Reading The Survivor's Club

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Adventure is just bad planning. if

Explorer Roald Amundsen, first man to reach the South Pole (3;
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Read the story quickly. How did Nicholas ]oy survive

the freezing conditions of Sugarloaf Mountain? ?",r"7'7Pi~b~'

He made a snow cabe and drink from a stream . .¥¢~"T1.‘ ! wruf

Read the story again and choose the right answer. F.
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1 Sugarloaf Mountain is popular with skiers because... .
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a it is easy to get to. pl,

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b it is free at the weekend. 1 Sugarloaf Mountain in ~ ~

c it is in a beautiful area. Maine, USA, is one of the
-"' nor 1
best ski resorts in the country.
2 Nicholas and his father separated because Nicholas
Thousands of winter sports
wanted to...
enthusiasts head for the area W' :1
a go a different way. during weekends and holidays to -1-
b sit down and have a rest. enjoy the breathtaking scenery.
c meet some friends at the car park. Most of them go home exhausted r_
3 Nicholas knew how to make a snow cave because... but happy at the end of a great
a his father had taught him. day's skiing. But not in the case
b he had seen someone do it on TV. of 17-year-old Nicholas Joy from
c he had been on a survival course. Massachusetts. 1 i
~—= 2;».
2 Nicholas had gone skiing
4 The first thing ]oseph Paul did when he found
with his father in Sugarloaf. It
Nicholas was to...
was a Sunday, and they were
a call his parents. on their way back down the mountain when Nicholas saw a shortcut. He
b give him some food. decided to take the shortcut while his father continued on the of cial
c take him back to the resort. path. They arranged to meet back at the car park for the drive home.
5 Skiers who go missing at Sugarloaf. .. And that was the last his father saw of him that day because Nicholas
a have usually left the official trail. didn't turn up at the car park. After waiting for what he considered to be
b usually make their own snow caves. a reasonable time, Nicholas’s worried father raised the alarm. A massive
c usually have good survival skills. search party was launched but it soon began to snow heavily. Eventually,
the search was called off.
Find the words and phrases in the text to match 3 Meanwhile, Nicholas was desperate. He had got hopelessly lost, y
definitions 1-8. and-he realized that he was going to have to spend the night on the
1 people who are very interested in an activity mountain. Fortunately, he is a big fan of survival shows and so he knew 5;
(paragraph 1) enthusiasts
W . . - .
how to make a snow cave. He found a safe place to build his cave and l
made a huge pile of snow with his skis. Then, he made a tunnel into the 7,
2 a more direct way to get somewhere (paragraph 2) snow and dug out a hole to sit in. He covered the bottom with fallen pine
branches and lay down inside. Whenever he was thirsty, he left the cave T
3 told everybody there was an emergency (paragraph 2) and drank water from a nearby stream. Then he returned to his cave and
raised the alarm waited to be found.
4 a small river (paragraph 3) _ stream 4 Rescue came two days later in the form of snowmobiler Joseph
S a path through the country (paragraph 4) Paul. Mr Paul was riding along a trail about six kilometres from the
a trail resort when he spotted Nicholas’s snow cave. He got off his snowmobile,
6 in a position where the arms, legs and head are close to inspected the cave and found Nicholas curled up inside. After giving the
the body (paragraph 4) _curled up ._ _._ hungry teenager some cheese crackers and peanuts, he took Nicholas
back to the resort to be reunited with his relieved parents. i
7 a phrase meaning you aren’t allowed to go there
5 A warden at Sugarloaf con rmed that two or three groups of skiers l
(paragraph 5) out. of bounds .
go missing on the mountain each year. Like Nicholas, they are usually l
8 survive (paragraph 5) make
, it
found in areas that are out of bounds. However, few of the rescued skiers
are in such good shape because they lack his knowledge of survival skills. l
Tragically, some of them do not make it through the night.

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