Earth and Science Pointers

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Specific Gravity- a number that expresses the ratio

Earth and Science between the weight of a mineral and the weight of an
equal volume of water.
Big Bang Theory - is a cosmological model explaining
how the universe began. Chemical Properties of Mineral- Solubility and Melting
Water - the medium of life.
Igneous Rocks- is formed through cooling and
Hydrosphere- the water environment on Earth. It is solidification of magma or lava.
comprised of 97.5% salt water and 2.5% freshwater.
Extrusive- outside (fast cooling)
Density is measured as mass per unit of volume. The Intrusive-inside (slow cooling)
density of water changes with several factors such a
temperature and salinity. 95% of Earth's Crust is made of igneous rocks.

Albedo- is the ability of a material to reflect light. Types of intrusive bodies

Concordant-pre-existing rock bed is cut across by an
Distribution of Sunlight
intrusive body.
*20% and reflected by clouds
*6% scattered from atmosphere Discordant- pre-existing rock bed is cut parallel to the
*19% absorbed by atmosphere and clouds bed rock.
*51% absorbed by Earth
*4% reflected by surface Sedimentary Rocks- are types of rock that are formed
by the accumulation or deposition of mineral or organic
Factors Affecting Earth's Energy Budget particles at Earth's surface, followed by cementation.
 Amount of light-colored surface Diagenesis- is a collective process where sediments are
 Amount of radiation received lithified. (compaction, cementation, recrystallization,
 Earth's axial tilt chemical changes)
 Presence of greenhouse gases
Types of Sedimentary Rocks
Minerals -building blocks of rocks. (More than 2000) Clastic - made from the sediments of pre-existing rocks.
Non-clastic- can be biological, chemical or both.
Five Criteria of Minerals
1. It must be solid Biological sedimentary rocks - from organic remains.
2. It must be naturally occurring Chemical Sedimentary Rocks - from chemical
3. It must be inorganic precipitation.
4. It must have fixed chemical formula.
5. It must have specific atomic arrangement METAMORPHIC ROCKS - rocks that have been altered,
changed, or transformed in the solid state due to
Physical Properties of Mineral changes in pressure, temperature conditions and
Color- an inorganic pigment usually of natural origin. chemical actions of hot fluids.
Streak- he colour of a mineral when it is finely
1. Recrystallization - small crystals of one mineral will
Luster-the appearance of a mineral surface in terms its
clowly convert to Fewer, larger crystals of the same
light-reflective qualities.
mineral without melting the rock.
Crystal Habit- the characteristic extemal shape of an 2. Neomorphism - is the process where by minerals not
individual crystal or crystal group. only recrystalize, but also form different minerals from
Cleavage- the tendency of minerals to split along the same chemical elements.
crystallographic planes as a result of structural locations 3. Metasomatism is the addition or loss of elements
of atoms and ions in the crystal, creating planes of new minerals Form with only some of the original
relative weakness. elements and new elements were added through by
drothermal migration.
Fracture - the property of a mineral breaking in a more
or less random pattern with no smooth planar surfaces. TYPES OF METAMORPHISM
Hardness- is the resistance of a mineral to scratching. 1. Contact metamorphism - occur only in local area.
2. Regional Metamorphism - occurs in very large area.
Foliated metamorphic rocks - layered
Non-foliated metamorphic rocks - non-layered


1. Energy Resources - fossil fuels (natural gas, coal)
nuclear fuels (thorium and uranium)
2. Metal Resources - (iron, copper, aluminum, gold
3. Industrial Resources - (salt, potash and sand)
4. Essential Resources - pertain to thpse needed by
living organisms.

MINERAL EXPOLORATION - searching for valuable one.

 Remote Sensing - uses devices to gather image
 Geophysical Methods - uses the properties of
minerals and geology to determine the location.
 Geochemical Methods - Merging the idea OF the
chemical properties of minerals and geology of a
location, compounds present in the ore and it's
abundance will be identified.


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