Risk Assessment For Installation of GI and PVC Conduits
Risk Assessment For Installation of GI and PVC Conduits
Risk Assessment For Installation of GI and PVC Conduits
Only 110V tools are allowed to use at site. If required more than 110V, a work permit should be
obtain from the contractor prior to use the machine.
All operatives were trained to use power tools. (In house training).
All power tools must be PAT tested.
All power tools should be monthly color coded as per FFTS procedure.
Proper PPE’s (Hard hat, Hand gloves, face mask, Goggles, Hi Vis jacket, Face shield) to be worn
Do not use improper / damage cables.
Use of power tools Ensure proper cable management (cables are hanged properly) to prevent slip and trip. Site Engineer
(Hammer drill).
4 Burn, Serious Injury, Cuts, Material / property, damage, Electrical shock. 3x4 12 Do not overload the electrical circuits / cables.
Supervisor Foreman, 1x4 4
Fire, Damaged tools, contact with electricity, Charge hand
short circuit. Proper insulation of terminals and cables, Use of standard fitting. Operative.
All electrical equipment’s / tools to be protected from water.
Daily visual inspection of equipment’s, tools, cables and fittings.
A hot work permit should be obtain from the contractor prior to start any kind of spark produced
Tools handle and safety guards should be fixed in the tools.
Competent operatives should only to be appointed for the task.
Disconnect the power cable while not in use.
A work permit should be obtain from the contractor for using Ladder.
Ladder shall be used only in congested areas where podium scaffolds are not possible, Must be
follow three point contact.
Stepladders may be used for short duration work or for inspection and minimize working in ladder.
Stepladders shall be footed by an operative.
Operatives shall not stand on a rung where the top of the stepladder is above knee height.
Use of Step ladder/ladder Supervisor
5 Serious Injury, Damage to property, 3X4 12 Try to avoid to use the single ladder and use ‘A’ type ladder. 1X4 4
(Equipment /material/ people falling). Foreman.
Fiber ladder only allowed to use in the electrical rooms.
Ladders must be angled to minimize the risk of slipping outwards, as a rule of thumb the ladder must
be one out for every four up, i.e. at an angle of approximately 75*.
Ladders must be either securely tied at both stiles near its upper end or fitted with an effective anti-
slip/ stability device or footed.
All ladders must be subject to a regular inspection to be carried out site supervisor. Damaged
equipment shall be removed from site at once and replaced.
Care must be taken to ensure that ladders are kept slip free and that there is clear access at both top
and bottom.
A fully safety harness adequately secured to load a bearing part of a structure should be used by the
operative where it is necessary to work at high level from a ladder due to space restrictions.
Manual hand tools or complete with tool box, will be issued to all tradesmen on commencement of
Tool boxes shall be locked and secured when not in use.
Tools shall be of good quality and shall be replaced if faulty or broken. Supervisor
Use of hand tools.
6 General impact/ injuries, stabs, cuts abrasions 3X3 9 No homemade tools shall be used. Foreman 1X3 3
(Improper/incorrect use of hand tools.) Tools shall only be used for the purpose they are designed for. Hand gloves shall be mandatory when Charge hand
using hand tools whose use may lead to cutting, stabbing or abrasion of the user’s hands.
Proper supervision should be available.
TBT must be given to the operatives. Refer to FFTS HSE Procedure Wearing Personal Protective
Maintain a good level of housekeeping always.
Keep fire exits clear and clean
All scrap and rubbish materials to be removed from site after work /use proper hand gloves, plastic
bags to use dispose materials.
Housekeeping. Segregate and dispose the wastes as per CWMP. Supervisor
7 Minor / Major injuries 3X3 9 1X3 3
(Slipping / Tripping) Proper housekeeping should be done on daily basis. Foreman.
Keep walk ways clear and clean.
enough lights to be provided
Safety signs to be provided in walk ways and exits.
All conduits shall be cut to the required size by sharp toothed hacksaw blade only. Worn out hacksaw
blades shall be removed from use.
Cutting and bending the conduits, Laying, Joining Required bending of the PVC conduit shall be done by inserting the bending spring only.
with solvent. Minor / Major Injuries, Bruises, Small cut injuries to the hand, back injury, Laceration, Highlight the hazard in the TBT to all workers. Supervisor, Foreman,
8 Respiratory 3X4 12 All the workers engaged in fixing the pvc conduits shall wear hand gloves. 1X4 4
(Improper cutting and bending methods, Sharp irritations, dizziness, vomit on over exposure to volatile vapors. Keep the solvent cement paste container in the windward direction and open it. The volatile vapors Site Engineer
cut edges, Hazardous materials) will dissolve in the air without harming the person using the solvent cement paste to join the
Medi Medi
Insignificant Low um um High
HIGH = 15 – 1 1 2 3 4 5
5 5 10 15 20 25