Software Engineering Notes

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Sof fume Enginecsing S¥stematic-ciprrcath peusarAs re plevetopmerd, TAN HUNCE WA TOC Of the SOffware. S$ Eno? GHOATE CATING: = ol ss LEE Csqruare, j Sat) Sopsware Gemevie customized OF Fue Software A. window = fe: we Fy eb derceopment - Generic PvTpOSE They gre devetored +9 Of fume QTE SaHEGT the nerd or generated Jor Particular costomes 17 4 general PUT POSE CVIVUSANON) + C0 ImeIsTsY ALAZEMEN S OBIE _ paticn oe Bageness copterrr ea Word prxessors» order processing soptusare CAM ATE, GHC. alapabasé “Sogxusare ete Qre. exaryde of nener SOF FATE Soffuare ensis 7 COE L; buy i 50 Sopp need OT nop 7 COMED IT CSE 2: oy topruave ‘Fma? Pails FO Serve OF FLUFIT Users expectanions OF ¢ he UPC OF The eo onented methodobiy* UIATE. »Srucudure oriented metodo By. e Dara sient rmerncdolg Yr 7 Obs ECD PAAPLAACGS” 7 BEG Grp niente MEANACAY » LGe) A S&KuaTE Engmecring ESSUS Telarc 70 sefrware crisis, “ty it 1s hard 10 have sofware Casis. Il Te _soptware engineerins the j Yde AKG how ne swudere GF the SOBPWATE. oT Ae b4¢¢ I IW7relved sti tne cevetop: i Fra Roan ory ge Oe 4g — iT |S vequrem 1. fy — ey on" chauchge im. gopsware AHevolpment enermbiem Understability« * 4 Relianirittyy. change and mamiance. oa Pratity and Producti” “J peveropmety ANA Cost +6) vsesakility or veUsabilitZ AP ESMaHON An planning \s ee — 4 Sofware. proces 'S ser Of — = Set CT OUe= HO | rere eS oe ssogfus@re Proctudt 54 specifies the Way —to-prony OFFA C * 5° sath acnivery oe he CLO one” hoy wes Aapned AAAS; outame " re ourcomas ep tne avtivities WC COM piIEA CAA TICTEOF EA. FOFOWEY DO oles) gr POUITE. eT Te eS Frets Te ordered haat! Ctoplb *Si order zs me folio ‘Degentrion 409) Deveropmens+ phases of s0prware process Ede, * Qebcnjtien_phay Te activities 10 Heys Phase —_ nctude emblem formulation Problem IS7: ANAMY SIS Pred planning por Proce. \_¢ Developmen phase ING FRE GOT De Tub peip Of 230d abet Avitres. he man awvivitiey o¢ mis Phase LOE JSl7n Of BP AIGITHAY, Writing the codes any’ ING fhe Sofpoare. 2 zriblemerytanon pha, tanplrementatyen phose mainty “COMEM. Lith ABO Temovar INR HAanence, _@&ttv7; : ~~ CharaRrisics roe (@ urelers. ests wy Eff ettiveness, Pred acti bilife ¢. Repabi lite: Monitoring and tracking: | |_______evocess classification LEWC cdevetopment proce: f° Preiect menagement PIOCest * erocess Ime7o vement Precesg - a - maa * congiavranen. Wanagemen- PrOCees: ° Qvatity manegemeEnl- PTOCCR. = NamMly forties O77 develprneTe_ OF SOLE. opm enp. TRUS (POOLS 525 tee QUITO various 700! S$ Dal Fecpragvue FOr Zoey ITO : i evelopment The most sepa er widely Used Aepli calions oytouerre YNACES AVC Lar —— ea + ewasenpag iravive WME! ond) CMG ELL lage TE cereale!) 2 geivad modes classical coarerpul made. ere. complete desion phase in The main goat of thee Processes 3640 CANTY OUT THE. elevelepment Btrivitel WHRIR He PE are VET fi Cap ard vaueAne ZI ORAL Bkepiance tesing we PO foty pina mmodet *FEASI bY Stuy 3 ide He ¢ Reavirement gameringc. + abengal WeAEI. £ Modification jc done in ching, costing. 804 FLid not appicable Fe ali SOG LATE © Whe nade wleped (€ Som ~/ake place tREM prototype node $s Hof usefecl» ” Lameremental motel | ‘ Sotwee engmeerng 2esign, 2eetra whale. warogal + prototype + FIEYOtive seival meadel 7 evans Sore mete, 3S jrerativc aprral mode which Was Praqpaed by Lohem- 1m “nis moles Adivity ave organised @ Gpiras vxh PANY LOOPS ER Loop IIL. THe SPIFAL TVSAAS A Phe og- Sopruame evr nHet T2 AGH Hembers Of LOOPS FP spread 7 DoF i Xeez, PE MUN wocus Of tis MAA Fe pep pifiCAiOr BNL VESON UP OTL: Ob POH AI AL GISICS- ts CRIOKMSA FISKy PPROJCH-BISIC Bra Me P2026 FISKS) Each of four guaftrants 16 Yee gor Seveloprieny Ot @2eh phase. First Quadrant 75 AeseMUNG 0 bJCG VA, APN ative Bnd Covstrarvrs 1S rae Pe a A phase Gre ekcrrritiaed phe a the projet Scopes Radiat dimension Angulas dimension os | Indincugss Ud injercetions OVe™ we PTOCESS ana twols beng considered: & working Sopuare Over the comprenens/ VE documentation _fowused* eas’ customer Collaboration Evet WE. I Contra ct NEBROHAHON - «Responding 10 thang? Over the PID. Most popitar Azile mneff2OAS 2 EXtreMme)! PEODTALMTUIG 2 scrum li 2 DyMANUse SY Stee devateement mepnool Cos a4) * Fadure. ariven development « Test oriven olevelop ment « | “Par Progeannnina ere: (fe is are some Of- ME popsa” meftaeds RIVE CNGINCETING ers eroineerins pe IN ANOGANEN TRE main 4 oat ah CObteuare + proiect marapermen, —_!8 +0 enabre group 06 people +0 work —_) SOGPRMY ON x Projecr Using a SYSFOMAIC . frcess in orderto produce aguatity SETAC | PORTE = t Project _ t Reejett may be degimed 2 Gome evelarmeny— & tacks there must be,g0me PIA? there ust BE objewive Cehind I. SO Fie ol Spl LE Whar will be bUCGEF OF “pe rec: WE, A pwjed is Aegined as LemmoroTy endeave™ Farin, Starting and ening Acattines, FAS A007 I sesponsibiities, buoljers and plans cwitn Bim aral objectives. People eae Reopie ina project. qretnoce who ave Gtter invelied in or ave aggetied bY TE. PrO;C Dibkberend~ ajo, Ot people Involved sn i = CIE SOOFUWATE TIANAGONS LATED, © BRUTE WIAPABETS- = frgjec Matiagers. . 2 Programe. 2° Bp HG STALE 0 Customers. Optional Categorias i ° End U3e2S. Praject_& pon se: _ _ * COMMPCHTOTS <_8tppliers.- ae Setware projects freaventiy fats” The Prayjcp ___faiwre rate for are project (6 50-07 - Theve are WARY ways to Mmeciese $e feHurer PEPENAMD Upon tHe emperlenel ENLOLCTEA Arie hE deyetopment: ome common factors ar May tad to evo, ct pailores arelInability 7e | #824 _undersyand the customers neat C10 Lace 0$ user Involvement OI) Lack of top Managemans support WO ace of pecovrces. CW) lack ©6 Best practices WY Caue og COMNMUMUCAHON _bekveen members. ROYS+HO projet success Projet SUCCESS mus be Utimare 9046 Following factors are heepfeu: — - Strona support from top- manzoemens- ¢ _ 7e0d "rnettedelegy for tha project: ° experienced pryeg¢ manage”. o BCT FVOWVEMENF I) VETS AGE. ° Feed bak mechanism - * SUtgicient ReSO7Ce FIOCAHOR Be are ergnecrirA Team management Project devsepment EMHTY 3 © FQ Asator © Managerial SkLUS- Proje ge cyde PROM U5e yde ae Sebtwors consi gration Managemen CSer> TREPTOCESS oy jolentitding and SoUMAuirIg Conpguration jrems controling PANGESTO these jrems recording and TePotng hGH for precessima and jmrypemett PION an venpying ee compliance Wit. gpecit led requirement s/s Caled coprvere CONHICTANON, MANAZEMIL CEU | Gr COR FIST AHOR NARA FORA ern) Four activities Of Sobtwme contiguraIO” mangement: + congiovration. identification + + ongiguration Change contro] + + confiauration: stars. accounti7a- + congiguration _avdaxing. Risk manasement? ree ereon. capegonies oF TIEKEI= ¢ projet rises: Pwjeg-7riSES ate Concerned with. project planning and heNi2S: Trece TisESCN 62 related tO _bUAE, Sthectule tind resources. 4 projats ore ot~ PPE Janet and rmonitorect then there maybe passibliry ot project aiSes- + Procluey rises; prow TISKS ATE concerned With HEI and devetoepment of- Software PTOLMES* ThE FISKE ape phe procig QUUAY wT Gs pergormance pores, These cists wn14 meuds tehnoles¢y et hangyng We TEAWITEMETHS) pochinal eucentartey anh tae Of ¢eohniced EVP EAG Ee ._ tie edge Outwaro en ieee re He edge | Liege re) = C40) ( la L Bi _ Business TiSIcs = | Wsiness rises TMARZNAWE tre Negative (MPF OT } 1 erable eganisation thorgansarons fo proses tne PrOolLt- UNA are olermanded in the MAKE. % | compepiter hot AUNPACE Qn epernapive. PTOAULE Susmess vises are Wtmnly AVEFO Wrong deysions olering jmplemensa@?on- oO Rise identification aLtvity har 724 have impact on +e acthevemernys- OF fire depmed objectives: The putpidt 06 Hus attivityis at's OF prajed SPeTHE FILES: pore293” Requirement TISkS pechmolo4y vi'sles, +oe! ChNOIOIY WEKS, COPEPEUSCH m7_AUSAVOPAL TISES, Seas Re SOUICE FIs ie~ 2. There are ciggerens- te. 790E4 OT SACRA LYING the | WISKS: — > Imeriewiroa. : 2 Assumption Analys;s- CHIC path apaty sje. ” = ) Date a= —_. Daise anayers or inplwenes 2 EA vise 16 anaes imclepenstent!y bG EX WIND thre idlentigied vrisie and accesswe j tmeace+ he arawcis car 6 Carried cup vsie WEEE7 EE FEOMI2UES SUCH ed empmper, Hecision pee ard cea a mewics ® ise prams ONCe He wisks are jdentitied ano! PrOpe!Y LM aBysed. 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