The documents provide rubrics for evaluating different roles: a vlogger, speaker, and painter. The vlogger rubric assesses theme, clarity/loudness, and individual accountability. The speaker rubric rates content delivery, volume, and clarity of speech. The painter rubric examines content, visual impact, and neatness. All rubrics use a scale to score performance in key areas important to the role.
The documents provide rubrics for evaluating different roles: a vlogger, speaker, and painter. The vlogger rubric assesses theme, clarity/loudness, and individual accountability. The speaker rubric rates content delivery, volume, and clarity of speech. The painter rubric examines content, visual impact, and neatness. All rubrics use a scale to score performance in key areas important to the role.
The documents provide rubrics for evaluating different roles: a vlogger, speaker, and painter. The vlogger rubric assesses theme, clarity/loudness, and individual accountability. The speaker rubric rates content delivery, volume, and clarity of speech. The painter rubric examines content, visual impact, and neatness. All rubrics use a scale to score performance in key areas important to the role.
The documents provide rubrics for evaluating different roles: a vlogger, speaker, and painter. The vlogger rubric assesses theme, clarity/loudness, and individual accountability. The speaker rubric rates content delivery, volume, and clarity of speech. The painter rubric examines content, visual impact, and neatness. All rubrics use a scale to score performance in key areas important to the role.
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Rubric for a Vlogger
Criteria Poor Fair Good
Theme Theme is not Theme is Theme is clearly evident. evident. partially evident. Clarity/ Students’ song Students’ song Students’ song can be Loudness can‘t be heard. can be partially clearly heard. heard. Individual Student did not Student Student fully met the Accountability meet the partially met requirement of the role. requirement of the the role. requirement of the role. Group Group did not Some members All group members worked Dynamics function well as a of the group well together. group. worked well together. Rubric for a Speaker Criteria 4 3 2 1 Content Delivery shows a full Delivery shows a Delivery shows a Delivery shows a understanding of the good understanding good understanding good topic. of the topic. of parts of the topic. understanding of parts of the topic. Volume Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume often too enough to be heard enough to be heard enough to be heard soft to be heard by all audience by all audience by all audience by all audience members members 90% of members 80% of the members. throughout the the time. time. presentation Speaks Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Often mumbles of Clearly distinctly all (100% – distinctly all (100% – distinctly all (94% – cannot be 95% of the time and 95% of the time by 85% of the time. understood or pronounces all mispronounces one Mispronounces no mispronounces words correctly word. more than one word. more than one word. Rubric for a Painter Criteria 4 3 2 1 Content Drawing clearly Drawing Drawing clearly Drawing shows no shows clearly shows shows symbolism symbolism at all symbolism for symbolism for for curing curing curing coronavirus coronavirus coronavirus Visual Drawing Drawing Drawing somehow Drawing did not orderly impact conveys the mostly conveys the idea convey the idea and idea and conveys the and dimension of dimension of curing dimension of idea and curing coronavirus coronavirus curing dimension of coronavirus curing coronavirus Neatness Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing presentation presentation presentation presentation was is disorderly. was neat and was mostly somehow neat orderly. neat and and orderly. orderly.