BU Statute

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[ 2 ]

(2) They shall come into force from such date as the State
Government, in terms of sub-section (5) of section 57 of the Act, may
St. 2 (Const.) (1) In these Statutes unless the context otherwise
Definition (a) “The Act” shall mean the Burdwan University
Statutes relating to election procedure to the Court,
Act, 1981 (West Ben. Act XXIII of 1981); and
the Executive Council, the Faculty Councils for
(b) words and expressions used shall be interpreted to have the
Post-Graduate Studies, the Councils for
same meaning as they have in the Act and as defined in these
Under-Graduate Studies and other Statutes;
Authorities of the University (2) “Form” shall mean a form as may be prescribed by the Vice-
WHEREAS I, the first Vice-Chancellor, with the approval of the Chancellor for realising the objects of these Statutes.
Chancellor and with the assistance of the Committee appointed under sub-
section (2) of the section 57 of the Burdwan University Act, 1981 have
reviewed the “Statutes relating to the Constitution of the University and CHAPTER II
Elections to the University and the Subordinate Authorities” of the former
University and consider it necessary to amend the said Statutes ; GENERAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO ELECTIONS
NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of the power conferred upon me by
sub-section (2) of section 57 of the Burdwan University Act, 1981 (West St. 3. (Const.) (1) Except as may be specifically prescribed otherwise,
Ben. Act XXIII of 1981), I, the first Vice-Chancellor with the approval of Elections to the all elections to the Court and other Authorities shall be
Court and other held in accordance with the provisions of and the
the Chancellor cause the said Statutes to be amended and to make the Authorities of the procedure prescribed by these Statutes.
following Statutes : University
(2) In these Stautes, unless the context otherwise
These Statutes may be called the Statutes relating to the election requires—
procedure to the Court, the Executive Council, the Faculty Councils for post- (i) “Constituency” in relation to any election of a member or
Graduate Studies, the Councils for Under-Graduate Studies and other members of any Authority means the body of electors who are
Authorities of the University. required by the Act, the Statutes, the Ordinances, the
Regulations or the Rules to elect such member or members to
the Authority;
(ii) “Contesting Candidate” at any election means a candidate
whose nomination paper has been found valid on scrutiny by
PRELIMINARY the Returning Officer and who has not withdrawn his
candidature in accordance with the provisions of these Statutes;
St. 1. (Const.) (1) These Statutes may be called the Statutes relating
(iii) “Election” means an election held under the Act, the Statutes,
Short title to the election procedure to the Court, the Executive
the Ordinances, the Regulations or the Rules;
and Council, the Faculty Councils for Post-Graduate Studies,
commencement the Councils for Under-Graduate Studies and other (iv) “Elector” of a constituency means a person whose name has
Authorities of the University. been included in the electoral roll of the constituency;
[3] [4]

(v) “Electoral College” means the body of the electors constituted (b) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Science; and
in the prescribed manner with the representatives of students of (c) such other Faculty Councils for Post-Graduate Studies as may
the Under-Graduate and the Post-Graduate degree classes of be constituted by the University;
affiliated Colleges and Institutions for the purpose of electing
(iii) Register of Teachers including Professors imparting instruction in the
two members on the Court in terms of sub-clause (xxi) of
Post-Graduate Courses of studies in Engineering and Technology,
clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 17 of the Act;
indicating therein the names of those who are Professors and/or the
(vi) “Electoral roll” of a constituency means the Register of Heads of Departments;
electors of the Constituency, prepared and authenticated in
(iv) Register of Teachers of the Constituent Colleges indicating therein
accordance with the provisions of the Statutes, the Ordinances,
the names of those who are participating in the teaching of Post-
the Regulations or the Rules;
Graduate Courses of Studies;
(vii) “Polling day” in relation to a polling station means the date
(v) Register of Teachers of Affiliated Colleges (not being Teachers'
fixed under these Statutes for taking the poll at that polling
Training, Engineering and Medical Colleges) other than the Principals
station; and
of Such Colleges, indicating separately the names of women teachers
(viii) “Polling hours” in relation to a polling station means the period of these affiliated Colleges;
of time intervening between the hours fixed by the Returning
(vi) Register of Teachers of the Teachers' Training Colleges;
Officer for the commencement and the closing of the poll on
the polling day at that polling station under these Statutes or (vii) Register of Teachers of Professional Colleges (Other than Teachers'
otherwise. Training, Engineering and Medical Colleges);
(viii) Register of Teachers of Engineering Colleges imparting instruction in
Under-Graduate Courses of Studies indicating therein the names of
CHAPTER III those who are the Heads of Departments;
(ix) Register of Teachers of Medical Colleges indicating therein the names
of those who are Professors;
(x) Register of Principals of Affiliated Colleges (other than those of
Engineering and Medical Colleges), indicating therein the names of
St. 4. (Const.) (1) The University shall, subject to the provisions of
those who are Principals of Teachers' Training Colleges;
Statutory Registers
these Statutes, maintain or cause to be maintained the
following Registers separately : (xi) Register of Registered Graduates of the University;
(i) Register of Professors of the University Departments of Studies (xii) Register of Regular Post-Graduate Students of the University
belonging to— indicating therein the names of those who are lady students;
(a) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Arts, (xiii) Register of Regular Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate Students of
Commerce, Law, Fine Arts and Music; Affiliated Colleges;
(b) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Science; and (xiv) Register of Research Scholars and Research Fellows of the University;
(c) such other Faculty Councils for Post-Graduate Studies as may (xv) Register of Librarians of the University and the Affiliated Colleges;
be constituted by the University; (xvi) Register of Non-Teaching Staff of the University;
(ii) Register of Teachers other than Professors of the University (xvii) Register of Non-Teaching Staff of the Affiliated Colleges;
Departments of Studies belonging to— (xviii) Register of the Officers of the University; and
(a) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Arts, (xix) Such other Registers as may be required to be maintained for the
Commerce, Law, Fine Arts and Music; purpose of carrying out the provisions of the Act.
[5] [6]

(2) For the purpose of maintaining the Registers referred to in casual vacancy, a fresh Register of Registered Graduates shall be prepared
Preparation of
paragraph (1) the Registering Authority shall, in the first by the Registering Authority in the prescribed manner;
a draft Register instance, prepare or cause to be prepared a draft Register Provided further that in the case of a casual vacancy, the Register
relating to every constituency in such manner as he may existing at the material time shall prevail.
deem necessary;
Explanation II : Till such time the Executive Council declares the
Provided that in the case of the Register of Regular Under-Graduate University Departments of Studies in Law, Library Science or the Institute
and Post-Graduate Students of Affiliated Colleges, the Principal of the of Science Education or the Section of the Commerce Department imparting
College or the Head of the Institution concerned shall prepare and instruction in Management Studies as Professional Colleges, these
authenticate that portion of the Register which relates to the students of his Departments, Institute or Section shall be deemed to be the University
College or Institution and forward an authenticated copy thereof to the Departments under the concerned Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies
Registering Authority. for the purpose of election to the Authorities of the University.
Explanation I : A graduate holding a Bachelor's Degree or any other * (3) ‘Officers of the University’ for the purpose of election to the
higher Degree of this University at least three years prior to the date declared Authorities of the University, shall include the following
Officers to include
for election to the Court from the constituency concerned, may, on in addition in addition to the Officers mentioned as such under
application made in this behalf to the Registering Authority in such form as Section 7 of the Act :
may be prescribed and on payment of a fee of Re. 1/-, have his name 1. The Inspector of Colleges
registered as a Registered Graduate;
2. The Controller of Examinations
Provided that for the purpose of these Statutes a person shall be
deemed to hold a Degree with effect from the date of publication of the 3. The Administrative Officer
results of the relevant examination of this University except that, in the case 4. The Audit & Accounts Officer
of a graduate in Medicine, the said date shall be the date on which he 5. The University Engineer
qualifies for the MBBS Degree after passing the Professional Examination 6. The Medical Officer
M.B.B.S. and undergoing the prescribed compulsory rotating Internship
7. The Placement & Student's Welfare Officer
8. The Secretary, College Councils
Provided that the period of registration of a graduate registered under
these Statutes shall commence on the date on which the application for such 9. The Deputy Controller of Examinations
registration in the prescribed form with necessary fees has been submitted to 10. The Deputy Registrar
the University which shall be at least three months prior to the date of 11. The Deputy Inspector of Colleges
election declared for the purpose of holding election to the Court from the
12. The Deputy Librarian
constituency concerned;
13. The Assistant Registrars
Provided that a graduate so registered shall remain a registered
graduate of the University till such time as the Registering Authority by a 14. The Assistant Controllers of Examinations
notification calls upon the graduates of the University to register themselves 15. The Accounts Officers
anew, in the manner laid down in St. 4 (Const.) and St. 5 (Const.) of these 16. The Publications Officer
Statutes for the purpose of holding fresh election of the representatives of 17. The Estate Officer
Registered Graduates to the Court, Excepting in the case of filling up of a
casual vacancy;
Provided that every time the constituency of the Registered Graduates * indicates the provisions of St. 4 (Const) (3) amended. [Amendment
assented by the Chancellor on 08.11.2003]
is called upon to elect three members to the Court, except in the case of a
[7] [8]

18. The Trust Officer (4) Every such objection, which shall be in duplicate, shall set forth
19. The Assistant Librarians Objection to be the grounds upon which the objector relies and shall
in duplicate and reach the Registering Authority within 15(fifteen) days
20. The Sports Officer contain grounds
for objection
from the date on which the draft Register was notified by
21. The Curator the Registering Authority under paragraph (1).
22. The Assistant Engineers (5) An objection which fails to comply with any of the requirements
23. The Junior Medical Officer Dismissal of prescribed under paragraphs (3) and (4) shall be
24. The Superintendent, University Press Objection dismissed by the Vice-Chancellor.
25. The Programmer, Research Service Centre (6) Whenever an objection has not been dismissed under paragraph
How to deal with (5), a copy thereof shall forthwith be forwarded by the
an objection not Registering Authority to the person to whom the
26. Part-time Medical Officers holding such part-time dismissed objection relates, unless he himself is the objector.
appointments for at least one year. While doing so, the Registering Authority shall specify the last date by
St. 5 (Const.) (1) As soon as any of the draft Registers other than that which such person may send his reply to the objection if he wishes to do so.
Notifying the relating to Regular Under Graduate and Post-Graduate Any reply that such person may send shall be addressed to the Registering
preparation of a Students of the affiliated Colleges has been prepared Authority in duplicate and shall reach him within 10 (ten) days from the date
draft Register. under paragraph (2) of St. 4 (Const.), the Registering on which the copy of the objection was forwarded to him by the Registering
Authority shall notify the matter in the University Notice Board and in such Authority. A copy of such reply shall be sent by the Registering Authority
manner as he may deem necessary and send a copy of the relevant draft to the objector.
Register along with the notice to the Principals of the Colleges or the Heads (7) The Registering Authority shall make such enquiry as he considers
of the Institutions or of the Departments concerned indicating the necessary in respect of any objection which has not been
constituency to which it relates, excepting that in the case of ‘Registered Authority shall dismissed under paragraph (5) and shall place before the
make inquiry and Vice-Chancellor, for his decision, the objection, the reply
Graduates’ constituency the draft Register so prepared shall be made forward to the thereto, if any, and the report on the enquiry made by him.
available for inspection in the office of the Registering Authority as may be Vice-Chancellor
Before giving his decision, the Vice-Chancellor may call
notified by him. for any additional information if he so requires.
(2) While doing so, the Registering Authority shall specify the last The Vice-Chancellor shall then give his decision on each such
Last date of date by which every objection which may be preferred objection after taking into consideration—
objection under paragraph (3) shall reach him within the specified (a) the grounds on which the objector relies;
(b) the reply, if any, submitted by the person objected against; and
(3) Any person belonging to the category to which the relevant draft (c) the report on the enquiry made by the Registering Authority.
Register relates, may prefer an objection addressed to
Preferring objection
The decision given by the Vice-Chancellor shall be final.
the Registering Authority challenging.
(8) Every such decision or orders shall forthwith
(i) The correctness of any particular entry in the draft Register, or Decision to be be communicated to the objector and the person
(ii) the non-inclusion of his name in the draft Register, communicated objected against, if any.
or (9) The Registering Authority shall finally prepare the Registers
(iii) the inclusion of the name of any other person not entitled to be
Final preparation after incorporating in the draft Registers the decision of
of Registers. the Vice-Chancellor as may have been given under
included in the draft Register.
paragraph (7).
[9] [ 10 ]

(10) Such Registers as prepared under paragraph (9) shall be (15) For the purpose of filling up a casual vacancy, the Register as
authenticated by the Vice-Chancellor. The Registers Electoral Roll in existing on the date of the notification calling upon the
Vice-Chancellor to
authenticate shall be kept up-to-date by endorsing thereon, from time case of a Casual relevant Authority to fill up the casual vacancy, shall be
to time, all amendments or corrections thereto made in vacancy
the Electoral Roll.
accordance with any of the relevant provisions of these Statutes. Every such
amendment or correction shall be duly authenticated by the Vice-Chancellor. St. 6 (Const.) (1) For the purpose of election to the Court of two
regular students of affiliated colleges in terms of sub-
(11) The Registers as authenticated under paragraph (10) shall be the Registrar to issue
directions to the clause (xxi) of clause (b) of sub-section (1) of Section
Authenticated Electoral Roll in respect of those elections to the
Principals or the 17 of the Act, the Registrar shall issue necessary
Registers shall be Authorities of the University for which notifications for Heads of the
the Electoral Roll holding elections had already been issued. departments
directions to the Principal of the College or to the Head
of the Institution concerned for preparing separately a
Vice-Chancellor (12) The Vice-Chancellor may at any time direct
Draft Register in respect of all such students of his college or Institution.
may direct the the Registering Authority to amend or correct an entry in
any Register authenticated under paragraph (10) in order (2) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in these Statutes
Authority to
amend any entry to rectify any clerical or formal error or defect therein. Principal or Head of relating to the preparation and maintenance of Registers
the Institution to of the various categories of electors other than the
(13) The Heads of Departments or Institutions managed by or exercise the powers regular Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate students of
Heads of
affiliated to the University shall report from time to time and perform the
Departments to the fact of any fresh appointment, death, resignation, duties and functions affiliated colleges, the respective Principal of the
report from time transfer, retirement or termination of service and such of the Registering College or the Head of the Institution shall exercise the
to time Authority. powers and perform the duties and functions of the
other facts as may require an amendment or correction
in respect of entries to be made in the Registers. The Registering Authority Registering Authority in respect of such students of the College or Institution
shall, on receipt of any such information, make necessary amendment or concerned.
correction in the entries in the Registers to ensure a constant process of (3) Notwithstanding anything contained eleswhere in these Statutes,
keeping the Registers up-to-date;
Registers of the Register of regular students of every affiliated
Provided that in the event of any fresh appointment, for the purpose regular students toCollege or Institution shall be the Electoral Roll for the
of inclusion in the relevant Register of the name of the elector concerned, the be the Electoral
purpose of election of representatives of regular students
Roll for the
procedure laid down in paragraphs (1) to (10) shall be observed mutatis of the College or Institution concerned for constituting
purpose of election
mutandis; whereas in other events the Registering Authority shall make an Electoral College in order to elect two regular
necessary amendment or correction moto perpetuo. students to the Court.
(14) The Vice-Chancellor may at any time direct the revision of any (4) While preparing and maintaining the Registers of regular students
Vice-Chancellor Register referred to in these Statutes if he considers such
Procedure to be of every affiliated College or Institution, the Principal of
may direct the revision necessary. For the purpose of such revision, the followed by the
revision of any Registering Authority shall notify to the members of the the College or the Head of the Institution concerned shall
Register relevant category that the existing Register would be of the Institutions mutatis mutandis follow the procedure prescribed in St.
revised and that the same would be treated as the Draft Register for the 5 (Const.)
purpose of such revision; and the provisions under paragraphs (1) to (10) (5) An election held in pursuance of the provisions of these Statutes
shall mutatis mutandis apply. As soon as the Vice-Chancellor authenticates shall not be challenged on the ground that any
the Register as revised, the former Register which was in force prior to such Election not to be
amendment, revision, objection or appeal in respect of
revision shall be deemed to have been superseded and such modified
the Register or of any entry therein, was pending at the
Register shall constitute the Electoral Roll of the relevant constituency for
time such election was held.
subsequent elections to the Authorities of the University.
[ 11 ] [ 12 ]

CHAPTER IV Provided that in the case of the constituency comprising the Under-
Graduate and Post-Graduate students of affiliated Colleges and
Institutions, the respective portion of the Electoral Roll concerning a
particular College or Institution shall be available for inspection by
such students of that College or Institution in the office of the
St. 7. (Const.) (1) Whenever an election is required to be held for the Principal of the College or of the Head of the Institution concerned
Returning Officer to purpose of constituting the Court, the Returning Officer for such period as may be notified by him and no such Electoral Rolls
call upon shall be made available to any individual elector or to anybody else
shall call upon the appropriate constituencies to elect a
constituencies to either as a priced copy or otherwise.
elect. member or members as the case may be.
(6) For the purpose of an election, the Registering Authority or such
(2) When calling upon a constituency to elect a member or members,
other person as the Vice-Chancellor may appoint in this
the Returning Officer shall give notice, in such manner Returning Officer
behalf, shall be the Returning Officer. He shall be
Notice calling for
nominations as he deems fit, of the intended election, inviting responsible for the proper conduct of the election and shall perform the
nominations of candidates for election and specifying duties assigned to him under these Statutes.
the last date(s) fixed for filing nominations, the date, time and place for (7) Any person may be nominated as a condidate at an election if his
scrutiny of nomination papers, the last date for withdrawal of candidature, Qualifications of name is included in the electoral roll of the constituency
the date of poll and the time and place at which, and the person to whom, a candidate concerned;
the nomination papers are to be delivered and also the date(s) on which the Provided that he is not subject to any of the disqualifications
votes shall be counted, if necessary. enumerated in sub-section(1) of Section 35 of the Act.
(3) Unless the Vice-Chancellor or the Executive Council directs (8) On or before the date fixed for filing nominations, every candidate
Registering otherwise, the Registrar shall be the Registering for election shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the
Authority Nominations of
Authority in respect of the electoral roll of every candidates Returning Officer in his office a nomination paper in the
constituency other than the constituency comprising the Under Graduate and prescribed form between such hours as may be specified
Post-Graduate students of affiliated Colleges and Institutions. by the Returning Officer. The Returning Officer shall give a serial number
to every nomination paper delivered to him and hand over to the person
(4) For the purpose of election to a particular Authority of the delivering the nomination paper a certificate of such delivery;
University, no person shall be entitled to have his name Provided that no nomination paper sent by post shall be accepted.
Name of an elector
to be included in included in the electoral rolls of more constituencies
(9) Every nomination paper shall be duly filled in and proposed by a
one Electoral roll than one in respect of that Authority. If a person is
only person qualified to vote in the constituency concerned.
qualified to have his name included in the electoral rolls
(10) A nomination paper shall not be valid unless it is signed by the
of more than one constituency, he shall have the option to have his name
candidate signifying his assent to the nomination.
enrolled in one only of such constituencies, at his choice;
(11) (a) On the day fixed and duly notified for the scrutiny of
Provided that every elector who is eligible for having his name nomination papers, the Returning Officer shall, in the
Secrutiny of
included in the electoral rolls of more constituencies than one, shall Nomination papers presence of such candidates or their authorised agents as
give a declaration indicating such choice during the preparation of the may be present, scrutinies all nomination papers which
draft electoral rolls. have been delivered to him under paragraph(8).
(5) An elector may obtain a copy of the electoral roll on payment of A candidate who is absent at the scrutiny may authorise only one agent
to represent him at the scrutiny. After such scrutiny, the Returning
Copies of Electoral such price as may be fixed by the Registering Authority
Officer shall display in his Notice Board a list of all the candidates
rolls. in this behalf;
whose nomination papers have been accepted by him as valid,
specifying therein the last date for withdrawal as may have been fixed.
[ 13 ] [ 14 ]

(b) At the scrutiny, the Returning Officer shall declare a nomination (14) At an election, the poll shall be taken (by Secret personal ballot)
paper to be invalid and reject it if— Procedure of at such polling station or stations as may be specified by
(i) it has been delivered in a manner which contravenes any of the poll the Returning Officer;
provisions of paragraphs (8) to (10) or; Provided that in the cases of the following constituencies, the poll
(ii) it has not been duly filled in and signed; or shall be taken by secret Postal ballot—
(iii) the candidate's and the proposer's names are not included in (i) ‘Principals of Colleges’ Constituency,
the relevant electoral roll; or (ii) ‘Registered Graduates’ Constituency,
(iv) the candidate is subject to any of the disqualifications referred (iii) ‘Librarians’ Constituency, and
to in paragraph (7). (iv) such other Constituencies as may be determined from time to
(c) The Returning Officer shall declare every nomination paper to be time by the Vice-Chancellor.
valid and shall accept it if it has not been rejected under clause (b). (15) Ballot papers to be used at every election shall be serially
(12) Any candidate whose name appears in the list of candidates numbered and the names of the contesting candidates
Ballot Papers
referred to in clause (a) of paragraph (11) may withdraw shall be printed on each ballot paper in English and/or in
Withdrawal of
candidature his candidature by a notice in writing in the prescribed Bengali as the Returning Officer may decide;
form. Every such notice shall be signed by the candidate
Provided that while determining the serial order of the names to be
and delivered personally by him to the Returning Officer in his office
between such hours as may be specified by the latter for the purpose, on or printed on the ballot paper, the alphabetical order of the first names
before the date fixed. The Returning Officer shall hand over to the person of the contesting candidates in English spelling shall be maintained.
delivering a notice of withdrawal a certificate of such delivery. (16) A person whose name is not included in the electoral roll of a
(13) In an election— Entitlement to constituency shall not be entitled to vote in that
Vote constituency.
(a) if the number of contesting candidates is equal to the number of
Procedure in seats to be filled at the election, the Returning Officer (17) Every person whose name is included in the electoral roll of a
contested and shall, on expiry of the time limit fixed for withdrawal of constituency shall be entitled to vote in that constituency only.
uncontested candidature, declare all such candidates to have been
elections. (18) At an election, an elector shall have as many votes as there are
duly elected; or
Votes to be persons to be elected but shall not have the right to
(b) (i) if the number of contesting candidates is less than the number distributive record more than one vote in favour of any one
of seats to be filled at the election, the Returning Officer shall, on expiry of candidate.
the time limit fixed for withdrawal of candidature, declare all such candidates
(19) At every election excepting in the case of an election by postal
to have been duly elected;
Setting up of ballot, the Returning Officer shall, by an order in
(ii) the Returning Officer shall, as soon as possible thereafter, call Polling Stations writing, allot one or more polling stations as he may
upon the constituency concerned to elect a person or persons to fill the and allotment of consider necessary. Where more polling stations than
remaining seat or seats in the manner prescribed; or Voters thereto
one have been allotted by the Returning Officer, he
(c) if the number of contesting candidates exceeds the number of seats shall, by an order, specify which of the electors are assigned by him to each
to be filled at the election, the Returning Officer shall display in his Notice such polling station. Every elector shall be given notice of the date and hours
Board a list of the contesting candidates in alphabetical order of their first fixed for taking the poll and the polling station to which the elector has been
names in English spelling and a poll shall be taken on the date or dates fixed. assigned, in such manner as may be decided by the Returning Officer. An
[ 15 ] [ 16 ]

elector whose name appears in the list of voters assigned to a particular (24) When the Presiding Officer is so satisfied, he shall issue a ballot
polling station shall be entitled to vote at that polling station only. Issue of ballot
paper and an envelope to the elector. While doing so, he
(20) For every polling station the Returning Officer shall appoint a paper to an elector shall place a mark on his copy of the electoral roll
Presiding Officer who shall make all necessary against the name of the elector to indicate that a ballot
Appointment of paper has been issued to the latter. The serial number of the ballot paper
Presiding Officer. arrangements for taking the poll at that polling station
and shall conduct the poll there on the polling day. The issued to an elector shall not be recorded on the electoral roll or anywhere
Returning Officer shall provide the Presiding Officer of every polling station else by any person;
with— Provided that in the cases of elections from constituencies in which
(a) a copy of that part of the electoral roll which includes the Ballot Boxes are provided, no envelope shall be issued to an elector
names of the electors who have been assigned to that polling along with the ballot paper;
Provided further that in case an elector is physically handicapped or
(b) all necessary forms,
incapacitated to the extent that he cannot record his vote or votes on
(c) ballot papers, the ballot paper himself, he may request the Presiding Officer to
(d) envelopes, record his vote or votes in his presence and on his behalf.
(e) a brass seal, and (25) On receiving the ballot paper, the elector shall proceed to one of
Delivery of ballot the places set apart for voting and shall secretly record
(f) an amount as may be determined by the Returning Officer to
paper after his vote or votes on the ballot paper by placing a cross
enable the Presiding Officer to meet contingent expenses as recording of votes (X) mark against the name or names of contesting
may be necessary for conducting the poll. thereon
candidates, as the case may be, in whose favour he
(21) The Returning Officer may appoint such persons as he may desires to vote. The Presiding Officer shall make such arrangements as may
Assistants to
decide to assist the Presiding Officer in taking the poll be necessary to ensure that the elector is enabled to record his vote or votes
Presiding Officer at the polling station, from among the employees of the secretly. An elector shall not sign or initial his ballot paper or make any
University or of the affiliated Colleges or Institutions or other mark thereon which may disclose his identity. After he has recorded his
of the establishment to which the Presiding Officer belongs. vote or votes, the elector shall fold the ballot paper so as to conceal his vote
(22) The poll shall be taken at each polling station on the polling day or votes and shall place it inside the envelope supplied to him. He shall then
Polling day and between such hours as the Returning Officer may have deliver the envelope to the Presiding Officer. The envelope shall forthwith
hours. fixed in this behalf for that polling station. be closed and sealed by the Presiding Officer;
(23) Excepting in the case of an election by postal ballot, every elector
Provided that at elections from such other constituencies as the
who desires to exercise his vote at the election shall personally appear on the
Returning Officer may determine, an elector shall, after recording his
polling day within the polling hours at the polling station to which he has
vote or votes on the ballot paper, drop the same into a Ballot Box
been assigned and shall request the Presiding Officer to issue to him a ballot
kept for the purpose.
paper after giving his name and other particulars to the Presiding Officer.
The Presiding Officer shall then satisfy himself— Electors (26) An elector shall have no right to vote after
appearing at the
(a) that the name of the person who makes the request for the issue the hour fixed for the close of the poll;
close of the poll
of a ballot paper is included in the copy of that part of the
electoral roll which relates to the polling station;
Provided that all electors who are present at the polling station at that
(b) about the identity of the person who claims to be the elector hour shall be allowed to vote subject to the provisions of paragraphs
concerned. (23) and (24).
[ 17 ] [ 18 ]

(27) All the envelopes received from the electors and sealed in (iii) the packet of spoilt ballot papers;
Packet of envelopesaccordance with the provisions of paragraph(25) shall (iv) the Ballot Paper Account;
containing used be kept in a packet by the Presiding Officer, excepting
ballot papers (v) the copy of the electoral roll marked in accordance with the
in the cases where Ballot Boxes are provided.
provisions of these Statutes;
(28) The Presiding Officer shall keep an account in the prescribed
(vi) the Brass Seal; and
Ballot paper form of all ballot papers supplied to him by the
account Returning Officer. He shall complete and sign the (vii) any other papers, or statements relating to the election as the
account after the close of the poll. Returning Officer may direct.
(29) (a) If an elector has inadvertently torn, defaced or otherwise Sealing of packets (31) At an election when the Returning Officer
spoilt his ballot paper in such a way that it cannot be and covers not counts the votes immediately after the close of the poll,
Spoilt ballot necessary where the it may not be necessary to seal any of the covers or
paper used as a ballot paper, he shall instantly report the fact Returning Officer
and return the spoilt ballot paper to the Presiding Officer packets referred to in paragraph (30) except after the
counts the votes
who shall thereupon issue another ballot paper to the elector; immediately after counting of votes has been completed.
the poll
Provided that no other ballot paper shall be issued to an elector who
(32) During the poll at any polling station, if it becomes impossible
has also spoilt the second ballot paper so issued to him.
Adjourment of
to complete such poll by reason of any disturbance or
(b) All spoilt ballot papers returned to the Presiding Officer under
poll natural calamity or for any other reason, the Presiding
clause(a) shall be endorsed by him as ‘Cancelled’ and kept in a separate
Officer shall adjourn the poll and shall immediately
report to the Returning Officer the full facts of the case and the reasons for
(30) (a) Immediately after the close of the poll, the packets or the such adjournment. As soon as he adjourns the poll, he shall close and seal
ballot boxes, as the case may be, referred to in items (i)
Procedure at the the covers and packets referred to in items (i) to (v) & (vii) of paragraph (30)
close of poll and (iii) of sub-paragraph (c) of this paragraph shall be
as if the poll had been completed and shall retain them for disposal in
sealed and the papers and other materials referred to in
accordance with the provisions of clause(b) or clause (c) of paragraph (33)
items (ii), (iv), (v) and (vii) of the said sub-paragraph (c) shall be placed in
separate covers or packets which shall also be sealed.
Resumption of (33) (a) On receipt of such report, the Returning
(b) On each cover or packet containing the papers and other materials
referred to in items (i) to (vii) of sub-paragraph (c), the Presiding Officer adjourned poll or Officer shall forthwith place the matter before the Vice-
holding of fresh Chancellor who may give such directions, as he
shall clearly indicate— poll
considers fit, to the effect that—
(i) the particulars of the election,
(i) the poll which was adjourned under the provisions of
(ii) the name of the polling station,
paragraph (32) be cancelled in respect of the polling station
(iii) the date of the poll, and and a fresh poll be taken at the polling station on another date;
(iv) the nature of the contents of the cover or packet. or
(c) The Presiding Officer shall then forward to the Returning Officer (ii) the adjourned poll be resumed and completed at the polling
the following by special messenger, so as to reach him before the date fixed station on another date.
for counting of votes—
In either case, the Returning Officer shall fix a date and the polling
(i) the packet of used ballot papers or the ballot box used, as the hours for taking such fresh poll or for resuming such adjourned poll at the
case may be; polling station, as the case may be, and shall give notice to the electors in
(ii) the unused ballot papers and the unused ballot box, if any; such manner as he may deem fit of such date and the polling hours.
[ 19 ] [ 20 ]

(b) When the Vice-Chancellor has directed a fresh poll at a polling Every voter on receipt of the ballot paper shall record his vote or
station under item (i) of sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph, the procedure votes thereon in the manner indicated on the ballot paper. The voter shall
prescribed in paragraphs (20) to (32) shall be followed for such poll. then place the ballot paper inside the envelope, close it and the closed cover
All sealed covers and packets relating to the adjourned poll in terms containing the ballot paper shall be placed inside the outer cover addressed
of paragraph (32) shall, be forwarded by the Presiding Officer to the to the Returning Officer. The voter shall thereafter send the cover to the
Returning Officer for safe custody and shall not be opened. Returning Officer by Registered Post or deliver the same to him in person
or through messenger, at his own cost, but in either event the cover
(c) When the Vice-Chancellor has directed the resumption and
containing the ballot paper shall reach the Returning Officer within 5 p.m.
completion of a poll which was adjourned, such adjourned poll shall be
of the last date as may be fixed by the Returning Officer in this behalf.
resumed and completed on the date fixed for the purpose by the Returning
Officer. The Presiding Officer shall, at the commencement of such resumed (36) In every case of election by postal ballot, the last date fixed
poll, open the covers or packets which relate to the poll that had been Last date of under paragraph (35) shall be treated as the date of poll
adjourned and which contain the papers mentioned in items (ii), (v), (vi) and receiving postal in respect of the constituency concerned and no cover
ballot paper containing the ballot paper received thereafter shall be
(vii) of sub-paragraph (c) of paragraph (30) and shall use the contents of
such covers or packets for the purpose of completing the poll. He shall not taken into account for the purpose of the election.
open any of the other covers or packets which relate to the poll that was (37) The Returning Officer shall be responsible
adjourned and which contain the papers mentioned in items (i), (iii) and Responsibility of for the safe custody of the covers containing ballot
the Returning
(iv) of sub-paragraph (c) of paragraph (30). Except as otherwise provided in Officer for safe papers delivered to him daily either by post or in person
this paragraph, the procedure prescribed in paragraphs (20) to (32) shall be costody of covers in pursuance of paragraph (35).
followed in such resumed poll. A fresh form of ballot paper account shall be
(38) (a) On the date and at the time and place fixed for the counting
used by the Presiding Officer at such resumed poll. Only such electors who
of votes, the Returning Officer shall open the sealed
did not vote on the day the poll was adjourned shall be entitled to vote Procedure for
counting of votes packets referred to in items (i) and (iv) of sub-paragraph
during such resumed poll. At the close of the resumed poll, the Presiding
(c) of paragraph (30) and the envelopes contained therein
Officer shall forward to the Returning Officer, along with the covers
or the sealed ballot boxes, as the case may be, and then proceed to count the
and packets relating to the resumed poll, the unopened sealed covers and
votes in the manner prescribed in this paragraph. He may also open the
packets which related to the poll that had been adjourned and which
covers or packets referred to in any of the items (ii), (iii), (v), (vi) and (vii)
contained the papers mentioned in items (i), (iii) and (iv) of sub-paragraph
of paragraph (30), but shall do so only if he considers it to be necessary for
(c) of paragraph (30).
enabling him to count the votes or to dispose of any objections relating to
(34) For the purposes of elections from the ‘Principals of Colleges’ the election satisfactorily.
constituency, the ‘Registered Graduates’ constituency,
Poll by postal (b) As the envelopes or the sealed ballot boxes are opened under sub-
ballot the ‘Librarians’ constituency, and such other
paragraph (a) of this paragraph the ballot papers contained therein shall be
constituencies as may be deteremined from time to time
arranged in a bundle or bundles. The Returning Officer shall thereafter
by the Vice-Chancellor, the poll shall be taken by secret postal ballot.
proceed to scrutinise the ballot papers one by one and shall reject every
(35) In every case of an election where the poll shall be taken by ballot paper or vote which he finds to be invalid. He shall record in a
Sending of postal secret postal ballot, the Returning Officer shall, within statement the total number of valid votes given to each contesting candidate.
ballot paper and twenty days from the date of publication of the list of
Validity of ballot
(c) A ballot paper or a particular vote, as the case
envelope before contesting candidates, send by Registered Post, to each
and after election paper or vote may be, shall be invalid if—
elector of the constituency concerned, a ballot paper
along with an envelope and an outer cover addressed to the Returning Officer (i) the ballot paper is spurious; or
for the return of the ballot paper. (ii) the ballot paper contains no record of voting; or
[ 21 ] [ 22 ]

(iii) the ballot paper has been marked in such a manner that it (b) In a case where the number of seats to be filled exceeds one, the
cannot be ascertained in favour of which candidate the vote Returning Officer shall prepare a list of candidates arranged in the
has been recorded; or descending order of the number of valid votes secured by each, mentioning
(iv) any mark has been made upon the ballot paper which discloses the number of votes against each. He shall declare such number of candidates
the identity of the elector; or from the top of the said list as the number of seats are to be filled, to have
been duly elected;
(v) the number of votes recorded thereon exceeds the number of
Provided that when two or more candidates secure an equal number
seats to be filled at the relevant election; or
of votes and when both or all of them cannot be declared elected, the
(vi) there is an erasing of voting mark on the ballot paper; or question as to which of them shall be declared to have been elected shall be
(vii) if a ballot paper contains any mark other than a cross (X), or decided by the Returning Officer by the drawing of lots in such manner as
if the markings is made at a place other than the place indicated he deems fit.
in the ballot paper. (c) After the result of the election is declared, the Returning Officer
(d) If more cross (X) marks than one have been made on a ballot shall seal up in separate packets the valid and the invalid ballot papers. He
paper against any candidate's name, they shall be counted as one vote only, shall mark each such packet with a description of its contents, the particulars
provided the total number of markings thus made does not exceed the total of the election, the name of the constituency and the date of the counting.
number of seats to be filled at the election. He shall also replace in sealed covers or packets the contents of such
covers or packets, if any, referred to in items (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) and (vii) of
(e) When a cross (X) mark has been so made on a ballot paper as to
sub-paragraph (c) of paragraph (30) as he may have opened under sub-
render it doubtful to which candidate the vote has been cast, the ballot paper
paragraph (a) of paragraph (38). He shall keep all such sealed covers and
shall be rejected as invalid if one member only is to be elected; and if more
packets in his safe custody for a period of three months after the date of the
members than one are to be elected, only the vote or votes recorded by such counting, or if any dispute arises regarding the election, until such disputes
mark(s) shall be rejected as invalid while every other validity marked vote are finally disposed of. All such covers and packets shall be destroyed after
on the ballot paper shall be counted. the expiry of such period.
(f) The decision of the Returning Officer as to the validity of a ballot
(41) The following persons, and no others, shall be allowed by the
paper or a vote shall be final.
Persons to be Presiding Officer to stay inside polling station during
(39) In case the poll could not be completed before the date fixed for allowed in the
counting of votes, or in the event the papers referred to polling station the poll—
Deferment of during the poll
counting of votes in paragraph (30) or paragraph (33) were not received
by the Returning Officer from all the polling stations (i) the Vice-Chancellor;
before the commencement of counting of votes, the Returning Officer shall (ii) any person authorised in writing in this behalf by the Vice-
forthwith defer the counting to another date and time. He shall give notice Chancellor;
to every contesting candidate of the date, time and place which have been
(iii) any person or persons appointed by the Returning Officer to
appointed by him for the counting of votes.
assist the Presiding Officer in taking the poll; and
(40) When the counting of votes has been completed—
(iv) every contesting candidate and/or an agent of such contesting
(a) In a case where the number of seat to be filled is one, the candidate authorised by him in writing in this behalf.
Declaration of Returning Officer shall declare forthwith the candidate,
results by the in whose favour the highest number of valid votes have (42) The following persons, and no others, shall be allowed by the
Returning Officer Persons to be
been cast, to be duly elected. When two or more Returning Officer to be present at the counting of
allowed at the
candidates secure an equal number of votes, the question as to which of them Counting of votes votes—
shall be declared to have been elected shall be decided by the Returning
Officer by the drawing of lots in such manner as he deems fit; (i) the Vice-Chancellor;
[ 23 ] [ 24 ]

(ii) any person authorised in writing in this behalf by the Vice- persons so proposed duly elected. If the number of
Chancellor; persons so proposed for election exceeds the number of
(iii) any person or persons appointed by the Returning Officer to the members to be elected, a poll shall be taken in such
assist him in counting the votes; and manner as the Chairman may decide. The Chairman shall
then prepare a list of the candidates arranged in the
(iv) every contesting candidate and/or an agent of such contesting descending order of the number of valid votes secured by
candidate authorised by him in writing in this behalf. each, mentioning the number of votes against each. He
(43) Except as otherwise provided in these Statutes, the Vice- shall declare forthwith such number of candidates from
Power of
Chancellor shall have the power to prescribe and the top of the said list as the number of seats are to be
Vice-Chancellor determine the forms of notice, letters of intimation, filled, to have been duly elected;
ballot paper and all other forms and papers necessary Provided that when two or more candidates secure an
for holding an election. equal number of votes and when both or all of them
cannot be declared elected, the Chairman shall decide the
(44) The Vice-Chancellor shall have the power to direct the holding
issue by exercising his casting vote under Section 41 of
Power of Vice-
Chancellor to hold of an election in anticipation of any vacancy that is due the Act.
election in (iv) Any casual vacancy in the office of a nominated member
anticipation of
to occur within three months.
of any Authority of the University shall be filled within a
period of not later than three months from the date of
(45) (a) The membership of an elected person to fill a vacancy, shall occurrence of such vacancy.
Date of effect of take effect—
(46) An election shall not be invalidated by reason merely of any
membership In the case of an anticipatory election, from the
Election not to be
date of occurrence of the vacancy, and in every other void on account of
vacancy existing among the persons entitled to vote at
case, from the date of declaration of the result of the election. vacancy amongst such election.
the voters
(b) (i) A casual vacancy in the office of an elected member of
any authority of the University shall be filled by that (47) An election otherwise valid shall not be invalidated merely by
Authority by election at a meeting to be convened for the Election not to be reason of loss or delay during transmission or non-
purpose by the Registrar on such date (being not later void for loss or receipt of any notice or information meant for electors
than three months from the date of occurrence of the delay in transit of
vacancy) and at such time and place as may be appointed notice sent by the or a candidate which was duly sent by the Returning
Returning Officer Officer.
by the Vice-Chancellor in this behalf;
Provided that at least seven days' notice of such meeting (48) Any notice, intimation or information which is required to be
shall be given to the members of the Authority concerned. Manners of giving given or sent or notified to any person under these
(ii) At the meeting of the Authority so convened, the members
notice, intimation Statutes shall be sent or notified in such manner as the
or information Registering Authority or the Returning Officer, as the
thereof may propose names of persons representing the
interest which the member whose seat has become vacant case may be, may consider expeditious or appropriate, unless otherwise
represented. Each such proposal must be seconded by specified under these Statutes in any particular case.
another member of the Authority concerned. (49) In an election, in respect of matters not expressly provided for
(iii) If the number of persons proposed for election to the Power of Vice- in these Statutes, the Vice-Chancellor may give such
Authority be less than or equal to the number of the
Chancellor to give directions not inconsistent with the Act, these Statutes or
directions any law for the time being in force as he may consider
members to be elected, the Chairman shall declare all
[ 25 ] [ 26 ]

necessary for the proper holding of the election and subject to the decision two regular students of affiliated Colleges and Institutions on the Court by
given by the Election Tribunal on a reference made to it, if any, under the electors constituting the Electoral Colleges.
Section 40 of the Act, such directions shall be given effect to. (vi) The Returning Officer shall thereupon prepare a consolidated list
of such electors with such particulars relating to them as he may consider
(50) An election shall not be set aside for any defect or irregularity
Election shall not be
necessary, which shall constitute the Electoral Roll for the purpose of
set aside merely on or any non-compliance of provisions of the Act or these electing two regular students of affiliated Colleges to the Court.
grounds of non- (vii) Forthwith upon compilation of the list under clause (vi), the
compliance, Statutes unless such defect, irregularity or non-
Returning Officer shall issue notification inviting nominations and fixing the
irregularities or
compliance materially affects the results of the election. date of filing nominations, scrutiny of nomination papers, withdrawal of
candidature and the date, time and place for taking the poll, if necessary. For
St. 8 (Const.)* (i) Notwithstanding anything contained in these the purpose of filing nominations for election to the Court from this
Electoral College
Statutes, for the purpose of constituting the Electoral constituency, only the electors constituting the Electoral College shall be
College which shall elect two regular students of affiliated entitled to be nominated as candidates.
colleges to the Court, in pursuance of sub-clause (xxi) of clause (b) of Sub- (viii) The Returning Officer shall make necessary arrangement for the
section (1) of Section 17 of the Act read with parapgrah (3) of St. 6 (Const.), printing of ballot papers. He shall send them to the Principals of the Colleges
each College or Institution shall be a Unit which shall elect the proportionate and the Heads of the Institutions concerned, who shall exercise the powers
number of electors on the basis of one elector for every one hundred regular and perform the duties and functions of the Presiding Officer for the purpose
students or part thereof exceeding fifty registered on the electoral roll of the of election of two members to the Court by the Electoral College.
Unit concerned.
(ix) In holding the elections for constituting the Electoral College and
(ii) The Principal of the College or the Head of the Institution in the process of election of two members to the Court by the Electoral
concerned shall exercise the powers and perform the duties and functions of College, the procedure laid down in St. 7 (Const.) shall be followed.
the Returning Officer in respect of that College or Institution, except as
provided under following clause (viii), whereunder, he shall exercise the (x) The University shall defray the expenses incidental to the holding
powers and perform the duties and functions of the Presiding Officer. of elections in the affiliated Colleges and Institutions concerned subject to
such ceiling as may be prescribed.
(iii) The Registrar shall, in consultation with the Vice-Chancellor,
issue a notification fixing the date and time for holding the election and the
counting of votes in the affiliated Colleges and Institutions.
(iv) The Principal of the College or the Head of the Institution CHAPTER V
concerned shall thereupon issue a notice inviting nominations and fixing the
dates for the filing of nominations, scrutiny of nomination papers, withdrawal ELECTIONS TO THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL
of candidature and indicating the date, time and place for taking the poll, if
necessary. He should make all necessary arrangements for holding the
election according to the schedule. St. 9 (Const.) For the purpose of elections to the Executive Council
Registrar to convenein terms of Section 20 of the Act, the Registrar shall
(v) Immediately after declaring the results of the election in respect meetings of the convene meetings of the members concerned of the
Procedure of of the Electoral College, the Principal of the College or concerned members
election by the
relevant Authorities, namely—
the Head of the Institution concerned shall sent an
Electoral College authenticated copy of the declaration of result to the (i) The Court as referred to in clauses (ix) (a) & (b), (x), (xi), (xii)
Registrar, who shall be the Returning Officer for the purpose of election of (a), (b) & (c) of sub-section (1);
(ii) The Faculty Councils for Post-graduate Studies as referred to
* indicates the provisions of St. 8 (Const.) (i) amended, [Vide Chancellor's in clauses (viii) (a) and (b) of sub-section (1);
secretariat Letter No. 1726-Edn. (U) dt. 5/6.8.83]
[ 27 ] [ 28 ]

(iii) The Council for Under-graduate Studies in Arts, Science, candidate whose name has been included in the list may withdraw his
Commerce, Law, Fine Arts and Music as referred to in clauses candidature orally or in writing at any time before the commencement of
(xiii) (a) and (xiv) of sub-section (1); voting.
(iv) The Council for Under-graduate Studies in Engineering and (d) If the number of candidates remaining after such withdrawal is
Technology as referred to in clause (xiii) (b) of sub-section (1); equal to or less than the number of seats to be filled at
and election the election, all such candidates shall be declared elected
(v) The Council for Under-graduate Studies in Medicine as by the Chairman and a fresh election shall be held on a
referred to in clause (xiii) (c) of sub-section (1). subsequent date for filling the remaining seats, if any.
St. 10 (Const.) (a) Before convening meetings, the Registrar shall (e) If the number of such candidates exceeds the number of seats to
Procedure to be secure the concurrence of the Vice-Chancellor in writing Contested
be filled at the election, a list of such candidates shall be
followed for holding and the dates for such meetings shall be fixed in election prepared and a serial number shall be given to each
meetings consultation with him. candidate. This list shall be read out to the members
(b) No other business shall be transacted in such meetings and the present who shall then proceed to vote by secret ballot. Each member present
election of members from the respective bodies to the Executive Council at the meeting shall have as many votes as there are seats to be filled at the
shall constitute the single item for the said meetings. election and shall record his vote or votes secretly by entering on a slip of
paper, to be supplied to him for the purpose, the serial numbers of the
(c) A notice of not less than ten days shall be given for such meetings
candidates in whose favour he wishes to vote. He shall fold the slip of paper
and all such notices shall be sent to the members by Registered Post or
so as to conceal his vote or votes and deliver the same to the Chairman of
through messenger.
the meeting.
St. 11 (Const.) Elections to the Executive Council shall be completed
(f) The Chairman shall determine whether the votes are valid or not
within three months, excluding intervening vacations, if
Chairman to decide and shall count all valid votes after the completion of
Time limit
any, from the date on which (i) the Court, (ii) the Faculty
validity of votes the voting.
Councils for Post-graduate Studies and (iii) the Councils for Under-graduate
Studies have been finally constituted by elections and nominations. (g) When the counting of votes has been
Declaration of result
St. 12 (Const.) (a) The Vice-Chancellor shall be the Chairman at the
meetings referred to in St. 9 (Const.), but he shall have no (i) in a case where the number of seat to be filled is one, the
Chairman Chairman shall forthwith declare the candidate to whom the
right to vote.
highest number of valid votes has been cast, to be duly elected.
(b) At such meetings a member from the appropriate constituency When two or more candidates receive an equal number of
Nomination &
may propose, as candidates, the names of as many votes and they cannot all be declared elected, the question as
Voting procedure members or less including himself as there are seats to to which of them shall be declared to have been elected shall
be filled at the election. A member who is absent at the be decided by the Chairman by the drawing of lots in such
meeting shall be entitled to propose in writing the names of candidates for manner as he deems fit;
election provided that every such proposal has been sent so as to reach the
(ii) in a case where more than one seat is to be filled, the Chairman
Registrar before the commencement of the meeting.
shall prepare a list of candidates arranged in the descending
(c) A list of the names of all the candidates who have been so order of the number of valid votes secured by each, mentioning
proposed and who are eligible to seek election shall be the number of votes against each, mentioning the number of
Eligibility for
candidature prepared at the meeting by the Chairman and read out to votes against each. He shall declare such number of candidates
the members present. The Chairman of the meeting shall from the top of the said list as the number of seats is to be
determine whether a candidate is eligible for being elected or not. Any filled, to have been duly elected;
[ 29 ] [ 30 ]

Provided that when two or more candidates secure an equal (2) For the purposes of elections to the Faculty Councils for Post-
number of votes and they cannot all be declared elected, the Election from graduate Studies in (i) Arts, Commerce, Law, Fine Arts
question as to which of them shall be declared to have been among Post- and Music and (ii) Science in terms of clause (iv) (b) of
elected, shall be decided by the Chairman by the drawing of graduate teachers sub-section (2) of Section 22 of the Act, the Registrar
lots in such manner as he deems fit. shall convene a meeting of the Teachers, not being Heads of the Departments
(h) Any objection relating to the election shall be raised at the meeting or Professors, belonging to the Faculty concerned on an appointed date with
and decided by the Chairman whose decision shall be the concurrence of the Vice-Chancellor.
final. St. 14 (Const.) (1) For the purposes of elections to the Faculty
Councils for Post-graduate Studies as envisaged in
Election by Under-
graduate Council clause (vi) of sub-section (2) of section 22 of the Act,
the Registrar shall convene a meeting of the Council for
CHAPTER VI Under-graduate Studies pertaining to the subject or subjects concerned.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in these Statutes, the
ELECTIONS TO THE FACULTY COUNCILS FOR POST-GRADUATE STUDIES Procedure of Election procedure laid down in St. 10 (Const.) and St. 12
to Executive Council (Const.) shall mutatis mutandis apply to every such
St. 13 (Const.) (1) For the purposes of to apply
Faculty Councils in
Arts and Science to constitution of and elections to the Faculty Councils for Provided that all objections relating thereto shall be raised at the
comprise the Post-graduate Studies in— meeting and decided by the Vice-Chancellor, who shall be the
Departments as
(i) Arts, Commerce, Law, Fine Arts and Music Chairman at such meetings.
and St. 15 (Const.) For the purposes of constitution of and elections to the
(ii) Science; Election to Faculty Faculty Council for Post-graduate Studies in
the respective Faculty Council shall comprise, in terms of sub- Council in Engineering and Technology in terms of sub-sections
Engineering and (1) and (3) of Section 22 of the Act, the procedure laid
section (1) & (2) of Section 22 of the Act, the Departments as Technology
specified hereunder : down in St. 13 (Const.) and St. 14 (Const.), read with St.
10 (Const.) and St. 12 (Const.) shall be followed.
(a) The Faculty Council for Post-graduate Studies in Arts,
Commerce, Law, Fine Arts and Music
(i) Bengali (ii) English (iii) Economics (iv) History (v)
Philosophy (vi) Political Science (vii) Sanskrit (viii) CHAPTER VII
Commerce including Industrial Relations & Personnel
Management (ix) Law (x) Library Science and (xi) such ELECTIONS TO THE COUNCILS FOR UNDER-GRADUATE STUDIES
other subjects or Courses of Studies as may be brought
under the Purview of the Faculty Council by the Executive
Council. St. 16 (Const.) (1) For the purposes of constitution of and elections
(b) The Faculty Council for Post-graduate Studies in Science Council for Under- to the Council for Under-graduate Studies in Arts,
graduate Studies in Science, Commerce, Law, Fine Arts and Music the said
(i) Botany (ii) Chemistry (iii) Geography (iv) Mathematics Arts and Science to
(v) Physics (vi) Zoology (vii) Instrumentation Science comprise the Council shall comprise in terms of sub-sections (1) &
(viii) Science Education and (ix) Such other subjects or subjects as specified
(2) of Section 24 of the Act, the subjects or courses of
Courses of Studies as may be brought under the Purview
Studies as specified hereunder :
of the Faculty Council by the Executive Council.
[ 31 ] [ 32 ]

Bengali; English; French; Hindi; Nepali; Sanskrit; Urdu; Economics; St. 17 (Const.) (1) For the purposes of constitution of and elections
History; Philosophy; Political Science; Statistics; Commerce; Law; Council for Under- to the Council for Under-graduate Studies in
Music; Botany; Chemistry; Geography; Mathematics; Physics; graduate Studies in Engineering and Technology, the following shall be
Engineering and
Physiology; Zoology; Geology; Courses leading to B. Ed. Degree; Technology
deemed to be the Departments of teaching of Regional
Diploma/ Degree in Physical Education and such other subjects or Engineering College, Durgapur within the meaning of
Courses of Studies in which instructions are imparted in affiliated sub-section (3) of Section 24 of the Act :—
Colleges or Institutions and as may be brought under the purview of Civil; Electrical; Mechanical; Metallurgical; Chemical and such other
the Council for Under-graduate Studies. Departments in other branches of Engineering as may be established
(2) For the pruposes of elections to the Council for Under-graduate by the College with the approval of the Executive Council;
Studies in Arts, Science, Commerce, Law, Fine Arts Provided that the Departments of Studies in such subjects as
Provisions of St. 7
(Const.) to apply and Music in terms of clauses (v) and (vii) of sub- Humanities, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry which are common
section (2) of Section 24 of the Act, the Registrar or subjects of study pertaining to the Departments as enumerated in these
such other person as may be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor in this behalf Statutes, shall be deemed to be separate Departments within the
shall be the Returning Officer and the procedure laid down in St. 7 (Const.) meaning of the aforesaid provision of the Act.
shall be followed.
(2) For the purposes of election to the Council for Under-graduate
(3) For the purposes of election to the Council in terms of clause (v) Studies in Engineering & Technology in terms of clause
Provisions of St. 7
of sub-section (2) of Section 24 of the Act, the Returning Officer shall (v) of sub-section (3) of Section 24 of the Act, the
(Const.) to apply
appoint a Presiding Officer for every polling station. The Presiding Officer Registrar or such other person as may be appointed by
shall make all necessary arrangements for taking the poll at the polling the Vice-Chancellor in this behalf shall be the Returning Officer and the
station and shall conduct the poll there on the polling day. procedure laid down in St. 7 (Const.) shall be followed.
(4) For the purposes of election to the Council in terms of clause (vii) St. 18 (Const.) (1) For the purposes of constitution of and election to
of Sub-section (2) of Section 24 of the Act, the poll shall be conducted by Council for Under- the Council for Under-graduate Studies in Medicine, the
the Returning Officer by postal ballot and the procedure laid down in graduate Studies in following shall be deemed to be the Departments of
paragraphs (34), (35), (36) and (37) of St. 7 (Const.) shall be followed. Medicine.
teaching of Burdwan Medical College within the
(5) For the purposes of elections to the Council in terms of clause (vi) meaning of sub-section (4) of Section 24 of the Act :—
Meeting of of Sub-section (2) of Section 24 of the Act, the Registrar Anatomy; Physiology; Bio-Chemistry; Pathology; Micro-Biology;
concerned members or such other person as may be authorised by the Vice- Pharmacology; Preventive & Social Medicine; Forensic & State
of the Faculty Chancellor in this behalf shall convene a meeting of the Medicine; Medicine; Surgery; Gynaecology; Radiology; Physical
concerned members of the Faculty Councils for Post- Medicine; Anaesthesiology; Dentistry; E.N.T.; Opthamology;
graduate Studies in Arts, Commerce, Law, Fine Arts & Music and Science Orthopedics and such other Departments as may be established by the
on such date and time as may be fixed in consultation with the Vice- college with the approval of the Executive Council.
(2) For the purposes of election to the Council for Under-graduate
(6) Notwithstanding anything contained in these Statutes, the Provision of Studies in Medicine in terms of clause (iv) of sub-
procedure laid down in St. 13 (Const.) and St. 14 (Const.) read with St. 10 St. 7 (Const.) section (4) of Section 24 of the Act, the Registrar or
(Const.) and St. 12 (Const.) shall be followed in every election envisaged in to apply such other person as may be appointed by the Vice-
these Statutes. Chancellor in this behalf shall be the Returning Officer and the procedure
laid down in St. 7 (Const.) shall be followed.
[ 33 ] [ 34 ]

CHAPTER VIII St. 21 (Const.) (1) The Vice-Chancellor shall, for the first constitution
Manner of of the Court, appoint one of the two principals referred
ANCILLARY MATTERS appointment of two to in clause (xxx) of sub-section (1) of Section 17 as a
principals by member of the Court. The member so appointed shall
rotation under hold office till the expiry of his term as a member of the
St. 19 (Const.) (1) For the purpose of election of the Dean for each section 17.
Court :
Election of the Faculty Council for Post-graduate Studies in terms of Provided that where such member ceases to be the Principal of the
Dean sub-section (2) of Section 26 of the Act, the Secretary of
College by way of transfer or otherwise, fresh appointment from that
the Faculty Council concerned shall convene a meeting
college shall be made by the Vice-Chancellor for the unexpired term
of that Faculty Council;
of office of the member.
Provided that till such time a Secretary to the Council concerned is
appointed, the Registrar shall perform the functions and duties of the (2) Such appointment under paragraph (1) shall thereafter be made by
Secretary in this behalf. rotation from among the two Principals of the Colleges referred to in clause
(2) In convening and holding a meeting of the Faculty Council (xxx) of sub-section (1) of Section 17.
concerned for the purpose of election of the Dean, the procedure laid down
in St. 10 (Const.) and St. 12 (Const.) shall be followed.
(3) For the purpose of determination of seniority of a Dean within the
Determination of meaning of sub-section (3) of Section 26 of the Act, the
seniority length of service rendered as Professor in the University
shall be the criterion.
*(4) The term of office of the Dean of a Faculty Council for Post-
graduate Studies shall be two years from the date of his
Term of Office
election as Dean;
Provided that, till a new Dean is elected, the outgoing Dean shall
continue to function as such.
(5) A Dean shall take initiative in promoting academic activities and
shall serve as the liasion between the Faculty Council
Functions and
concerned and the Councils for Under-graduate Studies.
He shall also discharge such other duties as he may be
required to do by any of the Authorities of the University or the Vice-
St. 20 (Const.) The Chancellor shall constitute a one-man Election
Tribunal under Section 40 of the Act with a person
Constitution of the belonging to the West Bengal Higher Judicial Service of
election Tribunal
more than 10 years standing or a retired Judge of the
Calcutta High Court.

* indicates the provisions of St. 19 (Const.) (4) amended [vide

Chancellor's Secretariat Letter No. 1078-Edn.(U) dt. 25.6.85]
[ 35 ] [ 36 ]

(2) The provisions of the Statutes, the Ordinances, the Regulations

and the Rules of the University, in so far as they affect the matters provided
herein, if in conflit with the provisions of these Statutes, shall stand modified
in the light of these Statutes by the Statutes under this Chapter.
THE UNIVERSITY OF BURDWAN St. 3 (B. S.) (1) There shall be a Board of Research Studies for every
subject coming under the purview of the concerned
Board of Research
WHEREAS I, the first Vice-Chancellor, with the approval of the Studies Faculty Council for Post-graduate Studies or the Council
Chancellor and with the assistance of the Committee appointed under sub- for Under-graduate Studies and as enumerated in Statute
section (2) of the section 57 of the Burdwan University Act, 1981 have 13 (Const.), Statute 16 (Const.), Statute 17 (Const.) or Statute 18 (Const.) of
reviewed the different Statutes of the former University and consider it the Statutes relating to the election procedure to the Court, the Executive
necessary to amend the said Statutes; Council, the Faculty Councils for Post-graduate Studies, the Councils for
Under-graduate Studies and other Authorities of the Unviersity, as the case
NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of the power conferred by sub- may be :
section (2) of Section 57 of the Burdwan University Act, 1981 (West Bengal Provided that notwithstanding anything contained in this Chapter or
Act XXIII of 1981), I, the first Vice-Chancellor with the approval of the elsewhere, for the purpose of constituting the Boards of Research
Chancellor, cause the said Statutes to be amended and to make the following Studies in subjects pertaining to the Faculty Council for Post-graduate
Statutes : Studies in Engineering and Technology or the Council for Under-
graduate Studies in Engineering and Technology, the Science and
Humanities subjects in their applied aspect having bearing on
Engineering and Technology, viz., Applied Mechanics, Chemistry,
THE STATUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF BURDWAN Geology, Mathematics, Physics and the Humanities, shall be deemed
to be separate subjects of study :
CHAPTER I Provided further that for purose of constituting the Boards of
Research Studies in Science and Humanities subjects in their applied
aspect having bearing on Engineering and Technology, there shall be
THE STATUTES RELATING TO CONSTITUTION OF THE BOARDS a separate Board of Research Studies in Applied Mechanics, whereas
OF RESEARCH STUDIES, THE BOARDS OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES for the subjects—Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, the
AND THE BOARDS OF UNDER -GRADUATE STUDIES Humanities and such other subjects(s) as may be introduced from
time to time, the respective Board of Research Studies attached to the
St. 1 (B. S.) (1) These Statutes may be called the Statutes relating to concerned Faculty Council shall deal with the cases pertaining to
Short title and Constitution of the Boards of Research Studies, the Engineering and Technology :
Commencement Boards of Post-graduate Studies and the Boards of
Under-graduate Studies. Provided also that in such cases the Head of the concerned
Department of Regional Engineering College, Durgapur or his
(2) They shall come into effect from such date as the State
nominee or if there be no separate Department for the subject at
Government may, under sub-section (5) of section 57 of the Act, appoint.
Regional Engineering College, Durgapur, the Principal of the said
St. 2 (B. S.) (1) In these Statutes, unless the context otherwise college or his nominee shall be invited to the meetings of the Board
Interpretation requires, words and expressions used shall be interpreted for the purpose of disposal of matters related to fields of study/
to have the same meaning as they have in the Act. research in the said subject(s).
[ 37 ] [ 38 ]

(2) The Board of Research Studies for every such (3) Three external experts in the subject or subjects
Members of Board
of Research Studies subject shall be constituted in the manner as hereafter concerned to be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor on the
provided : basis of the recommendation of the relevant Board of
(A) In respect of a subject in which there is a University Post-graduate Studies.
Department of Studies : (C) In respect of a subject in which there is no post-graduate
(1) The Dean of the Faculty concerned, who shall be the teaching either at the University Department of Studies or at
Chairman (ex-officio); any of the constituent or affiliated colleges :
(2) The Head of the relevant University Department of (1) The Dean of the Faculty concerned, who shall be the
Chairman (ex-officio); and
(3) All Professors of the University Department concerned;
(2) Five external experts in the subject or subjects concerned
(4) Two teachers other than Professor, imparting instruction
to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor.
in the subject at the Post-graduate level nominated by the
Vice-Chancellor ordinarily on the basis of seniority as (D) In respect of the subjects of studies pertaining to Engineering
defined in the University Statutes relating to the and Technology as enumerated in St. 17 (Const.) of the
constitution, function and management of the University Statutes relating to the election procedure to the Court, the
Departments of Studies; Executive Council, the Faculty Councils for Post-graduate
(5) One Professor and one teacher, other than Professor, Studies, the Councils for Under-graduate Studies and other
imparting instruction at the Post-graduate level in the Authorities of the Univesity, read with the second proviso to
subject concerned at affiliated/constituent college(s), if St. 3 (B. S.) but excluding the subjects Chemistry, Geology,
any, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor; and Mathematics, Physics and the Humanities :
(6) Three external experts in the subject or subjects concerned (1) The Dean of the Faculty concerned, who shall be the
to be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor on the basis of the
Chairman (ex-officio);
recommendation of the Committee for the relevant
University Department of Studies : (2) The Head of the relevant Department at Regional
Provided that in respect of a subject in which teaching is Engineering College, Durgapur;
imparted at the Post-graduate level both at the University (3) All Professors of the relevant Department at Regional
and at affiliated/constituent college(s), the three external Engineering College, Durgapur;
expert members shall be appointed by the Vice- (4) Two teachers, other than Professors, of the subject
Chancellor on the basis of the recommendation of the
concerned nominated by the Vice-Chancellor in
relevant Board of Post-graduate Studies.
consultation with the Dean; and
(B) In respect of a subject (not pertaining to Engineering and
Technological Studies) in which there is no University (5) Three external experts in the subject or subjects concerned
Department of Studies but in which Post-graduate instruction appointed by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation
is imparted at affiliated/constituent college(s) : of the relevant Board of Post-graduate Studies/Under-
(1) The Dean of the Faculty concerned, who shall be the graduate Studies.
Chairman (ex-officio); St. 4 (B.S) (1) There shall be a Board of Post-graduate Studies for
(2) Four teachers in the subject imparting instruction at the Board of Post- every subject attached to the concerned Faculty Council
Post-graduate level at the college(s) concerned nominated graduate Studies for Post-graduate Studies as specified below :
by the Vice-Chancellor; and
[ 39 ] [ 40 ]

(A) THE FACULTY COUNCIL FOR POST-GRADUATE STUDIES IN ARTS, (3) Two part-time teachers to be co-opted by the
COMMERCE, LAW, FINE ARTS AND MUSIC : members as specified in sub-paragraphs (1) and
(i) Bengali (ii) Economics (iii) English (iv) History (v) Library (2) at a meeting convened for the purpose; and
& Information Science (vi) Philosophy (vii) Political Science (4) Three external experts in the subject or subjects
(viii) Sanskrit (ix) Commerce (x) Business Adminisstration concerned to be co-opted by the members as
(xi) Industrial Relation & Personnel Management (xii) Law specified in sub-paragraphs : (1), (2) & (3) above.
(xiii) Fine Arts (xiv) Music and (xv) Such other subjects or Provided that such a Board of Studies shall not be
courses of studies as may be brought under the purview of the deemed to have been constituted until the co-
Faculty Council by the Executive Council; option of external expert members is completed.
(B) In respect of a subject belonging to the Faculty Council for
Post-graduate Studies in Engineering and Technology :
(i) Botany (ii) Chemistry (iii) Geography (iv) Geology (v)
(1) The Principal, Regional Engineering College,
Mathematics (vi) Physics (vii) Zoology and (viii) such other
Durgapur, who shall be the Chairman (ex-officio);
subjects or courses of studies as may be brought under the
purview of the Faculty Council by the Executive Council; and (2) The Head of the Relevant Department(s) of Studies
at Regional Engineering College, Durgapur;
(C) THE FACULTY COUNCIL FOR POST-GRADUATE STUDIES IN (3) All whole-time teachers, not below the rank of
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY : Lecturer, of the relevant Department(s) of Studies
(i) Chemical Engineering (ii) Civil Engineering (iii) Electrical at Regional Engineering College, Durgapur; and
Engineering (iv) Mechanical Engineering (v) Metallurgical (4) Three external experts in the subject or subjects
Engineering and (vi) such other subjects in other branches of concerned to be co-opted at a meeting convened
Engineering as may be introduced under the authority of the for the purpose, by the members as specified in
Executive Council. sub-paragraphs (1), (2) and (3):
(2) The Board of Post-graduate Studies for every such subject shall Provided that such a Board of Studies shall not be
Members of Board of consist of the following members : deemed to have been constituted until the co-
Post-graduate Studies option of external expert members is completed.
(A) In respect of a subject belonging to the Faculty Councils for St. 5 (B. S.) 1. There shall also be a Board of Post-graduate Studies
Post-graduate Studies in : for every subject for which there is no concerned University Department of
(i) Arts, Commerce, Law, Fine Arts and Music; Studies but in which instruction is imparted at the Post-graduate level at a
and constituent or affiliated college. Such a Board of Post-graduate Studies shall
come under the purview of the concerned Faculty Council for Post-graduate
(ii) Science : Studies.
(1) The Head of the relevant University Department of 2. A Board of Post-graduate Studies in a subject as envisaged in
Studies, who shall be the Chairman (ex-officio); paragraph 1 shall consist of the following members :
(2) All whole-time teachers of the relevant University
(1) All whole-time teachers in the subject at the constituent or
Department of Studies as well as those of the
affiliated college(s) concerned participating in such Post-
constituent/affiliated college(s) participating in the
graduate teaching;
teaching of the subject or subjects concerned at the
Post-graduate level; (2) Two part-time teachers to be co-opted, by the members as
specified in sub-paragraph (1) at a meeting convened for the
purpose; and
[ 41 ] [ 42 ]

(3) Three external experts in the subject or subjects concerned to (3) THE COUNCIL FOR UNDER-GRADUATE STUDIES IN MEDICINE :
be co-opted in the same manner as indicated in sub-paragraph (i) Pre-clinical (a) Anatomy
(2) :
Group (b) Bio-Chemistry
Provided that such a Board of Studies shall not be deemed to
(c) Physiology
have been constituted until the co-option of external expert
members is completed. (ii) Para-clinical (a) Forensic & State Medicine
3. The Chairman of such a Board shall be nominated by the Vice- Group (b) Micro-Biology
Chancellor from among the members as specified in sub-paragraph (1). (c) Pathology
St. 6 (B. S.) There shall be a Board of Under-graduate Studies for (d) Pharmacology
Board of Under- every subject attached to the concerned Council for (e) Preventive & Social Medicine
graduate Studies Under-graduate Studies as specified below :
(iii) Clinical (a) Anaesthesiology
COMMERCE, LAW, FINE ARTS AND MUSIC : (c) Oto-rhino-laringology (ENT)
(i) Bengali (ii) Economics (iii) English (iv) History (v) Library & (d) Gynaecology & Obstetrics
Information Science (vi) Philosophy (vii) Political Science (viii) Sanskrit
(e) Medicine
(ix) Commerce (x) Law (xi) Fine Arts (xii) Music (xiii) Physical Education
(xiv) Science Education (xv) Teacher's Training (xvi) Botany (xvii) (f) Ophthalmology
Chemistry (xviii) Geography (xix) Geology (xx) Mathematics (xxi) Physics (g) Orthopaedics
(xxii) Physiology (xxiii) Zoology and (xxiv) such other subjects or courses (h) Physical Medicine
of Studies as may be brought under the purview of such Council for Under- (i) Radiology
graduate Studies by the Executive Council;
(j) Surgery
TECHNOLOGY : (iv) such other subjects as may be introduced under the authority
(i) Chemical Engineering (ii) Civil Engineering (iii) Electrical of the Executive Council
Engineering (iv) Mechanical Engineering (v) Metallurgical St. 7 (B. S.) 1. The Board of Under-graduate Studies in every such
Engineering and (vi) such other subjects in other branches of Members of Board of subject or group of subjects, as the case may be, shall
Engineering as may be brought under the purview of such Council for Under-graduate Studies consist of the following members :
Under-graduate Studies by the Executive Council :
(A) In respect of a subject belonging to the Council for Under-
Provided that the subjects, viz., the Humanities, Applied Mechanics, graduate Studies in Arts, Science, Commerce, Law, Fine Arts and
Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Workshop Practice and Music in which there is a University Department of Studies :
such other subjects as may be declared by the Executive Council as
the supporting subjects of study pertaining to Engineering and (1) The Head of the relevant University Department of
Technology as enumerated in St. 17 (Const.) of the Statutes relating Studies, who shall be the Chairman (ex-officio);
to election procedure to the Court, the Executive Council, the Faculty (2) Two teachers of the relevant University Department of
Councils for Post-graduate Studies, the Councils for Under-graduate Studies nominated by the Committee for the concerned
Studies and the Authorities of the University, shall be deemed to be University Department of Studies as defined in the
separate subjects of study for the purpose of this Statute; and University Statutes relating to the constitution, function and
management of the University Departments of Studies ;
[ 43 ] [ 44 ]

(3) One Principal of an affiliated or a constituent college paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) at a meeting convened for the
belonging to the concerned subject, nominated by the purpose :
Vice-Chancellor : Provided that such a Board of Studies shall not be deemed
Provided that if such a Principal is not available, the to have been constituted until the co-option of external
position shall be filled up from amongst the teachers expert members is completed.
belonging to the subject from affiliated or constituent 2. The Chairman of such a Board shall be nominated by the Vice-
colleges in the same manner as in the case of teachers of Chancellor from among the members as specified in sub-paragraph
the affiliated colleges belonging to the subjects as shown (1), (2) and (3).
in sub-paragraph (4);
(C) 1. In respect of a subject in which there is no Post-graduate
(4) Four teachers of the affiliated colleges belonging to the teaching either at the University Departments of Studies or at
subject nominated by the council for under-graduate any of the constituent or affiliated Colleges :
studies; and
(1) One Principal belonging to the subject concerned
(5) Three external experts in the subject or subjects concerned nominated by the Vice-Chancellor :
co-opted by the members as specified in sub-paragraphs
Provided that if such a Principal is not available the post
(1), (2), (3) and (4) at a meeting convened for the purpose:
shall be filled up from amongst the teachers belonging to
Provided that a Board of Studies shall not be deemed to the subject from affiliated or constituent colleges in the
have been constituted until the co-option of external same manner as in the case of teachers of the affiliated
expert members is completed. colleges belonging to the subject as shown in sub-
(B) 1. In respect of a subject belonging to the Council for Under- paragraph (2);
graduate Studies in Arts, Science, Commerce, Law, Fine Arts (2) Five teachers of the affiliated colleges belonging to the
and Music in which there is no University Department of subject nominated by the Council for Under-graduate
Studies but in which Post-graduate instruction is imparted in Studies; and
the concerned subject at an affiliated or constituent college : (3) Three external experts in the subject or subjects concerned
(1) Three teachers of the subject participating in Post- co-opted by the members as specified in sub-paragraphs
graduate teaching at the College(s) concerned nominated (1) and (2) at a meeting convened for the purpose :
by the Vice-Chancellor; Provided that such a Board of Studies shall not be deemed
(2) One Principal of an affiliated or a constituent college to have been constituted until the co-option of external
belonging to the concerned subject nominated by the expert members is completed.
Vice-Chancellor : 2. The Chairman of such a Board shall be nominated by the Vice-
Provided that if such a Principal is not available, the post Chancellor from among the members as specified in sub-paragraphs
shall be filled up from amongst the teachers belonging to (1) and (2).
the subject from affiliated or constituent colleges in the
(D) 1. In respect of a subject, other than a Science and Humanities
same manner as in the case of teachers of the affiliated
subject in its applied aspect, and belonging to the Council for
colleges belonging to the subject as shown in sub-
Under-graduate Studies in Engineering and Technology :
paragraph (3);
(1) The Principal, Regional Engineering College, Durgapur,
(3) Four teachers of the subject in affiliated colleges
who shall be the Chairman (ex-officio);
nominated by the Council for Under-graduate Studies; and
(2) The Head of the relevant Department of Studies at
(4) Three external experts in the subject or subjects
Regional Engineering College, Durgapur;
concerned co-opted by the members as specified in sub-
[ 45 ] [ 46 ]

(3) Alll whole-time teachers, not below the rank of Lecturer (b) For Para-clinical Group :
of the relevant Department of Studies at Regional (1) The Principal, Burdwan Medical College, who shall be
Engineering College, Durgapur; and the Chairman (ex-officio);
(4) Three external experts in the subject or subjects (2) The Heads of the relevant Departments of Studies of
concerned, to be co-opted at a meeting convened for the Burdwan Medical College;
purpose, by the members as specified in sub-paragraphs (3) Two teachers from each of the concerned Department to
(1), (2) and (3); be nominated by the teachers of the respective Department
Provided that such a Board of Studies shall not be deemed at a meeting convened for the purpose; and
to have been constituted until the co-option of external (4) Three external experts belonging to the Para-clinical
expert members is completed. group of subjects to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor.
2. In respect of a Science or Humanities subject in its applied aspect (c) For Clinical Group :
belonging to the Council for Under-graduate Studies in Engineering and (1) The Principal, Burdwan Medical College, who shall be
Technology as enumerated in the proviso under sub-paragraph (2) of St. 6 the Chairman (ex-officio);
(B. S.) : (2) The Heads of the relevant Departments of Studies of
(a) (1) The Principal, Regional Engineering College, Durgapur, Burdwan Medical College;
who shall be the Chairman (ex-officio); (3) One teacher from each of the concerned Department to be
nominated by the teachers of the respective Department at
(2) All whole-time teachers, not below the rank of Lecturer or
a meeting convened for the purpose; and
Foreman, of the relevant subject at Regional Engineering
(4) Three external experts belonging to the clinical Group of
College, Durgapur; and
subjects to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor.
(3) Three external experts in the subject or subjects concerned St. 8 (B.S.) (1) The term of office of the members, other than ex-
to be co-opted by the members as specified in sub- officio members, shall be as specified in section 36 of
Term of office of
paragraphs (1) and (2) at a meeting convened for the members the Act.
(2) Half of the total number of members plus one shall form the
(b) In the absence of the Principal at any meeting of the Board, the quorum for meetings of the different Boards of Studies
members present shall elect the Chairman, for the purpose of provided for in the Statutes under this Chapter :
transacting the business of the particular meeting, from Provided that no quorum shall be required for an adjourned
amongst themselves. meeting.
(E) For every group of subjects belonging to the Council for
Under-graduate Studies in Medicine :
(a) For Pre-Clinical Group : CHAPTER II
(1) The Principal, Burdwan Medical College, who shall be

(2) The Heads of the relevant Departments of Studies of FINANCE COMMITTEE

Burdwan Medical College;
(3) Two teachers from each of the concerned Department to St. 1 (F. C.) (1) These Statutes may be called the Statutes relating to
be nominated by the teachers of the respective Department Short title and Constitution, Powers and Functions of the Finance
at a meeting convened for the purpose; and Commencement Committee.
(4) Three external experts belonging to the Pre-clinical group (2) They shall come into force from such date as the State
of subjects to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor. Government may, under sub-section (5) of section 57 of the Act, appoint.
[ 47 ] [ 48 ]

St. 2 (F. C.) (1) In these Statutes, unless the context otherwise (i) advise the Court, the Executive Council and other Authorities of
Interpretation requires, words and expressions used shall be interpreted Advice on financialthe University on any financial matter that may
to have the same meaning as they have in the Act. matters appropriately be referred to it for opinion by any
(2) The provisions of the Statutes, the Ordinances, the Regulations Authority or body of the University ;
and the Rules of the University, so far as they affect the matters provided (ii) maintain a watch over the progress of income and expenditure
herein, if in conflict with the provisions of these Statutes, shall stand Watch over income
modified by the Statutes under this Chapter. provided for in the budget and make, from time to time,
and expenditure
St.3 (F.C.) The Finance Committee shall consist of the following and reports to the such reports to the Executive Council as it·may think fit
Executive Council
Constitution of the members : on any matter affecting the finances of the University;
Finance Committee (1) The Vice-Chancellor, who shall be the (iii) consider, as soon as may be and in no case later than six months
Chairman (ex-officio) ;
Anual Statement of after the close of every financial year, the Annual
(2) The Secretary, Finance Department, Government of West Bengal Accounts Statement of Accounts of the University as prepared by
or his nominee not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary ; the Finance Officer and submit the same to the Executive
(3) The Secretary, Education Department, Government of West Council with its observations;
Bengal or his nominee not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary ; (iv) consider at a meeting convened for the purpose within the 30th
(4) Two members to be nominated by the members of the Court from Annual Budget of November every year the Budget of the University
amongst themselves; showing the estimated receipt and expenditure under
(5) Two members to be nominated by the members of the Executive different heads of accounts for the ensuing financial year, as prepared by the
Council from amongst themselves; Finance Officer and submit the proposals for the Annual Budget along with
(6) Two experts in financial management, not being a member of the its recommendations thereon, to the Executive Council for examination and
Court or the Executive Council, to be nominated by the Chancellor in approval and the decision taken by the Executive Council shall be final;
consultation with the Vice-Chancellor ; (v) consider the proposals and suggestions, if any, which may have
(7) The Registrar of the University; and been made by the Court, the Executive Council, the Faculty Councils for
Post-graduate Studies, the Councils for Under-graduate Studies, the
(8) The Finance Officer of the University, who shall be the Secretary
Committees for the University Departments of Studies and the Heads of the
of the Committee (ex-officio).
Administrative Departments of the University for the purpose of preparing
St. 4 (F. C.) (I) The term of office of the members, other than ex- the Annual Budget;
Term of office of officio members, shall be as specified in section 36 of
members the·Act. (vi) prepare financial and accounts rules with the approval of the
Financial and
(2) Half of the total number of members plus one shall form the Accounts Rules Executive Council.
Quorum quorum for a meeting of the Committee : (2) For the purpose of preparing the Annual Statement of Accounts or
Provided that no quorum shall be required for an adjourned meeting. The Finance of making proposals for the Annual Budget or of
Committee may discharging any other duty assigned to it by the Act, the
(3) The Finance Committee shall meet at least thrice in a financial call for papers or Statutes or the Ordinances, the Finance Committee may
Minimum number information
of meetings year, preferably once in every three months. request any Authority or Body or any Officer of the
St. 5 (F. C.) (1) Subject to the Provisions of the Act, the Statutes, the University to furnish it with such papers or information, as it may consider
Ordinances, the Regulations and the Rules made necessary, in respect of any financial proposals or any item of accounts; and
Powers and
functions of the thereunder, the Finance Committee shall exercise the such Authority or Body or Officer shall furnish the relevant papers or
Finance Committee following powers and perform the following functions information as expeditiously as possible.
and duties :
[ 49 ] [ 50 ]

CHAPTER III (ix) the Librarian of the University, who shall be the Secretary to
the Committee (ex-officio).
THE STATUTES RELATING TO THE MANAGEMENT OF THE St. 4 (L. C) (1) The term of office of the members, other than ex-
UNIVERSITY LIBRARY AND THE CONSTITUTION, Terms of office of officio members, shall be as specified in section 36 of
(2) Half of the total number of members plus one shall form the
St. 1 (L. C.) (1) These Statutes may be called the Statutes relating to Quorum
Short title and the Management of the University Library and the quorum for a meeting of the Committee :
commencement Constitution, Powers and Functions of the Library Provided that no quorum shall be required for an adjourned meeting.
(3) The Library Committee shall meet at least thrice in a
(2) They shall come into effect from such date as the State
Government may, under sub-section (5) of Section 57 of the Act, appoint. Minimum number of year, preferably once in every three months.
St. 2 (L.C.) (1) In these Statutes unless the context otherwise requires,
Interpretation words and expressions used shall be interpreted to have (4) The Secretary to the Library Committee shall keep a record of the
the same meaning as they have in the Act. Records and
proceedings proceedings of the meetings of the Committee.
(2) The provisions of the Statutes, the Ordinances, the Regulations
and the Rules of the University, so far as they affect the matters provided St. 5 (L.C.) Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Statutes, the
herein, if in conflict with the provisions of these Statutes, shall stand Ordinances, the Regulations and the Rules, the Library
Powers and duties of
modified by the Statutes under this Chapter. the Committee Committee shall exercise the following powers and
perform the following duties, namely—
St. 3 (L. C.) (1) There shall be a Library Committee which shall be
Constitution of the
(a) to manage and control the University Library including the
Library Coimmittee
constituted with the following members, namely— Departmental Libraries and such other Libraries as may be
(i) the Vice-Chancellor, who shall be the Chairman (ex-officio); maintained by the University;
(ii) the Deans of the Faculty Councils for Post-graduate Studies in (b) to advise the Executive Council on general policies in terms of
Arts and Science (ex-officio); which the University library may be used and to make
(iii) the Dean of Students or the Students' Welfare Officer, if any, recommendations in regard to such use;
(ex-officio); (c) to make recommendations for general policies guiding and
(iv) the Registrar of the University (ex-officio); governing the purchase of books and manuscripts and other
(v) the Finance Officer of the University (ex-officio); related library materials within the budgetary provisions and
also for the receipt of gifts of books, manuscripts and other
(vi) Four teachers of the University of whom two shall be from
library materials;
each of the Faculty Councils for Post-graduate Studies in Arts
and Science, to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor; (d) to advise on plans and procedure for the purchase, management
and cataloguing of books and the manuscripts and other library
(vii) one member to be elected by the Executive Council from
amongst its members;
(e) to advise the University Librarian on such matters as may
(viii) one member of the Court elected in terms of clause (xx) of
be referred to it by him regarding the functioning of the
sub-section (1) of section 17 of the Act, to be nominated by the
Vice-Chancellor; and library;
[ 51 ] [ 52 ]

(f) to consider reports from the University Librarian concerning CHAPTER IV

the needs of the library for more effective use and development
(g) to frame rules from time to time in respect of— BOARD OF RESIDENCE AND DISCIPLINE
(i) the use of the library by the members of the Court, the
Executive Council and other Authorities of the University,
St. 1 (B. R. D.) (1) These Statutes may be called the Statutes relating
the University teachers and students, the teachers of
Short title and to Constitution, Powers and Functions of the Board of
affiliated and constituent colleges, the officers and the
non-teaching staff of the University,
Residence and Discipline.
(ii) the payment of fees for the use of the library,
(2) They shall come into force from such date as the State
(iii) the conditions of borrowing and returning books, Government may, under sub-section (5) of section 57 of the Act, appoint.
(iv) the suspension of privileges and the realisation of
penalties for the loss, mutilation or disfigurement of books St. 2 (B. R. D.) (1) In these Statutes, unless the context requires
Interpretation and
or for any breach of the Library Rules, definitions otherwise—
(v) the re-binding of books,
(i) words and expressions used shall be interpreted to have the
(vi) the repairs of library materials, same meaning as they have in the Act;
(vii) the provision of information service and pre-servation of
(ii) ‘Board’ means the Board of Residence and Discipline
Archival records including University records of archival
value, and constituted under these Statutes;
(viii) the periodical inspection of the library; (iii) ‘Collegiate Hostel’ means a hostel for students of an affiliated
(h) to consider the proposals and suggestions, if any, which may college which is under the direct and exclusive control of the
be made by the Court, the Executive Council, the Faculty college;
Councils for Post-graduate Studies, the Finance Committee or (iv) ‘Hall’ means a residence for students of a University
the Committees for the University Departments of Studies and Department of Studies which is under the direct and exclusive
make recommendations thereon; and control of the University;
(i) to exercise general supervision over the management of the
(v) ‘Hostel’ means a residence recognised by the Board for the
library and the working of the library staff and to do all that
is in their opinion desirable for the maintenance of the library students of an affiliated college or the University; and
in an efficient condition within the limits of the annual grant to (vi) ‘Non-collegiate Hostel’ means a hostel for students which is
the library. not under the direct control of any affiliated college or the
St. 6 (L.C.) All decisions of the Library Committee shall be submitted University but is managed by some other authority, provided
Confirmation of to the Executive Council for confirmation. The that, such an accommodation is within the knowledge of the
decisions Executive Council may approve or modify any decision college or of the University, as the case may be.
of the committee or direct the Committee to review its decision.
(2) The provisions of the Statutes, the Ordinances, the Regulations
St. 7 (L. C.) The Library Committee shall prepare the Annual Budget and the Rules of the University, in so far as they affect the matters provided
Budget Estimates Estimates for the library and forward the same to the herein, if in conflict with the provisions of these Statutes, shall stand
Finance Committee. modified by the Statutes under this Chapter.
[ 53 ] [ 54 ]

St. 3 (B. R. D.) (1) The Board of Residence and Discipline shall be (3) The Board shall meet at least thrice a year, preferably once in
Constitution of the Minimum number of
Board of Residence constituted with the following members, namely— every three months or at shorter intervals if the Vice-
and Discipline
Chancellor deems it necessary.
(i) the Vice-Chancellor, who shall be the Chairman (ex-officio);
(ii) the Inspector of Colleges, who shall be the Secretary (ex- (4) The Secretary to the Board shall keep a record of the proceedings
officio); Records and
Proceedings of the meetings of the Board.
(iii) the Dean of the Faculty Council for Post-graduate Studies in
Arts, Commerce, Law, Fine Arts and Music or Science, as may St. 5 (B. R. D.) Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Statutes, the
be the Vice-Chairman of the Council for Under-graduate Powers and duties ofOrdinances, the Regulations and the Rules, the Board
Studies in Arts, Science, Commerce, Law, Fine Arts and Music the Board shall exercise the following powers and perform the
(ex-officio); following duties, namely—
(iv) the Medical Officer of the University (ex-officio); (a) to recognise or withdraw recognition from halls or hostels in
(v) three teachers of affiliated colleges of whom one shall be from accordance with the provisions of the University Ordinances
each of the Councils for Under-graduate Studies in (a) Arts, relating to Residence and Discipline of Students;
Science, Commerce, Law, Fine Arts and Music, (b) (b) to recognise temporarily, in a case of emergency, as a hostel
Engineering and Technology and (c) Medicine, to be any residence for students other than the halls and the hostels
nominated by the Executive Council; referred to in clauses (iv) and (v) of St. 2 (B. R. D.) subject
(vi) one representative of the Executive Council not being a to such terms and conditions as the Board may, in each case,
teacher, to be nominated by that Council; impose;
(vii) one teacher-member of the Faculty Council for Post-graduate
(c) to supervise and control all halls, hostels and other places of
Studies in Arts, Commerce, Law, Fine Arts and Music, to be
nominated by the Executive Council; residence for students referred to in clauses (iv) and (v) of St.
2 (B. R. D.) and to enforce the observance therein of the rules
(viii) one teacher-member of the Faculty Council for Post-graduate
Studies in Science, to be nominated by the Executive Council; of discipline that may be made by the authorities of the
(ix) two Principals of affiliated colleges of whom one shall be the
Principal of a Women's College, to be nominated by the (d) to arrange for the periodical inspection of halls, hostels and
Executive Council; and other places of residence referred to in clauses (iv) and (v) of
(x) the students’ representative on the Executive Council (ex- St. 2 (B. R. D.);
officio). (e) to deal with cases of breach of discipline in any hall, hostel or
St. 4 (B. R. D.) (1) The term of office of the members, other than ex- such other place of residence in accordance with the provisions
Term of office of of the University Ordinances relating to Residence and
members officio members, shall be as specified in section 36 of
Discipline of Statutes; and
the Act.
(f) to advise the Court and the Executive Council on the matters
(2) Half of the total number of members of the Board plus one shall referred to in clauses (f), (g) and (h) of section 49 of the Act,
Quorum in so far as they relate to the matters of residence and discipline
be the quorum for a meeting of the Board :
of the students of the University and the affiliated colleges.
Provided that no quorum shall be required for an adjourned meeting.
[ 55 ] [ 56 ]

St. 6 (B.R.D.) If any question arises in respect of any interpretation St. 4 (U. D. S.) (1) For every University Department of Studies, there
of the provisions envisaged in the Statutes under this Committee for a shall be a Committee consisting of all the whole-time
interpretation and Chapter or if any difficulty is experienced in the University Departmentteachers of the Department, of which the Head of the
direction shall be appplication thereof, the Vice-Chancellor shall give of Studies Department as mentioned hereafter in St. 5 (U. D. S.)
final such directions as he may consider necessary in the shall be the ex-officio Chairman :
matter and such directions shall be final and binding. Provided that if deemed necessary by the Head of the Department,
part-time teachers of the department may be invited to attend and
participate at the meetings of the Committee, but they shall have no
CHAPTER V right to vote.
(2) The Committee for a University Department of Studies shall
Duties and functions perform
the following duties and functions, namely—
OF THE U NIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS OF STUDIES (a) maintain close liaison with the appropriate Board of Post-
graduate Studies, Board of Research Studies and Faculty
Council for Post-graduate Studies as also with other University
Short title and St. 1 (U.D.S.) (1) These statutes may be called
commencement and Departments of Studies;
repeal of former the Statutes relating to the Constitution, Function and
(b) Supervise the day-to day administration of the Department;
Ordinances Management of the Univeristy Departments of Studies. determine the allocation of teaching duties and arrangement of
(2) They shall come into force from such date as the State the time-table for classes, tutorials and seminars and take up
Government may, under sub-section (5) of the Section 57 of the Act, appoint. other academic programmes in the department; and supervise
(3) With the coming into force of these Statutes the ‘University and manage the libraries, laboratories, workshops and such
Ordinances relating to University Colleges' shall stand repealed. other units or offices as may be placed under the direct control
St. 2 (U.D.S.) (1) In these Statutes, unless the context otherwise of the departments;
Interpretation requires, words and expressions used shall be interpreted (c) exercise due supervision over all expenditure in the department
to have the same meaning as they have in the Act. and ensure—
(2) The provisions of the Statutes, the Ordinances, the Regulations (i) that all moneys are expended on the objects for which
and the Rules of the University, in so far as they affect the matters provided they have been respectively allotted;
herein, if in conflict with the provisions of these Statutes, shall stand (ii) that no expenditure is incurred without competent sanction
modified by the Statutes under this Chapter. or in contravention of the procedure laid down in that
St. 3 (U. D. S.) The University shall, in terms of clause (i) of sub- regard in the accounts rules;
section (1) of section 18, clause (ii) of section 21 and
Constitution of the (iii) that a proper account is kept of all receipts and
University other relevant provisions of the Act, establish and disbursements;
Departments of
constitute University Departments of Studies and other (iv) that no undue delay occurs in the settlement of bills;
institutions and centres for study and research.
(v) that all appliances, apparatuses and other effects
Explanation : For the purpose of this Chapter, a University purchased by or allocated to the department are
Department of Studies shall mean not merely the departments so established maintained in proper conditions;
and constituted but also the institutions and centres for study and research (vi) that a stock-register is maintained in the department and
directly managed and administered by the University. kept up-to date; and
[ 57 ] [ 58 ]

(d) discharge such other duties and perform such other functions In the second instance, after all the Professors have completed their
as may be assigned to it by the Faculty Council for Post- terms of office of the Head of the Department, the said office shall rotate
graduate Studies or by the Executive Council. among the teachers belonging to the cadre of Reader in order of seniority
(3) A meeting of the Committee for a University Department of and in the same manner as in the case of Professors.
Studies shall normally be convened once a month Explanation : (i) ‘Cadre’ means the category of teachers holding
(excluding vacation periods) by the Head of the
the post of Professor, Reader or Lecturer, as the
case may be.
(4) Half of the total number of members plus one of the Committee
Quorum for a University Department of Studies shall form the (ii) ‘Seniority’ of a teacher in a particular cadre shall be
quorum for a meeting of the Committee : determined by the length of service rendered in the particular
Provided that no quorum shall be required for an adjourned meeting. cadre at the University of Burdwan. When the length of service
as such in respect of two or more teachers is the same, the
(5) The Committee for a University Department of Studies will not
seniority shall be determined on the basis of the total length of
Decision on the basis normally take any formal vote on a matter and shall
of consensus always endeavour to arrive at a decision on the basis of service rendered at the University of Burdwan in the capacity
consensus. of a teacher. If seniority cannot be determined even then, it
(6) The Head of a University Department of Studies, as referred to in shall be determined on the basis of seniority in age.
Vice-Chancellor's St. 5 (U.D.S.), shall act according to the decisions (iii) In determining the aforementioned two-year period for the
ruling shall be final arrived at in the meetings of the Committee for that
and binding
purpose of rotation, the period served by a teacher as the Head
University Department of Studies; in case, he is unable
of a University Department of Studies on a regular basis under
to·concur with a decision taken by the Committee, he may formally request
the Committee to re-consider the said decision, and if on re-consideration the the provisions of the Statutes relating to the Management of
Committee is unable to modify or change the decision, the matter may be the University Departments of Studies (which are now
referred to the Vice-Chancellor, whose ruling in this regard shall be final and substituted by these Statutes) shall count.
(3) A teacher who has already held the office of the Head of the
St. 5 (U. D. S.) (1) There shall be a Head for every University appropriate University Department of Studies for two years or more on the
Head of a University Department of Studies, who shall be appointed by the day or before the date of coming into force of the Statutes under this Chapter
Department of Vice-Chancellor for a period of two years subject to the
Studies provisions of the Statutes in this Chapter on the basis of shall make over charge to the incumbent to be appointed by the Vice-
rotation from amongst the whole-time teachers of that Department of Studies Chancellor in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2). A
ordinarily not below the rank of a Reader. teacher who has been holding or who has held the office of the Head of the
(2) The process of rotation shall be followed according to the appropriate University Department of Studies for a period of less than two
Principle of rotation principles enunciated hereunder : years shall continue to hold such office till he completes the period of two
of the office of the In the first instance, the office of the Head of a years.
Head of a Department
of Studies
Department of Studies shall rotate among the (4) A teacher who has already served as the Head of the appropriate
Professors. The seniormost of the teachers belonging to
University Department of Studies may be re-appointed to that office when
the cadre of Professor in the department who has not so far served as Head
everyone among the other eligible teachers of the department has already
of the Department on regular basis, shall be appointed as the Head of the
Department followed by the other Professors of the department in order of served in that office in the manner prescribed in paragraphs (1) and (2).
seniority ;
[ 59 ] [ 60 ]

Every whole-time
(5) Every teacher holding-a whole-time (8) In order that no difficulty arises in the handing over of the charges
teacher shall appointment in the University shall normally be required Steps for appointment of the office of the Head of a Department of Studies to
normally be required of a new Head to be
to serve as the Head to Serve as the Head of the appropriate University taken well ahead of his successor, appropriate steps in this regard shall be
of the Concerned time
Department of
Department of Studies when so required in accordance taken well in advance of the date of expiry of the tenure
Studies with the provisions of this Chapter : of the outgoing incumbent.
Provided that the Vice-Chancellor may, if he thinks fit, exempt a
St. 6 (U. D. S.) The Head.of a University Department of Studies, so
teacher from accepting the office of the Head of the Department on
Duties and functions appointed, shall in accordance with the provisions of
receipt of an application from him in this behalf.· of the Head of a
University Department the Statutes under this Chapter act under the general
(6) If the Head of a Department of Studies is on leave for a period of Studies
guidance and advice of the Committee for that
Appointment of a
not exceeding 180 days at a stretch or absent from duty
Head of the for such period under the permission of the appropriate University Department of Studies and shall—
Department in case (i) convene the meetings of the Committee for that University
of absence of the authority, the next senior teacher of the Department
original incumbent
Department of Studies and maintain the records and
belonging to the appropriate cadre shall be appointed
proceedings of such meetings;
Head of the Department for the period of such absence on leave or otherwise :
(ii) implement the decisions of the said Committee for the
Provided that if the former who thus enjoys leave.or is absent does University Department of Studies with the assistance, if
not resume his duty on the expiry of the said period, he shall be necessary, of the other members of that Committee whose
services he may draw upon in this regard ;
deemed to have vacated the office of the Head of the Department and
(iii) report to the said Committee for the University Department
the latter who was appointed Head of the Department in his place
of Studies the actions taken in implementing its decisions ;
would continue as such automatically, and shall hold the said office
(iv) supervise, in accordance with the principles as may be laid
for two years including the period he served in place of the former down and the resolutions as may be adopted by the said
Head of the Department : Committee for the University Department of Studies, the day-
to-day administration and other routine-matters of the
Provided further that if the former resumes duty on the expiry of the department;
period of 180 days or less, the period for which the latter served as (v) act as the ex-officio Chairman of the appropriate Board of
Head of the Department shall not count towards his two years’ tenure Post-graduate Studies and Board of Under-graduate Studies
when appointed Head of the Department on his regular turn. and discharge such other ex-officio functions as may-be
assigned to him by the Act, the Statutes, the Ordinances or the
(7) The Principle of rotation as embodied in the foregoing paragraphs Regulations ; and
Principle of rotation shall apply equally in the case of a vacancy in the office (vi) discharge, in addition to his normal functions, such other
to apply in cases of
resignation/death/ of the Head of a University Department of Studies duties, not inconsistent with the Act and the Statutes under this
release etc. caused by the resignation or death or release from the Chapter, as may be· entrusted to him by the Executive Council,
the appropriate Faculty Council for Post-graduate Studies or
services of the University of an incumbent or by the grant of leave in his
the Vice-Chancellor.
favour for a period exceeding 180 days.
[ 61 ] [ 62 ]

St. 7 (U. D. S.) (1) Save as otherwise provided, in case a doubt or * St. 3 (O. U.) The following posts in the University are declared to
difficulty arises in connection with a matter related to
Residuary powers of Declaration of Posts be the posts of Officers of the University under clause
the Vice-Chancellor the interpretation or application of the Statutes under as Posts of Officers of
this Chapter or in respect of a matter not expressly the University (iv) of section 7 of the Act, namely—
provided for therein, the Vice-Chancellor may, give such interpretation or
direction not inconsistent with the Act and the said Statutes as he may (i) Inspector of Colleges,
consider necessary and proper. (ii) Controller of Examinations,
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Statutes under this (iii) Administrative Officer/Development Officer,
Chapter, if in the opinion of the Vice-Chancellor, a particular Departmental (iv) University Librarian,
Committee and/or the Head of the Department has failed to discharge the (v) Deputy Registrar,
functions enumerated in the Statutes under this Chapter, the Vice-Chancellor, (vi) Deputy Inspector of Colleges,
with the approval of the Executive Council, shall have the power to appoint
(vii) Deputy Controller of Examinations,
another teacher as Head of the Department in accordance with the provisions
of the said Statutes and in such an event, the Head of the Department existing (viii) Deputy Librarian,
at the material point of time shall be deemed to have vacated the office of (ix) Placement & Students’ Welfare Officer,
the Head of the Department. (x) Audit & Accounts Officer,
(xi) Secretary, Faculty Council for Post-graduate Studies,
(xii) Secretary,Council for Under-graduate Studies,
(xiii) University Engineer,
CHAPTER VI (xiv) Medical Officer,
(xv) Assistant Registrar,
THE STATUTES RELATING TO OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY (xvi) Assistant Controller of Examinations,
(xvii) Accounts Officer,
Short title and St. 1 (O. U.) (I) These Statutes may be called the (xviii) Estate Officer,
Commencement Statutes relating to Officers of the University. (xix) Assistant Librarian,
(2) They shall come into· force from such date as the State (xx) Sports Officer,
Government may, under sub-section (5) of section 57 of the Act, appoint. (xxi) Publications Officer,
(xxii) Assistant Engineer,
St. 2 (O. U.) (1) In these Statutes, unless the context requires
(xxiii) Junior Medical Officer,
Interpretations otherwise, words and expressions used shall be interpreted (xxiv) Trust Officer,
to have the same meaning as they have in the Act. (xxv) Curator, and
(2) The provisions of the Statutes, the Ordinances, the Regulations (xxvi) Superintendent, University Press.
and the Rules of the University, in so far as they affect the matters provided
herein, if in conflict with the provisions of these Statutes, shall stand-
* indicates the provisions of St. 3 (O. U.) amended. [Amendment
modified by the Statutes under this Chapter. assented by the Cancellor on 08.11.2003]
[ 63 ] [ 64 ]

St. 4 (O. U.) Save as otherwise provided in theAct, the Registrar shall (x) represent the University and sign papers in connection with all
Registrar be under the direct control of the Vice-Chancellor and the legal proceedings for or against the University, unless
Executive Council and shall— otherwise empowered by the Vice-Chancellor ;
(i) be the Secretary to such Authorities, Bodies or Committees (xi) act as the Convener of the meetings of the Boards of Research
of the University as may be specifically prescribed by the Studies and such other Bodies as may be determined from time
Statutes or the Ordinances; to time;
(ii) be the Member-Secretary of any Committee constituted by the (xii) maintain a list of duties, other than those provided for in this
Court or the Executive Council, except as may be specifically Chapter, as may be assigned to any Officer of the University
provided otherwise ; as enumerated in St. 3 (O.U.); and
(iii) maintain the minutes of the meetings of the Court, the (xiii) perform such other duties and functions as may be assigned to
Executive Council and such other Authorities or Bodies of the him by the Vice-Chancellor and the Executive Council, from
University as may be specifically prescribed by the Statutes or time to time.
the Ordinances ; St. 5 (O. U.) Save as otherwise provided in the Act, the Finance
(iv) be the custodian of general records and Common Seal of the Finance Officer Officer shall be under the direct control of the Vice-
University; Chancellor and the Executive Council and shall—
(v) conduct official correspondence on behalf of the University (i) administer the funds, the finances, the properties and assets
and of the Court, the Executive Council and such.other and all endowments and trusts of the University ;
Authorities, Bodies or Committees as may be directed by the (ii) be responsible for all receipts and disbursements ;
Vice-Chancellor, except as may be provided otherwise by the (iii) ensure regular maintenance of Stock Registers and other
Statutes or the Ordinances ; relevant records of the Finance Department ;
(vi) conduct elections to all Authorities or Bodies of the University (iv) ensure annual physical verification of all the items of
as may be prescribed by the Statutes or the Ordinances and equipments and apparatuses of the University entered into the
shall act as the Returning Officer for conducting such elections, Stock Registers;
unless otherwise provided for in the relevant Statutes relating (v) prepare and present the annual Statement of Accounts, the
to holding of such elections; Audit Report in respect of the Annual Statement of Accounts,
(vii) be responsible for maintenance of service records of the the Internal Audit Report and the Annual Budget to the Court;
Officers, Teachers and other employees of all the departments and submit the Audit Report to the State Government in terms
of the University ; of the provisions of the Act, the Statutes and the Ordinances;
(viii) take necessary steps in respect of appointment to all categories (vi) be responsible for the purchase of all articles including
of posts of Offices, Teachers and Non-teaching Staff of the stationery, laboratory apparatuses and equipments, and other
machinery as may be required by the University subject to
University and conduct all correspondence pertaining thereto
such orders as may be passed by the Vice-Chancellor ;
on behalf of the University;
(vii) maintain a list of duties, other than those provided for in this
(ix) take necessary.steps under the direction of the Vice-Chancellor
Chapter as may be assigned to every Officer under his direct
and the Executive Council, for execution of plans for
development and improvement of higher education as may be
recommended by the State Government or the University (viii) act as the Convener of the meetings of the Finance Committee
and Such other Bodies as may be determined from time to
Grants Commission from time to time ;
time; and
[ 65 ] [ 66 ]

(ix) perform such other duties and functions as may be assigned to St. 8 (O. U.) The Administrative Officer/Development Officer Shall
him by the Vice-Chancellor and the Executive Council, from Administrative be a whole-time Officer of the University and shall be
time to time. Officer/Development appointed by the Executive Council on such terms and
Officer conditions as may be decided by it. He shall be under the
St. 6 (O. U.) The Inspector of Colleges shall be a whole-time Officer
of the University and shall be appointed by the direct control of the Registrar and shall—
Inspector of
Colleges Executive Council on such terms and conditions as may (i) look after the developmental needs of the University and move
be decided by it. He shall be under the direct control of the University Grants Commission and other Funding/Sponsoring
the Vice-Chancellor and shall— Agencies for implementation of the plans, programmes and
schemes as may be submitted by the University;
(i) ensure the implementation of the prescribed terms and
conditions of affiliation and dis-affiliation of colleges ; (ii) assist the Registrar in the matter of preparation and execution
of different developmental schemes of the University;
(ii) examine and submit reports in respect of recognition and
withdrawal of recognition from colleges, as Constituent or (iii) assist the Registrar in preparing plans and estimates of
Professional colleges; buildings and the like and to render such assistance as may be
required by him for undertaking such projects ;
(iii) report on colleges and other institutions as have applied for
(iv) assist the Finance Officer in dealing with matters relating to
affiliation or recognition ;
financial assistance from the University Grants Commission;
(iv) inspect colleges and other recognised institutions, prepare
(v) assist the Registrar in the matter of holding Conferences,
reports and maintain records in relation thereto ;
Symposia and the like;
(v) maintain a list of duties, other than those provided for in ·this (vi) prepare statistical reports concerning development proposals,
Chapter, as may be assigned to every Officer under his direct undertake evaluation of plans, programmes and technical
control; and reports for consideration by the Vice-Chancellor and the
(vi) perform such other duties and functions as the Vicc-Chancellor appropriate authorities of the University ; and
may require him to do. (vii) perform such other duties and functions as the Vice-Chancellor
St. 7 (O. U.) The Controller of Examinations shall be a whole-time may require him to do.
Controller of Officer of the University and shall be appointed by the St. 9 (O.U.) The University Librarian shall be a whole-time Officer
Examinations Executive Council on such terms and conditions as may University of the University and shall be appointed by the
be decided by it. He shall be under the direct control of the Vice-Chancellor Librarian Executive Council on such terms and conditions as may
and shall— be decided by it. He shall be under the direct control of the Vice-Chancellor
(i) be in-charge of the Examination Department of the University; and shall—
(ii) be responsible for all administrative arrangements in (i) be in-charge of the University Libraries;
connection with the conduct of examinations and the (ii) be responsible, subject to the advice and counsel of the Library
publication of results thereof; Committee, for the selection, re quisition and cataloguing of
books, manuscripts and other publications;
(iii) maintain a list of duties other than those provided for in this
Chapter, as may be assigned to every Officer under his direct (iii) be responsible for developing the procedure to ensure the
control; effective use of Library facilities and materials ;
(iv) act as the Convener of the meetings of the Library Committee
(iv) act as the Convener of meetings of such Committees and
and such other Bodies as may be determined from time to
Boards as may be determined from time to time; and
time; and
(v) perform such other duties and functions as the Vice-Chancellor (v) perform such other duties and functions as the Library
may require him to do. Committee and the Vice-Chancellor may require him to do.
[ 67 ] [ 68 ]

St. 10 (O. U) The Deputy Registrar shall be a whole-time Officer of St. l6 (O.U.) The Secretary of a Faculty Council for Post-graduate Studies
Deputy Registrar
the University and shall be appointed by the Executive Secretary of a Faculty shall be a whole-time Officer of the University and shall be
Council on such terms and conditions as may be decided Council for Post- appointed by the Executive Council on such terms and
by it. He shall be under the direct control of the Registrar and shall perform graduate Studies. conditions as may be decided by it. He shall be under the
such duties and functions as may be assigned to him by the Registrar, from direct control of the Vice-Chancellor and shall—
time to time. (i) be responsible for the management of all academic activities
St. 11 (O. U.) The Deputy Inspector of Colleges shall be a whole- including teaching, research and conduct of examinations of
Deputy Inspector time Officer of the University and shall be appointed by the University Departments of Studies;
of Colleges the Executive Council on such terms and conditions as (ii) deal with matters relating to purchase of laboratory equipments
may be decided by it. He shall be under the direct control of the Inspector and fittings and the like of the University Departments of
of Colleges and shall perform such duties and functions as may be assigned Studies;
to him by the Inspector of Colleges, from time to time. (iii) act as the convener of the meetings of the Boards of Post-
St. 12 (O. U.) The Deputy Controller of Examinations shall be a whole- graduate Studies and other Bodies or Committees as may be
Deputy controller of time Officer of the University and shall be appointed by determined from time to time; and
Examinations the Executive Council on such terms and conditions as (iv) perform such other duties and functions as the Vice-Chancellor
may be decided by it. He shall be under the direct control of the Controller of may require him to do.
Examinations and shall perform such duties and functions as may be assigned
to him by the Controller of Examinations, from time to time. St. l7 (O.U.) The Secretary of a Council for Under-graduate Studies
Secretary of a Council shall be a whole-time Officer of the University and shall
St. 13 (O. U.) The Deputy Librarian shall be a whole-time Officer of for Under-graduate be appointed by the Executive Council on such terms and
Deputy Liibrarian the University and shall be appointed by the Executive Studies conditions as may be decided by it. He shall be under the
Council on such terms and conditions as may be decided direct control of the Vice-Chancellor and shall—
by it. He shall be under the direct control of the University Librarian and
(i) ensure efficient management of Under-graduate Studies and
shall perform duties and functions as may be assigned to him by the
draw up specific schemes in this behalf in consultation with the
University Librarian, from time to time.
Inspector of Colleges and the Administrative Officer/
St. l4 (O.U.) The Placement and Students’ Welfare Officer shall be Development Officer;
Placement & a whole-time Officer of the University and shall be
Students' Welfare appointed by the Executive Council on such terms and
(ii) act as the convener of the meetings of the Boards of Under-
Officer gradaute Studies and such other Bodies as may be determined
conditions as may be decided by it. He shall be under
from time to time; and
the direct control of the Registrar and shall remain in-charge of the
University Employment, Information and Guidance Bureau ; and shall assist (iii) perform such other duties and functions as the Vice-Chancellor
the Registrar in preparing plans and in the matter of implementation of may require him to do.
programmes relating to welfare activities of the students. He shall also St. l8 (O.U.) The University Engineer shall be a whole-time Officer
perform such other duties and functions as may be assigned to him by the of the University and shall be appointed by the Executive
University Engineer
Registrar, from time to time. Council on such terms and conditions as may be decided
St. l5 (O.U.) The Audit and Accounts Officer shall be a whole-time by it. He shall be under the direct control of the Finance Officer and shall—
Officer of the University and shall be appointed by the Executive Council on (i) be responsible for the construction, repair and maintenance of
Audit & Accounts such terms and conditions as may be decided by it. He the buildings, preparation of estimates, drawings, verification
Officer shall be under the direct control of the Finance Officer of all bills for labour and contracts;
and shall ensure continuous internal audit of the University accounts and (ii) ensure the proper maintenance of the measurement books, log
shall perform such other duties and functions as may be assigned to him by books and other records of the department; and
the Finance Officer, from time to time.
[ 69 ] [ 70 ]

(iii) perform such other duties and functions as the Vice-Chancellor (i) assist the Registrar and the Finance Officer in their respective
may require him to do. spheres of duties in the management of the University
St. l9 (O.U.) The Medical Officer shall be a whole-time Officer of the properties including the University Guest House, the Calcutta
University and shall be appointed by the Executive Camp Office of the University and the University vehicles;
Medical Officer
Council on such terms and conditions as may be decided (ii) ensure security of the University campuses; and
by it. He shall be under the direct control of the Registrar and shall— (iii) perform such other duties and functions as the Vice-Chancellor
(i) give medical advice and aid to the members of the University may require him to do.
Health Centre; St. 24 (O.U.) The Assistant Librarian shall be a whole-time Officer of
(ii) ensure the proper maintenance and up keep of the instruments the Univeristy and shall be appointed by the Executive
Assistant librarian
and apparatuses of the University Health Centre. Council on such terms and conditions as may be decided
(iii) be responsible for the overall working of the University Health by it. He shall be under the direct control of the Librarian and shall assist
Centre; and him and the Deputy Librarian in the performance of their functions and shall
perform such other duties and functions as may be assigned to him by the
(iv) perform such other duties and functions as the Vice-Chancellor Librarian.
may require him to do.
St. 25 (O.U.) The Sports Officer shall be a whole-time Officer of the
St. 20 (O.U.) The Assistant Registrar shall be a whole-time Officer of University and shall be appointed by the Executive
the University and shall be appointed by the Executive Sports Officer
Assistant Registrar Council on such terms and conditions as may be decided
Council on such terms and conditions as may be decided by it. He shall be under the direct control of the Registrar and shall—
by it. He shall be under the direct control of the Registrar and shall assist him
and the Deputy Registrar in the performance of their functions and shall (i) initiate plans and programmes for raising the standards of
perform such other duties and functions as may be assigned to him by the Sports and Games in the University;
Registrar. (ii) ensure the proper maintenance of University play grounds,
stadium, gymnasium and the like; and
St. 21 (O.U.) The Assistant Controller of Examinations shall be a
Assistant Controller whole-time Officer of the University and shall be (iii) perform such other duties and functions as the Sports Board
of Examinations appointed by the Executive Council on such terms and and the Registrar may require him to do.
conditions as may be decided by it. He shall be under the direct control of St. 26 (O.U.) The Publications Officer shall be a whole-time Officer
the controller of Exainations and shall assist him and the Deputy Controller Publications Officer
of the University and shall be appointed by the
of Exainations in the performance of their functions and shall perform such Executive Council on such terms and conditions as may
other duties and functions as may be assigned to him by the Controller of be decided by it. He shall be under the direct control of the Registrar and
Examinations. shall—
St. 22 (O.U.) The Accounts Officer shall be a whole-time Officer of (i) be responsible, subject to the decisions of the Publications
Accounts Officer
the University and shall be appointed by the Executive Committee, for publication of books, journals and other
Council on such terms and conditions as may be decided literature and the like by the University;
by it. He shall be under the direct control of the Finance Officer and shall (ii) promote sales of the University publications;
assist him and the Audit and Accounts Officer in the performance of their
(iii) arrange for participation in different Book Fairs, from time to
functions and shall perform such other duties and functions as may be
time, as may be considered necessary;
assigned to him by the Finance Officer.
(iv) ensure proper management, maintenance and effective use of
St. 23 (O.U.) The Estate Officer shall be a whole time Officer of the the University Sales Counter; and
Estate Officer
University and shall be appointed by the Executive
Council on such terms and conditions as may be decided (v) perform such other duties and functions as the Vice-Chancellor
by it. He shall be under the direct control of the Registrar and shall— may require him to do.
[ 71 ] [ 72 ]

St. 27 (O.U.) The Assistant Engineer shall be a whole-time officer of (iv) effect purchase of museum objects as may be determined from
Assistant Engineer
the University and shall be appointed by the Executive time to time by the Executive Council, through a Committee as
Council on such terms and conditions as may be decided may be constituted by it in this behalf;
by it. He shall be under the direct control of the University engineer and (v) arrange for the cataloguing of the museum objects; and
shall perform such duties and functions as may be assigned to him by the
(vi) perform such other duties and functions as the Vice-Chancellor
University Engineer.
may require him to do.
St. 28 (O.U.) The Junior Medical Officer shall be a whole-time
St. 31 (O.U.) The Superintendent, University Press shall be a whole-
Officer of the University and shall be appointed by the
Junior Medical time Officer of the University and shall be appointed by
Executive Council on such terms and conditions as may Superintendent,
University Press the Executive Council on such terms and conditions as
be decided by it. He shall be under the direct control of
may be decided by it. He shall be under the direct
the medical Officer and shall perform such duties and functions as may be
control of the Registrar and shall—
assigned to him by the Medical Officer.
(i) be responsible for the proper operation and maintenance of the
St. 29 (O.U.) The Trust Officer shall be a whole-time Officer of the
Printing Press in all its aspects; and
University and shall be appointed by the Executive
Trust Officer (ii) perform such other duties and functions as the Vice-Chancellor
Council on such terms and conditions as may be decided
by it. He shall be under the direct control of the Finance Officer and shall— may require him to do.
(i) assist the Finance Officer in the management of affairs relating St. 32 (O.U.) Except as specifically prescribed by the Act and the
to Trust and Endowments; Statutes, no member of the Court, the Executive Council,
Members of the Court
(ii) ensure observance of the terms and conditions of the etc. not to be Officers the Faculty Councils for Post-graduate Studies, the
of the University Councils for Under-graduate Studies, the Boards of
acceptance of such Trust and Endowents; and
Studies, the Finance Committee and such Authorities of
(iii) perform such other duties and functions as may be assigned to the University as may be established under clause (7) of section 16 of the Act,
him by the Finance Officer. shall be an officer of the University and in case any such member is appointed
St. 30 (O.U.) The Curator shall be a whole time Officer of the as an officer, he shall be deemed to have vacated his office as such member
University and shall be appointed by the Executive of the concerned Authority from the date on which he is so appointed.
Council on such terms and conditions as may be decided St. 33 (O.U.) The qualifications of the Officers of the University shall
by it. He shall be under the direct control of the Registrar and shall— Qualifications of be as specified in the Schedule appended to this Chapter
(i) be responsible for the proper maintenance and development of Officers and as may be prescribed and amended from time to
Museum & Art Gallery; time by the University.
(ii) be responsible for the proper maintenance of the Stock St. 34 (O.U.) Save as otherwise provided elsewhere in the Act,
Register which shall contain entries of all materials in appointments to all posts of Officers of the University
possession of the Museum & Art Gallery and in getting the procedure and method shall be made on the recommendation of the standing
entries duly authenticated by such person or persons as may be to be prescribed Committee or Committees as may be constituted by the
authorised in this behalf by the Executive Council; Executive Council and in accordance with such
(iii) maintain,under advice of the Head of the Department of procedure and methods as may be prescribed by it under the provisions of
History of the University, the Library attached to the Museum section 33 of the Act.
& Art Gallery in an effective way so that the students and the St. 35 (O.U.) Save as otherwise provided in the Act, in case a
Research Scholars and others connected with the studies of Officiating vancancy occurs in the post of any Officer of the
ancient History and Culture can be benefited in their pursuit of Appointment University by reason of leave, illness, removal,
knowledge in the concerned field of studies; resignation or otherwise, the Executive Council shall have the power to make
[ 73 ] [ 74 ]

an officiating appointment in such vancancy pending a permanent St. 41 (O.U.) No whole-time salaried Officer of the University shall
appointment, if necessary. Extraneous accept any employment with or without remuneration
St. 36 (O.U.) Unless the terms of contract in any particular case Employment other than that of his office.
provide otherwise, an Officer of the University shall be Explanation : If any question arises whether any arrangement entered into by
entitled to such leave as may be admissible to him under an Officer amounts to an employment within the meaning of this
the University Leave Rules. Statute, the matter shall be decided by the Executive Council.
St. 37 (O.U.) The Executive Council shall be competent to suspend, St. 42 (O.U.) If on account of any lacunae or omission in the
discharge or otherwise punish an Officer of the University provisions of any of the Statutes under this Chapter, or
for gross misconduct or for the violation of the provisions Residuary for an other reason whatsoever, any difficulty arises in
of the Act, the Statutes, the Ordinances, the Regulations and the Rules of the Powers of the
Vice-Chancellor giving effect to the provisions of this Chapter, the Vice-
University or the terms of his appointment or any other indiscipline as may Chancellor, subject to the approval of the Executive
call for such action; and shall prescribe by the Statutes and the Ordinances Council, may, in the interest of the University take such action as he deems
relevant disciplinary rules for the purpose. fit.
St. 38 (O.U.) Every Officer of the University shall be entitled to pay
Pay and and alloweances conforming to the time-scale of pay and
allowances rates of allowances as prescribed or as may be
determined by the Executive Council from time to time
in terms of the relevant orders of the State Government on the subject. [See St. 33 (O. U.)]
St. 39 (O.U.) Subject to the provisions of the Act and the terms of
contract of service in any particular case and the orders as Qualifications of Officers of the University
may be issued by the State Government from time to time,
every Officer of the University shall retire from services from the afternoon Name of Post(s) Qualifications Required
of the last day of the month in which he completes the 60th year of age. 1. Registrar/ (a) Essential :
St. 40 (O.U.) The Registrar shall maintain and keep an up-to-date age Inspector of Colleges/ (i) Uniformly good academic record
Age Register Register for all the Officers of the University in which he
Controller of Examinations with a B+ Master's Degree or its
shall enter—
(a) the name and designation of every Officer of the University;
(ii) At least 15 years's experience in
(b) the date of his birth; Academic Institutions like University
(c) the date of his appointment as such Officer; or in an Institute of higher learning of
(d) his age on the date of such appointment; which 5 years must be in high level
(e) the date on which he is due to retire; and administration in a University or in
an Institute of Post-graduate Study.
(f) remarks; if any.
(iii) Age not less than 40 years. Relaxable
Explanation : Entries relating to the age of an Officer of the Unviersity shall
in the case of exceptionally qualified
be made on the basis of his age as recorded in his Martriculation,
School Final, Higher Secondary, Madhyamik Examination Certificate
or the Certificate of any such First Public Examination, as the case may (b) Desirable :
be, passed by him, whenever available; or, in the absence thereof, on (i) A Doctorate Degree or published
such basis as the Vice-Chancellor may be decide in each particular research work of merit;
[ 75 ] [ 76 ]

Name of Post(s) Qualifications Required Name of Post(s) Qualifications Required

or high administrative post involving
(ii) High level administrative experience supervision, control, planning and
in a Government or Quasi- audit.
Government organisation or a good (v) Age not less than 40 years. Relaxable
background in administration and in case of exceptionally qualified
management in senior position. candidates.
(iii) For the post of Controller of 3. Administrative Officer/ (a) Essential :
Examinations, it is essential to have Development Officer (i) Uniformly good academic record
experience in conducting examinations with a B+ Master's Degree.
either in Institution of higher learning (ii) At least 10 years' experience in a
or in Service Comission position involving supervision,
(iv) For the post of Inspector of Colleges, control and planning of
it will be essential to have experience administration of Colleges,
in administration of colleges Universities/Institutes of Higher
desirably in a position not less than Learning or Government or Quasi
that of a Principal of a College. Government organisation.
2. Finance Officer (a) Essential : (iii) Age not below 35 years. Relaxable in
the case of exceptionally qualified
(i) Uniformly good academic record candidates.
with a B+ Master's Degree or its
equivalent professional qualification. (b) Desirable :
(i) A Doctorate Degree or published
(ii) Membership of the Institute of
work of high standard.
Chartered Accountants/Cost
Accountants of India or experience in (ii) Experience of at least 7 years in
I.A.A.S. and equivalent Service University or in Post-graduate Research
Organisation as Assistant Registrar or
equivalent post. In that case, records of
a Master's Degree in Business performance will be examined.
Administration with specilisation in 4. Librarian (a) Essential :
(i) Uniformly good academic record
In case of candidates holding with a B+ Master's Degree in Library
professional qualifications as in item Science or a B+ Master's Degree
(ii), the requirement of M. A. degree followed by a Bachelor's Degree in
may be waived. Library Science.
(iii) Preference will be given to Master's (ii) At least 10 years' experience of
Degree in Commerce. working in Administration/
(iv) At least 15 years' experience in a Management position in a Library of
Government or in a University or in a University or an Institute of Post-
an Institute of Higher Learning in a graduate Studies.
[ 77 ] [ 78 ]

Name of Post(s) Qualifications Required Name of Post(s) Qualifications Required

(iii) Age not less than 40 years. Relaxable experience of at least 3 years in
in case of exceptionally qualified conducting of examinations in either
candidates. under-graduate teaching Institution or
(b) Desirable : equivalent.
(i) A Doctorate Degree or published 6. Deputy Librarian (a) Essential :
research work of similar merit. (i) Uniformly good academic reocrd
with a B+ Master’s Degree in Library
(ii) Knowledge of at least one foreign
Science of a B+ Master’s Degree
language (other than English).
followed by a Bachelor's Degree in
5. Deputy Registrar/ (a) Essential : Library Science.
Deputy Controller of (i) Uniformly good academic record (ii) At least 10 years' experience in
Examinations/Deputy with a B+ Master's Degree or its working in senior position like
Inspector of Colleges/ equivalent. Assistant Librarian in a Library of
repute, preferably in a University or
Secretary of a Faculty (ii) At least 10 yerars' experience in a in an Institute of Higher Learning.
Council for Post- position involving supervision, (iii) Age not below 35 years. Relaxable in
graduate Studies/ control and planning of the case of exceptionally qualified
Secretary of a Examinations, administration of candidates.
Council for Under Colleges or in an Institute of Higher (b) Desirable :
graduate Studies Learning or Government or other (i) A Doctorate Degree or published
academic bodies. At least 5 years of research work of merit.
the the 10 years' experience should be (ii) Knowledge of Foreign Language.
in higher position of high level 7. Placement & Students' (a) Essential :
adminstration. Welfare Officer (i) Uniformly good academic record
(iii) Age not less than 35 years. Relaxable with a B+ Maters’s Degree or its
in case of exceptionally qualified equivalent.
candidates. (ii) At least 7 years’ experience in a
(b) Desirable : responsible administrative/academic
(i) A Doctorate Degree or published position in a University or in a
paper of high standard. College or in an Institute of Higher
Learning or Government or other
or academic bodies.
(ii) Experience of at least 10 years in a (iii) Age not less than 35 years. Relaxable
fairly senior position in any academic in the case of exceptionally qualified
Institution like a College or a candidates.
University or a research organisation.
(b) Desirable :
(iii) For Deputy Controller of
(i) A Doctorate Degree or published
Examinations it is essential to have
papers of high standard.
[ 79 ] [ 80 ]

Name of Post(s) Qualifications Required Name of Post(s) Qualifications Required

or (iii) Age not below 35 years. Relaxable in
(ii) Should have experience of liaison the case of exceptionally qualified
work and interaction with Industrial, Candidates.
Government or Financial Institutions (b) Desirable :
for placement of students. Should A Post-graduate Degree in Civil,
also have the ability to organise Mechanical or Electrical Engineering.
welfare activities of students. or
8. Audit & Accounts (a) Essential : Experince of 5 years in large scale
Officer (i) Uniformly good academic record industrial concern for a position
with a B+ Master's Degree involving decision making in
(ii) Experience in Audit and Accounts planning, estimating, designing and
work for at least 7 years in senior supervision of construction.
position involving supervision, 10. Medical Officer (a) Essential :
control and planning and management (i) An M. B. B. S. Degree recognised by
of Audit and Accounts. the I. M. C.
(iii) Master's Degree in Commerce/ (ii) At least 10 years experience of
Business Management will be given medical practice in a Government/
preference. Military/Quasi-Government Hospitals.
(iv) Age not less than 35 years. Relaxable (iii) Age not below 35 years. Relaxable in
in the case of exceptionally qualified the case of exceptionally qualified
candidates. candidates.
(b) Desirable : (iv) 10 years experience in hospital may
Membership of the Institute of Cost be relaxed in case of private practice
Accountants and Chartered of reputation for 15 years.
Accountants of India. The (b) Desirable :
requirement of Master Degree will be Post-graduate Degree in any of the
waived in case of such candidates. branches of the Medical Science or
9. University Engineer (a) Essential : diploma in Public and Tropical
(i) Uniformly good academic record
with first or high second class 11. Assistant Registrar/ (a) Essential :
graduation in Engineering. Assistant Controller of (i) Uniformly good academic record
(ii) At least 10 years' experience in a Examinations with a B+ Master's Degree or its
position involving supervision, equivalent.
control and planning of construction (ii) At least 10 years experience in a
work under Government/Quasi- Supervisory capacity in a University or
Government/University/Institute of a Research Institute or a Government/
Higher Learning. Quasi Government organisation.
[ 81 ] [ 82 ]

Name of Post(s) Qualifications Required Name of Post(s) Qualifications Required

(iii) Age not below 30 years. Relaxable in the case of candidate with good
case of exceptionally qualified academic record having at least 10
candidates. years' working experience in senior
(b) Desirable : position in any University or Insitutte
of Higher Learning involving
A degree in Business Management or
budgeting, maintenance of Accounts
Law or Statistics or planning.
and Audit.
Note : Qualification of Master's Degree may
13. Estate Officer/ (a) Essential :
be relaxed in the case of candidates
possessing uniformly good academic Trust Officer (i) A Degree in Law or Management.
record with at least 7 years' (ii) At least 5 years' experience in dealing
experience as superintendent or in with matters for up-keeping of an
equivalent post in a University. In estate including management of
that case, the performance records of properties, control of personnel and
such candidates for 7 years will also the like.
be examined. (iii) Age not below 30 years. Relaxable in
12. Account Officer : (a) Essential : the case of exceptionally qualified
(i) Uniformly good academic record candidates.
with a B+ Master's Degree or its (b) Desirable :
equivalent. Experience in gardening/landscaping
(ii) At least 5 years' experience involving or experience in inventory control or
supervision, control, planning and as legal consultant to a large scale
management of accounts and audit. industrial concern.
or 14. Assistant Librarian (a) Essential :
preparation of Budget in a (i) Uniformly good academic record
Government/Quasi-Government with a B+ Master’s Degree with a
organisation or University/Institute of Bachelor’s Degree in Library Science
Higher Larning. or a Master's Degree in Library
(iii) Age not below 30 years. Relaxable in Science.
the case of exceptionally qualified (ii) Age not below 30 years. Relaxable in
candidates. the case of exceptionally qualified
(b) Desirable : candidates.
Membership of Institute of Cost and (b) Desirable :
Chartered Accountants of India or a At least 7 years' experience in a
Degree or Diploma from a recognised recognised Library preferably
Institute of Management or passed S. belonging to University or an Institute
A. S. Examination. The requirement of Higher Learning.
of Master Degree will be waived in
[ 83 ] [ 84 ]

Name of Post(s) Qualifications Required Name of Post(s) Qualifications Required

15. Sports Officer (a) Essential : The requirement of Master Degree
(i) Constantly good academic record may be waived for candidates having
followed by Master Degee in Physical 15 years' experience in editing and
Education or a Master Degree with a publication work in publishing
Diploma or Degree in Physical concern of high repute.
Education. 17. Assistant Engineer (a) Essential :
(ii) A minimum of 5 years’ experience in (i) Uniformly good academic record
organising and conducting physical with Degree in Engineering.
Education or Sports activities in a (ii) At least 5 years experience in a
College/Institute of Higher Learning. position involving supervision,
Preference will be given to a candidate control and planning of construction
having Diploma/Degree from the work under Government/Quasi-
National Institute of Sports. Government organisation or in
Requirement of Master's Degree may University and such other Institutions.
be waived in case of Graduate
(iii) The requirement of Bachelor's Degree
candidates with good academic record
may be waived in the case of A. M. I.
or at least 10 years's experience of
E. and at least 15 years' experience as
recognition in allied fields.
Sub-assistant Engineer in a
(b) Desirable : University/Institute of Higher
Experience in sports, games and Learning.
sports administration recognised by (iv) Age not below 30 years. Relaxable in
the All India Sports Council. case of exceptionally qualified
16. Publications Officer (a) Essential : candidates.
(i) Uniformly good academic record (b) Desirable :
followed by a B+ Master's Degree or Degree or equivalent qualification.
its equivalent.
18. Junior Medical (a) Essential :
(ii) For graduates with Degree or
Officer (i) An M. B. B. S. degree recognised by
Diploma in Printing Technology, the
the I. M. C.
Master's Degree may be waived.
(ii) At least 5 years' experience of
(iii) At least 10 years' experience in
medical practice in Government/
editing and organising publication
Military/Quasi-Government hospitals
work through press.
or 7 years’ private medical practice
(iv) Age not less than 30 years. Relaxable of reputation.
in the case of exceptionally qualified
(iii) Age not below 30 years. Relaxable in
the case of exceptionally qualified
(b) Desirable : candidates.
A Degree or Diploma in Journalism.
[ 85 ] [ 86 ]

Name of Post(s) Qualifications Required CHAPTER VII

(b) Desirable :
Diploma in Public Health/Tropical
Medicines or Post-graduate Degree in
Medicine or allied medical subjects.
St. 1 (Q. U.T) (I) These Statutes may be called the Statutes relating
19. Curator (a) Essential : Short title and to Qualifications of Teachers of the University.
(i) Uniformly good academic record Commencement
followed by a B+ Master's Degree in (2) They shall come into force from such date as the State
History or in ancient Indian History Government may, under sub-section (5) of section 57 of the Act, appoint.
with Post-graduate Degree or St. 2 (Q. U. T.) (1) In these Statutes, unless the context requires
Diploma in Museology. Interpretation and otherwise, word and expressions used shall be
(ii) At least 7 years' experience in an definition interpreted to have the same meaning as they have in the
administrative position in a reputed Act.
museum. (2) Subject to the provisions of clauses (22) and (25) of section 2 of
the Act, the teachers imparting instruction in a subject having a University
(iii) Age not below 35 years. Relaxable in
Department of Studies or to any courses of Studies as may be introduced by
the case of exceptionally qualified
the University; and the teachers of an Institution maintained or established
by the University, shall be deemed to be the Teachers of the University for
20. Superintendent, (a) Essential : the purposes of the Statutes under this Chapter.
University Press (i) Uniformly good academic record (3) The provisions of the Statutes, the Ordinances, the Regulations
with a B+ Master Degree. and the Rules of’ the University, in so far as they affect matters provided
(ii) For graduates with Degree/Diploma herein, if in conflict with the provisions of these Statutes, shall stand
in Printing Tehcnology, the Master's modified by the Statutes under this Chapter.
Degree may be waived. St. 3 (Q. U. T.) The minimum qualifications of the Teachers of the
(iii) At least 10 years' experience in Qualifications of University shall be as specified in the Schedules
printing and publication and in Teachers appended to this Chapter or as may be prescribed and
management of Printing Press. amended from time to time by the University Grants Commission.
(iv) Age not below 30 years. Relaxable in
the case of exceptionally qualified
candidates. Minimum qualifications for appointment to the posts of Professors
and Readers in the faculties of Arts, Science, Social Sciences,
(b) Desirable :
Commerce amd Management studies
15 years experience in management
of a Government/University/College PROFESSOR
press in supervisory position in which An eminent scholar with published work of high quality actively
case the requirement of a Masters’s engaged in research. About ten years’ experience of teaching and/or research.
Degree may be waived. Experience of guiding research at doctoral level.
[ 87 ] [ 88 ]

An outstanding scholar with established reputation who has made Provided that if the Selection Committee is of the view that the
significant contribution to knowledge. research work of a candidate as evident either from his thesis or from his
published work is of very high standard, it may relax any of qualifications
READER prescribed in (b) above:
Good academic record with a doctoral degree or equivalent published Provided further that if a candidate possessing a Doctor’s degree or
work. Evidence of being actively engaged in (i) research or (ii) innovation equivalent research work is not available or is not considered suitable, a
in teaching methods or (iii) production of teaching materials. person possessing a good academic record, (weightage being given to M.
At least five years’ experience of teaching and/or research provided Phil. or equivalent degree or research work of quality) may be appointed
that at least three of these years were as Lecturer or in an equivalent position. provided he has done research work for at ‘least two years or has practical
experience in research laboratory/organisation on the condition that he will
This condition may be relaxed in the case of candidates with
have to obtain a doctor’s degree or give evidence of research of high standard
outstanding record of Teaching/Research.
within eight years of his appointment, failing which he will not be able to
Explanation : earn future increment until he fulfils these requirements.
For determining “good academic record” the following criteria shall Explanation :
be adopted :
1. For determining “good academic record” the following criteria shall
(i) A candidate holding a Ph. D. degree should possess at least a be adopted :
second class Master’s degree; or
(i) A candidate holding a Ph. D. degree should possess at least a
(ii) A candidate without a Ph. D. degree should possess a high second class Master’s degree; or
second class Master’s degree and second class in the
(ii) A candidate without a Ph. D. degree should possess a high
Bachelor’s degree; or
second class Master’s degree and second class in the
(iii) A candidate not possessing Ph.D. degree but possessing second Bachelor’s degree; or
class Master’s degree should have obtained first class in the
(iii) A candidate not possessing Ph.D. degree but possessing
Bachelor’s degree.
second class Master's degree should have obtained first class
in the Bachelor’s degree.
SCHEDULE II 2. Persons having secured marks more than the mid-point of the
Minimum Qualifications prescribed for appointment to the prescribed minimum marks for passing an examination in the second division
post of Lecturers and the prescribed minimum marks for passing an examination in the first
division by a University shall be deemed to have passed that examinaion in
LECTURER the high second class.
(a) A Doctor’s degree or research work of an equally high
standard; and
Minimum qualifications prescribed for appointment to the
(b) Good academic record with at least second class (C in the
posts of Lecturers in English
seven point scale) Master’s degree in a relevant subject from
an Indian University or an equivalent degree from a foreign LECTURER
University. (a) A Doctor’s degree or research work of an equally high
Having regard to the need for developing inter-disciplinary standard;
programmes, the degrees in (a) and (b) above may be in relevant subjects : and
[ 89 ] [ 90 ]

(b) Good academic record with at least second class (C) in the seven SCHEDULE IV
point scale) Master’s degree in a relevant subject from an Indian University
or an equivalent degree from a foreign University. Minimum qualifications prescribed for appointment to the posts of
Lecturers in Foreign Language
Having regard to the need for developing inter disciplinary
programmes, the degrees in (a) and (b) above may be in relevant subjects : LECTURER
Provided that if the Selection Committee is of the view that the (a) A Doctor’s degree or research work of an equally high standard;
research work of a candidate as evident either from his thesis or from his and
published work is of a very high standard, it may relax any of qualifications (b) Good academic record with at least second class (C in the seven
prescribed in (b) above : point scale) Master’s degree from an Indian University or an equivalent
Provided further that if a candidate possessing a doctor's degree or degree from a foreign University,
equivalent research work is not available or is not considered suitable, a Having regard to the, need for developing inter-disciplinary
person possessing a good academic record (weightage being given to M. programmes, the degrees in (a) and (b) above may be in relevant subjects :
Phil. or equivalent degree or research work of quality) may be appointed Provided that if the Selection Committee is of the view that the
provided he has done research work for at least two years on the condition research work of a candidate as evident either from his thesis or from his
that he will have to obtain a Doctor’s degree or give evidence of research published work is of very high standard, it may relax any of qualifications
work of equivalent high standard within eight years of his appointment, prescribed in (b) above :
failing which he will not be able to earn future increments until he fulfils Provided further that if a candidate possessing a Doctor’s degree or
these requirements. equivalent research work is not available or is not considered suitable a
person possessing a good academic record may be appointed provided he
Explanation :
has done one year post M. A. diploma course in the teaching of foreign
1. For determining “good academic record” the following criteria shall language concerned from a University on the condition that he will have to
be adopted : obtain a Doctor’s degree or give evidence of research work of equivalent
(i) A candidate holding a Ph. D. degree should possess at least a high standard within eight years of his appointment failing which he will not
second class· Master’s degree; or be able to earn future increments until he fulfils these reqirements.
(ii) A candidate without a Ph. D. degree should possess a high Explanation :
second class Master’s degree and second class in the 1. For determining “good academic record” the following criteria shall
Bachelor’s degree; or be adopted :
(iii) A candidate not possessing Ph. D. degree but possessing (i) A candidate holding a Ph. D. degree should possess at least
second class Master’s degree should have obtained first class a second class Master’s degree ; or
in the Bachelor’s degree. (ii) A candidate without a Ph. D. degree should possess a high
2. Persons having secured marks more than the mid-point of the second class Master’s degree and second class in the
prescribed minimum marks for passing an examination in the second division Bachelor’s degree; or
and the prescribed minimum marks for passing an examination in the first
(iii) A candidate not possessing Ph. D degree but possessing
division by a University shall be deemed to have passed that examination in
second class Master’s degree should have obtained first class
the high secord class.
in the Bachelor’s degree.
[ 91 ] [ 92 ]

2. Persons having secured marks more than the mid point of the (iii) A candidate not possessing Ph.D. degree but possessing
prescribed minimum marks for passing an examination in the second division second class Master’s degree should have obtained first class
and the prescribed minimum marks for passing an examination in the first in the Bachelor’s degree.
division by a University shall be deemed to have passed that examination in
the high secord class.

Minimum qualifications for appointment to the posts of THE STATUTES RELATING TO CONTRIBUTORY PROVIDENT FUND
Lecturers in Management Studies
Short title and St. 1 (P.F.) (1) These Statutes may be called the
LECTURER Statutes relating to Contributory Provident Fund.
A Master's degree in Business Administration or M. Tech. in (2) They shall come into force from such date as the State
Engineering with first class with the provision that the incumbent would Government may, under sub-section (5) of section 57 of the Act, appoint.
acquire a doctorate degree within a period of eight years. St. 2 (P. F.) (1) In these Statutes, unless the context otherwise
In the case of allied subjects like Industrial Psychology, Personnel Interpretation and requires—
Management, Business Statistics, Cost Accountancy, where Lecturers are definition
required to be recruited with qualifications other than M. B. A. or M. Tech., (a) words and expressions used shall be interpreted to have the same
the minimum qualifications shall be the same as prescribed under Schedule meaning as they have in the Act or the Provident Funds Act, 1925,
I for the Faculties of Arts, Social Sciences including Commerce and Science. (19 of 1925) ;
(b) (i) “Accumulated amount” means the amount standing to the
SCHEDULE VI credit of a subscriber in his account in the Fund and includes
all contributions and interest accrued to such account;
Minimum qualifications for appointment to the posts of
Lecturers in ‘in’ Law (ii) “Employee” means any whole-time officer (including the Vice-
Chancellor), teacher or other person who is appointed by the
LECTURER University and is paid from the University Fund ;
LL. M. degree with good academic record.
(iii) “Family” means and includes the following relatives of a
Note : This qualification may not be insisted upon where a University subscriber :
appoints practising advocate as part-time lecturer.
(1) wife, (2) husband, (3) parent, (4) child, (5) minor brother,
Explanation :
(6) unmarried sister, (7) widowed sister, (8) a deceased son’s
1. For determining “good academic record” the following criteria shall widow, (9) a grand child and (10) if the subscriber’s father is
be adopted : not alive, a parental grand parent;
(i) A candidate holding a Ph. D. degree should possess at least a
second class Master's degree; or (iv) “Form” means a form prescribed by, and included in the
Appendix to this Chapter;
(ii) A candidate without a Ph. D. degree should possess a high
second class Master's degree and second class in the Bachelor's (v) “Fund” means the Contributory Provident Fund constituted
degree; or under St. 3 (P.F.);
[ 93 ] [ 94 ]

(vi) “Leave” means any leave granted under the University Leave St. 5 (P.F.) Subject to the control of the University, the administration
Rules except casual leave; and management of the Fund shall vest in the Executive
Administration and
(vii) “Subscriber” means an employee who is required or entitled to Management of the Council which may, from time to time, make such Rules
Fund or issue such general or special directions as may be
subscribe to the Fund ;
(viii) “Subscription” means the amount which a subscriber is· consistent with the provisions of this Chapter for the proper administration
required or allowed to pay to the Fund; and and management of the Fund or for defining the duties and the privileges of
(ix) “Year” means a period of twelve months beginning on ·the the subscribers. The Executive Council may, at its discretion, vary or cancel
first day of April. any such Rule or direction at any time.
(2) The provisions of the Statutes, the Ordinances, the Regulations St. 6 (P.F.) (1) The Executive Council shall constitute a Provident
and the Rules of the University, in so far as they affect the matters provided Provident Fund Fund Trustee Committee consisting of the following
herein, if in conflict with the provisions of these Statutes, shall stand Trustee Committee members to advise it in regard to all matters relating to
modified by the Statutes under this Chapter. the administration of the Fund:
St. 3 (P.F.) The University shall constitute a (i) the Vice-Chancellor, who shall be the Chairman of the
Constitution of
Contributory Provident Fund for the benefit of its Committee,
Contributory Provident
Fund employees.
(ii) the Finance Officer, who shall be the Convener—Secretary,
St. 4 (P.F.) (1) Every employee of the University
Right to subcribe to shall have a right to subscribe to the Fund in accordance (iii) the Registrar,
the Fund with the Statutes; under this Chapter : (iv) three other members representing the interest of the officers,
Provided that unless there is a specific provision to the contrary the teachers and other employees of the University appointed
contained in the terms of the contract of his service, no employee by the Executive Council, and
shall have a right to subscribe to the Fund if he has been appointed (v) one nominee of the Executive Council.
to the post he holds for a term not exceeding one year and was not (2) The members referred to in item (iv) of paragraph (1) shall hold
a subscriber before such appointment: office for a term of three years from the date of appointment :
Provided further that a person appointed on probation may subscribe Provided that they may be re-appointed by the Executive Council for
to the Contributory Provident Fund from the date of his appointment further terms.
and that on confirmation the University shall add its contribution with St. 7 (P.F.) (1) Every subscriber shall sign a written declaration in
retrospective effect. Declaration and Form No· 1 (P.F.) to the effect that he has read the
(2) If an employee was originally appointed for a term of one year or nomination by relevant Statutes and the Rules made thereunder and
subscribers agrees to bind himself and his nominees, heirs and
less and such term was subsequently extended so that his total term exceeds
representatives to abide by the provisions thereof. He shall also complete
one year, he shall be given the option of·subscribing to the Fund from the
and file with the Finance Officer his nomination in Form No 2 (P.F.) or 2A
date of his original appointment and of paying the arrear subscription, due (P.F.), as may be appropriate in each case, after entering therein the name or
on the date of his becoming a subscriber in such monthly instalments, not names of the person or persons to whom in the event of his death he wishes
exceeding twelve, or as the Finance Officer may decide. In such a case the the accumulated amount in respect of his account in the Fund to be paid.
University shall pay its arrear contribution in respect of such employee in Every such nomination shall be signed by the subscriber in the presence of
similar monthly instalments. two witnesses who shall certify that the subscriber has signed in their
(3) Every employee who has a right to subscribe to the Fund under presence.
this Statute shall be required to subscribe thereto.
[ 95 ] [ 96 ]

(2) No subscription shall be realised, nor shall any contribution be (4) If a subscriber is on leave without pay; no subscription or
paid, until the requirements of paragraph (1) have been complied with by the contribution shall be payable for the period of such leave.
subscriber. (5) The amount of subscription or contribution to be paid in any one
St. 8 (P.F.) A subscriber may at any time cancel, instalment shall be rounded off to the nearest rupee.
Revision or revise or modify his nomination by a fresh nomination
modification of
nomination in Form No 2 (P.F.) or 2A (P.F.), as the case may be, Explanation :
filed in the manner prescribed in St. 7 (P. F.) For the purpose of this Statute, the pay of a subscriber shall be
St. 9 (P.F.) A subscriber shall, in his nomination, provide for the deemed to exclude any compensatory allowance which may be drawn by
Nomination to disposal of the whole of the accumulated amount in his him.
specify share of each account at the time of his death and shall separately
nominee (6) The University shall on the death, retirement or resignation of an
specify the share thereof to be paid to each nominee.
Additional employee who has rendered continuous approved
St. 10 (P.F.) (1) No subscriber shall assign in his nomination any share contribution to theservice for not less than 15 years make an additional
Nomination when of the accumulated amount in favour of a person who is Provident Fund as
Gratuity contribution of a sum calculated at the rate of half a
void not a member of the subscriber’s family if the subscriber·
has any member of his family alive on the date of such nomination. month’s salary for each completed year of service
rendered by Such employee as gratuity subject to a maximum of 15 months’
(2) If, at the time of the death of a subscriber, any member of his
salary or Rs. 9600/- (Rupees nine thousand six hundred) only, whichever is
family be surviving, any nomination assigning a part or the whole of the
accumulated amount in his account to any person who is not a member of less on the amount as may be decided by the University from time to time
his family shall be void to that extent. with the approval of the State Government. This amount shall be calculated
on the salary drawn by the employee at the time of death, retirement or
Register of St. 11 (P.F.) All nominations and a Register of
Nominations shall be kept in safe custody of the Finance resignation and shall be credited forthwith to his Provident Fund Account
Officer. as additional contribution of the University after it has been sanctioned by
the Vice-Chancellor or the Executive Council
St. 12 (P.F.) (1) Every subscriber shall subscribe to the Fund a sum
Amount of equal to 8 13 per cent of all pay drawn by him from the (7) There shall be a Gratuity Fund in terms of clause (6) of this
subscription or University Fund. Such subscription shall be deducted Gratuity Statute, as distinct from the Provident Fund, built up by
contribution Fund annual contributions from the general revenue, and all
from his pay when he draws the same and credited to his
account in the Fund. payments will be charged to this fund.
(2) A subscriber may be allowed to subscribe to the Fund at a rate Note : (i) For the purpose of this Statute the term “salary” shall be held
higher than 8 13 per cent if he wishes to do so: to mean monthly salary and regular monthly allowances by
Provided that any such higher rate shall not be allowed to be varied way of remuneration for service (e.g. Dearness Allowance),
until he has paid subscription at such higher rate for consecutive three including leave allowances but not travelling and house rent
months at least. allowances, Medical Allowance or Casual payments for special
(3) The University shall contribute to the credit of the account of each work.
subscriber a sum of equal to 8 13 per cent of all pay drawn by him from the (ii) Any authorised leave or absence whether with or without pay
University Fund. Such contribution shall be made at the time when the or allowances or an authorised overstayal for sufficient reasons
subscription payable by the subscriber is deducted from his pay. The amount of any leave, shall not constitute an interruption of continuous
of contribution shall not be affected by any option made by the subscriber service.
under paragraph (2).
[ 97 ] [ 98 ]

St. 13 (P.F.) (1) All amounts accruing to·the Provident Fund shall be St. 16 (P.F.) (1) The Finance Officer shall maintain a Personal Ledger
paid into a Savings Bank Account opened for the Personal Ledger Account in Form No. 3 (P.F.) in respect of each
of purpose with the State Bank of India, Burdwan Account subscriber and all subscriptions and contributions made
the Fund of subscriber and interest accrued to the credit of the account of the
University Branch. Any cash balance of the Fund in
excess of Rs, 5,000/- shall ordinarily be invested in National Savings subscriber as also all withdrawals made therefrom shall be entered in such
Certificates or National Plan Certificates or loans of the Central or the State Personal Ledger Account.
Government or in Treasury or in similar other bonds which can be redeemed (2) A statement of the accumulated amount in the account of each
at par at any time; or may be invested in fixed deposits with the State Bank subscriber shall be furnished to him once a year but not later than six months
of India, Burdwan University Branch, so as to yield the maximum rate of after the close of the financial year.
interest available for such deposits. If the subscriber wishes of point out any mistake or discrepancy in the
(2) Every Bank account, deposit or investment, made under this statement so furnished, he shall send as objection in writing to the Finance
Statute shall be maintained or made in the name of the University. Officer within one month from the date of receipt of the statement. If no such
objection is received, the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted
(3) The Provident Fund shall be held as a Trust Fund and it shall not
as correct by the subscriber and any subsequent representation objecting to
be applied or diverted by the University authority or authorities for any
the correctness of the statement shall be liable to be rejected summarily.
purposes other than for the purposes of management of the Provident Fund
St. l7 (P.F.) The Finance Officer shall maintain an account showing
and the Funds shall be administered by the Executive Council with the
Account of the all receipts to and disbursements from the Fund and such
assistance of the Trustee Committee. Fund account shall be audited once a year in such manner as
St. 14 (P.F.) (1) All interest that accrues to the Fund shall be the the Executive Council may decide.
property of the University and in return the University St. 18 (P.F.) (1) No final withdrawal of the accumulated amount shall
shall guarantee to every subscriber a minimum interest of Advances from the be allowed until a subscriber quits his services in the
3 2 per cent per annum. Such interest shall be calculated for every month Fund University or dies, whichever is earlier.
on the lowest balance at the credit of the account of the subscriber on any (2) The Vice-Chancellor may sanction an advance to a subscriber
date between the close of the 7th day and the end of the month. After the end from the accumulated amount of the account of the subscriber subject to the
of March every year, the interest which accrued during the preceding twelve following conditions :
months shall be credited to the account of each subscriber.
(a) There is no unpaid balance of any previous advance or interest
(2) If the financial position of the Fund so justifies, the rate of interest thereon outstanding against the subscriber ;
referred to in paragraph (1) may be enhanced by the Executive Council at its
(b) the total amount of the advance does not exceed three months’
discretion in respect of any period. The subscribers shall be entitled to the
credit of such enhanced interests in their respective accounts. pay of the subscriber or one-third of the total of his
subscriptions, whichever is less ;
St. 15 (P.F.) Subject to the directions, if any, of the Executive
Council, the Finance Officer shall operate on behalf of (c) interest shall be charged at the rate of 3 12 per cent per annum
Finance Officer
to operate the University all accounts, deposits and investments on the monthly balance of the advance; and
accounts etc. made under St. 13 (P. F.) and shall have the power to do (d) the purpose of the advance shall be to meet expenses in
all such things as may be necessary for this purpose : connection with any one of the following events :
Provided that the Vice-Chancellor and the Registrar shall also (i) Illness of the subscriber or a member of his family, or
severally have the power and authority to operate on the accounts or
(ii) daughter’s marriage, or
the investments relating to the Fund.
[ 99 ] [ 100 ]

(iii) funeral and other ceremonies which, by the religion of (10) If the Vice-Chancellor applies for an advance from the
the subscriber, are obligatory upon him to perform, or accumulated amount in his account the sanctioning authority shall be the
(iv) any other satisfactory reason which is not repugnant Executive Council, which shall also decide every other question relating to
to the provisions of the Provident Funds Act, 1925 (19 such advance.
of 1925). St. 19 (P.F.) (1) A subscriber who subscribes to the Fund at a rate
(3) The Vice-Chancellor may, in a case of urgent necessity and on the Non-refundable higher than 8 13 per cent may be allowed by the
withdrawal from the sanctioning authority hereinbefore mentioned in this
recommendation of the Finance Officer, allow a subscriber a further advance Fund
Chapter to withdraw the whole amount accumulated
or advances from the Fund although any part of a previous advance or
through such subscription together with interest accrued thereon or any part
interest thereon may be outstanding, provided that the total amount due from
of it. The amount so withdrawn shall be non-refundable :
the subscriber in respect of all such advances shall at no time exceed three-
Provided that the subscriber at his option may continue to subscribe
fourths of the total of the subscriptions paid by the subscriber.
to the Fund at a rate higher than 8 13 per cent.
(4) Every application for an advance from the Fund shall be made in
Form No. 4 (P.F.). (2) Every application for non-refundable withdrawal from the Fund
shall be made in Form No. 5 (P.F.).
(5) An advance shall be recovered from the subscriber in such number
(3) Non-refundable withdrawal out of the Fund may be admissible for
of equal monthly instalments as the Vice-Chancellor may direct :
any of the following purposes :
Provided that such number shall not be less than twelve unless the (a) emergency requirement,
subscriber so elects, or, in any case, more than twenty four. A
(b) obligatory expenses,
subscriber may, at his option, repay more than one instalment in any
month. An instalment shall not include any fraction of a rupee, the (c) purchase of house site, house, construction of a house and the
amount of the advance being suitably adjusted, if necessary, to ensure like for the accommodation of the subscriber or his family.
Explanation :
(6) Recovery of an advance shall commence on the first occasion
(1) The term “emergency requirements’’ means and includes
after the advance is made on which the subscriber draws pay for a full
requirement to meet expense in connection with prolonged illness of the
month. Recovery shall not be made except with the subscriber’s consent
subscriber or any member of his family actually dependent on him or for
while he is on long leave or in receipt of a subsistence grant.
relief required on account of natural calamities like flood, earthquake,
(7) Interest on an advance shall ordinarily be recovered in one drought or like events by the subscriber himself or any member of his family
instalment in the month after which the principal has been fully repaid; but actually dependent on him.
if the period of recovery of advance exceeds twelve months, the interest may,
(2) The term “obligatory expenses” means and includes requirement
if the subscriber so desires, be recovered in two equal monthly instalments·
of a subscriber to meet expense for marraige or performance of any other
Every instalment of recovery of interest shall be rounded off to the nearest
religious rites or social function which by his religion or social custom it is
incumbent upon him to perform, either for himself or for any member of his
(8) If the account of any subscriber does not carry any interest, no family actually dependent on him.
interest shall be recovered for any advance made to him.
(3) For the purposes of clauses (a) and (b), the sanctioning authority
(9) Recoveries of advances and interest shall be credited as they are shall decide in each case whether the request for such withdrawal is justified
made to the subscriber's account in the Fund. and the decision of the sanctioning authority in the matter shall be final :
[ 101 ] [ 102 ]

Provided that the subscriber shall submit to the sanctioning authority the extended period of service. The lien of service granted to an employee
within a period of three months from the date of drawal of the non- shall not be treated as break of service and the period shall count towards
refundable withdrawal or within such extended period as may be service for purposes of retirement benefits, as prescribed or may be
allowed by the sanctioning authority, a certificate to the effect that the prescribed by the University or the State Government. The Provident Fund
money has been utilised for the purpose for which it was withdrawn. balances held in the credit of such a subscriber shall continue to earn interests
(4) The non-refundable withdrawal shall be allowed to a subscriber at the rate last granted till the date of superannuation or termination of lien,
on not more than five occasions, prior to his attainment of the age of whichever is earlier, or up to the date of final payment of Provident Fund to
superannuation : an employee.
Provided that the number of occasions may be relaxed or waived by (3) If a subscriber resigns before the completion of two years’
the Executive Council in special circumstances of illness, emergency or continuous service he shall be entitled to receive the amount of his own
obligatory expenses of the subscriber. subscription and the interest accrued thereon but shall not be entitled to
receive the contributions made by the University and the interest accrued
Explanation : thereon unless the Executive Council decides otherwise on the
Unless prescribed otherwise, the age of superannuation shall mean the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor. All contributions and interest
age of 60 in the case of all employees and officers other than teachers and thereon shall, in such a case, revert to the University Fund.
in the case of teachers governed by the orders or rules of the University (4) In the event of dismissal from service of a subscriber on account
Grants Commission or the State Government 60 or 65, as the case may be. of misconduct or gross negligence of duty, he shall be entitled to receive
St. 20 (P.F.) (1) Every subscriber on his retirement shall be entitled only the amount of his own subscription and the interest accrued thereon
Final Payment of to receive the accumulated amount in his account while all contributions made by the University and the interest accrued
Provident Fund to calculated up to the date of his retirement subject to the thereon shall revert to the University Fund.
subscriber right of the Executive Council to deduct therefrom any
(5) Withdrawals from the Fund may be sanctioned by the Vice-
sum referred to in Statute 23 (P.F.) :
Chancellor for one or more of the following purposes on completion of
Provided that the total sum so deducted shall not exceed the total of twenty five years of service (including broken periods of service, if any) of
all contributions made by the University to the account and of any a subscriber or within ten years before the date of retirement on
interest accrued thereon. superannuation of such a subscriber, whichever is earlier, from the amounts
(2) In this Statute “retirement” means and includes— standing to his credit in the Fund :
(a) retirement on attaining the age of superannuation; or (a) meeting the cost of higher education in India or abroad of any
(b) resignation after completion of not less than two years’ son or daughter of the subscriber actually dependent on him;
continuous service in the University; or (b) meeting the expenditure in connection with the marriage of a
(c) termination of appointment due to abolition of the post, son or daughter of the subscriber ;
or to expiry of the term of the contract of service; or (c) building or acquiring or purchasing house or house site or
(d) retirement on medical grounds; or repaying any loan taken expressly for the said purposes ; and
(e) voluntary retirement on application. (d) constructing a house on a site purchased utilising the sum
withdrawn under clause (c).
Explanation :
(6) Any sum withdrawn by a subscriber at any time for one or more
A subscriber who is granted refused leave shall be deemed to have
quit the services from the date of compulsory retirement or on the expiry of of the purposes specified in clauses (a) to (d) of paragraph (5) from the
[ 103 ] [ 104 ]

amount standing to the credit of the subscriber in the Fund shall not (3). If there are no nominees or substitute nominees surviving at the
ordinarily exceed one-half of the amount or twelve months’ pay of the time of death of the subscriber, the accumulated amount shall be paid to the
subscriber, whichever is less. The Executive Council shall, however, be subscriber’s legal representative(s), or such other person or persons as may
competent, having regard to the object for which the withdrawal is being be declared by a competent Civil Court to be entitled to receive the same,
made, to sanction withdrawal of an amount up to three-fourths of the balance provided that if the amount does not exceed Rs. 1500/-, it may be paid to
standing to the credit of such subscriber in the Fund. such person or persons as the Executive Council may consider to be the
A subscriber, who has been permitted to withdraw money from the proper person or persons to receive the same on submission of an Indemnity
Fund under this Statute, ·may, at his option repay the amount so withdrawn Bond.
either in part or wholly till he would have reached the age of superannuation, St. 22 (P.F.) Subject to the provisions of the Provident Funds Act,
in such instalments as he may be capable of doing, from his emoluments on Assignments 1925, the University shall not be bound by, or recognise,
monthly basis. The interest on such withdrawals shall be duly credited to the and any assignment or encumbrances, encumbrance executed
subscriber’s account. or attempted to be created which affects the disposal of
(7) The accumulated balance in the Provident Fund account of an the accumulated amount in accordance with the Statutes under this Chapter.
employee comprising the subscription, contribution and the interest shall be St. 23 (P.F.) Notwithstanding any other provisions contained in this
paid to the employee immediately on his retirement, provided that the Charge on Chapter, the University shall have the first charge upon
employee has submitted the ‘No Demand Certificate’ in the prescribed form contribution all contributions made in respect of a subscriber and the
in time. If the accumulated balance is held over and payment is not released interest thereon interest accrued thereon for his debts and other liabilities
for no fault of the employee concerned, interest on the balances of Provident to the University. The University shall have the right to reimburse itself out
Fund shall be allowed at the rate of interest allowed by the Executive Council of such contributions and interest for such debts and liabilities at the time the
for the last financial year for the period they are held over. The grounds on accumulated amount is finally paid to the subscriber, his nominees or any
which the balances are held over shall be communicated to the subscriber other person.
within 15 days from the date of his retirement and all such cases of St. 24 (P.F.) Subject to the provisions of the Provident Funds Act,
withholding, if any, shall be brought before the Provident Fund Trustee Question 1925, every question arising in respect of the
Committee for consideration and disposal. The Vice-Chancellor shall make relating to interpretation of the Statutes under this Chapter shall be
final payment accordingly. interpretation
decided by the Executive Council whose decision shall
St. 21 (P.F.) (1) On the death of a subscriber, the accumulated amount be final.
Final Payment on in his account shall, subject to the provisions of Statutes St. 25 (P.F.) All subscribers to the Fund and their nominees, heirs and
subscriber's 10 (P.F.) and 23 (P.F.), be paid in accordance with the legal representatives shall be bound by the provisions of
death Statutes binding
terms of the subscriber’s nomination to his nominee or on subscribers, the Statutes under this Chapter and the Rules made or
nominees surviving on the date of his death or to their legal representatives. nominees etc. directions issued, if any, under Statute 5 (P.F.) as
(2) If any of the nominees of the subscriber has predeceased him, the amended or revised from time to time.
whole of the amount which would have been payable to such nominee had
he been surviving on the date of death of the subscriber shall, Subject to the
provisions of Statute 10 (P.F.) be paid to such other person (referred to
hereafter as a substitute nominee), if any, on whom the right to receive such
payment has been conferred in accordance with the provision to sub-section
(1) of section 5 of the Provident Funds Act, 1925.
myself :
Form No. 1 (P.F.)

The Finance Officer,

The University of Burdwan.
Signature of Witnesses
[ 105 ]

[See St. 7 (1) (P.F.)]





Dated this........................................................................day of....................20..........

Present salary per month...........................................................................................
Date of birth.................................................................................................................
Name in full..................................................................................................................

Date of joining service in the University..............................................................

Present post held in the University........................................................................
tory Provident Fund of the University of Burdwan and the Rules made
thereunder and that I agree to bind myself and my nominees, heirs and
representatives to abide by the same. I enter below particulars relating to
I hereby declare that I have read the Statutes relating to the Contribu-

Form No. 2 (P. F.)


[See St. 7 (1) (P.F.)]

Serial No. of Account......................................
I hereby express my wish that the amount at my credit in the Provident Fund at the time of my death shall be distributed
among the members of my family* mentioned below in the manner specified in Col. 5 against their respective names.

1 2 3 4 5** 6 7 8
Sl. No. of Name and Relationship Age of the Amount or Contingencies on Name, address & relationship, if
nominee address of if any, with nominee share to be the happening of any, with the subscriber of the
the nominess the subs- paid to each which the nomi- person, if any, to whom the right
criber nominee nation shall be of the nominee shall pass in
come invalid the event of his predeceasing

the subscriber.
[ 106 ]

Station................................. ...........................................................
*Family means and includes the following relatives of a subscriber : Signature of the Subscriber.
(1) Wife, (2) Husband, (3) Parent, (4) Child, (5) Minor brother, (6) Unmarried sister,
(7) Windowed sister, (8) A deceased son's widow, (9) a grand child and We hereby certify that the subscribed signed
(10) If the subscriber’s father is not alive, a parental grand-parent. this nomination in our presence.
**Column 5 shall be filled in so as to cover the entire amount at the 1....................................................................
subscribed's credit in the Provident Fund at the time of his death 2....................................................................

To (Signature of the Witnesses)

The Finance Officer,
The University of Burdwan
Form No. 2A (P. F.)

[See St. 7 (1) (P.F.)]

Serial No. of Account......................................
I hereby declare that I have no family* at present and express my wish that the amount at my credit in the Provident
Fund at the time of my death shall, in the event of my having no family* at that time as well, be distributed among the persons
mentioned below in the manner specified in Col. 5 against theire respective names :

1 2 3 4 5** 6 7 8
Sl. No. of Name and Relationship Age of the Amount or Contingencies on Name, address & relationship, if
nominee address of if any, with nominee share to be the happening of any, with the subscriber of the
the nominees the subs- paid to each which the nomi- person, if any, to whom the right
criber. nominee nation shall be- of the nominee shall pass in
[ 107 ]

come invalid. the event of his predeceasing


the subscriber.

Station................................. ...........................................................
*Family means and includes the following relatives of a subscriber : Signature of the Subscriber.
(1) Wife, (2) Husband, (3) Parent, (4) Child, (5) Minor brother, (6) Unmarried sister,
(7) Windowed sister, (8) A deceased son's widow, (9) a grand child and We hereby certify that the subscriber signed
(10) If the subscriber's father is not alive, a parental grand-parent. this nomination in our presence.
**Column 5 shall be filled in so as to cover the entire amount at the 1....................................................................
subscriber's credit in the Provident Fund at the time of his death. 2....................................................................
To (Signature of the Witnesses)
The Finance Officer,
The University of Burdwan


Opening Balance+
Monthly subscription+
Form No. 3 (P.F.)

Recovery of advance, if any+

Advance made, if any—

Closing Balance.

Opening Balance+
Monthly contribution+
[ 108 ]

Closing Balance
[See St. 16 (1) (P.F.)]

Date of Drawal of Advance, if any.

Amount of instalment for recovery of advance, if any.
No. of instalments still outstanding.

Serial No. of Account................................................................................................
Date of joining.............................................................................................................
Name of Subscriber.....................................................................................................
[ 109 ] [ 110 ]

Form No. 4 (P. F.) Form No. 5 (P. F.)




To : The Vice-Chancellor [See St. 19 (2) (P.F.)]

The University of Burdwan
West Bengal.

Serial No. of Account.................................................................. 1. Name of Applicant :

Account No. :
I hereby apply for an advance of Rs.....................from the sum at my credit 2. Date from which subscription at rates higher than 8 percent was
in the Contributory Provident Fund out of my own subscriptions to the made :
Fund. I have correctly answered the questions below.
1. What was the amount at your credit on account of your own sub- 3. Amount of subscription, including interest, accumulated as per cl. (1)
scriptions to the Fund on the preceding 31st March? of St. 19 (P.F.) :
2. What are the reasons for which the advance is required? 4. Purpose of withdrawal :
3. What is your present pay? [ Vide cl. (3) of St. 19( P.F.)]
4. (a) Has any advance been previously taken?
5. Whether the subscription at higher rate will be continued after
(b) If so, have all advances been completely repaid?
withdrawal of the amount applied for :
(c) If so, when was the last instalment (including that for interest)
repaid? 6. Whether this application is for first/second/third/fourth/fifth
(d) If previous advances have not been completely repaid, how many withdrawal :
more instalments are due?
The amount shown under (3) may be sanctioned for payment. I shall
5. In how many instalments (including instalments for interest) do you submit a certificate to the effect that the money has been utilised for
propose to repay the advance? the purpose for which it was withdrawn within.....................................
6. Do your deposists in the Fund carry any interest?

Yours faithfully, Signature of the applicant...........................

Signature......................................................... Date.................................................................
Dated.............................. Designation....................................................
Station........................... Address..........................................................
Head of the Department..............................
N. B. Questions at Sl. 1, 3 and 4 will be filled in by the Finance Department.
[ 111 ] [ 112 ]

(To be filled in by the Finance Department)

Sanction is hereby accorded to the payment of a sum of
Rs........................ (Rupees..........................................................................................) THE STATUTES RELATING TO CONTRACTS OF SERVICE OF UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES
only being the amount of non-refundable withdrawal calculated as per
provision of cl. (1) of St. 19 (P.F.) St. 1 (Cont.) (1) These Statutes may be called the Statutes relating to
Short title, Contracts of Service of Univeristy Employees.
The request for such withdrawal is justified. commencement (2) They shall come into force from such date as the
and application State Government may, under sub-section (5) of section
The applicant shall submit the certificate as required under cl. (3) of
57 of the Act, appoint and shall apply to every employee
Explanation of St. 19 (P.F.), within.................................
of the University.
St. 2 (Cont.) (1) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (3), words and
expressions used in these Statutes shall, unless the
Dealing Assistant Superintendent and definition context requires otherwise, be interpreted to have the
same meaning as they have in the Act.
Finance Officer (2) The provisions of the Statutes, the Ordinances, the Regulations
and the Rules of the University, in so far as they affect the matters provided
Audit & Accounts Officer Vice-Chancellor herein, if in conflict with the provisions of these Statutes, shall stand
modified by the Statutes under this Chapter.
Date : (3) In these Statutes—
(a) ''contract" in relation to an employee means the written contract
Bill drawn for Rs.................................... (Rupees........................................ of his service,
.....................................................) only. (b) ''employee'' means any person employed by the University and
includes a teacher and an officer referred to in section 31 of the
St. 3 (Cont.) (1) Unless appointed under a contract as envisaged in
Voucher No..............................Date......................... paragraph (2), every employee of the University, other
Contract of than a casual worker or a work-charged staff or a person
engaged on daily-wage basis, shall be deemed to have
been appointed under a contract as embodied in :
(a) the letter of offer of appointment and the letter of acceptance of
the offer, if any;
(b) the letter of appointment and the report of joining the post to
which appointed; as also
(c) the provisions of the Statutes, the Ordinances, the Regulations
and the Rules made by the University and amended from time to
[ 113 ] [ 114 ]

time, enumerating the terms and conditions of service and the

norms of conduct and discipline affecting the teachers, officers
and other employees of the University.
(2) In any particular case, if the Executive Council considers it CHAPTER X
necessary to do so in the interest of the University, it may appoint a person,
for a specific period and for a specific purpose, under a contract executed THE STATUTES RELATING TO MEETINGS OF THE COURT
between an employee on the one hand and a competent official of the
University on the other. PART I
(3) Every contract as envisaged in paragraph (2), shall be in triplicate PRELIMINARY
(printed or type-written) and the same shall be executed under the Seal of
the University. It shall be signed by the employee concerned on the one St. 1 (M. C.) (1) These Statutes may be called the Statutes relating
hand and on the other hand, by the Registrar or such other officer as may to Meetings of the Court.
be authorised in this behalf by the Vice-Chancellor : Short title and
commencement (2) They shall come into force from such date as the
Provided that the contract in respect of the Registrar, if any, shall be State Government may, under sub-section (5) of section
signed, on behalf of the University, by the Vice-Chancellor. 57 of the Act, appoint.
(4) No letter of appointment shall be issued to any casual worker, St. 2 (M. C.) (1) In these Statutes, unless the context otherwise
work-charged staff or a person engaged on daily-wage basis and no such requires, words and expressions used shall be
Interpretation and
person shall be required to sign any contract with the University. definition. interpreted to have the same meaning as they have in
St. 4 (Cont.) (1) The Registrar shall maintain a Register of Contracts the Act.
Register of which shall contain the following entries : (2) The provisions of the Statutes, the Ordinances, the Regulations
contracts and (a) the serial number; and the Rules of the University, in so far as they affect the matters provided
custody thereof. (b) the name of every employee who is appointed under a herein, if in conflict with the provisions of these Statutes, shall stand
contract; modified by the Statutes under this Chapter.
(c) the date of his appointment;
(d) the post to which he has been appointed; PART II
(e) the terms of appointment; MEETINGS OF THE COURT

(f) the date of contract; St. 3 (M. C.) (1) (a) The Court shall meet at least thrice in a financial
(g) the date on which the contract is liable to termination; year, other than for Convocation, on dates to be fixed
Ordinary meeting
and of the Court by the Vice-Chancellor. One of such meetings shall be
(h) remarks, if any. held before March and shall be called the annual
meeting. The Court may also meet at such other times as it may, from time
(2) Of the three copies of the contract as engisaged under to time, decide.
paragraph(3) of St. 3 (Cont.), the original shall be kept in the custody of the
Registrar and the duplicate shall be kept in the custody of the Finance (b) Not less than 10 days’ notice shall be given to the
Notice for
Officer; while the triplicate shall be retained by the employee concerned. ordinary meeting
members of the date of every meeting of the Court.
(c) Not less than 5 days before the date fixed for a
Issue of Agenda meeting, the Registrar shall send to each member an
papers agenda paper.
[ 115 ] [ 116 ]

(d) No matter other than what is included in the agenda paper and the (d) it shall not contain any arguments, inferences or defamatory
Matters to be supplementary agenda paper, if any, issued under statements;
considered Statute 7 (M.C.) shall be considered at the meeting : (e) it shall not refer to the character or conduct of any person except
Provided that the Vice-Chancellor shall have the power in case of in his capacity as an Officer, a Teacher or a Non-teaching Staff
urgency to bring any other matter before the meeting. of the University;
2. (a) The Vice-Chancellor may, whenever he thinks fit, and shall, (f) it shall not refer to any matter which is pending before a Court
upon a requisition in writing signed by not less than or Tribunal or, unless the Chairman so decides for sufficient
Special meeting
one-third of the members of the Court, convene a reasons, before any Authority of the University; and
meeting of the Court. A meeting on such requisition shall be held within 10 (g) it shall not call into question the powers of the Chancellor or any
days of the receipt of the requisition by the Vice-Chancellor. order passed or action taken or not taken by him.
(2) If a motion fails to comply with any of the conditions referred to
Notice for special (b) Not less than 7 days’ notice shall be given
in paragraph (1), the Chairman shall refuse to admit it or to allow it to be
meeting to the members of the date fixed for a special meeting. moved in a meeting.
(3) Every motion which complies with the conditions referred to in
Issue of Agenda (c) An agenda paper shall be sent to each
paragraph (1) shall be admitted and allowed to be moved in the meeting for
Papers member along with such notice. which the motion has been tabled. The decision of the Chairman in—
(d) No matter other than that included in the agenda papers and the (a) admitting any motion, or
Matters to be supplementary agenda papers, if any, sent under the (b) refusing to admit it, or
considered provisions of Statute 9 (M..C.) shall be considered at (c) allowing it to be moved, or
the meeting. (d) disallowing it to be moved shall be final.
In case a motion is disallowed to be moved, the mover shall have the
right to read out the motion with the permission of the Chairman.
PART III (4) When the Chairman refuses to admit a motion under paragraph (2),
MOTIONS AND AMENDMENTS the Registrar shall intimate the fact to the member who gave notice of the
motion, but shall not be bound to intimate the reason for such refusal.
St. 4 (M. C.) Any member who wishes to move a motion at a meeting St. 6 (M.C.) (1) Any member who desires to move an amendment to
of the Court shall give notice of such motion by a motion included in the agenda papers relating to an
Notice of motions Notice and
forwarding a copy thereof to the Registrar so as to ordinary meeting shall forward a copy of such
admission of
reach him not less than 7 days before the date of the meeting. amendments for amendment to the Registrar so as to reach him not less
St. 5 (M.C.) (1) No motion shall be admitted by the Chairman or ordinary meetings than 5 days before the date fixed for the meeting.
Conditions for allowed to be moved at a meeting of the Court unless (2) No amendment shall be admitted or allowed to be moved at the
admission of a it complies with the following conditions : meeting—
motion (a) due notice has been given as prescribed in the (a) of which due notice has not been given as prescribed in
Statute 4 (M. C.); paragraph (1); or
(b) it shall be clearly and precisely expressed and raise substantially (b) which is in effect a direct negative to the original motion; or
only one definite issue; (c) which is not relevant to the original motion; or
(c) it shall not raise any issue which does not come wholly within (d) which substantially raises a question already disposed of by the
the purview of the Court; meeting or is inconsistent with any motion already passed by it; or
[ 117 ] [ 118 ]

(e) which fails to comply with any of the conditions referred to in St. 11. (M. C.) (1) One-third of the total number of members of the
paragraph (1) of Statutes 5 (M.C.). Quorum
Court plus one shall be a quorum for a meeting of the
(3) Every amendment which complies with the provisions of this Court :
Statute shall be admitted and allowed to be moved in the Provided that such quorum shall not be required at a Convocation of
meeting. The decision of the Chairman in admitting any the Court :
amendment or refusing to admit it or allowing or disallowing it Provided further that no quorum shall be required for an adjourned
to be moved shall be final. meeting.
(4) When the Chairman refuses to admit an amendment, the Registrar (2) If there is no quorum within 15 minutes of the time appointed for
shall intimate the fact to the member who gave the notice of the amendment the meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned.
but shall not be bound to intimate the reason for such refusal.
(3) If, at any time during the progress of a meeting, any member calls
(5) An amendment, the substance of which has already been disposed attention to the fact that there is no quorum, the meeting shall forthwith be
of in part, may be modified by its proposer in the meeting so as to retain only suspended for such time as may be considered necessary by the Chairman
the part not so disposed of. to secure a quorum, or, if the Chairman so decides, shall be adjourned to a
St. 7 (M.C.) The Registrar shall send to each member supplementary subsequent date. Such suspension or adjournment shall be recorded in the
Supplementary agenda papers containing such of the motions or minutes of the meeting.
agenda papers for amendments as have been admitted under paragraph St. 12 (M.C.) (1) No matter shall be considered at an adjourned
ordinary meetings (3) of Statute 5 (M.C.) and paragraph (3) of Statute 6 Business at an meeting other than the matters left over at the meeting at
(M.C.). adjourned meeting which the adjournment took place :
St. 8 (M.C.) (1) Any member who desires to move an amendment to Provided that the Vice-Chancellor may, with or without notice, bring
Notice and a motion included in the agenda papers relating to a before an adjourned meeting any new matter which in his opinion is
admission of special meeting shall forward a copy of such urgent.
amendments for amendment to the Registrar so as to reach him not less (2) Save as aforesaid, it shall not be necessary to give notice in
special meetings than 4 days before the date of the meeting. respect of an adjourned meeting.
(2) The provisions of paragraphs (2), (3), (4) and (5) of Statute 6 (M.C.)
shall apply to all amendments subject to the provisions of paragraph (1)
thereof. PART V
St. 9 (M.C.) The Registrar shall send to each member a supplementary ORDER OF BUSINESS

Supplementary agenda paper containing such of the amendments St. 13 (M. C.) At every meeting of the Court, matters shall be taken
agenda papers for as have admitted under paragraph (2) of Statute Order of business up for consideration in the following order :
special meetings 8 (M.C.) (a) election of Chairman (if necessary);
(b) confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting;
(c) matters proposed—
(i) by the Executive Council,
(ii) by the Vice-Chancellor,
St. 10 (M. C.) The Chancellor, or, in his absence, the Vice-Chancellor (iii) by the Faculty Councils for Post-graduate Studies,
shall preside at meetings of the Court. If both the (iv) by the Councils for Under-graduate Studies,
Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor are absent at any (v) by the members of the Court, and
meeting, the members present at the meeting shall elect one from amongst (d) any other matter.
themselves to be the Chairman of the meeting.
[ 119 ] [ 120 ]

PART VI (a) an amendment to a motion moved under clause (h) of paragraph

(b) an amendment to a motion brought before the meeting by the
St. 14 (M. C.) (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Statutes 4 (M.C.) Vice-Chancellor under paragraph (1) (d) of Statute 3 (M.C.); and
and 8 (M.C.), no previous notice shall be required in respect of— (c) an amendment of a purely verbal or formal nature, if leave is
(a) a motion to change the order of business as stated in the agenda given by the Chairman in that behalf.
papers; or St. 16 (M.C.) Motions relating to the conferment of honorary degrees,
(b) a motion to adjourn the debate; or Motion from the votes of thanks, messages of congratulation or
Motions that may Chair condolence, addresses and other matters of like nature
(c) a motion to adjourn the meeting; or may be moved from the Chair.
be moved
without notice (d) a motion to dissolve the meeting; or St. 17 (M.C.) The Chairman may without a formal motion correct any
(e) a motion to refer any matter placed before the Correction of clerical clerical or accidental mistake or slip in any paper
meeting to any authority for consideration and report; or mistakes etc. relating to any matter placed before a meeting.
(f) a motion to remit any matter to an authority for reconsideration
of its decision, report or recommendation which has been placed
before the meeting; or PART VII
(g) a motion to pass on to the next item of business; or PROCEDURE IN MEETINGS

(h) a motion to appoint a Committee to consider any matter placed St. 18 (M. C.) (1) A member who desires to speak shall rise in his
before the meeting; or
When a member place and address the Chairman only.
(i) a motion that the question be put; or can speak (2) When a member rises to speak, his name shall be
(j) a motion moved under Statute 16 (M.C.) except a motion relating called out by the Chairman and he shall not be entitled
to the conferment of honorary degree. to speak until his name has been so called out.
(2) No such motion as enumerated in paragraph (1) shall be moved (3) If more members than one rise at the same time, only the member
except with the permission of the Chairman. whose name is called out by the Chairman shall be entitled to speak.
(3) A motion to appoint a Committee under clause (h) of paragraph St. 19 (M.C.) (1) Every speech must be relevant to the matter under
(1) may include directions to the Committee and shall specify a date within Speech to be consideration.
which a report shall be submitted by the Committee to the University. relevant (2) The Chairman may direct any member to discontinue
Whenever any such Committee is appointed, the Court shall also appoint its his speech if the speaker's argument becomes offensive, embarrassing,
Chairman. Half of the total number of members of such Committee plus one scandalous or irrelevant.
shall be a quorum for a meeting of the Committee and its Chairman must be
St. 20 (M. C.) (1) Save in exercise of a right of reply, a member shall
present at every meeting.
A member not be entitled to speak more than once on the same
(4) Save in the case of motions moved under clauses (c) to (i) of matter.
entitled to one
paragraph (1), no member except the mover shall be entitled to speak.
speech only (2) A member may, with the permission of the Chair,
Amendments that
St. 15 (M.C.) An amendment to a motion may
make a statement on any matter arising out of the
may be moved be moved without previous notice only in the
without notice following cases—
[ 121 ] [ 122 ]

St. 21 (M. C.) No member shall rise to speak while another member (2) If there be more than one amendment to a motion of which
One member is speaking : previous notice has been given, the Chairman shall determine the order in
only to speak at Provided that a member may, with the permission of the which the amendments are to be moved.
a time Chair, rise even while another member is speaking, to (3) Any amendment standing in the name of a member who is absent
explain any expression used by himself which may have been misunderstood from the meeting may be moved by any other member present provided that,
by the Speaker, but in every such case he shall confine himself strictly to an amendment that has been withdrawn cannot be so moved.
such explanation.
St. 30 (M. C.) Every amendment which is moved must be seconded.
St. 22 (M. C.) If the Chairman rises to speak, any member speaking Amendments to be In case it is not seconded, it shall lapse.
Chairman to have seconded
precedence or about to speak, shall sit down at once.
St. 31 (M. C.) An amendment may be withdrawn by the mover at any
St. 23 (M. C.) No member shall, except with the permission of the Withdrawal of
Time allowed to Chair, speak for more than seven minutes when moving time before it is moved.
speak a motion or amendment, or replying to a debate.
St. 32 (M. C.) An amendment may be ruled out of order by the
St. 24 (M. C.) (1) Any member may call the Chairman's attention to Amendments out of
Point of order a point of order, even while another member is speaking, Chairman at any time before it is put to vote.
but no speech shall be made on such point of order.
St. 33 (M. C.) After the amendment or amendments have been moved
(2) The Chairman shall be the sole judge of order, and may call any
General debate and seconded, a general debate shall follow on the
member to order, and shall have all powers necessary to enforce his
motion and the amendments.
decisions on all points of order.
St. 34 (M. C.) When the debate is concluded, the Chairman may, if
St. 25 (M. C.) The Chairman may at any stage of the proceedings, at
Voting on he so desires, sum up the debate and shall put the
Chairman's his discretion, or at the request of a member, explain the
amendments and amendment or amendments to vote. If any amendment
privileges scope or effect of any motion or amendment which is motion or amendments are carried, the motion as amendmened
before the meeting. shall be stated by the Chairman and then put to vote.
St. 26 (M. C.) Any motion standing in the name of a member who is If no amendment is carried, the original motion shall be put to vote.
Absence of mover absent from the meeting may be moved by any other
member present :
Provided that, a motion that has been withdrawn cannot be so moved.
St. 27. (M. C.) (1) Every motion which is moved must be seconded.
Seconding and In case it is not seconded, it shall lapse. St. 35 (M. C.) (1) All matters placed before a meeting shall be decided
withdrawal of (2) A motion may be withdrawn by the mover at Decision by by a simple majority of votes of the members and voting
motions majority of votes unless a particular majority is required by the Act or the
any time before it is moved; and when it has been
withdrawn, all amendments to the motion shall lapse. Statutes.
St. 28 (M. C.) A motion may be ruled out of order by the Chairman (2) The Chairman shall have one vote, and in the event of an equality
of votes, he shall cast the same.
Motions out of order at any time before it is put to vote.
St. 36 (M. C.) (1) After putting any question to vote the Chairman
St. 29 (M. C.) (1) After a motion has been seconded, any member may
Voting to be by shall call for an indication of the opinion of the Court
Amendments to move an amendment thereto if the Chairman has
show of hands by show of hands, first in the affirmative and then in
motions admitted such amendment or allowed it to be moved.
the negative, and shall declare the result accordingly.
[ 123 ] [ 124 ]

(2) If any member so demands, the names of the members who vote PART XI
for or against the motion as well as the names of those who abstain from MISCELLANEOUS
voting shall be recorded in the minutes.
St. 39 (M. C.) No matter which has been decided by the Court shall
be reconsidered within a period of 12 months from the
PART IX Reconsideration of
date of such decision except at a special meeting
PROTESTS convened for the purpose in the manner prescribed under
the provisions of paragraph 2(a) of Statute 3 (M.C.) and unless three-fourths
St. 37 (M. C.) Any member who intends to protest against a motion of the members present at such a meeting signify their assent in favour of
passed at a meeting of the Court to which the assent of such reconsideration.
the Chancellor is required shall give notice in writing of
such intention to the Registrar within two days from the date of the meeting St. 40 (M. C.) The decision of the Chancellor in every matter which
and shall within fourteen days from such date lodge with the Registrar a Chancellor's
decisions to be
requires such decision shall be reported to the Court
memorandum setting out the grounds of protest. The Registrar shall forward
recorded and recorded in its minutes.
a copy of the memorandum to the mover of the motion. The mover of the
motion shall within fourteen days from the date on which the memorandum St. 41 (M. C.) (1) The Chairman may direct any member whose
was so forwarded, send to the Vice-Chancellor a reply to the grounds of the Disorderly conduct conduct is, in his opinion, disorderly to withdraw
protest. The memorandum of protest and the reply, together with a copy of at meeting immediately from the meeting, and any member so
the minutes of the meeting, shall then be submitted for the consideration and ordered shall be deemed to have withdrawan from the
order of the Vice-Chancellor. meeting.
(2) The Chairman may, in case of grave disorder occuring at a meeting,
PART X adjourn the meeting sine die or to a specified date or dissolve the meeting.
MINUTES St. 42 (M. C.) If the Vice-Chancellor considers it necessary or
expedient, he may obtain a decision of the Court on any
Decisions of Court
St. 38 (M. C.) (1) Within ten days after every meeting of the Court, by circulation
matter by circulation. In every such case a notice of the
a draft of the minutes of such meeting shall be submitted motion or proposal on which the decision of the Court
by the Registrar to the Chairman. After the Chairman has is sought shall be circulated to every member of the Court along with an
approved and attested the same, a copy of the draft minutes shall be explanatory memorandum. A member may within 15 days of such notice
forwarded to each member. Any member who was present at the meeting communicate to the Registrar his acceptance or otherwise of the motion or
may, within seven days of the issue of the draft minutes, communicate to the proposal. Such motion or proposal will be deemed to have been adopted by
Registrar any exceptions he may take to the correctness thereof. The draft the Court if the majority of members have expressed their acceptance of the
minutes and the exceptions taken, if any, shall be laid for consideration motion or proposal.
before the next meeting of the Court and the minutes in their final form shall St. 43 (M. C.) (1) In any case not provided for by the Statutes under
then be confirmed. Rulings and this Chapter, the Chairman may give a ruling as to the
(2) The Chairman shall have the right to expunge from the minutes any interpretations by procedure to be followed which is not inconsistent with
expression which he considers objectionable or the publication of which is, Chairman the Act or the Statutes under this Chapter.
in his opinion, not in the interest of the University. (2) Save as otherwise provided, in case of any dispute or difference
(3) Once every 12 months or at such other intervals as the Court may of opinion in a meeting, the Chairman's interpretaion of any provision of the
determine, the final minutes of the meetings of the Court held within the Act or the Statutes shall be binding.
period shall be circulated to each member of the Court.
[ 125 ] [ 126 ]

St. 44 (M.C.) No proceedings of a meeting of the Court shall be shall make the application through such authority, if any, as the Executive
Safeguard against invalidated merely by reason that any member has not Council may direct :
invalidation of received a notice or agenda papers provided it has Provided that no application for affiliation shall ordinarily be
proceedings. been duly issued. entertained after December 31 of the year immediately preceding the academic
session from which affiliation is sought.
St. 5 (Affn.) (1) The Executive council shall grant affiliation to a
Grant and college in accordance with the provisions of the
CHAPTER XI withdrawal of Statutes under this Chapter and subject to such
affiliation conditions as may be imposed from time to time.
(2) Affiliation shall be granted specially for each separate subject and
for each separate course of study; i.e., Arts, Science, Commerce, Law, Fine
St. 1 (Affn.) (1) These Statutes may be called the Statutes relating to Arts, Music, Engineering, Medicine and such other courses of studies as
Short title and Affiliation of Colleges. may be prescribed by the Executive Council from time to time.
commencement (2) They shall come into force from such date as the (3) Subject to the provisions of the Statutes under this Chapter the
State Government may, under sub-section (5) of section Executive Council shall have the power to suspend or withdraw the affiliation
57 of the Act, appoint. of any college in any subject or course of study in case the Executive
St. 2 (Affn.) (1) In these Statues, unless the context otherwise Council is satisfied that any of the conditions imposed under paragraph (1)
Interpretation requires, words and expressions used shall be or those prescribed by the Statutes and/or the Ordinances are not being
interpreted to have the same meaning as they have in observed :
the Act. Provided that no affiliation shall be suspended or withdrawn without
(2) The provisions of the Statutes, the Ordinances, the Regulations affording the management of the college an opportunity of making such
and the Rules of the University, in so far as they affect the matters provided representation as it may desire to make under the provisions of St. 20 (Affn.).
herein, if in conflict with the provisons of these Statutes, shall stand modified St. 6 (Affin.) (1) Every college applying for affiliation shall satisfy the
by the Statutes under this Chapter. Executive Council—
Conditions of
St. 3 (Affn.) All colleges affiliated to the University before adoption affiliation. (a) that the college which is not a Government College
Colleges affiliated by of the Statutes under this Chapter shall be deemed to Governing Body is to be, or is being, management by a Governing Body
the Act. be affiliated to the University under the aforesaid constituted duly in accordance with the provisions of
Statutes. the relevant Statutes in this regard.
St. 4 (Affn.) (1) Any college proposed to be established in any of the (b) that the college has provided for adequate space for Class Rooms,
districts situated within the territorial jurisdiction of the Libraries, Laboratories, Common Rooms and such other
Application for Space & Building
affiliation University referred to in clause (5) of section 2 read accommodation as may be specified for the purpose of
with sub-section (4) of section 5 of the Act, may apply imparting instruction;
to the University for affiliation in any of the disciplines as may be consistent (c) that the college has made adequate provision for a properly
with the academic programmes of the University. equipped Library;
(2) In the case of a Government College or a college receiving aid from (d) that the college has made adequate arrangements
the State Government, the application shall be made through the Director of for the imparting of instruction in a properly equipped
Public Instruction, West Bengal. In the case of any other college, the Laboratory or Museum when affiliation is sought in
Governing Body/Organising Committee/Ad-hoc Committee of Management such subjects as would require practical tests;
[ 127 ] [ 128 ]

(e) that the college shall, in order to ensure the imparting of instruction (iii) The provisions made in this behalf by the Statutes, the
properly, have a whole-time Principal and employ Ordinances or the Regulations, as the case may be;
Principal and
adequate number of teaching staff having (d) there shall be a Teachers' Council in the college constituted in
Teaching Staff.
qualifications conforming to the prescriptions made accordance with the provisions made in this behalf by
Teachers' Council
from time to time by the University or by the State the Statutes, the Ordinances or the Regulations, as the
Government, as the case may be : case may be;
Provided that, if for any reason whatsoever, the office of the Principal (e) there shall be a Students' Union, by whatever name called, in the
remains vacant, or if the Principal is on leave or is not in a position to attend college constituted in accordance with the provisions
the office for the due discharge of his functions, the Governing Body shall Students' Union
made in this behalf by the Statutes, the Ordinances or
appoint, in order of seniority, one of the whole-time teachers of the college, the Regulations, as the case may be; and
as the Teacher-in-Charge for discharging the functions of the Principal; (f) there shall be a Mess Committee in the college having hostel
(f) that the college has the financial resources so as to ensure its accommodation for the students, constituted in
Mess Committee
accordance with the provisions made in this behalf by
Financial resources efficient maintenance;
the Statutes, the Ordinances or the Regulations, as the case may be.
(g) that the college, when established, shall not be implicated in St. 7 (Affn.) On receipt of an application for affiliation the Vice-
Chacellor shall cause necessary inspection to be made
Interest of competition with neighbouring colleges as might Procedure
neighbouring by the Inspector of Colleges with the help of such
colleges adversely affect the interest of any of them; and experts as may be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor with a view to
ascertaining whether the proposed college satisfies the conditions set forth
(h) that the college shall not charge from the students fees other than
in St. 5 (Affn.) and St. 6 (Affn.).
Fees those approved by the Univeristy.
St. 8 (Affn.) An application for affiliation may be withdrawn at any
(2) Every college shall also undertake that—
Withdrawal of time before an order has been passed by the Executive
(a) any transfer of management or change in the teaching staff application for Council :
Report to the effected after affiliation has been granted shall be affiliation Provided that a college shall not be permitted to apply for
Executive Council reported forthwith to the Executive Council;
withdrawal of affiliation after it has started functioning.
(b) the number of students in a class shall be determined according St. 9 (Affn.) No student shall be admitted to any course of instruction
Number of students to the size of the class room and shall not exceed one Students not to be in a college in anticipation of the affiliation of the
in a class. hundred : admitted in college in respect of such course of study. Any
Provided that in case the number is likely to exceed the prescribed anticipation of violation of this provision may be a ground for refusal
limit, prior permission of the Executive Council for admitting any such excess affiliation of granting affiliation.
number of students, not more than fifty in any case, shall have to be St. 10 (Affn.) When a college proposes to add new subjects or
obtained; Addition to courses courses of study to those in respect of which it has
(c) the appointment of teachers shall be made in accordance with the of instruction already been granted affiliation, the procedure
Appointment of prescribed by St. 6 (Affn.), St. 7 (Affn.), St. 8 (Affn.)
teachers provisions of— and St. 9 (Affn.) shall, as far as they may apply, be followed.
(i) The West Bengal College Service Commission Act, 1978 (West St. 11 (Affn.) A college affiliated in a subject for any of the University
Bengal Act LXII of 1978), Minimum number examinations shall provide for the delivery of the
(ii) The West Bengal College Teachers (Security of Service) Act, of lectures. minimum number of lectures as may be prescribed by
1975 (West Bengal Act XLIV of 1975), and the relevant Council for Under-graduate Studies from
time to time.
[ 129 ] [ 130 ]

St. 12 (Affn.) (1) If a college fails for two consecutive years to arrange it shall make its recommendation to the Executive Council in this regard and
Failure to arrange for the delivery of the minimum number of lectures or the Executive Council shall thereupon decide as to whether the Governning
for minimum the holding of the minimum number of tutorial classes Body is to be freshly constituted in accordance with such directions as it
number of lectures in any subject, the Executive Council may refuse to may give as a condition of continuance of affiliation of college.
or tutorial classes permit the college to present students for the (2) In the event of failure of the college to comply with the direction
University examination concerned in that subject. given by the Executive Council under paragraph (1), it shall take appropriate
(2) At the end of each session, every college shall furnish to the action in terms of clause (xi) of section 21 of the Act.
University a statement showing the total number of lectures delivered and St. 18 (Affn.) Every college shall furnish such returns, reports and
the total number of tutorial classes held in each subject during that session other information as may be asked for by the Executive
Returns etc.
as also during the session immediately preceding the same. Council or by the Council for Under-graduate Studies in
St. 13 (Affn.) Every lecture or tutorial class shall cover a period of order to judge the efficiency of the college or for the compliance of the
Duration of lecture not less than 45 minutes. requirements of the University Grants Commission or the Central Government
or tutorial classes St. 14 (Affn.) For the purpose of the Statutes under this or the State Government.
Practical work and Chapter, a period of practical work or class exercises of St. 19 (Affn.) (1) As a condition of the continuance of its affiliation,
class exercises not less than 45 minutes' duration shall be deemed to Inspection every college shall be inspected in accordance with the
be a tutorial class. provisions of the University Ordinances relating to
St. 15 (Affn.) (1) A lecture or tutorial class shall not be treated as Inspection of Colleges.
such within the meaning of the Statutes under this (2) The Council for Under-graduate Studies may direct any college so
Conditions applying
Chapter, unless it is delivered to or held in respect of inspected to take, within such time as the Council may fix, such action as
to lectures and
tutorial classes.
a class or a permanent section or group thereof and may appear to the Council to be necessary in respet of any matter referred
unless it is reckoned in calculating the percentage of to in St. 6 (Affn.) and in case the college fails to take such action, the Council
attendance of the students concerned offering the subject in which the may recommend suspension or withdrawal of affiliation of the college to the
lecture is delivered. Executive Council subject to the provisions of paragraph (3) of St. 5 (Affn.).
(2) Even if some of the students or all of them belonging to a class St. 20 (Affn.) (1) If any college fails to comply with any of the
or a permanent section or a group thereof fail or refuse to attend a lecture Withdawal or provions of the Statutes under this Chapter, the Council
or a tutorial class, such lecture or tutorial class shall, nevertheless, be suspension of for Under-graduate Studies shall report the fact to the
deemed to have been duly delivered or held and all such students shall be affiliation. Executive Council with its recommendations.
marked absent. (2) If, on receipt of such report or otherwise, it appears to the
St. 16 (Affn.) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Statutes Executive Council that no sufficient grounds exist for such failure, it shall call
Suspension of under this Chapter, the Executive Council shall have the upon the Governing Body of the college to show cause within such date as
Statutes in case of power, in an eventuality, such as an epidemic, famine, it may fix why the affiliation of the college in any subject or subjects shall
grave emergency war or widespread civil disturbances, to suspend the not be withdrawn or suspended.
operation of any of the provisions of the Statutes under (3) On the receipt of any representation which the Governing Body
this Chapter for such period or periods and for such college or colleges as may make, the Executive Council shall invite the opinion of the relevant
the Executive Council may decide. Council for Under-graduate Studies thereon and after considering such
St. 17 (Affn.) (1) In the event the relevant Council for Under-graduate representation and opinion, if any, shall decide whether the affiliation of the
Direction to Studies is of the the opinion that the Governing Body college in the subject or subjects in question should be allowed to continue
constitute a new of a college has not been properly constituted or that or be withdrawn or suspended.
Governing Body the Governing Body has not been properly functioning,
[ 131 ] [ 132 ]

St. 21 (Affn.) If any doubt or diffculty arises in regard to the (ii) the Principal of the college, who shall be the Secretary to the
Vice-Chancellor to interpretation or application of this Chapter, or if any Governing Body (ex-officio) :
issue directions in matter in relation to the affiliation of colleges which is Provided that in the case of a new college, at its initial stage, one of
case of doubts, not covered by this Chapter arises, the Vice-Chancellor the promoters having academic or administrative experience, may, subject to
difficulties etc. may issue such directions as he may consider proper the approval of the Executive Council, act as the Founder Secretary for a
and shall report the matter to the Executive Council period not more than two years from the date of affiliation and in such a case
forthwith. the Principal of the college shall act as the Joint Secretary for the
aforementioned period ;
CHAPTER XII (iii) three members to be elected by secret ballot by the whole-time
teachers of the college from amongst themselves at a meeting of all such
teachers convened for the purpose by the Principal of the college in the
manner as may be determined by him. The meeting shall be presided over
by the Principal, but he shall have no vote. Any decision at such a meeting
shall be taken by simple majority of votes. In the case of an equality of votes,
St. 1 (G.B.) (1) These Statutes may be called the Statutes relating to decision shall be taken by the drawing of lots in the manner as may be
Short title and Constitution, Powers and Functions of the Governing deemed fit by the Principal;
commencement Bodies of Affiliated Colleges other than Government (iv) one member with administrative or teaching experience to be
Colleges; nominated by the State Government;
(2) They shall come into force from such date as the State Government (v) three members not belonging to the concerned college in any
may, under sub-section (5) of section 57 of the Act, appoint. capacity to be nominated by the concerned Council for Under-graduate
St. 2 (G.B.) (1) In this Chaper, unless the context otherwise requires, Studies, of whom one shall be a woman in the case of a women's college or
Interpretation and words and expressions used shall be interpreted to have a co-educational college;
definition the same meaning as they have in the Act;
(vi) unless the terms and conditions of any donation accepted before
(2) The provisions of the Statutes, the coming into force of the former Ordinances relating to Governing Bodies of
Ordinances, the Regulations and the Rules of the University, in so far as Affiliated Colleges framed under the Burdwan University Act, 1959, require
they affect the matters provided herein, if in conflict with the provisions of otherwise—
this Chapter, shall stand modified by the Statutes under this Chapter :
(a) one representative of the donors in case their number does not
(3) “college” means a college affiliated to the University but shall not exceed five, or
include a Government College;
(b) two representatives of donors in the event their number exceeds
*(4) “donor” in relation to a college means a person, or a Body or/an five, to be elected by the donors from among themselves by
Association who/which has made a donation to the college of a sum amounting secret ballot in the manner as may be determined by the Principal
to not less than rupees ten thousand or has made over to it a property which, of the college concerned :
in the estimation of the Executive Council, is of the said valuation.
Provided that no teacher or librarian or member of the non-teaching
St. 3 (G. B.) (1) Every college shall have a Governing Body consisting staff or student of the college who may be a donor shall be eligible
Constitution of of the following members, namely— for election to the Governing Body thereof as donors' representative;
Governing Body (i) the President of the Governing Body, who (vii) two representatives of the whole-time non-teaching employees of
shall be elected in the manner prescribed in paragraph (2) ; the college, to be elected by such employees from among themselves by
* indicates the provisions of St. 2 (G. B.) (4) amended. [Amendment assented secret ballot in the manner as may be determined by the Principal :
by the Chancellor on 08.12.94]
[ 133 ] [ 134 ]

Provided that, for the purpose of this clause, 'non-teaching employee' vacancy, except in the case of the student representative, the out-going
shall include members of the 'non-teaching staff' as also 'Librarians' member shall continue as such :
as defined in clauses 11 (b) and 13 (b) repectively of section 2 of the Provided also that the Executive Council shall have the power to
Act; extend the life of the Governing Body of a college for such period as it may
(viii) the General Secretary of the Students' Union of the college, ex- consider necessary.
officio. In the event of there being no duly constituted Students' Union (ii) At least three months before the expiry of the term of office of any
functioning at a college, one representative of the students thereof shall be elected or nominated member of the Governing Body of a college, the
elected by regular students from among themselves by secret ballot in the Secretary or, in his absence, the President of the Governing Body shall take
manner as may be determined by the Principal. necessary steps for filling up of the said vacancy.
(2) (i) The President of the Governing Body of a college shall be (iii) A casual vacancy in the office of a member of the Governing Body
elected by the members referred to in clauses (ii) to (viii) shall be filled by the authority/body/electorate entitled to fill it in the same
Election of
of paragraph (1) at a meeting of such members to be manner of election or nomination, as the case may be.
convened for the particular purpose by the Principal of
(iv) A member nominated or elected to fill a casual vacancy, shall hold
the college and presided over by him;
office for the remaining period of the term of membership of the member in
(ii) Half of the total number of the said members plus one shall form whose place the vacancy has occurred.
a quorum for such a meeting. In case no consensus can be arrived at, the
(v) If a member of the Governing Body ceases to hold the position by
decision shall be taken by a majority of votes; and
virtue of which he was elected or nominated on the Governing Body, he shall
(iii) The President of the Governing Body may or may not be elected from cease to be the President or the Secretary or a member of the Governing Body,
amongst the members specified under clauses (ii) to (viii) of paragraph (1). as the case may be, with effect from the date he ceases to hold such position.
St. 4 (G. B.) A report on the formation of the Governing Body
(2) Any action taken by the Govening Body shall not be called into
Report to the containing the list of the members thereof including the
President as also any changes effected subsquently Action of Government
University Body not to be called question or invalidated merely by reason of there
shall be submitted by the Principal to the Inspector of into question or
Colleges forthwith. invalidated by reason being a vacancy in the office of any member thereof.
of vacancies
St. 5 (G. B.) Any dispute arising in connection with the election or
nomination of members of Governing Body of a college St. 7 (G. B.) (1) The Governing Body of every college shall be
Disposal of disputes
including the President shall be referred to by the
Powers and functions reponsible for the proper management of the affairs of
Principal to the Inspector of Colleges who shall then place it before the of the Governing Body. the college and may exercise all such powers and
Council for Under-graduate Studies and its decision thereon shall be final. functions as may be necessary for the purpose.
St. 6 (G. B.) (1) (i) The term of office of the representative of the (2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the
Term of office and students on the Governing Body shall be one year and Proper management foregoing provision, the Governing Body of every
filling up of in respect of other members it shall be three years, from of college
vacancies the date of election of the President : college shall be responsible for ensuring—
Provided that, in case of a duly constituted Students' Union (a) that the posts of teachers and non-teaching employees including
functioning at a college, the General Secretary thereof shall hold office as a Creation of posts Librarian are created and appointments made thereto for
member of the Governing Body for a period of one year or till he ceases to and appointments the imparting of instruction adequately and the
be the General Secretary, whichever is earlier : thereto operation of the college effectively;
Provided further that during the period intervening between the expiry (b) that the number of teachers, their qualifications and the method
of the term of office of any out-going member and the filling up of the of recruitment as also the conditions of their service are in accordance with
[ 135 ] [ 136 ]

Recruitment of the relevant law and/or the Statutes, the Ordinances and (n) that review of results of the students presented by the college at
the Regulations of the University as may be in force
teachers Review of results the University examinations is made from time to time
from time to time; and that measures are adopted for the maintenance of
(c) that the laboratory and other instructional facilities available are proper academic standard and improvement in the performance of the students.
Laboratory adequate for the instructional programme; (3) The Governing Body may appoint a Sub-committee for financial
(d) that the buildings in which the college is located are suitable for Governing Body may affairs and other Advisory Committees as it may
the purpose for which they are intended and are appoint Sub- consider necessary for the efficient administration of
maintained at a satisfactory state of repairs and committee and the college. The Sub-committee for financial affairs shall
sanitation; Advisory Committees
be constituted from amongst the members of the
(e) that the library is properly equipped with text and reference books Governing Body. In the case of an Advisory Committee, persons other than
Library so as to cater to the requirements of the teachers and the members of the Governing Body may be included. The Principal shall be
the taught; the Chairman of such Sub-committee or Advisory Committees.
(f) that efforts are made to procure adequate financial resources of the St. 8 (G. B.) (1) A meeting of the Governing Body shall ordinarily be
Financial resources college necessary for efficient and effective operation of Meetings of held in the college premises;
the college; Governing Body (2) The Governing Body shall ordinarily meet at least
(g) that all information, returns, reports and other materials as may be
six times in a year;
Returns and Reports required by the University, the University Grants
Commission and the State Government are promptly (3) Half of the total number of members plus one shall form a quorum,
collected, prepared and made available to them; provided that no quorum shall be required for an adjourned meeting;
(h) that all ledgers, books of account, registers and all other records (4) A meeting may not ordinarily be held during the Summer recess,
required to be maintained are always kept up-to-date; the Winter recess or the Puja holidays;
(i) that due provision is made for the well-being of the (5) A meeting of the Governing Body shall normally be convened by
Well being of students;
students the Secretary in consultation with the President. If at any time, there be no
(j) that discipline and cordial relation are maintained Secretary or in case of temporary absence of the Secretary, the President
Discipline & cordial among the students, teachers and non-teaching shall convene a meeeting. In the case of an ordinary meeting not less than
relation employees; 7 days' notice shall be given to the members of the date fixed for such a
(k) that proper assistance and facilities are provided to the Inspector meeting, while in the case of an extra ordinary meeting 24 hours' notice shall
Assistance to of Colleges and other officials of the University as well be given;
Inspecting team as of the State Government while holding an inspection (6) The Secretary shall send copies of minutes of the previous meeting
or enquiry or while collecting information and data as
to the members along with the notice.
may be required;
(l) that the directions issued by the University from time to time are St. 9 (G.B.) If no meeting of the Governing Body is convened for a
Compliance of carried out and compliance therewith is reported continuous period of four months, 50 percent of the
Requisition meeting.
directions of the speedily to the University; total number of members on written requisition may
University (m) that all properties and funds of the college and require the President or the Secretary, as the case may be, to convene a
those donated for the benefit of the college are properly meeting and such requisition shall be complied within a fortnight from the
Properties and
Funds controlled and administered; and date of receipt of such requisition :
[ 137 ] [ 138 ]

Provided that while calculating 50 percent in the case of a Governing St. 11 (G. B.) The Secretary to the Governing Body of every college
Body consisting of members of an odd number, the total number shall first Functions of the shall—
be reduced by one. Secretary to the (a) Convene meetings, conduct the official
St. 10 (G.B.) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in Governing Body
correspondence and maintain the records including the
Special provision the Stautes under this Chapter, the special provisions minutes or proceedings of meetings of the Governing Body;
regarding composition regarding composition of Governing Bodies
of Governing Body as enumerated hereunder shall apply to certain (b) send to the University when called upon by the Executive Council
to do so, originals or certified copies of such records, correspondence,
minutes or proceedings referred to in clause (a), as may be required by the
(1) (a) In the case of a college established and administered by a Executive Council; and
Registered Educational Society or a Trust Body and already granted
(c) operate the college funds jointly with the President or another
affiliation on that stipulation, the Governing Body shall be constituted in
member of the Governing Body as may be authorised by the Governing Body
accordance with the terms of the Memorandum & Articles of Association or
of the college.
the Deed of Trust, as the case may be :
St. 12 (G. B.) Notwithstanding the special provisions in regard to the
Provided that the Governing Body of such a college shall also include
Provisions to cover composition of Governing Bodies in the case of certain
the members as envisaged in clauses (iii), (iv), (v), (vii) and (viii) of
all colleges colleges as envisaged in St. 10 (G.B.), the provisions of
paragraph (1) of St. 3 (G.B.). irrespective of the Statutes under this Chapter, in so far as they are
(b) Within three months from the date of coming into force of the character not inconsistent with the terms of the Memorandum &
Statutes under this Chapter, the Governing Body of a college, as envisaged the Articles of Association or the Deed of Trust, as the case may be, shall
in sub-paragraph (a), shall be reconstituted accordingly. apply to all colleges.
(c) Any notice in writing in this behalf shall be sent by the University St. 13 (G. B.) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Statutes
to the Secretary or the President of the Governing Body of such a college under this Chapter, in the event of failure on the part
and in that case such notice shall be deemed to have been duly served on Constitution of a
Governing Body shall of the State Government or the Council for Under-
the Governing Body of the college. be deemed to be graduate Studies to nominate any member or members
(d) If the Governing Body of the such a college is not reconstituted complete not to the Governing Body of a college in terms of the
within the period referred to in sub-paragraph (b), the Executive Council may withstanding vacancy provisions contained in clause (iv) or (v), as the case
in the category of
appoint an administrator to take over the management of the college. The may be, of St. 3 (G.B.), the Governing Body of the
nominated member
administrator shall cause to be constituted a fresh Governing Body of the concerned college shall be deemed to have been duly
college within three months from the date of his appointment in accordance constituted under the provisions of this Statute.
with the provisions of sub-paragraph (a). St. 14 (G.B.) If any doubt or dispute arises as to the interpretation or
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in paragraph (1), in the case Decision of the intention of any of the provisions of the Statutes under
of a college established and administered by a minority based on religion or Executive Council this Chapter, or if any difficulty arises on an issue not
language and affiliated to the University under the stipulations as contained shall be final and covered by the Statutes under this Chapter, the matter
in the Memorandum & Articles of Association or the Deed of Trust, as the binding shall be referred by the Secretary or the President of the
case may be, the Governing Body of such a college shall be constituted in Governing Body of the college to the Executive Council which shall take
accordance with the terms of the said Memorandum & Articles of appropriate measures for resolving the difficulty or settling the dispute and the
Association or the Deed of Trust, as the case may be. decision taken by the Executive Council in this regard shall be final and binding.
[ 139 ] [ 140 ]

THE UNIVERSITY OF BURDWAN Provided that if the teacher began his service for the same or any
other post in the same cadre, his services shall be counted from the date of
In exercise of the power conferred by section 21 read with section 47
and 48, of the Burdwan University Act, 1981 (West Ben. Act XXIII of 1981), his joining the appointment as a temporary appointee, if there is no break in
the Executive Council of the Burdwan University hereby makes the following service during the period preceding his permanent appointment.
amendments in the Burdwan University First Statutes (hereinafter refered to Explanation : The following shall be treated as 'break' in service :
as the said Statutes). (a) unauthorized leave of absence
(b) unauthorized absence in continuation of authorized leave of
The Statutes relating to the Appointment and Terms and Conditions
St. 6 (T.A.C.) (1) A teacher shall be required to take classes, subject
of Services of Teachers of Affiliated Colleges other than Government
Colleges. Hours of work to the rules as are in vogue and as may be framed in
this behalf by the University from time to time.
(2) Teachers of a college shall effectively co-operate and assist,
St. 1 (T.A.C.) These Statutes may be called the statute relating to the whenever required, in carrying out the functions relating to the educational
Short title and Apointment and Terms and Conditions of Services of responsibilities of the college (such as assisting in appraising applications
commencement Teachers of Affiliated Colleges other than Government
for admission, advising or counselling the students and assisting in
University and College examinations including supervision thereof).
St. 2 (T.A.C.) In these statutes, unless the context requires
otherwise—(a) ''college" means an affiliated college, Explanation : The expression ''shall effectively co-operate and
including a Constituent or a Professional College but assist'' in relation to University examinations shall
does not include a Government College. for the purpose of these Statutes, mean to include
(b) words and expressions used by not defined shall be interpreted compulsory and effective participation of Teachers,
to have the same meaning as they have in the Act. including Principals, of all affiliated colleges in all
matters relating to such examinations if and when
PART II their services are requisitioned by the University for
GENERAL any purpose relating to such examinations.
St. 3 (T.A.C.) Appointment of teachers (whole-time or part-time) (3) Every teacher and Principal of a college shall sign a daily
including Principals, of affiliated colleges other than attendance register of the teacher maintained for the purpose. Such daily
Government colleges shall be made in accordance with attendance of the teacher(s) shall be counter-signed by the Principal.
the provisions of the West Bengal College Service Commission Act, 1978 (4) In particular and without prejudice to the foregoing provisions, a
(West Ben. Act LXII of 1978) teacher shall perform the following duties, namely—
St. 4 (T.A.C.) The period of probation shall be determined in
(a) to perform invigilation work in any examination for any course
Probation accordance with the provisions of the West Bengal
College Teachers (Security of Service) Act, 1975 (West of study taught in the college;
Ben. Act XLIV of 1975) (b) to draw routines;
St. 5 (T.A.C.) In calculating the period of service of a teacher of (c) to carry out assignment for such field work as may be
Commencement of college in any post for any purpose including the necessary for the courses taught in the college;
period of service operation of a time scale of pay, services shall be
counted from the date of his joining the post on his (d) to assist the Principal with regard to admission of students;
first appointment as a probationer :
[ 141 ] [ 142 ]

(e) to participate in N.C.C., N.S.S. and Sports and Games for the St. 12 (T.A.C.) (1) No whole-time teacher of a college shall be
well-being of the students; permitted to accept any part-time assignment with or
Other employment
(f) to assist the Principal, in the management of Hostels and without remuneration in another college or elsewhere
Messes attached to the college or recognized by it; except with the approval of the Governing Body of the college where he is
(g) to undertake the internal assessment of students; and attached in the capacity of a whole-time teacher :
(h) to evaluate answer scripts of students for any examination Provided that no whole-time teacher shall be permitted to accept more
conducted by the colleges and the University. than one part-time assignment under any circumstances.
(5) The Principal of a college shall ordinarily take not less than four (2) Any teacher contravening the provisions of this Statute shall be
periods of class work in a week in a subject taught in the college. liable to such disciplinary action as the Governing Body of the college where
St. 7 (T.A.C.) A whole-time teacher of a college enjoying University he is a whole-time teacher, may deem fit subject to the provision of statute
Grants Commission scale of pay as approved by the 14 of these Statutes.
State Government and introduced since 1st January,
1973 or any other scale of pay introduced by the State Government after 1st St. 13 (T.A.C.) (1) Subject to the terms and conditions of any existing
January, 1973, shall retire from service with effect from the afternoon of the Resignation
contract, no permanent teacher of a college shall be
last day of the month in which the attains the age of superannuation, i.e. entitled to terminate his services by voluntary
completes the 60th year of age. resignation unless he submits in writing to the Principal a notice of his
St. 8 (T.A.C.) (1) The salaries and scales of pay for whole-time intention to resign and such notice shall be filed—
Minimum emoluments teachers in a college, shall, in no case, be lower than (a) In the case of a resignation at the end of an academic year, at
the minimum salaries and scales of pay as the State least one month in advance; or
Government may by order specify in respect of such teachers.
(b) in the case of a resignation at any other time, at least two months
(2) The salary of a part-time teacher in a college shall, in no case, be
lower than the minimum salary as the State Government may by order specify. in advance.
Such a teacher shall take classes as the State Government may by order Provided that no teacher holding an appointment either on temporary
specify from time to time. basis or on probation shall be entitled to terminate his services by voluntary
St. 9 (T.A.C.) When a teacher joins a college after resigning his post resignation unless he submits in writing to the Principal a similar notice at
Fixation of initial pay in another college, initial pay of such a teacher in the least one month in advance :
in certain cases college which he so joins shall be fixed so as not to be
Provided further that in special circumstances the Governing Body
less than what he was receiving in the former college.
may, on the recommendation of the Principal, accept a notice of intention to
St. 10 (T.A.C.) A temporary teacher who has worked in a college for resign for a shorter period.
Temporary teachers a period of not less than ten months continuously shall
not to be deprived of (2) An contravention of the provisions of paragraph (1) shall, at the
salary during be entitled to draw his salary for the periods of Puja discretion of the Governing Body, entail forfeiture of salary for the period
Holidays or recess in holidays, summer recess and winter recess, included by which the notice falls short of the requirement of clause(a) or clause(b)
certain cases
within this period or immediately following it. of paragraph (1).
St. 11 (T.A.C.) A Service Book, in such form as may be determined St. 14 (T.A.C.) Every teacher of a college shall be subject to such
Service Book
with the approval of the State Government, shall be Disciplinary action ''Disciplinary Rules'' as the Executive Council may
maintained for every teacher in a college, whether determine, with the approval of the State Government.
whole-time or part-time.
[ 143 ] [ 144 ]

PART III St. 19 (T.A.C.) The Principal of a college may, at his discretion, recall
LEAVE Re-calling from leave to duty, at any time, any teacher of the college who
may be on leave, except on medical grounds.
St. 15 (T.A.C.) (1) Leave of absence from duty cannot be claimed as St. 20 (T.A.C.) When a teacher of a college has been granted leave
Leave not to be a matter of right and may, on application by a teacher Overstay to which hoildays or recess has been affixed and such
claimed as of night of a college, be granted only when satisfactory a teacher absents himself from duty beyond the expiry
grounds have been shown. When the exigencies of of such holidays or recess, the entire period of his absence from duty after
service so require, the authority competent to grant leave may refuse leave the expiry of such holidays or recess, shall be treated as absence from duty
of any description or when any such leave is granted, revoke such leave or without leave and he shall not be entitled to his salary or allowances for such
part thereof. period unless and until the period is covered by the grant of appropriate
(2) No teacher who is under suspension shall be granted any leave. leave or the Governing Body of the college directs otherwise.
(3) Absence without leave shall render a teacher subject to such St. 21 (T.A.C.) (1) Casual leave on full pay may be allowed to a
disciplinary action as may be provided in the ''Disciplinary Rules". Casual leave teacher of a college up to a maximum of fifteen days in
St. 16 (T.A.C.) All applications for leave or for extension of leave shall any one academic year but such leave shall not be
granted for more than five days at a time.
Application for leave be made in writing and addressed by the teacher to the
Principal and sanction for the leave or extension of (2) Casual leave shall not be combined to the Puja holidays, the
leave applied for, as the case may be, shall be obtained before it is availed Summer recess or the Winter recess or to any other kind of leave.
of : (3) Sundays or holidays (other than the Puja holidays, the Summer
Provided that if the authority competent to grant the leave is satisfied recess or the Winter recess) preceding, falling within or succeeding the
that it was not possible to apply for or to obtain the sanction for leave of period of casual leave shall not be counted as part of casual leave.
absence beforehand, leave may be granted with retrospective effect; but all (4) All casual leave to which any teacher of a college may be entitled
applications for leave with retrospective effect shall be submitted at the during any academic year shall cease to be due to him at the end of such
earliest possible opportunity. academic year and shall not be accumulated or carried over to the academic
St. 17 (T.A.C.) (1) Leave shall ordinarily commence on the date with year following.
Duration of leave effect from which it is actually availed of and terminate Explanation : For the purpose of this statute ''casual leave" means
on the day preceding the date of resumption to duty : leave to which a teacher may be entitled in any academic year by virtue of
Provided that Sundays and other holidays may be prefixed or affixed his being a teacher and may be availed of by him for short period on account
to leave, so however, that for the purpose of prefixing or affixing to leave, of illness or urgent private affairs.
holidays exceeding three days or the Puja Holidays, the summer recess or St. 22 (T.A.C.) (1) Every whole-time teacher of a college shall be
the winter recess, previous sanction of the authority competent to grant the entitled to avail leave on full pay (hereinafter referred
leave shall be obtained. Earned leave
to as earned leave) (a) the amount of earned leave
(2) Except with the previous permission of the authority competent to admissible to a whole-time teacher of a college shall be fifteen days for first
grant the leave, no teacher on leave shall return to duty before the expiry seven years and thereafter thirty days for each completed year of his actual
of the period of leave granted to him. service;
St. 18 (T.A.C.) When a teacher of a college is absent on all the days (b) earned leave may be accumulated and joined to any other kind of
Computation of of a week during which he has assigned duties, leave except casual leave :
absence in certain whether such days are consecutive or not, he shall be Provided that when the earned leave due at any time amounts to two
cases deemed to have been absent for all the days of the hundred and forty days, the teacher concerned shall cease to earn at his
week. credit any further earned leave.
[ 145 ] [ 146 ]

Explanation : ''actual service'' means the period which a teacher spends (2) In the matter of sanctioning earned leave to a teacher exceeding
on actual duty and includes— fifteen days, the application for such leave shall be disposed of by the
(i) the period covered by any casual leave but no other leave, Governing Body of the College.
granted to him; (3) Any application for leave by the Principal, except casual leave,
(ii) the period of the Puja holidays, the Summer recess and the shall be addressed to the President of the Governing Body of the college and
Winter recess; and the same shall be placed before the Governing Body for disposal.
(iii) the holidays except such holidays as may fall within the periods (4) The President of the Governing Body shall be competent to
as specified in (ii) above or casual leave or any other kind of sanction casual leave to the Principal.
leave that may be granted to him. (5) The Governing Body of the college shall, unless provided
(c) No part-time teacher shall be entitled to any earned leave. otherwise, sanction other kinds of leave as envisaged in these statutes.
(2) Earned leave may be granted for such reasons as may be St. 24 (T.A.C.) (1) Absence from duty of a whole-time teacher of a
considered by the authority competent to grant such leave which may Absence on duty not college on account of academic work elsewhere
include— to be counted as approved by the Governing Body of the college on
casual leave or account of obligations in regard to the National Cadet
(a) illness of the teacher concerned,
earned leave Corps or the Social Service Camp or similar other
(b) illness of a member of the family of such a teacher, obligations shall be deemed to be on duty and such a
(c) urgent private affairs, and teacher shall not be required to apply for casual or earned leave for the
(d) arrangements preparatory to retirement : period of duty so undertaken.
St. 25 (T.A.C.) Leave of absence from duty with full pay for a period
Provided that—
not exceeding twelve months may be granted to a
(i) when earned leave is applied for on any of the grounds referred Study Leave
whole-time teacher of a college by the Governing Body
to in clause (a) or clause (b) the application shall be of the college for the purpose of enabling the teacher to acquire any
acccompanied with a medical certificate from a registered medical qualification which, in the opinion of the Governing Body, will enhance his
practioner; efficiency as a teacher in the college and such leave shall be called study
(ii) no teacher who has been granted earned leave under clause (a) leave.
on a medical certificate, shall return to duty without producing St. 26 (T.A.C.) (1) A whole-time teacher of a college may be granted
a medical certificate of fitness from a registered medical leave for pursuing studies in an institution considered
practitioner; Special study leave
by the Governing Body of the college as suitable for
(iii) the teacher of colleges who shall come under these Statutes for the purpose, for such period ordinarily not exceeding two years during the
the first time, shall be entitled to have at their credit on the whole period of his service on conditions requiring the teacher to return to
'appointed day' earned leave accruing at the rate of as specified the college for a specified period of further service therein after the expiry
in this statutes, up to the maximum of two hundred and forty of the leave as, the Governing Body may deem fit. Such leave shall be called
days. special study leave.
St. 23 (T.A.C.) (1) The Principal of a college shall be competent St. 27 (T.A.C.) (1) Maternity leave may be granted to a whole-time
Authority for granting to sanction to a teacher of the college leave as Maternity Leave woman teacher of a college who has been in the
leave under :— services of the college for at least nine months
preceding actual the date of confinement. The total period of such leave,
(i) casual leave; including the period of confinement, shall be such as that State Government
(ii) earned leave for any period not exceeding fifteen days at a time. may, by order, specify from time to time.
[ 147 ] [ 148 ]

The total period of such leave shall be subject to such adjustment in (2) the amount of leave on half pay admissible to a whole-time teacher
phases as may be required in any particular case in consideration of the of a college shall be twenty days for each completed year of service.
actual date of confinement. (3) Leave on half pay may be accumulated without any ceiling and
Any application for maternity leave shall be accompanied with a combined with any other kind of leave except casual leave.
medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner.
(4) Leave on half pay may be availed of on private affairs as well as
(2) Maternity leave may also be granted to a whole-time woman on medical ground only.
teacher of a college in cases of miscarriage, including abortion, for any
(5) Leave on half pay may be commuted and such commuted leave
medical ground as suggested by registered medical practitioner subject to
not exceeding half of the amount of leave on half pay due may be granted
the condition that in such a case, such leave shall not exceed forty five days
on medical ground only, on submission of certificate in this behalf from a
and that the application for leave shall be supported by a medical certificate
registered medical practitioner, subject to the following conditions—
from a registered medical practitioner.
(i) commuted leave out of the total accumulation of leave on half pay,
(3) Maternity leave granted under paragraph (1) or (2) shall not be
debited against the leave account of the teacher concerned. shall be limited to a maximum of one hundred and eighty days during the
entire period of service of a teacher.
(4) Leave of any other kind except casual leave may be granted in
combination with maternity leave, only if the application for the grant of such (ii) when commuted leave is granted, twice the amount of leave on half
leave is supported by a medical certificate from a registered medical pay due shall be debited against the leave account. Provided that the leave
practitioner. on half pay at the credit of a teacher shall not lapse except on the date of
his retirement from service.
(5) Maternity leave as envisaged in paragraph (1) or (2) shall be
granted by the Principal. (iii) teachers who are granted or who availed of commuted leave for
St. 28 (T.A.C.) Leave of absence from duty may be granted to a the maximum period of one hundred and eighty days, referred to in (i) above,
shall be entitled to leave on half pay which remains due at credit, on half pay
Quarantine Leave teacher of a college on full pay when he is directed by
the Principal of the college not to attend his duties on only.
account of occurrence of any infectious disease in his family or household. (iv) Commuted leave may be combined with any other kind of leave
Such Leave may be granted, on production of a certificate from a registered except casual leave : Provided that the period of commuted leave and earned
medical practitioner, for a period not exceeding twenty one days, or in leave combined and sanctioned shall not exceed one hundred and eighty
exceptional circumstances, thirty days. Such leave shall be called quarantine days on any one occasion.
leave and may be combined with any other kind of leave, except casual leave. St. 30 (T.A.C.) (1) Extra-ordinary leave without pay may be granted
Quarantine leave so granted shall not be debited against the leave account
Extra-ordinary leave to a whole-time teacher of a college when no other
of the teacher. leave is admissible to him or although other leave is
Explanation : (i) In order to determine ''infectious disease'' for the admissible, he applies in writing for the grant of extra-ordinary leave. Such
purpose of granting quarantine leave, the list maintained by the State leave may be granted for such period and on such terms and conditions as
Government indicating such diseases shall be followed; the Governing Body of the college may deem fit.
(ii) ''Chicken pox'' shall not be treated as an ''infectious disease'' for the (2) The Governing Body may commute retrospectively in the case of
purpose of granting quarantine leave. any teacher any period of absence from duty without leave into extra-
St. 29 (T.A.C.) (1) Every whole-time teacher shall be entitled to leave ordinary leave.
Leave on half pay on half pay which may be commuted on medical ground (3) Except in the case of a permanent teacher, the duration of extra
ordinary leave shall not exceed three months on any one occasion.
[ 149 ] [ 150 ]

(4) Unless, in consideration of the special circumstances of any St. 35 (T.A.C.) (1) A part-time teacher of a college shall be entitled
particular case the Governing Body of a college decides otherwise, a teacher Leave admissible to a to the following kinds of leave :
shall be deemed to have ceased to be in the service of the college after he part-time teacher (a) casual leave for ten days in an academic
has been continuously absent from duty for a period of five years. year; and
St. 31 (T.A.C.) (1) Any teacher of a college who may be required by (b) extra-ordinary leave without pay for such period as may be
determined by the Governing Body of the college in consideration of the
Compensatory leave the Principal in the interests of the college, to work
during holidays or recess, except for college or special circumstances of any particular case.
University examination duties, shall be entitled to leave of absence from duty (2) No other kind of leave shall be admissible to a part-time teacher
for such number of days as may be determined by the Principal. of a college.
(2) Any leave granted under paragraph (1) shall be on full pay and St. 36 (T.A.C.) (1) Cash equivalent to a maximum of two hundred and
shall be called compensatory leave. Leave Salary and forty days of accumulated Earned Leave shall be termed
Cash equivalent as Leave Salary, which shall become payable as one
St. 32 (T.A.C.) (1) At the request of a teacher of a college the
time settlement on attaining the age of retirement on
Conversion of leave Governing Body of the college may, by order, convert superannuation.
any kind of leave already granted into leave of a
Provided that for calculating the ''Leave Salary", the basic pay,
different kind, which may be admissible, with effect from such date as may
dearness pay, personal pay and dearness allowances, as may be admissible
be specified in the order; but a teacher shall not be entitled to claim such
on the date of retirement/ superannuation/termination, shall be taken into
conversion of leave as a matter of right. acount.
(2) If one kind of leave is converted into another, the amount of leave (2) "Leave Salary" subject to maximum of two hundred and forty days'
salary admissible shall be re-calculated and the arrears of leave salary shall Earned Leave at credit shall also become payable in the following cases :
be paid to, or, as the case may be, amounts overdrawn shall be recovered (i) in the die-in harness case to the nominee(s) or the legal heir(s) of
from, the teacher concerned. the deceased;
St. 33 (T.A.C.) Except as othewise specifically provided in these (ii) in the case of termination of service by notice or otherwise.
Combination of Statutes, any kind of leave may be granted in
(iii) in case of Voluntary retirement, duly permitted by the competent
different kinds of leave combination with or in continuation of any other kind
of leave, other than casual leave.
(iv) in case of retirement due to invalidation;
St. 34 (T.A.C.) (1) Save as hereinafter provided, the provisions of
(v) in case of resignation or quit of service before completing fifteen
Application and these Statutes relating to leave shall apply to all whole- years of continuous service, the incumbent concerned shall be entitled to
savings time teachers of colleges whether appointed before or cash equivalent in respect of Earned Leave at his credit on the date of
after the commencement of these Statutes. cessation of service to the extent of half of the accumulated amount, subject
(2) If any such teacher of a college, on the date of the commencement to maximum of one hundred and twenty days.
of these Statutes is in actual enjoyment of more liberal terms regarding leave, St. 37 (T.A.C.) A leave account shall be maintained by the Principal
such a teacher shall continue to enjoy the same; Leave Account of the college for every teacher thereof.
Provided that, in such a case the teacher shall exercise, within a period
St. 38 (T.A.C.) (1) A teacher appointed on substantive basis to any
of three months from the date of commencement of these Statutes, an option
Lien permanent post shall acquire a lien on that post and
either to come under these Statutes or to remain under the old rules. The shall cease to hold any lien previously acquired on any
option so exercised shall be final and binding and shall not be changed other post.
thereafter, under any circumstances.
[ 151 ] [ 152 ]

(2) The lien on a permanent post which he holds substantively shall St. 39 (T.A.C.) Every college shall abide by the pattern of holidays
be suspended if the teacher is appointed in a substantive capacity— and recess as may be determined by the University from
Working days,
(a) to a tenure post, or holidays and recess
time to time. During the period of recess, only classes
shall remain suspended. The minimum number of
(b) to a permanent post outside the cadre on which he is borne.
working days in a college in an academic year shall be determined by the
(3) The lien may also be suspended if the teacher concerned is Executive Council from time to time. The academic session of a college shall
deputed outside India or joins a foreign service under any Government in the commence from the first day of July of every year and end on the thirtieth
interest of the State or on his own, or, in the circumstances not covered by June of the year following. An academic session shall be divided into three
the provisions of sub paragraphs (a) and (b) above, is transferred, whether different terms as follows :—
in a substantive or officiating capacity, to a post in another cadre, and if in
any of these cases, there is reason to believe that he will remain absent from First Term
the post on which he holds lien for a period of not less than four years.
The first term of a college shall commence from the first day of July
(4) If a teacher is appointed substantively and confirmed to another
of every year and shall close on the day from which the Puja holidays
permanent post either in the college or outside, his lien on the permanent
post held earlier in the college shall be terminated, unless he indicates in
writing his refusal to accept the appointment so made substantively in Second Term
another permanent post. In such an event, the teacher concerned shall
immediately report back to duty in the post on which he held lien. The second term shall commence from the date of re-opening of the
college after the Puja holidays and shall continue till the Winter recess
(5) A teacher holding a substantive appointment in a college may be
granted lien on his permanent post if he applies for the grant of lien
consequent upon his obtaining an appointment either in another college or
Third Term
in any other establishment :
Provided that such a teacher shall submit the letter of appointment The third term shall commence from the date of re-opening of the
offered to him showing the nature of appointment and other terms and college after the Winter recess and shall continue till the Summer recess
conditions of service in the new establishment. begins.
(6) The period of lien shall initially be for a period of one year which
may be renewed or extended if the teacher concerned is not confirmed in his PART IV
services in the new establishment within that period : PROVIDENT FUND
Provided that the total period of lien so granted shall not ordinarily
St. 40 (T.A.C.) (T.A.C.) Every whole-time teacher of a college shall
exceed two years.
subscribe to the college provident fund subject to such
(7) The lien of a permanent teacher shall continue when the services Provident Fund
rules as may be framed in this behalf by the State
of such a teacher are requisitioned and he is permitted by the college to Government from time to time.
accept any Government or Semi-Government or contractual or tenure
St. 41 (T.A.C.) If any controversy arises in interpreting any of the
appointment or a tenure post in a Statutory Organization, Board or Council
as approved by the Government or a University, in the interest of the public General provisions of these Statutes, the matter shall be
service or of the State or the University. referred to the University for interpretation.
[ 153 ] [ 154 ]

STATUTES RELATING TO THE APPOINTMENT AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF St. 3 (L & NT) In these Statutes, unless the context requires otherwise,
SERVICE OF LIBRARIANS AND NON-TEACHING STAFF OF COLLEGES, Interpretation and (a) the words and expressions used but not
OTHER THAN GOVERNMENT COLLEGES definition defined shall be interpreted to have the same meaning
as they have in the Burdwan University Act, 1981
In exercise of the power conferred upon it by clause (o) of section 47,
(West Bengal Act XXIII of 1981);
read with section 48, of the Burdwan University Act, 1981 (West Bengal Act
XXIII of 1981) the University makes the following Statutes : (b) ''employee'' in relation to the college means any person employed
The Statutes relating to Appointment and Terms and Conditions of by the college as Librarian and Non-teaching staff, against regular sanctioned
Service of Librarians and Non-teaching staff of colleges affiliated to the post;
University, other than Government colleges. (c) ''year" means the period commencing from the first day of July and
St. 1 (L & NT) (1) These Statutes may be called the Statutes relating ending on the 30th of June following;
to Appointment and Terms and Conditions of Service (d) ''month'' means a calendar month unless otherwise specified or
Short title,
commencement and of Librarians and Non-teaching staff of colleges made clear by the context. In calculating a period expressed in months and
application affiliated to the University, other than Government days, complete calender month, irrespective of the number of days in each,
colleges. should first be calculated and the odd number of days be calculated
(2) This Statute shall come into force at once; paragraphs (7) and (8) subsequently;
of Statute 12 shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st Day of (e) ''compensatory allowance'' means an allowance granted to meet the
November, 1989; and the remaining provisions of these Statutes shall come personal expenditure necessitated by special circumstances in which duty is
into force on such date as may be notified by the Executive Council. performed;
(3) They shall apply to all Librarians and Non-teaching staff of (f) ''duty'' means and includes what an employee is bound or required
colleges affiliated to the University, other than Government colleges. to do by the terms of his appointment and such other assignments as may
St. 2 (L & NT) For the purpose of these Statutes, the Librarians and be alloted to him from time to time by the Appointing Authority;
Classification of the Non-teaching staff shall be classified as follows : (g) ''leave'' means the privilege allowed to an employee of being
employees (a) Librarian, Deputy Librarian, Assistant Librarian absent from duty;
and such other equivalent posts as may be sanctioned (h) ''holiday'' means (i) a Sunday, or (ii) a holiday prescribed and
by the State Government; notified as such by the competent authority;
(b) (i) Office Superintendent, Cashier, Accountant, Head Clerk, Senior (i) ''competent authority" means the Authority or Governing Body or
Assistant/Upper Division Clerk/Senior Clerk and such other Administrator or Principal or any other person authorised specifically for the
equivalent posts as may be sanctioned by the State Government; purposes of these Statutes;
(ii) Assistant/Office Assistant/Clerk/Lower Division Clerk, Library (j) ''actual service'' of an employee for the purpose of calculation of
Assistant, Laboratory Assistant/Laboratory Instructor, Store leave means the period which he spent on duty and also includes—
Keeper, Caretaker, Stenographer, Typist, Record Keeper,
(i) the period covered by any Casual Leave and Compensatory
Collection Clerk and such other equivalent posts as may be
Leave but no other leave granted to him;
sanctioned by the State Government;
(ii) the Puja holidays; and
(iii) Driver, Loboratory Attendant, Skilled Bearer, Electrician,
Mechanic, Carpenter, Unskilled Bearer, Messenger Peon, Office (iii) the college holidays except such holidays as may fall within
Peon, Durwan, Night-Guard, Sweeper and such other the Puja holidays and any other leave that may be granted to
equivalent posts as may be sanctioned by the State him;
Government; (k) ''lien" means the title of an employee to hold substantively, either
(c) any other category of Non-teaching staff. immediately or on the termination of a period, or periods of absence, a
[ 155 ] [ 156 ]

permanent post under the college to which he has been appointed letters of appointment on behalf of the college on the recommendation of the
substantively; concerned Standing Committee for selection, to be constituted by the
(l) ''officiating to a post'' means performing the duties of that post Governning Body of the college in the manner laid down in clause (a) and
during temporary vacancy for any period caused by the non-availability of (b) of paragraph (1) of St. 5 (L & NT).
the permanent incumbent owing to some reason or other; St. 5 (L & NT) (1) The following shall be the Standing Committee for
(m) ''permanent post" means a post sanctioned without limit of time Standing Committee the purpose of selection of candidates for appointment
and declared as such, carrying a time scale of pay; for selection
to the posts as mentioned in St. 2 (L & NT) :
(n) ''pay'' means the amount drawn monthly by an employee as pay
(a) in respect of the posts envisaged in clause (a) of St. 2 (L & NT),
including Special Pay, Dearness Pay and Personal Pay in terms of his
employment and conditions of service; (i) the Principal/Teacher-in-charge of the College—Convener;
(o) ''substantive pay" means the pay of the permanent post which an (ii) one nominee of the Director of Public Instructions, West
employee holds substantively but does not include Special Pay, Personal Bengal;
Pay or Dearness Pay which an employee is entitled to for his appointment (iii) an expert in Library Science to be nominated by the Vice-
to a permanent post substantively; Chancellor;
(p) ''special pay" means an addition of the nature of pay to the (iv) one Reader/Lecturer (Selection Grade) of the college to be
emoluments of the employee in consideration of (i) the specially arduous nominated by the Governing Body;
nature of duties, or (ii) a specific addition to the work or responsibility; (b) in respect of the posts envisaged in sub-clauses (i) and (ii) of clause
(q) ''subsistence grant" means a monthly grant to an employee who (b) of St. 2 (L & NT),—
is not in receipt of pay or leave salary during the period of suspension; (i) the President, Governing Body of the College—Chairman;
(r) ''personal pay'' means an additional pay granted to an employee (ii) the nominee of the State Government on the Governing Body;
either to save him from loss of substantive pay or on the basis of individual
(iii) one nominee of the Executive Council of the University
and personal consideration on merits;
(hereinafter referred to as the Executive Council);
(s) ''probationer" means a person appointed on probation against a
(iv) one teacher—nominee of the Governing Body of the college;
substantive vacancy;
(v) the Principal/Teacher-in-charge of the college Member-
(t) ''temporary post'' means a post sanctioned for a limited period and
declared as such;
(2) In the matter of prescribing minimum qualifications, determining
(u) ''medical certificate'' means a certificate from a registered Medical the manner of inviting applications through newspaper advertisement, and
Practitioner recognized by the State Government; observing the procedure of marking the candidates in respect of the posts
(v) ''University'' means the University of Burdwan. envisaged in clause (a) of St. 2 (L & NT), the orders of the State Government,
St. 4 (L & NT) In these Statutes, the Appointing Authority means, as may be issued from time to time, shall be followed.
the Governing Body/Adhoc Governing Body/ (3) In the case of a college where an Administrator has been appointed
Administrator of affiliated colleges empowered to make or an Adhoc Governing Body has been constituted by the University in
appointment to posts referred to hereinabove or such place of the Governing Body, the Administrator/President of the Adhoc
other posts as may be created from time to time in accordance with the rules Governing Body shall be the Chairman-Convener of the Standing Committee
or orders as may be made and/or issued by the State Government in this and the Teacher-Member to serve on the said Committee shall be nominated
behalf : by him and the Principal/Teacher-in-charge shall be a Member of the said
Provided that the Principal/Teacher-in-charge/Secretary to the Committee. There shall be one nominee of the State Government and one
Governing Body/Administrator of affiliated colleges shall sign and issue all nominee of the Executive Council in such a Committee :
[ 157 ] [ 158 ]
Provided that where no Teacher has been appointed substantively, (d) The recommendation of the Standing Committee shall be placed
inclusion of the Teacher-Member to the Standing Committee shall not before the Governing Body of the College for approval and on
be obligatory. being approved by it, letter(s) of appointment shall be issued
(4) In the absence of the President of the Governing Body of the by the Appointing Authority.
college at a meeting, the members present shall elect a Chairman from (e) In the case of any dispute arising between the Standing
amongst themselves. Committee and the Governing Body of the College in regard to
(5) Three members of the Standing Committee shall form a quorum. the recommendation made by the former, the Governing Body
shall refer back the recommendations to the Standing
(6) The term of office of nomimated members of the Standing
Committee with its observations. If the Standing Committee
Committee shall be two years from the date of nomination.
reiterates its earlier recommendations and the Governing Body
St. 6 (L & NT) (1) (a) Whenever a vacancy occurs in any post, not does not accept the same on reconsideration, the matter shall
Vacancies to be
being a promotional one and other than the posts be referred to the University and the decision of the Executive
notified and powers mentioned in clause (a) of St. 2 (L & NT), the Principal Council in this regard shall be final and binding.
and Functions of of the college shall arrange for getting such vacancy St. 7 (L & NT) (1) Whenever a permanent vacancy occurs in any of
Standing Committee notified through newspaper advertisement and
notification in the College Notice Board with intimation Promotion and direct the posts referred to in sub-clause (i) of clause (b) of
to the local Employment Exchange inviting aplications in such form as may recruitment and letter Statute 2, such vacancy shall normally be filled up by
of appointment on promotion from amongst the employees holding any of
be prescribed by the appointing authority under Statute 4 (L & NT) :
probation the posts referred to in sub-clause (ii) of clause (b) of
Provided that in the case of a vacancy arising in a promotional post, the said Statute. In the matter of such promotion,
the said vacancy shall be notified internally and circulated to all efficiency, seniority including academic qualification, character rolls and
concerned. attendance shall have to be taken into consideration :
(b) The necessary qualifications required for appointment to Provided that in case no suitable candidate for such promotion is
different non-teaching posts under these Statutes, other than available, such permanent vacancy shall be filled up by direct
the posts mentioned in clause (a) of St. 2 (L & NT) (a), shall recruitment in accordance with the procedure laid down for the
be such as may be determined by the appointing authority, purpose in Statute 5 and Statute 6.
subject to such orders as may be issued by the University and
(2) Whenever a permanent vacancy occurs in any of the posts
the State Government in this behalf.
referred to in sub-clause (iii) of clause (b) of Statute 2, in the matter of filling
(2) (a) All matters pertaining to processing of applications, procedure up of such vacancy, the procedure as laid down under Statute 5 and Statute
and mode of selection shall be determined by the concerned 6 for direct recruitment shall be followed.
Standing Committee at its meeting convened for the purpose :
(3) (i) An employee appointed against a permanent vacancy shall be
Provided that in determining the procedure and mode of selection to on probation ordinarily for a period of one year from the date of such
the posts mentioned in clause (a) of St. 2 (L & NT), the provisions appointment and the said period of probation may, at the discretion of the
of paragraph 2 of St. 5 (L & NT) shall be followed. appropriate authority of the College, be extended for a further period not
(b) In the case of selection to the post(s) mentioned in sub-clauses exceeding one year.
(i) and (ii) of clause (b) of St. 2 (L & NT), and requiring (ii) If, at any time during the period of probation, the probationer's
specialised technical expertise in the field, the presence of the work is not considered satisfactory, the probationer shall be discharged by
nominee of the Executive Council shall be necessary. the concerned authority.
(c) All appointments to the permanent and regular vancancies (iii) On satisfactory completion of the period of probation to be
shall be made on the basis of the recommendation of the supported by the report drawn in respect of the employee in Form No. 4
concerned Standing Committee.
[ 159 ] [ 160 ]

appended to these Statutes, the conerned employee shall be confirmed with (4) An increment shall ordinarily be drawn unless withheld as a penal
effect from the date of his appointment on probation by an order in writing measure. When an efficiency bar has been prescribed in a time scale, the
made by the Governing Body of the College in this behalf and the fact of increment next above the said bar shall not be allowed without the specific
such confirmation shall be communicated to the employee concerned : sanction of the Appointing Authority.
Provided that if, on the completion of the period of probation, no such (5) Officiating or temporary service in another post including leave,
order of confirmation is made and communicated to the person other than extraordinary leave without pay, shall count towards increment in
concerned within a period of two months of the completion of the the time scale applicable to the post on which the person concerned holds
period of probation, the person conerned shall be deemed to have a lien.
been confirmed with effect from the date of his appointment on (6) All kinds of leave with pay (full pay or half-pay) will count towards
probation. increment in the time-scale applicable to a post which an employee holds in
St. 8 (L & NT) In observing the procedure of filling up the posts a substantive, officiating or temporary capacity.
Reservation for mentioned in Statute 2, either by direct recruitment or (7) When an employee carries on, in addition to his own duties, the
SC/ST candidates by promotion, the principal of reservation of post for duties of a post belonging to a category higher than that on which he holds
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates shall a substantive appointment, he shall draw an additional 1/5th of pay of the
be followed, as far as practicable, as per orders issued by the State minimum of the scale of pay of that higher post, provided he carries on such
Government in this behalf from time to time. duties for a period of not less than one month.
St. 9 (L & NT) (1) An employee shall begin to draw the pay and (8) An employee of a Department or Branch of a Department
Pay and allowances attached to a post to which he has been discharging the duties of another employee belonging to the same
allowances appointed with effect from the date he assumes the classification, shall not be entitled to any additional remunaration for such
duties of that post and shall cease to draw the same duties.
when he ceases to discharge the duties.
St. 10 (L & NT) An employee on substantive appointment to a
(2) Unless otherwise provided in a contract, in the case of first permanent post acquiries a lien on that post and ceases
appointment to a post, the pay shall be fixed at the minimum of the time-scale Lien
to hold any lien previously acquired on any other post.
applicable to that post :
St. 11 (L & NT) (1) Leave shall be admissible to an employee on the
Provided that an employee of the collegs who, while having a lien on basis of his actual service only and leave of absence
a permanent post, is appointed to officiate to a higher post in that Leave not to be
claimed as of right from duty cannot be claimed as a matter of right and
college, shall be eligible to draw in that higher post as initial pay, the may on application by an employee of the college, be
pay at the stage of the time-scale of pay of the higher post next above granted only when satisfactory grounds have been shown. When the
his substantive pay in his substantive post : exigencies of service so require, the authority competent to grant leave may
Provided further that if he has on any previous occasion held refuse leave of any description except leave granted on medical ground or
substantively or officited to the same post or to a post in the same when such leave is granted revoke such leave or part thereof.
or identical time scale, his initial pay shall not be less than the pay, (2) No employee who is under suspension shall be granted any leave.
other than Special Pay or Personal Pay, which he drew on last such
(3) Absence without leave shall render an employee subject to
disciplinary action envisaged under Statute 30.
(3) An employee promoted to a post either substantively or in an
St. 12 (L & NT) (1) (a) Leave shall ordinarily commence on the date
officiating capacity may, at his option, retain his old pay until the date on
which he has earned his next or any subsequent increment in the old scale Duration and general with effect from which it is actually availed of and
conditions of leave terminate on the date preceding the date of resumption
and until he vacates his post or ceases to draw pay in that time scale. The
to duties :
option once exercised shall be final and binding.
[ 161 ] [ 162 ]

Provided that Sundays and other holidays (not exceeding 3 days at *(7) An employee shall cease to earn 'Earned Leave' when the leave
a stretch) may be prefixed and/or affixed to leave. Prior sanction of the earned and due to his credit amounts to 240 days.
authority competent to grant leave shall have to be obtained in a case (8) *(a) Cash equivalent to leave salary subject to a maximum of
where the total number of holidays to be prefixed/affixed to the leave 240 days’ Earned Leave standing at the credit of an
prayed for exceeds 3 days. employee shall become payable in one lump sum as a one-
time settlement to the employee on his attaining the age
(b) When the day which immediately precedes the day on which an
of retirement on superannuation, provided, however, that
employee's leave commences or which immediately follows the day on which such leave may be availed of by the concerned employee
his leave is due to end is a holiday or is included in a series of holidays, either wholly or partly, as preparatory to retirement in lieu
such holidays may be combined with the leave and he may be permitted, as of encashment.
the case may be, to relinquish his duties and leave his station at the close *(b) Cash equivalent to leave salary subject to a maximum of
of the days preceding such holidays or to return to his station and resume 240 days, Earned Leave at credit shall also become
his duties on the forenoon of the day following such holiday(s). payable in the following cases :
(2) When an employee is permitted under sub-paragraph (b) of (i) in the case of death of the employee while in service,
paragraph (1) to combine leave with any holiday(s), his leave shall be deemed to his nominee(s) of the Provident Fund or in the
to commence or end, as the case may be, on the date on which it would have absene of any such nominee, to the legal heir(s) of
commenced or ended, had it not been combined with such holiday(s). the deceased;
(3) Except with the previous permission of the competent authority no (ii) in the case of termination of service of an employee
by notice or otherwise, in accordance with the terms
employee on leave shall return to duty before the expiry of the period of
and conditions of his appointment;
leave granted to him.
(iii) in the case of retirement form service on invalidation;
(4) No employee who has been granted leave on medical ground shall (iv) in the case of voluntary retirement, as may be
return to duty until he produces a Medical Certificate of fitness, acceptable permitted by the competent authority;
to the competent authority. *(v) in the case when an employee resigns or quits the
(5) Holiday(s) may be permitted to be combined with leave by the services of the college before completing fifteen
competent authority, but if any holiday falls between two periods of leave years of uninterrupted service, he shall be entitled to
so as to result in a continuous period of absence from duty over the entire cash equivalent in respect of Earned Leave at his
period, it shall be treated as part of the leave : credit on the date of cessation of service to the
extent of half of the amount of such leave at his
Provided that in the case of Casual Leave, the intervening Sunday(s)
credit, subject to a maximum of 120 days.
or holiday(s) shall not be part of the leave, but the total period of absence
(c) For the purpose of calculating 'Leave Salary' on retirement, the
from duty of an employee including the intervening Sunday(s) or Holiday(s)
basic pay, dearness pay, personal pay and dearness allowances as may be
shall not exceed consecutive five days.
admissible on the date of retirement/superannuation/termination shall be
(6) An employee, who remains absent from duty for any period after taken into account.
the end of the period of any leave granted to him, shall be deemed to be (9) No wholetime employee shall, while on leave or enjoying
absent without leave during such period and shall not be entitled to any holiday(s), accept any salaried appointment or undertake any remunerative
leave or other salary for the period of such absence unless his leave is work other than work in connection with any examination conducted at the
extended by the competent authority so as to cover the total period of college, unless the competent authority has permitted to do so.
absence. Wilful absence from duty after the expiry of leave may be treated
as misconduct calling for disciplinary action. * indicates the provisions of St. 12 (L & NT) (7), 8(a), 8(b), 8(b)(v)
amended [Amendment assented to by the Chancellor on 30.10.2003]
[ 163 ] [ 164 ]

(10) Unless in consideration of the special circumstances of any St. 13 (L &NT) Subject to the general principles enunciated in the
particular case, the Governing Body decides otherwise, an employee shall be Different kinds foregoing Statutes, the following kinds of leave may be
of leave granted to the employees :—
deemed to have ceased to be in the service of the college after he has been
continuously absent from duty for a period of five years. (a) Casual Leave;
(11) Subject to the provisions of Statute 22 and statute 23, the total (b) Earned Leave;
period of continuous leave excluding extraordinary leave without pay granted (c) Half Pay Leave;
to an employee other than on medical ground, shall not exceed twenty-four (d) Extraordinary Leave (without pay);
months. (e) Maternity Leave;
(12) A leave account for other kinds of leave, except Casual Leave, (f) Quarantine Leave;
shall be maintained in Form No. 1 appended to these Statutes and the leave (g) Leave Preparatory to Retirement;
account in respect of every employee shall be maintained according to the
(h) Compensatory Leave;
prescribed form. The Principal shall be responsible for its proper
maintenance. (i) Special Leave;
St. 14 (L & NT) (1) Casual Leave on full pay may be allowed to an
(13) In respect of Casual Leave, an account shall be maintained by the
employee upto a maximum of fourteen days in a year but
Principal in Form No. 2 appended to these Statutes. Casual Leave
subject to the provision of paragraph (5) of Statute 12,
(14) Every application for leave shall be made in writing. such leave shall not to be granted for more than five days at a time. Such
(15) No leave shall be availed of before it has been granted by the leave shall not also accumulate nor shall it be availed of in combination with
competent authority : the Puja Holidays or any other kind of leave.
Provided that when an employee is compelled by unavoidable (2) All Causal Leave to which an employee may be entitled during any
year shall cease to be due to him at the end of the said year and shall not
circumstances to absent himself from duty before he has been granted
accumulate or be carried over to the year following.
leave, he shall forthwith report the full facts of the case to the
competent authority and apply for leave if he has not done so already. St. 15 (L & NT) (I) Every employee of a college shall be treated as
a non-vacation member of staff and such wholetime
(16) If an employee is absent from duty without having been granted Earned Leave
employee shall earn Earned Leave at the rate of one-
leave or without previous permission of the competent authority, or if he eleventh (1/11th) of the period of his actual service rendered.
defaults without sufficient reason in reporting his absence from duty as (2) Earned Leave may be accumulated and joined to any other Kind
required under paragraph (15), the competent authority may refuse him any of leave except Casual Leave :
leave he may have applied for or may treat the period of such absence of
*Provided that when the Earned Leave standing at the credit of an
duty as extraordinary leave without pay. employee amounts to 240 days, he shall cease to earn, or to have at his credit
(17) An employee, on his resumption to duties from any kind of leave, any further Earned Leave.
other than Casual Leave, shall report in writing the matter of resumption to (3) The maximum amount of Earned Leave as may be granted at a time
duties forthwith to the leave sanctioning authority. to an employee shall normally be restricted to 60 days.
(18) If an employee deliberately violates any of the provisions of
these Statutes providing for leave without sufficient reason, he shall be
* indicates the provisions of proviso to cl. (2) of St. 15 (L & NT)
deemed to have committed an act of indiscipline and shall be liable for such
penalties or punishment as the competent authority may prescribe.
[Amendments assented to by the Chancellor on 30.10.2003]
[ 165 ] [ 166 ]

(4) The Earned Leave accrued to an employee by dint of his services (c) An employee who is granted or avails of Commuted Leave for
renderedin one position at the college shall be carried over to his Leave the maximum period of 180 days referred to in clause (a) shall
Account on his subsequent appointment/promotion to any other position in be entitled to Half-Pay Leave, which remains due at his credit,
the said college, provided, there is continuity in his service. on Half-Pay only.
(5) Earned Leave may be granted for such reasons as may be (d) The maximum amount of Commuted Leave and Earned Leave
considered by the Authority competent to grant such leave which may combined and sanctioned shall not exceed 120 days on any
include— one occasion.
(i) illness of the employee concerned, (7) The Half-Pay Leave accrued to an employee by dint of his
(ii) illness of a member of the family of such an employee, service rendered in one position at the college shall be carried over to·his
(iii) private affairs of emergency nature, or Leave Account on his subsequent appointment/promotion to any other
position in the said college, provided there is continuity in his service.
(iv) arrangement preparatory to retirement.
St. 17 (L & NT) (1) Extraordinary Leave (without Pay) may be granted
St. 16 (L & NT) (1) Every whole-time employee of a college shall be Extraordinary Leave to a whole-time employee of the college when (i) no
Half-pay Leave and (Without Pay). other leave is admissible to him, or (ii) although other
commutation of entitled to Half-Pay Leave which may be commuted on leave is admissible, he applies in writing for the grant of such leave.
Half-pay Leave on
medical ground medical ground only. (2) Except in the case of a permanent employee, the duration of
Extraordinary Leave as may be granted at a time, shall not exceed 90 days.
(2) The amount of Half-Pay Leave admissible to a whole-time (3) The Governing Body of the college may commute retrospectively
employee of the College shall be 15 days for each completed year of service. in the case of an employee any period of absence from duty without leave
(3) Half-Pay Leave may be accumulated without any ceiling and may into Extraordinary Leave.
be combined with any other kind of leave except Casual Leave. (4) Extraordinary Leave may be granted for such period and on such
(4) Half-Pay Leave may be availed of on private affairs as well as on terms and conditions as the Governing Body of the college may deem fit :
medical grounds. Provided that unless in consideration of the special circumstances of
any particular case, the Governing Body of the college decides otherwise, an
(5) Half-Pay Leave at the credit of an employee shall not lapse except
employee shall be deemed to have ceased to be in the service of the college
on his attaining the age of retirement on superannuation.
after he has been continuously absent form duty for a period of five years.
(6) Half-Pay Leave may be commuted, and such Commuted Leave, not (5) Extraordinary Leave may be combined with any other kind of leave
exceeding half the amount of Half Pay Leave due, may be granted, on medical except Casual Leave.
ground only on submission of certificate in this behalf from a registered
St. 18 (L & NT) (1) (a) Maternity Leave may be granted to a whole-
medical practitioner, subject to the following conditions : time female employee Maternity Leave. who has been in
Maternity Leave
(a) Commuted Leave out of the total accumulation of Half-Pay the service of the college for at least nine months
Leave shall be limited to a maximum of 180 days during the preceding the actual date of her confinement.
entire period of service of an employee : (b) The total period of such leave shall not exceed 90 days
Provided that the maximum amount of such Commuted Leave including the period of confinement.
as may be granted at a time, shall be 60 days. (c) The total period of 90 days shall be subject to such adjustment
(b) When Commuted Leave is granted, twice the amount of Half- in phases as may be required in any particular case in
consideration of the actual date of confinement.
Pay Leave shall be debited against the Leave Account.
[ 167 ] [ 168 ]

(d) Any application for Maternity Leave shall be submitted St. 20 (L & NT) An employee desiring to avail of Earned Leave
alongwith a medical certificate from a registered medical Leave preparatory preparatory to retirement shall apply at least one month
practitioner preferably specialized in Gynaecology and to retirement in advance.
Obstetrics. St. 21 (L & NT) (1) Compensatory Leave may be granted to a whole-
Compensatory time employee when he is detained to perform duties
(2) Subject to the provision of sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph (1),
Leave during holiday(s), Sunday(s) and rest day(s) on being
Maternity Leave may also be granted to a whole-time female employee in
duly ordered by the competent authority.
cases of miscarriage or abortion, provided that in such cases, such leave
(2) Such leave shall be granted for the equal number of days on which
shall not exceed 45 days and that the application for leave shall be supported
the employee concerned is detained for duty.
by a certificate from a registered medical practitioner preferably specialized
(3) No overtime or holiday allowance shall be admissible for the period
in Gynaecology and Obstetrics.
for which Compensatory Leave is granted.
(3) Maternity Leave granted under paragraphs (1) and (2) shall not be (4) Such leave shall be granted by the competent authority.
debited against the Leave Account of the employee concerned.
(5) Compensatory Leave shall be availed of within a period of one
(4) Leave of any other kind, except Casual Leave, may be granted in year of performance of duties on detention, unless otherwise decided by the
combination with Matenity Leave, only if the application for the grant of Governing Body of the college.
such other kind of leave is supported by a medical certificate referred to St. 22 (L & NT) (1) An employee who is disabled to perform his duty
above. due to injury accidentally sustained in course of his
Special disability
St. 19 (L & NT) (i) Quarantine Leave may be granted to an employee Leave official duties or by illness resulting from the
when he is ordered by the competent authority not to performance of any particular duty, which has the effect
Quarantine Leave of causing or aggravating his illness or causing injury beyond the ordinary
attend his duties at the college on account of occurrence
risk attaching to the post, may be allowed special disability leave for a
of any infectious disease in his family or household. Such leave may be maximum period of twenty four months.
granted for a period, not exceeding 21 days or, in exceptional circumstances,
(2) The Governing Body of the college shall be competent to grant
30 days on the basis of a certificate from a registered medical practitioner. such leave in terms of the provisions of Statute 23.
The leave so granted shall not be debited against the Leave Account of the
St. 23 (L & NT) The Governing Body of the college shall be
Powers of the competent to sanction any kind of leave envisaged in
(2) The employee, in whose family or household there is a presence Governing Body in these Statutes on such terms as it may deem fit to any
of any infectious disease referred to in paragraph (3), shall forthwith inform sanctioning leave employee. It shall be competent, for reasons which it
the Appointing Authority through the Head of the Department concerned may consider, adequate, to vary, revise or cancel any
stating such facts in writing alongwith a medical certificate in this behalf from kind of leave sanctioned either by itself or by any appropriate authority.
a registered medical practitioner. St. 24 (L & NT) (1) Subject to the provision of Statute 23 the Principal
Authorities of the college shall be competent to sanction leave of
(3) In order to determine infectious disease for the purpose of granting
competent to the following categories to the extent specified against
Quarantine Leave, the list maintained by the State Government indicating sanction leave each,—
such diseases shall be followed :
Provided that ‘chicken-pox’ shall not be treated as an infectious
(a) Casual Leave To the full extent
disease for the purpose of granting Quarantine Leave.
(b) Earned Leave To the extent of 30 days
(4) Quarantine Leave may be combined with any other kind of leave (c) Half-Pay Leave To the extent of 10 days
except Casual Leave. (d) Compensatory Leave To the extent of 10 days
[ 169 ] [ 170 ]

(2) The Governing Body of the college shall be competent to sanction (b) The lien on the permanent post held by an employee under the
admissible leave beyond the extent specified in paragraph (1). college shall be terminated immediately on his confirmation to
(3) In respect of other kinds of leave not mentioned in paragraph (1), any other permanent post he joined with the approval of the
the Governing Body of the college shall be competent to sanction the same.
St. 26 (L & NT) Every employee of the college shall be entitled to
St. 25 (L & NT) (1) An employee appointed on substantive basis to
Pay and pay and allowances conforming to the time scale of pay
any permanent post shall acquire a lien on that post and allowances and rates of allowances as may be determined by the
shall cease to hold any lien previously acquired on any State Government in this behalf from time to time.
other post.
St. 27 (L & NT) Subject to the terms ·of contract in any particular case
(2) The lien of an employee on a permanent post which he holds and the orders as may be issued by the State Government
substantively shall be terminated if he is appointed in a substantive from time to time, every employee of the college shall
capacity— retire from service with effect from the afternoon of the last day of the month
(a) to a tenure post, or in which he completes the 60th year of age.
St. 28 (L & NT) No whole time salaried employee of the college shall
(b) to a permanent post outside the cadre on which he is borne.
Extraneous accept any employment with or without remuneration
(3) If an employee holding a substantive appointment to a post and employment other than that of his office.
having confirmed therein, is subsequently confirmed to another permanent
post, either at the college or in some other establishment, his lien on the Explanation :
permanent post held earlier in the coIlege shall be terminated, unless the If any question arises whether any arrangement entered into by an
employee indicates in writing not to accept the appointment so made employee amounts to employment within the meaning of this Statute, the
substantively to another permanent post. In such an event, the employee matter shall be decided by the Governing Body of the College.
shall revert immediately to the post on which he holds lien. St. 29 (L & NT) (1) The normal working period shall be of seven
(4) A confirmed employee shall not be left without a lien on any Working hours and
hours’ duration with recess for half an hour on all
permanent post. attendance working days. The commencement of duty hours is
normally to be based on fixed routine, subject to such
(5) (a) An employee holding a substantive appointment may be
variations as may be made in case of exigencies.
granted lien on his permanent post under the college, if he
applies for grant of lien consequent upon his obtaining an (2) Every employee, while reporting for duty, shall sign the Attendance
appointment in any establishment outside the college : Register. No employee shall he allowed to attend duties if he is late by one
hour or more, unless permitted to do so by the appropriate authority.
Provided that such employee shall have to submit the letter of
(3) No employee shall leave the place of work during working hours
appointment showing the nature of appointment offered to him
without permission from the person in-charge of the office or Department
and the other terms and conditions of service in the new
concerned except on official business.
(4) If an employee, being present at the place of his duties, abstains
Provided further that such employee shall be permitted to
or absents himself from work without permission of the appropriate authority
retain his lien for a period of one year initially which may be or refuses to work at any time during the prescribed hours of work on any
extended by another year if the employee concerned is not day, he shall, in addition to being liable to such disciplinary action as may
confirmed within a period of one year in the post in which he be taken against him for dereliction of duty, be deemed to be absent without
was appointed in the new establishment or if the employee is leave for such day and shall not be entitled to draw any pay or allowances
likely to be left without a lien on any permanent post. for such day.
[ 171 ] [ 172 ]

Explanation : I
St. 30 (L & T) (1) (a) Every employee of the college shall be subject
Discipline and The termination of employment shall not in the following cases be
conduct of the to disciplinary measure(s) for reason of— treated as removal or dismissal from service of—
employees of college
(a) a person appointed on probation during or at the end period
(i) violation of any term or condition of service, of probation in accordance with the terms of appointment, or
(ii) neglect of duty, (b) a temporary employee on the expiry of the period of his
(iii) violation of orders regarding attendance and office discipline, appointment, or
(iv) misappropriation and defalcation of funds, (c) a person engaged on contract in accordance with the terms of
(v) insubordination or disregard or violation of the orders of the his contract.
superior authority,
Explanation : II
(vi) conviction by a court of law for an offence involving moral
Premature retirement means.that the Appointing Authority may get
the employee retired compulsorily as a measure of punishment before
(vii) taking of illegal gratification, he has attained the age of sixty years.
(viii) tampering with official records, and
Explanation : III
(ix) any other misconduct which, in the opinion of the Governing
Body of the college, calls for disciplinary action. Stoppage.of any increment of an employee next above the efficiency
bar in the time-scale of his pay on the ground of his unfitness to cross
(b) The Governing Body of the college shall be competent to impose
the bar shall.not.amount withholding of increments or promotion
such penalties upon the employee as it may deem fit in consideration of the
within the meaning of this Statute.
gravity of the case mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) with any or more of the
following,— (2) (a) In all cases of imposition of penalties the grounds on which
it is proposed shall be reduced in the form of definite charge
(i) suspension,
or charges and communicated to the employee concerned
(ii) censure, together with a statement of the facts considered while passing
(iii) with holding of increment(s) or promotion, orders on the cases. The employee charged may put in a
(iv) recovery from pay of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss written statement of his defence for which he shall be given
caused to the college by the employee, thirty days’ time from the date of receipt of charge-sheet
alongwith documentary evdience, if any. Upon receipt of the
(v) reduction to a lower stage in the time scale of pay for a
statement of defence from the employee or at the expiry of the
specified period with further direction whether or not the
period allowed for submission of his statement of defence, the
employee will earn increment(s) or pay during the period of
authority concerned may, after examination of relevant facts
such reduction,
and on consideration of the circumstances, either drop the
(vi) reduction to a lower time-scale of pay, grade, post or service case or decide to proceed further. If it is decided to proceed
with or without further directions regarding conditions of further, a formal enquiry shall be held informing the employee
restoration, including· protection of his seniority and pay on concerned of the penalty provisionally proposed to be taken
such restoration, to the grade, post or service from which the against him and asking him to be present at the enquiry thereof,
employee was reduced, if he so desires, to produce further evidence in support of his
(vii) premature retirement, defence. The authority concerned shall thereafter take decision
(viii) removal or dismissal from service. on the findings of the enquiry. If, however, it is decided to
impose the penalty, other than what was communicated to the
[ 173 ] [ 174 ]

employee at the stage of the formal enquiry, another (3) An employee aggrieved by an order imposing upon him any
opportunity shall be given to him to submit a written statement penalty or penalties specified in sub-paragraph (b) of
against imposition of the other penalty/penalties within fifteen paragraph (1) may prefer an appeal to the Governing. Body of
days from the date of receipt of the above communication by the college within thirty days from the date of receipt of the
him in this respect and if considered necessary, a fresh enquiry order imposing the penalty or penalties, The Governing Body
shall be made and the evidence of such enquiry shall be taken shall, on receipt of the appeal, examine it ·threadbare and take
into account before final orders are passed. In all cases a decision in the matter :
principles of natural justice shall be followed and the employee Provided that if the concerned employee is not satisfied with the
shall be given adequate opportunities to defend his case : decision taken by the Governing Body, he may prefer an appeal to the
Provided that no pleader or agent shall be allowed to appear at the Vice-Chancellor of the University within thirty days from the date of
enquiry on behalf of the college or the employee concerned. communication to him of the decision taken by the Governing Body.
(b) An employee who is removed or dismissed from service shall The appeal shall be decided and disposed of by the Executive Council
not draw any pay or allowances from the date of such removal of the University within ninety days in the manner as it may consider
or dismissal is ordered to be effective. expedient and the decision taken by it shall be final.
(c) The order of removal or dismissal from service shall not be St. 31 (L & NT) The Principal shall maintain and keep an up-to-date
given retrospective effect with referenee to the date of the Age Register Age Register in respect of all employees of the college in
orders. which he shall enter—
(d) An employee under suspension shall be entitled to get (a) the name and designation of every employee,
subsistence grant as prescribed by the State Government in (b) the date of his birth,
this behalf for their employees.
(c) the date of his first appointment under the college,
(e) When the suspension of an employee is held to have been
unjustifiable or not wholly justifiable, or when an employee (d) his age on the date of such appointment,
who had been suspended, removed or dismissed from service (e) the date on which he is due to retire, and
is reinstated, the competent authority shall grant to him for the
(f) remarks, if any.
period of his absence from duty—
(i) if he is honorably acquitted, all financial benefit Explanation :
including promotion due, if any, as if he had not been All entries relating to the age of an employee of the college shall be
suspended, dismissed or removed. made on the basis of his age as recorded in his Matriculation, School Final,
(ii) if otherwise, such proportion of ·pay and allowances as Higher Secondary or Madhyamik Examination Certificate or the certificate of
the authority concerned may prescribe. any such First Public Examination, as the case may be, passed by him :
(f) In a case falling under clause (i) of sub-paragraph (e), the entire
Provided that where an employee has not passed any of the aforesaid
period of absence from duty shall be treated as the period
examinations, the Governing Body of the college shall decide in each
spent on duty. In a case falling under clause (ii) of that sub-
particular case the basis on which the date of birth of the concerned
paragraph, the relevant period may be treated as on duty or
leave as the authority concerned may direct. employee is to be recorded.
(g) The amount of subsistence grant or proportion thereof if any, St. 32 (L & NT) With a view to maintaining uniformity, the Executive
already drawn shall be deducted from the pay and allowances List of holidays to Council shall prescribe the annual list of holidays to be
be uniform followed by the colleges, other than the Government
which may be granted under this Statute.
[ 175 ] [ 176 ]

St. 33 (L & NT) A Service Book containing the service records in “(4) The term of office of the Dean of a Faculty Council for Post-
respect of every employee of the college shall be graduate Studies shall be two years from the date of his election as
Service Book
maintained in Form No. 3 appended to these Statutes and Dean ;
the Principal of the college shall be responsible for its up-dating and proper Provided that in the case of election of a Dean for the first time for
maintenance. each of the Faculty Councils for Post-graduate Studies under the
St. 34 (L & NT) (1) In any case not expressly provided for in these provisions of the Act, the said period of two years shall be computed
Statutes, the Governing Body of the college may obtain from the appointment date as referred to in sub-section (5) of Section
such directions from the University as may be deemed 57 of the Act ;
necessary in the special circumstances of the case. Provided further that till a new Dean is elected the outgoing Dean
(2) If any controversy arises in interpreting any of the provisions of shall continue to function as such.”
these Statutes, the matter shall be referred to the University for interpretation l In Chapter VI of the said Statutes, after Statute 15 (Const.), insert the
and the decision of the Executive Council in this regard shall be binding on following Statute :
all concerned.
St. 15A (Const.) For the purposes of constitution of, and election
In exercise of the power conferred by section 48, read with section 47, to, the Faculty Council for Post-graduate Studies in
Election to the
and section 21, of the Burdwan University Act, 1981 (West Bengal Act XXIII Faculty Council for Medicine in terms of sub-section. (3A), read with sub-
of 1981), the Executive Council of the University of Burdwan hereby makes Post-graduate Studies section (1), of section 22 of the Act, the procedure laid
the following amendment in the Statutes relating to the election procedure in Medicine
down in Statute 13 (Const.) and Statute 14 (Const.), read
to the Court, the Executive Council, the Faculty Councils for Post-graduate
with Statute 10 (Const.) and Statute 12 (Const.), shall be followed.”
Studies, the Councils for Under-graduate Studies and other Authorities of
the University (hereinafter referred to as the said Statutes) :

Amendments/Incorporation of certain provisions in the Burdwan Sd/- K. V. Raghunatha Rcddy

University First Statutes 8.12.94
l Amendment of clause (i) of Statutes 8 (Const.) of the Statutes Relating Chancellor
to Election Procedure to the Court, etc. (vide Chancellor’s Secretariat University of Burdwan
Letter No. 1726-Edn(U) dated 5/6.8.83) :
“Notwithstanding anything contained in these Statutes, for the In exercise of the power conferred by section 48 read with section 47,
purpose of constituting the Electoral College which shall elect two and section 21, of the Burdwan University Act, 1981 (West Bengal Act XXIII
regular students of affiliated colleges to the Court in pursuance of of 1981), the Executive Council of the University of Burdwan hereby makes
clause (xxi) under the heading ‘(b) elected members’ of sub-section (1) the following amendments in the Statutes relating to constitution of the
of Section 17 of the Act read with paragraph (3) of Statute 6 (Const.), Boards of Research Studies, the Boards of Post-graduate Studies and the
each college or institution shall be a unit which shall elect the Boards of Under-graduate Studies (hereinafter referred to as the said
proportionate number of electors on the basis of one elector for every Statutes) :
one hundred regular students or part thereof numbering not less than
50; provided that a college or institution having on its roll students Amendments
less than 100 in number but not less than 30 shall also be deemed a
unit and shall elect one representative on the Electoral College”. In the said Statutes,—
l Amendment of paragraph (4·) of Statute 19 (Const.) of the Statutes (1) in Statute 3 (B. S.), in paragraph (2),—
Relating to Election Procedure to the Court, etc. (vide Chancellor’s (a) in clause (B), after tne words “not pertaining to”, insert the words
Secretariat Letter No. 1078-Edn (U) dated 25.6.85) : “Medicine, and”;
[ 177 ] [ 178 ]

(b) after clause (D), insert the following clause : Provided that such Board of Studies shall not be deemed to have
“(E) In respect of the subjects of studies pertaining to Medicine as been constituted until the co-option of the external expert members is
enumerated in clause (D) of paragraph (1) of Statute 4 (B.S), there shall be completed”.
a separate Board of Research Studies for. each such subject :
(1) the Dean of the Faculty concerned, who shall be the Chairman
Sd/- K. V. Raghunatha Rcddy
(ex-officio) ;
(2) the Head of the relevant Department of Burdwan Medical
College, Burdwan ;
University of Burdwan
(3) all Professors of the relevant Department of Burdwan Medical
College, Burdwan ;
In exercise of the power conferred by section 48, read with section 47,
(4) two Teachers, other than Professors, of the subject concerned and section 21, of the Burdwan University Act, 1981 (West Bengal Act XXIII
nominated by the Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the Dean; and of 1981), the Executive Council of the University of Burdwan hereby makes
(5) three external experts in the subject or subjects concerned the following amendment in the Statutes relating to Constitution, Powers and
appointed by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the relevant Functions of the Governing Bodies of Affiliated Colleges other than
Board of Post-graduate Studies”; Government Colleges (hereinafter referred to as the said Statutes) :

(2) in Statute 4 (B. S.),— Amendment

(1) in paragraph (1), after clause (C), insert the following clause : In Statute 2 (G. B.) of the said Statutes, for paragraph (4), substitute
‘(4) “donor”, in relation to a college, means a person, or a body or/
(i) Anatomy, (ii) Bio-Chemistry, (iii) Ophthalmology, (iv) Gynaecology
an association who/which has made a donation to the college of a sum
and Obstetrics, and (v) such other subjects in other branches of Medicine
amounting to not less than rupees twenty-five thousand or such amount as
as may be introduced under the authority of the Executive Council” ; may be determined by the Executive Council from time to time or has made
(2) in paragraph (2), after clause (B), insert the following clause : over to it a property which, in the estimation of the Executive Council, is of
“(C) In respect of a subject belonging to the Faculty Council for Post- the said valuation:
graduate Studies in Medicine : Provided that the Executive Council shall be competent to frame rules
to determine the conditions under which a person, or a body or an
(1) the Principal, Burdwan Medical College, Burdwan who shall be
association shall become eligible to be a “donor” as also the
the Chairman (ex-offcio) ;
procedure of election of donor representative on the Governing
(2) the Head of the relevant Dcpartmcnt(s) of Studies of the Bodies of the affiliated colleges envisaged in clause (vi) paragraph (1)
Burdwan Medical College, Burdwan ; of Statute 3 (G. B.)’.
(3) all whole-time Teachers, not below the rank of Lecturer, of the
relevant Department(s) of Studies of the Burdwan Medical
College, Burdwan and Sd/- K. V. Raghunatha Rcddy
(4) three external experts in the subject or subjects concerned to 8.12.94
be co-opted by the members as specified in sub-clauses (1), (2) Chancellor
and (3) at a meeting convened for the·purpose : University of Burdwan
[ 180 ]

Sanctioning Leave absence of employee
of days
Initial of the return from of From Leave due Name and designation
Remarks Total No. To
Balance on Ground
Leave granted
Register of Casual Leave
Name of the College.........................................................................
[Vide St. 12 (L & NT) (13)]
Form No. 1 Name of the College.........................................................................
[vide St. 12 (L & NT) (12)] Leave Account of.............................................................................
Date of commencement of Service................................................
Date of attaining the age of
Leave earned Leave at credit Leave taken Balance
(on return
Actual Earned Half-pay Earned Leave Half-pay Other kinds of from
Service Leave Leave leave leave except leave)
casual leave
15 days for each completed year of

Earned Leave (Total of Cls. No. 4

and 18 subject to the limit

Half-pay Leave (Total of columns

Initial of the sanctioning authority

[ 179 ]

1/11th of the period spent on

Half-pay Leave
Kind of Leave
actual service

Earned Leave
No. of days

No. of days

No. of days

No. of days

5 and 19)







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
[ 181 ] [ 182 ]

Form No. 3



[vide St. 33 (L & NT)]
Name of College.........................................................................................................

of Head





1. Name of the employee :

2. Address

of Leave
(a) Permanent :


(b) Present :




3. Father's/Husband's Name

tion of






and residence :

4. Date of birth by Christian

Date of


Part II

Era as entered into the Age

Register (the document on

the basis whereof the age


pay, if


has been admitted should
be recorded) :

Date of


5. Educational qualification :

6. Exact height by measurement :






7. Personal marks for


identification, if any :



8. Signature of the employee


(in the case of an illiterate

[Vide St. 33 (L & NT)]

employee the L.T.I. of the

Scale of



employee should be affixed
and the same be duly
Form No. 3

full address

post with
Name of
certified by the Principal) :

of the

9. Signature of the Principal :
[ 183 ] [ 184 ]

Form No. 4 SEC. B

[vide St. 7 (L & NT) (3) (iii)]
1. General remarks if any, on
Name of College......................................................................................................... outstanding nature of work
done by the incumbent or
CONFIDENTIAL special qualification not
ANNUAL REPORT OF THE EMPLOYEE FOR THE YEAR 20..............20..... included above.

................................................Department/Branch 2. Degree of fitness for

promotion (only qualified/ not
Name............................................................................................................................. yet qualified, as may be
Designation........................................................Department..................................... applicable, should be written)
Scale of pay Rs..........................................................................................................
3. Confirmation of the incumbent
Date of joining................................................Date of birth.................................... (only recommended/not
Assessment on Remarks applicable should be written)
[Only the following terms
as may be applicable should I hereby certify that in my opinion and to the best of my knowledge
be used—Very good; Good; and belief the standard of efficiency, conduct and fitness for promotion of
Average; Poor] the incumbent named hereon are as state above.
1. Knowledge-
(a) of Branch/Section Unit
(b) of Department .......................................................................
2. Personality and force of
character Signature of the In-charge initiating
the Report
3. Power of taking
Date .......................20.... Designation..................................
4. Power of supervising staff
5. Judgement
6. Initiative Remarks by the Principal of the College
7. Efficiency
8. Attendance
9. Devotion of duty (Signature)
10. Conduct and amenability
Date....................20.... Office Seal
to discipline
[ 185 ] [ 186 ]


SECTION A In expercise of the power conferred by clause (0) of section 47, read
with section 48 and section 21 of the Burdwan University Act, 1981 (West
1. Insert in this column any of the following markings against each item.
Bengal Act, XXIII of 1981), the Executive Council of the University of
Very Good; Good; Average; Poor.
Burdwan hereby makes the following amendments in the Statutes relating to
2. This report is to be regarded as confidential; but a poor marking
the Appointment and Terms and Conditions of Service of Librarians and
against any item must be communicated in duplicate by the Principal
of the College to the employee concerned. The employee should be Non-teaching Staff of Colleges other than Government Colleges (hereinafter
required to sign and return to the Principal one copy of intimations referred to as the said statutes) :—
of Poor markings as evidence that he has been notified.
In the said statutes,—
3. The estimate of fitness for promotion should be related to the
employees' capacity for the performance of the duties of the grade 1. in Statutes 12 (L & NT),—
above. If he is marked 'Not yet qualified' the reasons for the markings
(1) In clause (7), for the work and figures “240 days, substitute the
should be stated.
word and figures “300 days”.

GENERAL (2) in clause (8),—

4. Every effort should be made to arrive at a just estimate of the qualities (i) in sub-clause (a), for the word and figures “240 days”,
of the employee at the time the report is made. The person authorised substitute the word and figures “300 days”.
to initiate the report should reply on his own judgement and
experience, and should in no circumstances have access to previous (ii) in sub-clause (b), for the word and figures “240 days”,
reports, if any, on the same employee. substitute the word and figures “300 days”;

5. The report shall be based on the work of the employee during the year (iii) in item (v) of sub-clause (b), for the word and figures
under review and should contain no reference to matters unconnected “120 days”, substitute the word and figures “150 days”.
with such work. The observations made should have a basis on fact,
which may or may not be specified in the report. 2. In Statute 15 (L & NT), in the proviso to clause (2), for the word and
figures “240 days”, substitute the word and figures “300 days”.
6. The Principal of the College should give his opinion in writing without
merely signing the report initiated by the authorised person, even if
he agrees. In such cases, he should write 'I agree'. Where he has no
opinion to express either because he is not sufficiently conversant Chancellor
with the work of the employee or because he is new in office, he UNIVERSITY OF BURDWAN
should say accordingly. 30.10.2003
[ 187 ] [ 188 ]

11. The Secretary, Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in

12. The Secretary, Council for Under-Graduate Studies in Arts,
Science etc.;
THE UNIVERSITY OF BURDWAN 13. The University Engineer;
14. The Medical Officer;
In exercise of the power conferred by section 21, read with sections 15. The Placement and Students’ Welfare Officer;
47 and 48 of the Burdwan University Act, 1981 (West Ben. Act XXIII of 16. The Assistant Registrars;
1981), the Executive Council of the University of Burdwan hereby makes the 17. The Assistant Controller of Examinations;
following amendments in the Burdwan University First Statutes (hereinafter
18. The Accounts Officer;
referred to as the said Statutes) :—
19. The Estate Officer;
Amendments 20. The Assistant Librarians;
21. The Sports Officer;
In the said statutes,—
22. The Publication’s Officer;
(1) in Chapter III, under the heading ‘Statutory Registers’, in St. 4
23. The Assistant Engineers;
(Const.), for clause (3), substitute the following clause :—
24. The Junior Medical Officer;
“Officers to include in addition” 25. The Trust Officer;
(3) ‘Officers of the in addition. University’ for the purpose of election 26. The Curator;
to the Authorities of the University, shall include the following in addition 27. The Superintendent, University Press;
to the Officers mentioned as such under section 7 of the Act :— 28. The Programmer, Research Service Centre;
1. The Inspector of Colleges; 29. The Director (ACE & E);
2. The Controller of Examinations; 30. The Assistant Director (PERC);
3. The Development Officer; 31. The System Manager (Computer Centre);
4. The University Librarian; 32. The System Engineer;
5. The Deputy Registrar; 33. The Project Officers (ACE & E);
6. The Deputy Inspector of Colleges; 34. The Project Officer (PERC);
7. The Deputy Controller of Examinations; 35. The Electronics Engineers (CIF);
8. The Deputy Librarian; 36. The Technical Officer—Gr. I (USIC);
9. The Audit & Accounts Officer; 37. The Technical Officer—Gr. III (USIC);
10. The Secretary, Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in 38. The Instrumentation Engineer (PHYSICS);
Arts, Commerce etc.; 39. The Scientific Officers;
[ 189 ] [ 190 ]

40. The Programmer; 17. The Assistant Controller of Examinations;

41. The M. S. S. Reader; and 18. The Accounts Officer;
42. The Information Scientist. 19. The Estate Officer;
20. The Assistant Librarians;
(2) In Chapter VI, under the heading ‘The Statutes Relating to
21. The Sports Officer;
Officers of the University’, for St. 3 (O. U), substitute the
22. The Publication’s Officer;
following Statute :—
23. The Assistant Engineers;
“St. 3 (O. U.) Decla- The following posts
24. The Junior Medical Officer;
ration of posts as posts in the University are
25. The Trust Officer;
of officers of the declared to be the
26. The Curator;
University. posts.
27. The Superintendent, University Press;
of Officers of the University under clause (IV) of section 7 of 28. The Programmer, Research Service Centre;
the Act, namely— 29. The Director (ACE & E)

1. The Inspector of Colleges; 30. The Assistant Director (PERC);

31. The System Manager (Computer Centre);
2. The Controller of Examinations;
32. The System Engineer;
3. The Development Officer;
33. The Project Officers (ACE & E);
4. The University Librarian;
34. The Project Officers (PERC);
5. The Deputy Registrar;
35. The Electronics Engineers (CIF);
6. The Deputy Inspector of Colleges;
36. The Technical Officer—Gr. I (USIC);
7. The Deputy Controller of Examinations;
37. The Technical Officer—Gr. III (USIC);
8. The Deputy Librarian;
38. The Instrumentation Engineer (PHYSICS);
9. The Audit & Accounts Officer;
10. The Secretary, Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in 39. The Scientific Officers;
Arts, Commerce etc.; 40. The Programmer;
11. The Secretary, Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in 41. The M. S. S. Reader; and
42. The Information Scientist.
12. The Secretary, Council for Under-Graduate Studies in Arts,
Science etc.;
13. The University Engineer; Sd/-
14. The Medical Officer; Chancellor,
15. The Placement and Students’ Welfare Officer; UNIVERSITY OF BURDWAN
16. The Assisntat Registrars; 08.11.2003

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