Garlock Style 9900 Spec Sheet - (NA) 2021-09 EN

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Style 9900

Color: Mahogany
Composition: Graphite fibers with a nitrile binder
Fluid Services (see chemical resistance guide): Saturated steam2 , water, oils, inert gases, aliphatic hydrocarbons &
Temperature1, °F (°C)
Minimum: -100 (-75)
Continuous Max: +650 (+343)
Maximum: +1000 (+537)
Pressure1, Maximum, psig (bar): 2000 (138)
P x T (max.)1, psig x °F (bar x °C):
1/32 and 1/16”: 700,000 (25,000)
1/8” 350,000 (12,000)
Meets Specifications: ABS (American Bureau of Shipping), STR 508 and Fire Safe


ASTM F36 Compressibility , average, %: 9
ASTM F36 Recovery, %: 55
ASTM F38 Creep Relaxation, %: 9
ASTM F152 Tensile, Across Grain, psi (N/mm2): 1800 (12)
ASTM F1315 Density, lbs./ft.3 (grams/cm3): 110 (1.76)
ASTM F433 Thermal Conductivity (K), W/m°K (Btu.·in./hr.·ft.2·°F): 0.87 (6.0)
ASTM D149 Dielectric Properties, range, volts/mil.
Sample conditioning 1/16” 1/8”
3 hours at 250oF <2 -
96 hours at 100% Relative Humidity: - -
ASTM F586 Design Factors 1/16” & Under 1/8”
"m" factor: 4.5 5
"y" factor, psi (N/mm2): 4100 (28.3) 4100 (28.3)
ROTT Gasket Constants, 1/16”: Gb=2,322 a=0.133 Gs=18.0

ASTM F37B – Fuel A ASTM F37B - Nitrogen DIN 3535 – Nitrogen
Gasket Load, psi (N/mm2): 500 (3.5) 3000 (20.7) 4640 (32)
Internal Pressure, psig (bar): 9.8 (0.7) 30 (2) 580 (40)
Leakage 0.3 ml/hr. 0.6 ml/hr. 0.015 cc/min

* This is a general guide and should not be the sole means of selecting or rejecting this material. ASTM test results in accordance with ASTM F-104; properties
Based on ANSI RF flanges at our preferred torque. When approaching maximum pressure, continuous operating temperature, minimum temperature or 50% of
maximum PxT, consult Garlock Applications Engineering. Minimum temperature rating is conservative.
2 Minimum recommended assembly stress = 4,800psi. Preferred assembly stress = 6,000-10,000psi. Gasket thickness of 1/16" strongly preferred. Retorque the

bolts/studs prior to pressurizing the assembly. For saturated steam above 150psig or superheated steam, consult Garlock Engineering.

REV: 9/2/2021
GARLOCK Tel: 1-877-GARLOCK / 315.597.4811
an EnPro Industries family of companies Fax: 800.543.0598 / 315.597.3216
1666 Division Street
Palmyra, NY 14522

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