Artificial Intelligence Notes PDF
Artificial Intelligence Notes PDF
Artificial Intelligence Notes PDF
Neural Networks
Introduction Why neural network ?, Research history, Biological neuron model, Artificial neuron model, Notations, Functions.
Model of Artificial Neuron McCulloch-Pitts Neuron Equation, Artificial neuron – basic elements, Activation functions – threshold function, piecewise linear
function, sigmoidal function.
Neural Network Architectures Single-layer feed-forward network, Multilayer feed-forward network, Recurrent networks.
Learning Methods in Neural Networks Classification of learning algorithms, Supervised learning, Unsupervised learning, Reinforced learning, Hebbian
Learning, Gradient descent learning, Competitive learning, Stochastic learning.
Single-Layer NN System Single-layer perceptron: learning algorithm for training, linearly separable task, XOR Problem, learning algorithm; ADAptive
LINear Element (ADALINE): architecture, training mechanism
Applications of Neural Networks Clustering, Classification/pattern recognition, Function approximation, Prediction systems.
Fundamentals of Genetic Algorithms
Introduction Why genetic algorithms, Optimization, Search optimization algorithm; Evolutionary algorithm (EAs); Genetic Algorithms (GAs): Biological
background, Search space, Working principles, Basic genetic algorithm, Flow chart for Genetic programming.
Encoding Binary Encoding, Value Encoding, Permutation Encoding, and Tree Encoding.
Operators of Genetic Algorithm Reproduction or selection: Roulette wheel selection, Boltzmann selection; fitness function; Crossover: one-Point
crossover, two-Point crossover, uniform crossover, arithmetic, heuristic; Mutation: flip bit, boundary, non-uniform, uniform, Gaussian.
Basic Genetic Algorithm Solved examples: maximize function f(x) = x2 and two bar pendulum.
Natural Language Processing
Introduction Natural language: Definition, Processing, Formal language, Linguistic and language processing, Terms related to linguistic analysis,
Grammatical structure of utterances – sentence, constituents, phrases, classifications, and structural rules.
Syntactic Processing: Context-free grammar (CFG) – Terminal, Non-terminal, and start symbols; Parser.
Semantic and Pragmatic
AI Common Sense
Introduction Common sense knowledge and reasoning, How to teach commonsense to a computer.
Formalization of Common Sense Reasoning Initial attempts of late 60’s and early, Renewed attempts in late 70’s and 80’s to recent times.
Physical World Modeling the qualitative world, Reasoning with qualitative information.
Common Sense Ontologies Time, Space, Material.
Memory Organization Short term memory (STM), Long term memory (LTM).