marketing or Internet advertising is a form of marketing and advertising which uses the
Internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers. It includes email marketing,
search engine marketing (SEM), social media marketing, many types of display advertising

(including web banner advertising), and mobile advertising. Like other advertising media, online
advertising frequently involves both a publisher, who in- tegrates advertisements into its online
content, and an advertiser, who provides the ad- vertisements to be displayed on the publisher's
content. Other potential participants in- clude advertising agencies who help generate and place
the ad copy, an ad server which technologically delivers the ad and tracks statistics, and
advertising affiliatesAsia
who do in- dependent promotional work for the advertiser. 1076.7
In 2011, Internet advertising revenues in the United States surpassed those of cable tele- vision
and nearly exceeded those of broadcast television. In 2013, Internet advertising revenues in the
United States totalled $42.8 billion, a 17% increase over the $36.57 bil- lion in revenues in 2012.
U.S. internet ad revenue
Europe hit a historic high of $20.1 billion for the first half of 2013, up 18% over
the same period in 2012. Online advertising is widely used across virtually all industry sectors.
Internet user on the basis of development of countries………

North America 273.8

Latin American/Caribbean 254.9

Africa 167.3

Middle East 90

Oceania/ Australia 24.3

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Millions of users

Internet users in the world by geographic region

On the basis of top country……………

While online shopping we use multiple tools to reach or find desirable products.

Factors that influences consumer to buy online and why they prefer this ………. .
1. Time saving – Via online we have to access through internet and choose
whatever, I want & like to purchase.
2. Less taxes – in online shopping in absence of intermediator price differ less and
also taxes.
3. Easy to compare prices – Via online shops we have freedom to compare each
product and easily differentiates.
4. Freedom to choose international product – By internet be reach at global market
and able to buy international products.
5. No crowd – We face no crowed even millions of consumer are buying.
6. More variety – we get more variety through online shopping in comparison
with local market.
7. Spend less on fright – there is no need to go and spend money on travelling.
8. Fewer prices – as we know that there‘s direct selling through company to cus-

Online Marketing, also known as digital marketing, web marketing, internet marketing, or e-
marketing is the marketing of products or services over the Internet. Internet marketing is
sometimes considered to be broad in scope because it not only refers to marketing on the
Internet, but also includes marketing done via e-mail and wireless media. Management of digital

customer data and electronic customer relationship management (ECRM) systems are also often
grouped together under internet marketing.
Clearly, marketers are adding on-line channels to find, reach, communicate, and sell. I-
marketing has at least five great advantages. First, both small and large firms can afford it.
Second, there is no real limit on advertising space, in contrast to print and broadcast media.
Third, information access and retrieval are fast, compared to overnight mail and even fax.
Fourth, the site can be visited by anyone from any place in the world. Fifth, shopping can be
done privately and swiftly.
Even before the Internet there were many different ways to advertise, in different media such as
radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, as well as via telemarketing or pamphlets. Usually the goal
was to get a company- and/or product name, a statement etc. communicated to as many people as
possible for the smallest price possible.
When the Internet arose, a number of search options became available. Companies had the
option to advertise themselves on a larger scale. Due to advertising perception at the time, many
businesses were assumed to have great value, and thus traded on the stock exchange at
extraordinary high rates. This collapsed in 2001 at what is commonly known as the dot-com
After the dotcom collapse, the Internet was almost disregarded because of many failing website-
based businesses that had expectations to the market and assumptions about consumers.
However, both consumers and companies continued exploring online options. Soon more
substantial business models emerged; search advertising1 and e-commerce were the new
possibilities. Enhancements in targeting advertising, and understanding how websites maintain
visitors, became relevant. Researching consumer‘s behavior and buying patterns online began to
interest scholars.
Due to the technologies available today, as well as broadband implementations in most homes,
advertisers are able to make massive leaps and create global campaigns (be- come globalized in
just a few minutes). Leaps that will be more obvious as a new generation of professionals take
―(...) are likely to continue as marketing and advertising are increasingly peopled with
individuals for whom the internet, eBay, Amazon, Google, and YouTube were always there and
which played some role in forming their worldviews, just as television, film, radio, and print did
for prior generations.‖ (Rappaport 2007)
So, let us face the facts: The Internet is no longer a medium of ―new economy‖, and ―E-
business‖ as a term has rather been rendered obsolete. The Internet is used in any and all
industries, as a branding and marketing tool, as an internal communication tool, and as the start
of most business transactions. Today companies use the Internet as one of the most powerful
tools in a big number of ways. The Internet has unlocked a large num- ber of search options and
new ways of highlighting the important aspects of any item. Thus marketing has been redefined
via the Internet, and given even small businesses a chance to promote and brand their products
on a larger scale. The Internet has there- fore experienced enormous growth in online
advertising, since its inception in the early 1990‘ies. It is still however executed in the usual one-
way-communication, as it has al- ways been done. Success stories in advertising are easy to find:
Amazon is using their

customers to market products to others via the ―other buyers, who looked at this, also looked at
this‖. Coca Cola are storytelling via the Internet, MasterCard use humorous clips, and through
that viral marketing. But are all companies aware of the possibilities, and do they use them?
We live in a world of connectivity; the number of mobiles phone subscriptions in Denmark
outnumbers the number of inhabitants. The number of text messages increases year-by- year,
email and instant messenger programs set records each year. All of which points out that people
are in need of being in contact with others. When the Internet connects people across oceans and
continents, dating services, networking pages and blogs, fo- rums and chat rooms are increasing
every minute, are the companies aware of the con- sumers‘ need to be connected and be part of a
Are companies adopting the interaction approach to their advertising concepts?
Getting the user to feel like part of the company will create not only happy customers, but
ambassadors, that will promote the company and its products even further. Most people do not
leave their home without their mobile phone, they are scared to miss any- thing, and want people
to be able to reach them for an opinion. Customers are jumping on the chance to be heard in
large audiences.

Skill level
The topics in this guide are suitable for anyone who has basic PC knowledge.

Term Explanation

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Opt-in Opt-in is a term used to describe a way of getting details from a potential
customer to subscribe to a particular service. They de- cide they want to
get details you offer so they Opt-in. For example, sign up to a newsletter.
Inbound Marketing You attract customer to you rather than broadcasting your mes- sage.
You promote your products and services directly to potential cus-
Outbound Marketing tomers. For example, advertising is outbound marketing.
Call to action On your website a call to action is something that requests a visitor to do
something. For example- ‗Subscribe Now‘ is a call to action.

Inbound versus Outbound Marketing

Outbound marketing was typically the traditional approach to market your business and this was
known as interruption based marketing. This is where you broadcast your mes- sage through
advertising and other mediums and try to grab the attention of the user. When consumers are
bombarded with on average 3,000 messages a day you can under- stand why this form of
marketing is becoming increasingly difficult. It certainly still works in some cases (for example,
it can be very effective with Google advertising) but there are now other ways that can be more
Inbound marketing is where you provide something of value that attracts your customer to come
to you. When you attract that customer you try to build a relationship. After you build the
relationship you develop trust and this then allows you to sell your product or service to them.
This form of marketing although difficult to grasp is becoming increas- ingly effective.
A permission based approach such as this can also produce much better results be- cause:
a. When you build a relationship within any client online or offline your chances of
a sale increase significantly. When you go into a sales meeting and fail to build rapport
with the potential customer it is difficult to get the sale. Online is now becoming very
b. It‘s generally more cost effective. It does involve more of your time but there is
less expense.
c.Performance/return is relatively easy to track so you can adjust to get better results

Different Ways to Market your Business Online

This guide gives an overview of the different means to market your business online. It‘s not a
case of using everything in this guide for your business as you don‘t have an end- less amount of
time and budget but this guide will help you to identify the areas that can be effective for your
The following diagram gives an overview of the type of areas we are talking about.

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Before deciding which methods of online marketing tools you are going to use you need to
allocate time for the following:
• Research – The initial research is to figure out what other people are doing and what is
working or not working. You will not necessarily copy other people but you may take
some guidance when coming up with your unique plan.
• Strategy – You need to define a clear effective strategy. It‘s very easy to waste time
and money on internet marketing, a clear strategy will help with this. How are you
going to attract potential customers, how are you going to engage them, how are you
going to keep in touch with them and how are you going to convert them.

• Branding – Branding is becoming increasingly important in the online world. What

message are you giving out online? Are you an approachable company? Is your infor-
mation clear and compelling? What‘s unique about your offering? Branding
consistency is extremely important in how you communicate, what you communicate
and how it looks. For example, always ensure the tools you use online to communicate
with your custom- ers have the same look and feel as your website wherever possible.
• Content – You need to have a clear content strategy. What content are you going to
provide that will add value, what will be of interest to potential customers.

The following gives a breakdown of the key forms of Internet Marketing as outlined

Type Explanation

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Search This is process used to optimise your website so that it appears
Engine Op- more in google searches. For more information, see ―Search
timisation engine optimisation‖ on page 10.

Social media marketing is marketing yourself through

Social conversation and engagement with your potential customers.
media For example, using Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and so on.

E-mail E-mail marketing is marketing yourself through delivery of e-

marketing mails to current and potential clients. This could be in the form
of signa- tures on the e-mails (showing your Facebook address
etc.), news- letters, mailing lists and much more.

Online There are many forms of online advertising. Although

Advertising advertising through the likes of newspapers is not that effective,
targeted ad- vertising online can be very effective. For example,
if you searching to buy a Canon camera and ad is directly
relevant to this then you don‘t view this as a bad thing. The
advertisement is directly related to what you are you looking

Affiliate marketing Affiliate marketing is where you get third party companies to pro- mote
your company with a commission paid for a lead or sale.

Website Your website is key internet marketing tool used to promote your
business online.

Online PR PR can be a very effective tool for promoting your business and there are
many ways of doing this online.

Your Internet Marketing Questions Answered

What’s the difference between Internet Marketing and Digital Marketing?

There is no difference!

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Why should I consider marketing on the Internet?
As more and more people spend time on line they are spending less time with traditional media
such as newspapers, TV, and so on. So it‘s becoming increasingly difficult to tar- get your
audience using traditional channels. Internet Marketing is typically cheaper and a more effective
method of targeting your potential customers. Advertising online as op- posed to offline is also
easier to track to see its effectiveness.

What is viral marketing?

Viral marketing is where you communicate a message to someone and they share out this
message to their personal and business networks, who in turn share it out to their networks, and
so on. The more people that share and pass on your message the more chance your message has
of becoming viral. There are various techniques that can be used to get this message shared out.

What is social media all about?

People are joining social networks such as Facebook. They are now starting to use these social
networks more and more to find out recommendations about products and ser- vices from their
friends, sharing out information about their trips and experiences, and promote companies they
really like. Tapping into this can be very powerful.

What is a smart phone?

A smart phone is a phone that contains more than just call receiving and answering func-
tionality. It would typically have an internet browser which allows you to get access to websites.
Increasingly people have smart phones such as an iPhone and this means you will need to make
sure that your website works on these types of devices.

Where is it all going?

This is very difficult to know because online is moving at such a fast pace, however, one thing
for sure is that the traditional methods of broadcasting your advertising message to a consumer is
going to continue to have difficulty. That‘s why newspapers and TV will have to change their
revenue models because their advertising revenue will continue to decline. A lot of social media
is about networking online and this will certainly increase. The tools will change but people
networking online will continue to grow.

Do I have to spend lots of time online sending messages through Twitter, updating my
Facebook page, writing blogs, etc.?
It is true that although a lot of the tools you use online are free you still have to invest time in
engaging and communicating with your customers and potential customers.

Search Engine Optimisation

Search engines such as Google and Bing (Microsoft‘s competing search engine to Google) index
content and try to display the most relevant information to users when they per- form a search.
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The search engine optimisation process is about ensuring that the search engines give priority to
your web pages over other competing pages and there are many techniques for doing this.
For more in-depth information on Search Engine Optimisation and how to apply it to your
website, see the ―Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)‖ training guide which is part of this series
of guides.
On Page Optimisation On page optimisation is the process of optimising the content with- in the
web page to ensure that Google indexes it according to how you want to be in- dexed. Google
goes through your page to see what you have outlined what this page is about and then it goes
through all the content to figure out if it agrees with this. It‘s im- portant for Google to index
content in a way that makes the most sense.
For example, if you had a restaurant in Dublin and you wanted it to appear high on rank- ings
within Google when someone typed in ‗restaurant Dublin‘ then you would optimise at least one
page on these keywords. This means the name of the optimised page would contain the words
‗restaurant Dublin‘, the title of the post could include this and any de- tails displayed could
display information related to restaurants around Dublin.
Off page optimisation when somebody links to your website, that is like someone giving you a
vote for an election. The more relevant votes you get the better. So Google checks to see who is
linking to you and what words they are using to link to you. You need to get important web
pages to link to you using the keywords you want to get indexed on. It is much better to get 10
links from 10 important and relevant websites (e.g. getting a link from Failte Ireland would be an
important and relevant link) rather than links from 1,000 poor quality sites.

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