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No.F(23)2.180/RTU-Exam/2007/544-568 NOTIFICATION On the recommendation of the Faculty of Computer Applications the Honble vice Chancellor is pleased to approve following amendments in the promotion rules for first Semester of MCA 2006-07: Existing Rules: The candidate may be promoted to the next semester if he had cleared 4 theory papers of previous semester and 2 lab examinations. Amended as: S.No. 1. 2. Semester/ class MCA I Semester MCA II Semester Eligibility conditions to pursue regular course of study Admission (a) Regular course of study of MCA I semester. (b) Appeared in at least 50% of the papers prescribed in MCA I semester. (a) Regular course of study in MCA II semester (b) Must have passes in at least 7 of the Theory papers prescribed in the MCA I & II semesters taken together. (a) Regular course of study in MCA III semester. (a) Regular course of study in MCA second year semester. (b) Must have passed in all the papers of MCA I & II semesters. (c) Must have passed in at least 7 of the Theory papers prescribed in the MCA III & IV semesters taken together. (a) Regular course of study in the MCA V semester. Date: 25/04/07


MCA III Semester

4. 5.

MCA IV Semester MCA V Semester


MCA VI Semester

The change will be applicable to First semester MCA examination conducted in January, 2007.


No.F10(2)/2005/Acad.I/4490M NOTIFICATION On the recommendations of a committee appointed for the purpose, the Vice-Chancellor vide his orders dated 6-10-2005 has been pleased t approve and implement the following recommendations in rest of scheme of examinations of B.E./B. Arch. These recommendations are in supersession of this office Notification No. F.10(2)/2005/Acad.I/787M, dated 5-5-2005:(1) Students admitted to B.E. programme of study from the session 2005-06 will be allowed to pass the 4-year B.E. course within a maximum duration of 8 years. Maximum four chances will be allowed to a candidate to pass any individual theory paper and practical and sessional subject. These four chances can be availed by the candidate at any time within the duration of 8 years. (2) Students admitted to 5 year B.Arch. Programme from the session 2005-06 shall be required to pass the course within a maximum duration of 10 years. Maximum four chances will be allowed to a candidate to pass any individual theory paper and practical and sessional subject. These four chances can be availed by the candidate at any time within the duration of 10 years. (3) A student may be promoted to the higher class only when he/she has passes at least in 25% of the theory papers and 25% of the practical and sessional subjects, separately. For this purpose the classes will be I B.E./B.Arch., II B.E./II B.Arch. (Combined III & IV Semesters), III B.E./B.Arch. (Combined V & VI Semesters), IV B.Arch. (Combined VII and VIII Semesters). This will be applicable to students admitted from the session 2005-06. (4) The passing marks for each theory paper and each practical and sessional subject shall continue as under:(A) Theory paper (i) Term Tests (ii) End semester/ Year end (for I BE/ B.Arch.) Univ. Exam. (iii) Total of (i) & (ii) Passing % Nil 30% (B) Practical/ Sessionals (i) Sessional (60% Comp.) (ii) Sessional (60% Passing % 30% 30% Date: 08/10/05


(iii) Total of (i) & (ii)


(5) For awarding Division/ Honours at the end of the Final Year, the aggregate marks of all the four years for B.E. degree and aggregate marks of five years for B.Arch. degree shall be counted. (Applicable to all) ref. O.300A and O.300B. (6) IMPORTANT RULES (i) Term Test::- The student is allowed to improve the term tests, if he/ she is appearing in the University examination of that theory paper again and if failing earlier, if a student who has registered for improvement of tem tests


marks, then the marks secured be him/ her in that theory paper in previous term test shall stand automatically cancelled. The marks of the latest examinations/ tests shall only be considered for working out the result and if such a candidate has absented himself/ herself for working out the result and if such a candidate has absented himself/ herself from the tests, then he/ she treated as absent. Sessional Improvement:- If the student is failing in any practical and sessional subject, he/she can make improvement in the sessional component, if the earlier marks in the sessional component are less then 40%. The candidate will be required to register in both practical and sessional components of the subject and his/ her earlier marks will automatically stand cancelled. The marks of the latest examinations/ tests shall only be considered for working out the result. If such a candidate has absented himself/ herself from any from any or both components, then he/ she shall be treated as absent. This rule shall be applicable to all the students. From any kind of improvement, the student has to apply within one month of the declaration of the result in their institutes.



PROMOTION RULES FOR MBA The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is Two-year programme. 1. There will be 7 questions in each question Paper divided into four sections. The candidates will be required to attempt 5 questions in all selecting at least one question from each of the section. A, B and C, one exercise/ Case which is compulsory will be section D of the question paper. Section D can be from any section. Further, in question papers of Financial Management, Business Research Methods, Operations and Production Management, Management Accounting and Managerial Economics at least 50 percent of questions will be numerical. In Quantitative Techniques paper 50 percent of questions will be numerical. In Quantative techniques paper 50 percent questions will be application based. 2. Central evaluation of Project Report (Paper No 208 of MBA, Part II): The central evaluation of the above papers will be done by the External Examiner who may be appointed by the University with the Internal Examiner (Director or his/ her nominee) of the Institute/ affiliated college concerned. 3. Course/ Paper are inter-changeable from one year to the other. 4. The Optional Groups (Electives) to be introduced will be announced in the beginning of Second Year. It is not necessary to introduce all the Optional Groups. Only a few optional groups will be introduced, keeping in view the teaching faculty position. 5. In case Paper No 208, there will be not written examination and the awards will be made on the basis of submission of Project Report. 6. Admission to the Part-II of MBA course shall be open to those who have cleared successfully at least 50% papers of the total papers offered for the MBA Part-I securing at least 36% marks in each paper and 48% in the aggregate. However each candidate will have to clear the remaining papers while studying in MBA Part-II. 7. The medium of instruction and examination shall be English. 8. Project work shall be undertaken during the summer break following the MBA Part-I examination. The Project work shall be type written in English and shall be submitted in triplicate so as to reach the Director of the Institute ordinarily by the 15th October following the Part-I examination. The project Report and Tour Report shall be examined after the Second Year examination. 9. In addition to above, the conditions of passing shall not be deemed to have been satisfied unless a student undergoes practical training for at least 8 weeks in an organization under the supervision of the organization to which he has been deputed and also submits a Project Report as indicated above. The Project Report will include one chapter on the organization where he has undergone on the job practical training. After the training the candidate will be required o present orally also the Project Report in the class seminar. Each candidate would also be required to

undertake an Industrial Tour to be organized in the Part-II and submit a tour report as indicated above. 10. No candidate shall be considered to have pursued a regular course of study unless he is certified by the Director of the Institute to have attended 75% of the total number of lectures, tutorials, seminars and case discussions in each year during the course of study. 11. Each Paper will carry 100 marks (except paper no. 208 of Project Report) of which 30% of marks should be for Internal assessment and remaining 70% of marks be for written examination. The Internal Assessment will be based on verifiable means and it will be based on assignment, class tests, seminar papers, case discussion etc. each candidate will be required to pass separately in the external and internal examinations. The pass percentage will be 36% both for the external and Internal examination. Note:- No candidate shall be permitted to appear at Part-II Examination after a gap of four year from the date of admission to the MBA Part-I.

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