Final Project Lesson Plan Template

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Final Project – Lesson Plan Template

Lesson plan prepared This is:

by: Aizada Sadakbaeva Task-Grammar Lesson
Homeschooling A2/ Adult learners 90 minutes

Target language Conditional I

(grammar and Vocabulary to describe problems of homeschooling

Skill in focus: Reading and writing.

Secondary skill focus: Speaking, role playing

Lesson objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to

discuss Cons of homeschooling in a role play

Preliminary considerations:
What vocabulary/grammar/information/skills do your students already know in
relation to today’s lesson?
 Ss remember about their own experiences at school, challenging situations
related to teachers, peers, curriculum and so on.
 Ss have already experienced online learning. They mostly didn’t like it
because of isolation.
 Ss will have known Future Simple, modal verbs.

© 2017 by World Learning. Final Project - Lesson Plan Template for the AE E-Teacher Program, sponsored by the U.S.
Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. government and administered by FHI360. This work is licensed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, except where noted. To view a copy of this license, visit
What aspects of the lesson do you How will you avoid and/or address
anticipate your students might find each of these problem areas?

Come up with a solution of a problem I will provide some vocabulary

during the brainstorming which will
be connected with a task.

Role play The students are provided with a

worksheet where the task and some
phrases will be written

Time Stage Procedure /steps Interaction

Introduction Write the word "Homeschooling" on the T- Ss
10 board and ask the students to brainstorm
min To topic and words and phrases for the issue. Then have
task the students read the text.

15 Task Divide students into small groups. Make T- Ss

min students find reasons of homeschooling in Ss-Ss
the text and add some other they are aware
of. After the students have clarified about
the reasons, they answer a question
whether homeschooling actually solves the
problems of children. The students discuss
the question in their teams. To visualize
their Pros and Cons of homeschooling,
they fill in a T-chart on a poster. Monitor
and provide help if needed). After having
done it, students compare their ideas
exchanging their posters.
20 Planning Make the students prepare a role play when Ss- Ss
min a head master (a class tutor) is talking to (group
parents of a child, who has a problem at work)
school so they decided to homeschool him.
The head master should convince the
parents that homeschooling has more Cons
than Pros. He suggests a decision of the
problem. Act as a language adviser.

10 Report Every team acts their role play.  

Ss- Ss

15 Analysis Students discuss the language T- Ss

min items should, could to express their
Provide students with language pattern of
Conditional I. Explain the meaning and use
of this structure. 
10 Practice Students discuss and rephrase all ideas T- Ss
min mentioned in the class using "If ... , … will
(or won't ... )". 

10 Evaluation Students are asked to reflect on what Ss-Ss

min and vocabulary and grammar they learnt, how
reflection they felt about the topic etc. 

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