Homework 03

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EEE 352—Fall 2008

Homework 3

2.32 Evaluate the transmission coefficient for an electron of energy 2.2 eV impinging
upon a potential barrier of 6.0 eV and thickness 10-10 m. Repeat the calculation
for a barrier thickness of 10-9 m. Assume that equation (2.62) is valid.

From the notes, we have

1 1
T= 2 = 2
 k12 + γ 2  V 2
 sinh (γa) 1+ 4 E(V − E) sinh (γa)
1+ 
 2k 1γ 

We evaluate the decay constant as


Hence, for 0.1 nm thickness, we have

 62 
T = 1+ sinh 2 (⋅9.975 ×10 9 ⋅10−10 ) = 0.404 (3pts)
 4 ⋅ 2.2 ⋅ 3.8 
For 1 nm thickness, this becomes
 62 
€ T = 1+ sinh 2 (⋅9.975 ×10 9 ⋅10−9 ) = 8.05 ×10−9 (3pts)
 4 ⋅ 2.2 ⋅ 3.8 

2.33 (a) Estimate the tunneling probability of a particle with an effective mass of
0.067m0 (an electron in GaAs), where m0 is the mass of a free electron, tunneling
€ through a rectangular potential barrier of height V0 = 0.8 eV and width 15 Å.
The particle kinetic energy is 0.2 eV. (b) Repeat part (a) if the effective mass of
the particle is 1.08 m0 (an electron in silicon).

(a) First, we find

2m(V − E) 2 ⋅ 0.067 ⋅ 9.1×10−310.6 ⋅1.6 ×10−19

γ= =
2 (1.05459 ×10−34 ) 2 (2pts)
= 1.053 ×1018 = 1.026 ×10 9 /m

Then, the prefactor of the sinh function is

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1k γ  V02 0.64
 +  = = = 1.333
4  γ k  4 E(V0 − E) 4 ⋅ 0.2 ⋅ 0.6

and from the lecture

€ 1 1
T= =
k + γ 
2 2 2 V02
 sinh (γd) 1+ 4 E(V − E) sinh (γd)
1+ 
 2kγ  0 (3pts)
= = 0.132
1+ 1.333sinh 2 (1.026 ⋅1.5)

(b) The only thing that changes is the decay constant, which becomes

2m(V − E) 2 ⋅1.08 ⋅ 9.1×10−310.6 ⋅1.6 ×10−19
γ= =
2 (1.05459 ×10−34 ) 2 (2pts)
= 1.697 ×1019 = 4.119 ×10 9 /m

€ 1
T= 2
1+ sinh 2 (γd)
4 E(V0 − E) (3pts)
= 2
= 1.29 ×10−5
1+ 1.333sinh (4.119 ⋅1.5)

2.36 A typical potential function is shown in Fig. 2.13 with incident particles coming
from the left with a total energy E > V2. The constants k are defined as

2mE 2m(E − V1 ) 2m(E − V2 )
k1 = , k2 = , k3 = (1pts)
 2
 2

Assume a special case for which k2a = 2nπ, n = 1,2,3,…. Derive the experession
in terms of the constants ki for the transmission coefficient.

Here, we match the wave function and its derivative at each of the two boundaries.
First, we write the wave functions in the various regions as:

ψ1 (x) = Ae ik1 x + Be−ik1 x

ψ 2 (x) = Ce ik2 x + De−ik2 x (1pts)
ik3 x
ψ 3 (x) = Fe

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The matching conditions at x = 0 become

A+ B=C+ D
k (1pts)
A − B = 2 (C − D)
Similarly, at x = a, we find

Ce ik2 a + De−ik2 a = Fe ik3 a

k (1pts)
Ce ik2 a − De−ik2 a = 3 Fe ik3 a
When we insert the special condition on k2a, this last set of equations becomes

C + D = Fe ik3 a

k (1pts)
C − D = 3 Fe ik3 a
From this set, we find C and D in terms of F as

1 k 
€ C = 1+ 3  Fe ik3 a
2  k2 
1 k 
D = 1− 3  Fe ik3 a
2  k2 

Then, we solve for the coefficient A as

1 k  1 k 
A = 1+ 2 C + 1− 2 D
2  k1  2  k1 
1  k  k   k  k 
= 1+ 2 1+ 3  + 1− 2 1− 3 Fe ik3 a (2pts)
4  k1  k 2   k1  k 2 
1k + k 
=  1 3  Fe ik3 a
2  k1 
Finally, the transmission coefficient is
k F 4k1k 3
€ T= 3 = 2 . (2pts)
k1 A ( k1 + k3 )
In electromagnetics, this is the principle of anti-reflection coatings (region 2),
when k1=k3, which gives unity transmission.

2.39 Show that the most probable value of the radius r for the 1s electron in a
hydrogen atom is equal to the Bohr radius.

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From (2.73), the wave function for the 1s electron is given as

where a0 is the Bohr radius (2.74). The most probable value for the radius is the
expectation value


(Note that if one creates the function , it has a peak at r = a0, but this is
not the most probable value of r. Rather, it is merely where this function has a
peak. Once again, the book’s author has gotten it wrong!)

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