Digital Contact Thermometers For Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricant Testing
Digital Contact Thermometers For Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricant Testing
Digital Contact Thermometers For Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricant Testing
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D8164 − 18
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D8164 − 18
3. Terminology ment errors when used to measure small sample temperature.
3.1 Definitions: These can be a degree or more when the sample temperature
3.1.1 digital contact thermometer (DCT), n—an electronic differs from room temperature by 40 °C or more using a 7 mm
device consisting of a digital display and associated tempera- probe. This error is due to the difference in thermal conduc-
ture sensing probe. tivity of a DCT and LiG thermometer. The most effective way Discussion—This device consists of a temperature to counter this is by reducing DCT sheath diameter, insulating
sensor connected to a measuring instrument; this instrument the sheath above the immersion level, and using a probe that
measures the temperature-dependent quantity of the sensor, has a small immersion depth as determined by Practice D7962.
computes the temperature from the measured quantity, and 5.2 When replacing a LiG thermometer with one of the
provides a digital output. This digital output goes to a digital D02-DCTs listed in Table 1 and the test method does not list
display and/or recording device that may be internal or external any DCT criteria, it is incumbent on the user to verify the
to the device. suitability of the DCT they have selected. This can be done by Discussion—The devices are often referred to as a comparing measurements made with the selected DCT to those
“digital thermometer,” however the term includes devices that of a LiG thermometer and following the test procedure.
sense temperature by means other than being in physical Comparative measurements are especially important when
contact with the media. measuring the temperature of a small static sample where there Discussion—PET is an acronym for portable elec- is a large difference between sample and room temperature.
tronic thermometers, a subset of digital contact thermometers
(DCT). 6. DCT Criteria
3.1.2 immersion depth, n—depth that a thermometer should 6.1 The DCT criteria shown in Table 1 are for various
be immersed in a uniform temperature environment, such that temperature measurement applications used in Committee D02
further immersion does not produce a change in indicated test methods.
temperature greater than the specified tolerance.
NOTE 1—The DCT’s electronics are typically limited to an environment
4. Summary of Guide of 0 °C to 35 °C. A DCT’s temperature limits can be found in its manual
or in the manufacturer’s specifications.
4.1 This guide provides the criteria for several digital
6.2 Probe Immersion Depth—This criteria quantifies the
contact thermometers (DCT). The DCT criteria were selected
distance from the DCT probe tip that should be covered by the
so that the temperature measured by a DCT would be expected
material being measured in order to obtain an accurate tem-
to be essentially the same as that measured by a LiG thermom-
perature measurement. Immersing the probe in a material by
eter. These criteria focus on temperature measurement in
less than its minimum immersion depth can result in tempera-
Committee D02 test methods or similar measurement situa-
ture measurements that differ from actual temperature. The
tions. In many D02 test methods, the temperature of a small
error is dependent on the temperature difference between the
static sample volume is being made thus the difference between
material being measured and surrounding (ambient) tempera-
device thermal conductivity will have a large impact on
ture. Immersions greater than this immersion depth are accept-
equivalent measurements. It is the responsibility of the stan-
dard developer and user to ensure that a specific DCT criteria
will adequately replace a cited liquid-in-glass thermometer. 6.3 Measurement Drift—The drift in calibration should be
4.2 The DCT temperature sensing elements used in this checked periodically and at least once per year. This can be
guide are platinum resistance temperature (PRT) detector, accomplished using Practice D7962 or Test Methods E644.
thermistor or thermocouple which are in contact with the When a DCT’s calibration drifts in one direction over several
substance thus referred to as a digital contact thermometer. calibration checks against a reference temperature, such as the
Both PRTs and thermistors are members of a group referred to ice point, it may be an indication of deterioration of the DCT.
as resistance temperature detectors (RTD) as their resistance is The probe is to be recalibrated, when the check value differs by
a function of temperature. Thermocouples are created by more than the calibration drift listed in Table 1 from the last
linking two dissimilar metals which results in a temperature probe calibration. See Practice E563, Test Methods E644, or
dependent potential. Guide E1750 for more information regarding checking cali-
5. Significance and Use NOTE 2—For reference temperatures, additional information on prepar-
5.1 The DCT criteria listed in Table 1 have been found to be ing and using an ice bath can be found in Practice E563. Guide E1750
suitable for replacing some of the noted liquid-in-glass ther- provides guidance for preparing and using a water triple point cell.
mometers with a DCT. The criteria stated are based on the 6.4 Response Time—is the time it takes a DCT probe
liquid-in-glass (LiG) thermometer design which are the bulb (sensor) to respond to a step change in temperature. This is
length, immersion depth, precision of measurement, thermom- defined as 63.2 % of the time it takes a DCT to fully respond
eter position, etc. The parameters for sensor length, immersion to a step change in temperature. The test is done according to
depth, sheath diameter are especially critical when measuring Section 9 of Test Methods E644 where the step change begins
the temperature of small static samples due to temperature with the DCT at an initial temperature of 20 °C 6 5 °C air
probe thermal conductivity. A DCT that is suitable for use in a before transferring to water at 77 °C 6 5 °C with it flowing at
stirred constant temperature bath will likely result in measure- 0.9 m ⁄s 6 0.09 m ⁄s past the sensor.
D8164 − 18
6.5 Calibration—The calibration temperature data should point values. If system adjustments can not be made then the
be evenly distributed over a device’s nominal temperature report needs to include the correction factors needed to bring
range (Table 1) or over the range of use if narrower than the the display temperature to the correct value along with guid-
nominal temperature range. The calibration data should be ance on applying them. A report may show AS FOUND values
included in calibration report. The calibration report should be that were documented before adjustments, and AS LEFT which
obtained from a calibration laboratory with demonstrated are the values documented after adjustments may have been
competency in temperature calibration which is traceable to a made. A DCT’s accuracy (tolerance) as shown in its calibration
national calibration laboratory or metrology standards body. report is to be consistent with those listed for its “E2877
An example is a calibration laboratory with a ISO 17025 Class”.
accreditation that includes temperature calibration.
6.6 Thermowells—When inserting a DCT probe into a 7. DCT Citation
thermowell with a larger diameter, a sleeve is needed to ensure 7.1 The DCT citation referencing these criteria in a standard
good thermal transfer from the wall to the DCT sheath. This should include the D02-DCT designation, any variance from
sleeve is to be made from a thermally conductive substance the criteria in Table 1, and include the information in subsec-
such as metal such as copper, brass, bronze, aluminum, steel, or tions 6.2 through 6.5.
other material.
6.7 A DCT Certification/Calibration report may differ from 8. Keywords
a liquid-in-glass thermometer since a system adjustment can 8.1 DCT; digital contact thermometers; LiG; liquid-in-glass
allow readings to be closely matched to the reference at the test thermometers
D8164 − 18
E1 and E2251 listed LiG 5C, S5C 61C 6C 43C, 72C, 73C, 74C, 114C,
Thermometers (High Cloud and Pour) (Melt Point) (Low Cloud and Pour) 122C, 123C, 124C, 125C,
126C, 127C, 128C
Potential Application D97, D2500, D5853 D97, D5853 D97, D2500, D5853 D445
D8164 − 18
TABLE 1 DCT Criteria for D02 Test Methods (continued)
D02–DCT ID D02-DCT05 D02-DCT06 D02-DCT07 D02-DCT08
E1 and E2251 listed LiG 28C, 29C, 44C, 45C, 46C, 47C, 110C, 132C 28C, 29C, 44C, 46C, 120C, 121C
Thermometers 48C, 120C, 121C, 129C, 128C
Potential Application D445 D445 D7279 D2162
Temperature sensor placementA Temperature bath Temperature bath Temperature bath
Test Method E77 for Inspection and Verification of Thermometers Guide E1594 for Expression of Temperature
Terminology E344 Relating to Thermometry and Hydrometry Guide E2593 for Accuracy Verification of Industrial Platinum Resistance
Specification E1137 for Industrial Platinum Resistance Thermometers Thermometers
Guide E1502 for Use of Fixed-Point Cells for Reference Temperatures Practice E2623 for Reporting Thermometer Calibrations
D8164 − 18
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