AR 8081 - Thesis
AR 8081 - Thesis
AR 8081 - Thesis
AR 8081 – THESIS
To ensure consolidation and application of the knowledge gained in preceding years of the
programme in the context of a design project of the student’s choice.
To enable addressing of specific projects through key identified issues inherent in the project
or to enable development of thought processes in specific areas/aspects into a project.
To facilitate development of ability to complete and handle projects independently as a
precursor to professional life.
Students should choose a topic of their choice in terms of design potential and/ or idea
exploration to be taken up for completion. The topic could be project based with specific
areas of study/ approach or study/ approach based leading to a project. If the latter, care
should be taken to choose topics that can lead to sufficient architectural design component.
Students should submit the topic for approval with a rough outline of the nature of the
project, area of interest, study and design scope, challenges, possible case studies,
methodology and outcome.
The areas of study/research/design can include any of the broad areas of the discipline,
The progress of work will be reviewed periodically throughout the semester. At the end
of the semester, students should submit the final thesis project for the viva voce exam. The
final submission will comprise of study sheets, optional study models, design approach
sheets, optional design process models, design presentation sheets, final model, detailed
drawings of an important part of the project, project report summarizing the entire
thesis work and soft copy of all the work.
1. Linda Grant and David Wang, 'Architectural Research Methods', John Wiley & Sons,
2. Joseph De Chiara, Michael J Crosbie, 'Time Saver Standards for Building Types', McGraw
Hill Professional, 2001.
We faculties of RAC would like to suggest few parameters which should be considered
before selecting a Thesis topic,
Foremost parameter you should consider is to find your field of interest on which you
want to build your career in Architecture. So first find your interest on which you
want do a detailed exploration and thus helps you to frame your Thesis topic.
The next parameter is you should consider the trending building typologies which are
globally developing and needed for the society.
Don’t take a simplest topic, because simplest topics will always have less scope. So
better chose a complex project which would more scope in study and design.
Select a topic which would give you maximum design thought process and chance to
explore numbers of architectural concepts.
The topic which you are selecting should have more scope for building services so
that you can understand the design principles of various services involved in building
Try to find out live proposals at national level so that the feasibility and justification
shall be addressed already or otherwise that part has to be done separately for which
you have to spend additional time period.
The project typologies should not only have design scope but also it should provide
maximum scope to include latest technology and techniques in construction industry.
Nowadays the whole world is working towards sustainability, so by default you
should include a component of sustainability as part of your thesis which is closely
related to the topic you had selected.
Most important criteria you should consider while selecting your thesis topic is that
you should have equal scope for research and design.
The selection of special study which should be related to the topic selected and do a
detailed study and apply that in design to prove it theoretically.
Explore all the categories in Architecture before selecting the topic so that you can
really understand the need of the society and the current persisting problems which
need immediate attention.
The topic should provide you scope to improve your technical knowledge which is a
default requirement when you get into practice.
Explore renowned architects around the world and understand their philosophies and
design thinking and the kind of projects they are working on which helps to select the
trending building typologies.
Finally this thesis is not an end and this has to carry away to the next level to improve
and develop for the real application to the society.
1. Thesis Statement
2. Thesis Introduction
3. Need of the Project
4. Aim of the Project
5. Objective of the Project
6. Scope of the Project
7. Limitation of the Project
8. Components of Thesis
9. Methodology in Detail
10. Identification of Case Studies
a. Literature Case Studies (Min 2 Nos) – National & International
b. Live Case Studies (Min 2 Nos) – National & International
11. Request for Proposal Document for Live Proposals either by Government or
12. Identification & Selection of Site – Refer to IGBC or GRIHA for Sustainable Site
Selection Criteria
13. Research report on Selected Topic (Min 2 Nos)
14. Conclusion
15. List of Reference
1. Introduction
2. Need of the Study
3. Relation to your Thesis
4. Aim of the Study
5. Objective of the Study
6. Scope of Study
7. Limitations of Study
8. Components of the Study
9. Methodology in Detail
10. Research report on Selected Study (Min 2 Nos)
11. Application to Thesis
12. Conclusion
13. List of References
The sequence in which the project report material should be arranged and bound should be as
2. Bonafide Certificate (hard copy will be issued by the department after checking the cover
page/title page and draft report by the staff concerned)
3. Acknowledgement
4. Abstract
4. Table of Contents
5. List of Figures
6. List of Tables
8. Chapters
9. Bibliography
10. Appendices
3.1 Cover Page & Title Page – A specimen copy of the Cover page & Title page of the
project report are given in Appendix 1.
3.3 Acknowledgement- Acknowledgement should be with double line spacing, Font Style
Times New Roman and Font Size 14.
3.4 Abstract – Abstract should be one page synopsis of the project report typed double line
spacing, Font Style Times New Roman and Font Size 14.
3.5 Table of Contents – The table of contents should list all material following it as well as
any material which precedes it. The title page and Bonafide Certificate will not find a place
among the items listed in the Table of Contents but the page numbers of which are in lower
case Roman letters. One and a half spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this
head. A specimen copy of the Table of Contents of the project report is given in Appendix 2.
3.6 List of Figures – The list should use exactly the same captions as they appear above the
tables in the text. One and a half spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this
3.7 List of Tables – The list should use exactly the same captions as they appear below the
figures in the text. One and a half spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this
3.8 List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature – One and a half spacing should be
adopted or typing the matter under this head. Standard symbols, abbreviations etc. should be
3.9 Chapters – The chapters may be broadly divided into 3 parts (i) Introductory chapter, (ii)
Chapters developing the main theme of the project work (iii) and Conclusion.
The main text will be divided into several chapters and each chapter may be further divided
into several divisions and sub-divisions.
Footnotes should be used sparingly. They should be typed single space and placed
directly underneath in the very same page, which refers to the material they annotate.
3.10 Bibliography – The listing of references should be typed four spaces below the heading
“Bibliography” in alphabetical order in single spacing left – justified. The reference material
should be listed in the alphabetical order of the first author. The name of the author/authors
should be immediately followed by the year and other details.
A typical illustrative list given below relates to the citation example quoted above.
3. Shin, K.G. and Mckay, N.D. (1984) ‘Open Loop Minimum Time Control of
Mechanical Manipulations and its Applications’, Proc.Amer.Contr.Conf., San Diego,
CA, pp. 1231-1236.
3.10.1 Table and figures - By the word Table, is meant tabulated numerical data in the
body of the project report as well as in the appendices. All other non-verbal materials
used in the body of the project work and appendices such as charts, graphs, maps,
photographs and diagrams may be designated as figures.
The impression on the typed copies should be black in colour.
One and a half spacing should be used for typing the general text of the whole report.
The general text shall be typed in the Font style ‘Times New Roman’ and Font size
Submitted by
Reg no:
ARPIL 2023
Student Name
submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Architecture
Guide Dean
Certified that the above titled Thesis was examined by us on date XXXX
External Examiner
Architect and plumbing services for highrise buildings. Route of movement and its role in
architectural design pedestrian
Architectural anchorage into nature: a study of placemaking
Architectural attitudes, intentions, and nature of the expression: a study of colonial
architecture in Madras in Late-19th-Century
Architectural character and the urban setting: a study of the palaces in Indore
The architectural character of civic spaces within the marketplace
Architectural components and their socio-cultural meaning, case study: Bundi, Rajasthan
Architectural controls
Architectural design foundation studio
Architectural education: an understanding of a framework of architectural theory, an
analytical construct of the design process
Architectural elements generated by climate.
Architectural elements in sacred environments: the underlying philosophy
Architectural elements of spatial delimitation and their fundamental expression with a
particular reference to Hindu architecture
Architectural intentions and methods of composition
Architectural ornament in industrial society: a study within the context of the arts and crafts
movement and the avant-garde movements of the early twentieth century.
Architectural response to the Sun: a study of contemporary architecture, Ahmedabad
Architecture and language: structural linguistics in an architectural context
Architecture for the mourning ritual of Islam: a study of the Imambara-E-Asafi complex,
Architecture in a Late-Capitalist Society: a study in the Indian Context
Architecture in a schizoid environment
Architecture in the expressionist frame of mind as typified in the works of BrunoTaut and
Erich Mende Cohn
Architecture in the princely states of Kathiawad
The architecture of Achyut Kanvinde: a study of houses in Ahmedabad.
The architecture of funerary monuments: a study of English and dutch tombs in the late
seventeenth century at Surat.
The architecture of generalizations: an inquiry into the basis of urban housing
The architecture of Geoffrey Bawa: an intimacy of experience and expression
The architecture of Laurie Baker: regional identity in contemporary work
The architecture of property development in Ahmedabad
The architecture of the contemporary city: folk art and craft centre, Ahmedabad
Art of the ensemble: Le-Corbusier’s Legislative Assembly building, Chandigarh: 1951-1964
Artificial lighting: design aspects
Aspects of symmetry
Aspects of urbanism in the world of Islam: Lucknow an Indian Islamic city
Assessment of house form and community spaces
Association of urban form and activity: its role in the perception of an urban environment
Attitudes and expressions in contemporary mosque architecture of Gujarat
Attitudes to house form study: an overview, Porbandar: a case for study
The idea of a city: understanding the morphology and character of George-town, Madras
The idea of ideology: the significance of ideology in architecture
The idea of an Indian town
The idea of ruin: readings into the breaking of form
Ideals and education in architecture
Ideological roots of movements in architecture
Impact of changes in culture on house form: a study of old and New-Delhi habitats
Impact of house form and street form on the overall city form: a case study of Jodhpur city
Impact of the major developing road on the city structure
Impact of the site on residential building design in Gujarat
Importance of open spaces and landscape design in an urban residential area
In harmony with ecology: a study of the Dang shelter forms.
Incorporating traditional methods of building to address the issues of identity in architecture:
towards a new trend – case study: Bangalore
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad: a study of architecture
Indian residential architecture before the Islamic period regarding orientation and modular
site planning system.
Indigenous domestic architecture: a study of two houses in the town of Bundi
Individual houses Of Ahmedabad: last decade 1968-76.
The indo-Islamic architecture of Gujarat: with special reference to regional influences
Indo-Saracenic style: an exception in Bombay study of the general Post-office, 1910
Influence of climate on building design
Influence of materials on architecture: a study of structural steel
Influence of urban forces on village structure
Information theory and perception
Inquiry into architectural activity under the transformation of articulation of issues and
Inquiry into the construction industry at the construction firm level.
Inquiry into housing conditions of industrial workers in Ahmedabad
Inquiry into modernism and the notion of place: between dichotomy and differences.
Inquiry into the aspect of rationale in architecture is substantiated with an analysis of the
works of Alvar-Aalto.
Inquiry into the ‘Making’ of urban space: a case of fort area, Bombay
Inquiry into the nature of Axonometric drawing
Inquiry into the nature of the urban public realm
Inquiry into the process of visualization in architecture: study in graphic re-presentation as a
tool for visualization
Inquiry into urban metamorphosis: Kashmir-gate Shahjahanabad
Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, and Bangalore
Integration of landscape in architecture: a study of Rajput-Palaces
Integration of landscape in the architecture of Joseph-Allen-Stein
Integrity in the works of Frank-Lloyd-Wright
Interpretations of ornamentation in Indian architectural history: with a study of the decorated
management institutions.
Ngala house in its sodio-cultural and physical context.
Nomadic movements & settlements of the Rabari of Kutch
Non-convex polyhedra
Non-planned services in Ahmedabad
Norms for hospital planning and design
Off diversity in urban rite: manifestation in the homogeneous built, Benares
Off context and modernity: the Indian framework incursions into the architectural
subject/object as, cultural product in the contemporary condition
Office building for Ahmedabad Telephones, Khanpur, Ahmedabad.
Old and new areas of a city: a comparative study (Case study of Ahmedabad)
On entrances: a symbolic aspect
Open spaces in POI architecture: a study of chowks Ahmedabad
Open-ended-ness of an Indian urbanity Bombay in my petri dish.
Openings: a study Of their architectural significance and their role as character motifs
Organizational concepts of urban house forms
Organizational patterns: social and physical
Organizational principles in architecture
Organizational principles in Islamic complexes in India.
Organizing principles of space making: a study of Nagaur Fort Complex
Origin and development of woodwork in Gujarat
Originality in architecture: from conception to realization of a built form.
Out of the normative deviance in architecture
Outdoor community recreation
Outline of a study: metaphors as related to the synthesis of an architectural idea
Panthers: an ethnic-architectural study
Padukams of Namboothiri Illams: understanding its importance as an element of transition
Palace complex
Palimpsest, interpretation of images reflecting Indian context in symbolic and realistic ways
Parsee habitat: a study
Patan, Mahesana District: community: Nagar
Pavilion: an insight into an open architectural structure.
Pedestrian traffic in city centres
Penetration into architectural expressions associated with plan-forms and several structural
details related to it of the religious and monumental edifice of Hindu and Muslim.
Penetration into transcendental archetypes, Depicted in architecture
People, place and vernacular architecture: a study of Lakhamandal, a village in the cis-
Himalayan region of Jaunsar, U.P
Perception of space through the aspect of movement: a study of three campus architecture in
Ahmedabad during the Islamic period.
Perceptual and the experiential: an exploration along with their two polarities: a spatial
analysis of two temple complexes.
Performing art centre, Ahmedabad
Permanent pavement dealers: a study in the city of Ahmedabad
Settlement pattern: history and theory of urban design Benares, Bombay, Junagadh,
Pondicherry, Pune
Settlement pattern: history and theory of urban design Junagadh, Pondicherry, Pune
Settlement pattern: history and theory of urban design, Amsterdam, Cairo, Hong Kong.
Settlement patterns in the Urban region of Rajkot
Settlement study
Settlements of migrants: three case studies in East Calcutta
Shahjahanabad: the dwelling environment: physical manifestation and its socio-cultural
Significance of behaviour study in architectural design
Significance of steps and ramps in architecture
Significant dimensions of an urban element: multivalent readings reflected in the suggestive
redundancy of the city
Single-family attached Dwelling type: a comparative study Ahmedabad
Situation and response in architecture: a case study of Kathmandu Valley: Nepal
Slum as an artefact: the product of a way of life.
Symmetry as an ordering principle: a study of the Italian renaissance architecture
Social and cultural influences on modern church design.
Society as a changing system: understanding the polar nature within and its physical
Socio-cultural factors: their manifestation in tribal: architecture: a case study of dang district,
Software for daylight
Software for lighting design: soft lite: a study of aspects of lighting design and development
of software to evaluate a lighting system in a given environment
Software for shadow throw of primary forms
Solar energy in architecture
Some aspects of cultural ecology in architecture: the case study of two tribal settlements
Space and its use in traditional and contemporary dwellings: case study Ahmedabad.
Space and society in a Rabari community
Space in motion: motion in space the space of the Brihadeshwara in the context of
Space of Indian cities: from an absolute to an abstract space: the case of Jaipur as the non-
familiar Indian city.
Spaces and elements of transition
Spatial changes in fringe village of Ahmedabad city: a case study of Isanpur
Spatial hierarchy in the Peshwekalin Wadas and its influence on the domestic house: form
Spatial manifestation of a cultural behaviour: Peking and Bhaktapur
Spatial ostentation of colour: manifesting the embodiment of visual form.
Spread and acceptance of architectural images and idioms the case of contemporary,
State Fertilizer Corporation and Indian Farmers Fertilizer Corporation
Statutory controls in apartment housing in Ahmedabad their implications and interpretations
Steel: an examination of the integration of material, construction and resultant form in
Strategic variations attempted in systems of proportion.
Street form
The street pattern of Ahmedabad
Street Sleepers a study of the pavement dwellers concerning the city of Ahmedabad 1972
Structural and constructional aspects of water reservoirs and their relationship with religious
buildings in Gujarat.
Structural elements of an Indian medieval city Vijayanagara
Structuralism and architecture: a synchronic and diachronic study
Structure and order in the built environment: an appraisal of the desert citadel of Jaisalmer
Structure in architecture
Structure of the narrative and architectural ideology: the contemporary Indian case
Structurist attitudes in the works of Kenzo Tange: a critical study
student community and faculty from CEPT, Ahmedabad
Study: middle-income group co-operative housing schemes organized by private developers
in Ahmedabad
Study and analysis of indoor spaces in L.I.G. housing schemes
Study into the impact of photography on architecture: as a visual medium
Study methodology Of design as described in the ancient-Indian texts on architecture
(Dwelling houses).
Study of a community structure
Study of a Rajput fort palace: Deogarh
Study Of a town and its elements: Devgadh-Baria
Study of a tribal settlement
Study of activity spaces in Jain temple complexes
Study of allocation of areas in ancient towns of Gujarat.
Study of an Architect’s own house – from conception to manifestation, Balkrishna Doshi’s
residence, Ahmedabad.
Study of an architectural response to sustainability high-rise office buildings designed for
natural ventilation.
Study of an educational campus
Study of approaches of Islamic religious and mortuary complexes in Ahmedabad
Study of building technology and structural systems of mosques
Study of change in house form in response to changing family needs: cause and effect
Study of change, its comprehension, and the evidence of change in the dwelling forms
Study of Chawls: case study Bombay Island
Study of churches in Goa (Indian influence) existential meaning embodied and conveyed by
Santana of Tallaulim.
Study of colonial architecture with special reference to the buildings of Gujarat-college:
Study of colonnade as an expression of the public domain.
Study of construction in traditional architecture: focus on wooden houses of the old city of
Study of contemporary architecture in India: institution in Ahmedabad